Only Jesters Win Among Us

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uh okay okay everybody is not in here but i guess we're starting so yeah welcome everybody back to another moon guess brought to you by our sponsor oh god no oh no i'm in love and also the more fling oh dear oh this is bad this is not good like subscribe turn on notifications follow captain sparkles uh hit the bell and yeah all that all that good stuff can't start an emergency meeting is that a setting oh yeah i turned that on wait there's no no buttons there's one button oh okay is the you jester spooky you know who do you think is the imposter okay they're calling my bluff um has wait what the smartest gesture in all houses and i was so confused gotcha yeah i was definitely so i i had no idea well maybe you should not deafen so much bro autumn and people are like how do i set up uh other roles and i was like all right i'll be back that's what do you want to click somewhere so let me click anything on the among the screen that confused me so much no it is not it is not proximity chat thank goodness i think i'm downloading all right well anyway now i can intro a little bit better hey you should um uh subscribe to kevin sparkles too follow slash captain sparkles check out our sponsor astro headsets link in the description gets you five percent off anything on the site including the george gta 40s which i wear which are very sweet because a40s are awesome and i've used them for over a decade and it's pretty dope so check it out link below and ye it pretty cool all right i'm i'm re beginning my career in politics everybody let's go all right i've i've decided to uh stop being nervous about sharing my political opinions and i have decided to campaign on the platform of crewmates need to get their freaking work done stop dilly mother frick oh no apparently jojo was not a fan of my platform kara don't talk to us with your vampire teeth like that we could hear the list from here i think i listen all right so i'm walking next to spookley all right and all of a sudden nobody around she just flops over okay sorry i haven't heard them talk yet so i i took her 50 50 shot uh hello hello it's okay you can talk a little bit can you believe that there's two whole mcc winners in this lobby i need you to shut your pie holes right now how does one become an mcc winner i'd like to apply you have to be really good at the game yeah let me tell you i did not vampire bite him because he was up in drill and i never went up there right but he walked past you and you went to the little like oh no he did a little maze runner thing right actually no i went to the smell of breath everybody else has got garlic do you smell like garlic yeah nope not at all i love garlic no it was not how dare you died like literally next to nobody just had gone how did jojo end up unlike her kill could have been loverkill did jojo get demonetized like two seconds after pulling the trigger i shifted on scotch i shifted on skype guys i'm gonna die hey jojo what what happened there uh i don't i i randomly clicked and then and then i clicked again and that's what happened well like i mean you you got me through warlock but how did what what got you oh jack was chasing me down yeah he was not happy oh okay got it so you just went down like half a second after i did literally like well because when i click my button it makes me stand still and he was chasing got it me forgot about that yeah okay yeah yeah uh so what's it like winning mcc um girl me later oh he's dead so i don't think spookley was the sheriff did an easy shoot you he just exploded on me and decontam so i don't know if i got warlocked or if he was a sheriff but think of the garlic it could be a word uh if it was warlock probably not ah maybe z i doubt it's z but i just went up the drop ship i can vouch for could he be in vampire bit do you know if he was with anyone else before that he's moving then what was he in decontamination like from the bottom or did he go through the lab uh he came up from the bottom okay i'm gonna hard vouch for scotch for scott he's done the bit so many times that it's actually all what he defaults to now instead of just telling the truth that's all he knows it's all he knows it's his new truth he's crazy i don't know who's who's leaving baby jimmy kane alone out there i see a seven-year-old running without a single parent i don't know maybe him a cane up and drop [ __ ] and then you left your child at the dream over there i thought i saw a couple of people i don't know what that responsibility is strong and independent dude so when you were seven years old you weren't just roaming the streets alone actually no in my generation we did he can legally babysit that's true okay wait is that true is there a legal limit on it yeah i think it's really thirteen legally i just had wow um sparkles have you like tried being good at the game before or no i didn't think of that i'll try next time though okay i'm gonna be dressed up as a uh cat maid in the next one so yeah that's the best thing is there's gonna be like a compilation of you finally winning mcc and you're gonna be you mean you ordered the same one that i bought so i mean that amazon that seo that company has it down yeah they do i just yeah i don't think i'll win six thousand dollars for charity i know i know but then someone was like how much would i have to donate to make you not do it and i was like hey you could donate i could you could match it you'd do another 25k and then maybe maybe i would not do it i got killed by the grave that i haunted i was waiting for the lights come back on and i was gonna shoot cara i should have just done it i knew it oh i thought i reported no i checked uh admin i see three electric i see the lights not getting turned on i i did the math i saw i saw the i saw the exact same thing and bonsai was with me i don't know if there's going to be makeup involved i'm not sure about that yeah he is he's on i think it'll my performance right all right i believe him yeah hard to see i i could hard vouch him here no bro eyeliner eyeliner would screw me over like it feels like just yesterday or last round he was seven they're what why not no we grew up in front of our eyes it's not everything i've where is everybody at right now where is everybody at right now i'm in the lights cage where the report button is i thought i got the report oh all right sorry we're saying where are you at right now just outside left side office where you just passed me wait where did you vote see again right now dude didn't see a thing i believe i'm surrounded by alternatives now yeah wait not heavy we lost you guys you guys saved my life and you also save the child's life each other thank you i was an innocent boy there's a oh i don't think i'm a big fan of all these evil people my political campaign has not gone well why didn't you shoot me jojo the thing i should have i should have guessed that kara was jackal or sidekick one or the other because she's always one i don't know why i didn't think of it your ass let's go hemi okay yes yes we do z i would want i want to know why you think i'm a bad boy i vote i just voted for you because i realized you grew up and i realized like oh yeah he could be an evil child he's definitely