There's A Sheriff Among Us

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hello everybody welcome to another among us session today we're going to try to play uh it's called the sheriff mod you see in the upper left-hand corner it just means that i guess there's one crewmate who's the sheriff and they can uh shoot the imposters or anyone really but if they're wrong they lose their life as well and then it's just unfortunate because two crewmates have gone down so i guess you kind of want to be a little bit certain but there's definitely going to be some third imposter share thing going on i would have to imagine anyway if you're watching on youtube make sure to like if you liked check out the playlist if you want to catch more on mungus sub to kevin sparkles too hit the bell for all the videos and uh follow it captain sparkles to catch these live okay let's jump into the game anyway just like nah all right wait what the why do i have like no vision what the heck wait what bro is this supposed to be this way i i can't it's like the lights are out what bruh what oh my god how do they do how did they play this way how did they play with absolutely no vision i might have to ask about this in the meeting holy crap are you serious right now uh the lights are out but i like don't see any difference at all it's basically the same lights or no lights jeez all right well uh i'm gonna get slain on med bay okay we're waiting for vikram's vikram's good vikram's good rip oh okay dang you guys play with like no visibility oh my god huh oh i need to change that what is it i'll change after i'll change after this game i cannot see nothing dude i thought the eyes were off the lights are always off you only have one for this and it's not even a hard one uh this kills on the o2 tree um i guess nadal could have done it before fixing lights he's the only person i've seen left side that's all i could have but i you know i you know i was already on the light so that vikram i mean bikram was safe on this i'm sure i'm sure yeah actually i know shelby was first in lab i left shelby as i left lab definitely not flutter so uh i will say on admin table there was two people i i i think there was one person in security two people in o2 and uh that's fair you might have been walking out of electrical no you weren't on security at any point no i never went to security i was in electrical okay who was in who went left side of the start of this round i went left and then i went outside i'm doing the node outside in uh no well yeah nerd out nerd outside left side yeah i told you your boy was [Laughter] yeah he was where were you i was working gas that was in storage flutter was up there as well so flutter was cleared on this pillow on admin table in storage so i just checked out i must say where would you do that i was started lab when i came into the lights and went down yeah i saw jack leave lab i started live yeah wait did any wait do we know where i didn't see you in love i was in the lab jack saw me yeah i need to need to change everything okay oh and also it says how many imposters remain wow this is just ever all the settings are like defaults right now man i wasn't ready for this okay well we'll know if we get it right or not so there's that i guess that kind of counterbalances the uh the lights permanently being off oh jack is gone why is jack gone nah i think it was just a little bit of forgetting some settings basically there are a lot less tasks it looks like and kablamo ending on that cauliflower boys let's do dad upload though i'm about to be wrecked i don't know if jack left because he needed to do some change of setting and he got eliminated so now we know that jack is down right um i have one question one question only what do you got who's in specimen right now oh okay also did jack get eliminated yeah jack was like oh okay listen the sentence was scuffed i was like oh wait i just need to okay no no no it's all good that's all good um so basically this is um uh outside of deacon tom top right uh top right oh i'm in o2 jordan was just in weapons yeah i was doing the upload after weapons i will say sparkly uh was right next to me in communications and it would have been a good spot for him to kill me i would have definitely been mega dead you know it would it would have been good i would have done it i think too he wouldn't he would have done the deal unless his kid unless he came out of the admin and then like adam no i was in weapons as per shovel okay oh very good i don't think he's like he's accounted for okay um so i was in my mid-base gun i haven't seen anybody oh i have to do something i was i was in my med base can i finish my med base gun and i saw the body i waited a few seconds because i was tempted to go down to specimen but then i was like no because i'll probably get stressed out for that so yeah i did what are you on the left doing junk i'm about to walk into the security cameras because i am enjoying learning how to use that thing for the last weeks i've been playing with the security cameras normally i never play with the security cameras literally for the last five months i've stayed away from them because it's just you die then yeah i know you do die i've been watching i've been learning how to play it and then when i see people come in the door i hop off and say you're not going to kill me and then i run away what did you do after weapons i went into o2 i did the canisters and i have the water wheels to go back and do you see i'm not sure she is in o2 i am in o2 oh are you an o2 because i can't see anything this bro i'm just thinking if if there are six people left and the sheriff shoots the wrong person then the game just ends oh god i wonder if you know if you got shot by the sheriff or if um or if it's like just a rand if you if it just looks like you were killed by an imposter i wonder if you know okay i i feel like it's um junkyard and who i'm next to you right now good lord you can't see anything with the lights off now that's crazy just see little legs okay good i'm probably scared right now i'm super super scared i feel like we're getting doubled i feel like we're gonna get doubled nerd out looks like the sheriff with the freaking sheriff hat on oh i want to do my light or i want to see the [ __ ] i knew i that's unfortunate that's real unfortunate i just caught this kill just happened yeah this could have just happened are you saying you caught me killing yes i just caught you [Music] i was i was right behind you so i didn't see what happened so it's weird because i didn't see anything so i if you killed him i wouldn't have known it but you're saying hard that i did it so i think you're it you killed mr sparkly he was like five feet ahead of me so i'm gonna have to oh my god and then what's up everything is junk junk and nerd out there in front of you i hope they believe shelby just slipped she knows she literally no no you didn't i went to walk for my head-based scan i flipped the node so when was the the mr sparkly was doing the wires next to the contamination door and you go quick i'm not even over there i didn't even get that far into med bay yet oh you are lying yes you are lying you are lying i don't know you are why do you not think junk did it i saw you okay it's absolutely nerd out then it's nerd out in the jungle i think yeah yeah i think it i think it's some trouble no victory oh my [Laughter] how did he how did he think it was that how do you think it was that oh all the logic pointed towards chunk and nerd out being the imposters dang dude that's sad that's very sad poor shovel did everything that she could um let's see where did i leave off on the notifications gesture with the two of the bits the walker with two other bits any crazy drunken stories nope i've never done anything crazy well drunk honeydipping with a sub gift lady reno with 300 bits haas with the year of subs happy anniversary have a good day yourself um ster starry gelack with a sub uh charisma yo 29 months chewy with 11 months of subbin that is pretty cool indeed hell me dk with 200 bits it was negative 28 degrees celsius today in finland i live in an old house it's very cold inside also i've watched 578 hours this year yeah i saw your uh thing i think on on twitter that's a lot thanks for watching so much and then watching now that's pretty sweet times anyway back to the show okay should i just do light shines oh lights are just good they're just good to go off the bat heck yeah this is not a drill actually it is i want to be the sheriff i want to be the sheriff please please let me be the sheriff i want to see somebody also like do something as the sheriff because the thing is two bodies being right next to each other there's also a chance it could be the sheriff so if you just walk in on two bodies then like you don't know right you just wouldn't know for sure if it was the sheriff making a mistake or if it was uh actually a double out of focus got it we good okay so green's being dead for an eternity yeah blue just dropped so where did you find green's battery no i found blue i found blue oh um so blue's body is at the bottom o2 node around there that's where that's right that's how i got the report button around wait i just saw on camera's flutter walk into o2 yeah but did you see a body there when i walked in well no i mean i wouldn't i can't see the node yeah that's not a vision well is it like right on the note is it about yeah well i got it around there i got the report around there i already made it you take a moment to appreciate them lights but you know them lights i turned back why did you go back down there because i just saw you up between because i saw because i saw green dead so i'm i'm looking for bodies oh that's right okay because i which is really weird like why would you just run through specimen without doing anything i since the very start we both went to o2 together i did uh trees i think junk was in there as well i did trees with you as well okay then john came in right to add more so he looks a little suspicious and he looked fine filling up the water in the conference room he did he did jack what were your specimen tasks okay i have a download that's all i think it's a self report hey we got fresh water in the conference room i don't think shelby could be there okay no i can't matter yeah that's hmm maybe he did maybe he just didn't move over until later something like that i'm not sure uh i don't know though it kind of looked like he was just walking through but i don't i feel like he's played enough that he would not just go through without doing anything especially if there's somebody else in there so i don't know i don't know that'd be uh it'd be a a noob move you know two rounds in a row oh wait no no no no it's not red anymore i guess sick dude yeah i was like why would someone be on admin table now although he he was doing admin table last time too so rip man i want to be the sheriff blue stone thank you for gifting five subs jack fair play okay i know how this will make me look right now okay so jack no look listen okay i've come from top deacon uh i've come i've come here [Music] download and i come into space your flutter was right behind you going okay okay okay um where's the body then so the body's in bottom deacon time okay oh the body