OPENING THE SAFE from the GUNS & SAFES LOCKER bought at the abandoned storage auction!

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either collecting on my exactly sure why this is why we do storage lockers right here well I don't know that looks pretty dang smooth doesn't it I've had this tub literally sitting in my closet free here you last time on Locker nuts I bought this unit last December because I had a gun safe front and center it was a wise play as there were indeed guns but there was also a lot of other great stuff all in all this wound up being one of my best buys of 2018 but there's still more boxes to go through a safe to open and a few items that need a closer look including the guns and the supposed Rolex watch let's see what else there is define and wrap up this three-part video series all right what's up locker nuts we are going to do something a little bit different this time so I'm rolling some of the unboxing but I'm just gonna go fast-forward here because I just wanted to give you an idea like how many boxes we went through and this is just a portion of it and in you know kind of the general items that come out most of it was clean most of it was there's a lot of toys and little girl stuff I think the guy had daughters I'm not sure but if you're new to the channel just let you know this is part 3 of a video series that i put out from a locker i bought last year this footage is a year old but it's one of the best lockers i bought last year and in the first two episodes you would see the items that came out incredible stuff i found why I bought it because there was a gun safe in front I paid 825 bucks and immediately it was unlocked two rifles come out we found so much good stuff in the unit look tossed it looked junky but we found we found a guitar electric guitar and amp we found a shotgun we found a big old toolbox and air compressor lots of tools and let's see another safe in it and maybe a Rolex so it's just been great we've been finding all kinds of good stuff but this stuff yeah I'm not gonna go through it slow because it's just not that interesting we'll go through fast-forward you can see all the toys their little girl toys you know what the stuffs all great at the flea market we didn't we did really really well with this unit overall at the flea market and that's fun but you see I mean it was good stuff it was higher-quality it was clean some of the stuff you know I had a little damage like that pink bucket right there was split down the side just normal wear and tear stuff or stuff that got damaged put in storage but overall it was a clean Locker the prior owner was a clean person in very often that said way too often we buy them they're dirty and gross but this one was there was a actually a pleasant surprise cuz I didn't think it'd be that clean based on the appearance of the unit but it's in a good zip code it's actually not far from my house I love buying here and yeah it's what can I say 825 bucks we did really well on this one you seem to go through a tool box here and pulling out a few things I forget why but usually I pull things out the dibbs you know add it to my toolbox it's probably what I'm doing here just point out a couple things that I want to keep or that I need or both but tools also really really good sellers at the flea market easy money there's a little hot dog piggy bank a few coins there and here's some photo albums there's a lot of photo albums in there photo albums are kind of a drag because I do have to put them aside and then have to go back to the facility and return them it's just what we do is a courtesy to the prior owner so if they did want to get those back they can there's no charge for it but yeah I prefer not to find them personally but we usually do and here's just a big a little B little box just random junk äj-- I love it these are fun to go through there's games there's an Xbox right there some special green I think is a comp duty version or something there's a camping lantern you saw a piece of football placard or something coming out the guy was into sports he's in the video games he's obviously into guns and he had at least one daughter maybe two so there's a lot of toys that's cool makes it fun it's good stuff to sell at the market a little portable DVD player just a lot of stuff a lot of stuff I've brought a lot of these boxes back home because I only had 48 hours to clear off the unit it was a 10 by 10 and there's a fair amount they're more than I even thought there was and we also were experiencing a storm so there's rain involved so that limits what I can do or can't do and everything got to get in the garage and go through it a little bit slower there you see me going through a photo album and I'm starting to scan things cuz I'm seeing some interesting stuff we'll tell you what we're gonna take a closer look at that in just a second a lot of 80s memorabilia in there and there's some baseball cards there's almost 80 stuff to you baseball card 80 is not so good toys and other stuff from the 80s can be very collectible and very valuable here's just some more toys dollies and stuff nothing big ticket nothing but interesting another dolly and there's little feathers probably one of those things when you get married you sign the guestbook with the feather it's cool yeah more photos and the photo album so there's some another miscellaneous box right here but what's that in there it's a ps3 and that's a good fine it's not super valuable either but I just like finding video games there you got some fairy wings wish those were more than a dollar each but that's what they sold for and then here's a miscellaneous box with like some little glass trinket stuff that's why you see the bubble wrap little glass like elephants and things but hey look at that there's some money hidden in the cup and not too bad I don't think it was that much but I do see a 5 in there soon nice alright I've been shooting with the GoPro I got some good footage I mean I don't know maybe some good footage but this guy caught my attention here an old photo album definitely from the 80s I just want to show you got a bunch of stickers