Budget vs. Deluxe/Personal Camp Cook Sets

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why folks today I want to take a quick look and show you two options on personal cook sets and look at the more expensive deluxe version and the cheaper budget-friendly version and I threw these out and show you all the supplies and equipment that I carry inside and I hope to just give you some tips and ideas when you're building out your own personal cook set when you're camping backpacking or day hiking hey folks that's right welcome back to another video here at getting statical I'm Erin and that's right I'm gonna break down my two different styles of cook set designed for personal use meaning you're not really sharing with anybody else this is for you and you alone maybe you're doing a solo backpacking maybe you do day hikes or you are doing camping just car camping and you just need a simple compact setup and so today I'm gonna share with you many of the gear items and supplies that I use and take with me and looking at the more expensive deluxe version with some of its capabilities and the cheaper budget-friendly version with some of its capability so we're gonna unpack them today and take a look and I hope that this video will just give you some ideas things to think about tips and maybe some gear choices that I go with that might help your outdoor adventures and your cooking when you're in the outdoors a little bit better now throughout the video there will be links for you guys below for all the items that you see here so if something pops out to you you can use those hyperlinks take you over to Amazon and some of the other websites that we offer to you so you can see all of the equipment now we're gonna jump in to the more expensive version first and this guy total carry weight that you're about to see comes in at 16.1 ounces with all the supplies that you're gonna see whereas the more budget-friendly version comes in at 21 and a half ounces so a lot of what you're about to see today is that you're paying to cut down on weight and that is very important when you're day hiking or backpacking every few ounces over the course of several gear items can add up to pounds that are lighter and less in your backpack so this one may be a little cheaper but it's gonna weigh more this one's a little bit more expensive but it'll weigh less so just keep that in consideration and in mind as we break down these two kits so I just want to give you some dimensions compared to a 32 ounce now jeans just for size perspective the now gene will perfectly nestled inside the cup that we're about to look at it is slightly wider in dimension because of that and because of the little items that have wrapped around this kind of sock mesh container or whatever you want to call it and that's the first thing I'll touch on what's nice is that this can work as an oven mitt and grasp the metal handles when it's in a fire over an element that sometimes may be hot to the touch I've used this many times as like a little oven mitt and it works great and it gives you the ability to kind of stuff some stuff around the exterior if you want it's been holding up very well so as we open this little guy up right here the first thing we're gonna come across is an ultralight MSR spork now that way I like about this is that it's actually pretty inexpensive about four dollars or less it does have a little Bowl and the tongs tines and all that but it'll open like that give you about a good you know six to seven inches of reach so it's decent it'll definitely fit inside here with room to spare if you were cooking soup or something inside this container so it's good it's not deep enough or long enough to you know getting to the bottom of say dehydrated meals so something to just consider there but it's really lightweight and has been holding up very well I've been very happy with the purchase and that just can ride on the outside of the little mesh container and the outside of the container itself and then you just kind of squeeze that close it up put it off to the side as we remove the little schmock whatever we want to call that thing and put that I'll put it back here just for colour-pop you got to have some color in your hand shot right we're looking at it toks is the brand cup and I'll put in all the graduations and the sizing and all that and again all the links for you guys on below over to Amazon as well as other places that you can pick this up this is a titanium mug I'm not gonna go into every weight item on its own I'm just giving you the total number you can go research if you want to see how much does this weigh compared to that and things like that it will give you some graduations on the outside both in milliliters and in ounces and then when you look at the body you're gonna have these foldable arms that come out so they won't remove a quite out of the way for like if you put it in a fire in the will tend to get hot if you leave it for a long period of time on an element a stove something like that so that's why it's really good to kind of use this like this and do that one nice aspect to the lid is that it does have a little kickstand for your little grab portion right there a lot of them even the budget-friendly one isn't gonna offer that does have a little drainage port right there now as we lift that up we got lots going on inside here the first is the MSR pocket rocket 2.0 stove element love this thing will be about forty five dollars thirty five to forty five depends on who what when where why a lot of times their sales and deals going on phenomenal I've been using the pocket rocket and now the 2.0 for a long period of time several years with the original about a year and a half now with this guy love every minute of it it's super compact and very reliable and the fold out feature now makes it very compact to fit in personal sized cook sets like this so love that guy and then I have here to light the element two simple things here Swedish light my fire compact fire striker and then I also have a fire wheel that will throw sparks will film doing that there we go anyway that will throw Sparks and that's all you need to get that element burning you could obviously throw a Bic lighter compact many one if you want or something like that in there next