RARE MUSIC COLLECTION found in the PALLETS we bought at the abandoned moving storage auction!

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these are records man I don't even recognize artists or anything this is money anything Bose sells so easily and for such good money that's a great point not I've been selling the film or posters for 30 35 bucks is outstanding these records more albums that's great you previously on locker nuts I attended a different type of auction this was a pallet auction put on by a moving company I bought about 10 pallets from four different Lots including a large lot containing a couple of guitars I filled my truck and trailer to the brim and headed home so far we've seen some awesome items very clean high-quality and expensive but we stored it on the side of our house and there's a lot more to get through rain is expected shortly so the race is on to get the rest sorted out what self-locking nuts Tuesday morning 9 a.m. rains are coming approximately 1 p.m. that's the forecast trying to get ready we've got all these boxes back here trying to sort make piles dump on the truck regular flea market stuff on the trailer to go to our stores better stuff's going in the garage we're on a time crunch we got a lot to do today I'm missing auctions boo all right let's get to it the gym is basically sorting through to see which box oh look how cool that is look at that Jim California with the heart around the bay area that's actually really really cool this is kind of nice right here it's got the artist signature here and it looks like a pencil you know I don't know if that it's a digital print or if that's something that they did with the hand but really really interesting and nice look at that there's another one definitely something digital very similar another really nice piece right here definitely like the frames metal whoa look at that turntable oh we might be upgrading and we get too excited but it's definitely it's in here see the brand-new or put back in this dust sleeve in this bill I couldn't definitely appreciate Hearst oh look at this she puts it back in the dusty all the cords manual everything thanks what do you thinking we upgrading her one it's a nice box right here mr. Prince very nice family Blizzard remote control fan brand-new in-the-box now you can open this looks pretty good what that is that's a Marshall Oh dick electric guitar yup right here and the bunch of albums all in the plastics let's take a quick peek here these are records man I don't even recognize artists or anything they're definitely off the wall fake problems no effects okay there's a group at least you've heard it low talker just so I think these are like esoteric okay we're just putting these in the garage we're gonna have to sort these later this time it doesn't really get better than this as far as like clean and high-quality yeah we definitely can find some bigger ticket items but bars just being a fun walker to go through this is definitely got it going on it's pretty nice little oh look at this little box look like scraps like teeny bopper magazine scraps is Leonardo DiCaprio and a whole bunch of concert tickets so earlier we found late 90s concert tickets and 2003 so not quite vintage but I know if there's a market for all these constitutes you've got some coinage mostly foreign currency it's all foreign coins in there huh there's a little green day at the cigar box maybe this the shell polished so oyster shell is really cool I've never seen one like that polished and I mean never done Locker in ways he did shed money she traveled because she went to lots of your gift stores in boxing arts and crafts finer type stuff a lot of artwork that's not the special shot glass Minnesota State Theater yeah it's it's actually sign-in number two it's very cool these little tiny guys I've been selling the film or posters for 30 35 bucks each national I think we found a t-shirt or sweatshirt with the national on it bringing you this is a film one auditorium Oh Denver Colorado Fillmore very neat super cool these are nice towels Hotel Collection yeah all right let's see incense perfumes this cool smells good too those little cones gum phone instance she's like wrote lyrics from songs dude huh family oh my gosh she has like pitcher books the greatest Radiohead if it's a darling let's put aside I got to add I resorted it's music stuff mostly she was really it should to good day or there's also more audio clips I don't know what it is sweet great yeah spent a lot of time doing this stuff then oh this is nicely these graph paper that's cool you can try am I reading this that's good she starts these things what's the tremendous amount of talent oh that's cute and these coasters aren't those cute look at these twelve little al coasters so cute they're yeah oh that's 11 yeah yeah let's put that aside we throw one of these chains before looks like a bite be great is like Oh doesn't work for me all right a little Sony digital camera that's cool that's what I just have the battery charger for I'm liking that well Burt's Bees action banyan yes this is good so zone gear stuff like in it there's a nice little headphone Apple headphones with the Lightning port the New Orleans those are staying with me all right back to it I realize my camera kept shutting off shutting off setting off I realized I'm out of storage even though