yeah i did my i did my one to ten did my sawing task and it's in bottom deacon time in bottom d container like yeah okay can anyone vouch for each other that's right i would say flutter couldn't have done it because i'm interested in gas i am on my second gas philip right now i don't think this was jack because he was i would like you know i came into the meeting saying jack well played what yeah no no lights oh i thought you were calling me out i was like so it's like it couldn't have been me because i wasn't getting lights are you doing tasks at all me yeah what's your right i've done a call is i didn't know to buy storage and then i'm on weapons right now and i just i'm like on 19 asteroids [Music] platypus he was he was doing too many tests at the beginning of the round i was definitely cleared out on the first round yeah platypus was running around with me he was doing the whole time so his junker he was in o2 doing too many tasks as long as he had eyes on him the whole first round i think the man okay shoot vic hello so it's uh it's drunken platypus right no it's a dick oh man the third imposter let me guess junk killed you no no it's platypus uh yeah imposter rip yep all right but yeah exactly i still need to uh i'm sorry am i muted i'm not muted am i no you're not no you're not well that makes no sense to you at all does it i don't know what you're talking about lost lady stefan mute is anybody here the sheriff um i'm not koov is not okay uh cool if you're still listening so if you if you kill uh if you press the kill button on the crew mate i'm not sure if you die well i know you die as sheriff sure guys i'm gonna bear that quick just in case okay jack okey-dokey and um if you kill an imposter you live as the sheriff let's go i just wanna let's go okay then that that ended well you suck ass i just caught you coming out of a vent on cams man sheriff needs to just shoot someone shoot for no reason or do you just wait until there's a good reason for it i want to show i mean you can you can i was gonna i lost him yeah no you can shoot off a probable cause i mean okay literally it's like the american police so nerd out shouting shoot vic didn't seem like probably yeah yeah it wasn't a bad shot i'm sorry oh uh uh me i'm one we're good it's articles okay uh every single time i cuss count it dude i'll i'll gift you some subs i'm sorry oh please easy way to make money okay all right we're at three right now see if i drop if i drop a christmas vikram is just like nope bye i i'm not 100 sofa yeah everyone's 100. yeah we started before we started i actually wanted to say that uh well i just want to say thank you to vikram for sending this up and i actually feel really honored to be playing with uh all of you here i know where fabulous let's go yeah all right well let's see we had uh n coiffman with four months of subbing uh miraculous user with the two of the bits you are blue now with the seven months um just got home from work super happy to see you streaming thanks for jumping in netflix and chill 29 months dark spawn blood with 200 bits uninteresting plant 10 months miss when my nine month baby with the little baby plant is a month old now well happy month birthday to your your little plant gilly gilly with 20 months aaron play 3x 300 bits i've been informed i've watched it for 742 hours last year on twitch mostly vods but they still count right second place is tom with 24th replaces myself anyway cheers for the hours um i uh does it if it counts vod watching then hey if it says 742 hours in your thing then yeah that's that's it um thermic waffle with uh 29 months 29 months check twitter uh at srq i don't know what that means but i'll look at my mentions uh friend made something really cool that i think you'll like all right all right and zatanna with three months i'm doing pretty good can't complain love like with a sub as well okie doke person yes what happens is he'll die too yes oh so they do so they do both die oh yeah kill right then and there yeah but but then we'll die and i come across vikram and vikram's innocent and i kill him we both died yet the cooldown is uh larger than the killer it's about 40 30. yeah 30 seconds yeah but no one's even used it yet who cares about cooldowns well just so theoretically if you're the sheriff you don't want to call a meeting you want to chase after the robber and kill him in a way yes yes yeah so you can totally you can totally call that like the culture what happened [Music] all right here we go let's go boys okay all right uh whoo i gotta be the first to use it i'm gonna i'm gonna throw the game with it but i gotta do it i gotta do it i feel like i just i just wanna okay wow that was fast um i'm okay with this what do you want me to do with this what happened uh i'm pretty okay i'll just say that flutter definitely left drop ship i saw her enter um uh what was it gas uh storage when i was right before i got on my node uh bottom left uh storage like in between storage and electrical so this must have been a simultaneous devil right no no no jaclyn no jack oh oh i forgot about that right right um i mean i saw this kill i don't know what you want me to do with this dude what do you want uh impression that we were shooting the game but oh okay you know what you know what i'm just gonna i'm just gonna tell the sheriff who the the killer is and don't i'm skipping right it's please skip and i'm just i'm gonna let it up to fate i'm gonna let whoever the detective is have fun with this one this person the killer are you not going to share who's who it is so the sheriff can you share it but i'm going to make sure that you all skip before i reveal the information so that way we don't kill this person all right i like it okay okay okay okay well one person has to hold off who's going to hold off or unless you're just going to say you're just going to say it once it's good you hold up kiev and slice his throat i like it look i i thought the game was going to be over with you i was standing over the dead body after a platypus killed him and it was so recorded is that what happened that's crazy that you know you said that you thought the game was going to share sheriff you kill me and you die as a result of you killing me you'll know damn well that is platypus put it on me okay well this is going to be interesting all right let's see here we go we gotta we gotta do it we gotta we gotta i don't know where he is though i don't know where he is okay we gotta find him oh it's a long cooldown though so it's a real long cooldown let's see where is it where it where is it mother frick really before i got it oh it lost platypus wow oh that makes so much sense god dang it he wanted a free double kill he wanted a free double kill that makes so much god dang it as a crewmate and the sheriff would die himself as well here's what happened on drop ship y'all and killed him with me still standing at the top and i'm like okay and i danced over the body and as soon as i moved away like well i don't know what we're doing here i thought we're ending the game i didn't want to be the jerked in this thing so i'm just letting it go that's highly unlikely because flutterpiece wanted two kills sorry i absolutely muted myself this is so who was the sheriff wasn't sure i am being honest with you guys at the beginning of the game no it's nerd out it's nerd out before he did he did the self report it's just like i got so unlucky i got so unlucky there that of all the people like he just did it right in front of my game anyway like they have no idea i'm the sheriff i just got extremely extremely unlucky that's an unbelievably unlucky moment right there oh my god i said that because not like i wasn't even i wasn't even chasing man what a bummer wow they won this then wow one and nerd out so i'll see you let me know let me know how it feels to be wrong and uh yeah i'll i'll be in touch all right take care men oh my god that i was i was trying to find cove i lost him when the lights were out and i was gonna i was gonna shoot him yeah yeah that's very sad god that's very sad i can't believe they why would they believe him that was such a bull i got so unlucky that was such a bold kill self report there i knew it he killed you i knew it i was like you were right behind me and i was like wait how did he die he was right behind me people people killed her i thought that was too early of a reaction oh my gosh it actually oh my god wow i got you i got you baby who was the sheriff i was i got eliminated before my cooldown was even up [Music] the sheriff the cooldown is wrong because the sheriff couldn't have saved the game by killing the imposters at the end yeah because they killed first yeah they killed first i was i was telling myself why would i call that meeting at the beginning of the game and then cove one goes i thought the game was going to end guys he literally said that and then oh well no i thought his jackpot spoil the content for some of you all that do youtube is in okay let's go yeah nice one guys no no no no do crewmates ever win here i'll try my best no no we always lose no be hard it's gonna be hard for them to win i got you all right well uh we've gone from sheriff to uh imposter a couple sides of the spectrum there dude okay well we'll see how we'll see how this goes oh boy oh no platypus clear me well um i was on vitals these two bodies died relatively okay so this is definitely this body yeah no no no no okay so basically i did the node um like on the side of med bay i come off and uh the body shoe blaze body is um at the entrance of med bay chewble and i went there like right away that's the first thing i did i made it so in like in inside the lab yeah no no no oh i'm sorry i am i am inside the body is outside yeah her body is outside of lab yeah oh okay because i was like i was in lab there and i didn't get a report button that's cat i was a telescope i didn't see you there i didn't make it to telescope the lights are out how would you see me if i was approaching telescope came on already and i would first of all i'm on lights right when you turn these lights okay where did you go i don't know about that i have no idea okay so once okay so one sec flutter and uh jordan are on the right hand side in med bay but not not in the bay i'm approaching i was 100 approaching telescope i don't believe sparkly here just why would i lie about my positioning that would be such a dumb thing to do when there are so many people in that area um yeah i had no idea where jack went but don't forget we also don't forget also we got a hundred and eighty thousand ping over here in america yeah i'm probably teleporting across the screen yeah all right definitely you all right anyway let's see yeah um yeah the interesting thing though is that i definitely did see her so she's saying she didn't see me which is weird because i i was actually approaching telescope so the only thing that went wrong there was me saying that the uh that the lights were out because i genuine that was genuinely my position so it was a little weird um anyway yeah yeah well no i mean you can blame it on her just i realize imposters have slightly longer vision for sure um but anyway it shall it flutters the sheriff though imma be in big trouble we'll see how it goes right i'm going to tell you now well