I Am The Knight Among Us

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hey everybody welcome back to more amungus in a brand new never-before-seen session that isn't the second half of a stream it's definitely a different stream uh you see i'm even gonna change my hat to something else you should like the video subscribe to captainsparklez2 follow it twitch.tv slash captainsparklez turn on notifications hit the bell check the playlist for more mungus if you haven't gotten enough after this and i could be trunks again or let's see what else oh i could be a knight that's pretty cool i'm gonna be a knight i can use my sword to demonetize people if they are inconsiderate and do bad things and stuff like that so that's pretty cool look at that i have an arm with a sword oh my god this is this is the way dude this is absolutely the way yeah is it tier two omega vault sword because that'd be pretty cool all right i am the lighter more like the nighter you know i night people with my nightly sword i am a noble honorable knight i hear rumbly sounds outside it's kind of weird i don't know what's going on some construction equipment falling over or something that was weird uh let's see oh i'm sidekicked now there's thunder wait is there thunder what the frick it was like clear out is there actually a thunderstorm going on hold on what the heck it was like really clear just got it done thunder oh you're doing that um oh wow there's cyber what the heck i go and do some lights right thunder in l.a thunder i heard it i thought it was thunder here but it's just windy no it just started raining it was really clear that was weird okay uh yeah so i was gonna fix lights and then uh pastor flops over it didn't feel like a shower shot i was either warlocked or i think she was vampire bitten um but she kind of flopped over as i was walking away oh oh also why are you lying right now it's just weird dude that's so weird it says rain for the next hour and then sunny my mom's it's like a spontaneous storm and then it's just gone trust me that's so uneasy all right here as you can tell by as you can he's getting swapped what's going on is this a jester win ambulance call an ambulance that was amazing oh okay game is continuing yeah dude it's so weird like the last rains that we have gotten here they're they've been like really super weird thunderstorms out of nowhere it's super it's super bizarre i don't understand dude i don't know it's like doesn't seem good it seems like it's not the way it's supposed to be i'm gonna really need you to stop doing that all right bonsai bros is he's my number one target now at this point yep get bonsai out of here he's a sicko oh caught red-handed actually i'm not i'm let's hear it let's hear it your side jimmy don't say anything right now i'm on your side okay in case there's an evil guesser i'm on your side i disagree i believe he's hold on to it i want to just look out i'm just looking outside thank you why because i left you in nav and i went up the shield i went up the shields and you both were alive when i left and i went i did my shield and i was like i gotta i go okay which is super fast which is super fast that was fast for small second of all second of all sir second of all i sheriff sean all right i think why didn't you do that yes sir because that's the second person i've share of sean can i have the floor for 20 seconds mm-hmm sure scott i don't know who did that i don't think this was no no no no someone has warlocked me for the second round in a row so okay i think that that's okay for this target specifically though because i'm pretty sure it's really cool actually the clouds are like really high usually when it's raining it's just like super foggy and i can't see past my day i'm gonna treat myself i can see really far and i can see places where it's only like slightly drizzling where i am right now but there's like you can see the places where it's raining with like no you're not the sheriff oh my god he was the sheriff he was the sheriff wait no he was evil gasser and just shot he was getting pulled out anyway a hundred percent he's getting faster but yeah it's very thundery okay so what have we learned every time that you attack me you get removed from the game you're the only person there like two perfect wires it's kind of in the contract when you play with sparkles i'm sorry oh yeah i got it wait how did i kill an imposter though i didn't think that was possible what was that a spy no i was sidekick or did you take out pasta yeah jack uh this is either self report or jet oh no wait should i still alive shout out upload yeah i didn't know bro this is some rumbly this is not a big deal if my internet goes down you know why yeah but you lunch into her jack this is going to be a classic 2020. he said she said no you i think i don't know oh you're saying i like what happened yes i'm saying hit me killed car okay well i got um i got bonsai out who was clearly the evil guesser and i saw jivik lunge into cara i don't know why he did it because there were a lot of people around but he did doesn't sound like something i would do right but you probably didn't you got that cloak on you look pretty evil jack there is a warlock still at large is there a chance he could have been it looked like jack launched it looked like jackson just because she's standing on upload and they were both in the back of electrical so shy curses himmy runs to admin which we are all there she stands for the long