CHEAP Walmart Backyard Camping Challenge!! (Cheapest Gear)

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feel like you don't have to do this no no no no one sleeping bag we have five dollars for food now this is awful we hold the steak solo camping challenge with the help of millie so he gets a reward i guess bro sitting right here nice fire with the homie that'd get better than that you know we could invite two or three more homies yeah we could brandon jake we could all just pile up in here what's up guys it's jackie today we are at good old walmart me and my camera guy millie we're talking and he has never been camping before never so i thought we should go to walmart and do a cheap camping challenge he's never been camping so i'm going to teach him how to ball on a budget get the cheapest gear and have the best time also the weather's it's a beautiful day it's sunny but it's freezing it's freezing around 30 degrees today that's the high so it's really bad one of the coldest days in georgia but we're gonna do a cheap camping challenge go inside walmart pick out some cheap camping gear and then head back to the good old backyard set up the campsite maybe cook something i don't know start a little fun start a little fire drink some water out of the out of the creek so let's go inside walmart pick out some camping gear and then go set up our campsite you've never been camping before what are you thinking what do you think you should pick out first oh wrong [Laughter] number one rule in camping you're always wrong the first time so don't even it's a great first lesson [Laughter] entering the camping section what are you thinking i mean it looks good there's some really cool stuff in here got stuff to put over the fire we got cooking utensils we got machetes we're trying to ball on a budget so we're gonna pick out the cheapest gear hopefully set up the best campsite with the cheap gear we got tents all kinds of stuff should we set a limit of like how much we can spend since we're we're doing a cheap walmart camping challenge yeah what that should be 60 bucks 60 dollars like this 10 this one tent is 60 bucks that's that it by itself is 60 bucks so oh this is gonna be hard maybe we need to rethink 60 because this is 24. this is 44. it's it's expensive right gambling is expensive and i know you didn't know that because no i didn't you're supposed to teach me how to ball on a budget walmart is not helping us ball on a budget all right uh so what are we going to put all this camping gear in we don't even have a player number one rule of walmart camping challenge get a buggy yeah you gotta have a buggy can we change it to a hundred dollars yeah okay hundred dollars so we're switching it to a hundred dollars because amelia looked at the tents and they were expensive but we have the buggy now so i say if they like this video and there's enough support on this video that we'll do a beginner versus advanced camping challenge that'd actually be good so like you you get to pick out your gear i get to pick out my gear and there is of course a price that we can only spend so today i'm just learning the ropes today you're learning the ropes okay and then maybe the next video is like a real challenge like me versus you okay that's good yeah let's do it the tents are pretty expensive but they have a kid's tent that is only 16 bucks the only thing is is the size is kind of questionable five foot by three foot by three foot so we maybe we could just curl up well you're not getting in here but it's gonna be like 30 degrees tonight so we got to use our warmth you know our body warmth to help warm each other up right keep camping all right millie i guess i guess you said put it back you want your space yeah okay all right i'll put it back that's a three person but we could still snuggle so two person tent forty four dollars that's kind of weird because this is a three person tent and that's twenty four dollars but if you want some extra room we could bring press we could bring pins and that's a four person tent for 34. falling on a budget 24 bucks so we have 75.76 it is the cheapest tent here except for the kids stamp but millie doesn't want to snuggle so now we need like a sleeping bag something to cook on something to start a fire a sleeping bag a sleeping bag because we got a ball on a budget forgot to open it up so this is 19 bucks and it has a machete like a cutter and maybe it's not a what is that a shovel all right i think we need this one you think we need that all right that's 20 bucks so what do we got left 55 we got 55 left we need spices we do need spices for whatever we cook so that pretty much has a garlic salt cayenne pepper curry i don't know i don't think we're ever going to use curry but not these two salt black pepper all right that's definitely going in that's what we need how much is that five bucks two dollars that's actually not bad no five bucks for all those seasonings that's good i definitely think lifestraw for the drinkage of the water we have a clean fresh creek to drink out of well it's for clean i don't know it might not be either