not the jester so i voted for you but i won't do it this round immediately guys i want you to blindly trust me here okay okay what's up oh i voted for you scotch oh because it also shifted onto you unfortunately but i know that ozza literally always lies about who he shifts on because he stole that bit from me we know that oz is a confirmed liar are you sure he wasn't an evil person he could have been i i still think we have two killers i just want to say look at the eight out of the eight tasks on the mayor who campaigned on a platform of crewmates need to do their god dang tasks and i live up to my campaign platform so who are we voting look at all of these non-task viewers it's an embarrassment let's get the frick out of here with your non task of doing platforms right now i think it's cars guys what would you vote i bought a car it's evil oh my god there we go there we go boys there we go you are here vikram is the world's worst politician hi hey guys hi i messed up i made it i forgot to put sidekick as a killing roll oh bomber can it do it now or i can't do it now come back home to shoot you by the way i was waiting is he disconnected okay bonsai's a killer you're also a killer [ __ ] me also bro also every single stream god you're voting for me oh i was drinking water scotch marinated me so well that i just blindly trust him oh oh yeah you know what else goes with marination garlic okay which i use to keep kara away all right sorry i don't care how this game ends anymore i have to go get some subs somewhere all right yeah yeah pay up buddy oh wait i'm awesome i am aware you could not kill an ambulance i i'm very family as well nice play shawn nice play thank you thank you i didn't know you intended to uh have it so sidekick could kill i was just like all right i i know i wanted sidekick to kill i was wiggling on i was wiggling on you because i wanted you to be aware scotch thank you for the uh swear yeah you know and that's exciting honestly i gotta get family friendly it's gonna pay for rent i know right yeah guys from now on i don't want anyone to say anything worse than like crud okay okay don't even say crud around me yeah don't even say that around either honestly disgusting you just said that poop is that fine how dare you how dare you that's i mean that's okay with me so they've gone even more extreme all right uh okay detective can see the the footsteps all right very cool um hmm i feel like it's not necessarily a good indicator as to who did what though i think that there was a battle for the oranges and i think jordan won what i was nowhere near yeah i was on my task i was gonna say jordan was running away and i got the report button i was like huh wait what jump in i did not get a record button above storage that's where it is right no it is uh right at the right reactor oh okay i didn't i didn't go up yeah okay but that makes sense i don't know where i am i didn't see anybody go left it's only four right now sorry i feel like we're doing it for you yeah i buddy i can see colored footsteps but there's so many different roles that it's like and also there can be warlock there can be vampire like there's so many options running away i was like she's running away because she's equal she's trying because she's waiting this round no last game oh oh yeah i mean i'm sure i see you this round oh guys vote him out he's sheriff what's your favorite birthday cake no we don't want any crooked cops in here hey the president of the united states needs my help for a secret mission wait you know the president uh imagine imagine taking a phone call in the middle of a stream i couldn't be me i've never done that before ever in a million years there's no footage of me ever taking a phone call in the middle of a stream uh-huh all right i'm gonna go and do my tasks because i campaigned on a platform of task doing and i might not be the mayor anymore i might have lost the election but that won't stop me from living up to what i said because i am not a politician who makes empty promises for the sake of getting elected i make promises because it's what i care about i'm a sidekick now aren't i i'm a sidekick now yep that's that's a thing uh okay i saw it go bright for a second and i was like um something changed here something definitely changed i don't actually know who my uh person is hello hello hello hello man he was supposed to win stable when i came out yes specimen is not cara admin table with me i chased z but i don't think he was scared i was wanting him i don't think he was scared i think he was like okay okay boston anyway he was on vitals i chased him all the way through office down into where the um the table is and then i saw um i saw jordan in the deacon tam and i saw yeah very good eyes what oh journal's coming out that makes sense i was in specimen the body's dead on vitals wait bonsai bros was in specimen how long does it take for a vampire to kill like how many seven seconds ten seconds okay no i just i just let her know you know you're a little curious about you're all there huh pretty serious pretty curious who who are you suss off jack oh you're gonna need to know how many subs you gifted me you said ten right it keeps it keeps track so you're it that's a fifty dollar tax deduction twitch chat keeps track of that decontamination that's too far away my legs are again bigger three foot six once i only recently passed your bottom specimen you've probably talked about doing a top assessment with cara right now and teammates you're one of their teammates oh we went to high school together for like six years got held back twice uh i don't know this guy crazy all right i guess i should probably eliminate cara before things get a little bit too you know she's gonna suspect me because she always does although if i don't un-alive anyone she won't so at least there's that part of things hmm let's do what to do what to do i don't know i don't know all right let's do a little bit of garbage right there dude a little bit of garbage and then head on up here definitely doing tasks definitely doing tasks i mean i like to as the jackaler sidekick kind of wait until later on in the game until i actually start on living uh obviously a bit of a risky play because it could mean that i get unalived but you know we'll see we'll see if an opportunity presents itself my god the evil mini are you kidding me right now this is oh this is a bait uneasy is evil that is not true that's enough well that's very unfortunate the camera's uneasy you just sliced ozza but also we have some info here because i passed cara going to the left out of office i go into office i see another cara coming out of the admin room what what oh wait well i'm i'm at cameras and then he's uneasy just slice thousands of people hold on don't worry i'm a good girl no i don't think so okay oh oh oh well well i can't get my vote back nice is there a nice guesser nice guess who does it wow okay no i think he just his head just did that um yeah i was in lab i was on my base again i saw pasta and cheyenne i didn't see you on med-based games so it's timmy i didn't know you're right it's not me it's not me i'm sorry you're wrong i didn't see pasta in the lab so i think shy is lying about medbay scans but i'm not going to vote for her i saw you vet