and Garbage Pail Kids these things are collectible now I'm not exactly sure why I don't get it they're okay at the time all right we're in Stockton this morning and since we put the stuff out there's a layer of ice on it a lot of the items here's these doors knockin pirate becoming video all right little update because it's been a few days here sold the air compressor yesterday for 116 super happy to see that gone just because it was taking up so much room my garage I'm slowly getting through stuff but it's just really difficult getting through stuff like for example this box right here I got like a whole bunch electronics and stuff I gotta go through and test everything if I want to sell it but I mean look up the value first he puts even more testing and then test it and then photo list it bla Papa so let me show you something this sold online they should call Walter Bay all right what's up locker knows we're at the lot new movie theater and Plaza here in San Ramon [Music] super tall ceilings nasty suppose the good food starting with the beer before the movie is gonna see Clint Eastwood right probably we haven't made up our minds holy but we're going to see the meal [Music] do you want to go back to Bo Bardi place and she said sure okay all right we got a big storm coming tonight big storm so I had to get everything in which includes the tool box which is outside under tarps so I got this key and I found this poem is gonna work I think I've been through everything and one of these keys would have turned up by now but there's a chance maybe he locked the top key in the bottom and then locked the bottom this is where I found it bottom cabinet roller that's why I found the king so I don't know I don't remember what box I found this in a bit that's how I found it so front and center gun safe right that one was easy because it was unlocked but let's not forget to the corner there was a little or safe not that small really but it's more than the gun safety but it was locked so we took that home can you believe it I sat on that for three months three months I had it sitting in the garage kind of got buried so it wasn't thinking about it really but I knew I wanted to open that but I was saving it for something I didn't know what worked out to be perfect because I had two of my friends come over to help me you might recognize these guys storage auction pirate and storage stalker so we aired this clip back thinking April March April ish I don't remember exactly but you may have already seen it but in case you didn't I'm gonna roll the clip right now we opened it so you can see what was inside did you write all that ones I did [Music] not that I never done this before I've never cracked a safe look at the teamwork these days stand on it hashtag teamwork teamwork makes the dream work we should get contracts with century there was a reason why they wanted this oxygen to be stayed and stored in here and we basically just let it out and that's the way it goes sometimes patience is a virtue okay so that is the way most safes go for me and I think for most people in this business really empty or full nothing really paperwork pictures whatever but yeah is all right because this locker was still great regardless I'm not gonna get too bummed about the safe just have some great stuff and including those three beautiful rifles that we found let's take a closer look at that and I'll tell you exactly what we got there all right first up we've got this shotgun that we found it's a Mossberg maverick 88 it's a decent little shotgun 12-gauge you know what's terrific about this I do not own a shotgun and I definitely wanted to own a shotgun problem solved I'll be keeping it but it's not terribly expensive it run about two hundred and thirty nine dollars brand-new so used yeah we're not talking about big fine here but still how cool is that and I still have a ton of 12-gauge shotgun shells from that hunters that duck hunters locker I found so I'll be set for a while this is fun alright this rifle here is a black-powder rifle so kind of like a modern-day musket you would put the bullet in and pack it with powder BPI is the name there you see it's made in Spain and 50 caliber this legit I don't know what do you go bear hunting or something with that it would definitely be for a larger game I would assume not terribly expensive I saw one listed online for like two hundred and twenty bucks but that I have seen that a couple at auction have gone for under $100 for that price I don't know I might just hold on to it even though I don't see myself shooting this alright now this is legit right here this is the crown jewel in my collection right now because this is the best rifle I've ever found this rifles from 1915 it's over a 100 years old and that puts it at World War 1 era pretty dang cool it is a British Enfield rifle number one mark 3 if you want to look it up very very interesting and it seems to be in decent shapes not in perfect shape but it is definitely in decent shape I've heard that these are fun to shoot and people still go deer hunting today with these I'm not much of a hunter but I do think I'm definitely been holding on to this one and perhaps shoot it at some point someday but yeah just see cool factor on this I've showed people that come over my house this rifle definitely this piques everyone's interest this thing is just this is why we do storage lockers right here it's awesome all right yes - check this out I've had this tub literally sitting in my closet for a year why did this one make it to the closet well because this have nice stuff in it and I wanted to get lost in the garage or put with junky stuff and brought out to that junky flea market we go to so here's that Rolex yep or Folex not still not sure quite but I'm pretty sure it's a fake on the back it's got some markings when I google the markings I do see that they say like this is the common markings of a very good fake but it is nice it is nice here what do we got you know I don't remember some of this stuff because it's been so long coach bagg oh this is coach says right there coach so what is this stinkin photo album okay little