Law Enforcement Is Among Us

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hey everybody welcome back to more immune guess brought to you by our sponsor me and quality content today it might be like well if you're watching on youtube it might be like the last day to get some if you're interested so go to link in the description if you're on twitch you've still got time there's still joggers in stock if you want to check it out it's linked in the panels below or you just go to pretty easy to remember i'd like to think um and uh kaskar's order i think remains unbeaten as the uh the biggest order so yeah that's that's pretty pretty wild um also like the video if you're on youtube subscribe turn on notifications hit the bell and follow slash captain sparkles to catch live streams while they're live and also happy birthday rifkin because it's his birthday and so he arranged this whole stream and all that stuff so that's that's pretty cool okay we are unpaused and oh boy wow we are imposter first game of the day oh my god it's vanillist i'm gonna like say something along the lines of i'm just gonna say something that doesn't make sense in the vanilla game and it's gonna it's gonna get me like unlived or something like that honestly i just don't even know all right this is stuff oh god no boy what am i gonna do what am i gonna do crema is gonna follow me how do i solve this is anybody in here there's nobody in here anybody in decontamination let's see vent in front of crum maybe i should do that i don't know how many people have not played this before but ballast could cause problems potentially um let's see man only one with three imposters yeah i was going to say this really i do are there three imposters was that set up okay yeah oh my god thank you for not killing me first i really appreciate it guys happy birthday i thought about it but i was like yeah okay man i'm just thinking of how to approach this because it's only one body and i know who did this i don't know if i want to give them one more round you should expose no who did this give us there's three killers so let us do the work where's the body body is i think this is lower level bottom side like by the duct tape test is there i think how do you know who did it because i walked into the room while they were walking out the body's right there oh the meeting's sweating really hard right now who done it it was a super i'm telling you bro they would have done it yeah it's definitely even more fun thank you thank you krem for remembering them oh no i was yeah i love crumbs eulogies if i die next round it's on you i'm gonna be hanging around the person i saw so if i die i remember that okay oh god uh what if you can't find them and you just hang around and well then i'm dead that's what's going to happen then i'm done so i'll be so okay huh well okay okay that was a good meeting i don't know but i'm ready to blossom i i maybe i saw more fling earlier i think that's that's probably it okay i i get i pick it up some seeds you got that misleading who voted for me i may even vote for myself a little a little bit thank god there's no big fish around here wait why were p why were you guys saying in chat don't do don't do what don't do what what did i do wrong i don't know what i did wrong he obviously didn't it he didn't see me do anything is the funny thing um he says he wa so i was fine it might have been i wonder if it was sophie though it might have been that sophie was like chilling in the room and didn't realize um or like didn't didn't try to vent out and escape so he probably thought that sophie did it perhaps might be the case oh no no rifkin said there were three imposters rifkins said that before the game started like that that wasn't some sort of exposing myself thing he literally said that i was about to do that one right there oh you got the mega wire dude yeah it's gnarly chrome only the one in electricals like that the rest of them are normal chrome guys yeah no creme is a great actor i think it could be crumbs so tom tom do you want to tell us who did it now no i actually can't so because we're on like we have to vote with three yeah i'm sorry i can't let you meme anymore tiff but this is the murderer tiffany what did you see it happen yes oh my mom says something about blossoming amen wait who's voting me is he the jester i think he's the jester i guess you're just saying we know he's the gesture nobody vote bless i i guess oh my god what is that yo sophie that's not cool all right well down to two i was right about to uh i was right about to hit artemis it's very sad yeah hardly any tasks have been done though so that's a thing um all right let's go over here probably we know that there's a task here i actually don't know what the upper corner task is i've never seen that one before okay there's a body there i'm gonna try to find another person bro where is everybody they must all be on the bottom floor i just can't find anyone yeah i don't know if there's a burger task here i'm gonna just do that god dang it wow the timing was great took out the jester sophie did you see anybody after i left you two on med bay no but i left pretty soon after you did oh okay got it okay probably not sophie hey sure are you having a good time dude uh i am having a terrible time with this task that i'm doing right now it is i i don't it's like a bubble am i supposed to like go oh i hate it's the worst it's the worst thing ever the best tip for that is keep your mouth close to it and go slow but yeah you have to go through to the leaf at the end my best tip for that one is don't do it just get just don't i mean i spent like a whole round on that and then was unsuccessful and then gave up and i've never done it yeah that was literally me i was spending my entire round on that and i couldn't do it dude i wanted to i was like i thought that oh i don't even know how to explain what i thought but it wasn't right all right brood where are we looking here man where's where's the sus well um i did leave sophie with less this is true he did but who knows what happened after that anything could have happened maybe what i'm picking up is that i would have never killed an angel and never would've it's seven so i'm not calling for a vote but i'll guarantee that i hit skip if you can make a machine gun sound right now machine gun yeah tick tock says girls can't make machine gun i don't sounds is this some new meme this is like a real weird trend yeah it's like i don't know that's pretty good you know what i'm already skipped easy scared easy skip all right i mean i'm gonna spawn wherever other wherever everybody else is spawning is like uh oh okay so crum is here um oh lights are out lights are out should i call o2 i should call o2 this will actually o2 will probably get some people let's see what do i have to do here i have to go back to whale watching do the follow-up there you know i was so worried about you too you just drag it out you just drag it out of the box how do you feed the fish like i forgot the right stuff and they're still hungry and they're like looking this is why we're doing vanilla you gotta just like keep shaking it i tried that like a polaroid picture it'll turn right back inside up when it's done you just kind of like have to like put it over them well good news friends i finished the bubble task congratulations thank you thank you so much for this shark because nobody has finished that i'll have you know what i have also finished that task okay so it's shark and bass okay whoa wait hold on maybe you're saying it's it's shark and bass that are afraid i'm glad i used to taste understandable it's fine i was making a little a little joke a little ha ha pythons have guns yes okay cool um so there's no bodies so what's poppin okay i got some fish tank i got something bubbles are poppin i found out there's a task right where you have to select books right and then you have to go back to the library shelf and place them and i couldn't figure it out oh you stole my thunder i'm going to base it's true it's true happy birthday sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry wait actually don't vote base i'm oh no now the two imposters could vote skip everybody's scared oh my god oh my god i almost killed a man dang it dang it dang it i did not i didn't see that coming i could have voted for him next time all right anyway it's time we gotta we gotta put some work in now dude we gotta put some work in let's see there's someone down here where's where are people where people where are they at oh no not the birthday boy all right the thing is is that this is right next to lights so i think whoever did lights or bass might have done it and then got killed right after i don't know it's right