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and we want to get back to our discussion on race relations in the United States plus pastor RC Blake's two and as leaders on the local level when we begin to combat with process I can still come to a place of victory in my personal development ultimately it is really not about who rejected you it is truly about who accepts you I had to provide for myself which is a met a father's job right I had to take care of my younger sibling which is what's my father's job right you will discover that you will find within yourself the power to see yourself in the way that only you and God can see [Music] hello hello hello this is RC Blake's and I am so excited to be able to talk to you today it's always a tremendous privilege to be able to share with you and I think all of you that just do so many different things to help make everything that I put my hand to a success I thank God for you thank you for buying my books buying my online program coming to my conferences when you're in the city of New Orleans and Houston stopping by my churches and I just thank God for you today I want to talk about let's talk about healing you know healing a healing of a broken heart same thing as a broken soul how do we come to a place of healing when we have been emotionally wrecked maybe even financially devastated by someone that we put tremendous confidence in maybe we were taken in by the game maybe the narcissist did his or her best work on us and now we're left here and they've moved on and we're left here to pick up the pieces we study we learn we grow but it still hurts what do we do with that the Bible says and of course my perspective always starts with the Bible the Bible says in proverbs 18 and 14 the spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity but a wounded spirit who can bear the first thing I would say to you is that it is it is imperative that you deal with the pain in your soul you cannot just mask it with nice it is you can't just cover it up with you know fake smiles or positive affirmations only that we run no deeper than your your vocal cords your voice box but in your heart you know that there is something totally opposite going on you have to deal with it because a broken spirit has a way of poisoning your life not only does a broken spirit a broken heart a broken soul not only will it poison your life if it is not dealt with in a timely fashion if it is not dealt with expeditiously it can also poison everyone that you encounter the intent of the emotional injury is not to impact the moment now listen to this very carefully the intent of the emotional injury when the enemy allows something or someone to impact us so severely that it leaves us broken changed forever the intent is not simply to impact the moment the attack on the soul is to strangle the future when when the enemy comes at you with everything that he has and he throws his best shot at you and he buckles you at your knees it's not about that moment the intent is an attack on your future when the soul is broken the person is divorced from him or herself it's like you're searching for yourself you just can't find yourself it's sometimes we put it in these terms I can't seem to get my rhythm back you know I and I'm just not feeling myself it's because the soul has been broken and it must be dealt with listen to how the message Bible version presents mark chapter 8 verse 36 in in the King James Version of the Bible that would say what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and then lose his soul listen to how the message Bible version reads what good would it do to get everything you want and lose you the real you what good would it do to get everything you want and lose you the real you there's some of you that are watching me right now who have not been in contact with yourself for years because the bitterness the pain the unforgiveness the anger the angst all of these things have covered you over and buried you under a pile of negative rubbish that was presented into your life or introduced into your life for the sole purpose of strangling your future this is why things like forgiveness are so important it's because when you hold on to this stuff and you allow this poison to just sit in your soul sit in your mind sit in your heart it's Stranglers your future now how do we know if the soul is broken number one you know that your soul has been broken your spirit has been crushed your heart has been broken when you cannot move on when you cannot move on recently I had a situation that it was hurtful I'll be lying to say it wasn't it was hurtful but the way I've conditioned myself now is that when I look at the situation and I realized that I I did the best I could do with it and that my heart and my intentions were proper and in order and I meant well by all persons involved once I conclude that I've done everything I can do and that I meant well and it's nothing that I can change I can't change another person's heart I've trained myself to move on so you know I mean I may be loan it for a day or so but after that it begins to dissipate and I move on because I don't have a choice I cannot allow my soul to become poisoned behind things that I cannot change like some of you you know you're allowing your soul to just sink deeper and deeper and deeper into a pit of self-pity behind decisions another person made that did not include you you can't change that sometimes that other person is your own child sometimes that other person is as a parent or even a spouse if a spouse doesn't want you anymore and they choose to divorce you what what can you really do with that you you know that your soul is broken when you cannot move on you know that your soul is broken when you you keep talking in