My Greatest Impostor Round Is Among Us

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hello everybody welcome to a non-rushed intro on proximity chat uh amungus no style probably does why can i hear kara i'm definitely okay control are then why can i hear cara i'm deafened this doesn't make any sense god i hate proximity chat so much anyway welcome back to proximity chat of mungus uh if you're watching on youtube make sure to like the video it's a great sponsor for us i need to increase my cursor size as well and um yeah make sure to like the video check the playlist if you want to catch more movies sub the captain sparkles 2 on youtube hit the bell also make sure you're following over at slash captain sparkles for good times all around lots and lots of uh amungus and especially vault hunters as of late and always proximity chat so yes indeed pretty swick and we're gonna get going now all the time i have to control r every two minutes okay control r do your keys [Music] i've unpaused by the way i miss you i miss you you're so right i miss you i know but you can know you have legs all right i can talk and no one will hear me because crew link is terrible you can hear me wow can people hear me this is cool oh hello mr sparkly hey i didn't see you how you see me right on top of you yeah okay i'm trying to flip the switch not working well hey hi oh oh oh oh oh my gosh oh he's dead he was he was right to the left of communications at the at the thing the uh the node the weather the maze oh i saw him i saw him there when i was walking to electrical hmm i have an unfortunate thing to sit down there yes yeah i did i did do the maze and then somebody else obviously followed and eliminated them mommy walk into tree cell i saw you leave trees too though yeah and i found him um what is the unfortunate news what well i have two um two susses and that's the unfortunate part okay now i won't state who the who the imposters are just yet because it's too early you know but i will vote oh oh is it is it you are you suspicious of yourself it's not me because i was right next to you and i was right next to max yeah you gotta give us the emperor yeah we kind of need the info we need okay okay i'll show you one thing okay ella's freaking out because she just lost cara cara has mysteriously disappeared color puffy wait a puffy i'm sorry i was very confused for a second you know the lights went out and puffy disappeared and i wanted to protect puffy and that's why i panicked buffy's not accusing me this is puffy whoa it's jack the one that met they scanned the intro invites everybody here and then you vote her off i have to control r when the round starts okay i think i did it right boom bam boom look at the amount of tasks we have here look at us i know this is a lot of tasks god i'm so pissed i have a feeling i will die so if i die i'm alive i'm alive i'm alive i'm alive good lord i have a lot of tasks in specimen i'm alive i'm alive i'm alive super alive most alive ever the livingest person on the planet hello super live still who's gonna why are people running out of there because i don't want to die okay how did you see us running out of there because you ran right through me what are you on mate what i can't hear you you're mike's like what about hey bud how are you that's that's much more audible yeah yeah cool cool cool are you having a good day uh i mean i don't know the world's in shambles so um we'll see anyway no all right let's go to specimen okay lights are off again lights right am i gonna am i gonna be number one crewmate on this oh hey hey let's try to forgot there you are hi friends everybody's still living for now yeah very cool i do lights every time god i'm such a good crewmate you are how come you're naked you're so good at crewmating i thought you usually wear the spandex what yeah i think i i have i have everything on my end it must be here you're naked for me oh yeah a couple people are naked for me too you can't hear me anymore goodbye okay i have to have every possible task in specimen never tell me the odds we're not gonna make it two three four five six seven eight nine ten and we have a simone says oh hi uh hi there i have every possible task in specimen so it's a good time oh yeah that sounds fantastic i'm gonna go run to office now you have a good time cool how have i been able to get through all this without the bodies those are bodies guys oh my gosh a lot of jojo's dead so uh jack wasn't an imposter huh no yeah um okay i'll speak for the jordan jordan is the bottom right hand corner i control hard again okay i hear him now i hear him i saw jojo and myth stand together though we were there we were there with sparkly when he turned on the uh the lights and then we were you near the button or like i was like no max is fine max is clear because only black and yellow were dead and then i saw max and we both went up to dropship yeah max is clear it's either sparkly sell or puffy well if it's if if it's not cara and max then it would be sal and puffy because it ain't me yeah that's correct jordan i think it's puffy it's not i was just in weapons that's how i knew you were near the button i did lab and then went down the weapons and that's where i ended off i immediately immediately went up to med lab then i went down and i saw jordan and specimen max did you see puffy near there because you can no i didn't see puffy at all i didn't see puffing all this around either why are you thinking how did i know you were near the button car i wasn't though you said you were i was in office but i wasn't near the button yeah that's i said office near comm or in your communications we were in the uh the office for a little bit and then you noticed there were two people in drop ship and that's when we both did so how do we know that it's not max and cara well i guess you don't but why would i find the bodies on five that is true that would be an interesting play hmm i think it could be max and puffy that's why i think it's puffy all right oh maybe it is max and puffy i don't think you did vote for puffy are we still alive oh we're still alive heck yeah i remember all right all right well hmm i scared i stay with you oh you trust me now i trust you now yes i don't trust either of you i'm leaving why would you why would you not trust both of us because we why would you not trust me cara you've led me astray too many times what are you talking about it's impossible that both of us could be imposters that true but i don't is it fair to the other person if we stay together no oh there he is he's kind of here right max how are you friend okay i'm gonna go this way if i die it's max well he didn't follow yeah i didn't i mean it's awkward okay yeah it's fine it's fine that's fine this is fine don't do it don't do it i'm not doing it what do you want me to do okay we're good we're good yeah we're good anybody dead over here yeah oh no no no bodies that's good that's very nice everyone's alive that's cool i'm going to calm down does anyone have crashes i do i have a lot of tasks tons of them huge amounts bro i had every possible spec okay let's go do them then both of you escort i need two people with me i need two people with me oh my gosh are you guys acting like you've done all of them i have yeah what what is this what are you doing where's bro i had every possible specimen task oh i'm on okay i'm here are you very much scanning yeah i can yeah i can see you guys barely we're here i see you okay we're going to go over to oh oh i got it okay well uh they're gonna call reactor i'm pretty sure oh that's gonna be really awkward so uh should we not do it then well i mean it's up to you we have to we have to oh okay we have enough time we have enough time to get keep talking keep talking i can't see either you keep talking all right i'm talking um um uh all right there it is oh yep whoop there it is okay we going up let's go let's go let's go i have one more task in there i had every possible specimen task by the way it's pretty cool closing all the doors this is just so inconvenient okay uh you guys going there i'm gonna go the other one oh we're good wow hey how's it going oh you don't need to go up there here you go this is awkward so it was it was max awkward it was max after all it wouldn't have been me no no let me let me let me try to explain why it's not me yeah please explain well i wouldn't kill jojo what yeah that's why puffy did it yeah she totally did it yo so anyway here's here's what sal did you vote for max yeah okay cool then we're good max sorry there you have no escape uh well i i tried and that's what matters [Laughter] you kept holding hands with car there was nothing i could do yeah i know running around i'm like this isn't fair oh [Music] okay we're live well you died that's sad in here back real quick okay oh please i'm only i'm only a lot hurt max you think you're hurt you murdered me i only trusted you but it was a it was it was a moment of trust and i believe that you knew i was gonna kill you i really was hoping someone would hop out of the vent but would you have preferred i hopped in the vent and then hopped out yes oh well then i'll do that next time open your um you know at the bottom right of your windows where you see a little the little volume thing click open volume mixer okay and then turn down like i'll give you that you did say you did go now oh yeah it can be very loud you know what that's okay i'll give you a little hello yeah bring it down hello oh god everyone was real quiet really quiet i thought i thought my should be better now yeah we're all just flying talking we're all just surviving okay all right are we good crewlink yeah let's do it because of that refreshing controller great no please i'm sorry i'm gonna hang out with sparkles hey man hey how is it going no please i want to be here don't i'm alive anybody i did lights three times i'm going a lot in here okay well yeah i'm gonna do the drill yeah do that alexa corner set downstairs to 74. shoot hello oh my was that a double kill right there whoa where was it located oh i got a controller in the middle part of office i'm walking back i actually thought i reported this but i didn't sal you're clear where are you then it's not jojo either yeah if that was a double it's not sparkles where are you i literally just went down to the o2 yeah okay so sal and i are completely clear conclusion ella and jack what what no i forgave puffy i did not kill her this way you killed me smile i don't know where you guys were well i know it wasn't supposed to happen like the previous imposter is always the first venom okay right puffy's in the office okay so these weren't together these were split but they're just like two but it's still a double kill was anyone was anyone together the whole round yeah me and jojo yeah sparkles and i were right next to each other me and come on oh they're separated oh okay double kill double kill these were two separate kills that happened got it ella where are you right now jordan did you buy the node underneath the lights no i didn't