pasta and i didn't say i mean the bathroom i did i faked baby as much as i love arson you know it's very hard to douse everybody oh it's the worst with the core like the the time that you have to hold it and then if they're walking oh it's so it's impossible in in town of us you would just like click and it would do it here i don't know why like for me i'm totally down like i don't think the whole lobby can just hit like five people with me you know they're like honestly you know what i used to see how it worked in town of us originally oh dear shy where are you jack as my vice mayor i just checked i do it everywhere in lab just now what i think oh my god they got him jojo is the evil mini i am i'm the guest oh come on this is a skip i charlie where are you right now that's all i want to know i'm a nightmare you are not that bad i'm trying again i'm skipping i can't i'm going to skip nope by she's just kill me you get me next time you you stab me right in the face please please i should have killed you i should have killed you on that vent i should have killed you on that event possible but i didn't more fling oh okay there's no way she's just all right but one of you could be sidekick okay maybe not wait wait jibbik you could be a tobacco um no i was the sidekick already like a book that's that's shy how in god's green earth did you kill me you were so far away from me and you you like screen i was like there's decent you weren't you weren't even interested you weren't even in my circle commando pro desync um let's see hey few notifications let's see you show with the 21 months trying out my george gt headphones loving them oh you got some that's pretty dope i'm glad to hear good feedback melvin who eisen who is in with the eight months i'm sorry i'm sure i always put your name every single month mary pippin 200 bits let's see five dollars for some gift to buy twenty five thousand dollars by that just need a total of five thousand sub gifts at tier one to keep cap from being cap made uh no no no because this has to be this would be the charity and so sub gifts would not be that so no no no no it just have to be straight up 20 25k to game changer all right use my jack in the boxes i always forget how this one actually works i always forget how this one works and like does the does the jack in the box placement like override my demonetization button or something like that i can never remember um let's see where the lights uh i think the lights were undone okie dokie let's do a little bit of that and what shall i do okay they're vents got it jack died out there hates me so much and shielded aza zee is standing directly on this body oh wait i'm in love with bonsai bros i thought that was my co-imposter oh god i didn't see that oh you're standing on the body and i don't know or uh a bait play but it is feels like one of those if it was a big play then you would be the king who oh wait oh wait no you think i'm based all right is scotch claiming sheriff no you're not sheriff's god you're not okay so i think this was this killer this is a killer because the lights went out and the doors got closed i was inside the electrical room already so i was like this is definitely like a well uneasy you saw who got that kill right quick i have a i have a concern all right so we think he's been trying to kill me and i've been shielded i was a witness um you say the f word then you try to kill my friend assuming he's not sheriff oh no is he the jester the murder buddy can't forgive the effort please be jester scott what are you there was no shield i can't believe my god oh that was without a single vote in the corner i don't want any troubles man i was the trickster listen i was a nice guesser and i was ready to guess it but what were you using oh my god well you gave me a different gun yeah carr could have taken the shot on me and she would have gotten away with it oh my goodness oh freaking jester okay come on let's go i gotta i gotta zoom okay number one crewmate going first house let's go let's go speed run i'm totally gonna guest is the snitch by some they're gonna be like no one would ever get their task done that quickly and i'm like yes they would oh god i'm going into demonetization valley this is such a bad idea this is such a bad idea over by scottish too scottish is going to demonetize me because he's probably sad that i'm no i'm so done i'm so done-zoned i'm so ripped i'm so rip in pieces please i gotta i gotta zoom okay what am i gonna do i'm gonna do the temperature and i'm gonna do card swipe as my last things temperature and card swipe all right that's what i'm gonna do wait where is this one again i never remembered down there oh watch me get sidekicked i swear to god wait is it this a dead body i found it oh no where right outside of weapons a little bit to the right you know what i mean i have a question was it traumatic uh no no it almost it almost seems neighborhood man yeah it almost seems stage like was it funny or are you that used to violence uh yeah you just desensitized from these violent video games you're playing every day yeah i play minecraft so i see a lot of crazy things every day yeah yeah you won minecraft how many bodies did you leave behind you for that minecraft championship win was it worth it yes absolutely sociopaths villages have you just slaughtered you know without even batting an eye killing their golem's brother there's none left if that's what answers your question there's nowhere near one left so who did this guys who who killed uneasy it was me oh so jojo's jester then we better get z out i think there's a bunch of people actually vote for the gesture bonsai bonsai has been at lights the entire time i don't know what this man is doing okay i was gonna say lights are definitely glitched i couldn't fix them i don't know what happened oh i was really was someone flipping them i was hiding in the corner is it the same as the town of us version guys guys listen let's see yes i think i think one of the oranges is bad i think one of the oranges is all right yeah by the way uh minecraft championship is on the 23rd of october when you can catch cap made doing cap made things all right here we go what was the thing that i left did i leave drill behind uh oh is i left drill behind up there oh frick i got to initiate samples i can't believe that god dang it god dang it oh i'm not gonna be able to zoom this dude i'm not gonna be able to zoom this oh i'm gonna get taken out in here bro hundred percent frick i didn't realize i should have just done that last time um i'm dude on don't do it don't do it don't do it please don't do it i can't do anything else dropping everywhere man [ __ ] i just saw a report button like right as i was walking out of lab and i saw a pasta right before it because i was the one on cams first of all and jack came to check on me right we leave electric together uh he goes up i guess to lab i go to vitals and i see that there uh aza and jack are both dead i've seen aza previously as well so like both kills has recently been dead in lab sign lab too just checking out the telescope gus you know sagittarius moon rising and all that stuff so he wasn't the telescope and then i went through a specimen and i'm in bottom d consumed right now like as these bodies