The BEST $5 LOCKER EVER filled with Mid Century Modern furniture and art deco items galore!

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he was having an on and couldn't make a decision then he kind of said but I wanted to bid and did you hear the auctioneer he said you got a bid it's over now just turn the piece around I mean but some good news not only is it from a furniture store in San Francisco but it's made in Denmark let's start with these oh my gosh you alright alright hey there locker nuts so today the girls and I decided to head out with Jack and so we did the route and checkout outbid like five three teams right yeah then we came to our favorite facility and this one so we'll check it out check it out I was about my eye right there grace take a look kinda nice just a shelf Oh has a beanie baby on it I didn't all the stuff was on the show under Claire I said hey there's a roll yes because I was trying to throw everyone off so they would just awesome that case great show the keys back there the furniture bit yeah you know that's X five bucks cuz I just wanted to wrap it up cuz they need the other guy was thinking about bidding and I was like Yeah right that right this is dance and stuff actually this is a Lolita stuff here yeah so alright so let's take out some chairs make our mark on them right we have gloves I put them on right Oh gave me feedback about how I didn't put the gloves on yeah they gave me feedback how could you let your wife put on your gloves backwards okay well then there's that too okay these are metal chairs that you could get in like country offals yeah I don't [Music] it's just like airplane wait up here's first class okay so this locker was actually not gonna be sold and then the auctioneer so kind of that me and another guy jump in and he wanted to bed know something now five bucks because I wanted to wrap it up quick because he was having an on and couldn't make a decision then he kind of said but I wanted to bid and did you hear the auctioneer he said you got a bid it's over now so um well what's good the guy with the YouTube channel he came in yeah and I think it was this funny man yeah so anyways if you want to bring the camera over here he let me take a peek I saw this I saw this and then I was like okay that it does look like a mid-century mid-century from but you know what's funny they had the photos on the website it did not look mid-century okay look junky in here and I already kind of like the green chairs but I visit to be honest with you um I was so focused on the next Walker because we thought it was gonna be so great yeah let's just get to the next Locker man and now I'm feeling like okay this one's gonna be even the one I bought was isn't as good as we thought right so let's go over here and open up some doors okay just wanna see if we find anything and then another and fourth empty alright it's got a nice look to it now market we're gonna clean it up and market that it's mid-century that's cool let's take it okay everyone just turn the piece around I mean but some good news not only is it from a furniture store in San Francisco but it's made in Denmark okay many did work this made and there's a designer on here the actual designers name so maybe if anyone knows that design aren't just familiar with it that's I'm pretty step pretty cool okay so let's start with these oh my gosh those are cool yeah okay these are pretty cool those are awesome I'm loving out there spy okay so let's see if their brand on here interstate yeah looks like New York this is cool okay let's see oh we got some more hmm is there a larger right do these are really nice I like these a lot so far now people are I am pretty estatic about this you think he actually got the best one you know how to finally okay this is cool it's a lid to a cake cover so this yeah what's this not familiar with I don't know what this is can anyone to tell us what that is because I actually don't know what that is that is interesting what's in the box there's like a light bulb in it oh right there's a for sure she was Musti Musti this one that is really cool it's really pretty sure nothing yeah but still pretty it's very cool the shapes and then oh this matches this piece so it's on the rim I think maybe Chip and dip how cool would that be like 50 being totally totally cool that's I mean I don't know maybe I'm totally wrong if I am please stop okay don't know no that's different you wish for I know okay so this box this is calling to me Kamel do you wanna help me here now these are so cool yes I love the colors this is actually as locking stop I want to buy this one just because grams only wanted to get this one cleared out that's really very nice of space cool let the pattern super cool I like anything fifties this is I think it's Alamitos to tell you the truth look at this thank you thank you this is really cool this is so Simon like turtles what fifties you think I don't know love it it's like nuts how you feel like that would be in it you know nuts nuts Locker nuts is that the hold your lock your nuts okay people oh