term uh i saw a lunch but genuine question explain a curse to me quickly oh no you said if you thought you were alive that information does not matter yeah yeah you don't lunge you they just die like next to you i voted i voted myself i'm a liar i can't believe this is another one guys we are and jack was even right about the whole thing and nobody bought him he said he said i launched who was a spy lost game by the way again who was that was that was possible i was trying to kill ozza and i was like how did i kill an imposter i'll be having an lg in about 30 minutes yeah i'm going to i'm going to leg this one as well yeah this is my lg oh okay oh no three hours guys what the heck yeah it's because i can do three hours i don't know if i can do three hours of among us anymore yeah can we do that i'm gonna help you soothing i just started the second half of my recording i've made a terrible mistake [Laughter] can we like guys can we last another 30 minutes that's what i said i was going to do but can we last another uh 50 games i need it to be an hour uh we're playing over roads yeah big yep my my only uh imposter game today was a first round gesture so it you know that's how my day's been hey hey listen you go to me go my twitter look at my look at my lawyer's streak i saw it i am the jackal oh wow who should i make my sidekick hmm whoever follows me to victory we joust today we joust um cara or jack all right we'll see we'll see oh i just saw lightning yeah that's what i was saying you did i know i believe you no posse you've made a terrible message i'm gonna hard clear judgement okay jack and i didn't mute up and he told me to follow him and i think my screen just flickered or maybe lovers died at the same time but he flopped over on me and it was pretty funny it's really weird like so i walked in the hallway and jack and jojo are in the middle of the hallway doing an arm wrestling match jojo wins by like a milestone like it was crazy it wasn't even it was there's nothing like carl would know right i'm going to arm wrestling no she's pretty good yeah i have a really good strat or at the beginning i just book it you know like i don't let anybody get close as soon as you can yeah but i'm a writer dude i don't challenge people because i don't i don't know what it is nothing so you don't embarrass him right also everyone should know my role by now what's your role are you a jester an imposter imposter and this was a baby she's a ghost she's a literal person your dad you're dead because you're a ghost yeah did you bring back the milk what is happening i don't know i don't know cara please run this meeting now uh it wasn't him thank you all right including him it wasn't pasta it wasn't shy it was not amazing it was definitely not bonza bros well then it's sparkly wait what scotch literally exploded i went and did my wires at the entrance to reactor i'm traumatized for all the jester wins so okay well um i feel like cara is probably an imposter and i'm really worried that if i do the sidekick on her that it's not gonna go well for me you know you hear that one you hear that one that's a lot oh that was a long boy dude that was a very very long boy that was an extremely long boy oh that one lasted like 20 seconds somebody else and i did it just pull me out i think boss invented pasta pasta just because you murder somebody it doesn't mean you don't deserve love yes call the cops i'm happy to give you also another jester play i i i please don't like this it very much looked like shy sheriff to me i don't know where pastor's taken credit because i was just shy about dvd stuff in that case i'm going to skip here just in case i don't want another jester win i'm not a jester i'm afraid you said that and you were a jester that's the perfect defense i'm not jester got it we definitely won't vote jester tonight yeah because that's worked so well for us mm-hmm oh my god guys we just love you omg you have to sit in this hellscape of a game yeah we just we're just gonna keep you here the whole time purgatory imposters do your thing oh true i gotta unlike bonsai you're right you're right i gotta do that but first i have to find someone to sidekick you know it's gonna be it's gonna be so unexpected though it's gonna be like so late into the game they're gonna be like whoa i just got sidekicked it's such a long cooldown though i like uh it takes so long it takes so long to sidekick bro all right there we go okey-dokey i've got to find bonsai where's he at where is the are the lights still out okay so pasta's venting which is scaring me a little bit that was a loud boy dude that was a loud boy oh my god oh god put garlic down there i keep forgetting to do garlic i should unlike pasta probably yeah wait i'm gonna eliminate posture frick wait what jordan what do you have to say for yourself that i was found uh what's what is it um bonsai behind the weapons area and i was trying to figure out who done it and then i saw pasta running away so yeah i still don't believe it wait what that's a jester play dude i'm telling you i sense it in my freaking bones dude it's the way desperately sparkly is jester no pastas no pasta pasta is not the jester i'm pasta vents so yeah pasta is bad let's keep her in the game so she can't talk to shy oh no yeah oh okay that was an interesting breakdown disagree wait what what what okay all right i don't can we can we do this okay so there's one imposter left between jimmy and jojo and [Music] all right let's