The Fastest Game Among Us

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hey everybody welcome back to more mungus i'm in a different position see here definitely not the same lobby as last time hey make sure that you're subbed to captain sparkles too hit the bell turn on notifications like the video check the playlist for any other amungus episodes once you get done here if you just are craving more you know pretty cool stuff and also follow slash captain sparkles to watch these live that's right they're live streamed it's incredible you would never want to miss it i know you guys on youtube you watch these videos and stuff but did you know that you can experience it live at captainsparklez it's pretty cool oh i'm just basic imposter too i maybe it's just kind of a little like the probability the statistics are a little wonky and weird and stuff like that probably that's my assumption that's my assumption i think it's probably just they're a little weird tbh because like it's just it's hard to balance out a bunch of things that are weighted at like a bunch of weird probabilities you know um let's just do that was clean that was a clean clean right there bro we like clean cleans like that actually i'm sorry i feel bad zine was getting eliminated really early on and now i have to wait on that or now he used to wait i'm sorry zine i really like i didn't mean to do that i mean i did mean to do that but i'm sorry about it actually no i'm not he he actually he didn't mean things to me he did very very mean things to me so you and a little bit of that and a little bit of that and see you later oh my god oh my god holy around my the first body and then we just kept double killing yeah and it was being endured in the back of electrical i had a report button but i couldn't find a body and i just my mind just blanked on the where was the report i was walking around okay i believe i know what it was the body was up against the upper wall in med bay oh okay oh yes it was because we killed three people there yeah yeah which is you know what the hilarious thing was you killed me just in time because i was the arsonist so bro and wait what now i get to be the other side of the coin here what is this what is happening bro that was extremely clean clean what uh oh oh my god wait what is this part of the game i'm not familiar killed me i was like trying to wrap my head around what happened there um sparkly yeah uh pikachu though what wait what didn't he altruist nobody interested he ultralisted he gone she mustered me brood all twisted her pika i didn't say anything i just watched and laughed because it was cara and i thought you would do the same 100 yeah sorry wait don't vote no vote all right don't vote sparkly you always kill cara first so i was like oh he's just going to play along with this as well pika killed her right in front of me i thought we were just laughing at the body i walked away boots came up and ultralisted her car is must be execution or something oh just moving on me i just gave two weeks i don't like i was there i saw the whole thing but i couldn't even keep track sorry my head stopped working for a second ashley to answer your question you missed a lot 100 percent killed me my head said just when i saw the kill screen and everything it was i'm going to mf i got a quick question i feel like we've got all the info we can from this i just want to ask like is sheesh or was sheesh ever cool or is it just ironic what yeah oh no what is huh she she i know i'm dead oh like yeah like it's so cool never cool it's a word yeah [Music] i've been too old for tick tock since before it came out i need to post even more i wasn't even the one that skipped talk bro i need to post on tick tock i know it's it's been ages i like how nobody even caught the fact that i just you know cleaned the body at the last second i was like yeah why not it's chaos we might as well you know bro i i guys i have no idea i have no idea what any of this tick tock stuff is or at least the trends i have no idea what the trends are also oh wait he's oh we didn't do the housekeeping rule where you're not supposed to do cameras until you're finished with uh your tasks so hopefully that doesn't screw me wait where the frick did he go oh he's over there that makes two games now where i altruist to give jordan an impostor thank you much appreciate your situation just like you're just your teammate but yeah yeah yeah brought back car and i was like oh my god she's so bit and then i died and uh nobody noticed i just like cleaned the body at the end of the first round that's a good thing to remember actually if i die then that means jordan is an imposter that got altruistic back to life i thought he was like me because she's so big i was like oh my gosh well this time it was car that got all trusted but she was teaming up yeah i got all three oh gotcha whatever whatever is going on today yes whatever's going on today is just major for car to screw me over in as many ways oh god i love altruist dude i almost never get it right well that's my favorite part the reason i like altruist as well is because there's a counter play like you get the silver arrow so yeah all the outros they've been so good all right what is happening right now what is this why does this keep i just i don't want it anymore guys i don't want it i don't want it anymore and i'm just vanilla what is this and why is it happening jesus why'd you hit the button we're in a meeting twice apparently a double major meeting all right double media meetings oh nerd i had a button no way yeah that was weird the button happened like a good two seconds after the report like after and it just has a race condition i don't know i don't know like i'm on the button speaking of race conditions xena and i were racing towards those electrical panels that is true we were racing in the beginning and then i decided to go elsewhere i i i ran i ran to the bottom because one of two people moved into me but i don't know which one it was okay i i know i have a megaphone as well but i want to pass this on to ashley because i walked up on ashley and a falling body yeah so ashley was one of the two people that he could have been there uh muffins to me everyone's brood so one of them well that's why i'm saying i don't know which one did because the lights were off but one of you moved into me because there was two of these i ran straight to the bottom and pressed it brood ran with me to lights and he got there like the same instant that i did yeah then so i'm skipping yeah if wait if nerd is saying that somebody morphed into nerd out and they ran with them and i found ashley no no no no no no they ran away from me they ran away from me thought process pico was that like you would do the left switches and i would do the right and they would all go at the same time so sick it was worth it okay guys nobody nobody go to lights brood and i are going to handle this i'm going to turn them off and we're going to try to get thanks cara for the swear jar guys two robba bus points if the person morphed ran away from nerdo why would ashley then be back over the body