I Bought 3 Mystery Pallets From Goodwill | Was It Worth It?

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what's going on you guys Josh here also known as Harry tornado today I'm at this goodwill over on Saint Andrews Road in Columbia South Carolina and I had a viewer reach out to me on Instagram this morning and she said that they are selling unsorted pallets of inventory for $50 each she said that I guess there was like a employee shortage this week or something and they just didn't have time to sort through everything so I'm gonna go in here and take a look at these pallets and if it looks like there may be some good stuff in there I'm all-in I'm taking a gamble for $50 for a whole pallet of inventory at the very least it should be a pretty interesting video stick around [Music] so I may have to do another voiceover on this part of the video because the music in this goodwill was a little too loud don't want to get copyright strike on this video these were the pallets they had going out you could look into the top it was wrapped in saran wrap so you could kind of get a pretty good idea of what was inside at least on that top layer these were the only two they had out at the time and really both of them looked about the same I was just walking around and yeah they're 50 dollars each she could return the box and the pallet and get $10 credit so it's really only $40 each because I wasn't gonna keep the box in the pallet and I looked in this one and I saw a Nintendo Wii right there so I knew that was probably gonna be my best bet in terms of getting you know the first pallet of the day [Music] welcome to Goodwill so I got these and I'm going to get that pallet over there house house that looks like it ring up is a hundred and fifty instead of fifty might give me a heart attack [Music] okay okay thank you this it's the one with the pallet jack underneath the one closest yeah you don't have to staple it that's fine yes ma'am thank you so much yeah all right I am super excited about this pallet the only thing I can see on there of any value was a Wii console I have no idea if it works but even if it doesn't work it's probably worth like 15 to 20 bucks so as long as we can fund another you know thirty dollars in profit and the entire pallet will at least break even thanks man I appreciate it [Music] this looks interesting oh yeah those nice guys together ten pound dumbbell this is I want some stuff oops all about the bottom [Music] yeah I just want to see about that credit for leaving that cell okay okay so I'll have to deal with this okay how often they out putting this stuff out huh how often I'll put them out or I'll just don't have enough people to sort through all the donations we lost half our people's River was in trouble but it says some of my people over there it's a good problem happening oh man let me unload this and I'll probably come back tomorrow and see what you got all right appreciate you all right yeah so I'm home now it is super hot it's like 101 degrees outside today it is miserable and I have a long-sleeve shirt on that don't know why if anybody got my truck backed up here I'm gonna try to organize this stuff at least into two piles like a keep pile and a trash pile and then I'm gonna go ahead and take the trash ball to the dump today because I might go back and get another pallet because this one seems to be well well worth it so let's go ahead and start organizing this stuff and if I find something good I'll let you know [Music] okay so I was going through this box and it was mainly dishes I was just putting you know some of them were broken you could hear it and I've opened this bag right here this Nikon Coolpix a digital camera it's the Coolpix LNT I have no idea what that's worth let's look it up only you can see this or not but there's one icon coolpix l830 - elf Nikon Coolpix LNT it's like it comes to the whole case that's all for $80 plus shipping there's one that sold copic sell three 20s sold for $70 it still has accessories and stuff this has some accessories it's kept a little strapped in the little disc so as long as this works it feels kind of light though I don't think there's a battery in here no it's missing batteries but I'll get some batteries and test it out physically it looks fun it looks like it should work because that is an awesome awesome fine right there for sure man well worth it you okay next item up is this on cue I have no idea how to pronounce that oh and Kyo it's the network's Terriers here r-tx 80/50 don't you see that sold six nine twenty four two hundred dollars plus shipping I'll put this old couple on the screen another one two hundred dollars plus shipping this one sold for $80 it's with plus shipping this one with the remote and the manual $360 free shipping I got to get some speakers to hook this up to make sure it works but physically it looks to be in good condition there's a little bit of sticky stuff on the screen but that's great also I found this Intex I think it's an air mattress with the built-in pump as long as that doesn't have any holes or stains or anything that should be worth 40 50 bucks on Facebook marketplace this is great here's that we that was in the bundle you can see it's got like coffee stains or something all over it I am 99% sure this is water damage but I'll plug it in let's see if it works but even if it doesn't work somebody can use it for parts or something you probably get 15 to 20 bucks for it that's the only reason I bought the whole