get that far in you didn't see that jack where are you i'm in torpedo yeah we're here hey you can definitely right control yeah because it's the meta now yeah the meta is all fake legit went up to the keys though wait i don't have keys i know who did it face clothes what why am i always brought into this i'm insane i can never imagine who would vote jojo oh yeah the first two people dead but we're both the imposters by the way hey yo why do people say i don't know what's going on i don't hate you i only trust sparkles right now i trust jojo too and i'm gonna be very sad if that's betrayed i'm not i can't do that i'm simply doing a download right now as always hooray oh yeah yeah there's something you gotta do you know what's funny though i have to do it twice around i'm going to lights mother trucking truck face just about did lights oh did i do lights i think i did lights did i do lights no i guess the lights are still off that's great that's great just about to get him back on and he gets me on the last switch flip couldn't i have been a half second faster this is very very sad but i got to go to lights if i didn't go to lights no one else was going to do it as you can see nobody no no i see it i don't think they have a at least one out of five is [Music] this isn't jojo who would do this hang on not me i'm talking to wisp right now why are you what's going on yes it's not so sal's cleared from first around sure sure again because now the vote might get its place like we don't even know how to vote why is it me it's not jojo it's not jordan okay i've been with cara the whole time who did the lights i didn't do lights okay then i suspect sparkles might be dead in the lights because i want vitals that i couldn't see the irony the irony of him discussing his own location right now you think it's elena i kind of hope they vote jojo oh my god cara is on it cara's on it she's so good at this it's crazy i only sal and i are clear from first round and jojo has cleared this round because she was with me the whole time that's why we're on the top oh then it's delayed wait yeah wait wait is clearing jojo this one she has no reason to lie about that then it's got to be your whis because i'm crew i mean i didn't see him for that long it could be talking right now carla no no you guys did not see what you can't be suss of me because i was with cara the whole time i don't know what whisper's saying basically we should we should vote we have to vote together wow wow you need control are you in your car i guess i'm so sad this is tragic so i think i died because how did wisp get voted out how did that happen oh that was weird i didn't even think the imposters like coordinated that no they didn't i think that was the blind shot but they also like they were so accurate so early on like they got it yeah wait who's the other impossible because it is i don't think [Laughter] yeah i had yeah you were like oh i know they didn't want to hit me my friend so i just left and then i died he's talking though yeah yo elena no i can't hear him you killed pogba i owe whisper no i didn't kill puffy no she killed me [Music] how about we just not do proximity chat because it's always broken okay great normal i love it okay okay normal thank goodness good lord finally what a relief yeah yo low key ever since we changed the discord icon i never know where this is anymore yes same true any troopers in chat oh i need a definite all right you might find normal boring but at least it functions and that wasn't even just me people always like to be like oh it's just you well it wasn't just me there that was that was multiple people having problems so yeah we got overlay guys it's active if you didn't see it it was active right when we were uh loading in i don't know man most of my highest viewed videos on captain sparkles 2 were all normal humongous and maybe that's because it was the meta back then but pew pew pew pew ah now i can speak to myself about cauliflowers and thor's helmets and not feel judged by other people dude look if somebody out there can come up with a functional among us proximity mod then by all means i'm all about it but i'm a little bit i'm a little bit suss at this point you know get that done dude do some water wheels ah yeah you love to do water wheels mm-hmm and to be fair yeah proximity does end up being like more for bits and gags and stuff which i guess is the idea after mungus has been around and played this this many times for this many months but uh you know i kind of like playing to actually play look at me number one crewmate fixing the lights i just don't know why uh does anybody know what is the hip prohibitive thing oh never mind we'll get to it after okay it was uh just outside of weapons oh okay so i'm gonna be honest right now don't idiot i didn't undeven nice when you checked vitals who was alive two were dead it was sal and i think wisp okay and then jack and max have just died probably somewhere around the last lesson no jack was outside of weapons that's what i just recorded yeah because after lights jack went south i think he was in cameras before okay so i saw um refkin on when i was on the security cameras so i don't think it's rifkin i'mma be honest honestly i only saw like two people ever and at the very end i saw i think you ella and sparkles were did y'all worry about it yeah the doors were closed as soon as i walked in so i went in to check just in case but it was good there so i don't think it's them my metagame sense thinks it could be cara you would think that i would think that my thoughts are let's go this way carl where were you this game i wasn't specimen for the entire time i'm a ghost not the most of the time but not the entire time i was doing the uh simon says the thing is or no bodies on the left-hand side well jack jack there were no bodies in specimen so i don't know this is okay so for me i i don't think it's elena i would throw the game over her only i don't have clears or anything like that i just trust her movement and what that's on cameras jojo looked weird on cameras sparkles and wearing cameras i didn't see cara at all why did i look weird on cameras because you were just standing through the right track um well we gotta organize random voting right now wow vote with your heart everybody okay because there are a lot of kills you should take it as a compliment i felt it in my gut uh king wick thank you for the five sub gifts much appreciated i don't think there's much of a point of uh doing much in the way of this here i guess i should just run a reactor in case it gets called is it going to get called is reactor getting called i'm ready for it i'm ready i guess it was cara well thank goodness we had some agreement all right that's good hello no one stay at the button do you guys trust that that vote went through well i went i went straight up to reactor finishing i went straight up jojo and puffy just went bottom left of the map that's what i really don't like i'm sorry jojo and puffy are going off on their own i oh what wait my last thing together maybe maybe not i don't want to treat it like that and if we did get one then it's even safer to vote anyways why would you not call reactor though jordan i've done this for style points so many times dude okay then is it you no it's not me elena okay we don't have much to go off of here right but the reason i don't think it's elena is because of her cameras she saw me in cameras as well that's the only reason i said i'm willing to trust elena i don't know who it is between the three of them but like i said jojo was looking weird on cameras sparkly was looking weird on cameras but if i had to pick one of the two i think jojo was being weirder on cameras and sparkly especially seeing as i pushed the car a vote and it would appear that was correct can you describe what looking weird on cams is because i was simply walking were you doing a little joke that's weird jojo you're true you know what i'm gonna be honest this isn't my jealousy speaking i think it's either jojo or puffy i i agree with that i guess i haven't been really paying attention at this game i'm gonna be honest same also why would i report the body if we were that close potentially to just winning the game that's true true i was an o2 though and there were no bodies there okay uh you don't have to follow this if you don't believe it you can skip if you want i don't want to play cara being right i'm gonna vote jojo what okay i don't i mean at least a five is a safer vote than a four we don't wanna vote on four um we can play spicy right now i can play spicy this is fine well i'm wearing headphones to be honest all right your hat's at my house so i can't wear it but uh that's okay i think i'll forgive you another while it's at your house another day another day not today though um i don't like that just because there's a lot of bodies we have to vote hey listen i was just following her and she would kill and i was like oh my god [Laughter] and all of a sudden i just see jojo and kara barrel towards me and i knew my time was over um i think that said the game you try to join is full stand i thought that was the code oh my god kind of cringe bro no no we should do lobby people found a way to do hacks on code i literally was not ready to click on the on the camera so people can just like remotely do stuff and quicker um i don't know for sure but like hafu in them they were having people just like randomly get dc like like um they reading ddos or something i don't know oh yeah nice so it's way safer to play with that way you know when i got some vitals i realized well no it wasn't until after i died i realized and and i just didn't register in my brain until so much later i kept everywhere else actually about to kill puffy but then uh it was oh they got a sick double kill on me or not so i was like maybe cara saw me do my visual task and i'm just going to follow her and then that was and then you got sliced in half i know i got sliced and diced no i never was being a good crewmate looking for my body are we called in the dark yeah um i can't seem to join this one i'm going to freestart my youtube weird purple oh my goodness all righty let's do some dubs only ladies and gentlemen i haven't played imposter in such a long time i don't know how well this is gonna work but anyway we are in fact out here ready to rock and roll let's do some clicky clickies boys i'm just i'm just scared dude i'm just scared all right let's do some water wheelsy boys hmm oh god it's so scary to eliminate bodies at this point so scary let's see dude let's see i don't know what to do i don't know what to do i'm so stressed out i haven't played in absolutely ages bro and that just happened okay i should have let her keep my purse it was jojo let's go oh yeah one of the previous monsters wow how does this happen i don't think it's elena it literally just happened i was just on vitals everyone's live i made a comment i saw base trades little body for a second as well i saw two in office yeah okay i didn't see many people this round