one but we could drink it out of that put it in i'm done adding enough we're still 35 bucks this is still balling on a budget for sure we need food and we need like a grill to cook on there there's a 20 girl down there should we get that no all right last but not least i talked millie into getting this camping grill it's like 20 bucks so we have everything to set up the campsite we have a tent we have stuff to cut down firewood we have supposedly a forever match to start the actual fire and we have a grill to cook on and seasoning and something to drink fresh water with hopefully no food no food we have ten dollars ten bucks to spend on food all right ten bucks we got ten bucks to spin up all right so we we're closing in on the hundred dollars that's the only thing i think we literally have spent ninety dollars so we have 10 bucks to spend on food all right let's get some food i'm thinking some glizzies we didn't get any sleep no and that's 10 bucks no okay we're changing it what are we sacrificing 125 no 25 110 we only need 10 bucks for food all right yeah so we got to get one sleeping bag but that's what's the only thing that's only 250 degrees comfortable in 50 degrees i guess we're gonna be cold hold on that one right there is 35 degrees too bad it's already 32 degrees but that's way better than 50. we got to get that one it's 15 bucks then we only have five dollars we only have five dollars for food now i love how this started out at 60. one sleeping bag we have five dollars for food now this is awesome after this millie's gonna be like i never want to go camping again camping sucks especially in this time and these temperatures this is the worst way to show someone how to camp for the first time absolutely worse that is a tongue that's nasty bro all right how many likes on this video to eat how many likes oh how do you even cook that i don't know we'll look up the video i'm sure flair has done it let's say it's gotta be high bro that's gross one like we'll do 20 000 likes this video is only going to get 20 000 views all right this is what i'm saying the safest meal would definitely be steak because like all you gotta do is just warm it up a little bit like you can eat a steak rare but like chicken if you undercook it you might be in the hospital we don't have steak hypothetically if this other steak wasn't here then we would have enough money medically this is a solo campaign situation hypothetically we were supposed to only be sixty dollars but now we're here okay we're doing stick what bro you looked at the price per pound the actual cost of the state it's 14 here like one steak is nine bucks no oh oh no all right what did we say we're amateurs we're horrible campers i'm a horrible camper you don't even know about games i'm teaching you the wrong way to cheap camp all right now that we've spent five hours figuring out our budget we finally have everything that we need to camp so we'll pick you guys up whenever we get into the woods so we got all the gear we are in the backyard this is the back of the house but there's a creek just a little ways into the woods technically still in the backyard we're gonna go down there and set up camp right there by the creek so we got fresh water and stuff so i think this is a perfect spot there's a creek right there there's like cars going by right there but there's a perfect like creek fresh water right there and we're going to set camp in this little area so first we're going to get all these limbs out of this area and what's really good is like there's a bunch of dead limbs you don't want to use green limbs really because if you use green it doesn't burn as well but these dead limbs like look at all this are perfect for like kindling to start a fire really easy so we're going to get all these together build a little fire and then build our campsite around the fire so in our little survivor survival slash camping kit we have a machete looks pretty sharp we have a little shovel milly wants to dig a shelf dig a hole for some reason and then we also have it says the endless match forever match and i'm not too sure how to use it but i'm excited you ready look at it can you see that it's got like a flint with like this like wool stuff around it does it light up it's just is it i'm confused there's no directions it's just a little spark i don't know i don't know if that's that's all but that is that all it's supposed to do just a little we're trying to start a fire for the very first time expertise with your camping expertise you think exactly how i did it nice we gathered up a bunch of limbs little pieces of wood to start the fire now we're going to set up the tent and then we're actually going to light the fire i don't think this forever match is gonna work but i can't i brought something from the house that we're gonna be able to use to start the fire now the goal is to put the tent together i think it's gonna be funny to see if millie could put the tent together without my help with all the stuff that we bought like this tent we have all this cardboard to start the fire all right here's the tent you said