past terms you know every conversation is about something in your past and and primarily something in your negative past it's not even positive events that you bring up the events you bring up all negative things that happen to you in your past I mean we can't go through you know a lunch or dinner breakfast without you occupying eighty percent of the time talking about somebody something that happened to you and your past you know that you're you know that your soul is broken because the healthy soul lives forward a healthy soul learns from the experiences of the past applies the wisdom in the present and then makes improvements in the future but you cannot move into future focusing on the past is like a man driving sir you know with his with his focus on the rearview mirror he's going to have a wreck sooner than later much sooner than later actually how do you know that your soul is broken when you can't make progress in your vision the thing you say that you were born in the world to do the thing that you say God ordained for you to do you can't make progress in that of course you can't make it because you stuck you know in a negative place that your your conversation is negative and so you can't make progress in your vision for thing how to know your soul is broken you're accomplishing a great deal but you're not happy you're not happy you're actually accomplishing a lot and on the surface you look like you look like you really have it going on you're an overachiever because somebody taught you that when your heart is broken the way you subsidize is to overachieve just put more you know so it's it's mascara therapy put more makeup over the bruise but you can put makeup over the bruise it doesn't make the pain go away at some point you got to deal with what's beneath the surface and give it time to heal over achieving without you know really processing what what is what has happened to you and what's going on in your own mind and heart is just you know putting off the inevitable for later data at some point you're going to have a collision a hit head-on collision with you know the issues of your heart now let's look at one two three four five things that I want to share with you today relative to what I call the healing process if you're really going to heal from this thing if you're you know your heart has been broken your soul has been broken you know from whatever from whatever and in most cases I know that the context that people come from is from relationships and quite frankly relationships are some of the most if not the most traumatizing experiences people have second probably to the death of someone that that we love dearly it would be bad relationship choices but number one in this process of healing would be you have to truly answer this question do I want to be hold do I want to be well do I really want to get over this do I really want to heal from this because his or is a truth as painful as dysfunction is it becomes a comfort zone when it's all you've known as painful as this function is it becomes a comfort zone when it's all you've known in fact about it as hurtful as the pain is sometimes you live with the pain so long you don't know how to live without it it has become your identity and really and truly in your own mind you have defined yourself as a professional victim in your subconscious and so sometimes you're crying and you're your bemoaning whatever it is that you've gone through whatever it is that has happened to you but if one were to cut through the many many psychological layers and get down to the nitty-gritty one might discover that you really do not have a desire you really do not have a desire to behold because you've lived with this so long you don't have an identity outside of it this is how ok you know we talked about recidivism with with you know minorities going in and out of jail to get out and somehow the system draws them back in and that very very true it's the system is set up to draw many minority groups back into prison consistently constantly with crazy laws and all kinds of things but knowing you know a few felons and knowing a few people myself personally I mean personally knowing some that have gone in and out of jail many times the reality for some of them has been and they've admitted this to me they don't have an identity outside of jail they've been in been in and out of jail since they were kids and not in the forties and and they come out into the world they don't know how they don't really know how to function in the world and so it the dysfunction becomes their norm and so sometimes they sabotage themselves intentionally because it's there though it's a dysfunctional place that no one should have to exist in it's a place that they feel most comfortable and sometimes in your pain in your experience sometimes the truth is that you really don't necessarily you would know what to do with yourself if you didn't have that to complain about and if you were suddenly relieved from the burden of that you don't really know what your identity would be because you have you have transmogrified yourself into a professional victim listen to what the Bible says in John and I know that that that comes hard but it's the truth in John chapter 5 verses 5 through 9 it says and a certain man was there which had an infirmity thirty and eight years when Jesus saw him lie and knew that he had been now a long time in that case he saith unto him do you want to be made whole the King James actually reads like this will thou be made whole do you want to be the impotent man answered him sir I have no man when the waters troubled to put me into the pool but while I'm coming another steps down before me jesus saith unto Him rise take up that bed and walking immediately the man was made whole