pallets because I saw that week and I knew it was going to work something then there's another there's another unki office receiver thing right here sorry this video isn't super edited today this is a funky Oh TX in our five three five no idea that's wipes this bag Chris Memorex CD player probably not worth buying oh here's the remote to that Onkyo receiver Frick man that's gonna seriously increase the value of that receiver squeaky ball for most digital coin Bank back massager and a purse or something oh there's a USB see Samsung charger that's for my phone I'll keep that solar paneled a solar panel charging Bank thing charge Powerbank Powerbank that's cool perfect data to try that put up there and see if it gets to charge all this other stuff is just some girly pull his yard sale junk a wig don't I don't know it's not me it's still it's in plastic I don't I don't know I'm gonna put in the garbage pile for now oh there's two more weeks three three weeks a lot of wigs some wigs can be worth money so from over there this is another Vulcan gun report I'll keep that nice little igloo even cooler it's dirty on the inside but I always clean that out that's the easy $20 Facebook marketplace for trash guys are here I should just get them to take all this garbage people [Music] [Music] garbage this cross was pretty cool it's made of like nails and wires pretty cool let me keep that that's garbage this is an air fryer rack for this thing is this an this is this is the same air fryer that we have inside I think model yeah AFR air fryer 25 AFR 25 that works that's like I said hundred all our air fryer but maybe 40 50 bucks on Facebook marketplace that's everything this will think this thing's lighting up looks like it's charging alright so that is all the stuff we're keeping and that is all the garbage I'd say probably we think maybe 65% garbage 35% of good stuff for 40 bucks can't beat it with a stick so imma go ahead and load up this garbage I'm gonna take it to the dump and then I might go back to Goodwill and buy another one maybe I don't know what this is I mean this is a really good stuff you know forty bucks for all this I mean just the Tim pound dumbbells will sell for what 35 40 bucks by themselves yeah this Panasonic slimline tape before all the nerf guns sting a Legos not too many but a good bunch of Legos both of the onkyo things the air mattress the Wii what was this oh that's cool little glass rooster that was pretty cool that's the wig and it's a little pulley right here in there a little vacuum cleaner belt in this this this bag was some speakers looks like computer speakers Boston VA seven four five those might be worth twenty bucks or something definitely definitely a lot of profit for sure for sure all right so let me get and you get all this stuff back in the truck now you get this stuff back in the garage so I can leave and go get another one all right I am leaving the dump that's all the stuff getting crushed back there so we have a clean truck bed and now I'm on the way to Goodwill to get another cowlick cuz I can't I just can't help man it's a good deal is exciting let's get okay so I just switched to my cell phone cuz I didn't bring my GoPro is too excited but they've got this one and they've got these three and I don't know which one I want because this one I don't think you guys can see it but if you looked in there there's a skateboard it says flip on it flip is a really good ring skateboard so it's probably worth like sixty eighty dollars or so and again these are only 40 bucks for the whole box I said might get this one but then this one over here it's also $40 and it has a bunch of these computer monitors in it and again this is just the top that's good ok I appreciate it [Music] okay so this is the second one I bought - well this one that I'm taking today and I'm looking back tomorrow and get the other one so we got to get this one unloaded the truck and we'll see what's in here as we go electric chainsaw skateboard really good condition the bearings may need replacing but this is probably worth this is probably worth sixty to seventy-five dollars just made all my money back near that as awesome and put that in the front of my shirt so I got the break hey look at this that cool yeah I don't know if it I don't know if it works but oh nice heritage heritage international man USA yeah for sure I wish I can get $100 for that look at there and all everything else is just profit some of it will go to the first pallet I got I took about 60% of that straight to the dump the other the other 40% oh yeah yeah I mean just this I mean paid $40 for just this will sell 400 yeah so double your money with one item even if you throw half of it away yeah it's good for both of us cuz you know this saves you guys time is money sorting through it and I make money easy peasy yeah well you know it's a lot of work and it's taking up a lot of space you know but it's definitely definitely worth it yeah yeah are y'all gonna start doing this all the time or just until you get caught up well I'm gonna start come over here pretty often I stick that out in the yard it's not dartboard this is like a a real dartboard I'll open that when I get home all right so we're gonna get to work here separating out the good stuff from the bad stuff my friend Anderson is here helping me it's a day and like I said it's probably this one's probably more garbage than the first one but I think there's still some pretty good stuff in there so let's get to