no instructions you don't need no help no no help at all i got this we're gonna start a timer hold on don't start yet let's start a timer stop watch see how long it takes me to put this tent together ready three wait are we guessing first i say eight minutes eight minutes eight minutes i'm gonna say at least 10. i don't know i got six minutes there six minutes six minutes yeah okay ready starting the clock now millie's first time ever putting 10 up this turned into it from a solo camping challenge teaching millio to like an experiment to see if he can put it together and the clock is sitting at two minutes already he didn't know it he's confused are you struggling no i'm not you're not struggling no not yet oh no i got it all right maybe not six minutes maybe not six minutes no i might need a little bit okay i think he's got the right idea let me think i'm on the right track you're on the right track i think you're on the right track and the tent's honestly looking kind of good these aren't hunting fans milly has it already been six minutes no but it's coming in close millie we have a minute and 30 seconds since this is his first time ever camping or pitching a tent i gotta help him out to try to reach that six minutes how much time we got hold on that's pretty much it hold on oh five minutes 40 50 seconds so right under amelia said six minutes i don't think he would have been able to get it in six minutes without me but we got it done i think that looks good look at this little mat he could wipe your feet yeah yeah watch my feet we got to have the tent by the fire close enough to keep warm if we were spending the night but far enough away so that the fire doesn't melt the tent right it's like a happy medium isn't it pretty it's beautiful right last piece of the tent is of course our cold weather sleeping bag comfort level 35 degrees it is 32 right now so we're gonna have to use our body heat you know what i'm saying you know what i'm saying something you always gotta remember millie you gotta always take your boots off whenever you're camping so that you don't get dirt in your bed bro sitting right here nice fire with the homie dead get better than that you know we could invite two or three more homies yeah we could brandon jake we could all just pile up in here and just be crispy have our toes by the fire look at all this look at all this stuff this is a legit tip bro i mean on a serious note you got one person if you lay perfectly straight right here one person right here one person on their side and then one person on their side and then we could just rotate positions okay i don't see anything wrong with it and the ground's pretty soft all right miller you got to try this that i mean you be the judge if you want to sleep in here with the homie yeah just keep your boots out first time in a tent what do you think it's pretty legit what's this for your phones oh man all right what do you think give me a oh look at that little phone holder it's pretty cool right pretty cool i might have to snuggle home the ground is kind of really soft though yeah isn't that kind of surprising so tent is done now let's set up the fire maybe get some water we work pretty hard for that so let's go get some water you want to try out this life straw it's kind of sketchy it is but i have done it before and it's like really cool all right all right let's try you always gotta close up the tent so no bugs get in what bugs bugs bugs not bears that's what i'm saying all right first sip out of the creek hopefully i mean hopefully this keeps us safe i don't know i mean that's pretty good the water's cold too you got to try this first time camping first time pitching a tent now first time drinking water out of a live straw straight out of a polluted stream what do you think i mean it does just taste like regular water yeah lifestraw could really like if you're in a taste it without the live straw no yeah no we're not tasting paper scissors see what the difference is with and without the lifestraw rock paper scissors yeah and whoever wins has to drink it without the lifestyle no whoever loses all right i'm not gonna do the thing i always do just so you know okay rock paper scissors shoot yeah rock paper scissors shoot he always picks scissors he said he wasn't gonna die all right really you gotta try the water you know you can get really sick from this camping this is this is survival i'm working on my immune system you're working on your immune system all right feel like you don't have to do this that's how they did it back in the day this is camping back in the day no no no no really see there's a difference but it's not that much of a difference please don't do this at home if you're watching this video do not drink out of the water like unless you have a live straw oh it stores water in there no you're supposed to blow it out so i could just like you could just drink my mouth well we'll keep you updated if millie gets sick in the next few days all right let's go set up the fire and the rest of the campsite and start cooking the steaks that we bought yeah all right so we're