UNPACKING THE PALLETS and FINDING SHOES & GREAT STUFF we bought at the moving and storage auction!

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magic cards don't touch she just tells quality for down the second wait what what yeah baby check that out right there [Music] previously on locker nuts I attended a different type of auction this was a pallet auction put on by a moving company I bought about 10 pallets from four different Lots including a large lot containing a couple of guitars I filled my truck and trailer to the brim and headed home so far we've seen comics vinyls high quality brands like North Face and a brand new silver ring from Hawaii there's still so much to go through so let's see what we find today Jenna's listing furniture these are nice pieces and we're delicious think of it on 25 enough I really think we should ask 115 10 bucks yeah all right so we're just now digging in Len are you helping Hey are you hoping just like one of our kids yes the help they start running here's here's what we have to go through this is Sunday rain supposed to come maybe as early as Tuesday night so tomorrow I'll be at the flea market all day or at least the first half of the day so not a lot of time so here we go now we start what we do stacks for stop Stockton stacks for the dump stacks in there for a better flea market over there's eBay we'll get the processing this is the fun part all right guys here we go this one we looked in before so we knew that this is gonna be good x-men Sabretooth this all newer stuff shadow huh this what is this I think I've had this one before I mean just recently I think we found it it's really pretty don't know if it's worth something excellent Man O'War Superman had that one recent thank you Brigade what works that's nice yeah it's all metallic so really fancy covered you see this cover I mean the plastic okay it's like more like a case you see that's like a hard light almost like a box there's another one I'm gonna have to look these up cuz I'm not familiar with them I enjoy that but obviously not right the second cuz I'm super busy Batman spawn Sabretooth nothing to image in Dark Horse Comics there okay so here we got an Oakland Coliseum in 25 years 1991 that's vintage okay now this is interesting important cards it says magic cards don't touch it's not magic for that's a bummer to Marvel a bunch of Marvel cards I don't think those are nearly as collectible as magic cards see bad this one says Marvel masterpieces 93 to 94 that's what it looks to be bunch of Marvel cards it's cool these four cards 87 to 90 that's some of the worst years right there so mass-produced okay I'm not gonna go through those I just don't care alright the dark book here's some cards that are in this really thick plastic again like almost like boxes Ted Williams I don't know if these are worth anything I would say not but I don't ever find cards that are worth anything but these ones because this is such an expensive case to put them in I hadn't imagined maybe they're worth protecting somebody thought they weren't protecting so I'm gonna have someone take a look at these somebody that knows a bunch of Marvel cards again yeah I'd really rather have magic cards okay oh yeah our pokemons be great so already this looks like we're kind of splitting them up when we refer them the good Locker and the bad line meaning it's a nick is this electronics maybe this is the bad Locker so far we found a huge lot that we bought for 500 is really good and then the two pallets I bought are not very good at all look at that that's something for drugs what that spoon and that look what's a syringe for my gloves on you should do that I do like what I see right here though you get that out and say Oh three phones oh yes you have seen this chick was tough I have a feeling that's got like all these little cell phone batteries but all those will go to the battery recycle all right so compressor in here some books a candle a travel guide and a cookbook and a pump we needed a new pump so sweet is this a new pump for the up and down okay so I won over everything else in the air already so we're done with the spot it's like sage or something right just like the stuff that you burn the way she'll though pretty okay I've got another box here and this looks oh yeah it's almost like the stuff is good locker [Music] French basket here which is more Nets is for like some really nice little glass right here so you just tells quality oh my goodness guys look at this tons more music oh wow look at that the Smith's a box set this is like it's not just music can we get music all the time it's like it's like it's burning new music it's like it's like if you see like there's not this does not even scuffed up like this this gal was really very clean it took very good care of her stuff now last bus is junky it's like I know immediately when I go from there empty when I go from there good then to the bad man cuz it is funny different stuff quite the difference just much nice cords earphones what's that called don't know Thunderbolt it's a firewire cable from that cost nothing I miss good stuff it's nothing hold on a second wait what what okay well that's the $100 card and scratched off shouldn't show that to you probably is nothing but you never know right you never know more is amazing this one palette is a disaster this terrible stuff I don't think you really felt anything get it on this locker I mean this is not in this part of it alright let's hope this is the better Locker it is for sure look at that bunch of overwrap stuff that's plastic a special man little plays good Christmas stuff though it's cool banana and smooch it up gonna be cheap maybe this isn't the next day all right this is everything is really greasy I can touch here is tacky to the touch you tell just as almost like it's covered with a film I don't know best when people smoke be something stuff smell like cigarettes with this particular box doesn't can also be some cookie with like lots of wills and stuff and having a kitchen forever you displaying these pieces big old ship you know why are you can keep that just another box good news is it's got the girl's name on here that's the better lock okay that's cool just when parents think their work is done they become grandparents that's [Music] cool this guy just a wood journal but isn't he cool and original by Lester Clark white sand beach and make us a tourist thing so the guy went to Jamaica at