Making of a Walmart Emergency Stove ( The Wal'E Stove, lol) and capturing of a Pok'emon!..

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hey folks welcome back to the video stump I'm your host mark and on today's episode we're gonna be stopping by our local Walmart you're looking at a few items that I believe that we can use to put together a emergency preparedness slash camping slash backpacking stove so hang tight and we'll be right back y'all come back here welcome back folks here on the video step so we're at our local Walmart and we're going to be picking up our items that we want to check out so here is the first one it's over in the section where the like say doormats or kitchen mats are if you will and kitchen towels and then there's like refrigerators for dorm rooms and some canning items but and some containers for like dry items like flour sugar things of that nature salt pepper but we're talking about the utensil channa holders and the one that I'm talking about right here is this one it's a stainless steel pretty much perforated all the way around I'd say about maybe eighty percent and on the bottom also there is the UPC this one to order one through and there is the price point so we're gonna grab one of these put it on a cart and we're going to head over to the camping section to get the rest of the items keep my camera pointed down here I'm sure people who do not want to be on my YouTube video I'm not in the pokemons go but I for my view of viewers out there like that stuff I just found the Pokemon so here at Walmart so I captured him there he is so anyway sorry about that I was kind of funny alright so we're in a camping section and one of the next item we want to capture that is the Stanley Adventure cook set okay there's the UPC there's a price point a lot of other companies that carry these but since everything is what we need is right here at Walmart so all right now our next item is we're going to get a couple of tip pegs or stakes whatever you want to call them they are 48 cents per and run need two lives and there's the UPC number there so we've got two of them all right put that in there with that the next item we're gonna get is one of these stainless steel Ozark Trail steel cups there's the price point there's the EPC we got all that I'll explain to you why I'm picking these specific items so you'll find this woman might be able to do it right here in the camping section push this container back all right so now first I want to point out that the stainless steel cap is our trail it's very nice you know skip the the arms that go around the edging right there which makes it nice and collapsible and fits into a tight space and your pack or your container so all right so there's that now this family venture cooks it what's neat about it is is it fits right in there like that how neat is that that's pretty slick I mean you know if you wanted to do a just a kind of a minimalist kit that's that's not bad in itself you've got two stainless steel items that that you can use to boil water in so you know in all actuality you really don't need the cup itself but I think it's a good thing to have just in case let's just per say if you need you know even even using the cup as a stove itself you know putting some tinder in there and some pieces of wood you know you can use it and placing the stanley venture cook set on there you know just like that that's not too bad in itself so but there again you know you you run risk of being knocked over especially at the ground or where cooking is not level so all right so put that over here aside I want to point some factors out about the Stanley Adventure cook set it has two cups inside to be be free plastic cups the handle does flip down as you saw there I flipped it down it does lock into place so you're able to hold it and which is kind of nice because the lid has this tab on top and for whatever reason I've seen people where they cut it off I don't know if it gets hot and melts a little bit or it's overuse or whatever but some people they it's not on there and they have a car key ring or one that that actually it's a combined ER ring that you can buy them somewhere they may have them here where it snaps together so but in either or as I turn this one you see there's perforations on the on the side here so if you're using this as a steamer or as you're draining it you know you're making noodles or whatever that's nice too also that the does this is a 20 ounce steamer so the next probably graduation would be 24 so I know of a company that makes a 25 ounce cup this just as nice but being that we're here at Walmart using a just trying to do a blue man blue collar man's cook set and on the fly that's what we're doing so all right so the lid could and the other thing about that this lid I want to point out is it comes off real easy so if you're boiling it could it could come off you've seen lips you know and you know if you're you got to be careful and maybe use gloves and thick gloves when you're handling it especially on the open flame but the lid does come off it should fall off really easy and go into the fire or in the coals so here's the cups as you see pretty good size pretty thick I'm not bad there's two of them in here they're nesting you gonna actually get rid of those or just have one or whatever you wanted to do I mean you could put you some soap and a scouring pad maybe a bandanna and