are in mercury gatorade right now i didn't see anyone else actually uh i'm in nacho cheese so pasta was like running away from that just why were you running away i don't know i'm just getting my chips we had a moment you had a moment this sounds like deflection did you think that it was suspicious when i was just standing still i did okay good i stand with jordan i'm gonna throw for myself i'm gonna guess pasta's jester all right what oh wait scotch okay well this is why you skipped guys we almost died we almost lost some crew we lost the body okay well let's figure this one out oh it's the trickster thing okay okay let me just get freaking samples oh i can do this i can do this i can do this i can do this i can do this i can do this i can do this i can do this i can do this i can do this here we go we gotta boom and then go go go go go okay temps temp swipe report temp swipe report something is gonna get in my way and i'm gonna be very disappointed pasta's about to double back and get me right okay up let's go let's go let's go come on come on come on here we go oh boy good delights are out god dang it god dang it oh fix the lights please what they're out again they're out again no no they're out again why are they out again fix the lights please fix the lights oh god no oh god please fix them fix the lights ah ah fix the line no damn it what the frick fix the lights god damn it god damn it how do they go out again wait bonsai where is this aren't you at lights with you let's hear it let's hear it first let's hear where everybody's at right now what are you guys doing huh what's going on here i am in storage oh god z z what's going on with you i think oh my god i think i was warlocked or whatever well i all i know is jordan heart accused pasta jordan's dead i vote pasta emmy i know you're one of the killers hold on uh that's right where are you right now pasta i'm so mad i'm so mad i am so mad oh my god big voucher from storage from storage where z is and the vouch for pasta she was she walked right out of storage as i walked in mark my words bonsai bros if you don't vote pasta you will lose and if you vote i have no words but it's not possible wait so why did bonsai bros as the swappers say i'm voting for pasta and then swap pasta away from being voted on much better among us than i am how are we voting this okay i know it's not shay it's not chinese yesterday sorry sorry say less pasta i need to know what you're doing that's a killer move she's voting she's voting for bonsai because pasta what what no i voted pasta what did you do i killed i killed she was trying to she was trying to get cold she's trying to roll with the meme and get bonsai out so she can continue killing yeah probably that's what she tried to do because i actually saw across the boat in front of me so what the hell what the hell like you say you're voting for pasta but then you swap away i did vote for pasta and i just i i did it unconsciously i swapped them consciously man hey let's make sure we listen to jordan when he starts accusing people okay i mean i'm not always right but oh god that was the snitch chase the snitch choice was so upsetting i can't believe you the trickster thing freaked me up dude that was the worst um um i saw i'm returning to the realm of politics and uh vikram will not be my running mate all right i'm keeping my campaign platform as do your tasks crewmate i haven't seen a task win in approximately like six months and i think that needs to change so please crewmates do your tasks if you elect me i will be sure to punish non-task doers with perpetual arsonist rounds okay no one wants to be arsonist and if you don't do your tasks you will become one also i just realized you know the fact that i can hear construction when they're working on the house next door means they can probably totally hear me when i'm yelling about getting eliminated a snitch they're probably like what the frick is happening over there with leaves right like what's up no i get that with leaves and scotch is just standing there him he's dead next to me i look at him like was that you dude was that you really you just gotta kill her in front of you yeah i walk into 02 and i'm standing completely still assumingly either doing or faking leaves uh he's dead on trash and i just stared in this situation like dude like what's going on i'm not gonna lie when i got on the test i just see scotch looking at me like yeah yeah i did that or i don't know if he actually did it or not but oh i was funny no i just wanted to stare at a little bit i thought it'd be funny if you actually popped out of that task that was yeah that was good though yeah bonnie said no two it's him so how did he die either scott killed him and has the biggest pp in the world or or somebody else i wouldn't stick around well okay i would stick around like this i was there before but he was live and then i went in it now that this happened very shortly after what what my name it's not your jojo oh so not pasta or an easy it's not caramel so wait you were doing a task you finished your pasta there's around here no the mayor did not vote for you the mayor votes for no one but himself in order to help him win the campaign i wonder if there's ever been a presidential candidate who has not voted for themselves in the election you think that's ever happened there'd be no way to know but i wonder if i wonder if it was just like you know it feels weird to vote for myself i'm gonna i'm gonna vote for the other guy you know just because uh feels better that way or something mother trucker he really did it he really did it just standing at o2 and then he stood there and let's okay and you're just gonna okay do your task first i guess there's no way that this is pasta oh i thought this was scotch you guys are such a summer color well okay the body was dead at the trash in um storage and i totally did my trash task and then reported it sorry spooky understandable my political campaign is demonetized in the water two murders it's something to do with trash okay first was jimmy king's body on upper trash and i saw aza uh yeah i didn't see cara though so she must be the hacker i saw your name i saw the o.z when i was in med bay and i just saw your you'd be o z on the wall well that could have been unknown don't do that to yourself it's a trap what's even happening i don't know i'm voting scotch for fun guys i'm scared well evil guests are gonna come through dude come here jordan yeah i thought you for sure knew bonzai killed me i i didn't see it did he do it while i was there and i should have been in here i walked we crossed each other right before o2 and he was in it and you left it yeah i just didn't think that he would have the nerve to you know stay on top of your body after doing it for so long so that's why i yeah i'll know for next time i was like i was like i i was thinking i was like bonsai you idiot what scotch is dead scotch is on med bay right now i need everybody's locations right now is to fake it right he's standing there i'm like you know what i'll give him a free douse i stand with him for a moment and then i leave um he was alive when i left i swears to you i passed cara at the cross uh cameras and i went down the lights i have just got into weapons jojo absolutely