i saw i was down in specimen doing uh the computer task with who's in there i saw elena walker sorry i was on the lights panel as the body was called okay i assume you're on the lights i i saw jordan down at the water wheels doing that and i kind of just stood in the hallway looking ominous yeah that was a little weird why were you just watching i and then i was standing in the doorway of lights waiting for you to turn them on because i assumed you were there and they never got turned on guys puffy jordan on max what do you guys think why what um i'm drawing my guns on the light panel so how would max how would max be sitting at wait you're sitting at the lights waiting for someone to pass by you well no you passed by me and then the lights immediately went out so obviously since you're closer to lights you would have went to go turn them on i assumed you were there right i was i was outside so i i went back in why would you go outside when you went up what i was outside of the building when the lights went off no you work wait who's voting what i'm so confused i panicked and voted for myself what is this i'm very confused i panicked i didn't know what to do everyone was scaring me all right it is i guess time to uh eliminate cara and max if we can that would be ideal all right let's see see if we can uh don't know where cara is though don't know oh yeah i got a story i got a story dude i thought that was me because it was a good thing i got a story i got a story to tell i would love it all right listen up gather round gather round i'm in lab puffy's in there i say oh hell no i'm getting out of here puffy stays in the lab i pass sal going into lab i go to vitals i say watch cell die in three two what he dies no no no no i went down i was doing my innocent little puzzle pieces and my numbers so i don't know what you're talking about they're not murder anyone nothing says about you and your puzzle pieces look at my eyebrows dangerous your eyebrows i can't believe it you seem pretty surprised by my story wait wait where else in lab right underneath the vials how do we know it's not you could've been me i was with cara when the body could drop him when the body dropped yeah we were both on vitals now there's a chance that puffy goes into space and someone vents into the bathroom and comes up and kills and vents back out or something like that but it was just really funny [Laughter] i was also between puffy sparkly no somebody follow me around if they die with me then it's me i'm following what are you guys voting well no that's terrible because then the imposters will target that person and if you are innocent they'll frame you i tried that once it doesn't work out for the imposter puffy i skipped last time i'm not doing it again we have somebody in the q channels by the way okay all right well uh let's see i'm gonna run into specy man real quick dude real quick crumb is in the queue but someone would have to leave i don't know who's gonna leave though you know all right let's do a little bit of that though a little bit of that a little bit of sorting a little bit of this all right i gotta try to try to find cara that's a clean one by wisp he must have done the vent invent out strategy while the lights were i found i was about the button no no i know i believe you because i i last saw you in communications with rifkin so i know you didn't do that yes well i heard my name what you were in communications with elena yeah so she or sorry max's body is right outside of uh or right below what is it it's right outside like this it's right outside lab there's two people in lab right now oh who's in lab it's not based straight it's not me it's not good it's sparkly and whiskey no i i'm on i'm on the uploaded specimen right now yeah sorry the downloading specimen hmm what was that jack were you in lab like five seconds ago i was not in lab at all this round um i was admin table i got to button and when i was at admin table there was two in lab i was in comms i did my um my maze outside of storage and that's when elaine and i walked up to the body well was uh correct me if i'm wrong was whisper not one of the candidates for the first kill uh west was a candidate because of self-report i think oh automatically i didn't report it i didn't report the body did max report it was max it was max i believe oh okay then yeah was the candidate then that's me i don't know i wasn't there i wasn't i was inside the container it was jordan puffy it was yeah puffy jordan and wisp right where the three that we were like around one yeah agree with that um i don't want to get out first i don't know if it's jordan i i personally would lean towards whisper i'll go for whis what i'm doing just to be clear though i'm doing this off of nothing jordan oh no if i was wrong i just know jack didn't do the previous one and i know elena didn't do this one i thought i've messed up this whole game i'm skipping i have absolutely no idea you can't skip one man is dangerous oh i don't know jordan hadn't voted yet so i think fine question mark sparkly was the last one about true so it's probably yeah exactly i wait till the last second to figure it out all right all right wow metagaming off of the vote timing now dude gnarly gnarly um let's see yeah i don't know if i can i don't know if i can pull this one out also the tasks are almost done right now i can't do it because rifkin is coming right in um oh boy oh boy uh hi oh thank you what's up okay so wes was correct oh i i guess so all puffy was one of the two yeah i don't think it was puffy i don't think it was puffy either i wish i was right about puffy it was so the thing is that he is okay here's the thing of three suspects two are gone i don't know if jordan's clear enough but it's likely that he's clear right i i think yes you guys if you guys have tried to throw me under the bus three times now when i have not been anywhere near the body well this is the thing there was that doesn't matter max max was accusing you prior and he was saying that he it was like the whole thing where he was like i was waiting for you or yeah wins task wins task win so here's something here's what i'm gonna do you guys have already voted but here's what i'm gonna do what are you gonna do i'm gonna i'm gonna vote jack it's not gonna matter but i'm gonna vote jack and i shake jack just to be clear is fully innocent yeah about me that would have been really awkward okay thanks thanks for throwing me under sparkles if it's you guys all right well i don't know where to go with people my cooldown is very long evermore thank you for the five sub gifts much appreciated all right i gotta try to find somebody or do something out of office yeah don't speak words no words no words no words back where you at uh i just went out the right side of office i wasn't violence with you what is this no words thing don't worry i'm involved with your heart all right you guys are all hanging out as a as a trifecta yeah entire round i knew you were acting weird so was it whispering jordan or or puffy it was wispy it wasn't with me in the equation i need to get a clip i need to get a clue with my oh it's it's all good dude you were you were doing well i think i think you did report the first body right next i didn't think it was how i could no longer be wrong yeah i honestly didn't know it was whispers only because everyone you guys went on nothing you just voted me no i don't know actually no it wasn't nothing nothing for nothing elena thank you for not forgetting that exactly or anything but to explain so you understand there are three people for the first kill we didn't have any information of the remaining two people that could have been for the first kill either you were sparkles it was prejudiced people just didn't like it my goodness because max's thing max was going off on jordan and kept saying oh jordan suss because like all this stuff he was waiting on me yadda was like oh that's yadda information but i wanted to hold on to that because i didn't want to make it seem like i was just like jordan but i definitely was oh yeah jordan how's that scratching your blue car from crumbling like you're gonna buffer that out or what's the deal uh yeah i i might just leave it because it's so endearing it's like a banksy it's like a banksy you know you can't wash it definitely it is yeah yeah i like you markers right like it is an original chrome no it's it's a joke crum tweeted uh earlier today this just look on my twitter look at my uh go to follow twitter.comsparkles also follow slash cabin sparkles that's a good idea too but if you go over to twitter then you will see the tweet replies so yeah anyway it's totally my car definitely definitely it was my car ready hold on who's that jack okay so puffy and elena where are you guys i'm going down here specimen yeah i'm down at specimen yeah sparkles he was outside wait where's his body okay so jack is dead right outside of top decontamination and puffy yeah yeah i don't think it was either yeah five seconds it was within five seconds i was literally talking and i was just like okay this puffy went right i left finished my task within five seconds jack was dead from where they were heading but we both went down and yeah we both went down to specimen i know so my guess you both could be imposters no no because if that was the case i would have done a drive-by on you but you didn't yeah exactly i have important information to say check also if you there's also a vent in the bathroom i know that's that's also a thing but the fact that yeah well i mean you guys can understand my suspect here no no i understand that makes sense yeah and i mentioned that i am completely alone right now in the admin room where did you go after going into like election friends jojo geez uh i hesitated waiting get some friends let's just hey just well then keep in mind puffy in atlanta for late game keep it in mind yeah um i think it's jojo because she's like i hesitated waiting to oh it's time can i speak okay yes yesterday wait and see if i should project the lights or not and then after waiting for a bicycle it went down to these ass i mean o2 finishing the round okay you can't cancer to be precise i checked the admin table there were three people in line the canisters i didn't see you with canisters probably because you're doing the canisters you didn't say you saw me at canisters though i didn't see your canisters i'm literally on it right now yeah but like okay real talk they're like no medicate i was explaining everyone one of my subscribers bro i didn't i skipped i can explain next meeting if you want car but there's max though anyway cool all right let's do wait is my character upside down on the card the frick is that an easter egg that happens every now and again my character was upside down you guys see that i've never seen that before at least i've never paid attention what the heck it does that sometimes man i thought i was unique here thought maybe they like custom coded it so that i get cool upside down pants yeah one two three four five