exactly button yo i think we got an emergency guys we're gonna have to button all right there we go it's fixed we done did it we done did it cool cool and okay pretty cool pretty cool uh well uh i guess the ashley's suspicion was correct or pikas or pika is just a bold imposter yeah you know you know me you know me you know me you know i wouldn't you know me you know i would never be impostor or glitch i've never done that before this sounds false but i don't know enough to argue i can actually only get the altruist role so you should know that i'm the altruist again right right right definitely yeah yeah you just like a reverse a reverse altruist unfortunately i couldn't have found this body i would have read her all right so so here's the thing right ashley's got to be swapper right because oh she went oh no i just think somebody here is a troll no i think ashley was a swap i swapped herself with brood she knew it must be brood if it wasn't her right that's sparkles i i i think how do you think i'm the swamper it must be because of you i'm saying this actually what oh when you did this you're like oh no okay this is how dare you accuse me of acting all right we skipped here so i can see your music videos you don't act oh my god is that so weird okay okay oh he just tried he just tried to fail our sheriff killed this and then got assassinated yeah it can go either way i understand but he just killed in front of us on the previously suspected person and then got us which makes me think that the assassins me jordan okay uh wow that was a that was a wild ride i'm i'm glad he got it right i wouldn't have known between glitch or sheriff i guess the sheriff usually is a little bit bolder about the whole thing you know all right let's see let's see oh oh wait yeah there's not enough people left i forgot there's six people i'm not used to it being this quick hold on i gotta go up i gotta go up and help [Laughter] oh no he's shielded oh my god he shielded are you kidding me oh god you're right i feel like i'm about to be ganged up on i don't i don't i think it might have been it might have been like a miss click or something i had been like a miss click no no we're all good are we all good everything's good all right all right that was awesome i don't i can scare you know that we are i mean i am i'm far away from everybody at the moment and i would like to know anything that happened uh i'll be honest so i'll be honest it was a misclick because i meant to kill sparkly because sparkly wasn't fixing reactor whenever i was on there but it also walked on top of him at the exact same time it happened and uh no no this is a jester play because i came in to contamination and uh sparkles aza and nerd out were there and then the doors closed and the gas came off and the gas killed ozza i saw him fall over he choked he was like and then off and down and really i think we're all safe wait zen listen what what's up i genuinely think pika was a bad guy right i think he failed us in there sorry i'm just i have to talk about my role okay um i saw you flipping between my side and i was lucky lookies yeah just walked on top of him got super unlucky and but you think ozil was bad too you know also i also was definitely whether he was arsonist whether he was glitch whether he was what whatever the overalls could be shot okay he would he was he was bad but wonder i mean he thinks zayn is just you know because you're a sheriff and you uh you you knew that that wasn't there and then you wanted to kill sparkly because sparkly very clearly wasn't doing the right side which i agree with and so it's also was there's absolutely another bad person between sparkly and nerd out because there was not just one kill attempt there really who else tried to die who else tried to die i hope nobody yeah who else almost died that worked uh okay so who's the medic well we know that so uh i guess that solves that that solves that eh wait was seen the jester were you like trying to avoid that both of as we all them yeah ashley was arsonist by the way yeah i did share with her but yeah so i had shielded aza so i knew that because the two of you were with him one of you tried to kill him and the other one managed to do it because the kill cooldown resets oh that is so funny i don't want to be imposter anymore stop both had killing buttons i just wasn't sure which one of you was like bad bad all right gg's oh my goodness a wild scotch has appeared like that game that game actually saw me kill cara and i bought and buried as the the kill got called i just said i saw someone oh i don't believe it he's not orange oh jack i knew you killed i was just gonna protect you who was the swapper probably brood oh so bruce swapped himself out probably yeah quesadilla yes that's a good plan actually yeah so many times though all right um let's see where'd we leave these off i think we had covert gunman six months of savage into the third trimester anna swope five months of savage halfway to a sub baby and uh excuse me ting's 96 eight months of summage bring back the stash everyone loved it it'll come back at some point all right um i am a lover with ashley and i am a torch okay well see how this works can we stay alive come on ashley stay alive i'm gonna go here and i'm gonna get murked instantaneously when the lights go out it's just how i do or maybe not maybe not maybe i get to stay alive that's very exciting okay okay that's not actually that is where a task is they were just uh covering up the yellow part i was second guessing myself now they're gonna think i'm weird and guilty because i was doing weird shuffly movements oh no it's time for my life to never mind we have an engineer oh my god engineer's saving the day what a guy what a guy i have med scan oh cara is legit with a med scan okay okay that's pretty cool right there dude that's pretty cool oh chaos is about to ensue right now there's about to be just a bunch of bodies flying all over the place any second it's gotta be that way right wow actually legit i'm like i'm impressed by that never would have guessed it i might just oh god what's gonna end up happening is i'm gonna flop over right next to them and she's gonna be like why would he try to sheriff me after all this time i'll be like i didn't that was my partner getting eliminated okay oh i've been shut out god dang it come on there we go i hate it i hate it when the timing goes that way it's so bad should i follow cara i'm gonna just i could i could because i i believe that cara is okay this is very sad that this has just happened oh okay so we have a bit of a med bay parade we did we have a bit of a med bay parade like a lot of us cleared each other i can't believe that's happened yeah i met this kid so i was the first all right sorry rob about first and then it was me and then sparkly and then i assumed pika yeah yes and i feel like ozza was mixed in there as well i couldn't um i couldn't go on living without ashley my love and i did i saw it i didn't even get to do an ooh in the chat i forgot to ooh in the chat so i missed that decontamination that's what that's what failed us because i forgot to do it