sparkly was an impostor i'm the sheriff no way oh this is unfortunate this is unfortunate wait wait wait wait wait this could be vikram playing no no no no no no no considering the fact that he got voted out last time that it happened what are they thinking right now i i was enlightened with um who's on lights with uh platypus and no doubt and i see how i get sheriff nady i get killed in the most ridiculously bold play and then i get eliminated in the game oh my god in the game like six people in or some something like that then it would be like okay that's really whack dude but yeah i walked by vikram and sparkles like literally when i saw the orange body flash i was like wait what just happened yeah you know his voice was i mean he seems very happy though yeah i'm sorry jordan i'm sorry dang bro no no no no no don't be sorry he was an impostor get him out of here oh my gosh well hey let me kill you because i called him out so we got one more all right so and i'm clear because i want to go do med based scan and i messed up with the lightsaber i messed up with a lot because i'm clear okay no so okay these are the three people i'm gonna i'm the only one i'm clearing i'm gonna click nerd and jack was on ceramics behind me doing it right definitely what's ceramics what the hell surrendered from the movie ghost dude oh i see what you mean all right i want to see vikram out of here get him out co-imposter he busted you god i'm just i just slipped up no no i mean the only the only thing that made me suspicious is that i i guess i uh didn't acknowledge the lights being on quickly enough um so i guess that's what that's what they went off of but uh yeah other than that other than that there were no witnesses on anything weak evidence but they got you yep yep it's just a bummer that i'm the sheriff and i got eliminated in the boldest boldest kill out of nowhere and then i get eliminated by the sheriff i just can't possibly i can't possibly win oh this is really really really bad wait he's gone so did the killer kill vikram yeah oh yeah oh yeah and i yeah what happened yeah oh you saw it happen uh-huh snitch guys it's gonna be you gotta mute homie well it's vic that's gone so i'm gonna skip here on six the first the first crewmate win man the first crewmate winner the very first round when there was a double kill that happened junk and i were the last two off drop ship and jump did not make it in to the electrical area for lights to get fixed when that body was reported so even though we weren't in vic's inter circle of trust of being cleared junk nor i participated in the first double kill all right so i feel pretty comfortable hanging around with my friend junk oh my thank you wait i'm just okay just cut it so the kill or you didn't see this but i was i was on vitals that first round and i had the timing of both killers well yeah they're like both kills because you killed one of them no it wasn't i don't i don't know why i would give that out if i were a killer by the way i often use the vital play here's the thing i noticed that you said vital the vital thing right away and that's something that i do is killer i'll always say that i give out vitals info as crew and imposter yes i always want to give it up i always do because it's very important i think i'm guessing y'all voted for me so just go next vote me out i don't care it was it was sparkles and i mean yeah vikram killed himself yeah jordan i'm sorry dang the first crewmate win that's rough you know what you know what people are assessing sparkles so i was like you know what let me just let me let me let me just let me take this into my own hands bro yeah so that you gambled right there then yeah you gambled i basically stumbled yes no no no no no if i'm right it doesn't no i was an imposter though so what if you were wrong though i thought if you were wrong it does um no cough didn't die so i'm going to guess it just kills me yeah oh that's the way that's a way to get hardcore yeah wait so you try you tried to eliminate someone else and um what does the animation look like when that happens he's an imposter he can't die and then i'm like oh wait we're playing with it with a town killer yeah i'm like no no i all i want to know is what the animation looks like when you off yourself and i can't get an answer okay the gambling is back huh you guys have an addiction um we got chaos master with the two of the bits i did do the intro before we started yeah logan shadow claw 29 months um excuse me uh dark spawn blood with 300 bits um don't always get to catch the streams live because i work early in the morning so it's always a good time when i can be here love the streams keep it up thanks dude glad you're enjoying them thermic waffle with the two order bits uh meant to say check twitter oh replies real quick my bad the images in the comments the tweet i sent okie dokie i will check it later later in day god i want to be the sheriff again all right i'm probably gonna get removed from existence here real quick i should have done the maze first before this but oh well all right i'm running far far away jack don't do it you wouldn't do it in specimen you wouldn't un-alive a body and specimen that would be a dumb thing to do there we go what what what you doing there what you doing there mate you're just waiting you just wants to stick together okay i got you go fix lights go fix lights let's do it let's or maybe not i'm gonna do the uh let's see if that's junkyard let's just see if there's any bodies in there just checking just checking real quick all right check vitals oh blew down blew down everyone's colors keep changing yeah because of the order of order of how it's another sub does that mean jack does that mean jack died first then legend no no jack must have been like a second ago yeah yeah but what i'm saying is did they both just die and this could be no blue has been down a while yeah so basically deviant's body i like um so i turned on lights uh i went down to ot and i kept seeing the report button that's how i was going around in circles to find out where it was and it's like at the entrance of like trees nerd out where did you go then if because i went into weapons with flutter and then you walked out of weapons i thought you were gonna turn on lights where did you go comes i i did my downloading and weapons did the weapons did my uploading comments but you're the lights guy yeah but i'm tired of doing the lights even as an imposter i did the light i did the first set of lights i can't do the lights all the time okay okay you can't just rely on me i know i know i shine bright like a diamond and you know i put the jack in pre-jack but jordan you were just with jack all right yeah i was before he he ran out of admin jack killed jack and i was going to uh what was it vitals and then he must have gone down by whoever followed him out or was out there which might have been shovel actually uh i went into specimen you saw me go in because you guys came out yeah then the lights went out i don't know where you went after that you could have come back through i went in because kuv1 was there and he left while i was still there oh you know what you're right i did see that show yeah shovel okay i walked into admin yeah i walked in well no no because i walked into admin and i went to do um my car swiping and electrical and i saw sparkles and jack was walking behind him yeah jack and i crossed as i went to vitals he was going out he was going out it could have been he could have not have been sparked yeah it literally couldn't have been me all right well i hope the uh the sheriff tries to eliminate me and then i can clear myself although it's probably gonna happen if the sheriff tries to take me out is that they're gonna um there's just gonna be a body that i'm gonna report and they're gonna be like are you self-reported and i'll be like no the sheriff just tried to take me out and i am still alive because i'm wearing my bulletproof crewmate vest and they made a mistake so all right yes i've got uh it can't be the captain plot armor now if they're smart they'll keep me alive i really want the sheriff to try to take me out oh shovel might do it trouble might do it okay are you gonna i'll do it god dang it there we go three out of five oh what do we got we got to do download i want the sheriff to try to take me out dude i want to see what the animation looks i want like does a body just appear at my feet if i'm in a task and the sheriff tries to eat me like is that it they just appear at my feet and i exit i'm like what happened oh they ricocheted off my bulletproof vest i want this to happen man did wait did you just report i just reported who'd you find who did you find i actually don't remember which color pink was reported okay so we just saved the game i'll tell you what it was purple died like just before the second lights went off or first like so one of them too okay where is is so hard cleared right now um so hey that's hilarious um this body's in med bay and um was gonna say who who was in storage getting gas that was me i saw vikram out of the very corner of my vision while i was running up to the reactor at the very end there outside of election yeah because yeah because i was doing my gas okay you must have done left first because i checked the right one yeah and i was like well i finished my right one i finished my then i went into med bay and um this is where the body is it's right near i don't it's where right as you're entering into if shabu and your point in this i feel like it's not platypus because he could win the game by not reporting this could have won it so we already sparkly and junk i don't think we got in any no we don't haven't no i think they're about to win the game with reactors but no i'm all the way i just passed i just passed nerd out in the deacon contamination i was going into the the cam the the decontamination room going down into chunk is the common denominator between and nerve ran out nerd ran out next to me um okay thanks for not listening to me the jeff keeley mask is him recording a body there i was like i didn't think he'd report a body at the end that's a bold thing to do you hard cleared freaking plan why guys i'm telling you right now four out of five of them kills were me okay all right we did the same thing again though i was like let's let vic yeah dang i didn't think someone would just report the body there at the end if if uh if the reactors were going in or it's a risky play seems unnecessarily risky but i guess it worked dang dude i mean you guys should just it's basically if i am a crewmate it's a loss here if i'm an imposter it's a loss so things are going very well so far anyway where did we leave off i think we had a morning star with eight months eric and uh lept leptit franco fun uh with a sub cisco plays games with two months i've been sub for two months this is my first ever movie stream i'm glad you could jump in for it miss peaches with the 200 bits rogue sniper yt with a three months kyle appears 27 months boom dog zero six months spider webs were used in bandages in ancient times that doesn't sound nice chaos master with the two of the bits oh and we'll read that off after um actually let's do the uh let's do this first get the maze and then go in the lab later um trisha is