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welcome back friends anytime we get into a new sport or hobby there's always new equipment to buy let's admit that's part of the fun to doing this and backpacking is not going to be any different than anything else there's going to be some essential things you have to buy obviously you're going to need a backpack to carry all your stuff in you're going to need some sort of sleep system no sleeping pattern and a downed quilt or a synthetic bag or whatever you're also going to need some sort of shelter and that can be anything from a $8 blue tarp you get from Home Depot strung between two trees with some paracord or you can go buy a nice one or two man tent or just an inexpensive one man Bibby the other piece of essential gear that you're going to need is a cook kit and there is a million different ways to put together a cook kit you can make it yourself you can buy it but one thing I can tell you about cook kits is really no two are the same everybody personalizes theirs differently to suit their particular needs some guys like titanium like me I like titanium this is my fifth kit here my little snow pea it is good for a lot of things it does have some problems I'm working on some of those right now and then you have something like this little stanley stainless cook kit I've been seeing this particular cook kit just about everywhere from Target REI Walmart Gander Mountain whatever and I'm always picking it up and going you know how they do that for that kind of money take it apart messing with a handle and look at all this stuff I don't know how they do so finally after a few years of doing that just give me the damn thing I lift up the register pay for it so now I got it home playing with it like a new toy and I'm going I can build a badass could get out of this I know and so let's see what we got so this thing is going to run you bend over you bye I can tell you I was in REI today 25 bucks at our yacht but not so much at Target Walmart or anywhere else seems 1497 over at Walmart 1497 I mean you know that's the price of a good barbecue meal with the dr. pepper show when I'm in so I will walk with this one first thing I tell you about it I like this little locking handle it has locks in position here flips over locks in position keep all your stuff together you got a nice lid with a cap lifter that stays upright stays in place so it's easy to grab got some strain holes here for ventilation also if you want to strain some some stuff your bowling some water for some pasta or something strain it right there in the pot it comes with two 10 ounce insulated mugs personally I'm not going to work for me a couple reasons number one they're heavy number two is they're only ten ounces and I like to usually make my drinks a little bigger than that so we're going to put these aside and see what else we can come up with on this pot now you can see I've got this huge pot it says actually the specs say it's a 24 ounces but the mark right here is 20 ounces 24 is only going to put it to the stairs you got all this so I'm going to say this thing is close to a 30 out the pot probably around 28 28 ounces or something like that so you can do a lot of things with that the other thing I like about it it does have some graduation march in it you can see right there and that's really important especially if you're cooking you know mountain house meal maybe one or two plus you're making a couple cups of coffee so you and your wife you can do everything right here in this pot so how can I put this together well let's say your canister guy why because I am won't take the canister right and put it in here like this I want to put it in here this way and the reason is if you'll know this is really tapered here and if I put this down there like that it's only going to come here and I have all that wasted space so I'm going to flip this thing upside down hey it fits in there really nice that's important to me because I am a Casper guy and I like all my stuff to nest I have a ton of room left in here and I really like 2ms our pocket rocket it's a great stove but it's a little heavy too bulky it fits and almost nothing that I can actually get it into and I have sent switch to a stove called the BRS 3000 and I did a video on that I'll link it below for you this is an awesome little little stove egg off Amazon they are 1395 plus free shipping as of today I'm not going to put it all together for you but you can if you'll go to my video you'll see how this thing works this little stove right here yeah there's a lot of knockoffs and there's a lot of Chinese stoves on Amazon but this particular one here has really been showing up on all the big thru-hike see you know the Appalachian Trail PCT just just everywhere and with great reviews 1395 is free shipping it's an awesome little thing check out my review on it so I put that in there so I've got my fuel I've got my stove I can put in my toks flexible spork I've got a mini bit collider I've got a little scrub pad cleaned things up with if I want to I can even carry some camp suds in here little piece of camp towel and off we go this locks right back over in place keeps everything nice and tidy really like it what are we missing well missing a mug remember got rid of this grin actually place it with something how about let's go get us a GSI you can get these just about anywhere it's going to run you up twelve twelve ninety-five but a couple doors down from where this lose on the shelf you're going to find this also same size same handles thanks capacity same weight 495 1295 495 they come on and go with ds1 so now you got once again a nesting cook kit put your ranger band I'm playing the Ranger band my cook kit and you're good to go a pocket rocket out of the way what else can we do let's say you're not a fuel canister guy not a canister stove what else can we do alcohol stove trans you everybody seen this plus there's a ton of DUI alcohol stoves on their Do It Yourself DIY should probably got that got I ever knew titanium cross I stands the thing I don't have in here is my windscreen but it just it rolls around in here oh he'll fit in there once again got before got my fuel got the sponge so many big still got tons of room where I can throw all the spices sweetener for my coffee even my coffee you're carrying little small soldiers or the Starbucks one so there you are and you know you just got a really cheap I'm not going to say cheap I'm going to say an inexpensive good kit for one possibly two so let's you know let's add that up we're talking about 15 bucks for