next to lights i did not do lights i did not do lights it's no way jose sparkles because i was with him when the lights turned off yeah i mean i was trying to keep track of where you were at but i kind of stayed in the the what what's the room where you do the shoot of the the ball the ball shoot room yes the you shoot the the balls off the the circle thing you have to ricochet them and anyway yes oh so if you two can vouch for each other it's just artemis or sophie that's true it's definitely sophie from that last round when we were like i wasn't gonna okay i was i was at the fish cage and i fed half of them and then this meeting got called so i'm gonna go back there again i do love feeding the fishies i do love feeding them good boys blessius did you kill bless at least tell us that i'm not i'm not the imposter but you can vote me out just for fun just for fun i'm sorry sophie it's okay i understand i don't know what i mean oh my gosh i hope this feels too fun this boat feels too fun too fun oh shoot oh shoot oh god there's a fish oh god oh that's how you feed the fish i got it yeah all right let's see um i gotta take out oh who do i take out though that's the question um god i don't know well no even if i had voted for sophie like it would have obviously it still or sorry even if i voted for artemis sophisto would have been kicked off so it wouldn't have made a difference other than to show that you know somebody is uh purposely voting the other way and it would have confirmed it am i here by the way why is it not going um hey guy okay i'm still here what's happening hey did the game mess up i think it did ah rip unintentional let me see if leaving fixes it for you guys does that work i did not no i am waiting for other players yeah sam i'm just stuck at the like it's just hard hard stuck probably dang all right i was on to you jordan i was on to you yeah well you were going to be the next target so get ready [Laughter] all right let's just leave we'll i'll be all right all right bummer oh wait wait wait oh there is no glitch there is no glitch sheriff get him get him the it's okay i didn't i didn't want to get crumb i didn't want to get crumb nobody wants that's the thing he knew that's evil artemis that's evil you hid behind crumb no yeah i said i took the hit like i was trying to body block for um no actually i saw you hide behind her so i'm on my screen it's not that way but okay wow it looked like you were trying to confuse my hit detection yeah new code is up uh we'll try and hopefully this one's a break we'll just do one more vanilla game and then swap over to 10 of us anyways yeah someone laid the code i thought the lights turned off what was that from is that why the lights turned off when i was walking with you no someone else definitely turned the lights off it's almost definitely for town of us do i have to download a modder no no exact same thing cool hey it's the same launcher but there's a button beneath the play yeah yeah i don't know uh yes i'm quite familiar with the map oh wait wait is this rust jinxed yeah i can't play i can't well the play code's in the joint code channel and hop on in whenever um and then we're doing 10 of us after it says it can't find the game you're looking for oh are you on the submerged server what server does it say right now north america no no oh okay close out uh follow the instructions i pasted you we're not playing uh okay oh shoot sorry is it in the where's the instructions at the dm i sent you okay thanks did we all wear party hats or we'll give her uh you're not already one round because i wanted to use the custom hats after i want chrome to see your hat one where is there it is oh i'm ready to party hardy uh jinx once you've got the launcher it feels personal oh she doesn't happy 2019 everyone i think that's true wow i can't believe it gave me crewmate dude that's so lame there's so many rolls and it gave me crewmate bro this is absurd this is ridiculous this is just silly all right let's wash that wash the glass a little bit elbow grease wax on wax off oh look at that so nice and clean and polished there we go oh it's actually not that many tasks it's not that many tasks at all all right i gotta let's do some whale watching okay initiate that right there oh i gotta say something okay just and i just want to say not everyone is wearing a party hat and that's very sus yeah i needed two more seconds to make this right i was definitely i didn't know jinx no pick one pick one so that makes sense i have a party hat underneath this house both the imposters true that's how we know um i'm gonna skip for today i'm skipping because i i just wanted to point that out i'm sorry for i was deafening i didn't know you could have messaged me and i will not forget i would have loved it i would have i don't want to miss out on the party waiting you're not going somewhere else it's a waste of time i don't want to miss out on the party wait it can be five seconds for the whale shark desk really oh does the time vary i thought it just takes ages i thought it takes a super long time i have 42 seconds all right mouse tracking mouse tracking what the where the frick you go all right i gotta i gotta grab some books and stuff it is nice to you know be able to just it's nice to be able to um focus on tasks honestly whale shark whale shark where's the freaking whale shark oh in a second in a second there's going to be a double here there's oh i thought there was going to be a double i thought for sure there was about to be a double was very worried i was like i'm going to catch it i'm going to walk out there's going to be a double and then everything is going to be good if nautical nonsense be something you wish okay i feel like there could be god dang it i thought i was gonna walk in on you mother of frick are you the other imposter you're the other imposter god dang it god dang it i thought i'd be okay i thought i had it it's fine i can still do things oh oh my god oh my god dude i'm telling you those three deaths they all have party hats and people who don't have party hats are conveniently alive suss so confused i'll sing a task there's like a bunch of letters and levers and i try to turn them [Music] jinx murdered sparkly their mic was on and they said uh get out of here party hat wow the framing theater the imposter is accusation i can assure you no no no believe me jeff goldblum it's kind of hard not to trust jeff goldblum uh yeah seriously now okay we should just skip because obviously no no no no no no no no no that's a fake story cold blooded murderer i don't know why she sounds like super guilty guys are wondering where the body is uh the body is uh near the elevators i i don't know where it was but i just saw the the the the thing pop up so it was recently on the elevator that is very incriminating whoa well i didn't know you're on the elevator so you just added yourself i couldn't figure out how to how to work it i forgot and i was ah murdering yeah it happened after i left i promise i i was like going to the lobby ladies and gentlemen uh we got him an alien i'm so confused james how scared you honestly it sounds like her red hair they called shark called you up from the no birthday hat genuine tears but it's but she also yelled good jakes i'm sorry wow that was uh know that's bad but uh oh wow obviously a mere vote happened the three imposters were in trouble was there a mirror i'm innocent oh god oh god you sounded very guilty honestly in response even though i you didn't take me out yeah i know it was fun understandable i mean why wouldn't you want to sound like you killed me i think that's my favorite thing to do is just to sound guilty when i'm innocent oh see i have the opposite problem oh shoot i just sound guilty all the time and people are like you need to sound less guilty i'm like i just sound like that and were you gonna kill me jeans or did face take your thunder oh you really think i'm the imposter or no i wasn't the imposter so what you said you were right next to my body they just left why did i go why did i try to get the oxygen the person who the person who made the accusation is an imposter oh okay i was just so confused they died right next to jinx from bay street so i assumed they were in cahoots i just want him to have a good time as the imposter honestly yeah i'm sorry oh my god wait i thought blessings was an imposter he walked right by my body so i don't know how jinx got blamed for my kill i was so messy and bad i thought i was going down for sure i was sweating i didn't even undefined for the meeting and then i undefined here bless this girl it was jinx that's it so i apologize james i only did that because i'm sorry no it's fine i got to put the party hat on yeah i know i didn't