could be my vp in politics if i was still alive i would like i was i mean like absolutely dude sounds like you're still uneasy on the other hand is right now yeah there's a lot of really really unacceptable right yes yeah yeah med band electrical are blocked off i believe and no one went to the left so if bonsai didn't get this whoever did it went to like how can you be at zero tasks is these are the people i'm going after with my political campaign the people who are just they're freeloading they're not putting in the work it's needed to be a crewmate and we have to get them off of their butts and onto their tasks for uh jack jimmy i gotta know which one of them got you was it bonsai or was it z it was bonsai your rascal banzai for me too did he did he do it self-reporting he just stood on my body he's killed everybody then he's the only one killing wow from swapping his own vote to um getting everyone out without anyone even realizing like because he's still so like recently coming back to it i thought he would just not be good enough for that play he's gonna report it yeah now he he's he's big on memes so like i i i respected it yeah i get it now there's suddenly a million dead oh wow we go so many rounds where there's like one more body this round the sheriff i can't practice smh my head jojo what happened i'm afraid i i was on admin table jojo i'm proud of you but you're in trouble the lights i think they were coming back or maybe there was no lights i don't know and i exited and shy was dead like right on top of me and no apostle is a child oh i thought i just got murdered i just remember it's like tiny coast so i don't know bonsai or jack killed scotch right no uh scotch was last round it was right i agree i feel like bonsai's just been around too many dead bodies i have been around a lot of dead bodies and i can see why you put this up okay here's the thing xeons are obviously a pair uh no we're not we're done pasta were a pair they were the ones together the whole time okay i'm getting z out of here that's what i've concluded why because obviously one of these one of these were lovers uh yeah it just depends who because there's four dead bodies right cause unless there's three killers does anyone have the guesser role no nope if somebody has to guess a role i would guess on aza honestly because he's the only person that's in weapons i feel like he needs to potentially pull a guess here because people might vote but you are the only person who said your weapons yes jack i want to see that jackal guest if zida is a jackal guest there is a chance that the crew could win because he said he was in weapons last round when scotch died i have no information who are you voting it's okay that's okay call an ambulance i was just trying to antagonize all the people that i was sure were bad okay let's see we got frizzle frazzled a bit say sparkles funny thing i run a tick tock fan page of you that bridget and some others follow you should say hi for a post hi fan page how are you doing i hope pretty pretty good what's up i'm the nice guesser oh i have to be a big smart here all right oh boy this is going to be tough though i feel like i never know which role the imposters are bro i never know which role i'm gonna go down always the first demonetization happens in med bay i'm gonna get wrecked in two seconds this is so bad why haven't done this i shouldn't have done this i shouldn't have done it i'm i'm gonna get poopied on or not maybe not i'm not gonna get poopied on wow that's exciting lights are back on oh wow so cool do it like sheriff just take a shot ah i don't know i mean i could guess evil mini right i could do it wait actually does that work can you guess evil mini or will the game end does anyone and anybody know i feel like that's a fair uh question about the mechanics of the whole thing um four four six three six you can okay vikram confirms what yo i think he might have been lovers or maybe sheriff's shot oh jojo pretty violent upbringing you know yeah yeah so what should i do should i do it yeah i kind of want to do it i kind of want to do it we got a problem jojo you scared of kids you scared a kid a little bit honestly i've never held a baby in my life yeah oh dang it oh my god well um she's nice i can't believe this has happened oh jimmy must have morphed should we vote for him oh jimmy must have morphed frick i don't know i don't know what he wanted or it was vampire that's true what else why else would he have died there i don't know i don't know unless you had to try it because he gave you otherwise otherwise i was never gonna i was never gonna do it maybe okay well we have to vote for sure now um and i know that cara is good i just oh i know i know i i think oh tastes so good oh man i voted z oh i i killed i corrected at the beginning that's that's all i did you killed pasta carl were you loving imposter no i was vampire yeah jester wins are most definitely among us but i'm pretty sure i've used that title before no i i can't do it again ready to vouch for me i assumed you were loving imposter so oh um okay where were we mary pippin with two order bits let's ask in the opposite direction how many sub-gifs and bits to visit h-bomb irl and learn cat-made things from him uh i don't know i feel like that's that's on his end bro i can't say that and then be like hey hey h-bomb by the way i set a donation goal where you have to let me come to your house and you have to teach me just saying cool you're okay with that right because it's already done so um yep you have to you have to do it uh kyr weeb squirrel thank you for uh subbin appreciate it soar nicholas seven months looking forward to oh no we have a guys i've got a 50 50 shot who's the spy who's the spy hmm who so either spooky took a shot and took the l he got his revenge um well i'm acting natural so much i'm going to check if my mail is here so i can see how much the ftb thinks that i read is going oh this isn't the first time okay hey crud is a battery amy can you define real quick well i finally got my payback jordan your applications to be my lover he's taken and shielded i'm unsubbing honestly yeah as a tier three sub i feel like i deserve more than just a hug at twitchcon sorry seriously i'm taken um are you having trouble with your upload over there no no no sometimes i just like going out on the viewing deck and just like you know pass gas you know on the outside air oh i thought you were going to say it last year it is you know it wasn't jack with like five other people what happened i saw nothing literally in the squad he just he kind of exploded off this side oh where cargo was and then they immediately got fixed so i went back and then the body was called yeah yeah we got angie he misfired it looked like he took like two or three steps to the left of everybody and then died which was the weird thing maybe it's imaginable oh he tried to talk to me sorry i'll have to i had a feeling that was gonna happen two or three steps left of everybody and then died like it didn't look like he was trying to share with somebody it looked like he was trying to leave and then died he was trying to tell us something so i think he got it by the way i'm taking i'm taking two like you know the one where liam neeson gets honestly and i