took up his bed and walked and on the same day was was the Sabbath notice the man never answered the question Jesus said do you want to be he never said yes I want to be made whole the man went on to talk about how you didn't have I don't have nobody to put me in the water you're telling the water get troubled and you come down troubles the water and people get you but I don't ever get here girl I ain't got nobody Jesus ask ask the man do you want to be made whole there's nothing to reveal your psychology to you like your response to direct questions yeah not to go to fall off the track there's nothing to reveal the the inner workings of another person's mind like their response to direct questions when the person goes all the way around the world when it's a yes-or-no answer so number one you have to answer to a question do I really want to be whole number two in the process of of healing from this and I've taught this before I think on another social media platform I don't think I've done it on YouTube but the second the second step and these are not necessarily sequential but the second step would be that one must adopt safe relationships when you are healing emotionally when your soul is being repaired when when your heart is being mended you must adopt safe relationships when you look at the woman at the well who found her deliverance when she met Jesus in the Bible when she met a man being Jesus that came to take nothing away from her but to heal her and created a safe environment the woman then found her deliverance when you read the story you discover that her problem was that she kept going in and out of these illicit relationships with men that would not commit to her Jesus takes out of his time to meet this woman at a well in one of the few times in scripture where Jesus is by himself and I believe it is it is a therapy session that Jesus has with this woman it's private it's personal Jesus takes the conversation down into depths that the woman was trying to cover up and when he gets through with the woman bringing her into the safe zone the woman leaves that place the Bible says she drops her water pants and she runs into the city and she tells all of the men comes here man the thing that used to troubled her now she's conquered it because she had she discovered a safe relationship a sick soul will subconsciously long for the same type people that original original that originally heard it so you must intentionally search for safe people you can't continue to allow broken people into your life because broken people break people you have to search for safe people what are safe people safe people are people who have no agenda safe people are people who are not looking for anything from you safe people are people who have a relationship with you with no what's the word I'm looking for ultimatum safe people are people that you observe without them even realizing it and they prove to be what they what they say they are is what they prove to be safe people safe people who when they come into your presence you don't feel that you know that that what is the word I'm looking for apprehension in your spirit because the Spirit of God and you will guide you and give you an unction when something is not right safe people are people that love you and just promote you need nothing from you want nothing from you just love you for who you are they're not trying to change you they're not trying to scam you in a trendy they just love you for who you are now you don't have a lot of people like this that's the unfortunate thing but God will provide all of us with a sufficient number of people that are safe sometimes all you need is one this is why the Bible says in first John 4 and 1 beloved believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of God because many false representatives of God have gone out into the earth so you have to you have to go through a process where you test or vet people before you allow them to occupy a space in your heart but many times when the heart has been broken especially when it's relational or related to something relational the the first tendency is to run into the arms of someone else and you usually run into the same kind of person an unsafe individual number 3 you must have the difficult conversations you have to have the difficult conversations with yourself and when your heart has been broken I think the first conversation you need to have with yourself is you know how did I what part did I play in this you know because if a person has gotten into your life and if a person has wrecked your life it means that you opened the door nobody comes into your life unless you open the door in most cases and if if you are guilty of letting the person in why did you do that second question you have to ask yourself conversation you need to have with yourself what am i attracted to what am i attracted to if you know a lot of people are they love snakes and all of that that's not my thing it's not my thing all me and me and snakes don't need to be nowhere in the same vicinity and I know that they're everywhere but I'm certainly not gonna have 100 snakes around my house in cages and all of that because if one gets out and crawls up in the bed and wraps around you and kill you at night well you know the people who are gonna just report the snake did what snakes do and the man had the snake in the house you see so you you have to take response to a scure self you know how why did I let this why did I have this snake in my house what what what is it that's going on in my head that made me think it's comfortable to sleep in a room with with something weighing almost 200 pounds 18 feet long or whatever they are that can constrict and kill me or maybe it's that long but it has poison that can wipe me