EMOTIONAL! Lady buys back her stuff at the vault auction for a moving & storage company. We also buy

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never been to one of these so i'm super excited how about 50 for this one 2.25 300 now 350. 300 now 350 to 350. now four lady gaga locker back did you see that no yeah life changed and i ended up having to put it in storage just never have been in the position to pull it out right and this happened so what was the process like with them yeah how much did you spend probably 20 thousand dollars you aren't you could buy that when he was younger kind of animal what kind of animal do you think that is um this looks like a duckbill platypus yeah do we think there might be a gun somewhere in some of these all of these boxes check those out um oh good morning locker nuts all right it is like eight o'clock saturday morning just about eight o'clock and i'm on my way to an auction yes auction on saturday it does happen sometimes not that common but this particular auction is going to be exciting in fact last time i went to this auction i got this right here that's right that's where i got it it's a moving and storage auction they sell vaults okay so you see me go to vault auctions before that's what this is i think the last time they had one was like two years ago so they're not very common but um yeah i think there's gonna be a lot of people i think it's gonna be pricey today that's just my feeling everyone's getting their stimulus checks you know recently i have a feeling it's gonna be nuts let's get on the road all right so this is a vault auction put on by moving and storage company and they call it a vault because each of those wood boxes are called vaults all right that's an industry term apparently so what you're seeing is a bunch of them open up some of the contents removed and what you see inside still is usually furniture primarily furniture they leave the furniture inside then they pull the boxes out and put the boxes in nice stack so you can see some stacks over there they lot them up so you're bidding on one stack and the stack might be six boxes it might be ten boxes it might be fifteen and then you're also bidding on the furniture inside the vault still so they they the auction companies figured out this is the best way to maximize their money they sell things for more money when they break it up like that and that benefits their customer which is the moving storage company doesn't necessarily benefit us except now we have the option to not buy the furniture and there's a piano right there so sometimes that's a really good thing i don't want to buy pianos i'm not equipped to move a piano so um but i just want boxes so this allows me to only buy boxes but i have to pay more for it so there's a good side and a bad side if people come into the auction for furniture wind up getting a very very good deal usually so here we're just kind of walking around i got there early there are notes on the boxes as to what are the contents you can also push the boxes around here i got some picture packs kind of move them around see how heavy they are that's an indication of what type of items might be inside um if the boxes are open meaning the tape's gone you're able to open it and look inside but they ask you to not take the tape off do not cut them open um so anyways here's one that has some interesting stuff like that wicker swing chair swing thing right there so i like odd items i like things that are a little different but obviously we were looking for things of higher quality right and what i didn't like is that most of the items in this auction were owned by the same person it also has the owner's name written on the vault or the boxes and um i didn't get a good feel for this owner and didn't see the high-end items that i usually like right here you see some antiques is a different owner but most of the stuff i'd say more than 50 percent of stuff was from the same owner and uh i wasn't really feeling it all right so here janet and christina our friend christina show up and uh they're about to get part of the action as well all right christina you excited to be here so excited first option never been to one of these so i'm super excited yeah it's a good one to start with yeah lots of stuff to look at hola come on all right on this ball here here we go how much i'm going to be in here we go it's going to be 151 gonna be 100 it's going to be 50. you're going to be 5th let me be 50. 75 50. now 75. 50 something now 75 going to be 75 75 it'd be 75 getting around 75 last call fair warning at 1575. that's it guys thanks for coming we're done all right sell this one here how much open uh nothing came out okay this is all like that okay here we go gonna be a hundred gonna be one again the pads stay guys the pads stay looks like a barbecue up there gonna be hundreds how about 50 for this one then it'll be fifty fifteen fifty fifteen bills if not i could come back to it i could do that let's come back to this one give me uh 150 on this one the pads stay give me one fifth at every one fifty one fifty you gotta be 150 100 bucks 100 no no give you where's the southern california right here 100 125 now 150 150 now 175 wow 175 175 pitcher packs in all 175 175 they're going to be 2. now 225 that'll be 225. do it but now 225. gotta be 225 it'll be 225. 102.25 last call fair warning until they're gonna be now two w25 so for 200 you're on the books number a little bit how about y'all on the sofa nice one clean could be fifth it'll be fifth three fifty it's gonna be fifth it'll be gonna be fifth it'll be fifty fifty dollars it's gonna be fifty fifty it'll be twenty five now thirty five twenty five now thirty five it'll be thirty five nice and clean twenty five minutes thirty five it'll be thirty five it'll be 35 i'm gonna be 35 35 bill 35 out 50. 