have a party hat and i was like if i if i get voted for not wearing this hat oh yeah party hat i was gonna be so mad shark if i got voted for that yeah you killed me real quick oh yeah you were pro target number one you're gone crumb shark and jesus are you comfortable if we swap the town of us oh yeah sure that sounds fun that's cool all right then uh jc i restart your game in launch with 10 of us all right really i would have been like did we load the wrong thing if it weren't for the tiebreaker modifier yeah yeah yeah okay i'm gonna go not do anything for a little while here i'm going to go put duct tape onto things i just taped i don't know what i just taped there but um alrighty let's see what else we got to do let's fix communications [Music] you just ran away from that yeah i finished it no but yeah like you didn't see you didn't see the the body right at our body that fell at our feet on communications communication yeah i got it back on i was the first off and i was already in the elevator what no you weren't you were just running away from communication i was already in the elevator no you weren't in the elevator for anybody else he looks yeah he he doesn't look alive to me and jinx oh looks like i mean i don't know if that was like if jinx tried to sheriff one of the two of us but blessing is definitely not in the elevator right now you're just running around i swear to god can someone bounce something who said i'm in the elevator who said i'm in the elevator i could have been a swooper too i guess uni right yeah i just i sort of got it i'm in the elevator i don't know guys but shark was faking mitsuki and i don't know why what i was i was doing i skipped i skipped i walked off are you skipped with with your suspicion on you yeah maybe adjust your play tomorrow like you can't see the animation okay so anyway jinx jinx like the body explode just oh oh okay we got an assassin um what just happened oh lovers okay so crap oh you don't know about this one of the imposters can guess the roles of you during the meeting if they guess right they die oh my god something is wrong then the assassin dies um shark is probably jester is what i'm going to guess wait did i just bait that's so hard because i didn't have that i think you did what just happened to me oh no you're dead you're dead shark uh you're you're super super gone sophia mike can explain to you between the rounds but okay so with shark being dead uh i was gonna say faking medscan is exactly the type of thing he would do as killer as jester base as anything it's just sharks he would probably have med scan and still fake medscan i like him i like this shark guy yeah so i don't know what's i don't know what's up with that i don't know what's i don't know was it like if he was just nobody asked who like why i reported the body or anything like that i had to try to i can't get a word in edgewise um i i have no idea but he's not particularly observant if he didn't actually do that um because he was turning the corner as that yeah okay cool cool cool cool he did it he did it right there nice nice nice nice okay i like i like when people don't let me talk uh at all that's great it's great when people don't let me talk um sick dog sick what do we got e z three [Music] uh so first off uh mike's dead from the previous round it just didn't show his body was in the middle some of us know that oh he's he's the glitch okay sparkly and brood that fell this round oh he got the he just guessed wrong whoa before i say where the body is where are you going to claim to be right now where am i i'm at the fish tank i'm i want crumb to try to rub it down actually if they if they get blessings out that's game over why do we have so many crewmates i think we need to change some probabilities which way did he run up from the meeting room i passed it oh i wonder if it's because we have 13 people it's probably because we have 13 people yes thank you tom thank you for vouching me okay well i thought i would say you're not a killer i just say i didn't see you there i know i know but hey kill brute and walk away and i report no you did not see any of that i i assure you did not tom can he vouch any bit i just don't see you in that room right so whoever he's saying he's synced going to speed run your funeral oh man that would have been that would be great if crumb would shoot blessings yeah that's ballast yeah you know what i think i'm going to end my sponsorship with whoa just look just because someone morphed into me possibly no i just i can't work with somebody who's so untrustworthy oh oh what have i ever like stolen from you and rust name one thing probably all the time so many things i probably didn't even know it's not me look shark can't defend me right now but shark can attest i don't steal in rust oh yeah you use a dead guy as a vowel channel dude come on bless this come on ask him and then you look at your honest answer well when when he's alive comes crying i'm innocent i i swear to you i'm so sad they're gonna i don't know if they're gonna vote for him are they okay cool cool game over heck yeah really close really close yeah i'm real glad that we all got that close close vote almost tied it well has just walked away from the body at my feet and everyone was like so anyway about other stuff and they just didn't want to hear any details uh i was the one who was a stealer and i was the pr person or something there were three crewmates there too i don't know wait why is engineer zero percent it's broken some of them you got to take after captain sparkles man just shoot from the hips yeah right you'll be right just go for it you miss every shot you don't take do you know do you know how sheriff works or do you need quick hey that's what zelda said that so crap if you're the sheriff you actually can't hurt good guys if you shoot somebody who's a good guy you fall over instead you can only kill bad guys so i'll just kill myself until i get it right basically yes i guess you could play smart or you could play like jordan yeah hey okay well here we go all right i'm gonna find crumb i'm gonna find crumb and do it it's 12 people and there's way lots of crewmates so this is a horrible horrible idea um okay i'm gonna follow crum around and i'm gonna unlive come on let's go no crumb no that's fast okay like we're not just standing upstairs watching you sparkles i am goodbye everybody i'm i'm gone see you later it's the end for me what did you do okay so we're upstairs watching this happen shark is dead immediately and then krom is falls over shortly thereafter and jordan reports i am now realizing it probably wasn't an altruist i think krum tried to sheriff sparkly but i'm not sure how shark died is the problem because that doesn't make any sense to me twice in a row yeah i have no idea at all are you bad no i'm not a bad guy that's why i said goodbye cruel world there's another solution and i think i know what it is and i don't want to say it i think i know what this was what hit me sophie no because it'll it'll get him killed yeah please please don't i won't your secret's safe with me okay wait i think i have an idea yeah i'm not gonna say anything but is this like a really low percent chance of happening yes [Laughter] i can't believe this i understand what's happened now i can't believe that there was some unfortunate collateral damage everybody we just pretend it didn't happen okay pretend it didn't happen just go on with our lives what if i what if that was the assassin what if what if that was the assassin that would be incredible that would have been the greatest it's fine crumb it's fine oh man it was just the most impeccable sheriff timing that has ever happened in history and oh god god dang it i was i saw someone approach oh frick i don't know if that's the glitch or if that's a morphling uh but shoot a bro i was i was part of me was oh it's freaking it is rifkin is the glitch i think bro i'm oh man oh man oh man bro part of me was like just just click it as soon as the lights go off just click the first thing you know oh dear wait am i getting oh did he just oh god oh they're camping this hard oh jesus what is happening well this is um not good he's a good guy hey hey crum i'm so sorry it's fine i just thought it was real like we were talking about sheriff and how i do it bad and then i got sheriff and i did it correct oh so and then you like shot me because i'm the bad guy were you the assassin by the way no i was a glitch oh oh okay holy oh oh there is no assassin oh all these bodies are downstairs oh somebody recorded herself wait yeah okay so let me explain what happened last round i'm pretty sure sparkles with sheriff and we weren't seeing it because we didn't want to get assassinated i think