wiggle over certain people to try and lure them into places to kill me because i'm super fast and i want to be able to use that um so that's all i got so i apologize kara where did you find a body where's the body yeah it's an admin table but he was just alive yeah like we literally saw him pressed up against the decontam door and then yeah the deacon finishes and he's dead um let's i think i ran past pika in admin as i went right yeah none of this was i'm not excuse me i'm just saying that like i'm just none of this was there and that wasn't too long ago was it pika no that was the relatively recent yeah 10 10-15 seconds i just got back to lab because i thought there would be bodies there so i mean are you thinking swooper then like sneaky vent play swooper i think it could be lahu honestly okay that's incorrect oh yeah let me be phantom skip let me be phantom let's get a phantom game up there give me a chance give me a chance dang it i want to be phantom that's very sad i just exploded in front of the admin table oh so we're basically right next to each other because i was um i was just going out of uh the top right of the office and you were at admin table that's frustrating yeah i thought scene was gonna be okay because he walked right past me and then i went back and checked vitals again and then he just he just swooped in and killed me the old death i couldn't bear to live without you i know it's because we didn't type beautiful messages to each other in the chat while we were alive that's what caused this to happen yeah you know i just don't know what kind of messages to type these days you know you got vikram that does the feet thing you got that does the thing wait vikram does the feed thing is the first thing i heard yeah i press the button and get out of there immediately like it is the worst experience you've ever had oh thank god i thought people oh he did it the mad lad did it vic is watching the [Music] yeah well i know that cara can't kill me why i have a theory that cara can't kill me yes i am very proud of my wikifeet score okay don't hold it against me you would too if you have nearly a five for your feet no no no as in does not have a kill button um that's nice yeah so flip uh-huh i'd be more inclined to vote to be honest but who knows yeah also where are you lap okay did you get there through d content like bottom d thank you i appreciate you guys clapping i used this crandall so the problem is someone just went through they might have them that's where zine's body is hmm i can't tell if i wonder what happened to pikachu yeah no i went in i went into the top and i went over and i did the second half of my vials and i was about to go down into specimen that's nice now cara if you're big braining me here i love you and i bow down to you uh i voted oh no i was sure ozza voted for himself too i have tiny brain today well i'm surprised you let them follow me later i appreciate it though no of course thanks i have so many questions actually yeah okay so zine killed me in specimen on my download and then zine is dead and i killed this pika sheriff shot me yeah i went at first it was nice of cara but then when she bolted it straight to o2 i assumed she was probably snitch so then i was like okay she's recesses are probably correct then so all right let's see um um dana taylor 12 months of savage happy one year steve the fan 11 months one more month till a year can't believe it's already been that long keep up the quality content i will do my best jack gaming eight months of savage million with the 13 months tater tot with uh six months of subs jates four months mixer won 10 months of savage nick chrysanthos with the seven months glad i could catch you live for once what's your favorite kind of bread a big on sourdough that's pretty good i mean it sounds basic but you give me a good sourdough mmm just it's where it's at dude uh beno28 with the nine months subject twitch baby day congrats i think it's twins wow that's that's pretty swick dude uh alex gill with the three months of savage i wanted your opinion at work we debated over what constitutes a salad and what would you consider salads like fruit salad pasta salad etc i mean i usually just prefer like potato salad to me is it's kind of like it's weird because it doesn't actually have greenery and it's just like potatoes and mayonnaise but apparently it's considered a salad so maybe maybe it's it's a matter of both convention and having like a dressing that is not tomato sauce so like any i think anything with tomato sauce is not considered a salad because i guess tomato sauce isn't a salad dressing but you can have i guess any other accumulation of various uh um ingredients with a dressing on top of it although in the case of fruit salad i guess the fruits own like water and sugar and you know juiciness that is the dressing so yeah that's that's how i would that's how i would go with it i suppose oh look it's vikram um feet lovers and uh yeah so that that's where i think but i don't know i'd be interested to read up on what the actual like chef's definition of a salad tomato sauce what the fork is tomato sauce what do you what do you mean what's tomatoes what do you mean what's tomato sauce how are you asking what do you what a tomato sauce what have you never had a pasta i'm time lord i'm never time lord oh wow this is so cool okay oh boy when do i time lord i just want to stay alive man i just want to stay alive oh dude it's such a long time before you can actually do a rewind though that's like crazy what i should do is i should um i should camp vitals shouldn't i i should do some vital camping oh time lord can't do vitals eh makes sense makes sense yeah that would be super op so uh would willingly sacrifice herself for vikram but game in the um and now vikram has died twice did you guys just report before he was able to get res was that it no no no pika just chased him and then i was like oh we're sporting him right and then he kills him in the door to officers yeah exactly i don't even understand what your play here is nothing about this makes sense i was in lab with vic cara azaskage all of us are there right and we see vikram's body just on the floor we're kind of dancing around it because we think it's because it is um cara sacrifices herself and i'm like man do i interrupt this that would be hilarious but i decided against him against my better judgment i i let it fully go off and me scotch and ozza were all escorting vikram and on our way there i'm pretty sure ozza kills vic i'm pretty sure that was awesome i thought it was you but i see i'm not really sure between which of you it was kind of it wasn't really paying attention but oh i thought it was you wasn't paying attention i promise that was you what because i was opening the door is the door even open yet do we have a do we have a 50 50 here is that what's going on whatever you can vote me if you want if it helps your uh the 50 50 please because i don't know what's happening i don't know about that scotch you know you feel you i feel like you're kind of suss goodbye awesome oh i've never been successful that was a uh that