a birdie thank you for raiden appreciate it welcome everybody and playing among us with uh it's called the sheriff mod where one of the people in the game is a crewmate who can eliminate anyone if they get it right with the imposter then the impostor's eliminated if they get it wrong they eliminate themselves so uh you want to try to be right been sheriff once and got eliminated before my cooldown was even up it was very sad right you guys are saying yeah you guys not seeing the uh the prediction screen seems like there's less channel points going into the pot than usual either that or you guys don't have much faith in me right now which i understand four out of five whoa whoa whoa whoa uh hey i believe i believe my man uh i think he tried to eliminate somebody and they would work wait they would they would have died they both would have died right no no no no no no no apparently it's only one if he was older if he was the sheriff he killed himself yeah wait was because i i just saw vikram's body just like evaporate and no one was like was it yeah it was just below o2 wait this is full of people wait hold on wait where is it he either tried to eliminate me or who else who else was in o2 with me is it o2 canisters i was no no it's just below the green it might have been it's full people what i just did water wheels i just did canisters and i just did the tree it is literally in there it is literally right below the green grass the distance was a little bit like you know what i don't know what the delay is like but i think he tried to take me out i i kind of want to i believe him because this is something vikram would do he would do also i want to say something quick this is a very brave claims for john's makers if anyone is the sheriff they can say no you're wrong yeah he could also be lying but nobody did they could also be lying no one did though yeah no one said no you're gonna claim that we were able to go that long without the impostors killing anybody i mean the outside like he just illuminated himself the grass is great important self-report with schuberth i don't know why they're what are they arguing about this location for why would i lie about the location of where you just offed himself i don't understand i don't get it poor guy poor guy just evaporated dude oh god okay yeah it is true if someone else would be like no it's i'm the sheriff right so anyway yeah he was definitely the sheriff it would be i feel like at that point it'd be wise to speak up if you were the sheriff because then it'd be like i strongly suggest that oh yeah i gotta turn up uh this buddy is uh outside of his door is on the left side okay outside of storage i just left up his door oh sorry i just left platypus sparkly and juvek together that makes we we're assuming sparkly is clear so i think jivet killed platypus why are we assuming he's clear why sparkling kill because this lines up this lines up with vikram being the sheriff and trying to eliminate someone or me if he was trying to argue who's in commons with me i thought it was flutter no i just uh i was just in lights with people and i went down to office to see if anyone's dead yeah i was running with are you saying just now uh you might have started around oh it might have split up because i went to office yeah i went i just someone's not here with me well it's not me okay i'm up in lab right now med bay it's not me i'm oh sorry was i i was in i i guess i might have been comms i forgot i was okay yeah yeah my apologies i don't know where i am yeah i honestly can tell you i could not tell you where i am on the map totally spaced it right now um i'll go back to the prior round sparkly and both o2 so there are two imposters left i am not one of them uh i don't think trouble is one i feel good about okay lotta and sparkly that's about it i do think vikram killed himself me too um i don't like how netapp came with me just seems so disrespectful to suggest he killed himself i just i just think that jack did i did i know that barclay and platypus no somebody else would have claimed sheriff by now i just want to say any okay um do we have oh i have a freaking med bass scan bro i'm gonna do that i'm gonna do that i think i'm going to get eliminated personally oh god i'm never going to get my task done right mr jack sparkles what's up you did the lights with platypus i didn't do the lights i just walked i was like at the doorway when everyone walked out jack and platypus showed up to lights after they were fixed yeah i yeah i don't i don't think i was with him because i would have seen him when i i was kind of zoned out there at the end ending up in comms when i went to electrical all three of you were there in the doorway together and jack is saying he wasn't there he was at comms i ended the round of comments yeah me and jack we were all out yeah five seconds before yeah but just died i've been i don't know okay let me explain my perfect thing because you're confused we were all at lights yes platypus showed up late i was like where was platypus because we were together previously i walk down with flutter and flutter only i go into comms i thought flutter came in with me it was actually sparkly flutter then reports the body left side of office platypus i left him at lights i think he went into electrical i think wait which party did i report you're reported legend i'm pretty sure okay yeah okay okay oh all right well yeah yeah i don't think no i don't think i don't think so but we okay we were walking down together through the like whole weight between comms and office building and he goes into comms apparently i don't exactly remember that i and i walk into this body there's no room for him to kill uh platypus unless platypus was like right outside of calms okay junk shoes yeah i i walked into comms and i didn't there was no report so yeah okay okay i'll forgive you this time jake i think platypus died somewhere in lagos and then legend was the one outside of office this is all based off of thinking where he died we're not actually sure but he died in the last five seconds of that round oh okay mm-hmm it was awesome junk where did you go after electrical vic just so you know i don't think you killed yourself i couldn't even tell you okay i don't i don't think if it committed and you'd be wrong about that yeah i'm going to i'm going to laboratory right now so am i so am i i'm gonna do a med bay scannerino real quick after i initiate some samples come on somebody somebody come in somebody come in somebody vouch somebody come to me and vouch this is very sad oh junk's got it i think junk just we gotta we got a junk vouch three out of five okay and do the node i'm scared on this i'm real scared oh okay um all right so it's not it's definitely not sparkles because i just what i like to hear i just totally walked up into him he's doing med-based scan all by himself vikram was the sheriff yeah vikram was the sheriff it's not sparkles it's not me flutter do you have any this was one kill though uh when i checked vitals it was that already it was already dead okay okay it's whoever is in security because i i checked vitals uh there was green dead i went down to um there was one in office two in lab one in three one in one six three one in uh security so i was the last one three junk and then i go to the left i don't know all the way on the right yeah i do wires above security i jump on cameras i see flutter on vitals i see shelby leaving office out the right door i go down to o2 unlock both doors and there's a body on tree and jack you're you're saying you're an admin on the admin table jack yeah i'm in the way to o2 right now the the office doors just [ __ ] on me so it's it's it's flutter or it's flutter or a jack no because flutter okay i think it's junk i think it's not i don't think it's junkyard this kill maybe this it might be nerd out i'm shooting junk well okay all right well let's see i'm gonna stay on i'm gonna stay on button i'm gonna stay on button i'm gonna stay on button am i gonna be eliminated am i gonna be eliminated i'm gonna wait i'ma wait i'm gonna wait for the call that's it what what excuse me what oh i didn't know you guys are voting out there i should not have voted for junk when did you guys get that kill so yeah i tried to kill sparkles and that didn't turn out the way i wanted no that did not talk oh well we had one of the killers but we just voted the wrong word walked by me and then immediately when you guys both went into comms this body was reported and the third person that walked by us as well was flutter and she killed me in front of you guys pretty much there was no report button on that phone as soon as you guys walked in she reported the body so you know what i mean oh yeah i like it yeah sorry i was zoned out at the end of that last round and then i went back to try and get a kill and went back and reported something down by the way you followed me from admin i really wasn't i really wasn't yeah shelby you must be my bodyguard i can't tell if this is just like a higher level lobby than usual or if uh everyone's just brain farting tonight especially myself man it's a rough one this is a real rough one this is messing up everyone's predictions too dang i keep getting like shovel was the other one that i thought and i just voted for the wrong person first dang it all right all right dubs only dubs only i just i got to pay more attention to my surroundings i'm distracted honestly i think my problem is i'm too focused on doing tasks when we never get task wins so it's just like should i even bother i shouldn't even bother doing tasks okay is murder shed gonna get me one of these days i will win as a crewmate it's gotta happen it's gotta happen here's where lights get called and i get eliminated immediately i don't know if he's uh the sheriff and he's trying to keep watch because i'm i'm being closely watched here very closely watched by jeff keeley jeff keely what you doing man uh this car is done in the last 46 seconds so wait vic you're telling me you checked the vitals and didn't find the body on admin table i don't know no no that should have 46 because there was no dead body when i left he's the killer only because this is something killer yeah nobody listen listen listen when i left admin nobody was dead that's why i counted from admin how many seconds and two about you counted to 46 yes so what relevant number is 46 here minimum 46 seconds and since i left vitals this body's died so since the start of the round this doesn't help how reliable is your uh is your tempo of seconds where is it where is this why can we close it it's not it's not that's kill cool down sparkles was poisoning the water and he's about to go to the meeting room and he's going to fill up the water so don't drink the water i think it has poison i'm in med bay and i just walked up to somebody's on scan i didn't see who's who's on bed base again right now i just walked up to somebody's on med-based camp not floza is it it's probably a dude who's lime green with a [ __ ] it was uh it was one of the green i swear it was one of the greens i'm not sure which one i was told oh i know exactly who it is i was still trying to figure out did flutter kill herself did she pull nick the all of us hmm thank you that'd be sweet they received this round