work [Music] yeah I think I actually have one of these listed somewhere it works it's probably worth like 15 bucks so so far we got a bread maker thing with the little arm inside I think this is - a well-built bread maker romantic valves don't know what that is hand poured recycled glass I think these are like paper weights or something I thought those are pretty cool the Sony radio this musical Rimes book a sleep apnea machine which has nothing with it but I don't know might try to sell it on Facebook some gillette shave gel HP photo paper this cool picture of a dude playing trombone and an electric chainsaw Christmas coffee yes Broncos no pumpkin no garbage baby thermometers those might actually be worth something that's pretty cool you probably throw that up on Facebook I think it's a wine bottle opener thing is packed in here I'll just I'll just leave it uncle no brands I'll keep it let's open it and see what brand they are very good brand I'll keep them too bad okay all that yeah yeah three of them okay yeah I can sell them all together I'm like a lock distinct sounds like mothballs yeah I saw that earlier I want to open up see if we can open up a blow it out and see what it looks like it's definitely like an old maid in it's not like a cheap Walmart dartboard that's for sure like a one mixer that's awesome and it had some darts with it the Taverner made in South Africa yeah this is made in South Africa a little dart holder and everything that's awesome put this over here good fine for sure now let's see about this DAC 2800 BC okay 20 bucks not as much as I thought I paid $40 for everything okay so gotta switch to the phone cuz my GoPro just odd but this is everything we're keeping out of that last pallet just that skateboard should sell and make a profit on that sixty to eighty dollars or so depending on if I switch all the bearings or not a couple of Halloween decorations might sell doesn't facebook marketplaces you know later on this year that DJ things worth like 20 bucks sleep apnea machine that dartboard is pretty cool I can probably get like 80 75 to 80 for that that'll be Facebook marketplace Facebook marketplace on this cake dome thing it's pretty cool another nerf gun this Tonka roadmap carpet well that was pretty cool couple puzzles the Halloween lights so yeah it wasn't quite as good as the first lot from this morning but still 40 bucks for all that can't beat it this is the third palette of the day that I'm unboxing and I just found this HP box and it looks like there's a all-in-one unit inside pretty sure that's not all in one unit it's got the keyboard and everything it's awesome alright guys so it is the next day I did go back to Goodwill yesterday after me and Anderson unloaded the second load from my truck loaded it up and brought it back last night and kind of quickly went through it it was the lot with all the computer monitors on top when we went through that I think like three of the monitors were like the old Dell ones that just aren't worth anything they're not even HDMI or anything like that so those went to the dump the third lot was definitely the worst out of the three but we still got some really good stuff in there I'll start by showing you a couple things here we got this set of plates obviously I don't really like doing plates very much but these are was it casual classics why for 0:06 nature's harmony I have to sound quotes and for dinner plates and these are actually selling for like I think ten to fifteen dollars a piece plus shipping so it may take a while to sell them but I can deal with that I mean that's like 50 60 bucks worth of plates there what else was well that was lighten up so we got this all these plushies for in the third one well this is actually some Power Rangers toys I think there's two of those in there and some of these plushies I thought would do pretty well there's I think that's Alvin and the Chipmunks from build-a-bear workshop there's a super mario thing with the tags still on it again not too much money here I just think I remember my friend Chris stones the pop Ranger said that some of these plants vs. zombies plushies were would be worth some money so I think there's four or five of those in there some nerf guns more plushies there I also got another electric chainsaw this one was in the third pallet and a couple of these cast iron things I think this is a son an axe it's like a wood mall or whatever you call that I think this is like an umbrella base maybe cast iron not sure what those are worth but worth something for sure this chair it's like a little lawn chair plugin to keep that for myself personally I got two coleman air pumps all this stuff these lightbulbs are just really big and I thought they'd be worth something and they are think they sell for like 12 bucks we get this Bluetooth speaker Verizon Bluetooth headset still sealed in the package I haven't looked up so comps on that yet again not too much in terms of the small stuff but I'll go show you the best stuff from the third ballot so this is one of the computer monitors that I picked up it's a Samsung it's not HDMI it only has the you know whatever whenever those plugs are in the back but it's in really good condition and the screen works perfectly so I think we could probably get like maybe 3040 bucks for this on the Facebook marketplace and then the best fine out of the third palette was this computer I guess they thought it was just a computer monitor but it's an HP all-in-one desktop it's not