WALMART Jetboil KILLER?? - Camp Chef Stryker 200 Multi-fuel Stove

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hey guys ernie here and welcome to the paleo hiker md channel i was recently in my local walmart just checking out the camping section as i tend to do and i came across a pretty cool looking cook set and when i found out it was only 64 bucks and although that sounds a little steep i think you'll agree when you see the product it's definitely worth it i had to pick one up so stay tuned and we're going to check out the stryker 200 multi-fuel stove from camp chef thanks for watching guys [Music] now one of my most popular videos here on the channel is about the jetboil flash cook system and whether or not it's worth the money now i definitely think that it is and that video says so but i've also wanted a little bit larger system similar to this and i've had a hard time pulling the trigger at 130 140 bucks the only real problem with the flash is that i'd like something with a little bit bigger volume in case i'm out car camping or doing something with the kids i've looked at several systems from a company called fire maple we've done some other reviews from fire maple here on the channel and i've almost pulled the trigger a few times so this is the striker 200 multi-fuel cook kit by camp chef dimensions are five and a half by five and a half by nine weight is a surprising 19.4 ounces you can also make it lighter by taking out a couple pieces if you really want to that you may not necessarily need the pot volume is 1.3 liters which is really really nice it has a built-in piezo igniter i'll show you guys that it also has this kind of classic heat ring technology as you can see around the bottom there that's what helps disperse the heat evenly and really helps this be more efficient does have a multi-fuel option which i'll show you as well it has a really nice insulated sleeve so even if it's boiling hot you can grab it it does have measurements inside of the pot and some element of built-in wind resistance so let's take a look at the different pieces right here you can see this very interesting little latch system you just unlatch it okay and it pops right back on you would think initially maybe that's not going to last but i actually think that that will as long as you're careful with it this opens up and you've got your top okay the top is interesting it's see-through which is actually nice a lot of times you can't tell if things are boiling it does have a little drain spout there if you need it this is for the propane side of things you open up these little wings like this and your propane bottle fits right on top like that so that's pretty cool we'll put that to the side show you how that works in a second this is the burner you just flip out the control handle and it's pretty standard as you can see it does have a built-in piezo igniter like i showed you guys very simple to control and at the bottom it has this little holder or stand for your fuel we've got here is just a standard fuel bottle pops on there very securely just like that it's actually very tight which is nice just pop it off some of these will just kind of fall off this works pretty darn well it does also come with this little adapter this is how you plug it up to your propane so you got your propane you just screw this on and then from there it's the same as the top to this little isobutane let me show you guys how you get this to fit together now one thing to note um if you're going to try to put all this together one of the things you love of course is that you can put the fuel bottle in there there's only one way to do that and you have to be careful because this particular brand this coleman brand i cannot get inside of this ring now i think i could if i forced it but it has to seat in here to fit if you get this msr one it's just a little bit smaller and you see you can get it to lock in just like that you have to get it to lock in like that or it won't fit if you get to lock in and you put this in then you can put the top on you have to get it to there you go just like that if you have this on it won't fit you put this on it will fit close it you are good to go just like that with the fuel in you got to make sure the fuel you get will work the msr works and the larger jet boil will also fit but the coleman will not so be real careful okay so the next thing we're going to do is we're going to bowl some water we're going to see if there's a big difference between using the isobutane and the propane i do want to show you guys if you can see it really nice markings on the inside one two three and four cups which is pretty awesome you should be able to boil up to four cups in here at the jetboil flash is only two cups something to note we're going to put it on top of some isobutane first there we go i'll show you how easily you can get it started there's your plain pattern much like the jetboil you can lower it some but it is not real good at simmering okay you can lower it pretty low like that will be very susceptible to the wind just like that so it's not the best for simmering it's really just for boiling so we'll put our pot on here lock it into place let's see how long it takes to boil two cups of water with this isobutane turn it all the way up and let's see what we get all right guys three minutes 18 seconds that's a pretty good time just to see we're gonna hook this up to the propane and see if there's any difference on a boil time for two cups of water three minutes 18 seconds one of the