coach photo album it's got a little bit of marks on the front like it's been stuff is pressed on it but maybe a scratch or scuff or two but not too bad it's coach coaching too shabby all right here's some of those coins we already looked at those in the last episode anniversary coin still gotta look up those and see if they're I don't think these are silver I think these are just collector pieces but this is silver silver bullion coin lunch one ounce proof such a cool weight well I'll just show you just case using the last episode don't mean the t's yeah yeah pretty huh this is nice this is the real deal this I don't know okay geez why did this even get in here Giants is pretty cool um engraved glass piece definitely will find a buyer for that but it's not I'm not talking about a lot of money that's a feel like a piece forgot about this Oh ding that's a nice multi-tool oh really nice so Gerber Wow okay I guess Gerber makes nice products like this because this feels really nice I think this is aluminum he feels really like almost soft to the touch in the when it works very smooth there's a good product right here I might just keep that wasn't it off camera thank you very much there's a Walmart gift card I think I already went through that no this is 30 bucks on the back here's some business cards left off blah can I help mauston credit card looks like the guys I worked at Mazda cuz we found a lot of monster stuff and I'm finding like Mazda credit cards probably work hard he's a gift card good through May niveau nine that's not good anymore there's another Visa gift card good through June of Oh eight also not good anymore let's go mmm Mazda Hyundai you had a couple of training for certifications for the company definitely he worked there this is a nice little wall it's not seeing too much use salvatore ferragamo okay no wonder felt nice so if you saw my video from just a few videos ago i found that person terragamo purse sold it for 200 bucks here we got a ferragamo wallet huh alright i'm have to look that up to you here's another collector coin these are cool I'll put them aside I don't usually sell these be great if that was real silver then maybe we'll get lucky keys oh I hope those aren't the keys for the toolbox did I drilled open and I forgot about this look at this probably Davidson established 1903 it's a pocket watch Oh ding that's cool that is really cool very nice Gill's high-quality it's got some weight to it that's neat harley-davidson stuff is good look for that on my ebay store most likely where that's headed Northwest Territory it's another multi-tool it's cool it's not nearly as a quality of the other one but you know what if you get stuck in your car and you need a tool put that in the glove box even if it's not fancy it's still gonna still gonna bail you out potentially this is just a really nice little knife it's got looks like JM engraved on there this is a nice piece oh it's sharp extremely sharp that's a nice little piece right there huh look at that you guys I didn't remember finding this here we are a year later right since I found stuff u.s. Rangers law enforcement BLM Oregon Medford district that is very cool it almost reminds me of the challenge coins that we find the military challenge coins that we found a whole bunch of those in the locker that's what this feels like and I wonder if it's similar for law enforcement I'm gonna put that with the other coins I've gone because it's another thing that I likely won't so I just hang on to that I don't know why I put this aside you guys thinking it might be gold it's not gee I you STI beastie well check it out you can almost see it right hmm how about that I just learned something new I can show you guys stuff a little bit more close-up there's that crucifix re here's the rosary beads they're very nice and someone was kind enough to translate that for me it's in French and here's that wood crucifix I know that's a couple people have asked about these I mean I've actually got like four different viewers emailed me about these pieces will be looking those up and seeing the value harley-davidson this guy's not going to get busted open because as much as I like the busting open this most likely has some value 2002 it's a little bit older but we don't have to bust it open it's got that ready I see some chuck-e-cheese chucky cheese chuck the cheese chucky cheese alright well that's not bad right so we will add that to our coin star jug right over here it's over there and no need to count it up but I'd say probably and it's the easy three or four bucks right there and a few games chucky cheese this says 30 bucks on the back someone wrote 30 bucks but it's only a dollar 53 but add it to the profits one last look at this watch I don't talked a lot about it so it sure looks impressive definitely looks like it could be real but you know one of the comments I mean one of the observations I had from the very beginning the edges on it just feel a little sharp like when you run your finger over it's impossible to tell on the camera when you run your finger over it feels just a little bit sharp on the edges like it's just not polished I mean that's one thing I would say the other thing is well for one this this button right here it doesn't I can't do with one hand but when you push it in you're supposed to turn it and it stays in it does not something's got stripped out or something it's constantly out the other thing is these buttons right here are fake buttons they do press I think that this is what they're supposed to do is work the little dials somehow but it doesn't seem to do anything these dolls don't move unless there's something else that I don't know about the last thing is there's a little bit of like oh is it like corrosion started on the band I think it can just be polished right off looks like a couple house rub it off I don't know the middle it is pretty but just doesn't feel perfectly right this on the other hand is definitely real bollocks because this is my Rolex is what Gianna bought me for our wedding this is our wedding gift or her wedding gift to me and look at these two side-by-side I'm obviously they're