50 50 60 50 now 60 don't look at him look at me 60 last call bill yes yep yep i don't don't talk with your hands so i'm going to sell the trunk in the washington give me fifth that'll be 50 50 for the pair 25 50. i got it already 35 50. now 60 600 70 for the pair six up now seventy three seven of now eighty eight eight albeit but now nine he'd have been on ninety for the period but now ninety now ninety to no one hundred got to be a one now they could have down one it's gonna be one hundred down one ten hundred one ten one ten i'm going to 110 110 120 120 130 121 30 gonna be 130 120 now 130. so for 120 10. all right give me a hundred hundred for all this right here 100 125 for the pot two piles 2125 the 125 150 one-fifth or 175 now two you're going to be through now 225. 25. 225. 25.50 for all this 225 now 50. 2250. 225.50 here we go on this whole thing here gonna be 300 you're gonna be three on this one it'd be three you're gonna be 100 150 how about one fifth of an hour you're going to be too busy on 250. 2.25 though now 300 now 350. 300 350 to 350. now four gotta be 400 now four fifty fifteen fifteen alpha it'll be 500 now five fifty five fifth of an hour six six hundred now six fifty six fifth of now seven six fifteen about seven see if the now seven hundred gotta be i got six fifty now seven seven hundred now seven fifty i got it over here seven now seven fifty seven now seven fifty now eight eight hundred eight hundred and eight fifty eight hundred and eight fifty now nine eight fifteen now i'm going to be ninety fifty nine nine nine nine nine fifty gonna be a thousand nine fifty nine one nine fifty nine one nine fifteen one thousand now eleven one thousand eleven thousand eleven thousand about eleven hundred last call so for a thousand number fourteen twelve number twelve [Music] [Music] give me three gonna be three three three fifty fifty i'm keeping them together fifty three nine three fifteen fifty three fifty three patio set 3.350 greenhouse 350 for both of them three now three fifty three get about three fifteen three fifty three to nineteen fifty last call for warnings that's right now three fifty for the pair three's now three fifty [Laughter] okay let's go on to um she started crying i wish i would have bought it now [Laughter] [Music] every one thirty one twenty one thirty nine one forty one thirty five one twenty one fourteen one fifty one fifty one sixty four fifth through one sixty one fifth of one sixty one fifty nine six seven seventy two two hundred now two twenty five 255 let's go for 250 11 number 11. one two three four five six seven eight eight eight picture packs all right give me two hundred four more gonna be two gonna be hundred hundred bucks fifty down seventy 75 but now 100 75 but now one for all the pitcher packs twenty five of them down one seventy five one hundred and one twenty five one twenty five now one fifty one twenty five and one fifty four tomorrow one twenty five and one fifty it'll be hit the older one twenty five now one fifty nine seventy five one seventy five and now two gonna be 200 for them all 125 up and down two gonna be two it'll be two over there 225 25 out of 50. it'll be 5950. 225 now 50. last call 325 now 50. so for 225 number 14 right now this is the nick williams plot right here dollars four twenty yeah four five four twenty five forty four twenty five hundred percent of four twenty five four fifty gonna be fifty fifty four seventy five four fifteen four twenty five at five eighty five hundred and five in a quarter identified will find out five fifty five fifty nine seventy [Music] 575.75 anymore two three seventy five fifteen minutes seventy five gonna be seventy five last call i gotta hear first sorry about that gonna be a hundred hundred one twenty five now one fifty one twenty five number one think it'll be 150 175 175 but now two gonna be 200 where are you gonna be two one seventy five is now two out of eight two one seventy five announcing that everything with two hundred okay so it's 175 right number eleven for 175 thank you okay what'd you think christina oh my gosh so exciting was fun huh it was fun first time yep it was definitely more exciting oh yeah mike's better he's a hog and every guy from l.a down here and he bought most everything but we made sure yeah yeah no super exciting though super fun neat process yeah yeah a cold process yes it was a little chilly in there it was we got some boxes and you'll see in the next video what's in them right you're upcoming on this very treasure hopefully stay tuned all right getting the first load into the van here so let me just ask you how long did you have you had your stuff here it's been in here for about 10 years okay 10 years so that's a long time wow yeah i worked for um a major cosmetic company and things just changed you know life changed and i ended up having to put it in storage and then just i never got that level of a job again so i just never have been in the position to pull it out right and this happened so what was the process like with them did they just call you up and say one day like oh you know you haven't it comes current so we're gonna auction it yeah okay yes do they try to negotiate with you at all or help you no and how far like how much advanced notice did you have um i really didn't actually the letter came past the due date oh it did okay wow yeah so then did they tell you hey you have the opportunity to come down or did you do that on your own they you know what they didn't the letter doesn't say that the letter you know tells you what um the auction date is and what will happen and then i did a little research online and i just my primary purpose was to come and plead for my pictures and then also say you know i will pay you for there's a couple things that yeah are family heirlooms yeah that i've got you know i had money and not a lot of money not enough to bring that up to current but i had money to say uh you know yeah there's a couple things i will buy from you if you'll let me see we always return pictures for people yeah we do especially if they've asked a lot of people don't want it back or you know they just don't but whenever people ask for sure we do because you know that's the right thing to do we'll talk about this one family and so i went over to oliver and i said hey listen you know can you guys say the same thing for me and he went and looked at my units and he said i don't know how you got so lucky because it would have been a whole different ball game if they would have pulled