my goodness 20 years ago okay so these are our two thousand in a world these are Marcos razors identify this as the millennial or Millennium Malloy and it says $22 right there so that's rare maybe the princess Dana I don't know let's hope right yeah let's hope that's the only one that's worth anything about that of all the beanie babies someone was a mark my buyer field right here maybe this is my unit he's a famous baseball player in the game he lives right around here okay so this is what I saw money come on get on eBay and look this up okay right here it's an automatic techniques this is good okay oh this is good but it's in great shape look at this look at this I mean this is good you should do the bottle cap challenge I said you know what that is yes you do what Justin I just found out what that was the other day oh you know cuz Pat B's did it if Justin Bieber does it me now do you know who Pepys's what is it I don't do 17 okay so this is super cool come up right here look that up on eBay I'm sold and see what you find ok awesome another box and there's two tea box so this can you see what's on that hmm what is it Russell right what are you have the bottom Oh Neda right yes Oh Neda that's pretty that is actually really nice so these are both in great shape I think we took over the locker because it's super dark so we're trying to take it a little bit out of time now is this cool it's a Hitachi right then it looks like a really old TV which is super cool yeah it's cool yeah I love it right you know that's neat it's gonna it's got the look yeah if it maybe works or doesn't work doesn't matter it's gotta move up on the book show in your you know how you have like the gel when you buy something he like has it with it stuff that's really good that's funny right yeah so we can clean this up and we'll take a look and I see what that's worth just the top with aunt Anna but the MPM is still there I don't think that the TV doesn't reload yeah you know is remote was this is before remotes you know what my parents did the remote was they had kids and they said go turn the turn the volume down this is my dad no joke a hundred percent in my room Jana come running down the hall as a kid what Dad turn the channel no kidding that was my life okay okay so these fins look like they're maybe for what scuba diving snorkeling I don't know here's a brand right up here let's take a look you chipped yeah cool and then China so this that's really sharp so this is a Crown Victoria mm-hmm fine china Carolyn is there so there do you have like three whole sets of really nice chair I love China this is a really pretty pattern I love it it is nice yeah it's really pretty yeah it looks like mostly cups I don't want to take it out here because we don't have space for everything I must be sure very carefully so that we give it to Camille is not down here maybe people were diving techniques you know you never know we might be able to scan this and see if this is worth something I know you have good luck with some of the books you get and then there are some textbooks and I know you said those sometimes can go for a lot as well mm-hmm cool so we'll check those out looks like some banking things and then this is all personal items book oh it's his what he did was logging and his scuba time set the diving log that's cool but this is what I just caught my eye this people check that out that's kind of nice look yeah ge super cool yeah let me see if we can I always tried to see if we can find a year there's a model look at this thing marked each time they had a quality check seven different quality checks hmm so a date code to 539 I don't know I doubt it maybe that's pretty cool yeah could be we have a couple more should say that for last cuz that to me this is the most interesting okay save the best for last all right so okay so we have a Sony right here and speakers that's pretty decent too and a that's 50 bucks right there yeah it's kind of wedged in here and I don't want to damage it so let's see if we can take it out okay we have one more box and one more left so Camilla's gonna be my camera girl right now and it looks like you have the rest of the dishes they match yeah the previous ones we found and then you also have you have to keep them from breaking candlesticks this is a press of French press so that's a strong stuff kid okay okay okay get a good picture of it I'm it in get it close all around it yeah let's move this box do you check the pocket like it mm-hmm all right let's come around this way let's check the pocket like you suggested what do we got okay what's the brand look at the brain of this bag what's up feedback yeah okay my sitter Clark this is definitely definitely interesting that's my hero right this is I think something for an underwater camera this is super cool oh my gosh this is this is pretty cool so so we take a closer but I have never seen what's called the paper tape it's super heavy super cool color we're gonna have to review some research on this so I'm guessing it's a waterproof case I'm interesting definitely never found