karma's altruist and i think jordan shot shark krom went to altruist though and he realized oh she's going to bring back a bad guy that's going to kill him back and i think that's why he report interrupted the body this is my assessment as well that's crazy yeah i think because i think because some roles are broken we have more crew mates because there's 13 people that's why but yeah sophie can't give us any info unfortunately she's dead uh i can provide this there's like no dead bodies on the bottom floor because i did like a full circuit being like where is everybody and i just saw mike and brood at the end when lights were like i fixed lights yeah tommen i'm just coming out of the top elevator with tom right now i haven't seen anyone but him this round i think mike is pretty safe i'm in the just water levels trying to um i have no idea honestly zero clue the fact that she's reporting oh [Music] yeah executioner isn't on time for me clears tom yeah i was going to say if there's any pairs you could probably vouch for them i mean actually executioner we should turn on because jester doesn't work just happened right my gardener is here i will be right back not right now going into electrical which is empty my issue is like what is lower noise and tom are imposters and the glitch got this kill that's possible too yeah well just a little worried about it wait unless you're serious about being a sheriff that that means sparkly didn't kill a bad person no i was just i was just capping i'm full of caps today she saw mike mike did you see james she said she felt good about him but not i saw her running around downstairs i was just saying i was just following him around for a while and he just seemed to be fine well it's still seven so i'm just going to skip i'm suss of union jinx at this point he can't shoot the jesters don't mean the sheriff's you can't shoot the gesture yeah it got a glitch or an imposter or arsonist can be shot too okay oh gosh well i think we lost i think it's just an l sucks yep spikers killed the bad guy and they messed it up no no oh my god no uh just just just uh we're just clearing the body so nobody can abuse it just i just found base on this body [Music] he just said that he's clearing a body is he sorry that was with my crewmate vision hey brood am i upstairs or downstairs you're upstairs oh he had a 50 chance kind of a gun nice i'm voting myself hey um does anyone have the up dog roll what's up dog nomad you well i'm glad you asked because i'm having a great day i'm eating some ruffled chips party size and i'm pretty happy about it give dip oh you better have dip i'll never know we'll never know if he has dip no probably survive sour cream and onion that's generally what i have with ruffles salt and vinegar chips are the best and there's no reason to choose any other option hold on from what are the best they are they're so good i mean that's the thing i like about them though is that they're sour yeah they're not sour at all they're vinegar vinegar they can have the same qualities of sour because of where the taste buds are on the tongue they're kind of similar oh you're bringing science into this i don't believe it's science okay i understand god is just like my mom i'm i'm used to this i'm in texas what the hell who's that who did that nobody did that he didn't get the mask oh oh very sad the worst part is he had time to he was just sitting by me and jinx well she got the mask and then he was stuck there salt and vinegar chips are the best how could you not like you know what honestly i'm voting for me right now unironically get me out of here i'm so sorry guys i should have disgusted i should have helped on yourself then help others he did it correctly just didn't have time sorry you had to see that jinx i should have i should have put the mask on him i can't believe you've done this oh my god survived that i actually voted for me it's wild because it was a light unbelievable one glitch or hopefully well it would have been great if that worked i yeah had him it was my only play yeah we gotta we gotta try to turn on some more rolls too many crewmates here yeah i think it's just that a lot of them are bugs well i mean executioner is just as bugged as jesters so we might as well do that and what about snitch snitch works i've never seen this snitches i mean snitch probably won't be successful but the role works i think it's kind of fun on this map because it's so hard to get all of your tests on oh my god [Music] i saw um bass as soon as she shuts the door to go up i morph into artemis and i just stood around here for so long and killed artemis instead okay i came whipping around the corner and saw her miss i was going to start blaming him but he's dead are salt and vinegar good yes 59 no hold on hold on no is 23 and never had them he's 17 these numbers are concerning oh he's doing it for the underdog [Laughter] did you do that for the underdog yeah but also for the memes sometimes you gotta do it for the meme man i was like you know what when the when the lights go off i should just start spam clicking uh kill and i'm so sad that i didn't because i would have so when you got that right were you sheriff did you yeah yeah so right after everything we talked about i get sheriff and then i do it successfully and crum it went for the real life i i was like oh he's doing his best oh my god he's a fast underdog he's got a flash with underdog i think we went oh dang it you guys i'll see him arsonist [Laughter] can we turn on executioner and snitch i think both of those well i mean executioner doesn't work just as jester doesn't work so if we have gestures you know what you wanted to do saying i'm voting myself i'm not doing it man i'm not putting you out there like that i miss when brood was here oh snitch is 70 percent got it hi sophie get kicked for for crimes uh sorry did somebody say there's a snitch i was just saying maybe up some a little more so that um because shifter shifter works right and executioner doesn't work just as much as glitch doesn't work or sorry jester doesn't work oh yeah so i forgot to explain that to everybody um jester's a little bugged right now if you get voted out as jester the game doesn't end but we all know that you won so just take the honorary win don't say that you're a jester and let the game play out but we'll talk about you winning after i don't do that i want the credit right then and there man i don't do that sorry again i've tried i've turned up medic i've turned up um the other one too anything else you want me to executioner seems fairly low unless that was by design oh yeah i can turn that up a bit too does janitor not work because i love that role sadly i haven't seen him update it so i don't think that is so sad it's so funny no no no no no no no no whenever i eat like ooh i'm sorry jinx i was like do i kill her do i not i couldn't i just couldn't do it oh it's fine honestly you know i don't mind dying it's okay yeah you just gotta live your best lives nice kill all right i i feel like skirting a little bit farther away every time every second on me i was like oh yeah she's getting suspicious i've been up for too long i was just trying to douse people i'm perfectly happy not having um swap run all right we are in love hold on i gotta get a new woo oowoo's in the chat i don't know why i was able to see that message there okay we're on this side i don't know how that wasn't patched that was so duct-taped how's everyone doing great yeah can i see something that's kind of weird and this might come off weird chances oh yeah my wife's name is sophie and i was born in texas wow whoa whoa wait really that is crazy i i have a life 17 hour days but i have a life i swear late really quick really quick the crazy thing about that is my last name is eus and i was born blessed oh oh my god who said that your boy brood brute brood i'm sorry i'm voting you dude your name is are you calling me your barrage broham yeah br yo yeah will will you be my barrage even though i voted for you some people yeah that are a bug yeah hey don't call me your bud pal you call me your pal guys don't call me your guys it's the highest compliment so bru don't take that lightly i'm just gonna say this so that everyone knows i did vote for you but you're abroad this is relevant to the game she sophie shifted on me i was a a role that was not bad and she died and now i'm what she was but i'm not a shifter wait not what she was yeah it on him and then i just immediately died i'm pretty sure it's been a bug for a really long time where if you shift the sheriff roll it can sometimes just like insta hit the kill button and then you just die okay okay so uh assassin that evidence is not admissible in in court [Laughter] um yeah i