up I have here a fold a cup this is made in Sweden it's ultra lightweight polymer been using it for over a year now and love it folds out it'll handle hot coffee and beverages very easily I think it's about eight ounces total with that so that's a great way to you boil your water have the beverages going cooking something else and so that's a really good weight that it will fit you inside and it works man it's great and then I'll store the 3.9 ounce net weight fuel pods upside down that allows for it to seat that way that'll give you plenty of boiling times for several several days of hiking camping backpacking whatever you're doing with that fuel pot and it still it gives you enough space to put a couple instant coffee little packets or tea bags in the bottom and wrap around and be able to make some nice quick beverages as well so guys this is the deluxe lightweight way that I pack out my personal cook set now let's look at the budget friendly version well shocker if you've been following channel for a while you're not surprised by the Stanley 24-ounce personal cook set if you're new to the channel or new to the concept of outdoor backpacking hiking camping cooking this is gonna blow your mind for $15 you can get this amazing setup that setup would be the stanley by itself obviously add-ons will be more so what we're gonna look at first off right out of the gate is what I got strapped up here again is that MSR folding spoon I just put it up there on the lid with a Ranger ban big thick you know rubber band you could obviously do it to the side there are other good options as well you could look at UCO's sports and particularly there I believe they called their switch spork that has like a knife a fork and it can go together and give you about 10 inches of overall length for deeper reaches into dehydrated meals or even this container itself for the sake of weight but also cost because this is the most cost effective sport that I actually like that's why we're going with this particular design so that's lashed to the upper arm and that's one of the things right of the gate that I like is that this has a folding arm that actually keeps everything in and together which is really cool this is stainless steel material and you swing this little guy open I'm gonna give you a further reach then the tokes mug that we just looked at so it's a little easier to grab Wimpy is hot and you just slide this little bar so it won't flex then you do have a lid and that's not always important for me it'll cut down on cook times and keep you know insects and things like that from getting in there have drainage holes in there it does come with a polymer little tab I put a keyring on here there are lots of different little mods you can do and stuff but that's what I did so it didn't melt because over time it will melt so drop that little guy now in this case we have the fuel pod exact same size fuel pod that we just looked at on top to get it to nestle properly I have to take the little safety cap off it's not really a big deal just kind of keeps gunk and sand and grit from getting on those teeth rings where the fuel bottle or the where the element will have to attach so there's our element so the fuel pod and then we look down in here gonna have the same stove obviously about 35 to 45 dollars just depends on who when where why now there are way cheaper versions and like kind of knockoffs of the MSR out there that you could look into that seem to get decent reviews I obviously have an MSR and I just like the reliability that I've seen with it it's not a question and you know from a well-known well-established company not some knockoff you know from who knows where it was produced so things to consider but you could cut down on cost if that was really a factor and try some other models out there I'll try and throw a few in the links below that have good ratings on Amazon for you for the element then we have our seem to starters as well and then the cool thing is that this comes with a really nice kind of dense polymer mug now that the stanley will actually come with two mugs but for the sake of building this out in the kit design that we're doing you only can take one you could take two and then have all this stuff flying around somewhere else but this is the best way to make it concise cut down on weight it even has a little measurement marker there I believe this will hold ten ounces so a little bit more than that fold a cup and definitely denser stronger will retain the heat a little bit longer and then this Stanley will also have graduations including Miller the leaders up to 20 ounces and it'll hold about 24 up to the brim well there you have it folks I'd love to hear your guys thoughts ideas comments if there's items maybe that I missed or items that you use that you love that help cut down on weight I love to see those in the comments below in the comments section and I hope that this has given you food for thought ideas concepts particularly if you're new to this whole idea of personal cook sets for backpacking camping hiking or even survival maybe your prep or something like that a go bag things like that to consider I hope that the items that I've shown you today his perch your interest give you some food for thought maybe those juices start flowing so that you can build out a kit that works really well for you hitting a good price to performance on what you want out of your equipment so thanks so much for coming over today check out the other video popping up subscribe if you're not a current subscriber false a long Instagram and Facebook putting up content there all the time and always remember stay equip stay prepared and we'll see you out there
Channel: gideonstactical
Views: 46,781
Rating: 4.8705139 out of 5
Keywords: hunter, hunting, camping, backpacking, survival, bushcraft, edc, edc gear, edc 2018, emergency supplies, bug out, bug out bag, swiss army knife, stanley 24oz camp cook set, stanley cook set, best budget cook sets, best budget camp pot, best budget camping pot, toaks 750ml pot, toaks, titanium mug, titanium pot, ultralight pot, ultralight mug, msr pocket rocket 2.0, fold a cup, ultralight cooking gear
Id: 5811hfo_bX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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