some point and very nice very light it's pretty got some spoons here another touristy thing Camden S&C Milan I don't know let the market sort it out okay when we get in here bro sup bro mmm these little bracelet rubbery bracelet things that's cool I will give that to my daughter to put in her eighth grade flea market they will sell they will sell got some tickets here some concert tickets live 105 presents not so silent night I've been to one of those before this is in 2000 that's 19 years ago and this one is prodigy Green Day two stages and more Wow BFD 1998 wait maybe this girl wasn't that young I don't think I was at that one I've been to some PFDs also I've been to quite a few concerts in my day like some silver stamp something rare yeah it's cool another diary very pretty let's go get there everything little dream all right guys another box with this is starting to become is is this a box from the good lot or is this a box from bad lock when I open if it's a good Lots like yeah if it's a opening the bad ones like more garbage I know right away because the clothes are clean I know that sounds crazy but it is the other one is like these are polar opposites like the good ones are Oakland dish Oakland dish I mean it's actually really you gotta like Oakland what's the city nearby it's a nice American Apparel that's a nice sweatshirt you gotta like Oakland but um really these lockers were polar opposites this one everything is clean nice high-end alternative Earth the other one everything is dirty disgusting in garbage it really is right down the lines like that Supreme Being created first Supreme Being I think when I first opened I thought oh this is a North Face or something it feels that kind of quality we got here title fight Gildan still it's nicer nice core really nice cars here there's a gap I just like Brittany a nice guy here it's a good cold weather clothes there's some good clothes in here brand this one's brand new it says brand new it's cool it's got a fingerprint like they're very very cool games alright the National that's a group right isn't this a try Plan F 497 the National isn't that the own rock group the National maybe this is from the classroom okay so what do I see here I see my goodness there's a ton of t-shirt - okay I'm not gonna go through all this cuz I'm starting to eat money right you just like to see if I got any northeast here American Eagle it's good yeah baby check that out right there stinkin North Face Wow that's all I guess to say is Wow okay this one Jam is gonna have to go through and maybe my girls will even wanna dibs some of this please please I hope so extra larges well big for my girls but it is really nice that's nice okay next box what do you guys think good or bad either way yeah it's good I could tell right away it's good clean to lose clean cup comforters this is a nice blanket right here it's really soft beautiful hose baby that's money this is empty but that doesn't mean that be able to find them all packaging this gal was like it's super super organized she kept all the packaging that's great oh yes this is another good one oh are you nor case get get adidas okay that's no brand on that one but who cares alright next one I'm almost gonna spree dick that I think it's good just because the way the tape was I felt like it's professionally yes [Music] yes this is so good guys these are fans these are vans their vans their vans there are five pairs of hands in here in this justice back just right me right there five five pairs oh yes yeah they don't war maybe sees little fuzzies and they're from the socks but barely oh my goodness oh my goodness that is a really nice very cool I'm not really from there Tom's I know the brand I that brand new kitchen towels there's some used up kitchen chairs just kitchen tells um brand new displace brand new dish cloth my goodness those are going home with this that's what I say bit anjana usually some different but they got a go that's pretty nice smart it's art alright got more books I just consolidating the book box of books these are I mean guys this like this could be in the bookstore they're burnt like Bernie like look at that none of the spines even have creases there's no like flip corners there's no dirt and then handle the dirty ones like most of the stuff in the other oh I see something good in there hang on oh yes this is film for instant cameras my daughter's have one or two of these little cameras that's good it's empty box okay what the heck Pokemon go brand-new $35 with it what is this it is open instant stain remover that's good oh that's good got some nice batteries there I use these we use this I'll put those in my bedroom in here this instant this is great this is the same as what my daughters have oh wow okay she did take it out she probably used it look at this thing look at this thing Instax wide 300 do that thing mungus it's almost like a cartoon it's a toy alright we're gonna definitely look this up not brand new but make mostly stuff this girl hair she's kept it like it's just like me okay guys are you digging this as much as I am that was a great day going through boxes so much fun so much fun great stuff the shoes the clothes I mean I I just want this to keep going forever I just didn't want the end but it will end eventually but not now and not in the next episode we got a lot more boxes to go through and a lot of great more stuff to find alright you guys so thanks for watching if you enjoyed this please hit the thumbs up all right just show me that you like this sort of thing seeing is going on ventures find palace buying lockers whatever we buy we're sharing that with you subscribe to the channel if you haven't yet and hit that Bell notification so that you'll be notified when we put out the next video alright thank you so much for watching we really appreciate it next one will be out very soon but until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on lock it up [Music]
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 15,988
Rating: 4.9484396 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage pallet and found, found in storage unit, Found cash, What's inside, Huge profit potential, Locked Safe, What's in the safe, Opened Safe, I bought a pallet, pallet auction, storage pallet, moving company
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 4sec (1684 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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