didn't i didn't know that we were we were using shifter and oh my god is the tape seriously not done yet what oh my god i have to start over jesus christ okay duct tape you're supposed to be better than this thank you thank you for the love of god are you kidding me um okay we have 13 dollars so that means i want some donuts oh my goodness she did it she did it and then i like how he was the one who was reported he might have been he must have been standing next to somebody [Laughter] however the song goes no i didn't do anything all right i'm only going to do this one time i think personal kids the one time only wait so sophie did the shift um and became the sheriff but also unlived huh interesting somebody just tried to kill bass oh i was just on top of you i'm only doing it once because it's your birthday oh is crumb gonna unlive brood i want to see krum do it i want to see trump do it i mean it can't be me because uni uni and mike and i were on the heart rate monitor for a little bit of time i don't know how long ago this was and then i've got a room with blessius and someone else but i don't remember who yeah i guess lovers is working properly now oh god i'm meditating because i assume we both unless we got nothing coincidentally doubled but i don't think so i don't know how long ago this was two seconds ago two seconds ago then bless this is the one on me if it was anything longer than that then it was uni what i think bless is safe uh who said that who said that weird jinx ah yeah it's really hard for me to stop doing that jeff goldblum oh stop it you know it's okay sometimes you'll just like live in rp mode you know yeah yeah yeah but yeah ah that was very kind of you oh yeah of course i just uh remember we were like together when the body was called yes yes i like that yeah you see that that's my alibi it can't just everybody see that crumb says i'm no guys he was an innocent man because you did a destiny reference all right the destiny reference i like how nobody read the game chat i like how in the game chat crum is apologizing for killing me and nobody noticed i don't read game chat and uh yeah why bother right personally that's how i view it it's okay crumb crumb you're doing your job it's okay wait wait krom from fire emblem i've never played that game you never played smash bros i've played spanish but no i never played fire emblem but if you played smack well i know i know like marth and roy wait you never played your smash brothers ultimate uh have i played super i i might have played it like once or twice it's somebody else's house he's played crumb have i i don't think so i'm just bad at the game so i play like one person and just get what do you eat what do you have against uh matthew mercer everything apparently yeah i'm gonna tell matthew on you okay okay yeah cancel me dude cancel me no no i'm gonna next time you get a dnd invite it's not from matt okay hey that's actually really topical because i've never i've never played dnd before but now i'm going to be playing a dnd like in a few weeks it's the first time ever so how did you know how did you know to get you out yeah how do you know it was with it was with him oh my god how did i know because everyone plays d and d with matt got it oh i don't i don't get it he just really gets around in the d community he gets around are you telling me oh jesus oh god um are you okay i'm freaking out right now okay i'm i'm i just i'll tell you in a moment i wanna hear what people say first i got nothing where's the body there's a button there's a button oh oh oh then i don't think we have any information what are you doing jinx i think it's face trade did i shield a baddie no no no okay what literally what are you doing right now jinx i saw you on dead body no okay so uh i found tom at the bottom of the elevator i was about to hit report and then i saw jinx and i thought oh let's meet him for like a second and then she kills shark right on top of him and walks away did no such thing i am not a killer i didn't do anything i saw a base on dead body and i ran away wait you promise i don't know i kind of believe her oh i definitely don't believe her at all we've got to learn that jinx sounds guilty even when not even though she wants to sound guilty because jester except she's going to vote for herself so yeah rifkin i don't think realizes that she is jester maybe or she doesn't or he doesn't care i didn't know what that was i was i don't know there's so many layers here it's like an onion that you really gotta you gotta peel it on it should have been pretty obvious at that point no it was off when i looked at it there was nobody else in the area jinx a bass train yes it's like an ogre indeed okay so it looks like it's down to me and crumbs votes what are we doing here crumb who are we voting from let's do it i'm i'm your biggest follower crum whoever you want to vote they're gone oh i have nine votes i've never gonna choose they're gonna choose jinx i can vote everybody once oh i'm escaping i'm skipping chrome we put out blessings on the same phone oh well the medic stuff was for true the medic stuff was for true true the mayor stuff was on cap am i talking about the cool kids jinx silently wins congratulations on your silent victory thank you so much i'm so proud of myself now you've one of chester what will you do next um i you know i think i'm going to solve world hunger that's a logical next step oh my goodness i mean no i think that makes disney world but like okay do that too oh yeah disney world woohoo oh my god someone needs to like outline where the ball bounces in the circle one disney world has this place called epcot that has a soda fountain with sodas from all around the world and it's insane yeah they have a cool like food festival thing there only in disney world what about disneyland disneyland doesn't have i think disneyland is better though california adventure and then so disney world has like a whole like cultural thing whereas like the the land disneyland one is just cali disneyland is like more intimate and you can actually walk everywhere and do it in a day yeah i've heard that yeah congratulations crime you won the game [Music] as soon as you didn't try and defend yourself it hit me but i couldn't say oh i'm the imposter and leave poor chrome alone right i lost to the lies um let's see a few notifications or leave them off i think we had uh and on salma two at a bits do you plan on going any cons of the future i'd love to actually meet you in person someday uh admittedly truthfully probably not i think i'm full hermit now um so yeah no no plans at all sorry about that i'm scared of germs now courtney with six months of savage thanks chardon for all the smiles and laughs love coming to your streams to relax keep the quality content i'll do my best dude i'll do my best um courtney with five months thanks for all the smiles um wait why did i why am i reading that again you went to disneyland on tuesday and finished almost every good ride twice in about two hours was there no one there the only way i could envision you being able to finish every ride even once is if you can literally just walk from ride to ride and step on and not have to wait in a single line i can't even imagine i mean i can like that works if you do the if you have a guided tour you can do that but um yeah i don't i don't want to pay for that myself uh pizza with pesto thank you for the four months also i just submitted a paper that decides whether i can go on with callers let's hope for the best uh fingers crossed good luck with it dude good luck mm thank you for gifting a sub i am h five months of summage agony brink six months of summage we are by k cheddar with 23 months um zoroak with 17 months don't worry salt and vinegar chips are the best ignore the haters you're right you right you're so on it dude nightlight with 32 months don't be a gamer seven months of savage man anyone uh many more months to come much love over the years much appreciated and we unpausing actually i didn't even pause there we're just we're just reading we're just reading all right the glitch you are the glitch oh here comes the leaf blower noises everybody all right so the problem that we are about to face is that i'm going to get eliminated before i really have a chance here yeah let's stick with crumb let's stick with crumb dude what would happen if it was crumb and and me at like the last the last part of the game what would we do [Laughter] ah [Music] please vote me out he also turned into me the funny thing ever so he said he would spare me to dance with him oh no see that's why whenever i'm killer i use to move around my arrows and then i have my fingers over there i have an important so but i don't accidentally