six seven eight nine ten mother fricker why why listen okay are you lonely she's so lonely i think it's funny you say that a lot here's something game starting to talk to us game starts first thing i want to do is fake a common task next person who walks up onto this common task is elena why don't i make it with you smart actually no we had that task what are you talking about guys you've literally all been walking to keys for like every game we've played like every we were doing proximity and we were like oh you're kidding he's like this time i just stood at the card swipe waiting yeah that's a little different i think that elena i think it's a nail in the coffin the reason i couldn't explain why i couldn't see you uh it's because someone was asking why in their gifted subrecipe it said buttholes because i kind of forgot that i named all my subscribers buttholes so that's a butthole so uh i wasn't paying attention and i'm sorry okay can you imagine their financial management i'm sorry you bought a [Music] oh i'm glad you're not that'd be weird look at the two imposters he skipped who voted me though like what's that you know what you know i do because you're lonely i am lonely help fake her out i don't know what they're talking about with the receipts and stuff but yeah no don't close it okay thank goodness i still got to do manifolds because i got cut off at 10. can you imagine if i was just a little bit quicker counting we wouldn't be in this position one two three four five six seven eight nine ten if i had been that fast last time the fastest counter known to man and this wouldn't have been an issue and that's very upsetting oh god wires i still have to do those is it going to bring me all the way back blair what have we got what do we got he's over here i'm gradually learning the telescope i feel like it's still one of the few things that i don't fully know the map of but uh one of these days i'll get i feel like oh can you imagine if they randomized telescope every single time like i thought it actually was when i first started playing it now i realized that i was dumb because i was just bad at remembering where things were so i thought it was random but can you imagine that they actually randomized it four out of five that would be so crazy oh lightsabers i'm just gonna stay here and get demonetized by the imposter just give me a moment oh they're back on that's nice pretty cool pretty cool that's fine i can clear jojo sneaky it was not whiskey is he at the is no i did manifold i counted i was middle accounting and that's when i was that's why i was mad at jojo the last round for reporting because i was at 10. oh so you like captain electrical what was the specimen in the beginning of the round we're talking about the beginning okay so wait where's the body exactly the body is right outside in the open near like i think on top of storage oh because he was doing storage with me and i just got to the left one he was hidden behind the wall so you can only see it oh my god it's supposed to happen like 10 seconds ago which means so i faked the task and then ella faked it right so she faked the wrong okay i get okay i voted skip by the way since you called imposter skip and i did not i'm not impossible oh okay one voted for jojo one skipper yeah yeah so what is the next step right who do we vote now or do we skip oh let's discuss where everyone was i feel like we could do a skip whisper and i were in lab i scanned in front of him you were in lab at the end of the round yeah well he walked into decontam but i was still doing my wires right outside so i i didn't walk in but i was still in lab um my next wires are inside of the bathroom you're turning on lights puffy yeah i think how did you get there i i was is it jack's body that was reported i'm sorry not lab what's left side uh okay yeah i was in o2 i did the water wheels i saw your car run out and then i ran out and then lights went off and then i ran out with max two people didn't vote two people did not vote hmm that's not good are you gonna not vote do your civic duty okay i got wires over there we got to finish the water wheels as well tests aren't going up very fast so there's that that's okay i do want the wheels then what i do is i go and do the thing i go do the water jug there's a lot of water related things here that i have to do it's crazy vault hunters after you guys i stream vault hunters for two and a half hours before we started here dude okay and then we got this all right i think puffy was saying water wheels four should have voted puffy i really should have done that that would have been the play that would have been the play to do [Music] okay well i should have called out the whole being at water wheels last time and i thought she was talking about earlier in the round and uh yeah um i was just about to scan in front of you we were just together was it literally just down yeah he was he was just down there and the water wheels dead plopped over the bottom of o2 okay [Music] where did you come from oh we're in med base gator where did you go oh cotton i joke wait where did you come from working because we were in um weapons where were you before that's a great question uh oh right i was going to deacon trust me yeah so i was checking i think well the reason i was checking the admin table after that too is because jordan did the same thing he just ran through so i thought oh he ran through like he didn't do any tasks but if you just tap the last one because of the previous one makes sense i was worried about happening again went to weapons jojo whisper in there i finished my weapons they leave i go to comms and they find the body there you go you spoke so fast i thought you're right i didn't follow any of that i believed it at all or any of that i i was following i thought the obvious getting competitive care what if i haven't talked about the car actually did you think whenever you saw whatever the left side playing the weapons were jojo and whisper doing their task what to do my test shot the weapons went up to the communications [Music] because when you think that's good we're gonna give you some special treatments what did you see when you went to finals what'd you see like literally i hit the vitals as a wrong guy called okay i think it's puffy yeah i think it's puffy you know what i was i was scared of puffy all last round yeah they got it they got it they got it i love it right now guys we can't trust her my goodness oh you i always we can't trust her weapons i didn't want to vote for puffy because of the last one i felt bad well she's from parliament well guys i'd like to say i called it quite simple yes i think i think i did quite well no i was gonna kill south but i got stuck in the stupid door and i got pointed out more like wrapkins i'm just kidding ella from all right let's see uh where did we leave off i think we got a rophia with seven months hydrated on a live rate is by far one of my favorite phrases i like it i'm glad you're enjoying that phrase in the wolf with three months of savage aiden joyce with 25 months at tier two pretty swick uh mj addie stefano thank you for the four months i heck yeah four months dude and here we go i don't know oh look at that we got real keys keys for real dude very cool m's only i'll look at the insta insta lights insta light fix yayt he's called rifkin because he writes riffs on napkins i bet you there are some uh i bet you there are some top like billboard hits that have been written with their first lines on napkins before 100 that's a thing oh yeah a little four out of five waffle iron uh-huh that's always nice don't take me out don't eliminate me dude oh m for mvp i've never thought about that before you that's a good idea oh where is it uh well okay it was but how does this always happen and elena are together in o2 also well no water wheels together i know it's whiskey and caramel and jojo and watermelon canisters whisper elena sparkles jojo that leaves me jack max and saw yes would you like to know where puffy is tell us yes i i was in specimen finished all my tasks walked up right in the center of decom top right oh so it definitely can't be everyone else on the left oh it definitely could be me though [Laughter] in communication who said that okay so yeah i did my maze outside of lab i went in finished uh flipped the node did my telescope started vials and then i left if you can believe me nope killing uh is it my turn to talk now no but i would yeah you can go yeah i just said no i started the round go on dude you can speak oh actually it could be a self-report i i would hope that you would think it wasn't me because i know i'm walking away right i voted actually we gave sal ample opportunity to speak he chose not to now just to be clear this kill is between jack max or cell yeah who are you you know it's not me because i'm on camera's reporting where all you are can you can you slam your keyboard super quickly poor guy i missed rip [Music] uh well he gone see you later three out of five with a little bit of symmetry there let me fill this here the rage quit i understand i understand poor guy poor fellow what if he i feel like he was actually innocent tbh i think you didn't do a thing i'm just sit here and upload give a moment of silence moment of silence over uh i don't see crumbs still in the queue anymore big sad everyone big sad wait how did he lose on x or how did he leave on accident though [Music] perfection beauty heck yeah dude max don't take me out i guess chrome enjoyed uh the sub server though and was interested in joining a future tour so yi okay one two three four five six seven eight nine oh that was some speedy counting right there speedy counting the likes of which the world has never seen before why are you all running this way with the lights out huh you're just okay everything's good we're all good everything's fine i haven't really been in lab this round so far and we almost done not many bodies huh i should check the towels i really have a freaking freak frick god dang it man no bodies because i'm the body no who killed captain sparkles where's the body cara um it's right the sample might have been correct which is really funny because i'm the only person and the only person [Music] this just happened what i was just on i was just on vitals and i left vitals for a moment and it was called so wait wait [Music] yes yes he went he went up and then okay so this is not elena and whiz i'm gonna tell you a story i think sal was a character vote but we had the longest lines i have a good story to tell yeah i'm walking in doing my thing i have to go do drill sparkles is in there doing the drill i see jack he does this little thick you know like oh ah looking back looking right he's considering going in but then he sees me walk up jack walks away captain sparkles in jackson i don't need to go together i trust you he's dead so that could be some evidence elena who you voting oh i voted who i think it is good oh then i'm voting for skype i too will vote for skip interesting jack where did you