was a swapper play oh no wow it was peak of the swapper because that's a it's a play bait the votes to you swap them out i like it that's big brain right there this big brain if he actually did that okay so good my my cool down counts down when i'm still in task that's nice i didn't know if it worked that way or not oh boy all right hold on i'm gonna wait for it i'm gonna wait for it i don't know if la who is uh legit or not or just hiding there for some reason hey so um everyone's alive yeah did the time you really did i just thought i'd button in case the uh time lord happened to res somebody if they were oh yeah i wonder i wonder they read somebody [Laughter] it was all going wonderfully to plan apart from pika what's the swapper hey hey jordan what was your role in that game time lord all right i'm sending a username into the discord for spoilers wait wait did i did i res someone yeah and you know i wanted to talk about my favorite chocolate during that meeting yeah just the mid-word oops i don't want to say that yeah i would say yeah that was why we wanted to meet and the first thing i said was so thanks nerd out for the sub gift no question that had to be a failed double kill right but i didn't see the other name no no no i meant on the way back to office with vikram i thought you know guys we crushed i used timelord and i read someone and that that caused the game to be one that caused the assassin to make a have to shoot their shot and they failed and we won yes this is awesome finally i never get time lord and we actually made it work that's so cool that's so exciting i like when that happens dude mlg time lord with you boy dude yeah i don't know can we gesture this again can we do it can we do it or protect zine so that he can think we're guilty again yeah that'd be cool don't do it don't do me dirty don't do me dirty like this okay oh no i don't wanna i don't wanna get no oh god ashley's gonna take me out oh god oh geez oh i thought ashley was chasing me thought i was in trouble i thought i was in big trouble protect zine again but what if zean is already oh no don't do it don't do it don't do it i'm so scared that ashley is gonna do it all right let's see is zine already on alive uh okay so we have a wait does it go down we have a janitor i think we have a janitor um pretty sure we got a janitor yeah okay we gotta we got a janitor i i elected to do this because we have a janitor so it's like yeah looks like a generator situation i didn't even see you in there jordan what i was literally on vitals next to you no no no i didn't see you in the button room i'm not button oh he came in like as you were leaving car like you went out one side he came on the other side when i had checked the vitals maybe 30 40 seconds ago uh i only saw lahu and she was dead not disconnected so i don't remember which one i saw i think it was the who was still uh who was still a body when i checked it yeah yeah and vikram was cleaned up yep could vikram have been out here yes i couldn't i don't remember what if someone was altruist and that body just no i i don't no it definitely wasn't because it was um they were both showed as fully clean they were they were cleaned up yeah yes there were two dc's can confirm i hope i can be cleared as this duo um because people's only going to specimen pretty early the last time i saw him who was on the left side i saw you going down to specimen as i went up so like also i believe you because we were together for like the first half of the round and i know you didn't kill anybody because when i went and checked vitals like you were in med bay i think and then i went checking titles and vikram was dead so like it you know if you were paired with somebody you would try to clean that up sooner so i kind of believe oz is good probably not also my room is a mess there's no way i'm a janitor here it could it could be it could be that thing hmm i mean a zooming janitor would be pretty useful because you could just try to find all the bodies that your friends leaving um i haven't seen a zoomer my sauces are pika and rabbaba hmm okay i don't know about that what about me we had two completely different reactions to that also i'm i just realized i'm jester i kind of forgot my role because i was like i was looking at vitals and i was like oh oh there's a janitor i'm going to try to use what i learned the other time in order to you know do the do the thing yeah i should i don't want to not be suspicious i want to be suspicious so there needs to be a twist where it's like actually i am the demonetizer i know it's hard for me to get out of my number one crewmate routine i just like forget i'm like okay how do we figure out who done it hmm how do we figure out who done did it i'm going into as lights are out right i'm going down into the specimen i pass over rob okay go go in decontam and then i go in and there's a dead body on simon says what are you damning there was what do you mean you just killed it no i didn't aha [Music] why are you voting me what the hell i was cleared on the first one and so elimination okay because i don't think it's sparkly because i saw him like for most of the first round when bodies were dropping i mean i don't i don't think it's me either but i'm not i'm not positive between everybody else to vote on for what you saw me while the bodies were dropping why would you sure i saw you i don't know where ozza's been oh i've been older it could be as well but i did just get somebody i don't know if i don't know i don't know what he was but i don't know he's bad like it could be like a big brain if it was if he if ozza knew who eliminated and then roblox was running out making him think that he must be jester if he's not reporting the body or something is it the accent is just the accent maybe seems smart who'd you find um and rob was coming out and contempt right yeah yeah and pika was dead in specimen he could have he could have guessed glitch or jester or that is fair that is fair i don't know who else i just voted okay okay does that mean uh oh no i don't know what they're talking about i don't know what they're talking about oh boy [Laughter] all right well i think uh i think it's gonna be a crewmate win here i tried i tried i don't think i don't think there's any way i would have gotten them to vote for me over zine so i had to try right i had to try it okay glitch okay glitch just got hacked who hacked you i'm inclined to think it's zine but you both were right next to me i went up and i'm just trying to finish and turn my samples in and call it good uh and what okay i mean if we want to vote me well you obviously know sparkles is bad and i ran i ran straight to lights and i sat on lights the entire time hmm i think i think that the sparkles is jester yeah but carla dominates the conversation when she's imposter but she's also been right most of the time well if she just all right conversation is imposter it's usually the opposite i go quiet asia yeah okay then uh i mean i don't know it's a 50 50 between the two of you i mean i think it's 50 50 between xenonsa but i'm i still think i couldn't i couldn't have hacked