see okay we gotta stick together here we gotta stick together where is he where is he at where is he at who's around uh oh my god where was this i didn't oh this is that balcony why do you always put me in this position oh lightning strike outside yeah bro the thunder's going crazy it's really loud um okay oh there's one wait i think you just probably heard the one and then i just heard the same one like with the that's wild because sounds cause sound yeah thunder sound travels at a time okay okay where this was oh my god balcony where you're just back through your mic i which one of you is bad oh man so here's what i think i think i'm in a position again where i am by myself and i have two bad people next to me or in case she's guesser we can't give it away right i can't tell is it you sparkles say yes or no no it's not okay i am a good good bean i don't know who it is between the two of you okay well one of you just lied to me so i mean that is how it goes but it feels bad to be lied to man i god i have no evidence i've been too focused i've been i think you she just jerkled god dang it god dang that's why that's why we can't give it away that's why we can't give it away god dang it wait does that make you does that make you the oh i was a god damn god dang it oh do you want to come in she's gonna freaking be the guesser we want should we party yeah let's probably instead let's party together does that make you love that god dang it 50 50 chance why i know i i didn't think she'd be guessing oh i had a feeling she was but yeah you always gotta act that way that's why i didn't say oh just vote jojo it's obvious can we kill each other yeah let's kill each other okay uh how about you go up there and i'll go down here okay right if you're both locked in your phone you still would have won the game wait really sort of gone through oh my god i didn't realize that my my assassin ones haven't always gone through it oh yay it worked anyway man i'm sorry i shouldn't have reported it's okay i mean i put you i i cursed you i walked up and i was like how does this cursing work and i pressed curse again then you killed me so was the spy okay also round one and i was like joshua come with me and then i get reported like two oh man um all right i'm glad it worked out thankfully whatever cars ping time was better uh ronan thank you for 38 months why don't you get among some females jardoon says ronan i i should think about that that was a sick burn man um but i don't go outside so that's hard to do uh and abraham thank you for the four months of summage woo heck yes all right it me the nice mini again m for minnie it was fortuitous hey major giggles yeah inside gang is the best gang especially dude when it thunders and lightnings and rains outside like who wants to deal with that that's that's dangerous i don't want to become electrocuted just by going outside god it would be kind of cool though to be like next to where a lightning strike hits you know just just to kind of hear what that sounds like like if the lightning struck right outside your house actually that'd be bad because it light a tree on fire and then my house would burn down so i don't want that never mind that's bad but what if it like struck the pool or something then hmm what okay so i just walked up on jack jack is standing on top of two dead bodies i did two from the other side the jack attack what do you have to say for yourself jack those are serious accusations don't even let him talk don't even let him talk okay i'm just giving up coincidence that jack's name literally rhymes with attack jackal right he's probably the jester and i don't want to give it to him any skippers any skippers i'm skipping and skipping i got warlocks i got warlocks i got warlock you're ready for thunder yep i'm hearing it right now oh my god let's check my whole house what happened jack sorry i got warlocked and i think they were lovers who'd you pop no gabby okay it was right at the light store guys if you if you don't vote i'm gonna actually vomit dude everywhere like me i am jojo all right i need you guys to vote so that i can stop aging please jojo just get hooed after her yeah i just what the freak man i mean vote vote jack all right trust you're not here awesome ratios we'll stay here yeah i am aging too much stop go to jojo's channel and uh ratio her hurry no did you guys actually vote he knows i didn't i skipped oh god it's over it's game over there [Music] why do y'all know [Laughter] that's what you get you first-rounder piece of crap all right you miss koreans i still have a jack-o'-kill and i went to run away and the sidekick got me wait who okay who killed ozil because i was like i was just really close to sheriff okay if i get jester can i just be like hey guys i'm jester will you vote for me please and then i win nims thank you for the 11 months of summit hope you're having a great stream it's okay doki i don't think my mail is coming today wouldn't it be weird if i had like a uh postal service delay on my mail for the first time that i've seen it happen uh and it's the day when i have the stupid tax thing coming just so that i have to remain in suspense for tomorrow as to how much the state thinks that i didn't pay in taxes when i did pay in taxes and then i get the bill oh my god it's totally gonna happen it's totally the mail hasn't come yet i realize i can see it on my security camera um so i don't actually have to you know go all the way to the front door and