come from yeah y'all walked away we're on we're on i just realized and it was the saddest thing i think i've ever heard they really get both of them i like the little plunge is it really the the the vision the victim oh my goodness so good i've got to use the bathroom i will do that too you guys made me depressed we are watching that's a good color i like how orange is the normal jordan yellow is sick jordan and teal is like drowned yeah yeah yeah purple and uh yeah thanos jordan is pretty good i hate this jordan why do you hate thanos jordan all right we're starting i have unpause by the way all right mvps only god i can't hit those hard right angles dude oh i should have read the lights man that would have been the way to go dude oh quick mazes though that was amazing oh hey crump you here you're here we're good we're good we're we're gonna make it we're gonna do lights we're gonna get it we're gonna get it we're gonna save the day all right where are we gonna go let's go over here let's do it i only got one thing in o2 we can we can make this happen yeah yeah okay over over here yes there's no audio this time because you know we don't have the proximity chat but it's fine somebody somebody make a functioning proximity chat program make what honestly is needed is there needs to be like a discord integration for uh for among us like that'd be awesome wouldn't it like a discord integration that could tap into your volumes did you guys see that it must be chrome one of the color crown wanted yellow colored yellow wait hold on was that puffy delano that was no i just walked in okay okay well i just walked in oh i'm not doing this again with you sam no no i'm sorry well here's the deal worked last time let's see if it works wait guys can i say something important i walked in the med lab body was i think you just did jojo no you walked into lab while i was doing the the drill i know you guys come out i will say some crucial information because we started off this round with me screaming ella it's because i thought ella was yellow it's not because i have any information i'm currently a weapons i have no idea i thought it was ella who died all right continue so i was oh you thought oh you thought i was dead okay yeah uh no i watched max um like stand on med bay and i thought he was supposed to present because he did a little dance on mid-day and i was like so i didn't yeah i just i did the dancing dance back at him to be like hey i don't have it and i left and i'm currently down in specimen putting the specimens in their particular places in the cooler right i was not responsible for this i did not see anyone i saw sal go into lab but i didn't see him come out i got you so it's jack wait it wasn't me i agree i agree i didn't go to elena where where where where i was reading the last what happened why isn't he why is he where's me oh god am i even born i like that you're a blue cheese i swear to god i'm currently having a discussion okay there we go let's do this real quick here heck yeah boys oh my head is just a little head popping up have i not noticed all the different photos that you can do it's very strange that i haven't noticed them i would think i would notice them oh no dude i could have made it through that quick specimen oh frick i ain't going to lights not today boys not today jonio thank you for the three months and dj dev thanks for three months of submage as well appreciate you taking an awfully long time there on the uh sorting task are we now hello oh well i know who it's not it's a rotten little eggplant on the ground [Music] oh i'm sorry i didn't let her have some steel do you want to accuse me for this one too she's at the bottom of 02 and the doors were locked cara just left me in weapons [Music] i'm in 02. great vote for you don't pay for me i i didn't see it i happened where were you i was just turning on like elena why did you take so long on the sorting task yes what are you talking about you were you went into specimen a full door cycle before me and then you were on the the sorting as i walked up to it first i did manifolds first but then i but then i ran away i did the whole thing like in and out before you anyway speed ran that okay okay so this kill is enjoyed in orlando hang on the lights were out and i saw jordan for like a second on the little thing and i thought he just ran past it and was like oh i'm gonna stop here am i just built different or are you slow at judging i think it's puffy actually what anyway this is a question or elena no i kind of think it's puffy and sparkly to be honest what why would i call out elena's timing do you remember when we first met i always voted you i feel like i'm bringing it back okay there's probably no way why because lights is just a hop skip and a jump from that area and you're also one of the first ones to jump on the jack vote i didn't vote jack yeah everyone gave it i actually didn't even say anything last round i'm getting bullied by jack or by sparkles because i'm speeding i'm just built different guys i'm just built different it's so crazy i don't know dude i don't know i'll take it as a compliment honestly i felt like she was just chilling there for a while maybe she had like things overlapping each other or something all right we got lights again is jack going to eliminate me actually no i don't think it's jack it's what we're there like three oh it is jack oh huh that ha i saw cara's death happened on vitals yes elena and i are both in the office together right now we are elena wait jordan you've just walked over me from about you walked away like five seconds okay i didn't see you well glad we uh didn't vote for people some cars happen on vitals cara and jordan died by adults around the same time yeah around the same time how long ago who's still alive oh elena and puffy sam i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry this means there are two kids for elena i am vouching for elena yes okay crumb where did you where where did you find a body she's muted i don't think i was talking the entire time i am so sorry it was in front of like it's like outside the lights in it took a really long time and i saw sparkles and you're so sad it's not crime it's not crime it's not crime i think it's self-puffing no wait what well because rifkin and elaine are on vitals right it's kind of big jacks well that is puppy jack it's probably jack okay i'm in special no with elena okay i'm voting i think it's sal and it's not stop stop slow carla is dead and last round she said it was puffy and at the end she said no imposters jumped on the puffy road killer no no i don't i don't think i'll be honest with you it's not me but my stomach's cramping so if you want to knock me out that's fine are you not me to be fair though cars that i was sucks because i said i was on light which i actually okay hang on uh sal sounds like the common denominator for everybody no no no no no no no no no no no vote sell everyone who's left with himself i've already voted for elena i had already voted but i i wow jack is throwing elena jack's throwing his boy under the bus i voted for jack that doesn't make any sense i'm sorry stop voting elena there is like the giveaway he does it every time do you love him are you ready i was screaming in delight and then you're like nah jk and then i just went back yeah okay hi are we absolutely sure with the direction no absolutely not no oh i'm i after i salvo to elena i am sure well the thing is sal votes me every round that's the thing that's our that's our thing yeah the only other the only way it's not sal puffy is if kron kills jordan and then suffocates which i don't think happens i think krom comes to the meeting not muted but giggling if she kills sparkles kept on trying the only other way is it's rifkin elena like vouching for her the funniest photo of all time yeah where's my friend that's like literally yeah that's what i'm saying the only other way is if like you both lied about that but i don't think that's likely damn oh my god i think it's jack i have i don't know i hate to say it actually think trump's the safe vote but i don't know i can't show it because it's related to today's quite an image see jack's talking too much i wanna we gotta get rid of the talky what happened jack what was your path the other round last round i finished my upload i'm not sure i'm not and the previous body was called and then i went towards ot and i was unlocking the doors from the body i'm gonna close my eyes it's not even a meme it's just it's just a straight up getty images photos i'm just saying just it's literally a getty images photo and it's just i don't know who was it i will vote puffy or i will skip it for myself is that i'm voting you no no no no no no no because base training later votes for each other the last round when two kills happened i don't think krom kills jordan's self-reports which means it's sal and puffy because i know i'm cruel [Music] for no reason whatsoever no because that was good i didn't after that everything else was cancelled it had to be me and you i am blue cheese it makes me look better i was the other one [Music] all right let's see we have got um um chaotic selly thank you for the two of the bits this gives me anxiety talking in live chat but i absolutely love your vids and want to show my support i appreciate it and uh there are lots of nice people here lots of nice people chilling in chat i'm sure they'd be happy to talk wfox thank you for the three months ashton k thanks for the eight month summit is this game utter chaos uh let's see all right here we go real keys dude the walker thank you for the 200 bits what's your favorite alcoholic beverage i usually i mean aside from the uh obviously the kind of a meme at this point buttery nipple uh i usually like old-fashioned or like a twist on an old-fashioned you know that's kind of kind of my go-to you know all right now we go to lightsee poo and save of the day yeah dude see everyone's like super chill and nice and stuff like that am i gonna have to number one crewmate this i truly am please don't snap my neck thank you saving the day i wish i were good at hitting doors on this map so bad at it bro just in general actually i'm bad at hitting doors on this map bad at hitting doors unskilled etcetera are a lot of people dead yikers i found rifkin's body uh outside left side of admin near weapons like the body was down below um wow uh so krum was essentially afk for a bit i kept walking around her to see what was going on what uh right below um drop drop whatever drop [ __ ] yes did you eliminate all three of them hey jack where did you just come from so i did my node um on the left of comms i go into office when the lights are out i check vitals three are already dead i check admin table there's two in specimen i'm like i don't want to be another double kill and specimen again so i go in there it's both of you guys are live and they're coming out so i know that you guys are clear uh unless the bodies are in lab which i haven't got to yet so i'm going top decon now okay