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you about one of my extra storage earth she wasn't going to contact people I did she didn't care about our kids that stuff so I had a couple really quick before we get into this video I just want to say this story is insane it changes multiple times in the guy ends up showing up so make sure you stick through through the whole thing and if you want to see the rest of the story check out the video on what the hell's it'll be up later today it's insane don't forget to like the video subscribe if you're new and let's get into it welcome back to treasure matter the genius guys and today we have a nice looking 5 by 10 unit with a very very interesting story let's get into it [Music] about so many storage units last week I was crying out to Jesus to send me help and instead he sent me Jesus and so this unit in particularly has a very very odd story I bought this unit and immediately I got a facebook friend request and a message and the message basically in a nutshell said and you'll see it as well it said hey Jeremy I need to talk to you that was my ex-wife's unit and you outbid me could I maybe get some of my kids stuff out of there so I started to talk to the individual and I said absolutely we can work things out as long as you can pay me what I actually paid for it you can have it and so we started to work through the details logistically well he didn't show up he flaked on me so then I asked for the actual ex-wife and I told the ex-wife she could have it all I wanted to is recompensate it for what I put into it and they could have everything back and so the ex wife flaked out on me I've offered this thing back to them for free at my expense free I spent hundreds of dollars on it to give it to them for free they've still have not shown they flaked out you'll be able to see those messages I'm sure Jebus is gonna show it to you as well all right guys so we're gonna start going through this stuff we went through separated a lot to put out the personal stuff let's say 40% up in the back is all moldy sheets moldy clothes dirty clothes things like that so we just left them in there don't think anybody wants to see that took everything that was interesting set it on the side so let's start going through it first things first the giant RC card grave digger I've never actually seen anything trip related in my entire life when I have heard that name gravedigger so many times and I even recognized the green flame never seeing anything about it never watched anything about it but I recognize it and they are RC cars so as of now we have this one in the little one over here we've only found one remote but the batteries are dead so we're not sure which one of the cars it goes to but hopefully the other remotes also somewhere in the unit because if these things have their remotes with them they could be worth quite a bit of money so fingers crossed we'll also find that other remote next picture bear who does not love the Care Bear some of these are actually extremely collectible believe it or not they had been out for a while it's weird because I remember when they first were promoting these things like crazy when I was little don't know if that autumn only 25 people yelling behind us there's a crazy car pull up over there I don't know what's going on I'm just gonna leave it at that collectible care beer that's pretty cool are they still over there talking about what the hell's that way yeah we got what some people argue or consider the goat LeBron James but honestly I still you still have to put Michael Jordan is number one Michael Jordan's the reddest of all the time but it's the cops shirt no he's not the goat well here's something debate if he was ago they wouldn't have traded him to the Lakers so obviously he's not that great I mean he's really good obviously he's probably the best player in the NBA today but still overall Michael Jordan still beats him but a nice black vote for LeBron James yeah even a little leather jacket it's kids but it is the Cavs I don't know how much it's worth now because I'm pretty sure 95% of the Cavs stock was riding with LeBron James now that he's with the Lakers don't know how much value it's gonna have so hopefully it still sells I got a New York Giants when I paid in adults it was $300 so I could imagine a kid when it's still something close to that hopefully the beeping of there what is that Steve this is what Cleveland thanks to you now that you into the Lakers they lost her leg and they put a pole in your foot and you got a weird stick growing out of your hand that's what Cleveland thanks to you for going to the Lakers but LeBron things missing legged no any where his legs at but maybe somebody wants a one-legged LeBron you never know set them aside ohio state coins we're getting into coins now but i don't think this kind of coins why are there so many motor cars so loud around here they're obnoxious well a lot of sports memorabilia in this one we got I don't even know that isn't illegal to pretend hey key bakery no we were there before a UFC fight at some point or another yeah I was gonna pronounce that but I'm pretty sure I wanna sound stupid said it wrong so I saved myself the embarrassment but baseball bobblehead yeah shoe that wasn't supposed to go in there another Ohio State and bangles hat vintage hats like a sell on eBay all day long when we got in this one just a personal or it that's personal one we can't show that this story it's a little bit juicy it's all personal stuff the most part anyway as you can see a couple bucks a couple board games there's something Atlanta Braves don't I see if I can pull them out yeah be Indians whatever I don't watch baseball really anyway so yeah anything else I think the rest of its a lot of personal stuff in there this guy makes together all his pro sports with this kids sports so we see signatures freakin on pick it up and it's your high school basketball team so