out in you know 10 minutes and it bit me I have to ask myself I have to begin to have these conversations you know now how do I change this you know you because I have to understand this that it is my nature to repeat the very same steps that brought me to this point it's my nature it's human nature to repeat what is familiar and the only way to get a different result is to do something different but you can't do something different until you think something different you can't think something different until you dismiss all of the thoughts that brought you to certain conclusions which means you have to have a personal conversation with yourself now some people say you crazy if you talk to yourself I say you crazy if you don't because I have to talk myself down off the ledge a lot because I understand the dysfunction that is the foundation of my psychology from a very young child and so there are many days that I don't have anybody around me to talk me you know back to a place of sanity so I have to have these conversations with myself have to stop timeout pause and I have to just sit and start talking to myself and I figure out what am i doing right now and where is this going to lead that's another question if I if I continue down the road like you said some of you're sitting there now and you've been somebody left for you and they they're long gone and you've been in in mourning mode for the last two months you've cut off all of your vital relationships you you may be on the verge of losing your job if you've not lost it because you've just dis you've just unplugged from the world you like off the grid you may be physically there but emotionally and psychologically and spiritually you ain't showing up and professionally and performance wise probably suffering as well and it's because you've not had these conversations if I continue doing what I'm doing what is this going to so you got to have these difficult conversations conversation is the cleanser of the soul now people get uncomfortable with me sometimes sharing as much of my personal failures as I do you know they said well you know you're a bishop you know and what that means is that's not like most of these people that run around here call themselves Bishop I don't I don't you know I don't know I don't understand why all that come from but I actually have pastors leaders of churches that submit to my leadership I'm a pastor of pastors real passes with real ministries and churches in fact about it not many weeks from now we're coming together fire annual gathering people coming from all over the nation they said well you're a bishop you you can't sit and with that hat on looking like that with that hat on you know why would you do that and talk about how you what you was a 15 y/o father and all the stuff you went through and how that you know how your sex life was perverted from very young and you you you became a whoremonger and you even preaching and and you we wasn't living what you was preaching you with preaching and running out in the street sleeping in fact you wouldn't even preach about that because you know you couldn't live it and how God took and delivered and said you shouldn't share all that you shouldn't share people get uncomfortable with me having my personal conversations but when I talk of my issues you have to understand it's my personal therapy it's the way I cleanse the palate of my soul now what you think about it wants us to say this in queen ology Las Vegas just a few weeks ago she said what and I'm paraphrasing what you think about me a my business so keep it to yourself what you think about me after I speak my truth and I cleanse my soul it's really not my business it's not even my concern I don't need you to think one thing or another about me I don't I don't need your opinion for my self-esteem I don't need your validation I need to talk about certain things because I can't live with that stuff just bottled up in my soul going around here acting like everything's everything when I know this is my truth only the truth is gonna make you free and going back to that woman that Jesus met at the well in John chapter 4 he has a conversation with her just go read John chapter 4 start up you know I guess somewhere around just read the whole chapter and he has a conversation with her and that's where I get the the term conversational ministry where he ministers to her mind and it's through the conversation that the woman is set free from her guilt or shame or pain and she's delivered and she's empowered through a conversation number 4 you got to stop sipping the poison of bitterness because bitterness is an emotional commitment to remain adhered to painful past you have to stop sipping the poison of bitterness you know and what do I mean by that you you have to stop you know sipping on a thing that constantly feeds you and tells you oh you have a right to be angry you have a right to be mad and you have a right to stew sit right here and just be angry for the next decade that's the end of the devil talking to you what he's doing is he's consuming your life you have to let that stuff go you cannot continue to sip the poison of bitterness Hebrews 12 and 15 says looking diligently lest any man field of the grace of God lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you and thereby many be defiled it's gonna spring up if you keep hold on the bitterness it's gonna spring up in trouble you and then number five you you have to expose the thing you've worked a lifetime to cover up you can't get free from emotional soul heart pain trauma as long as you walk around he's just healing begins at the point of exposure I don't know who I heard say that but that's not mine so I heard somebody say that healing begins at the point of exposure you know