press it this part is like four of us are watching all of this unfold from above yeah yeah no like though what's up if they both steal each other's identities it's still identity fraud um here's my thoughts they swap identities i think the best punishment for chrome for killing sparkles would not be to vote out with the guilt dude yes feel free to clip that that is good good clip okay let's do it time to kill again knowing sparkly's blood is on your hands it's fine i thought that was very funny you're mostly no i you're more fling i'm the glitch or was not so you can turn into me yeah i can turn into anybody uh that was so awesome because you turned into me and i was so confused i know i saw you turn into me and then i was like oh this is the perfect opportunity i don't know how it worked out so great and then i i swear in my life that i didn't really kill you it's fine i'll only haunt you i'm going to haunt you now you must get the oxygen mask in order to survive i need to sample this kid okay do it [Music] i'm haunting you [Music] she's chasing me she's chasing me like a psychopath can't hunt him down like a dog are you elevated wait who was chasing you kidding me i was trying to figure out that that pipe task it's from a previous top one when that was considered a video game i feel like i i i just got robbed i don't know what happened but i am not me anymore and now i'm unsafe and sad who are you now swapper i'm nobody i'm literally nobody it's nice to meet you nobody my my identity got stolen don't trust that man i'm not gonna say who it was oh man it sounds like you got oh wait okay that kind of like halves the car i mean sharks can't see stuff like that man oh you can guess crewmate you can do a crewmate gas on it oh yeah i'm medic too that should probably be i feel you shouldn't that be turned off or i guess it just means that uh it's there's a toggle for it there's a toggle for whether or not you can uh guess crewmates yeah that makes sense to me dang i really thought that would work i almost got her maybe next time jinx where's the body does it can you just tell me right now is it tiffany because i've been following her and i don't want to dial with something i think it's like on the second floor but i can't remember where near the elevator one of the elevators hear that sophie that's how little you matter to chinks you can't remember that's the sheesh right there if i've ever was lying when i said i knew what map this was i thought we were playing on a different map no oh i'm sorry i thought oh well you said you knew it i did oh it's okay it's okay no no i'm just i just don't know as much as you guys think i do that's what i'm saying which is imposter i'm gonna be upset you guys vote me out yet no grab her murder your way out you gotta get caught doing something this is this is on you crumb oh yeah just call it oxygen chrome and don't get the mask i told her but she's still unfair i mean i told you you to get the mask and you got the mask so you i mean that's you're still alive fine who should i kill uh probably probably the birthday boy because he's trying to torment you but he's the birthday boy yeah but everyone's talking deserves that kind of gift guys i can see basin jinx flirting in the chat and it's upsetting can you please chrome please oh god yeah get rid of him get rid of it you need to put this put a stop to this just you can't see it and i can see them in the chat doing their little flirty thing please just turned it okay he's on the top floor in the middle i don't know if ghosting is allowed we're gonna get banned oh never mind your partner took care of it oh thank god how do i get out of this one milady [Laughter] oh i'm sorry what yo yo yo yo yo i was follow so like i was followed by jinx and that's why i called this because like she kept following and following and following and following and i just stood next to the i just kept running around the the buzzer right right well i saw bass and jings in that meeting room off to the left just staring at each other so i stared at them and then they both looked at me and i got scared and ran for my life and now suddenly they're both dead so i'm very confused such confused yeah i wonder how the execution has hardly jinx well uh maybe jinx like shot base trade or as a i don't know man tiffany where'd you go you drove the hell out of me i just went down the elevator i had to do the other uh take task oh that's what happened i took the stairs finally done you took this there should be stairs on an imposter or a glitch and died uh no i think this is just a good old-fashioned double kill assassin killed anybody see tiffany i did i didn't i didn't okay i saw her earlier she was uh she was near base raid me and mike almost synchronized and got the lights on together but then wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait she was near base trade and jinx crumb what um actually it was from what yo yo vote tiffany and crum tiffany first didn't kill anyone no no i'm voting i'm voting i swear to my mama well i i still am a killer i'm voting i voted i voted i've voted tiffany and crum get him out of here you voted all right helen it's a bad idea tiffany all right mayor um you know yeah vote tiffany and crum they did it with my own eyes no it's not me i hope you all feel very bad i didn't vote you so i don't feel bad i feel i want tom to feel a spit okay yeah tom should feel bad for sure i don't feel bad because i won but that's besides oh oh that was your executioner target oh thank god i i think it was his executioner target yeah okay with her before um i just wanted it to stop is the game stuck again yeah causing this this is a little frustrating i think yeah this time it hasn't happened take a second well i mean the first there's ten seconds because if someone goes afk right it's waiting for them to choose but it doesn't but it's like uh i wonder if it's bugged out because of the i'm assuming tom's execution yeah i was it probably is i've i've i've seen executioner wins before that haven't done this though so well he did win so i can't believe i wish yeah i think we just have to close the game oh yeah the top right is invisible oh wait so who one person in particular gets bugged and has to leave and then it fixes it yeah but there's no way to tell who it is it's usually a ghost no you're gonna have to remake this lobby because there's there's no players with host privileges yeah i really made a lobby okay um what's up guys we're only gonna play for like another 20 minutes max so like probably two or three more games depending on perfect and then i'm gonna get our rust and be upset at jinx for the rest of the night perfect even better sounds like a great birthday you know what what happened there i'm not perfect anymore we were lovers we were lovers around on a date dude it didn't work sparkles and i were telling crumb to kill one of them because we were seeing all of their flirting in the chat wait wait you guys are flirting he called me a snack you guys oh the only but it was just like a lot to see you know on russ the only one that has ever flirted with me was lady jennifer oh my gosh i love how she runs around and goes round and bound now she killed my horse man i don't know jen's actually pretty good at the game too i have no idea about rust but anyway can of amber soup tour to bits though this response is delayed you can't get rid of me that easily i will continue to donate you bits for chance and my own amusement just because you don't wash your hands doesn't mean i won't stop the only reason i will stop is if i run out of bits which is right after this anyway keep crumbs safe i will do my best so far um i have been keeping crumbs safe by allowing creme to eliminate me from existence uh snake hunter with seven months of subage that's pretty swick thank you very much um jardoon would hate rust would i i mean it seems like a game where people would like break your things right you'd work really hard on something and then someone else would just come along and destroy it and then you think well what's the point of existing at all and then you think well my time would be better invested into something else right that sounds okay cool i've got i've got it down heck yeah and then you also it's just naked people but i guess you can change that setting but it's just naked people mostly so it's yeah i mean minecrafty except i think that the from what i've heard the overall ecosystem of rust is much more hostile usually minecraft is like a little bit more chill so yeah anyway i mean i'm sure it depends what server you're playing on and all that stuff okay i'm the altruist so i gotta i gotta run around and protect crum here and uh res crumb if things go badly right if i can find chrome