i voted you for 46 seconds [Music] yeah what if it was an uh a crewmate um or a sheriff fail you never know i mean like i if i hadn't doubled back if i was just like wandering through something like um you know the decontamination corridors on the way to specimen i might not have even realized that vikram mobbed himself and might have just kept walking and then someone would have been like uh there's a body then you just walked by and i've been like what are you talking about i literally couldn't have i'm crew um what i don't know dude so um oh you okay you reported it so go ahead dude i was just doing my card swipe in admin and then i walked to the right side and platypus was next to a body and nerdout was walking in and i was very confused it was it was legend but no whoa whoa whoa whoa i wasn't even no that's physically impossible i went over to the right hand side nerd out i do remember you being in that room and you were with somebody else um and then i go out and i'm like okay let me i let me do my water task and then i was like then i remembered sparkly should have this task too if he correctly did it in the bottom left and you were doing it and then you popped out and then you had to do the water wheel underneath and i was like i gotta do this too and so i was like man i can trust this guy with my life and so i followed you into uh vitals area and then there's there's a body immediately when we walked in and i knew you were doing a test so that's why i was dancing back and forth because i was like i'm gonna wait for you to see this and then nerd out comes back in why are you coming back in nerd out i mean you know this can't be why people open the door junk just junk sorry that junk um legend just ran out of there as i remember how can you see me lights out i wasn't even there i don't know why you're saying it's me that's a little massive on i i mean i would say massive on legend and slightly massive on nerd out nerd so sheriff nerd god unless i'm being marinated by platypus i really hope that's not the case no i watch out for that one he'll do it oh god no i won't but it's a tasty marination so if you voted me you i've i've nerd out remember that one game when you're like oh man platypus killed that guy due to the fact that he wait did it bro i'm so lost here could he have could he have done that could he have just done that and then waited for me to just walk over and then he's like oh no i didn't do that i was just waiting for you to see it like did he do it and then just is he gonna get i'm just i don't know man i don't know man be a heck of a thing though yeah that was the mlg node that's just weird oh i'm all done with that i'm all done with tasks okay it's time to probably get eliminated let's be honest uh but okay let's see let's see let's see oh okay oh my god all these doors are freaking cheap you you can't accuse me on that one right no i'm not accusing you you walked up to the same time as i did uh it's between comms and weapons it could be vikram i feel like i saw someone before that and i mean i mean it could be by snow i did i when i left when i left i did weapons in in there and when i left there was no body there so it must have just happened all right i am going to put a target on my back i am the sheriff i'm trying to find legend i'm going to kill him because i know he killed the other kill right if you want to vote me out afterwards that's fine i am the sheriff i am going to kill legend okay i am a crew i'm a crew of my tasks are done so nerd out i'm gonna stick with you um okay you could also be imposter and i could be crewmate that could also be true and you just could be trying to pull pull out that's fine either way legend's gonna die and we're gonna get an impostor or he's gonna kill me you can report the body and we'll get legend out either way this is what's going to happen all right legend's going to die here okay i will say this if you're going to hang out with nerd i love it like if he wants to kill legend oh yeah yeah don't don't be over legend yeah yeah i i promise you on everything i am killing legends no one else i will not bodyguard legend don't worry okay no one's gonna body guard me bro we could we can stay on muted and do a man hold up hold on hold on hold on okay i will say let nerd out and i joust each other i did not make that at the top of the map right below drop ship let's do it this is going down what they're taking 10 paces is what they're doing five dollars on the show keep in mind the cool down keep it right yeah hold on yeah since we're not we're not definitely stand on lab doors i'll stand right here go bite me you go start on left react uh i'll go stand on right react and we'll do that yeah that's what i'm saying [Music] yeah down hold on wait don't go to the center center area vikram vikram give us a countdown okay five i do not want to be even six five four three two one five five this town's only big enough for the one of us i i don't think it's not uh and i don't think it's true uh so i think it's cheap i've been chilling okay i'm just chilling you know well this body has been dead 46 seconds no first it's not me let's just play the game we'll just get is it different like if if the sheriff shoots someone does it look the same as if an imposter did it or is there a difference like once it goes one sec one nerd if kill me and then the game's over i could jump into me so if if nerd out was an imposter like would it have looked different or would it look the exact same i would have not it would have known i would have just been dead and all right no no what no it looks exactly the killer oh okay yeah well no no no no no no no no but if nerd was an imposter the killing of my different so basically if the if the imposter dies um it'll be as blue like sorry uh the sheriff will show blue if you die it will like have blue both players will be blue no no i'm i'm talking like for to all of us observing like what if legend was a cr sorry a crewmate and nerd out was the imposter then yeah it'll be the same it'll be the same but then we know that's impostor right sparkly i know you're a crew mate yeah i am going to kill you and sacrifice to prove that i was no no no no oh god okay and i'm gonna die i'll win the game are we are we are you guys still deafening or no no we don't define on this one okay yeah okay oh my god all the time people gotta stay quiet now i'm not talking all right i'm not all right everybody to the drop ship to the draft through the drop ship wait wait push is definitely wait wait he might just hold someone hold on wait a second hold on wait wait where's platy no we need him to kill someone that we're suss up wait where is bloody it's fine wait wait does oh i i i can't let him kill anybody because he could be the impossible no there's six people so he wouldn't be able to we're all here right now it's for the contest wait wait hold on we're fine we're bogged we're everybody line up right here well sort of hey guys there you go all right everybody line up get in the line okay i'm in line okay please where were you on the date of the 15th of january 2021 i'm in los angeles california sitting at my computer that sounds legitimate yes next platypus okay okay yes where were you on the 15th of january um well on the 15th um so i went to the dry cleaners and i was like turning in my shoes i had a little bit of wine stain on it and it was from the riesling that i was drinking even though but like it wasn't a red wine was it a white wine or was it a red wine i'm so sorry i think it might or was it blood oh i don't know so did they get your did they get your dry cleaning mixed up with junk oh um [Laughter] i'm sorry i'm sorry for unmuting there but on my screen i had killed platypus and vitals i think i think he killed me because of king i think i think nerd out beat me because of ping pong oh [ __ ] that's why that's why it's i was alive for me and showed that that could have been hilarious how the hell did that how did vic die like that he got he got polio i finally won a game right you know give me an imposter let me kill nada no you've killed you've gotta fight me so many times guys i finally won a game i don't care if you lost channel points i won a game that's very exciting finally dude finally i don't i think that might be my longest losing streak of all time on among us that's rough that's real rough everyone who lost channel points you salty you just salty about that you don't consider that a real win okay wait button isn't working oh platypus his body was stood up and flopped over but my report button wouldn't press okay this but our this body is on the death valley node yeah we know what is death valley uh it's like right outside storage-ish is that where oh there's another storage oh oh that's death alley wait and then valley of death yeah below so that's how are you gonna explain how you didn't just kill that person my body sorry my report button isn't working i was stood there trying the lights were on there's no way if someone killed him in front of you you didn't see them no the body was so the light as the lights was coming on the body flopped over in front of me and i couldn't see oh you look really bad for that one yeah i know i don't remember it i turned on lights and yeah and then i want to say shovel is clear for the rest of the game okay thank you oh wow um but i'm in trail by myself so i didn't do it i'm in tree all by myself and i did not vent jack entered right side of vitals coming from like death valley area what um that which is in between office and coms oh you mean that out you know what yeah i think i think this buddy i'm sorry i meant died before lights because yeah so jack probably could be one you know what this could platypus had to have died recently as well no he did we know he did oh yeah all right vikram is reporting the body he didn't kill he killed practice ran down and found him yeah i kind of like that no i like it i like it no wait where is it full it's false were all around doing storage patty was just following us to watch us and like like i saw this flop but the lights were coming okay but how do you have time to get to the other body i still don't fully understand what death valley is and i feel like a lot of this hinges on the death valley thing i'm going to get shabu nada and junk me yeah i i did first time term there anyway let's oh yeah dude we got a little bit of uh excuse me download to do here death valley is definitely not a place in nevada it's a place in california but it was close um no i mean in this map which place death valley is anyway uh actually no i'll just run this specimen let's get it done somebody else will do lights right right right i'm not gonna be number one crewmate right now everybody's in electrical so yes mother freaking frick balls this is pain got eliminated so much tonight man tonight it's not even night time but it feels that way with how much i'm being eliminated is no one gonna go in to the office and find me nobody nobody at all wow bruh they're about to win this thing nobody's finding bodies oh my god yes crewlink does actually work with sheriff well okay this is a gg wow this is a gg right there anybody gonna check vitals i don't know and like see how many bodies are down what bruh know report you're going to report oh i think