different different styles different colors the Rolex in there definitely looks like it could be real right quality looks about the same now let's look at that second hand because that's one thing people say like on a Rolex it's almost smooth like it doesn't take it doesn't go tick tick tick tick tick it just as smooth well I don't know that looks pretty dang smooth doesn't it it really does I mean I just think it's a great fake still holding on the hope that maybe it's real and someday but Gianna said that she thinks she did bring this into the jeweler and they said yeah not real but you can see side-by-side with the real one in a fake one definitely hard to tell but the finish on this just doesn't look super good to me you can see the finish on this it's about as nice as it gets and the edges here and not sharp I'm not sure it doesn't like scratch your finger when you run it over like this one does and that's the kind of stuff with a real fine craftsmanship they're gonna they're gonna look at every single detail so I hope you all enjoyed this video this was part 3 so if you haven't seen the first two parts go back and check them out if you would please it's good stuff but that was actually kind of fun for me so we got that locker a year ago shot most of that footage a year ago except for the stuff that I just went through and took a closer look at the guns it was a lot of fun though because I've actually put that little bin away in my closet for the past year going through it I didn't remember some of the items so that was kind of fun to go through it again it's like wow we got some good items even like that wallet I didn't realize that was a decent little wallet it's probably worth about 50 bucks it's used and I think we get 50 bucks on eBay the little harley-davidson pocketwatch that's a Franklin man I think and it's not worth that much maybe like 30 bucks most of those coins are you know collect these collector coins they're just garbage they're made with very thin layer of silver on it there's nothing to I'm gonna just I don't know I don't know just tricking people out of their money that's all they really are they're not good for nothing the silver coin is the one cool but um yeah a couple nice little pieces I'm gonna keep some of the stuff and you know that was the thing about this locker I'm not gonna show you the the total you know go through all this stuff because I can't so much of the good stuff so the blue toolbox we did drill off the lock on top open it with a bunch more tools in there sold them did great at the flea market but my dad really liked that toolbox so gave it to him and that's in his garage now that navy blue craftsman I hadn't seen one before so I don't know how common they are but it was definitely cool I was gonna upgrade mine but my dad wanted it so I was like cool I love that um the guns obviously I kept all three so I'll probably sell at least one or two of them at some point but it's not right now if any it's gonna be that black powder one because I just don't see myself shooting that's too much work if you ask me but it's just not worth that much so maybe someone made me a decent offer on that I'll let that go but the shotgun no way not until I find a nicer one and the antique rifle so the value on that I've been told is somewhere between five to eight hundred I've had a couple of people tell me it might be as much as a thousand so just so you know that's a that's a range I'm super happy with that but to me you know I don't really keep very many things along term out of lockers there's only a couple pieces and those are the really exceptional pieces and that rifle is one of them that's definitely exceptional so anyways we sold a lot of this stuff you heard me mention a few prices like the compressor sold for 160 we'd sold that little PSP I found that in the very beginning sold that for 80 bucks we had a big TV Westinghouse TV 46 inch I think 80 bucks there's a lot of like boom-boom-boom that key said I think we sold it for like so five bucks or something that the locksmith little pins and everything tumblers I don't know what they call I forget but yeah really good locker overall we sold about eight a little over 1800 bucks 2,000 bucks I take that back we sold 2000 bucks on that I know we cleared a thousand in profit so that's not too bad we cleared a thousand we did the toolbox guns and we still have a little selection of stuff to sell there easily a hundred and two hundred bucks in little smalls over here oh and don't forget I also kept this to you this is just one of those pieces too can't let this go this is only worth maybe 80 to 100 bucks I think and yeah for that price and just go on my personal collection so I don't have a very big collection but there's this locker couple pieces are making it so that's one of the reasons why this was one of my favorite lockers of 2018 I hope you guys enjoyed the little flashback series we did from here forward we're gonna show you new stuff so starting with a palette auction the palette auction went to last month lost 120 esterday but let's show you last month first tons of great stuff tons of great stuff and lots of video so you guys are gonna love it alright if you love this one shoot me the thumbs up show me that you like what we do taking you on these adventures with us showing you what we find because we sure enjoy it I hope you guys do too and subscribe to the channel if you haven't yet I really appreciate it alright we've got the next one coming out hopefully tomorrow and that's gonna be the palette good good stuff very exciting auction great finds all right so you're gonna love it until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on locking up
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 18,414
Rating: 4.9305444 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit, found in storage unit, Found cash, What's inside, Huge profit potential, Locked Safe, What's in the safe, Found gold, Opened Safe
Id: o41ISDs2eZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 5sec (2045 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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