one of those before so and then this is the last thing I'm not sure what that is yeah okay so we took out a few more pieces we have this cool near goes to one of the dressers then we have another piece it looks there is so much of the other dresser super pretty great shade totally mid-century awesome piece in a really good shape this is going to sell this is beautiful and then we have a cup chest so I'm not not too much Janet cedar great condition super clean knock the Hank Adamo keep that I saw the Sutra cool little hanky in here lemon yeah it looks like Ficano me to me right this is pretty nice we just pulled this out and have the front the front of this is to the wall so we didn't get a good shot of it Seema got your shape yeah nice shape it's definitely nice wood just it's not too heavy but it's not a light piece either but a lot of people use these us like consoles for like they're feeling rooms put their TV on or different things great yeah I think we'll sell it yeah okay everyone so we just finished up loading up our locker it looks good we have some great pieces of furniture that we're gonna clean up and we're gonna list locally or we're gonna take to the higher end market it's totally awesome for five bucks people I'm super stoked here's some highlights from my five dollar Locker it was the best Locker ever so first I have a bookcase stereo we sold that for $50 next we had an underwater camera I sold that for $20 then we had an Itachi little TV from like we think the 30s or 40s I think 40s and we sold that for $10 we had some really great China pieces that ends up going for only $20 then next we had a record player which we thought would bring in some big money but it ended up having a little damage to it so we ended up selling it for $20 my favorite item of the whole Locker is these really cool glassware and I loved it so we sold one set for 30 and the other for 25 it's a total of 55 next we have my chip and dip bowl which I loved we actually got $40 from that then we had the Hope Chest which was quite heavy but we ended up selling that for 40 cool bench sold that right bright and early in the morning for 150 cool table and chairs kind of an industrial look those went for $200 and our biggest items of the whole Locker were the awesome Danish furniture it was two dressers and we ended up selling those for $900 so the locker cost only five bucks between the auction fee the tax there's no dump fees six bucks into it and the sales we went over those items just before there's a few miscellaneous items at the flea market total sales fifteen hundred and thirty-five dollars that leaves a profit of over $1,500 1529 which is a whopping return on investment of twenty four thousand six hundred and eight percent that's crazy that's nuts hope you guys enjoyed that video and so if you guys like to hit your thumbs up subscribe and hit the notification button so you know when our next ones coming out I don't think we'll have quite the ROI that with this one did but it sure was fun from the moment that we saw the Walker nobody wanted to bid on it and then auctioneer let me take a sneak peak inand I offered that five bucks and he closed it out quick because he wanted to get it sold so it was pretty awesome a lot of doesn't look good and they actually put the photos up before the auction so we got a sneak peek with the photos but it was dark some of these turned backwards yeah and didn't look that good but I have to know about it it looked empty yeah empty all the treasures were hidden around the corner yeah when we took that peek around the corner I was like okay I'll go five bucks yeah there weren't many boxes but the boxes that were there we're good and the furniture turned out being the homework oh and all this stuff is so exciting because it wasn't your run-of-the-mill kind of thing I mean these were really high-end nice items you just don't come across them and they were actually really well taken care of every single glass and Bowl was like in pristine shape everything was in beautiful share taste all right you guys so stay posted we're gonna put out another video here very shortly on the next Locker but that's gonna do it for this one all right that's wrapping our best 5 dollar Locker ever okay so until next time good luck to you god bless you and we'll see you next time here on lock documents so locker probation maybe yeah I think you've probably earned it so I can buy more sure I think that's a good idea I can't keep doing this Vidya yeah maybe next time try to buy one for a $1 one dollar challenge taken I like it let's do it
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 215,877
Rating: 4.8438988 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, i bought an abandoned storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit, found in storage unit, Found cash, What's inside, MCM furniture, Mid Century Modern, Art Deco
Id: lqR6LgJg0vM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 50sec (1490 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 10 2019
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