because i sat on lights i went straight to lights and i sat on lights no you were both right behind me when that hacked i have no idea when it happened i just went off to the right slightly closer but that doesn't really mean anything yeah i could have hacked you past him like sombra but i don't i guess is it safe to give my role now if we know it's just a glitch yeah what's your role um i was the display which is why i had known for do we know that it's i'd known the killer happened glitch left yes i got hacked yeah oh yeah oh right yeah i'm good oh okay oh that was bad every bad things happened what happened so i was in 02 with jordan and ashley i started walking out with jordan and i doubled back to fake a task and then i remembered that ashley was in o2 and i'm fast really really fast so i thought i was gonna go into o2 and chop ashley and as soon as i chopped i realized it was you and i broke the pact and i'm sorry yeah i want to remind everybody about that pact that i talked about earlier we don't have to do that it no longer exists um i uh yeah the jig was up there at the end i don't like it when people say who they voted for because then it's like well yeah but i i didn't vote for me definitely no i voted for i voted for zine 100 i definitely i voted for zine not me i would never vote for myself that's crazy why would anybody ever vote for themselves uh ice cobalt thank you for the seven months much appreciated much appreciated oh we shifting boys let's go all right let's figure out who the imposter is and um unalive at their feet all right here we go here we go who's it gonna be it's gonna be pika it's gonna be pika he's gonna be the wait what did i get oh i'm still the uh hey i'm the engi i'm a zoomy engineer that's actually a dope roll that's such a sick roll that's the sickest roll i'm so happy i didn't shift on an pika that's a dope roll i know i took everything from them i took everything from them someone's gonna be on admin table and just see this i can clearly for this rob about why did you just run past this oh my god thank god as soon as i saw the report and i turned around and the lights came up and it was scotch if there's been three kills i'm pretty sure i can clear ashley because we've been wait where's scotch scounge is uh just outside the uh right-hand entrance to cafeteria so not on the weapon side of the door but the cafeteria side okay does anybody know where car or zine was then no idea i do think i do think robba is is actually good though i recently i i recently saw zina in storage in storage he didn't come to light because me and um me and ozzie did a light so i didn't see him come into the electrical also did you go directly to lights from uh weapons uh yeah well so lights weren't out i finished weapons i walked down me and ashley have been on each other since i finished weapons we walked all the way down um across through i'm not gonna lie it's kind of stalking him but makes me like 90 confident if she hadn't killed before she met me that actually me and actually see look we have three kills right we can clear each other as vikram said any words um hello hi my name is vikram hi vikram why didn't you do this um because i am the most innocent man you've ever met for once oh wait for what oh for once well here's the thing i believe that as much as i believe number one among us when vic says he's innocent when he we have to ask the eight ball yeah oh no no no uh oz's chat to ask eight ball if i should believe vikram don't believe me wow okay no i don't believe either of those are impossible i didn't vote you though i absolutely did i will always vote vikram okay um i mean yeah there's there's a there's a decent chance that uh vikram could be one of them he was saying nothing he's usually i feel like he's usually pretty talkative uh when he's crew if he's imposter he's really talkative as soon as he's accused and then he's got a bunch of stuff to say about it um but i think he might be one you know i think he might be all right let's see let's see have we got any suspicious activity any suspicious activity all right there's people in here so i feel more comfortable but as soon as you get complacent that's when it goes bad i you can't fix while you're in the vent so i had to figure out a good spot for that was dead in reactor correct pronunciation yep yep uh rob-a-dob-dab had this coming and did you do this to get back at him i did not i wish i had i'm in electrical currently but it would have been hysterical if i did so i think it's vikram unironically the only woman actually i'm usually there to defend vikram because i think he gets unfairly accused but this could be one you know what i agree it could be me yeah vikram did just come down uh through the hallway from lower uh engine regardless the first round right the first round wasn't painfully long i kind of think we have three killers in this game oh yeah oh yeah um i who did who did uh o2 reactor i know pika did admin react uh admin o2 who did 202. oh that was me okay i was in storage doing my uh trash the second part of my trash there's one thing about this game that concerns me i don't think i can safely say it yet um okay but i mean hey if it's if there's glitch and two imposters left then we've got a 50-50 shot my prediction is i think vic's going to be an imposter or a glitch and peak is going to be an imposter glitch i reckon they're both bodies and that's how they assassinate each other is with imposters yeah what concern here is dynamic that's really what has me nervous here is not clear in my eyes oh he went for a little he went for it okay okay okay good for you okay that's uh huh it's a spicy meatball right there [Music] all righty then uh what to do here yeah wow that's why i always would have done i know i should have i should have what did you do [Music] oh it was it was an imposter crewmate combo no no i was the lover actually all right not swapper again i can't believe you've done this to me okay uh we play on we play on mirror all right i wasn't able to big brain it's very sad i like when i'm able to catch somebody from camping inside a vent before they eliminate me uh let's see that's a c1 right there i haven't brought i've bought something from a vending machine in such a long time it's like such a foreign thing like usually vending machines you're in a place with a lot of people it'd be at like a convention center or something and so just uh just very weird very weird to think about i wonder if i'll ever be inside a convention center again i guess maybe for a car show that's the only reason i can think i'd be inside of a convention center at this point i think uh i think i'm a permanently scared pandemic person go ahead and talk about this right now i'm sorry sorry hey hey hey oh hey uh be cool rachel rob richelle so robaba is a very upstanding citizen and we're skipping literally saw you kill ashley oh okay literally saw it happen it was an executioner this is an executioner why would you kill in the same room with me when you know that i have even i could just i can't do that i could never do that that's awful no it's so terrible i'm on my mind um so i