i mean grant if i find somebody else first then you know i'll make sure to rez them but you know you know how it be sometimes okay we are go up you son of a unbelievable the things that i have to deal with here the things that i have to deal with are just ridiculous well this was weird wait i just saw it i saw brood do this okay this is an executioner flight it's an executioner boy no it's not 100 definitely not i did you a favor dude how did you what excuse you i did you a favor excuse me he's he's an executioner and i took his role and he's mad so we should vote him i took his executioner role and now he's mad so he's trying to still do the executioner on me even though i'm the executioner okay but then it also means you would inherit his thing who's your target should we believe you that you're actually the executioner nice try executioner we caught you assassin i don't know this is it a little too far-fetched should i dial up i'm gonna be the bigger person here and not throw you under the bus right now i like you just what do you mean the bigger person you started the meeting saying you wanted to vote me out yeah but you're trying now you're trying to get me uh unalive like it was you know i didn't think anyone would actually believe me because they'd be like where's the body and i wouldn't be able to give any details but you know yeah i'm not suss guys let's just skip vote and move on i voted for the real imposter oh you know i love me too wait what me too me too it's it's you knee but what do you mean the assassin can eliminate crewmates in this the toggle is on that's why he he ruined me where is he just pettiness from med bay i think that's us i was just sweating you're the only person i saw because i was getting the report button through all on this button this body is in the meeting room like right now yeah actually so he was a maybe but he was only on the heartbeat bombing for like one second yeah i don't think the assassin realizes nope so that's good i think we might be okay and i ended up okay uh turning off one of the cameras so why is it called med bay medical bay what is is what is based on actually what all right i'm still alive still alive uh the assassin's not 100 um it it can the be it can't but it's likely because there's only three roles that are enabled oh my god this one is it's dude i just swear it's so difficult oh wait oh frick no there we go okay great great great i don't see anybody right now is he still here okay i'm gonna stand with him is he going to come back is he going to come back god dang it god dang it last you want to explain herself wait wait wait what are you talking about i mean you were running away from this body you mean the body that you killed and i started running so i don't get killed by you oh no no no no no no no no uni you slaughtered in cold blood and i started running to the freaking other way because i didn't know if there's anyone around you that you're trying to double kill and i started running to the report button uni was bad last round man if only there was a role that could have brought back captain sparkles to the game that would have been super convenient for him yeah definitely would have been darn i have nothing against you man but i gotta vote against you because like literally i saw you kill and i ran for my life because i didn't know where like your body was to kill me for the double kill yep by the way we're in seven now we're gonna get uni's gonna use he's gonna bear yeah yeah he's gonna do anything but run to the report button you ran to the elevator there's no way no i love tom with bass yeah he does something he's dead but i like beauty i love uni with tom and tom dead yeah i just crossed tiffany not too long ago where'd you leave me allegedly oh uni was there too yeah oh shoot i was where where where was i okay so he is super sassy no i just like okay mister i didn't double kill i just really wish that there was an altruist role in this game and they could have revived sparkly but well here we are he's on alive i'm dead are you a good guy yeah i think you're a good guy i am a good guy what do you mean from who did it who did it i must avenge you i i sparkles they're doing it again oh god why is he lover again oh i know i don't think that the assassin realizes that the cr you can guess crewmate setting is enabled because um yeah brood gave away that i was crewmate but i managed to survive which was nice although i go upstairs you can hit the up and down arrow on the right side of the screen ah oh my god yeah it's pretty revolutionary this is pretty revolutionary wait but crumb who who eliminated you i must i must get revenge i think okay i don't think i was shy so i must have been the iron plastic hmm okay um we need to discuss this more blesses ran away from sparkly's body to go into the elevator as i was coming off when i ran down was he jester no no i'm pretty positive yuni's mirror um because there was way too many votes on plessies now and that's how would it skip i would have skipped oh now if uh if you felt confident of if he's like actually a mayor would you think he's really a mayor like like you know like your brain is huge really crazy are you ready okay yeah i'm a hundred percent younis amir like one hundred hundred one hundred like he is like if there is [Laughter] hold on that was just actually convenient for the assassin to kill him and it was not me i swear i was me and tiff already locked in our votes so if it's not you shark it could be jinx or brood wait wait wait wait wait hold your ball riffkin is going love he's going live no because i i could have sworn brood weren't you hilarious because he doesn't know his lover she just boat base straight and sees the imposter get him out right here's the assassin please right here you can shoot me too you could shoot me too you could shoot me too or how did he not i can't believe he didn't i can't believe he didn't get that i'm funny i'm never remembered i'm voting base putting base wait why are you wait no wait that's just convenient for the assassin it's not actually me wait what what what this is gonna be it this is good i'm so confused it all makes sense it'll all be revealed it'll all be revealed oh my god oh my god my machinations everybody you scatter huh so uh i like how shark got betrayed by the love i can't i can't believe i cannot believe he did that you know your love was fake i'm sorry real love is about to prevail girls before joe's you know rose before joe's yeah who's joe mama [Music] [Music] meeting was incredible that meeting with yeah uh lg lg lg also um do we want to turn off assassin voting on on crewmates i'm surprised i didn't get eated there um maybe next time it's lg i'm not gonna miss it oh yeah oh my god come on i don't know i create your dm bye ah [Laughter] like you're wearing my cowboy hat oh my gosh wait plus you're not gonna do that kill i got a tan uh no i was a glitch i think oh okay um i have to go okay we're doing with literally one last thing you want if you gotta go you can go but we're doing literally just one more no my cousins are here now i have to go oh no i hope you have a good one i'm grateful you made it out for my birthday man thank you so much all right take care dude okay so i mean she's still technically here because she's on sparkly yeah we could just oh yeah yeah it comes here by proxy we also do the crumb hat for this last game honor come definitely what's crumb i've been like hounding companies to get cocker spaniel representation up in the chat cocker spaniels are so cute hey i have three of them han leia and zelda how do you take care of three different things i love them you know how to take care of it zelda might may or may not be featured in official nintendo promotional video for skyward sword my my dog oh is your dog is really famous and like has an agent and makes money dude okay i have four dogs i need to get one of them in commercials because hey dude reggie to play mario party with you or something yes i did yes oh wow all right good luck guys how did he do all right all right it's me the jester i mean i'm gonna get sliced in two seconds but it's it's sad i never got to find out who actually had a live crumb i i'll never be able to get revenge from just got unalive and that was it uh okey dokey am i gonna get shifted into okay then i don't think he realized that you can see that yeah i mean blessius did that i don't know if he didn't realize that you can see from the top who said that it could drop yeah make it drop make that yeah yeah you there's a glass floor on the top floor you know did anyone else get like super powers or something don't worry this is one you're fine with so the flash is like a sub modifier sometimes one person will just be