I got the biggest storage possible on the new iPhone and even though I'm regularly clearing it off clearing it off clearing it off putting it on a drive I bought a 5 terabyte hard drive last week I'm not keeping up with it it still fills my 500 gigabyte phone crazy I've been filming so much great stuff in this locker don't let's keep going oh there's another one of these found two of these already today maybe this yeah I think this is the same once there's pink lemonade it's numbered we have to look these up they're nice there's another one Paradise City I doubt if those are seriously expensive I think they're probably with all them comes from a street side vendor or something maybe the arts crafts fair or maybe they had a friend that did it lyrics and another plant presents brand-new at the brainy gonna meet not terribly valuable but it is market right people geek out over oh yes yes you guys I think I have the box inside the house you found the box earlier not kept the box coz I saying I hope we find the bones this is money anything Bo's sells so easily and for such good money that's a great point down here Capri olive in lemon would channel it's made a mess in here but doesn't mean it's not salvageable oh all right I got that I got that burnin and see like the wax is all settled on one side probably it's got olive oil or something that makes it a little bit looser wax so it doesn't like it's not super super stiff but see if I heat it up see if it'll right itself uh yes but check this out those are the speakers we found that is the right boxes companion T we're gonna have to look those up boom that's an awesome fine starting to get a little bit chillier and I can feel the moisture in the air it's definitely going to rain very soon but the forecast says it's pushed back from 1 to 2 p.m. so I mean maybe we have a little bit more time but um it's a-comin all right so here's the deed is right out the gate medidas that's a good money Nike basketball shorts it's a good money um a lot of clothes in this is uh nice and warmer we're down at the bottom cold weather it close that is the key word right now cold weather clues and it's cold people are yeah Old Navy it's nothing too special there but um it's good stuff all right we're gonna go through that a little bit later because we've been finding North Face we've been finding an RTI we've been finding some good clothes and there's a little bit more time and attention okay yeah Nakia pillows good pillows but just got some yellow in there I think these are going to do yeah we just we have in the name of the cell pillows room wellness or foam the foam ones still seem to sell was our heart cell and we would do so we're talking like two bucks that was actually in good condition but we're talking two bucks two bucks at the flea market it's not worth the cubic space that takes up okay I just moved a camera over to a different spot because this is a heavy box when you can see why immediately and I'm not complaining right make it heavy bring it on this is outstanding these records pron we look at these before I don't know yeah I think we do look at this box they're all starting to look the same because these I do not know these familiar with these cardboard boxes are getting a little bit fragile we're starting to get a little soft on me you moved around with heavy stuff yeah they've been in there tarts with this to bun up two hours per putting these plastic bins move these bands pug to square that's from the movie but y'all had good taste in music so even though I haven't heard of these bands I'm sure they're and the girl was into music played guitar ones with lots of concerts oh boy albums that's great I just looked in another box you may guess this one still still still feel that's fine these are still sealed to look good elihas Guild health records little Polly's for the 45 and Polly's for the 33 that's great alright I'm looking around here I only see two more boxes one here in this this is a big one so that's good but I mean I have the bit the pieces for the bed over here we got a big TV over here let's take a look at that in a bit we're still racing against the rain two boxes I'll tell you I'm I'm a feeling that sad feeling when you have a good locker and you're going through it in so much fun and I'm definitely enjoying this one oh maybe there's one more it looks like a lamp box hopefully that's from the good locker when you going through it you get to the end there's this little bit of sadness you start going on me and I want it to be over I wanted to keep going it's like when you're watching a movie and it's like so good and answers like ah you know that's where I'm at right now but let's get through these last two boxes hopefully there's heavy books do you see books okay this is oh we did maybe we peaked in this one before I can't remember this is an Apple CD player DVD player so it's cool I have one those apples don't come with just like you know your laptops and such don't come with those anymore here's a bunch of media cv/rw so CD this alright this is good this is and you know one terabyte drive one terabyte so these are great whenever I find these I keep them because with all the movies that we make in the huge files that they create I just backup stuff to these to throw them in the drawer I'm building quite the library but if anything ever happened with me shoes