well um okay i'm voting judge yeah unless unless the bodies are in lab is anyone in lab right now i left lab when lights were out puffy was still in there on the temperature thing hang on i saw a group traversing to the right side at the beginning of the beginning yeah there's there's blips and there's blips in the lab i literally saw nobody this entire time oh god i've been muted i was in lab earlier on i was on the temperature thing walked out when lights went out puffy was still in there on temperature um okay i don't think it's smart to vote especially because we only have seven um but i this looks like if no one's in lab right now i want to say there's bodies in lab i'm skipping i'm including you elena which now means i'm not so clear on you later in jojo you didn't have time what i was what i was walking on top of creme the whole time what's up walking on top of her that's disrespectful not on top that's what it meant i played so much proximity chat that i've forgotten that uh how how to do my keybinds and mute versus death in here so that's my bad anyway all my tasks are over here now so let us do a little maze heck yes i'm so looking forward to trying this either wax removal kit oh my god but if it doesn't work i'm gonna be like really defeated and disappointed because then i'm like oh god what's wrong with me i hope it but works it doesn't oh man it's gonna suck so much jojo don't do it oh freaking balls do i do i would do this i think there's time to finish this and then go up i think there's time well we knew we had a feeling uh karumba i was honestly just thinking it was jack but anyway i can't vote for anyone my mouse died wireless forehead i need to find a shirt that's problematic okay i cannot believe this happened i'm so sorry i left you behind captain sparkles anyway i i shouldn't have anyway in weapons dead fallen over jack did you kill him how many pieces did you leave him in jojo oh shush it boy was it you just be honest tell me no just be on i did my download um if jack he joined me after like he i saw him walk in i go and do my upload then i go up to reactor you've done the left one i checked for a body cause i don't trust you at all uh nobody there elena would it be fair for me to vote you this round mouse is said i think we should vote jack you think he's fine i'll tell you why i'll tell you i'll tell you guys no one else i'll tell you guys the story all right here's what's happening i'm living doing the weapons pew pews all doors are closed around me anyway jack was inside of comms when all doors were closed then reactor gets called i knew that because as i was walking out your little feetsies were overlaying the door so i knew you were exiting as i was walking out going to fix reactor you had just walked out of comms when i had passed so why did it take you so long to get to a reactor probably because you went down to kill captain sparkles really jojo's got it down dude jojo's got it down and it was the honest truth either you killed him and then left or someone else has just come by and gone into weapons and killed while women got played thank you for the two months appreciate it or you murdered him and you're so where have i been yeah that round started off i went to the bottom left well that bottom left right whenever you leave the place you go to the node at the very bottom near that water wheel after i finished the water wheel i went over to o2 and i did my o2 task that's well i think i'm already dead here but i think sal's [Laughter] when i say that i'm playing with the avengers this is what i mean definitely [Music] but don't don't say anything because like wow um isn't this a great cool game where people are ghosts now i'm a ghost sparkles crow monster no she said sorry and hello wait where where does she say safari hello from she's messaging me because i'm trying to coach her to oh no i promise oh i can't even deafen crap i can't hear you elena didn't hear a thing okay we're fine we can talk calendars oh my god oh my god yep it's not me just making sure that you're aware of that i found it at the table at the table okay um puffy i left puffy inside of community oh i'm dead okay so jojo i know puffy's safe no puffy and i are safe we were together when there were three kills okay so it's crime well how could i not be you i i literally have no proof but i promise you i'm not thank you no i literally yes i did just see i did just see crumbs it's grown walked out guys yeah i would have killed puffy i promise you that she was literally in there alone i would just i literally left and i just went up to top lab like i ran all the way to the lab because i have a task in there and then my last task is in a specimen i'm almost done i literally have two left i gotta finish but i don't believe it's puffy because puffy stayed in there it's either jojo or crumb it's not jojo's image me it's cromwell you don't have trouble this hurts my heart i know did you kill and self report what's going on is it this kid what it was from i think [Music] myself died she was so close she almost they were fighting i would have voted i would have voted sal 100 there no question i'm not lying we were all cheering for you man we were we were friends i'm gonna have to love you and leave you because i feel incredibly ill all of a sudden so no no i feel that way after hanging out with carl too yeah [Music] she feels better tom for larry mr fulari mr fularian i've got i've got a couple more in me larry what's up fool i've been impulsive too much tonight already take it away from you yeah how do you keep getting it no it's the new catboy outfit i'll take it i'm kidding we can only be around one man are you dressed as a cat boy right now no he killed me like immediately oh i killed carl coleman into the game it was really unfortunate that my mouse died i probably couldn't do anything you could have saved me elena i was i i my mouth um i'm unpausing you've missed me uh run down there's no keys run into here and that's it that's it we're in the murder shed but i think we're safe because we're going to stick with crumb and crumb couldn't possibly eliminate me except i want crumb to eliminate me please eliminate me please get rid of me heather cx and serena hart thank you for the subs much appreciate wow i just did that without getting eliminated that's next level all right i literally have nothing in here how does that even happen i'm gonna go comms then dude i know i've been streaming for a while that's why i have like two more games in me we've been at it for like four hours and 23 minutes right now is the counter it's been a while why is it sub only because pretty much everyone is subbed thanks to vault hunters i believe 95 are subbed who did it oh my god oh no all right i found krom's dead body wait wait wait so i think no sal just died recently and only crime was dead why do you sound like you're from i turned off my voice changer oh this is our deeper voices my real voice yeah that's what i call bass trade tv you know yeah no that sounds like the guy from trivia murder party phase grade i've helped you full time why is crum still in storage i was with her doing gas ages ago i don't know maybe she's dead there maybe she's the imposter again yeah that's possible would someone did someone wait in the vent until i left and then eliminate her that's that kill crumb right i think that would have been really bad yeah okay so the real question is so i put my voice changer back on the real question is who in this lobby is a dick enough to kill crum and me thinks max tom or jack fall in that category i agree you're not going to include your logo that's a real dick move yeah i'm voting rifkin oh this is not yeah that sounds about right fire drifting tom was watching me do uh simon says that i won't so um what sorry tom jack just went what a perv what's weird about watching someone do simon says well licking my lips what okay my only other posit here would be like what if it's car because she wants to split up common sparkly because she hates when they stick together that's my only other one guys rifkin is safe stop it someone did get crumbs drawing his tattoos is that is that med based safe treasure chest oh my god his tattoo what what drawing oh my god i had to cut out before i could hear the full thing no what the freak is happening what the hell is that jesus christ this is the worst that's ever happened in the history of the universe yes perfectly cut screams indeed let's uh fix this whole deal over here yeah let's restart that router boys there we go she really did it she really did it she really did it unbelievable she eliminated crum i'm gonna just i'm just gonna eliminate car in front of everybody next time on the imposter i don't care who's there i don't care what's happening just oh man bad news oh oh i last saw cara and sparkles together and i said if sparkles is dead it's kara or kara is that it's sparkles together jojo yeah jojo with the story yeah and then i went to lab and sparkles went to the left um never mind yeah sparkles didn't go to hang on sparkles did go to comms but i lost them after that i also i also crossed car at lab at some point yeah i'm currently at lights i went from lab to lights and i'm at the light panel you know this is part of me too this it couldn't be jack again right [Laughter] guys guys it couldn't be safe would you think that people didn't come from a murder shack again my thoughts on people who might kill chrome would be tom max or jack or possibly cara but car is unlikely than the other ones all right so does that was anyone on the right side to see to see cara because car said she's on the road yeah i i saw a lab yeah okay hmm max where are you oh waiting in memphis for somebody to come so i can scan because you know i'm freaking out so you're on the right side tom where are you max did you see me okay i saw you you were right now these are my sauces okay follow along with me it's either ella and tom or cara and jack or rifkin and i max you're left out i'm sorry buddy oh my god i don't know yeah i actually yeah but i'm upset that i got blamed for killing crumbs that's pretty low blow we're playing with the gesture role right now that's that's always how it is when i'm in the game no you're actually making the most sense which is what i hate about this lobby right now [Laughter] joe has it this is so sad from krum what's the tattoo i want to hear about it oh my god oh my god um my bridges want me to talk about it i'm sorry what is it what is it what is it come on tell me i need to know tell me something no i have to know tell me before the next round of one of my drawings on their arm and someone else also got it like he also got it on their arm and now i feel really bad why they made an ultimate decision that's why he feels oh yay yes uh this is a question for everyone except kara because carl's recently in office i need to know which one okay okay tom are you top right right now i am he is is the color black with you he just rolled up jack yes jack oh jackie boy someone's in trouble i don't know why