very good it only has the intel pentium processor inside but it does work it's just password locked so i'm working with my friend college picker to get it unlocked it came with the keyboard and mouse and everything like that so it looks functional i think it should be good to go once this is factory reset and everything's erased off of it and everything like that i think i should be able to get about a hundred and fifty hundred seventy-five dollars for it on facebook marketplace something like that so this was definitely the best fun out of that third palette because also remember this we was in the very first pallet we bought we got most of the coffee stuff cleaned off of it i plugged it in it's got a little light on there so let's turn it on and see if it actually works what do you want to bet there's a game in here i'll see oh we sports it's a good $25 game right there disk only sweet so we made profit on that already it looks like it's working I'll still need to you know plug it out and test it with controllers but at least it powers on Andy Jackson appears to be functional so if this works completely I've got some extra controllers and cords and stuff in the garage and I think we should have to get you know maybe eighty two hundred dollars for the complete set up especially if we include the Wii Sports game that came with it so that was definitely a good find in the first pallet another update is this nikon camera it does not work I put fresh batteries in it it just won't turn on looks like the lens is like stuck in the zoomed out location for whatever and I don't really have a ton of time to research on how to fix it so I might just sell it as is for parts again in working condition this would go for about $80 plus shipping for parts only maybe fifteen to twenty dollars plus shipping so kind of a bust but I mean again I only paid $40 for the whole pallet I think this was on the first pallet so definitely the first pallet was by far the best I almost forgot when I went to Goodwill yesterday to pick up that first pallet I used to guys saw me get four pairs of shoes so I'll show you these real quick this pair of New Balance was pretty cool I mean basically brand new like maybe worn around the shoe store or something these were 650 I think I probably get 35 bucks for those plus shipping this other pair of these are Johnson and Murphy's and I know I've just talked about how Johnson Murphy's have not been selling for me but these appear to be a pretty good brand it's ones that say heritage Johnson Murphy Murphy heritage made in USA just really good condition no scuffs or anything like that I think I could probably get you know maybe 30 35 bucks for those most are you done sniffing other pair is this pair of Sperrys really good condition again basically you know worn out of the store and that's it these were also 650 all these shoes were 650 yeah I usually pass on Sperrys but since these are basically brand new I can probably get 25 bucks for those plus shipping and then finally this pair of Nike I think I don't know if these are LeBron James or or what but they're the Stars and Stripes pattern whatever that that is really good condition I think the laces are fraying on one of the pairs a little bit but sold comps on this or kind of all over the place like one sold for like 20 and another one sold for like a hundred and thirty so I really don't know I think they're in pretty good condition it's a good size I think these are men's their teen men's 11 or I think these are men's 11 but I'm probably gonna list these for like 80 80 90 bucks plus shipping turn on best offer and see what happens so got the pallets and four really solid pairs of shoes yesterday are you guys I'm gonna wrap this video up for today I went through three pallets with you guys in one video so no that's probably pretty long thank you for sticking with me if you guys want some behind-the-scenes footage of when I do stuff like this be sure to follow me on instagram i'm at harry tornadoes same as I am here on YouTube and I update my story is pretty much every day when I'm going to Goodwill and buying things so you get like a sneak peek at a future YouTube video so be sure to follow me there obviously subscribe to the YouTube channel if you haven't done that already like this video if you enjoyed it at all and be sure to stay tuned on my youtube channel because I went back to Goodwill today and I bought three more pallets I've already kind of kind of looked at them a little bit there's some pretty good stuff in here I don't know what's exactly all the way at the bottom but this should be pretty fun I think I'm gonna break these three boxes up into three videos do like one you know quote unboxing per video just to see what we've got in here and fun fact Haley does not like the fact that I have three gaylord boxes in our driveway and I can't really blame her thank you guys so much watching this video today I appreciate your time that tremendously you're the best and I'll catch you guys [Music] [Music]
Channel: Hairy Tornado
Views: 224,176
Rating: 4.8219895 out of 5
Keywords: goodwill haul, goodwill mystery box, goodwill pallet, wholesale, goodwill wholesale, ebay flipping, ebay wholesale, goodwill flips, wholesale unboxing, mystery box unboxing, thrift with me, thrift haul, goodwill
Id: fU6ORH3tIoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 39sec (1899 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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