Old Storage Unit Owner Tries To Buy Back Her Abandoned Storage Unit At Locker Auction / Storage Wars

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due to the nature of this video I think it's important that we all understand what an abandoned storage unit is a business rents out space to you the customer you put your possessions in that space and then it's expected upon contract that you paid the bill the rent now you may rent a vehicle and if you don't pay the rent on a vehicle how how long do you get to keep that vehicle you don't it gets repossessed you may rent an apartment or a home and if you don't pay the rent what happens legally you can't live there for a year and expect to live free and if you abandon all your possessions inside that home or apartment they legally become the owners the physical property owners possessions to do with as they please this is an emotional subject because if you're the renter and you lost all your items you feel extremely passionate that that's wrong well I bet you wouldn't think it was wrong if it was you that owned the business and you're the one that went without all the rent and you're the one that wasn't getting paid and you're the one that had employees to pay but no income to pay him with as a person who has lost everything in his life every material possession spent months living in a home unfinished with no utilities in the winter in Ohio I get it it hurts it stings it's horrible it's like walking through Hales at the same time it's not good for a business to not have income they have responsibilities as well to their family and their employees and if you're not paying it's going through Hales for them to Jeremie here and we're at a live auction today gotta be a ton of fun now originally there were six units up for sale there's only three now because the law of the right of redemption applies which means if you rented a storage unit and you're back on your bills you have until the very moment that the unit is auctioned off and paid for for example if I buy it you have until I pay for it to actually redeem it by paying your back bills so that's great three of them have already been paid for I've traveled an hour hopefully hopefully there's still three available now here's the good news here's what I got going for me it is Friday and it is twelve o'clock so most people are at work and so that's a great thing yesterday it was 70° now it's 40 degrees so weather isn't that great and we got rain in the forecast you may think that's bad but nope that's good that drives people away from the live auctions and so less people means we get them for a cheaper price here's the bad news it's actually lunchtime they did it on purpose not a bad business plan but more people can arrive at lunch and it's gonna be a quick auction also people have money because it's March mid March people have their tax returns so they can blow through a wad real quick paying crazy money for something that isn't worth it so hopefully there's something good and it goes for a good price our auctioneer today is Dave Behrens one of my favorites in the areas because he's got good rhythm and he sells them fast what sells them fast we have three units today we have followed the legal stipulations for the units we've had ads in the repository we send several letters to the owners of the unit so we are going to auction three units off today there's an all cash sale all the ads on auction how many people saw it on auctions yep that's usually the biggest website and if we've had signage up so it's an all cash sale if you've been to my sales before I do other storage unit auctions and there is a $50 deposit cash per unit it's very simple you will pay the $50 if you are the high bidder in addition to whatever your high it is you'll pay in cash if you ever your unit totally we will hand you your $50 bill back when you're done okay if you deem to cherry-pick the unit and take what you want and leave it we will retain your $50 because then if we have to pay somebody to haul away what you didn't take we would like the units to be emptied by 12:00 noon tomorrow Susan is with the company will make greens into you if you want to come back later on if you want to start now but we'd like we'd really like the units to be done by noon tomorrow but if you are a high bidder on one two or three units see Susan she'll give you her phone number and she can make arrangements to meet you here to let you in okay so other than that you will check out at the end now when I say sold we will lock your unit up you will not get that P to your unit until you pay upfront here okay and will cashier there's only three units so when it sails over with if you are one of the high bidders come up to the front table here will cash you out we'll take you back and open your unit for you okay so it's an all-cash sale thank you we have three units we advertise we start out with much more but a lot of the tenants paid off when they knew their unit was going to be auctioned so we've got one unit down here and if you look for the orange numbers we've got units two and three in this row so I'll start down here and thanks for coming to the sale here we go get a better angle here this would look like much to me at all tractor in the back but I know no way to know that anything works if there's a motor basically scrap metal will start to bid in the crowd where we end is your decision - so I can ask you about $100 bit and we'll go write it up give 100 you have 100 give it $50 bid give a $50 bid give 25 can't believe it give a $25 bid riding a lawn mower you see what's in here 25 give $20 can't believe it I've got a dollar I hate to take that interpretation of dollar bid 5 now 10 I can't believe it 10 15 15 15 