Vintage Scouting Kit

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[Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] hello welcome to waypoint survival today i'm going to show you my vintage scout kit stay tuned [Music] i really enjoy vintage gear and for quite a few years now from time to time whenever i find something on sale and expensive flea markets yard sales sometimes i buy them on ebay but i like to purchase vintage gear and i put together a vintage scouting kit and so i've got a lot of unique items things that you just don't see a lot of anymore and i really wanted to show that to you i like old school stuff it's solid it's durable you know it's usually very well made as as evidenced by the fact that it's still around after many many years some of these are multiple decades old and still very usable and still very valuable out in the field and in some ways can work better than their modern equivalence or certainly every bit as good all right so let's get into this kit and i want to show you exactly what that looks like i'm excited to show you what i've put together in this vintage scouting kit here's a close-up of the kit and gives you a little bit of an idea of how it looks this carries at the small of the back but a very small vintage hatchet and then of course boy scout knife and then a vintage canteen and a fair number of supplies in there for scouting so i'm gonna open these up and show you one by one what they look like okay so working our way from the canteen over we first of all just have a vintage canteen with the bakelite top and it is made by the it's got an am stamp on it if you can see that or not but this is just a great canteen it is full of water and it's waterproof it's many decades old it's got this great carrying case it's wool inside so it helps it to stay cool and it's got a couple of different adjustment snaps here so you can snug it down real good and of course that's also if you wanted to carry a canteen cup with it as well then here's a really neat little find that i picked up at a flea market in pennsylvania and it's just a very old vintage hatchet it doesn't have a name on it i'm not even sure who made it but very well made pinned on looks like bake light handles and this is great of course for chopping and processing firewood or for any game also for clearing out brush when i'm tracking or trailing game and i i need to set up a stand or if i'm looking for a location to just look out from and and to put up a blind so this is a great hatchet for that getting into the main leather case here and i picked this up at a yard sale and i believe it was originally for harley-davidson motorcycle but it's extremely well made very thick leather and does what i need just perfectly inside we have this leather pocket and this actually came off of a leather shirt and so i just literally cut the pocket off and kept it and it works really great for these type of items and in here i carry my vintage field glasses so here they are work really well after a lot of years next item they carry down here in the bottom and tied up with leather i carry a pocket stone for sharpening my hatchet and also my knife next i have a vintage cook set this is a 1945 so it's a world war ii era and inside any of you familiar with this type of cook set this one is stainless steel does have an aluminum handle but inside i have a vintage boy scout match safe with strike anywhere matches inside i also have my flint and steel kit and this is made from two tongues from a leather shoe with a deer antler toggle and it is my brass case flint and steel kit with some charred cloth inside the next item is my possibles kit and it's in the other pocket from the shirt it's a suede leather i have course the bandanna gotta have that cotton material i also carry a vintage spoon and fork and knife combination along with the can opener you can see i also carry hank of jute twine that's tied up with some leather straps to help hold it together i have eight large safety pins which can be used for all kinds of things from gear repair to pinning tags on trees or making markers i also have a very small vintage awl stuck in a cork to protect the point and it has a square tip on it and it's very old and just keep it in here to keep it from puncturing anything but that's great for my gear if i need to do a repair and along with that i also have about 10 yards of black waxed string with two large repair needles and last but not least in this vintage kodak film canister i carry some cotton and i also have a vintage marbles compass and of course this is for tilling direction and last but not least i have the sheath knife which is just a vintage western boy scout official boy scout knife high carbon steel holds an excellent edge and just a really great knife all the way around as you can see it is full tang one last item that i carry in my vintage scouting kit is a right in the rain notebook and a sharpie now i know these are not vintage but finding paper and things from 30 or 40 years ago or even more that's in good shape is pretty hard to do and i'm sure that if our ancestors and people from that era had these kind of great notebooks they would have used them as well so this isn't exactly vintage but i do carry it so that i can keep notes and things i see and what i encounter and here it is all laid out together kind of see what it looks like as a complete kit so when i'm wearing the vintage scouting kit from the front doesn't take up any space of course i have my phone and my multi-tool which i always carry but then turning here you can see i have the canteen i also have the small hatchet then the main carrying case with my binoculars and the mess kit and everything inside of here and then of course my boy scout sheath knife right here and very close to hand easy to get to but everything is very compact it doesn't weigh a whole lot i didn't weigh it but of course it's vintage gear so it's a little heavier than normal so anyway it's easy to go through the woods i can easily make it through trees and a round brush i can move and twist and turn and it's it's not dragging on anything and everything that i need is just right here and compact and where i can get to it quite easily this is james bender for waypoint survival if you like this video please give it a thumbs up also make sure and check out the links in the description box below and while you're down there make sure and check out the merchandise shelf which is located just below the description box there you'll find our teespring link where you can buy great waypoint survival merchandise and you can help support our channel and the ongoing research that we do to bring you great video content on youtube and if you haven't done so already please subscribe to the channel we'd really appreciate it and when you do subscribe make sure and press that bell button so you can stay notified of all of our upcoming videos and we'll talk to you next time [Music] you
Channel: WayPoint Survival
Views: 134,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vintage scouting kit, scouting kit, survival kit, bushcraft kit, vintage kit, kit, DIY Survival Kit, Vintage canteen, vintage compass, vintage knife, vintage boy scout knife, vintage boy scout match safe, boy scout, boy scout knife, flint and steel, vintage marbles compass, marbles compass, frontier survival, old west gear, old west survival, ww2 mess kit
Id: yyIhDSgqzLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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