it this is it yeah come on they must have been like a second away from there came up on the body he was right outside of uh laura decontamination doors basically on the admin table okay so me and uh me and javik were on left reactor who was on right reactor me and junk nerd junk is clear for the entire okay are you guys together the whole round okay yeah we've been hanging out have we eliminated gas i don't like anybody anybody the store is getting gas by themselves have we eliminated anybody we have not okay then if nerdout and junk are basically going to say we're hard clearing one another and i know i just roll up on a body then this has to be vikram and jack jebeck but why can't you be assembled it yeah but for me it's koval vikram akuben vikram old drunken nurture well i said let's do vikram first because i'm good with that and then and then it's going to be either jack or or no no because you think about it because i think you've killed uh it has to be vikram and jack here because cool just saved the game so i'm gonna say who wouldn't know there we go there we go were you either lose as well right i vote there we go i was sheriff screw uvic screw you look platy what happened was vic killed you at this node and then walked down to report flutter at a different note i should have killed you when i had the chance victim should not have been on that task should have been looking for you oh yeah you were so the idea is just if your sheriff shoot vic immediately is that how it works i think i go lights on oh okay i fixed the lights okay yes then how did you i fixed the lights i'm sorry um i want to vote yet it was the right three i just got the lights on unless this body's on the light cage then it's not no no no no oh yeah whoa hold on a second now we didn't report the body we hit the button i know where the body is i know where the body is where's the body where's the body it's in office jungle was in the office with me okay i decided the round i went into o2 i did my trash i did my tree i got the lights i've just got this this is problematic because i fixed the lights and what jack just said about it being the right three switches the ones that had to be turned on he was absolutely correct it was like the right three switches so i know if he knows that then it's turned out yeah i'm not good on the button unless it cleared each of us no unless you marinated no but i couldn't marinate and get five kills here because it was the light through it was the right three switches yeah but could one person have got them all no i how did it just turn up how did this turn but how did this just turn sorry jack get a gun i don't have a record button on the light panel i no i don't have a report on the light panel i've just got the lights on it's the right three i oh my god i guess the right three i had no idea [Music] let's go wow wow i knew i should have killed jack when i had the truck should have killed him that first round i started that game by saying i've got imposter i click the screen it says imposter and then i end the game like that yeah i had you on my screen to back i can't believe you guessed that but you know what one time i get sheriff i don't get to kill anyone you know what no no let's see if you're a genius now because i'm going to go you're going to be a poster what is this what is this man i don't understand i don't understand what's happening anymore this is ridiculous bro this is ridiculous huh are the lights out for this long okay let's see let's see i'm gonna i'm gonna end up losing and it's just gonna be really really embarrassing um the thing i just finished that may is not shirt out nerd wait where is this coachable it's in med bay it's right next to the telescope i think okay i don't think you did i think you were looking for where it was yeah i as soon as i came off telescope i saw the report button on the ground and i couldn't figure out where it was am i blind the lights are off the lights are off and i think shoot came right up on me i can't see a whole lot but i think i literally just found the body right next to the telescope so it says scanner and i saw vikram peek in and then run away yeah because yeah i don't have mid-bass this is bad for me right now because i have to like yeah i know that this wasn't enough for me uh i don't think this was jack i cannot come from 100 because i didn't see him 100 of the time but i don't think it's likely i know it's jason and dbm went into weapons yeah yeah no no why were you not at light can i ask questions i'm on strike it's in lab okay okay i'll show you go ahead did you have um the note the note no no no i was checking on you because the lights were going out okay okay because i was thinking how quick did you don't know what i was thinking no i didn't i didn't have that [Music] um i was on the far left with uh nerd out nerd out was in the tree area doing his download i did the tree he did the loadout then he went and did watch oxygen right now i'm my only question is i i'm pretty sure you didn't see me the entire round and i was in an area where i could have vented i don't know why you're clearing me to be fair no you just walked into weapons yeah i did oh wait yeah no this body was kind of fresh so this is a lab russian lab but i could have been just saying i definitely someone could invented to get this kill too yeah i just didn't want to say oh i was just in lab with shovel and and cough that see that that wouldn't work very well hmm let's see let's see what to do what to do holy crap the lights just came back on so fast oh my god oh shall be somewhat recent oh okay we can get this well i will do it i'll do it i'll it could have been someone else in the doctor they flutter flutter uh where did you split from trouble i didn't want to eliminate trouble because she was one of the people who could have into o2 as i was leaving uh yeah no okay so she did walk back i saw her there uh i was standing weirdly because i'm i because i'm trying to see if something happens because to catch an imposter with um like out of like are you the sheriff uh i might or might not be i will not reveal okay okay sparkly what you've been up to you've been a bit quiet yeah i've been uh let's see where did i start off this round i did the tasks in um in admin and then i ran around to lights as they were being turned on went into o2 did trash did the water thing i went with jack for a lot of the round you run into lights no not in lights as they were being turned on i was at the entrance and then i ran down into other jacked lights by the way this is the first lights i should say um there was only one lights no it started off oh sorry what am i talking about this i don't think for shovels killing can be no doubt sparkly jack or me because shovel walked past me out of that area and sparkly and jack were both in weapons who would you seriously remember can be near that still never mind wait why did you end the round yeah i'm up on midday right now i i've been up there again the vials i didn't finish bed babe because the lights were off and i was going out that direction to fix it it took a while john quite did you finish the round uh com's doing an upload hmm i did what did he i did download i did upload flutter was doing um weather was on it when i was leaving when i jumped at me again yeah actually that's true she said all right no i um i thought that uh what was i gonna say yeah i i would i had an opportunity to eliminate trouble there but i didn't want to do it because i really didn't want to like throw cove under the bus which is what i thought would happen if shovel got taken out so yeah anyway we'll uh wait for the cooldown to go off here and then do this oh god dang it oh junk's dead i don't know where all right wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i can i can figure this out i can do don't even say where it is cause i know where it is too but don't don't i couldn't say it i couldn't find anyone there it's not juvic who where we where were you sparkly at the start of the round where'd you go first i went to specimen i did the numbers and then i did that same thing where'd you go start the round um i went to o2 i did my um well i was walking around left side saying okay yeah yeah that's fine i fixed lights i finished my med bay this time and as soon as i finished my med bay i went across i'm just on top of storage right now and the lights have come back sparkly and legend uh check out coov doesn't what sparkles no but jordan's the killer point wait what why am i the kid no no he isn't the body in specimen and also jonathan didn't do part of watercolor at the start of the round flooded i didn't do water oh oh the sorry the water cooler in there uh sorry i thought you meant water wheels yeah yeah i think you might have split left and killed shelby in the first round yeah but cooper's not much of a dude definitely sparkly and cool don't know wait what jacks were around vitals with me when this body all right right yeah i hate taking people and specimen it's always it always ends poorly i know you're an o2 the previous round when uh junk and you know when vikram and shubh died forget about the stupid water bottle thing because i definitely saw you in there i don't remember i don't know i see how it is irrelevant i'm literally just left med bay i'm over top of storage the lights just came back okay so uh is anyone confirming is anyone confirming jack well yeah because i don't know who did it yeah didn't do this [Music] never lies i never like to do it anyway all righty let's see it just took you about 20 seconds to fill up the water cooler okay if if all three of you are cleared i don't know okay okay um but what about the the double the previous round and the thing is the thing for about this skill i saw three in specimen before checking vitals and so in the it seemed that this body is dead hold on then i should be yeah that was left side and then yeah for that kill legend you could still it's sparkle sparkles just took 20 minutes 20 seconds to fill up a water cooler um that's how long you look what are you why are you trying to marinate me so hard jesus hold on hold on hold on if it's between sparkles and i i will say i do have a kill button i don't think it's what sparkles i don't think that's what's going on here no i think we've stopped i don't know why you guys are pushing me so hard because i genuinely don't mind you're the only person that said you went to specimen last round why would i say i went to specimen if the body was in specimen why would i put myself there everyone else was because people saw you going to specimen and you and you knew you couldn't lie about not going in the specimen oh my god just for the fact that he spent 20 seconds to fill up i hope the watercolor never lies anyway because i use it as a jesus you smoke people a lot okay yeah that was it serves you right i hope it's wrong man i didn't get to kill anyone i didn't i didn't even i didn't even do it i didn't even do it didn't even do it i didn't even do i'm sorry i'm sorry cove i'm sorry cove i i'm so it's so bad when when specimen happens it's specimen always gets me did you kill shelby i didn't do anything [Music] how first of all why did you kill the person that straight up just like said that you weren't the killer when you why well