understand that jordan is uh cycling right yeah he's not cycling right now okay that's actually interesting why would i be cycling if i have no suspicion on me at all i could it wouldn't have happened anyway it wouldn't have happened anyway i just i just can't bring myself to do it i just couldn't i just couldn't do it the only time i'll do it is if i do it with myself i get myself out [Music] 24935 oh he gets cheated he he won but he didn't he cheated and how did he cheat did he why are we we always have one three come on we don't like cheaters this is a big skip here we only vote on seven we only vote on seven yeah so we can't vote anybody else i like riding bicycles hey sparkly i'm the snitch if you click a phantom you are banned from all lobbies on this server correct this is true actually because i think we have two characters no so i don't i want to like give away that there's a swapper because you can they're not expecting the swap right they're not expecting the swap so if i can save that it's like i got a little trick up my sleeve what i want to do actually it'd be great if i built up suspicion that would be the ideal scenario is i build up suspicion and then i just eat somebody else out right that would be that would be top-notch place that'd be the best of place i hope that the impostors think that i'm suspicious so they're trying to keep me alive and then i just oh i just flip it on oh my god i just flip it over that'd be that'd be insane that'd be the most nuts play that's ever happened in history please don't do me please don't do it i wanna i wanna live i have so much thank you i have so much to live for so um [Music] what wait what i'm liars i wish that was um into specimen i was watching him doing tasks i was like he's definitely crew and then i shot him and he died and i was like oh that's interesting and then i come i come out in time to see pika killing scourge i just killed pika so i was oh okay i'm the flash underdog and my partner is a giant um hold up did you really think that was a good guy whoa so i i knew that was i knew there was something here so it was sopia was one of them huh okay what do you know interesting that was uh so ozzy got two people he got two people as sheriff he in one round successfully sheriffed more people than i have in my entire career this is what it's like to be me oh my god i'm really reflecting on everything that's happened so far oh my god well um yeah this is tough so anyway um ice cobalt seven months john dubbick with uh 22 months pickled rickles 16 months of subage local dreamer with 10 months of subage kiwi gifting a sub logic sequence with 15 months of summage gold and yellow with a sub all right oh button beary jester oh that's actually uh that's a pretty it's pretty cool right there that's pretty cool i could just do it immediately oh god um i swear to god sparkling did someone get by and get a little excited i just wanted to i see people do that every now and again and so i thought i would try it you want to get voted out you want to get targeted do not do it stop are we actually voting him out no no no no no no no please uh okay i am going to get um murked real quick but it's going to be great um if i even if i voted for myself it would have been tied for four unless somebody who voted for me had a tiebreaker which uh would be kind of interesting i suppose but yeah yeah yeah okay cool cool cool i don't know they might vote me at some point they might vote me at some point you never know i can't i can't see a thing i have a limited vision from the button berry plus the uh plus the lights out it makes me a very not visible boy yep feet picks anybody order up some feet picks we got the spotlight on them right there uh-huh there's three dead oh no the place is a bad place i've been dead for a long time where are the bodies yeah where are the bodies i would have buttoned but i i wouldn't allow me to again yeah i tried with my life so i just got two i buttoned because they were dead for a long time and nobody was finding them so i was like what's happening there yeah i have no idea are they in specific time i have no idea but i'm gonna clear oh what is i don't think they were i was in upper decontamination yeah i know you're an alpha d com how would you know where i am because you were you're on the door and i could just see you peeking through you can't see me because your vision's messed up right oh that actually that that makes sense why are you camping me because i don't know what you're doing and i don't want to open the door i'm scared all i can see is your little orange body on the other side of the door not opening the door either all i could know is a bunch of bodyguards i was just i was trusting you trying to do the lights by the way i feel like buttoning on no no the light the light wires sorry the wired light yeah that's not where the wires off yeah there are wires inside up or decontamination what are you talking about but not at the door wrong direction is [Music] that's why oh it was a lot of people was it that early i didn't realize it was that early oh no it was that early i am i am 100 gonna get assassinated all right i forgot about the extended vision oh bro oh god i'm really surprised that i haven't been assassinated yet oh boy it's all right things we're doing great we're doing great here everybody feet picks anybody like some there we go sorry that we couldn't focus on the feet pics for any any longer but mother trucker why'd you have to go and do me like that god dang it where even was he was he invisible he must have been a swooper i see no other possibility oh he wasn't a swooper oh sorry oh surprising um i am guessing from my point of view sir captain sparkles sparkly um he was in laboratory at the top dcam and i'm pretty sure i actually probably went up killed him i know wait out i actually seen him she's dead um it well it wasn't vic vic was down in the iq section scotch how could you oh my mother raised a save yourselves oh man yeah i would give you oh man myself oh my god i can't end on that all i wanted to do was be suspicious and they wouldn't let me have it this is the story of my life see i want to find a body dude can we give a repeat of last round and actually like find a body that would be really cool yeah oh wow i swear to god how hilarious would it be if i did this hilarious i'm voting who okay [Music] so i didn't i didn't do this dead and drop ship okay oh i wish i wish i did it was not me it's hysterical i'm kidding i'm skipping i'm voting vikram because he's pink yeah the red didn't work out for you what do you know hey just a little reminder everybody if you're not following a slash captain sparkles what are you doing with your life follow it's the best thing you could possibly do for your health in 2021 the doctor has prescribed it i just want to find a body that's my problem is when i'm altruist i never find bodies what always happens is like i end up just running into somebody after i think i've seen them get eliminated and then and then and then i'm like oh i don't think i need to do a rez because i saw who done it and then it just like it's weird all