will kill you i have a particular lack of skills hi jack i heard you were trying to talk to me uh-huh i was reminded of the rivalry and i was like wait a second uh-huh it finally happened it just did it just as we had a spy and i was the evil guesser and i had to and i was gonna 50 50 shot it i love a 50 50. i'm sorry i took that away from you oh man but if it makes you feel better i think scotch knows i sheriff you as a real killer and then i bounced off of uneasy in front of scotch so i think he knows okay ah well yeah i was going i was going to getting mail sorry that's why i wasn't there you're never going to do it again okay well i can't say the same i can't say the same i'm i i mean it's back on dude that's finally even not even even you've done it to me so i've done it a lot of times so now i'm gonna do it again um i have a request oh so by the way everybody i missed you did this um um usually my mail comes by like two o'clock right now it's four o'clock and it's still not here they're really making me stew on this like outdoors area and i hate they're really really making me go through all the possibilities oh my god music all the way down swim i already voted i already listened to no it's not lost it's just no no male is here yet he hasn't come part of music that's so weird where did you go by the way i just want to know why were you following me like because you didn't kill me when you had the opportunity isn't it sunday what's going on there cool kiddo what day do you think it is disappear in thin air with locked doors you were creeping me out though actually information um the the person in between both of those places was an easy peasy that is true yes oh um he was pretty quick to go with the skip vote you know for an extra round of killing possibly timmy was vibing too why are you hiding into that party hat bonsai well i really want you some devil horns wait i i i cause i know what jojo was feeling and i because i've been pulled in all nighter one of the worst sounds i've ever heard oh god that's rough true okay you know what yeah that's some empathy i wouldn't think a serial killer would have so i'm gonna go with you on that i was absolutely right i was wrong i am voting uneasy and he was vibing too jojo has to assert dominance true true true i want to be on top of the world i'd be worried about you oh i skipped wait okay the spy is out gg another one stay away from me stay away from me bonsai yeah you know what i i don't hang with killers i don't have killers i didn't even do that kill but you were an accessory to murder yeah so okay so you were you were the spy though i was the spy himmy turns me to a sidekick but i think i assumed my cooldown was like at zero um but that wasn't the case so like we could go for a double kill uh so he just kills carr and i'm like well i can't do anything um why didn't you guess sidekick uh sparkly because jack did a me on me oh jack killed you instantaneously wow i wasn't gonna say anything no he literally barged past me slammed the door open and killed you yeah he's like i think this is my man i'm coming for oh scott you guys already that's like the nastiest thing i've ever seen in my life guys those are you wondering what day it is it's friday saw someone dead in a stall and then someone did right outside that stall and that's freaky to whoever did that that's freaked out that sounds like lovers uh i think that's definitely whatever is it pop the brakes there pump the brakes that sounds like lovers huh crap you know how hard it is for me okay backstory i'm narrating a book right now about a chef so every time i see that my brain just instantly goes to that but i do think it's shy it's not me it's not jojo cause jojo i was i i tucked my pretty little self in a corner you know off in the middle of nowhere right and i was like okay this is where i die right and jojo walks up sees me walks away no killing yep i did do that so i was on kill cooldown then i killed someone else but yeah okay that's good yeah it's january day today marinated me enough though so i'm putting my guns away absolutely right paul i'm like on the opposite side from these bodies in the song i name every single gun from call of duty modern warfare 2 to modern warfare 3. that's right i haven't played any of those killers jimmy where are you i need to know i am uh i'm in the room i'm pretty sure the gesture is about to win wires for like the fifth time okay and i did see jimmy like this is impressive rubbing that diamond that that ruby right and then he went to the meeting room area that's true so i just think it's fine what are you all voting oh my god thank you i trust i trust the champion okay for the love of god for the love of god is all right let's see sir nicholas seven months looking forward to your cat made performance thanks for the awesome golf with friends event also thanks to kara and zine it was so much fun to watch it was pretty fun scotch with the square jar racing gamer gifting a sub to mobot can't have mubot not being subbed bondstar with three months shep talk with eight months queen rebel with 26 months can i be the jester no no i can't i can't be the jester all right well because apparently if you're the jester you just win i'm gonna stand up here with everybody so that when somebody gets eliminated i can see who done it yeah you can't underline me you can't unalign me no no you can't no you can't good try it's a good try but you can't do it i am a safe little bb i am very nice you wouldn't want to do that to a little bb would you now all right i should probably do some tasks okay good good job good job i wasn't going to flick the switches all right i got to do tasks i guess it's a freebie to do tasks because you know nobody can like me so uh it's good good place to be good place to be can't get doubled you know you just get to stay alive do tests you get nothing for it thankless job but somebody's got oh frick ah well this is great there we go thank you um i'm too short to reach the canister or just too small to lift them that's what it is oh boy we're gonna have a great time i am a little baby son of a bee sting no okay so an easy died a while ago i think z and shai died more recently um i saw pasta and him in o2 i found z in bottom decon and i saw shai go into admin so i think they're around there i don't know where an easy is probably lab um i can't see uh yeah i was doing the water bottle thing mm-hmm should i do me a favor and check your dm real quick i know she's just though um georgia you guys i got you oh you're wearing glasses and jojo and jack are hanging out together which is weird i wear glasses every day actually because my prescription is like six point five and six point seven five i don't know oh what does that mean pretty dumb thank you he's not good at looking hate is considered legally blind times worse than what mine were when i got lasik whoa i'm pretty blind that's pretty insulting to her eyes yeah what the frick yeah come on why would you do that huh guys uh vision but she can't see why that was rude if this is jester i swear to god oh why did you shield me the jackal oh i was selected as one of the people to get the boost feature lol oh heck yeah dude all right hey i'm the medic who should i shield probably the mini right um let's see