stuff out there's a whole different ball game inside of there you are because it actually it was really interesting because i saw your reaction from the side when you started to say this is mine and you started to cry and then i started to tear up a little and then i was like oh no and i told my husband you should have filmed that she got her locker back that was you know because that happens you know well when that one unit which was just full of boxes went for a thousand dollars yeah i'm screwed i am totally screwed yeah but i think the way that they they kind of went quick with yours and no one was paying attention yeah i don't know i don't i went in and talked to them before i got before it started you know i don't know if anybody said hey let's see what we can let's see because they didn't pull your stuff out they didn't play and yours was the only locker they didn't really pull it out he sold the two together yeah i feel like i don't know either that or somebody was on looking after me well you know what i was so happy that you got a backup like i said we've seen that before and to be honest with you if you would have told people a lot of times people won't bid see i thought it was going to be the opposite no i i like was trying not to look at it too much yeah i was worried you know and i um so the change of job the next job i had the company went bankrupt yeah then i had a head-on collision and lost my car i wasn't hurt oh that's good and then we have coat i finally get a job that i feel good in and then covet happens so it was just like everything yeah this was gonna be icing on the cake yeah but people love people because people always ask us you know we try to tell people what's the story behind yeah and people are i mean people relate everyone can go through hard times and go through things i'm just happy that you had a happy ending today and it was kind of the highlight of the day for us so and i actually would recommend to people never to do it in vaults i would never do it really because if even when i was paid up you have to call them you have to make an appointment you have to spend you don't have access you don't have access like as the lockers where we usually buy you can just pop into your locker and grab your stuff out right so i would have started thinking gosh you know because i probably spent and my dad told me yeah how much did you spend probably 20 000. [Applause] not valuable antiques there's a couple in there but i could have bought a house full of furniture multiple times over for that so it was really silly like holding on to memories you're not alone halfway through i could have went in and just went and got my pictures yeah you know anything that was meaningful to me and then i could have decided either to you know sell it or let go of it but because it was in the vault it was a different it felt different yeah that's interesting yeah totally wow well i appreciate you sharing your story because it's really interesting i'm just super happy you had a happy ending thank you and you know what i wasn't expecting everybody to be so nice i felt like i was going to come into a cut throat situation yeah everybody was really really nice yeah and to be honest like i said anytime we're at lockers and we're like some people are like that's mine or we've had people were like that's my my boyfriend's locker and all my kids stuff are in there and everyone's like don't do it don't bid so like yeah gentlemen say to me after he said do you have anything else and i was like no he's like okay yeah i won't bid on it yeah so that's really nice so yeah seems like you guys kind of have a community oh totally great yeah well thanks for sharing your story we're going inside of it we are helping today part of the process i'm super excited okay we're unboxing all right so we got a box it looks professionally packed oh my gosh that is professionally packed family room and decorative item okay tissue okay um this would be a dog toy that's a decorative item okay um i've got ah a little bit bracket oh that's super cute okay what's inside of it though oh oh that's really cute so this is like a cool little wagon and it has some vintage dolls that looks like a little holly hobby it does look like a holly hobby from when we were kids holly hobby not just the holly hobby but the original okay that's kind of cool oh she has a cute hat and look at the campbell's suit kids oh my god remember them yeah oh so cute yeah that is cute and those look to be like in really good shape too yeah they do actually aren't they cute those are cute we're starting out rough the puppy tread okay then we got an xbox live starter kit play online now okay circa what era this is definitely more old schoolish for yeah jack might have to assess the year on that one and then we have maps okay sierra stanislaus california montana maybe we'll find a thomas guide in there too it looks like we might oh check that out we've got montana atlas california that is totally old school obviously way before the internet and gps and then we found a holly hobby doll okay and then we have a animal skin um oh it's kind of interesting okay hopefully there's not an animal part attached to it it's just looking i can tell but all right i don't have gloves on we're going super sanitary today oh we might have to go widescreen for this shot okay i'm not sure what type of animal okay all right interesting yeah okay then i have the field cleaning kit because everyone needs a filled cleaning they have an interesting dining room going on there oh look at jack daniel what's whiskey uh fix well all right number seven oh and they're mirrored even better super awesome for your 70s bar yes extra dry beer i think my dad had one of those when he was younger what kind of animal what kind of animal do you think that is um this looks like a duckbill platypus if i had oh please don't say it's a lamb that would be really sad what her little lambie [Applause] yeah you put alcohol in it and then you put that inside of a shaker and make a drink it measures your uh your boost oh here comes the sun gosh that feels good sears and robot okay i think it needs to be like dusted off