right let's see let's see mother frick yourself no be against me no way gosh literally just killed me scottish she was crazy when she ran through death valley yeah i should be banging on the death valley what are you claiming to be a sheriff right now thank you scottish for the sub gift what do you think [Music] he's a time lord you'll need like a big round of applause there oh except one of them was an assassin there we go it's not me [Music] i didn't vote you scotch i didn't either i did no you didn't cara okay well i guess we know who wait on the button she can't eliminate us all right she can't do it all i don't know what the buying was calling us all sheep i wasn't a sheep i voted for the right person i'm gonna call this meeting okay all right so i think we know what to do here let's let her kill someone what if her partner's out let's let her have some fun i also would have actually gone ahead and hit a sabotage here to keep you from buttoning i mean maybe you're a glitch if you if you were imposter you would have but then i would have saved it so la who you killed scotch scotch gets going no scotch killed me and the time lord brought me back to life yeah who says that sheriff saying he was sheriff well because the game's not over blaming sheriff wait why do we scare you could easily have a glitch because let's see what happens okey-dokey well let's um follow the imposter i guess or just stick with the group i'll just stick with the group okay cool or we can do this you guys don't oh oh we have an engineer nice nice nice nice we got energy i'm just gonna chill here i'll just chill here everything's good everything's awesome when you're part of this three-person team okay so i've already buttoned so i can't button again but it's it's okay it's great we're fine we're uh we're dancing we're having a great time uh pika died literally [Music] and a darn chance here you know what i think we need one more lg this one's two i think this is an amazing algae a double time lord razz i i we should probably vote cara because car is probably the arsonist um and then we'll vote after not i just i think poor sparkly is probably the arsonist i wish i were the arsonist that'd be pretty cool i'd try to keep the game going you'll see why in in one second or whenever sparkly finally votes i i just is this contingent on me not kill robba the hooligan's brand of torture is especially excruciating oh my goodness i almost went on to meet like four months ashley she's a queen queen that's thank you no i didn't even expect it either i didn't realize i got two people back i was just like maybe i'll get one yeah well played the whole again dude i got an impossible somebody else became orange oh there we go are we doing another whoa yeah okay for the lg's three hours later oh hey imagine that speak of the devil look at that okay cool it's a little bit of keys keys keys keys keys no i'm not gonna be able to do vault hunters after this unfortunately i uh i will have to um we'll have to go do a workout you know what the wait where's the report what what the freak what the freak yo what the what the freak what the the janitor there's a janitor bro there is a janitor in here that was like insta-cleaned that was gnarly are we going for the yo what what get i did absolutely nothing i am a good bean no uh so uh yeah okay okay i we can only go buy this carrot brought me back to life and uh i i think ashley killed me i'm pretty sure that's because you're a bad roll and i sheriff do you what i saw i saw it in your foot i saw it in your foot you have a bad foot there it's stinky you know i'm sorry you like my foot you always don't like it stinky so i shot you do you have four toes uh yeah so uh we should just get ashley and moss miss out oh let's just go for moz first no no way no at least get ashley i just saw ashley like do the kill though so i'm more inclined to do anything i absolutely did not kill ashley's gonna go kill herself on somebody else she's never done anything wrong in her life exactly i would never do anything wrong and everything she does is is good and righteous [Music] wait what why did we save our brain cells for the lg's we literally saved every brain cell we have for the names i'm gonna be uploading oh my god oh my god the last game of last games you're right it is it's never gonna end dude it is never gonna end okay i'm gonna do that all right and i am gonna go there then i'm going to do do we not have an engineer it was not me it was not me it was not me where's the body [Laughter] all right i'm still in the lab i'm still in the lab lau and i were in the lab together i'm still in the lab i did see them in the lab together i didn't know where i turned on the lights by the way no one else was i appreciate that thank you so much you are a good crewmate if you appreciate everything you do for this establishment i am round of applause you don't hear it but i'm clapping right for now reason you can't hear collabs yeah really unfortunate i was clapping there we go wow uh but yeah i'm pretty sure who just died because she was just alive in lab what was that uh who just exited weapons or comms maybe i forget which one i think it was coming from weapons two comes and i saw vikram wait they also went down the south i don't i thought it was vikram but now i think it might because i remember seeing the ears but i thought i saw red at the same time so like i don't know who i saw i'm i'm having a hard time here i'm pretty sure that's me because i saw not like the very edge outline of someone leaving cause i came out i'm on the i'm on the left-hand side of admin now maybe it was oh god who did my hair you might have seen both of us different times yeah do you need a headache tablet scotch i'm both killed you know just let you know um i'm gonna create jordan because they're both right here yeah um hmm do you need some alcohol dangerous yes it might be dangerous do you have enough to share with the rest of the class no i tried not for you okay somewhere yes okey-dokey all righty uh let's see we are doing this we are doing this right here and then we are going to go into the weapon we are going to do into the weapon we're just going to chill here for a little bit we're just going to chill here for a little bit and we'll see what happens yeah you should probably eliminate kara because kara will will always end up getting uh suspicious you know oh my gosh you killed my drinking buddy no no i did not kill ashley for not sharing her booze these are very unfortunate deaths that are happening around me where was that where's this body i'm in bottom [Music] i'm pretty sure we do not have this option on i'm pretty sure i'm safe to say this i'm vanilla crewmate okay um question cara do you have it where am i say for sheriff shoots both die or only one dies only one only okay yeah so either ashley shot me or she um like gosh we i almost instinctively said rifkin yes i mean you wouldn't be wrong rifkin is here i just thought i'd finish the job okay i hate it here i need an adult it's time to cancel all these other women oh no sorry women i can't believe i didn't vote for carl ah i should have voted