oh who do i shield who do i shield this is a difficult decision bro all right i'm gonna fix oh that was quick that was very fast i'm gonna shield i shielded him shy you don't understand i come here when i want to die that was jack that was just oh you wanted to die what did i do okay next round okay yeah oh well why did i uneasy why didn't you report this are you there i didn't see it i was on a node you got off then i was clueless to anything that just happened okay i go i just got a report been heading out there yeah cara not cara bonsai turned on lights i fixed lights dude because i i were in there you just go in and like sit there i'm ready for it dude all right listen man i mean helpful it's helpful um where did you possibly ask me guys please it was jack about it was four percent jack and that's about four percent that's that's my boss i'm gonna be completely honest unrelated but the boost system very stupid yeah it's incredibly dumb i want to pay for some viewers dogs yeah you guys don't get it you guys okay listen the streamer can't boost themselves okay they have they have to have their viewers yeah you're not gonna regret voting me i promise instead of instead of getting gifts and bits they can just guys i will not give another jester another win it is not allowed that is final i don't care if i witness someone on live they're probably a jester and somebody warlocked them i refuse to vote i will not give any more jesters any more wins i've had enough of these mother forking gestures on my mother freaking map and please do not unlike me though that would be bad oh i get to med base scan as the medic that's so cool i hope somebody fixed his lights oh that was my boy right there my my medic shield boy i'm about to get wrecked aren't i i'm about to get impaled by a unicorn horn i'm okay i'm actually kind of surprised that seemed like a situation that wasn't going to go in my favor um excuse me excuse me even more oh no see this is what happens when you talk talk crap about boosting she knew too much yep i am surrounded by lunacy guys i'm telling you jack i swear i have some information but i don't know the rules well enough to know possibly not good information anyways i think she might be is is bait in this one yes yes yes cause she literally just died like it was turning red as the meeting was called so what you're saying is you did it bad news for you it's pretty hard being a killer it's just mentally tough every day voting can you please uh kill me as nice minnie okay i just think we should have voted the camera in the and it means he's not gonna get out you're not killing me today you guys or via assassin or something like that or imposter i'm gonna be so bummed that would be unacceptable behavior on my part i swear you better not be the chester oh please don't be the jester all right yo i know when when my channel gets enabled with the boost feature i'm gonna need you guys to get me some viewers okay times are tough all right we used to pull we used to pull like 20 to 30 000 a day on on maya night times okay it's been it's been a long way down since then okay and boost seems like the only way that we can get back to our former glory so i'm really don't tell anybody else but secretly i'm i'm very very happy that this feature has been introduced because how else am i gonna make it okay i might have lobbied internally at twitch for the boost feature because you can't tell anyone this though it's very very secret it's i saw it as the only possible way to get back you know hey guys oh oh oh i have some uncomfortable news for all of you oh no and comfy is it all my cards are the warranty because i've already i've already unsubscribed there's there's a killer among us is an orange shade oh so scotch oh there's two i was like is this in lag i love in lab no this is an electrical it's a it's like outside electrical to the left like on top of something i've been inside if it's if it's racing if it's recent it's not sparkly pants either where are you getting this orange thing from where's this huh here's what happened the lights were out and i was like i guess i'll go in that direction and and as i'm entering i i could've sworn i saw you mr sparkles and someone else i don't remember my brain is tiny so i exited with z um yeah after doing a live stream there's someone in bottom decontamination right now would you please uh stay tuned up with the real estate i'm sorry i please stand up sorry so so so i mean it has to be both of them because there's two dead bodies together and what electrical and it's goggles on right side and bonsai's in over yonder and jack where are you jack can confirm i was okay so z was in there who else was in there z could be one but i don't i didn't see any bodies as we left i i i walked out with you i saw you going towards i think lab and then i went to office and i saw someone i think going into space i think it's got to be like i don't know can they can the mini kill oh you fools oh you fools wait why did i get voted twice that's mean for getting me out wrongly there's a mirror though i'll be i don't know oh oh oh well thank god all right i mean you were there now it makes sense doesn't it jordan nice job jojo nice job nice job big brain plays yep yep yep was i really the only other good person all right nice nice nice jordan who did you vote for i voted for jack okay i didn't realize i could tie it if i voted for jojo oh yeah clearly the bad guy welp huh yep shielded an imposter definitely good definitely great i just need to channel my medic skills to do sheriff things two of you guys right now oh this is fun this is fun the jackals versus the imposters who will win between all two of us jack someone about you jackie right now i'm wearing scotch you're voting yeah jack is the jackal i don't know man i can tell bonzai all i can tell you is that i would not self-report in this situation oh wait oh z is unlocked wait was he just not alive not you hey what happened but oh i didn't realize he went down in that round you guys have seven yeah jackal has the win no i sheriff i sheriff uh z because i thought he was teammates with why don't they just vote for it why are they debating this i don't understand because there's no way scotch is bad are you a jester let's find out what is happening you know jack are you are you actually sheriff or not you have to tell me right now you're getting a lot of babies yes what i think i said round one i'm so confused what's happening i said you're going to regret voting me out round one jack are they doing this just to like please do not vote him he's either sheriff right i don't know oh oh right because he's the guest or they they don't know that though but they're playing it they're playing it cautious yeah yeah yeah right right right they don't want him to guess each other they don't have i would have been like yo just vote for him and we're good and then i would have been eliminated by the guesser okay by yourself it's gonna be nice in the afterlife thank goodness the jester didn't win i didn't expect a sky right there jojo um you voted for the one nice person in that life i'm not happy i'm not proud okay the fact that you guys are so afraid of getting a jester but i was dead round one and i was just breaking i can't believe that