this another five for that makes it 20 another 14 here makes it 30 for another four bucks here let's just say five makes it 39 your mini BIC makes it 40 sport from academy dollars so 41 bucks you know you got your complete cook kit one other thing I want to show you about this it makes it even more sweet remember I was telling you I really like this lid I like it even more here it's perfectly on this so let's say you you had lunch spend a couple three hours you got a few more miles Hodgman it's getting kind of chilly you want to stop for a rest and we want to maybe cut the suit just a cup of coffee you don't need to get the big it out put your water in there at the top on so heats up a little quicker you're good to go once again 41 bucks or even less if you do a alcohol stove or a dy alcohol stove they're just a lot of things to do you can add subtract sure this kid anyway you want you can add a sea2summit collapsible bowl if you need that problem here 16 bucks at REI but three doors down from where this one lives on the shelf you can get a knockoff of this for about six bucks so just saying next time you have some time going to Walmart they're all different I go to three different ones on a pretty regular basis depending on where I am in town they're camping department is all different but they have so much stuff there if you just wouldn't believe Mountain House I can't get single servings at my REI the only single serving they have is breakfast skillet and that's great but that everything else is two-person serving well one I don't need to spend nine bucks on that number two this is only for 97 and that's all I need or I'm sorry for 86 this is cheapest place you can buy the mountain house retail is going to be at Walmart they only create a single servings but they have all the favorites plus the breakfast skillet so I've got about four or five entrees and the breakfast skillet so but you can find so many things there you just wouldn't believe just like I found you know this mug this cook kit this spork knockoff of this just watch then you spend your money and don't discount Walmart speaking of the great Walley world let's say you actually do some cooking rather than just heating up water and everybody's seen this the GSI pinnacle duelist tonight little cook kit got a pot you get two bowls and two lids get some sports you get this a basin this rubberized Basin slash stuff sack it'll hold water you can use it for cleanup or going to fetch water from the stream or whatever and they are awesome aren't they and only problem is this is the Ozark trails version that you get at Walmart and if you go to Arjan by the GSI of Pinnacle duelist it's 54 95 and it's about the same price over and your mountain GSI stuffs great but to tell you the truth the boxes even almost look the same on this so when I was at REI I took the GSI one apart it looks feels everything is identical even the weight this weighs the same so let me just show you what you get here and you're not gonna believe the price fifteen bucks versus fifty four bucks so you can go buy three of these versus one at your local outfitter so GSI so it's pretty cool this is the Ozark Mountain version you have a has a plastic lid with a a rubberized seal around it so it fits pretty tight also has straining holes for ventilation and straining like I said it comes with two bowls and they're insulated bowls so there's a couple things you can do with them number one they're pretty heavy like I said they are insulated but they do come apart so you can do two things you can carry just half of it with the cozy if you're going to be eating a lot of hot students can be too hot for your hands or you can just carry this along okay or you can just carry one of these if it's just you or if it's two people and then just pull it apart and you can you can use both the bolts it comes with a nice lid the lid sit on there really nice get two of them hard anodized non-stick just like the GSI both made in China both weigh the same if I was a betting man but I'm not I would guess they're both made in the same factory so you just have to decide but for three times the price I'm looking to get into a bigger cook set this is the way I'm going to go I'm not going to use it that much anyway and for $15 what do you have to lose once again you got a knife locking lid on the top got plenty of room both bowls you can really store a lot of stuff in there if you didn't want to do a solo could get man your stove fuel everything you can put everything in here plus them dude walks over just like this sorry just Chrome again and you get this wash basin rubberized kind of stuff sack program horse up snag it and you get a couple of sports which you know I leave here so I could drop a weight on this thing really quick just carrying stuff but I'm just I'm just pointing out you can save some money here 15 bucks versus 55 that's kind of what I'm all about this here other 15 bucks I can really build it up nice and neat for a you know 41 bucks and if I want to upgrade later on say I want to get rid of my stainless steel mug eight for 25 ml I'm sorry a 450 ml Snow Peak titanium look single wall fits right in there really nice so say you want to upgrade just put that on your Santa wish list or just go buy for yourself you got a lot of options here both is all I'm trying to tell you don't spend a whole ton of money on things if you don't have to same shelf or just stuff lives instead of buying the sea2summit classical mug or a bow this is a large version and 16 bucks at REI I've got some knockoffs you're about 6 bucks over there at a at Walmart there you have it guys make it your own cook kits are fun to build don't think you have to break the bank spend all your money here save some money put it into your pack that's really important as are some of the other items but just kind of chill out go to Walmart stand back and look at the shelves and you're going to find some things at a what kind of surprised you so let me know what you think till next time hope you guys stay safe and we'll see you out on the trail audience
Channel: TheGoatMumbler
Views: 1,272,597
Rating: 4.8626757 out of 5
Keywords: backpacking cook kits, budget cook kit, backpacking, camping cook kis, camp cooking, ultralight backpacking cook kits, diy cook kit, bushcraft cook kit, survival cook kit, best cook kit, lightweight cook kit, car camping, backpacking meals, best camp cook kits, bug out cook kit, stanley cook kit, thru hike cook kit
Id: 00gwQ4z_nQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2017
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