dollar bin 15 now 20 in 20 in 20 and 25 and 25 and 25 25 I see more net and scrap now fitting how about $50 give me $50 bid 25 and 50 25 and 50 30 now 40 now 40 now 50 now 50 are all out now 50 now 60 now 60 now 60 now 70 and 70 and 70 or 70 a little bit we go 70 that's 60 right here in 70 60 and 70 sold at $60 you're number 14 all right folks take your last look you kill me now be fair out there and I gotta have $100 for this unit I'm hundred now one and a quarter $100 bid now one the quarter hundred dollar bid now wanted a quarter one and a quarter yes not one and a half 150 bid one 150 now 175 175 now 200 now 200 now two and a quarter in two and a quarter into the quarter two and a half two and a half 250 225 I've got two and a quarter I'm looking for two and a half to thirty to thirty-five I'll go one time I won't cut the lower than that to 35 to 45 now to 55 you started to pass thank you to 45 to 55 takes 200 out on number 245 dollars [Music] nothing in here at all if it's not crying really quick 25 give a $10 bill look like we're going to buy one day 35 yes now 40 now 45 45 and 55 new blood now 60 and 60 now 65 or 65 and 65 gotta go sold it to you $60 straight out bidder number for $60 [Applause] so this was the second unit out of three that went up for sale and one of our viewers purchased it here and so graciously he's allowing me to come in and see what's inside as well what what did you see what made you want to bid yeah this I saw this piece right here that that looks that looks hand-painted in an Asian decor style so that's that's one of the things that I saw right there which made me interested what do you think's hiding in there what do you think's hiding behind them doors I don't know that's a that's an interesting knob isn't it [Applause] so there's knobs down below knobs up top and oh you got a is that an Xbox controller yeah all right so Xbox controller in there huh looks like somebody did all the hand painting up here that's interesting I've never seen that knob work before just books in the basket yeah lots and lots of books so the basket is hiding all the books now a lot of times what we tell people is that people will roll up rifles and shotguns and rugs have you ever found any have you ever found any firearms in the units yet one shot twelve was it hidden in a rug or where was it in the back by your dresser back in the corner yep they love putting that stuff in the back corners so here in your back corner back here you got how many mattresses four four mattresses back here it's a lot of mattresses you take 25 for that box better better make sure there's not rolls of money in there you can open up and make sure there's some in there it's not a bad deal when you're already selling an item yeah he can then go 25 bucks isn't bad that's where all the goodies were stashed helmet looks like you got a hawk down there too huh all kinds of little things the toy box is probably worth a good 20 25 bucks oh yeah just a bag of clothing and linens huh Halloween decorations some decor not some more family decor photos huh nothing I I didn't buy the unit he actually bought the unit so that this isn't actually my decision to make so Dan and I are here recording and the former previous owner of the unit actually came by and it was too emotional actually turned the camera off but dan dan was very very gracious in the aspect that dan actually gave her all of her all of her family photos and kids projects and so I just spent about 15 minutes 20 minutes out with her and Dan specifically she she wants you to have her name and number which she gave to me which I'm giving to you and anything that you feel that you would want to give back to her she's requested that and I would say on behalf of her already just thank you for your graciousness and and sharing back with her the previous storage unit owner shared with me that she owed over $700 and yet she hadn't received a single bill notification anything along those lines that she actually had her possessions going up for auction just so happens that the storage unit facility owner was there as well and shared with me that she had been in constant communication with this individual this individual had actually rented this facility for over a year never made one payment not one not a cent and the facility owner worked with her for over a year one of the things we've got to understand this there is always two sides of a pancake I got a previous storage unit owner telling me that they didn't get one single notification I got the business owner telling me that they've been in constant communication trying to set up payment plans let's remove all emotion and think logically for a moment I'm being told that no communication was sent whatsoever or received and yet the individual happens to be there on the very day at the very time that the unit is being auctioned off who do you believe again I'm not trying to be calloused or hard I'm just stating the facts and I hear this stuff all the time because I do this all the time frankly my heart always goes before my head and I've been taking advantage of time and time again thanks again for watching don't forget to subscribe hit that bell so you get notifications and smash that like button if you don't like the video hit the dislike button two times let everyone know how much you dislike what the Hales and remember adventure awaits you just got to go find it you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 129,481
Rating: 4.8073683 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, comics found in abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters
Id: 6atRPWJ22Vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2019
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