they've done this to me please somebody somebody jackle me please can somebody or sidekick me please sidekick me i swear to god please sidekick me i don't want to be here anymore i don't want to be here i don't want to mother frick they move as soon as i start doing the ah i doused him i doused him he probably knows i'm what the i'm so over this so over it i'm so over it that serves you right that serves you right you right you deserve that oh my god right before i call this button the body was reported okay so i was running the button to call um i didn't like the way that pasta followed me she's a bad person no i followed people a lot nah she don't she started at a sharp angle yeah i did um because they walked into the lab together i was in the i was in the drill room and they ran through oh really um i am in top decontamination i don't know would the assassin would like i'm gonna shot yeah he's very recent or is there a nice guest or nice guesser you could take the shot too what do you want to be for holding a nice guesser i want to be a sheriff this is gotta thank you for voting pasta because i agree timmy i definitely chase people on this you guys have chosen wisely it wasn't possible maybe it's not guys remember this when you're all wonky 1v1 okay remember i'm glad you got who's coming do you oh man you took the shot for z by the way i was biting z and i think you like walked in front of me oh my god you were biting oh you shifted jester didn't you shift it on a hemi oops oh yeah so we really were just killing each other huh yeah that's good i was like what also my my game is still broken i still can't talk in lovers chat it's annoying and i fixed it like a bunch of times it's one powerful sheriff too like he he just as soon as that cooldown went up i was done so i could see his part oh jeff wait jack you went for you went for the round one again oh no you were detective oh z oh right yes he does it oh he got he got [ __ ] shy crap man it's so hard to say that name okay remember it's short for cheyenne oh i i definitely heard that jojo where's this i'd rather not say because i know who did this and i don't want to say if it's an animal you want to say i don't want to say it because because because man before i get assassinated is this an admin yeah self-report huh self-report sorry i'm getting a lot of food and i'm hungry no i have water i'm hydrated if you want to think and pastor and jack quickly and someone died first round then it was jack and science what can i say okay fine i'll say who it was because they never said anything right kara the other oh didn't kill either the first two yeah correct thank you jojo are you turning on your comrades no i didn't well because kara you you you walked out from the area where exactly it happened and and you know what yes yes i was right behind you i walked out after you no no no no no no no no i did you're breaking my heart man my name is jojo i'm here give a hint i'm present present sandwiches please fine i'll just vote scotch i don't know man oh no no no not my boy if she had voted for cara oh my god that the dad the dad jojo's a dad i'm so proud of jesus if only jojo had stuck with her oh man kara you got a lot of work to do ah man that's my first time getting vampire too that's tough i love vampire yeah yeah vampire is easy i've always been jealous of whoever gets it i'm like dude do it see do it oh well what happened oh oh okay that wasn't me that wasn't me that was not you uh they were vampires they were vampires because they just flopped okay it wasn't me did you shoot no no no it was not sheriff the one good person we were just kind of posted up and then and then he flopped i was gone what a shame what happened what a shame it would have been someone because like i always should around there for 10 seconds here's what i can say if we vote me out then then i can't be wrong in guessing someone right because it seems like it's on me again no no i'm just gonna go it feels like we're the only good ones i think i think it's cara i think cara is the baddie yeah oh uh wait you think it's me what no i i well i'm leaning towards kara asgard definitely one of them but you've just been so quiet hit me i'm sorry i haven't seen people getting murdered okay all right i'm gonna try something oh okay what are the rest of you are you a goodie or a baddie cause i can tell you what i am i'm a goodie oh i know hibby was jester oh my god oh my god okay i'm gonna vote then i'm pretty sure jojo's a mayor try mayor on me right you don't want to do that actually that's what needed to happen that was the only way that was the only way that there's a potential crewmate win that actually worked that actually worked i said i was gonna put scotch i don't know man this is a problem there's there's a chance though that's the only way that the crew could win because if they had voted out one of the imposters the other one would have won yeah yeah yeah yeah that's all that's needed come on come on come on eliminate each other one victories all these matches cara take out the muscles this is god i closed the door assassinated this isn't going to work unless i guess it's wrong oz is the killer literally i think z was sheriff i think he actually just exploded on you guys i'm not the mayor if they vote out either cara or scotch it's game over huh right kara please vote incorrectly kara please do an incorrect guess i need cara to incorrect yes oh that's a bummer why what are you jojo jojo what are you guys what are you where are you are you nice anymore what did you get here no what i'm scared i don't know what's going on someone help me man are they really not gonna vote for cara wait what carl literally said aza was the mayor oh wait wait but are you lying no you have to be lying then are you gonna wait are you gonna lose this for us scotch no what are you what's your job i don't know either is it this no oh as soon as as soon as joshua said she voted scottish it was gg should have guessed that okay okey dokey anyway k hestia with the three months i've been watching your videos and streams for a couple years you always managed to make money can't wait to watch you in the next mcc which is saturday october 23rd to 12 p.m pacific 3 pm eastern 8 pm in the uk 9 pm cet hopefully i'll see you there as a cat made sometimes david thank you for the 15 months hello there if you had to jump from a 20-foot pier into nec which sea would you choose and why probably the hawaii sea because it's warm and tropical queen penguin five months subject fair with 18 months sidewalk with 20 months lin erased with a sub uh beno with 12 months establish a whole year i'll treat myself to dinner out tomorrow night to celebrate heck yeah very exciting oh yeah wait i need to i need to wrap up the recording thanks for watching like the video subscribe turn on notifications hit the bell follow sparkles check the playlist for more mungus headset five percent off link in the description astros pretty sweet see you next time
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 19,965
Rating: 4.9648094 out of 5
Keywords: among us, captainsparkles
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 49sec (5569 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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