that's all that's been going this that was a fail a lightsaber that yes let's begin mm-hmm let's begin our roast session great to have your help all right so the Yankees are good but the Oriole suck yeah you can have a sir they only know how to sign like chat then they lose every other game they just saw soon Toronto Blue Jays definitely suck there they were Manny Machado like we did but unfortunately for them the rest of the team sucks and they didn't even get them so now they just suck anyway plus they have the word Sox do you have the word Sox in your baseball team your absolute garbage trash you shouldn't be allowed in the league in Boston fans we're talking to you go away but yeah in all honesty a whole MLB poster dollar to use on it look at that I mean that definitely be values it I think with the Red Sox logo in there we probably have to get somebody know how much you think they'd have to pay us to take it like 15 20 I guess it seemed that losses for the Diamondbacks I think a lot they have to pay a lot I think we have to probably pay them 20 bucks to take it off her hands hopefully the dump will take it we don't know a lot of mancave stuff here take me I'm not gonna sing it because it'd be embarrassing yeah I'm not but nice pool cue pool balls little thing autumn and cave stuff I guarantee at one point somebody had a banging looking baseman with sports memorabilia everywhere things like that it probably looked really cool one time keep going some Thin Mints hear me you want to admit this trolled me doesn't it look like it would be heavy solid wood and everything and look like you wouldn't we picked it up it's like super cheap plastic and it's coming apart all over the place none of us would just cheap plastic let's be honest it is cool-looking but barely staying together if I drop it too hard to get a turn to dust this the double champ a fake fighting WWE Champion right here I'm gonna start walking around the rest of this unit just like this as the double champion so nobody can say that if you want to take these from me we have to fight but you know I don't do a big fight we gotta fight for the UFC title real fighting this Rambo put on cars around here whole box full of DVDs will most likely ski in the mall see what the clutter offers them the way we do they yeah the way we do DVDs is we scan them one decluttr if they ever offer you more than a dollar it's probably worth looking up they offer you less than a dollar it's probably junk just send it to them or try for the our sale flea market we tried it we does end up with a box of DVDs that never sells is there anything else that we do not go through there's a steroid plaque mr. McGuire well you see the roids leaking off of that ooh would rage here's an old football picture pretty cool not bad all right that $30 price tag on it to the top can you see that Oh pen just toast trying to take my title so Sammy Sosa more markiplier steroids and a whole horde of sports cards in here basketball I know I pulled out a couple dolphin these are all NFL just a whole hoard a different sports car things like that overall definitely a man cave unit lots of cool sports stuff and pretty cool overall unit so let's clean it up so not only the cookies we found a little something something too so little Valentine's heart candies in there and look at the date on them 2002 that's not too bad not that Brandon what when were you born lost 1 2002 I'm still fresh how about the Queen how about the Queen of Hearts why don't you try and stop me [Music] come on don't leave you bought one of my extra storage units have some my kids personal stuff in it reached out for her actually she wasn't gonna contact you so I did now I gotta ask are you gonna give her any of this stuff back are you gonna keep it you're gonna keep it all this is uh my boys cousin that passed away back in 2008 but he gave his dog I try to get the other party here she won't communicate so she didn't care about our kids and stuff so I had to come now they're all done with this whole situation I want to ask you guys what would you have done in this situation so right off the bat paid hundreds of dollars for this storage unit so legally that stuff's already owned by him he's not required to do anything so first things first you offer to give somebody their stuff back just being nice for what you paid for it so that means you pretty much wasted your time and you make no money they don't even respond and they did you then you try to offer somebody their stuff back for free you're losing money already losing money just to help somebody they still flake on you they still don't show up I don't know how I would have kept going but he decided to keep going the guy showed up got his stuff again if you want to see how the whole story played out you got to go check out the video on his channel I'll put the link down in the description below once it comes out just an insane story really wild plot twist what the guy did end up showing up but you'll get lift you'll be able to see everything play out if you just go check it out over there but anyway guys that's going to be it for this one so thank you so much for watching we did enjoy make sure you leave it a big fat thumbs up and if you're not already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure hunting videos all the time if you want to follow our social media links will be on screen just click links down in the description below make sure you fossum whatever you have thank you so much for watching until next time peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 32,283
Rating: 4.8377695 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found money, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, comics found in abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, treasure hunting with jebus, what the hales
Id: Q5zPu8RAuCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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