we're doing it jackie boy jack to the principal's office what'd i do uh okay let's let's get this out of the way before the game gets too much further in jojo and i met scanned earlier that's why she's saying she trusts me for round one i was not with her in the last round when she was pairing this off that's why she paired us off um i kind of i kind of agree with her about the pairings like i don't know who's who car and jack to me though do something i see it elena and tom makes sense for the last round now he could be one of the imposters he's trying to go in the hallway waiting for someone to just come to med scan but no one's coming oh we've already used it though yeah there's three scans in the game me and george already did it yeah you're one of you were lying well that's why we're paying off max that's what we're talking about what did i do this was actually a long time ago this was back in august yes if i die i'm pretty positive jack's one of the imposters and he knows why i'm saying this and i'd like for him to explain it because i think it's way funnier no i don't it's the issue i'm in lab right now is that what you want you should be late to laugh though yeah jack two rounds i ain't seen you on admin or vitals there we go again oh jack i have not done my node am i allowed to collect my vile space straight because i can't do that from vitals i don't think you have i trust my good friend rick you guys vote on seven off that yeah i didn't say vote man no i'm not saying you riffka i'm saying two imposters did though i saw it somebody tweeted it at me somebody tweeted it to me yeah i've seen the tattoo it was back in august it's been a long time close your eyes bruh did you like that tweet if you can so i can check you no i've only liked one tweet ever wait really yes oh my gosh i just saw that crap dude how is that just a thing just a thing oh no elena elena elena come on elaine oh my god whoa hi okay oh you guys wait is someone else dead tom tom is dead that clear is me that clears you and that clears me well you have met they scanned already yeah i have accidentally liked tweets a couple of times okay but i unlike them immediately cara and jack vic they got it oh no okay okay okay tell me sorry i know what you meant to say all right mostly just check car you're just my next song where where was the body oh right outside of lights okay so i turned lights on and then i went down into o2 i'm [Music] before or after you slice someone's throat where was tom tom and i were vibing we oh tom rifkin max and i were vibing watching max scan with while the lights were out tom and rick went to lights oh my stand yeah i did well did he just stand on the scanner i mean he he could have just stood but it looked like he scanned i voted for the bad man but what this means i think someone just knows to kill baseball because they know i'm gonna get voted out for it you're a very bad being i'm not a bad being elena they got wait him did you vote for jack right i think kara is smart enough to frame me for a kill yeah and she picks lights so i think you guys are both bad beings oh that was almost bad deaf and deaf and deafened from i don't want imposter he's like an imposter vampire yeah is that three for three or four for four three but the worst thing about it all is the first time you ever called me out for it i stopped using vitals and admin as crew so it's just it's just not a thing anymore i'm just going honey you've just done it which is the worst part about it dude i'm just gonna start auto voting jack yeah get him out first get him out of here yeah honestly just just let me let me do my task as a ghost that's so good i'm sorry jojo down oh my god are they going to notice uh oh oh my god that was a clutch but wow she won wow she won i am incredibly upset and right oh my god she stopped right wait max just walked next to me oh that's it that's so sad that's so sad i was on the thing i was on the button and clicked the button and everything went off yeah the timing there perfect crazy good job cara that no it's common occurrence now come we're going to party this game okay hey crum who who eliminated you last game oh my god i'm sorry i even was like i'm sorry chet it has to happen i am so upset right now i will give you guys i will gift the sub to anyone who just eliminated it's fine whatever i get i get this one opportunity i get this one opportunity to avenge can i say it was me so i get a gifted sub because i need i missed something did you did you actually did somebody actually do it here i want to play breath of the wild i don't know what was happening i don't know i said that i would gift a sub to whoever eliminates car immediately jordan can i say that it was me jordan i i excitedly wait for you to gift a sub to your chat what are you doing if this wasn't you then this was crum it's one of the two of you yes why are we not partying when you just said you would party with me dude sorry i'm hurt emotionally damaged over here no randy did you guys couldn't believe that it's between the three of us but it's either sparkles or crumb to me i just didn't see which it's on the download in the top of electrical it's not salad because the problem is either sparkles covered also rifkin i will gift you a sub dude how old is the body can i join the party it just fell over i'll take the sun it just fell over kai is like i think no cars like a thousand years old have you ever heard of get outside yeah bro can we put that rip down tweeted among us with sparkles jojo solos and others your bio literally says you're like a thousand years old what do you mean crumb is right no i voted i i voted for i voted for roskin okay if we get to the end then it is i think it's big brain i think it's big brain that sparkle says i'll gift the sub to whoever kills cara and then he just gives this up to himself why isn't jordan and krom saying it's wrecking right now i'm just saying it's not lifting oh my god oh man i'm gonna be making the video oh boy what a time what a time to be alive all right ah boy it's good this is good this is great this is great all right uh who do i do next is the question hmm i don't know i don't know dude all right i gotta uh gotta take care of somebody hmm so i think sal was on med bay so i feel like i should take him down you know oh freaking heck um this is oh i saw purple dead on vitals and i was like sal's dead that was jojo sal is dead but it's brown in comms is anyone in o2 or were they before lights went out uh wait were we i think i saw wait i gotta think about my memory from a second be honest with me are you covering for the captain i wasn't okay with smith yeah we actually weren't we weren't together [Music] no you weren't i saw one blip in o2 i was in wait wait it wasn't me you wouldn't follow me down you were standing on the download running circles around jordan while he stabbed up akara on the download max was inspired i don't think so max it's been possible for mike's to have kills sal walked past atlanta and ended up with tom at lights if you saw me at lights you must have really good bad person elena i was in specimen and i did i did simon says bro i'm so lost i feel like we're merging multiple rounds like i mean that wasn't denial wasn't where have it been this round i was in lab earlier on did telescope queued up the samples and then i forgot to do my maze so i was doing the maze and then i ran back uh that was the maze near uh office and then i was running back up when the lights were called i did see sparkles in um lab mom did you see me this round sparkly and all in our exe it is uh what i did i don't remember case closed what are you talking tom what happened with you and jojo you guys were together in the bottom left me and jojo i think she went down to check finals then i went up to do like storage it might know that i had oh it's jimmy it's it's jack you're a terrible detective hi i am dead all right all right let's be uh the number one crewmate here and uh definitely crewmate definitely crewmate who's going to save the day oh we got to do it because crumbs here you i can't do rifking because if i do rifkin then he's the only one who it could be for round one that's what i'm concerned about hmm that was everybody together there oh no chrome's gonna stay with me crumb's gonna stay with me now this is problematic what do i do what do i do well well well another case closed it's tom didn't you say it was ruffkin earlier no i never said it was working oh dang it we couldn't get rifkin with me because we both go to the spot where we think the body is i saw you come from there as the lights were getting fixed elena fixed the lights jordan was there crumb was there also i'm pretty sure because i was scared i was gonna get double killed you came from the right you went under the storage trying to not be seen except i saw you i checked vitals one's dead you see me of vitals you kind of looped around the left side of office and came back to vitals and then followed me outside of the right of office and you follow me to live because you know i'm going to find the body and lap case closed the lights from the right that's just not true i was watching until lights from the bottom for about 15 seconds as well underneath storage from right yes we were together at the end i saw yeah because you guys were reviving in the little uh odoo canister room the last people i saw over in midday was crumb and rifkin so i don't know such hard sets on me i came from the bottom i didn't come we haven't voted anywhere no have we no we haven't no wait no doesn't this the crumb and what was it rifkin where it's us for a car is kill right or was sparkle in there too it was me crowning rifkin i don't know how to vote crumb in my good conscience i don't think i can do that max what do you think of all this malarkey i don't know i keep running into tom and you keep voting you keep blaming him so now i'm uncomfortable that i keep running into tom so i i think this is either crumb that killed rifkin or this is jack just trying to hard suck me for some reason because i didn't run from the right you came from the right underneath storage yeah underneath storage this body is like right inside the hallway towards med bay i looked around from admin i have a weird feeling case closed you can't sing keith's clothes jack again you are a horrible i should have voted crum i should have voted crum dang it i could have tied i could have tied god dang it oh shoot i didn't think i didn't think about voting crum i didn't think about like violating everything everything that i know oh man i mean skip no you no one would in their right mind skip on six so that would be a silly thing to do um no but if i voted crumbs she wouldn't have actually been eliminated you know well well well what do we have here i was right looks like we were right no sabotage tom was guilty jordan and elena can you guys like vouch for each other for that last round we weren't with each other the whole time like this like do you feel good about each other yeah i guess um i did see like i s i the