and they lost my files I could always bring him back look at this this is a power plant so it's a battery backup I mean you know like a charger for your phone and but it's beautiful Nomad I've owned a nomad product before and it was absolute garbage so hopefully this is not as bad as the other thing that I had which was a car charger yeah we'll give this a charge of soup a whole but that's decent good stuff Pearl Jam put that in the full market box that's great album here we get right here like again looks brand-new barely used with the heating element here that's great yeah little charger cable loving those Apple ones the good stuff not the knockoff brand filth in grime crew Oakland California Street creeps and a whole bunch of like skateboard stickers that's what looks like to me must be a maybe a group or something Phil Gramm good batteries put that in the house I have a little batteries - 203 - I use those a lot for remotes and calculators and things when they come in almost always out of batteries look at those little clips with rings on them you can hang photos and such that's pretty cool this hanging wire and your pictures up pen refills that's what looks like it to be as a hardware box with a whole bunch of hanging hardware for pictures and such Jen I've been doing pretty good at these books she's been bringing them to Half Price Books Steve Jobs I just have one of these recently um Herman Melville Moby Dick these are great books and one really hologram for the King Dave Eggers Dave Eggers she brought the first pass between Half Price Books it was like 15 boxes or something Maggie bunks look at that here's the box for the battery back in like I said Nomad I don't I don't particularly like that company but anyways she got I think eighty one dollars the first time she brought it second time she brought it a hundred bucks hundred bucks oh there's an Apple Mouse Apple Mouse is the same one that I use on my desk right now mine has a crack and it still works but uh I won't be selling this I'll put in the drawer wait till mine dies or maybe when the kids need it these are like 50 bucks right here second touch went to the books first got her a book on her books and there was only five or six boxes well maybe no there's four boxes that's cool some kind of band Booker here one of us so she's got 180 bucks on the books so far just from the pallets and a little notepad from with eco-friendly paper brand-new in the pack these are some mints brand-new in the pack it's funny huh it says poison and then like it was crossed out mints for friend in its friend spelled wrong that's kind of funny huh look at lots little zany stuff a lot good clear wood thyme and basil yeah so Janice done good with the half-price bookstore this time usually we don't get squat and the reason we're doing so she's done so well reasonable with the Half Price Books is because these are not just regular old books right these are good Brandt Gooden I don't know about that one the Angelina Jolie like autobiography recent phenomena um New York Edward Rutherfurd I mean there's some American classics in here and remove some New York stuff but they're all look like the two around for still complete demos by the Beaulieu you know what we should fight put these with the music that we're gonna bond this is so cool right here tech force whoo that is a nice knife sharp that is beautiful isn't it I'm gonna sing it yeah I got a Kershaw knife I love this it's a little dirty right now I will clean it up still pretty being sharp though even though it's dirty um this is a nice looking nice yeah I'm gonna look that one up would be brand new practically what is this this what that is huh some kind of a clip clamp clapping now Aloha Hawaii vintage art postcards that's very cool brand-new seal my goodness just cricket right here little knife it is not sharp at all I like it knives they do sell very well okay that one's a little sharper this is a Gerber I like it's got the paracord leash on it nice got another one on the paracord cricket another cricket knife I don't know what that is not sharp got some patches here outside lands outside lands and what sure what that is I got some little buttons here these are cool give that to my daughter to sell hop in dork with the spaceship that's going to my daughter Mickey tapes caravan just love going through these little boxes so fun even though something like a flask it said I think we found that far somewhere else oh oh this could be good octa okay was it this is full it fo ll e TT what is that would definitely have to look that up somewhere music CDs I knew there's Oh bill is that Bill Murray you're awesome the journal okay media passing punchline it's a sticker okay I hope you finished I just don't know what I'm gonna fun like here for example sock puppet cards brand-new in the bag $3.75 each happy birthday you're like an old sock I can throw away we're friends for life and that's how we'll stay you know too much happy birthday if you are dog you'd be dead by now I'm glad you're not a dog happy birthday that's hilarious no birthday song no party hat no candles lit you're too cool for that and I got stuff to do alright that's pretty funny um using these greetings to you these are brand new greeting cards it's amazing so the journal really cool she wrote on the first two pages and then ain't more happiness into the world