for cara i should have voted for cara this is so sad this is so sad foreign all right let's see i'm gonna try to get some lights out though you know oh that was quick so do we have an engineer or someone just like camping on lights then um i wanted the button but i couldn't when i left vitals so i wanted to do the outer restaurants oh no oh yeah no that that wasn't good oh my lord oh man that one that was eight pounds wait what oh my god i suppose so oh boy it is the never ending last game all right it me the zoomy mayor i'm gonna get targeted here probably no you don't get me not like this i run from people i run away don't do it oh uh oh i need to stay away from these gray beans it's never good it's never good at all all right is there a demonetized bean oh nope they're still alive everything's still good i ran so fast i ran out of my pants i want more task wins we don't get enough task wins it's very sad i feel like at this point no one wants to be the person who has to be like no i i actually have to go literally i i caught the i caught the tail edge of the person running away it was lahu oh kill the woman one of us wow we say that we just keep adding l's to the g i mean unless she was trying to pull a gesture but it didn't feel like a gesture to me it felt like trying to run away from the body still no no no absolutely you know what you guys i i slaughtered pikaclix in cold blood i waited in the doorway while sparkles walked past and honestly i would love for you to vote me out here please do i already have i'm sorry i wasn't looking at my main monitor but i have a flashing arrow right now aren't lights out yes they are out how did you catch this then sparkly no it was literally like a teeny tiny within the it was within the the visibility around my character like a super teeny tiny bit of science that's me believing help me out i need to go against her anyways help me out okay go get your damn i even if the game doesn't end from jester right now then this is legit this is your fault call an ambulance okay i knew it last time that she was very very strongly accused she tried to play it as like yeah vote for me vote for me do it as if she was the jester um and she actually was it so this has worked out this definitely worked out okay we're good detective mayor sparkles is on the case he didn't even have to use his votes he didn't even have to use him get the lights here the flash but i could also be number one crewmate lionel get mother trucker you had to go and do that really unbelievable yeah whatever rub it in stand over my body uh-huh no i see how it is yep oh oh oh am i gonna get both oh you boy come on escort me escort me come on no escort me oh god car i'm gonna stay with cara i think kara is good i think kara is good i'm staying with kara please solve the please solve it please yes okay oh god oh my god i'm about to crush this game vikram thank you vikram thank you wait wait you were dead vikram thank you oh what no you were dead right i was yeah demonetized me scottish looked me out but he's not alive anymore i think it's crazy it's a b i think it's b wait what what did i do you know who i think i think it's ashley she's so sauce because you were you're trying to defend the who yo because i didn't actually thought it was there because she's like yeah like me by me i'm like no but that was just like trying to reverse psychology yes you know it sounds like being scrolling through by the way you know this i think it's actually honestly okay thank goodness thank goodness oh shoot well this isn't good uh oh oh uh oh uh oh oh no oh no so is kara about to uh eliminate me i didn't um there might be oh god i have zero meetings left okay well we running i'm just staying away from people if i see somebody i i leave oh god i'm going into the drop ship i would like to stay alive uh oh no oh no i'm very scared i'm so scared what's happening oh god i got it oh frick i gotta find the body i gotta find the body i gotta find a body there's definitely a body somewhere oh my god oh i found it i found it okay i have a confession to make yeah last round i i was doing my trash in the o2 room i watched ozza walk in and walk into canisters i go into canisters and i see scotch so i shot scotch uh-huh so i don't know which one of you two it is but it's one of you two ah yeah but why what would cara report on the on the body when she would just sparkly you know it's not me i don't think it's cara i literally just saw a rabbit i would have killed him did the altruists bring back on jordan as a baddie again no no that'd be hilarious and i'm kind of here for it so i'm going to vote okay please i if rob aba is the swapper then this is gonna no i'm the sheriff i shot scotch uh let's see i'm just gonna yeah wait grandpa did you vote i voted sparkly and i i voted rob i think the altruist brought back another baddie i'm i'm gonna be so sad i'm gonna be so very very sad if i i just sparkly here for some reason okay all right i really thought you were gonna vote sparkly and then trading with rob and mess it up because of his mail votes oh my god let me let me explain something real fast 100 percent i knew it was robba but i kind of wanted to to do it just to get sparkly out but unfortunately i heard that he was mayor yeah yeah so yeah i just want to say super quickly it would have been fine i was so excited to get a killing roll finally so i could finally kill volpa i think i got it to see who my partner is i will be living in fear yeah best thing i could do in that situation was tell the absolute truth when uh jordan caught me killing pika and you are healed all the work to rob a bunch hey i did a lot of work though you did you did all right i had one game for us games and thank you for watching if you hopped on my mom's vote immediately oh yeah i did didn't i actually yeah yeah i'm sorry how many get how many subs 100. dark chocolate to my milk chocolate oh yeah um vikram vikram look at who you're pinging because you just pinged me a question about me i want to be alright i think this has to actually have been my last game yeah i'm satisfied with that yeah good games we'll see you guys later it was great thank you all right everybody thank you for oh you didn't actually have to do didn't you do five the 100th thing was a joke he didn't have to do that he didn't have to do five i guess he's put down a deposit for four more swears um anyway congratulations on uh getting to 500 followers that's pretty cool dude and uh yeah i hope you had a good stream all right everybody well thanks for tuning in make sure to like if you're watching on youtube subscribe to kevin sparkle to hit the bell turn on notifications playlist for more moongus if you haven't gotten enough after this and um let's see anything else follow slash captain sparkles and that's it okay cool see you next time
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 77,307
Rating: 4.9604502 out of 5
Keywords: captainsparkles, among us
Id: uovv3TgMo_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 36sec (5676 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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