thing is too where i was i don't think they knew that i could see them because sparkles and cranberry just kind of sitting in the o2 canister room while i was on cams so i i do feel okay about about sparkles a bit the issue is who killed cara that's a great because it's not ice cream no clue i can't i can't i can't do it though i can't do a crumb vote jordan jordan it's time jordan it's time jordan jordan this is something you know no i'm just saying i can't like the first round cara dropped as the lights were out and i was in the lights room so i but i i don't know there had to be another there had to be another person present unless chrome got through i know the person would have been max because i saw elena come from the left to right before the kill happened i don't think elena goes back to the left i don't think mm-hmm dude i've been waiting for hot garlic bread randomly yeah i'm currently in specimen just hiding because i don't know who it is i'm just don't always don't want to die specimen on five you were in a specimen earlier this round earlier this game i crossed your path in there i'm i'm done with all my tasks that's why i'm there i'm done with my tasks as well who's done with their tests because i am not on my you i just saw your replied tweet to me four minutes ago i'm glad you're dead quit minigaming quit meta gaming i'm not meta gaming i'm just saying i'm glad you're dead [Music] what are these votes i could have voted crumb again this is twice i could have voted crum and like made things what the heck is happening right now dude what the heck is going on oh well oh my god i gotta find jack basically we gotta find jack somewhere where is he i just found jack's body that where uh right outside specimen oh sorry at the the office room i left specimen because the thing went off so i was gonna go hide there again but i decided not to i just ran up that way um so that okay sparkles and crown where are you guys i'm right i'm right behind you uh running up to the rocket ship okay uh that's fine because uh the body just died so max i think you self-reported buddy yeah i did it because i didn't i it just happened i like the the thing was called lit the the alarm was called and i checked vitals and no one was dead and then i went up to check vitals because i didn't kill the body i just found it i was actually i you sparkles you saw me in that room and then i walked out and went round they can decide uh the admin table that was much earlier in the round that was right at the beginning and the round was going on for like 20 seconds are we comfortable skipping i personally am because i don't know i think we're close on the on on tasks but i'm gonna be honest i'm scared because of the cara outplay last round now that's what i'm saying i am too but at the same time it's if we make if we make a mistake now we're screwed either way because then the comms just get caught wait we're not screwed we're not screwed oh my god wait we're not screwing if we vote and get this wrong the alarms are still going off oh that's true wait what i don't all right bye guys what wait i'm confused deafen up huh [Laughter] oh it was between crumbs sparkly [Music] because you said that the alarms are still going off so it's okay to vote but that makes literally no sense i'm so smart here i i think that's my uh last that's my last round i guess guys it's okay we've oh my god on that we can't i can't believe that that is my that's my greatest round of all time potentially it started off as a joke it started off as a joke and somehow turned into a win i don't understand how in the world that was a roller coaster that was a roller coaster i will gift a sub to you chat after we're done all right i will gift a sub to you all right oh man oh yeah quad specimens heck yeah dude hey jojo bye jojo lady hi bye oh i don't know what sal was doing but he just kind of killed jojo and dipped okay that's a lie is after taking purple i'm in specimen yeah by the way thank you for the five sub gifts e crudite thank you for the five sub gifts and uh low poi thank you for the five sub gifts and janine thank you for the five sub gifts my goodness that's a lie i'm just saying what i saw i did not do anything promise sal did you start the meeting saying bye jojo by joshua it's not me i literally just left cara and max were the only ones in there i didn't want in there okay so who's doing specimen left over it was me cara and max unless there was somebody else but i literally i went in there i did the exact same task that car just did the one where you have to turn down the what's it called the temperature okay is anyone else together i'm alone in lab where is the body in the in lab questions best apparently right it's not specimen i'm in specimen i lie alright where's the body what oh no it's not specimen it's in lab oh oh god oh i'm getting it yes i was getting the name from i'm not in lab i was joking about that before tom elena where are you guys i stopped paying attention and when everyone's yelling me i think all right and shut down what's in your background right now oh i was in lab i'm doing the uh so elena and jack are assessed the reason i'm exaggerating lights i'm nowhere near there it's either max max cara or south i said i said i saw sal do it no that's a lot you saw sal do it i just that's what i started the meeting oh my god yeah he did max that did not happen okay well i guess sal is one of them so that's cool i'm gonna hit up that specie man right now with i don't want to be here nope i don't want to be here i don't want to be here i don't want to be here even though all my i don't want to be here because he's been he's been caught out so he's gonna just eliminate the first person he possibly can i'm not about to be a part of that hey by the way everybody who's watching right now if you're not already following at captain sparkles it's a great place you should do it and that way you can tune in on a daily basis when we live stream that's the wrong planet that's the right one that's uranus and uh yeah cool great be here uh what do we got here we have got a three out of five uh well is he still gonna be here that's your that's uranus the planet all right well you want me to call it uranus okay how you want me to pronounce it all right simon says here we go let's do it let's do it let's do it oh it's a square what how could they do this and at the fifth thing in simon says imposters okay unbelievable okay i literally went into specimen jordan saw me go there he left because he was probably scared that i was gonna kill him correct that's how i started off the round i did all three of my tasks in specimen i had to do all three of them after that i left i went and did download and weapons and then i had to go up to comms and i did upload and as i was going to do upload i saw comes dead body in there i did all of that in that time span where is the body mac the body is in uh communications max i don't know what you saw because i did not i saw you kill jojo i was finishing my scan you killed jojo and went right down the specimen you're going to feel really weird oh i feel pretty good about what i saw you didn't see anything no i saw pretty much everything you're going to be wrong and i don't want you wrong my friend you will be wrong i just don't know hang on wait wait wait was that with people this round uh no the only time anybody saw me was with jordan and that was in specimen i was oh that was a mistake dude good job yeah i want to run away i have a couple questions here before we all start voting please oh uh so cara i saw chrom was holding your hand for a little bit at the start what happened there i did my upload in comms and then i left the bodies yeah i know car is on the list of people that would kill crumb though sure she already did it literally i saw elena i saw max in o2 i did my i did the lights yeah like this this kill can't be elena this kill can't be tom and this girl can't be me because we're in camps did jack and card did both of you guys vote me uh yeah from last round yeah i didn't i did not and i believe what he saw you guys you might not have thought i didn't realize maxine killed last round i skipped what do you mean not with those votes it wasn't sal that could be cell because the imposters would have voted to skip so unless mithsan was just wrong hmm i don't know i don't know dude could be could be car though it could be oh frick oh frick i don't want it i don't want it i don't want it i don't want it i don't want it i don't want it don't don't don't don't do it don't do it okay thank goodness though two lock saved me um okay uh one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and got it i always screw up the thing one wait am i good there i'm good i'm good i'm almost done with my tasks oh my god this wait that was pink it was pink am i gonna find a body am i gonna find a body am i gonna find a body i'm scared i'm scared i think i might be god you're says bro i thought you were gonna keep going i thought you were gonna keep going dude so what happened wait what happened are you saying i lied in a game about life let me explain everything go ahead so me me jojo and max we're on med-based scan and we're just like dancing around i fat finger cue i didn't mean to and you killed me i killed you on accident and i roll with it and like i have to kill max i'm sorry max i have to kill you i can't have either impostering for me i killed him he straight up lied and said that i came about lying yes i did i didn't ask him to let's be clear i fat fingered i was fully ready to accept my fate now you're in the wrong place at the wrong time i i i wasn't even here to double kill max with me and crumb just happened to be there yeah i didn't want to kill max because i didn't know how obvious it was but i felt like max was going to shoot with us next round so i didn't want to kill him i didn't know that all of that had gone on i didn't want him the third imposter for me so i i didn't know where that blatantly but i also didn't think you were gonna take this cheese off my head this cheese is getting me no party partners all right i'm gonna go everybody bye-bye good night good night everybody i can't believe i can't believe max did that i can't believe max did that i can't believe it i was totally gonna vote cara next because of uh because of the crumb thing but dang dude dang um it's okay i will avenge chrome in the next session so anyway uh that's it make sure to like if you like if you're watching on youtube subscribe to uh captainsparkles2 and uh follow captainsparklez for great quality rounds uh other than when people throw on purpose and uh yeah that's that's pretty much it i'll see you next time oh playlist as well and all that good stuff okay bye-bye
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 107,692
Rating: 4.9544463 out of 5
Keywords: captainsparkles, among us
Id: YPbWpW3VYz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 43sec (7783 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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