you know i played this game a little bit maybe not as much as some of you but generally i'm used to the other imposter actually using the damn kill button too yeah i'm sorry dude i will it doesn't help i was next to it i was next to shovel i didn't want to eliminate trouble somebody was taking this song in the ghost chat there about oh my god the lonely road i'm like you know that's fitting [Music] sorry i know is a bad session for me boys a real bad session um anyway ouch it hurts it hurts real bad i've gotten two wins tonight two wins i think so it's not completely it's not completely uh uh the end of of the road for me but pretty bad shouldn't have done that kill down there it's best but i was thinking that you either could have camped the body and you just got the next one to walk in yeah or something else roasting shovel because she was like coop kills me in bed and that killed me me hey can we we're going to take a five minute or a year all right all right here we go back to the crewmate i want to be the sheriff again man ah i was sad so sad getting eliminated as the sheriff so quick yes we do in fact live in a society yeah all right so i feel like most people are probably betting against me at this point like it used to be it used to be 80 20 which is kind of how it that how the breakdown should be right and now now it's 50 50. my cred has gone way down way down dude it's time to turn the ship around that p break was all we needed bodies and dead for storage i saw it dead on vitals i didn't see one when it died so i have no i don't really have an accurate time oh i do like probably about 15 20 well 15 to 25 seconds i'd say okay you should have some info so oh yeah yeah you have a pink warning there i was pink wedding there and i saw like three people go right i saw four people go left which is weird because no i went down into the box i don't i don't know i was gonna ask that next but when i went down to the bottom left no one was in oxygen tree trash even after lights where did everybody go i was in space so i was inspected i was as well who was the first inspes me me okay okay um i did see one on inspection admin i saw this on evan now the crazy thing is what tasks did you do in space i've got three uh so i did the download there's a sorting task and now i've got my last one which is the one to ten if you said you had another download i was gonna call you on it okay wait uh platypus you did you said you entered um o2 right yes sir okay then you either entered when the person who fixed lights had left or the person who fixed lights lights were on already uh well then uh then either the person who fixed lights vented o2 probably not so who fixed lights though we need to know that well you should have i nailed that information okay okay and then i went straight i fixed lights it was literally a one switch and then i went right to lab and somebody was on rockets with me yeah i was on drilling yeah somebody was on rockets i didn't pay attention who it was have we actually like correctly ejected ejected impostors at all this session outside of it being me i feel like we haven't really it's it's very uncommon for that to happen all right okay i'm not seeing anything oh simon says i love you freaking heck oh it's not where's the body i just found a tucker oh one second me flutter and uh spark uh jordan are clear yeah fully cleared the whole game oh nice uh why is that but good for you we're in space that's right yeah exactly i have to say the list again say the least jordan newflutter and jordan all right so that way okay oh yes myself all right all right so where are you guys your allies i'm in the in the electrical i just hadn't got to the panel yet okay and jack where are you ahead of brazine she was behind me in office and where did you guys come from office yep um i was doing my common tasks i am coming from the office area as well on the left-hand side i was that's where i accident after we all did uh card cardboard and then i hit the communications i had the upload on that i and then not the upload i'm sorry the thing where you bring it down first yes thank you one of you is lying i can tell you that right now john questions i went in there i did my node and then i did some oh no no no i did the note and then i did the temperature thing and i was like just having a song i was singing to myself it's gonna be then i came across the body you didn't know that three people were together and this self-report like no it's really wild no i'm gonna have to say platy you were probably the last one around so you're gonna say it was probably you okay well all right i don't think so if you keep fighting brazilian with me i am whoever was last on whoever was last on that row was was the killer all right i'm gonna just i'm gonna just stick with uh some people here i'm just gonna stick with vic because this is gonna be it's gonna be a double even if uh even if i'm not doing tasks i'm gonna stick with him and we're either gonna be doubled or we're gonna live to see the day okay all right got this come on he's got water wheels which scares me i don't like that it's gonna take a while dude i keep thinking that the uh the the twigs that he has on his like character like running oh my god did he not actually see it why would somebody do that oh no did he not actually it's either that was so bold it didn't [Music] yeah but i don't think jordan would try to kill me because who do you know who's in the area i don't know oh my god how did he do that i was standing in the body i was standing in his it's really i guess he was like on top of me he was in that i hate the thing right now i hate him yeah i hate that very much yeah that was not a sulfur those platypus did it yeah because wow but i'm not a good guy the two people who that was my heart i [Laughter] i thank you no it's not me though i am actually i just did lights i just did lights and i see platypus walking up from that hallway oh you are such a liar platinum all right vikram listen to me they're going at each other wait wait don't vote no one vote no one vote i voted please going at each other unless they're geniuses and both the imposter on the street regime no it's platy because brazilians why are you shooting people and i'm going into security right now right is jack an imposter because jack knew that it was going to split why would you do that why would you do that oh my god all right who do i want to kill the most here potter piss can you let me get one platypus on the sheriff please let me get one let me kill vic let me kill vic let me kill vic okay no you're gonna kill yourself wait no no no no no no no it's fine no no i'm not i'm not i'm not please let me kill vic where is he he's running away i don't care i want to get a shotgun man just let me use the ball jack jack you knew that it was going to split the vote by doing that yeah because that was obviously we are that's my gardener i believe we're gonna hear some leaf blower go bur i gotta let him to water the plants one sec exactly i'll be right back nobody move don't move don't move wait why why why don't move come back the people left come back brazilian come back get back guys why are we coming back uh sparkle said he's afk oh oh okay okay okay if the but if somebody dies here i'm gonna lie how's your day going oh it's going good dude how's your day going i'm pretty all right all right come on oh nice up here wow so here's the funny part if people actually die we're gonna like legit be yeah you'd be in trouble oh no one of you did this um nobody no don't get it let this game get thrown out whoever the imposters are need to be shamed publicly shamed what happened are you back you fixed it wait what happened why did the impossible behave okay jordan's back yeah i'm here what's up uh we playing are we playing or we're not playing yeah we'll wait for you oh okay i appreciate that are we are we now playing yeah let's go okay all right uh i guess people are still afk i don't know i don't know what's happening i don't know what's going on at this point man i don't know if this is a oh okay vikram yes no well what was going on up in drop ship there was a party there i was afk and people were waiting and then other people became afk um i'm just gonna say that i ran down to water wheels because i was thinking down there nobody in my wall wheels i didn't know but you can do your water wheels on the left side no no no no no can i say something can i say something if you had to do if you had to go to the waterways on the right you can do that now at first as well just to let you know yeah you can wait what did you say pick so basically you don't need to go to the left one first you can do the right one no i know but what i'm saying is you would stand on the left side of that water wheel right below the office the bar is below it i know i know what it looks like i know what it looks like did i know but i generally i i was doing the first part but flutter's not even dead in live is she why would he be but she's dead in vitals [Music] i know what it looks like i know exactly what it looks like but we're on you know can we get both of these guys out so we can hold it you're on bottom you're on admin water wheel is that what you yeah what you want me to believe right now yes okay all right cool cool cool well i'm on the other two water wheels and there's no one there so they can okay all right for sure well i had water wheels i uh there's actually i did mine in first round i want to say this i want to say this thank you for those of you who actually waited at the drop ship yeah okay appreciate you flutter's dead she waited too you're big ups to her very nice to be fair i was stood on the lights for ages just in case i'm just gonna say that uh briz if you're gonna if you're gonna assess me at all for doing water wheels too fast there's actually a trick where you can make it go like yeah yeah no there's a trigger you make you go fast yeah you just keep on spinning you just you keep spinning okay that's what i didn't know that that's insane dude that's insane you can do that bruh bruh this is some next level techniques that i was not aware of i have to try that next time oh my god this thing's again is that really a thing i never knew that see we truly are playing in a high level six seven eight nine ten this is a high level simulation okay oh where's the body what can confirm the wall wheels fingers true yeah hold on wait wait hold that's not let's not dmca if we can if we can avoid it uh i i killed vikram i'm the sheriff oh okay so it wasn't oh he sounded so dead that's why he sounded so dead he's like shut up just say it to speak get this over with if twitch has the ability to dmca through a cell phone filtered i couldn't actually no i didn't know what it was but i was worried it was going to get better were you playing like i shot the sheriff or something like that it was uh it was the heart big iron on his hip big iron on his hip it was almost an imposter kills the shaft vikram is the crazy person who probably did uh generators when we were all in ship that i know for a fact he and also he was waiting for us in drop ship so there's no way he went all the way to the bottom left did water wheels and then was doing one no no no you can do that one below it first i have some you can do