when you go to the doctor if you say well doc I'm having a problem in my abdomen I have a problem saying that words if I didn't see it right forgive me my stomach first thing they'll tell you to get out your clothes mm-hmm now a lot of times people don't want to get out their clothes at the doctor but healing begins at the point of exposure you have to expose the thing you've worked a lifetime to cover up this is one of the great advantages of having a true therapist or a counselor a real counselor not not not a nosy person just trying to get into your business but a real counselor you know and that is they give you what a safe place and they give you an opportunity to expose the stuff that you've been trying to cover up from the people that you've been trying to impress all of your life which are typically which is unfortunate but typically the people we lie to the most and try to hide our truth from our family members and friends people that really love us those are the ones we try to hide our truth from when the reality is that your healing is enix is is going to be in exposing the thing you've tried to cover up see I'm free I'm completely free that's why I can talk about my past with with such ease it's because it's my past it's not a present I'm free and because I'm free I'm able to live my life in a way that I can be proud of myself I'm able to live my life in a way that I feel like I made God proud I'm able to live my life in a way that honors my wife and my children and my family I'm able to live my life in a way that other people can look at me and they can take me as an example now the whole lot of other people who do what I do who've never shared their truth because they've not been delivered from it but my past is my past that's under the blood you said what you want with your religious self I don't care cuz you ain't got a key to heaven the hell to let me and want to keep me out the other I'm free and because I live in my truth I'm able to live truthfully you see what I'm saying because I exposed that thing you can't cover anything you hide a cover will grow now I'm not telling you to go and expose your truth to the world like I do everybody everybody's not known to be crazy like this but there's a purpose for me doing what I do transparency is freedom transparency is freedom the currency of freedom is transparency if you really want to be free you got to find somebody somewhere that you can actually be transparent with the Bible says in John 8:32 and ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free now sometimes God puts us in what I call a transparent predicament that's what happened with that woman at the well with Jesus she didn't know it what she was walking into when she walked up on that well but Jesus put her unknowingly in a transparent predicament because when God wants to get you free he brings you into a situation when he brings somebody into your life that puts that mirror right in your face it makes you look at it wipe all of the mascara off and look at the scars and deal with it for real this is your season and this is your time to be free to be made free from all of the pain all of the hurt all of the trauma and I know that God has me talking about this today because it's time for you now to walk in Liberty like you've never known before now I pray for you father thank you for this time that I've had to share with the people of God and now god I can feel the pain I can feel the wounded hearts and now God I ask you by your Holy Spirit to apply a healing balm to every person that's under the sound of my voice or is watching this this message letting supernatural healing take place in their hearts right now there are supernatural deliverance let a freedom come upon them like the ever they've never known nor that they expect I thank you for it now father in the name of Jesus Christ amen now I'm RC Blake's and hey if this is your kind of thing I'd love for you to join our family subscribe become a part of our family today don't forget to stop by my website RC Blake's com sign up for my sign up for my email list and guess what you can download it right there on my website it's made available to you a book that I wrote entitled the laws of manifesting your vision a real book it's out of print but it's a real book and you can download the eBook version for free all you got to do is sign up and it'll give you the promptings and tell you exactly what to do but you got to go sign up for my mailing list my email list to access it don't forget to go by Amazon pick up all of my books stop by my own web store RC Blake's dot-com you just tap on store and you can see workbooks for queen ology workbooks a study guides rather for a queen ology study guide for father-daughter talk queen ology apparel and things like that and also just you know look under my live events and see where I'm going to be next I may be coming to your area you never know some of those events are you know I go to speak for other people that churches and many times I'm in you area and it's usually after I've been there and come out you see pictures and you say I didn't know you were here well sign up from a myth my email list and and you'll always know well I love you I can hear them my voice is tired but I wanted to just share this with you today and I pray that you got something out of it I'm RC Blake saying to you once and again you're on top and you're going higher God has more in store for you so guess what I will see you at the top god bless you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: RC Blakes, Jr
Views: 64,464
Rating: 4.9506822 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 34sec (2314 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2019
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