over budget way over budget all right we got the base for the fire a bunch of little bitty sticks and some of the cardboard from the packaging and then of course we got the grill from walmart that we're gonna set over the fire once those coals and that wood burns down a little we're going to put the grill over the fire just like that lay them steaks on there and start cooking those babies so since millie thought we would be able to get the fire started with this forever match it's a good thing i bought back up because i brought like a little mini flamethrower fire starter but we have to get it lit with this so it's going to be kind of dangerous but i think we can do it milly you hold this and i'll try to light it let me see i got to practice a few times oh i think that's it that's it that's it that's it okay all right turn that bad baby off i'm scared i'm shaking you got it baby and that actually works i'm so surprised that i didn't burn my hand off so i'm gonna go with black pepper and garlic salt garlic salt first one layer what else should we put on there we got cayenne paprika let's just go with garlic salt salt and pepper yeah okay simple simple we're going simple what are we going to cut this with a machete all right black pepper that looks pretty good okay wait for that fire to burn down and then throw this baby over it i'm excited miller you excited to try this thing i'm hungry too we haven't eaten all day no this is gonna be first thing we eat all day i know we kind of did like a little challenge today like trying to see if millie could get the tent up and stuff like that but if you guys want to see a beginner versus advanced camping or survival challenge maybe we'll like actually go to like up in the mountains and like do it up there and like only catch what like bring no food no water and only be able to eat what we catch what do you think millie i think that would be a fun little challenge if you guys enjoyed this video let us know if you want to see another challenge like this against me versus millie or maybe even like me millie and kenzie all go head to head to see who can camp the best or survive the best because i i love these types of videos like we're out in the woods hanging out building a fire got a nice tent to snuggle with the with the homies and we're cooking a nice steak you will you hold the steak look at that grill look at that little grill milly it's lit so we put the steak down just right here for a few seconds by the fire and it started to cook but we're gonna throw it on the fire here we go listen listen let's listen let's see what this one side looks like oh well done we decided to put the other steak on here solo camping challenge with the help of millie so he gets a reward i guess that's really crispy that one george thumbnail got that one look at us i mean camping in the backyard building a fire these steaks don't look too bad i'm going to try the first bite look pretty good i seriously think that if we were like not in our backyard actually go camping somewhere and it would be fun i've or i'm saying you could do it because you've never done it before but if you guys enjoyed this video like i said before and you want to see us do it again make sure you comment below leave this video a big thumbs up but you got to see us go to walmart pick out all the camping gear cheap camping ended up being a little bit more expensive than we thought it was going to be but i had a blast coming out in the backyard starting a fire drinking some water and building the tent or setting the tent up and then last but not least cooking these delicious steaks it's really not bad i'm not faking at all like i'm i'm probably gonna eat the rest of this because just because we haven't eaten today i had a blast showing millie the ropes on how to camp and i would love to do it again if he wants to i don't know 10 out of 10 recommended backyard camping [Laughter] but we'll definitely make sure that we do this again and uh just up up the ante i don't know maybe do like a survival challenge where we don't know if i can survive like get my own food i would definitely need store-bought food can that be part of my beginning yeah that you're getting you'll get an allotment of money and you can buy food or whatever so less gear for food or something like that but that is pretty much it i hope you guys enjoyed today's adventure coming out and camping with us we're gonna do it again for sure i know that we've already said that for sure but i love you guys and as always you
Channel: Yappy
Views: 63,217
Rating: 4.9578276 out of 5
Keywords: cheap Walmart camping, flair, Walmart camping, Walmart camping challenge, survival, survival challenge, solo camping, overnight camping, cheap Walmart overnight camping challenge, epic, insane, vlog, vlogging, Walmart survival, cheap camping challenge, camping in backyard, funny, beginner camping, camping, cheap camping gear, camping vlog
Id: 4HcKff9ob-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 34sec (1474 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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