nice things about these too is that this just finished and it's quite hot still but you can grab the plastic base and you don't have any issues whatsoever so we are back with our propane let's see if we get much of a difference all right two cups of water man i tell you what guys and you can see it took a second sometimes it lags on going from 211 to 212 and i didn't hit the button twice anyway y'all can see two minutes three seconds two minutes three seconds so we're looking at a pretty big difference and i'm pretty surprised you could hear the propane had a little bit different sound a little beefier sound to it maybe i can let y'all listen here and we're talking about basically over a minute difference the propane is a minute faster than the isobutane obviously it burns hotter not necessarily surprising but kind of a bummer because if we could have the smaller propane canisters we could get a faster boil now i have to be pretty honest i'm very happy with this product especially at the price of 64. now it's not small and like i said in my jetboil video i've never taken that particular kit out on a backpacking trip and i definitely would not take this one it's not from lack of function it's simply just too big so when do i envision using it well obviously car camping i also love taking stoves with me when i travel whether it be staying at a hotel or a home somewhere having the opportunity or the option to boil my own water quickly is really nice i also think it would be great for scout trips with my son if you guys have any other ideas of where it would be useful leave them down below for everybody so let's talk about a couple of the pros that i see with this system honestly it's pretty low weight for its size it is lighter in the hand than i think you would expect it's pretty nice because it's dual fuel it comes with the adapter for propane and you can also use the isobutane it's a larger volume than most of the jetboil systems it's pretty fuel efficient and that insulated sleeve really adds a lot of comfort when you're using it either to drink out of to eat out of you can hold that insulated sleeve and it's very very comfortable to the touch as far as the cons go obviously it's very bulky it's bigger than a lot of these cook systems and that's why i probably wouldn't put it inside of a pack where i'm trying to keep space at a premium also the propane side of it it doesn't fit inside and of course these large propane bottles are hard to imagine even fitting inside of a cook kit but if you're trying to keep things compact that whole functionality as far as the propane goes kind of gets thrown out the window i think you would only use that if you were in a stationary setting or car camping type setting lastly it's also not very wind resistant you would expect it to be but i've looked at the jet bowl in the past and it's not very wind resistant and that's a little surprising this one also suffers in the wind so if you're going to have a lot of high winds you would think maybe this would work you definitely want to keep it as protected as possible to make it most efficient now i've seen this exact cook kit online from anywhere from 100 to 130 so i think that walmart price of 64. is a pretty good deal there were two at my walmart i looked at walmart online they're sold out so it may be something where it's not easy to find but you might check your local walmart to see if they have them if you can't find it i'll leave a link down below to the fire maple product from amazon it's about sixty four sixty five dollars and it looks to me to be exactly the same i don't know if the fire maple comes with the propane kit but a lot of the fire maples do come with an extra uh support on top that you can use other pots besides just the pot that comes with the kit itself for 64. i really think you're getting a lot of stove a lot of functionality and if you're interested in one of these types of kits that kind of compresses down i think it's pretty hard to beat this one not sure if you guys are aware but i have an entire playlist just on stoves we're gonna add this one to that list so make sure you check it down below it'll also be up here in the cards at some point during this video do me a big favor guys if you like the video stop right now hit the thumbs up down below really helps spread things across youtube i know a lot of people that watch the videos aren't subscribed maybe this will be the one you finally hit that subscription button if you do i really appreciate it if you want to be absolutely sure you don't miss any videos hit the ding dong bell and you'll be the first to know it is a hot one here in louisiana guys it is hot hot hot making our way through summer enjoying it the best we can indoors because it is too hot to get outside as always guys i appreciate you checking out the paleo hyper md channel stay tuned for more videos soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: PaleoHikerMD
Views: 589,756
Rating: 4.9096503 out of 5
Keywords: camp chef, stryker, stryker 200, jetboil, multi-fuel stove, walmart, walmart gear, cheap, budget, gear, camp stove, camping stove, stove, backpacking, hiking, camp cooking, budget gear, best, ultimate, amazing, perfect, cheap jetboil, fire maple, cooking system, jetboil flash review, flash, best backpacking cook system, best hiking stove, best canister stove, best canister stove system, what stove should I buy to backpack?
Id: U8xfXSH0w48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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