the one below at first but i will usually oh the water the water bottle the water cooler oh my goodness [Music] if it's not right you can never go to this again i know i don't think she had time to do it in round one either i don't think as i kept checking and i wanted to catch her out on it that's a rip that's a rip right there wow it never fails vic that was so bad that was so bad i was about to kill you [Music] hey i did go do third water wheel i would request you so hard during that meeting but i was like no i'm going in for this one what's up can i have brown can i have brown oh yeah go for it all right everyone ready no yeah yeah yeah it's been white this whole time oh yeah i don't play foreign after this i think we should probably do a rehost if he gets it again all right we imposters out here this time okay we'll see what it is [Music] let's see all right all right gotta do gotta do things gotta do things dude i gotta finally get an imposter when it's been so long without one uh sparkles no what's up no what is that noise sorry i i have leaf blower gardening going on the background so i'm gonna mute mostly yeah yeah cause it's i'm pretty sure cause it caused him he's also doing this it works out for him because i caught him uh so he was running from uh the area been below like the electrical cage looking he was running down to the right or yeah down to the right looking like he was running away from that vent up there and you know i found vikram's body right at the top like of electrical going to go to the comms i was doing the uh router restart and upload i don't know what you're talking about with me running from the vent oh you're thinking from what i remember mean you are in communications on download or upload for that matter yeah and we're walking away and then i just see sparkle's little little foot coming in and he's coming into calms where did you see him come from i said it came from left side of columns uh right below um like below cage so that's where i think he vent i didn't physically see it i will say that however it looked like he was coming from that vent well no he did the wires next to the the event up at the top so he yeah i did i did the download in there then i did wires and i ran back out yeah well the only thing is uh usually if you were coming from that vent there you would be there would be like a killing cams whereas this body is dead is not like the top like topography like right legends there is at least six people in in the left side it could be any other six i mean i will say when i checked admin table at the beginning of the round i knew lights were i was gonna be so suspicious if you guys didn't turn those lights on immediately due to the fact that there was like so many people there platypus i got you you know how i do there could be two imposters voting for me just saying no cool guys appreciate that damn i can't do a single thing i cannot do a single thing tonight without getting uh uh suspiciousified bro all right let's see i'm not gonna i'm not gonna take anyone out in here dude all right let's see had to do it i had to get him whoa what do we got where y'all at right now where you at right now entrance to lab no both jacks sorry i'm still muted uh entrance to lab okay so that means a platypus and sparkly are not clear is that correct i'm well i'm not clearing that i am clearing junk though or i just had three people put themselves in specimen i rolled up on a body this would be a really insane self-report well you would how did you know did you only know did you check admin table before this no because i'm just doing my task so it's on the left side and lab so how did you know that side of lab they've said they're in specimen three people just put themselves in specimen left inside a lab like eddy at the entrance i'm sorry guys bottom left by o2 that's right and three people have said they're in lab i know but you do this isn't helping us right now you started the meeting you said there's three people in lab who are they that's what you said exactly that's what you started the meeting i didn't say that yes you did yes i did i didn't hear that at all no i that puts three people away from this kill on the left-hand side bottom left before lab entrance i was uh flipping the switching comms and then i ran over the lab i voted coof i have a platypus all right good luck guys jordan did you vote cave ah no platypus honestly i have no idea though well that's a bummer i really didn't think they were all gonna go for him hmm all right i guess we're good i should say well that's probably gonna be a report right there damn it i didn't die i thought for sure i was gonna die would you where were you before lab where were you before lab oh yeah sorry she'll close the doors we'll see yeah you're talking to me what's up yeah where where were you before lab before level i just got to lab so if you're asking what i started that round no yeah yeah i did my water canister up there at the top of the office i then left there his reactor was going off and went to the top right reactor where jovac was standing i decided to go over to the left reactor where i saw junk come off of it meanwhile as i left the office i saw sparkly come up behind me at the table as i was leaving um and then after the reactor was fixed and i confirmed there are no dead bodies on the left or the right side i went over to lab where i just uh picked up my vial i believe okay um i believe that thing i just went down to office i passed jordan at the rock and yeah the bodies of vitals so it doesn't look good for jordan the body was it vitals that would have that was either someone who was because i i so i started off around hanging at the button um just in case the reactors were called which they were and then the reactors were taking ages so i didn't know something happened uh so i ran out then i ran back into the button exited after that went went to lab to finish task that's when i passed you um so wait so you came out of office and passed me i can't yeah i came in the body there no there was no body there uh okay well curve and junk are in lab junk also med based scan so i i think it's you but you can accuse me i guess but drunk i met bait after you yeah he was hanging out he was hanging out he said no no med bay walk or anything yeah you guys you guys are in the new four boat okay and enjoy the last round if it's cute oh definite i'm not definitely definite guys definitely jordan i was the sheriff and i was gonna i was tempted to kill you but i was like nope i'm gonna let you live i have a question did you come out of i was waiting for you in med bay because i wanted to see oh no i i came i came back out into admin that night that's when i got um flutter yeah what should we do about like with car then cause so car is coming in cara's gonna come in oh i i actually have to get going in a uh two minutes anyway so you need a space oh okay one second one second i'll probably i probably will hit lg soon too i got one more lg in me and then i've got something so i mean for what three how long have we been playing uh i got another i got about another half hour in me i'm good for about i was gonna say around three o'clock is definitely like i'm i'm probably leaving in within the 30 minute area uh let me tell cara one sec uh is she ready yeah she yeah she is she will be yeah it's okay i can i can go because uh i can i uh i need to do some other stuff anyway so that's all good all right thanks thanks jordan again jordan you can do one more you can do it okay i will do one more yeah one more time twice in one week i know dude it's crazy such a reunion please yeah it's been a good reunion week jordan i like it yeah okay all right go look at five man i'm so sad that i only got sheriff once it was just a loss dang it bro no no no vault hunters after i i got to do a like a local recording for youtube i do have to try to i know we've been hard on the streams recently but i have to try to occasionally make videos for the main channel so that's what i'm doing [Music] what oh [Laughter] rdm'd him and it worked oh my god that's awesome even when i'm the imposter i get killed what made you decide to do it bro i just said the first person i see oh so it was either him or you it was what you were thinking it was literally just me or him i was like you know what i just saw you jack could you every damn game and apparently now it happens with sheriff mode when i'm the only factor and don't do don't it bad buddy i'm dead again again that people can't talk less i blame coog not me good luck good luck ladies and uh so gentlemen dead let's talk about his dead yeah i don't care about her that just killed cool man so i hate you jack vikram's not a killer because he's in med bay and i'm right next to him so i don't think he's the killer the audience i'm not gonna i didn't see you but yeah that's fine okay then i will say this don't don't even i say vikram's not the killer for the rest of the game uh vic was on files right no he was in med bay i was in my bed yeah so if if the killer killed legend and then wait no vials or vials no it's not files oh sure i'll say what all right i'll kind of shoot someone else make it be the right person i saw someone what if he gets both of them how incredible would that be the rng truly better than mine i've been getting ruined absolutely ruined tonight man i keep saying tonight even though it's not nighttime that wouldn't work for me there's no way there's no way given how things have been jack teleports behind me gotta love that ping though it's okay it's night in the game yeah yeah for sure that's why i keep saying it dude also the lighting situation in my room never changes so it could be any time of day really oh wait i have something in comms i forgot oh okay wait did he did he shoot him oh oh my god you killed junk oh my bro so no right i'll go so let me explain to you what just happened right i saw the cameras on i was like you know what cause i felt bad for coup i was gonna call some mayhem and i was gonna go kill whoever's on cams and die and then make it look like it could be anyone who was on cams right i was on cams as well so you too i know i just walked up and and can you can you link to my youtube channel too no no no i want top link for inviting you i don't want to be in there i don't want to be in the youtube video the sheriff just had pure luck and killed the two apostles that's hilarious what's going on i'll catch you guys later [Music] all right i'll all right oh my goodness what an ending if only i could have been witness to it all but uh anyway that's it that was quite a win uh i'm sorry that i i didn't get any good games there that was uh pretty bad on my part but it's combo of uh just smooth brain moves and just bad rng but anyway thank you all for tuning in make sure to like if you're watching on youtube sub to uh captainsparkle2 hit the bell playlist for more mungus and follow it captainsparklez and that's where we'll leave it off for now see you next time
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 116,342
Rating: 4.9525604 out of 5
Keywords: captainsparkles, among us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 46sec (8326 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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