really fast and it can be anything yeah yeah you can see voting but that doesn't make plea yeah sense plead your case yeah yeah yeah in my case okay i don't think it's fair for people to vote while i'm like i don't even have to complete my case yet can you plead it please yes so uh i'm on the bottom level truthfully and i went to the left and i'm over there working on wires and that's it and then the the meeting was called that's it cool i mean yeah someone could have turned into him sounds good to me on the big one or does the big one start wherever you're from no no it's small wires four wires not big no he's asking you i don't think that's i'm pretty i don't think so i don't know no i i just had four wires not i'm not like the 10 or 12 or whatever yeah i just didn't know if like that was around the map and that was going to be your first because i just don't know how that pass starts and finish i think it's only in the electrical room is the big one or the comms room or whatever it is [Laughter] yeah no i think he's probably being framed or something yeah yeah yeah no one no one would do that okay so um i'm gonna i'm gonna try to uh not be next to you because i am prime target numero uno yeah i need to stay alive so that people can think it's me although i should probably i don't know as as jester i mean yeah i don't know i'm gonna try to stay next to people even though whoever i stay next to is probably gonna be a bad guy so uh please don't be a bad guy don't be oh you're the flash i can't stay next to you that's not really gonna work is it oh frick i just sent the other one down oh god don't do me like this don't do it don't do it don't do it please be nice please be nice i want to stay alive okay i hope i'm not here with like bad people there's a lot of people in here uh hello oh no i'm so so i'm like i'm like really good at spotting people doing things this round um yeah i mean oh who did you catch this time what did your l5 see uh yellow yellow man yellow man oh no i was following artemis yeah to an elevator and ran the heck away yeah i'm at the elevator waiting for you for it to come back down oh right you're not not in ballast yes i look i messed up dude you you have my vote 100 you have a big vote i think you saved my life because i didn't grab a mask there was no mask to grab uh it was a watermelon it was ballast oh i'm real all right so mike mike you weren't you weren't in uh in ballast uh no no no okay i shoot brother um so mike was not in balance blessius was not on the bottom floor underneath the glass um so honestly it has to be anyone other than mike and blessious who who's guilty the first one no it has to be anyone other than mike and blasius obviously they they can't have been where they were so we don't vote well artemis as well yeah and shark because sparky i was on top of you when we went into the left side of ballast and then i left because it got fixed yeah i i saw that right and you were in there with sophie so what someone just killed sophie on top of you yeah exactly but i couldn't have been mike obviously because mike mike was at elevator right mike wasn't there yeah he was outside the door to ballast and he followed me towards the elevators right but he wasn't inside at all he didn't just he didn't just like sophie like two feet away from me he didn't do that no no okay yeah yeah also blessius didn't slice anyone under the glass on the bottom floor in the first round and neither of those things happened yeah yep cool cool what do i do with this round bird don't look at me dude you got you have all the responsibility now man i no man i i'm just i'm a pleb over here i'm just a simpleton okay i'm voting for blasius you could vote me same because i was sitting at o2 being out vote with your heart vote with your anyways even if i voted for myself tiebreaker modifier wouldn't have done it so it's all good it's all good okay cool so i'm like i'm like target number one um if i manage to stay alive i yeah yeah i mean we know at least two of the demonetizers one could be a glitch but i'm just gonna go hide in the corner because i don't want people to find me i'm just gonna hey can i help you what would you like i we whip up the best baked goods here i can help you with some cinnamon rolls uh some muffins maybe some some are those i don't know danishes some crabs just thrown into the baked goods very weird i don't know why those are there someone should really get that so there's more over there what the frick um and you're taking a long time to decide anything what the f so it's really weird that i just somehow keep finding it but uh i was so what happened here was i was uh helping uni behind the baked goods counter trying to like get who needed to you know place their order and i was like you want some crabs you want some uh yeah cookies i don't know why the crabs are throwing in the cookies really weird um but then out of nowhere just exploded just exploded into nothingness it was it was so weird and there was no glint of yellow or anything visible at all anywhere to be found it was just spontaneous combustion right behind the counter i the health inspector's not gonna be happy with it um i'm gonna do something really wild on this meeting but i'm not gonna say what it is i already know dude same brain same brain i'm so excited to see this too guys watch what base is going to do this meeting is he going to do this phoenix it's going to be wild i think he already did it to be fair everybody vote with your heart he must have yep actually everybody should skip and that would actually show the magic trick even just wait a minute no i wasn't wearing it wait a minute this is back this is backfired we keep playing we just lost this this is backfired on me greatly oh dear oh dear huh i don't know what's happened what hap what happened i don't know what happened okay i'm this bad for me it's bad for my health i'm gonna go places i'm gonna go elsewhere so rifkin did did the mayor vote on brood i'm gonna just keep going up and down in the elevator because i don't want bad guys to have things i'm just scared i'm a big target it must have been an executioner that's the only thing i can think of i'm just gonna keep going up and down just gonna keep going up and down there okay i'm so sorry i messed up i messed up so badly what is it what are you doing rifkin i'm it's his birthday okay look i'm gonna get killed for this but i don't care i deserve it so i was shifter i shifted onto brood and i thought oh shifter's probably set to jester right i'll just vote brood out because you know he'll get the jester win but he didn't sell me please oh no they're their crewmate yeah that's how uh who was it i think uni in a previous round immediately voted out the purse or assassin the person who was shifted i'm so sorry yeah we lost it's blasius well well what what why does it mean no no no blessings didn't didn't do anything in the first round blessing is innocent yeah remember uh it wasn't blessius shark or mike i mean i reported all three of the bodies so i mean obviously there's a common denominator there it couldn't have been blessius yes it is just killed mike right in front of me i i swear to god i did not i swear i was with shark i i went and i did like the the vials of things yes like it and and then i went down south that's it and like it couldn't have been it couldn't have been blessius yeah i'm the only one who keeps reporting bodies you just voted for an innocent man stefan any any last words all right the game is i'm so sorry i really changed it it was just a vote for you you're like you can vote for me when i was gonna vote like this is going to be so funny but happy happy birthday yeah we're done thank you so much all right everybody uh well this has been fun this is great fun i still don't know why they would vote out an innocent man instead of me i was there for reporting all the bodies and they had no suspicions so strange so strange just self-reports all around for me anyway um thank you everyone make sure to like if you like subscribe turn on notifications hit the bell and uh obviously i mean by the time actually no no when this is up on youtube it'll be like just you have a little bit of time left i think so if you're interested hit it up and uh that is that's pretty much it that's pretty much it still got joggers still got joggers at least now if you're watching so um thanks for tuning in everybody and i'll see you next time
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 80,650
Rating: 4.9749999 out of 5
Keywords: captainsparkles, among us
Id: YmolC_3PSfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 41sec (6161 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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