cool okay real quick let's open this see what's in here dumps in July what we signed up for him GDP in the front bottoms brand-new sealed I don't know this being but there's some sort of like music clip that should belong to some like record milling club or something this is what we signed up for July and I think there's a ban July so there's like two TVs there's a CD in a record in this box I'm perplexed but I'm happy all right you guys I hope you're enjoying going through these pallets with us cuz we sure enjoying it you may have heard me mention that this is about as good as it gets and not for value like I've had some really good high value lockers like the third time lockers outstanding really cool stuff old stuff this locker is more new stuff but what I meant by that is that it's high quality the girl had money and she spent it on nice things and is clean like if I were to pack our house look like I think we have a clean house if we were to pack our house in or Locker I think it would be pretty comperable to this the gal was clean and I definitely appreciate that going through plenty of lockers in my days I definitely appreciate that but also she kind of had she had good taste and kind of a quirky sense of humor so we had fun looking at the little buttons and the journals and all the things that she had bought just because I know she just thought they were cool and wanted to have it and that made it a lot of fun too so I hope you guys experience a little bit at enjoyment as well going through this with us but of course let's not forget the best thing to come out in this episode was just in covering box after box after box of Records and these records aren't like the records I found in the past I'm always finding them loose the covers are really really roughly worn sometimes we get the records in decent shape it's not that often though they're usually just not great condition records or covers in this case they're almost all Near Mint almost all in a minute and in a lot of cases I don't think the records were even played because I found in the CDs a lot of times matching titles I think she played the CDs kept the records to collect I don't think they've ever even been touched a needle and they were nice records to that some of the vinyls were like marble they'd have like lime green and orange like all marble together this is some really nice limited edition printings or presses and that was cool I don't know how much video I got of that I'm gonna try to go back and get more for you guys you can see really see just how special these records are right now there aren't consignment with our friend Tom Cruise he's got the collection at his warehouse he sells records and we're trying to find a buyer for them right now over there he's got a lot more space than I do you know I'm a little tight on space right now but also he's got buyers that come in all the time and if it's sort of right match for them then they're right there so you can show them to them these are definitely niche records their niche bands fringe stuff mostly alternative and modern rock but I listened to that kind of music and I don't recognize 95% of the bands that are in there there are some stuff that's way out there like the brand new I get that Manchester Orchestra I love their stuff but the most of the bands in there I have never even heard of them before so this is some real niche product if we list these records it's probably gonna take a while to sell because you know there's limited titles because there's limited buyers so good and bad right low supply but also low demand but the album's look like they're ranging mostly between 15 and 30 dollars each some a little bit more some a little bit less there's about 350 full so we've got some money there we definitely got some money there we're gonna find out how we can sell them quickly otherwise we're gonna have to list it and grind it out but we'll update you guys as we go as to the progress and where we're at we still have a little bit more video to share with you I mentioned I was getting sad because we're almost coming to the end but we're not really we forgot we had like four more boxes in the garage to go through and I found a couple other things too they just got tucked away we still have that pallet I bought that said Sean's games that's the interesting we're definitely going to look in those and then we have the one that had the safe in it so we still got to open that as one so more to come I hope you guys enjoyed it if you did shoot me a thumbs up alright and subscribe to the channel if you haven't yet don't forget to hit the little bell notification so you'll be notified when the next video comes out and that's gonna come out real soon alright so I have more to show you in the near future but until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on locking nuts
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 16,246
Rating: 4.9564543 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage pallet and found, found in storage unit, Found cash, What's inside, Huge profit potential, Locked Safe, What's in the safe, Opened Safe, I bought a pallet, pallet auction, storage pallet, moving company
Id: oQ-l_TpnDYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 29sec (2009 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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