oh that's old school what is that it is a oh it's a gun cleaning kit okay interesting it looks to be in like super good shape too so the good news and the bad news about this is if there's a gun cleaning kit oh oh well it could be done yeah do we think there might be a gun somewhere in some of these all of these boxes check those out i mean the fact that we have that dining room uh yeah that's true definitely ryan's republican these are actually kind of valuable so oh that's neat yeah so this is um and he's a republican right on he's a liquor what what year is this do you think um that's kind of i don't know it's actually in good shape too there's no question remove your hand so i can see that i get it wrapped up right again i don't know we're gonna have to look that one up but did you see the back yeah holds like a bottle in there that's super interesting back live with the locker nuts here in livermore california okay and there's jack with his next pile of loot there to load onto the truck okay is this a train park looks like it yep okay okay let's go in the first box we are on the first box yes oh breaking things uh oh okay oh that's interesting that's also part of a train okay this jack throws it back in the box let's see what this is another cleaning kit um looks to be yeah hey honey another gun cleaning kit two oh boy now well there could be a whole lot of interesting in these other boxes and this is the second one yeah yeah the other one all right this could be a good day oh there's another skin down here huh oh and another wait no you threw that back in jacket okay um very well wrapped oh honey is this one of the lockers the boxes i bought cause i'm kind of feeling happy right now what is that okay i don't remember you paying fernie so i think they all all from ones i bought oh interesting that's funny where'd you get the money from that was my stash okay those are cool people love patches until they auction those off well they're old ones too those are like 67. i didn't really have much hope for this one but that's kind of cool things are turning around hey vintage niner glass niners nine years yeah go hawks a little bit of a ravenclan so but that's okay those are kind of cool and then this is a lot of breakables in here well at least it's well packed [Applause] um oh oh my gosh are you joking okay we got a close-up what the heck is that hopefully it's it's dead right oh oh that's nasty oh and there was even like air holes for it too oh my gosh just that oh jack's gotta check this one out oh okay put it over there i'm not touching it oh my gosh dude i was not expecting that [Music] stamford art i'm guessing oh very popular it's german right that is super cool low and bro yes from munich okay that is cool they must have had a bar in their dining rooms all i think yeah i know right because it's all uh bar stuff yep okay and then there's a couple little this is for cleaning them okay another animal skin so someone was a hunter okay i hope we don't find another like dead insect somewhere dude that was a that was gross that was kind of life-changing never found one of those that's the first time yeah oh oh hubby's gonna be happy with this oh okay look at that somebody's loving their wife for those boxes that means there's more train stuff in those other boxes that he said to me about this you paid overpaid maybe i didn't wow okay work it jana yeah you better go real slow [Music] all right guys back at the nuthouse i've said that a lot lately huh back in the night house well we are back and this is the nut house so i wanted to show you what we thought uh i didn't get too much footage while we were loading come on door that's it look at that it's pretty good we got a full truck so we spent just shy of 1200 bucks it was 1179 i think it was yeah i gave her 11.80 i got a dollar change not that you guys care about those kinds of details but check this out yeah i actually didn't think we bought that much we bought three lots of items just enough boxes to comfortably fill the van the van still has a little bit of room you know we could have got a little bit more but really like if i bought one more lot it would have been tight so if i bought a lot more they did offer to let us keep the stuff there and come back during the week they would just put in a vault close it up and tuck it away for us anyways guys we're gonna go through this in the next video all right because uh we've i've had enough so far i think that's enough for one video a lot of excitement today and the fact that jana christina came along made it uh made it really special special day everything just worked out perfectly really 1200 bucks van full some goodies and reason to believe there's some good stuff in there too all right mike the storage auction pirate also bought lots from the same owner all right same owner and we learned a couple things all right one the guy used to live in danville this guy the owner he used to live in danville very expensive zip code all right number two the boxes that mike bought he bought it on an assumption there might be something good in there he saw some written on the box and he was correct high value items go check out his videos to see what he found i'm not going to spoil it but gives me hope that there might be something especially good in these boxes or let's hope there's lots of things that are especially good but we're gonna find out together in the next episode until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on locking nuts [Music] black case with the k it said [Music] adrenaline's pumping a little bit
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 18,225
Rating: 4.9366689 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, #extremeunboxing, found money, found cash, how to make money, big profit, selling items, making money, storagetreasures.com, unboxing, treasure hunt, gold, silver, silver coins, jewelry, found treasure, gun safe, stolen, robbery, break in, thieves, robbers, found gold, found guns
Id: iexrRahK6-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 58sec (1858 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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