some other things in there that you think you might need you know some spices whatever so alright so there's the Stanley cook set so now what we're going to do is we're going to take our strainer now I wanted to point out maybe this seam right here this is you want to kind of be careful this right here then I'll explain why here in a second but you've got this thing and it's perforated you know you might be in an area where it's really windy and you want to build a fire to cook with and that's kind of nice about this it gives you air to you know for your fire to breathe but also it's also gives you wind protection also so but also the other thing about this is is you could take the reason why we have the stakes is you could take these stakes and put them through these holes depending on where you want to set your canister out and cook use your cook set like that so today you wanna make sure that they're level to horizontal you know level so but one of the things so when you're preparing to build your fire you you want to put your your twigs and your bigger pieces of kindling in there and get your fire going now as most of you see it well how do I light it well you know you either have to use matches or some sort of lighter of some sort or if you're some of those who know how to do things with firewood which what you might do is if you have the access to like a cut-off saw Laura Dremel you might cut a rectangular hole right here okay so you can you know you you're gonna dump your kindling and everything in there but like and I'll do it on another video you can make a feather stick or some sort of firestarter a feather stick is basically taking your knife and cutting on a stick and you're just kind of feathering the the what you're cutting the pieces of wood and and unite that and then you stick that in there to catch the other kindling and twigs and whatever you have in there on fire and you know then as it starts to burn more you stick more fire you know pieces of wood in there so once you've got your fire going then you want to take your you know a little canister of soup or or you know water that you're going to boil or whatever and so there you have your little stove so now the one thing I will point out about this canister is you can cut it down to your the height that you feel that you need necessary for wherever you want to use but also because of the scene you want to be careful to stay away from that you know you might want to cut over on this side over here you know if you're cutting down you know obviously I saw a cut-off saw you'll want to use you know this has a rounded edge on top so you want to get a file and maybe file that down or whatever maybe find a bag this I'll go all into once you used it because it'll be City you know from using from wood and and or charcoal or whatever your means of fire might be in there also there's other things that you can do you can because it's perforated on on the bottom you can get some bolts and nuts and maybe make it where it stands up off the ground so you get a little bit of air up you know convection air up through there so also something else laughs about sitting here telling you that you could cut it down or you could leave it this size you could cut a hole right here just cut a big you and start a fire and turn it upside down and cook like that and just use that like that and you've got a again you've got a somewhat contained fire you cut you a hole you've got a little fire going there you you can again take your pieces of wood you could cut up maybe another small rectangular hole on each side and put pieces of wood you know kind of criss cross each other and as your fire you know it's the flames are gonna come up and out and that's why I say it suggests using a glove you know to grab the grab the handle but you've got a flame coming up and it's it's it's going to heat this just like a stove so there it is it's that's my kind of blue-collar man's on the fly Walmart emergency stove so again we have the cup because you know we can eat out of it we could drink out of it you know you could use it you know maybe heat up some coffee or some tea or something use it as a stove you know whatever you want to do and also and I'll put in some pictures of this but everything is contained now I have you this is my other hand since I'm whole I'm holding the camera so you got to forgive me so all this is in there I've got a bar go bar go as a company that makes titanium cookware and utensils and I have a bar go spoon it's about like yay tall weighs like half an ounce I put this in here and then I had an old bag and I'll show a picture of it in the video that this whole thing with with the bag and and and not these cups are just the this setup right here in Navarre go long stems spoon and the bag that I have weighs a pound 8 ounces so all you got to have is some dry wood so that's this episode of this small boot collar man emergency stove if you know you have any questions or anything feel free to leave me a comment otherwise thumbs up thumbs down it's all good I'd like to say thank you for watching god bless and have a great day you you
Channel: The Video Stump
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Keywords: YouTube Editor
Id: L7kfpvq7z3U
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Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 22 2016
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