it's definitely not come yet this is the worst this is the worst i am truly doomed row please do not unlive me anybody i am an innocent crewmate scanning my three foot six actual heights i weigh more than 92 pounds though uh is there anything in specimen nope i don't have anything in space and then i do not need to go there heck oh anybody want a med shield dude i'm going to do it to an imposter let's go let's go the longer the game goes the more odds that i have giving it to an imposter don't be i was gonna actually shield but i want to shield me why can't i shield me that seems like it would be the best thing that could happen would someone just let me shield me i just need someone to shift after i've shielded them and then we can really organize a sick dub huh all right no i just don't see anybody and i just wanna okay i'm gonna no why did i shield you that was such a mistake why did i shield you oh god why did i shield bonsai dude now i'm gonna oh i shield an imposter i shielded someone on my hit list do i still haven't i haven't taken out oh shoot i've made a terrible mistake 100 bonsai is an imposter and i was just trying to click on the first person because i'm not running into anybody and and that was a mistake oh how how are we not reporting anything yet is there a cleaner oh there's got to be a cleaner huh there's a cleaner am i actually done with tasks i'm straight up done with tasks i am a god wait what's i completed all my tasks i am a god crewmate wow what the hell wait i just reported how did you just i got [ __ ] i got bit i found i found his body finally are you a bad person i'm a good person actually i stopped following him when he tried to leave me inside of water wheels and then he tried to leave me inside the upper engine then i stopped following him okay wait did you find aza who'd you find yes i found ozil finally i was really old england from the right reactor like tucked behind it right reactor is there an undertaker wow i think i didn't see anybody like the entire round i think more people would be good if those players reported i saw shy just explode on the edge of my screen oh right when it was reported i thought that would have been more kills if that was a vampire but that makes sense because that was a long round that's at least like once if there is a vampire their moves are weak get rekt yeah that was a long round that's like that round was at least two videos worth i i don't know uh maybe also as an impostor i wish i were snitch that'd be so cool so i think it's bonsai it's actually not me right now which makes me think it's you gonna vote but i feel like that's a i feel like you have like anything is bonsai um because i just came across a body walking out of electrical when bonsai had just like been blocked why was the scotch most of that round and then scotch was right outside those doors dead like that that sounds so suspicious it's not it's not i actually didn't kill this round but i do feel like you're trying to get a jester play like you're trying to put out sauce to get votes later on do you want to win us gesture or not you're right i probably should have voted okay i'm the medic i'm the medic are you gonna demonetize your shield i'm gonna follow i'm gonna follow you around because i'm i wanna see i wanna see if he eliminates the person who shielded him i just want to see if it happens i'm gonna follow you around hmm that's unfortunate that's unfortunate i guess i'll be a crewmate and try to fix the problem uh is cara bad i'm a little scared a little scared a little scared no i know proximity chat i i prefer no proximity chat personally is he is he protecting is that what's going on here i've got the sword okay i'm like a much more intimidating protector of people all right i'm gonna check the admin table i'm gonna check like the oh yeah yeah that that vitals though is good that vitals we got we must have a uh we got a security guard in here oh two people in security is one body unlived oh i think security person must have unlived probably someone on a live insecurity that must be okay i am afraid for my life ah that must have been in security yeah i was i was thinking the same thing i danced on cams i ran away all right the only person i can hard clear completely is jimmy kane because he was afk the entire round yeah he still is and then spookly checked on me the entire round i was using my sword as protection he's gonna go get his uh poker tokens i think that's you know that's that's he's trying to get a dealer huh you know not real i'm making a joke anyway uh i mean because he does play poker i know those poker nights are fun we gotta do that soon yeah let's do it again i lost so much money to mr beast i i got i got not a good day he just like forces you into it yeah he's like all in for three thousand dollars i was like this is all the money i wanted night sir i don't know if i want to um it wasn't me that's all i know who was on cams who was on campus i think it was amazing so that's why i'm obsessed okay well let me tell you i went and i partied on the cams i was like oh this is fun she was then i went down to the node and i've already said i'm snitch i don't really don't know why i'm alive and then i went to go down to the node at the bottom underneath the admin i believe and yes by the way i think he was already dead i i have an idea for next round but if there's a sheriff i think you need to shoot him i think he's afk as one of the bad guys that would make a lot of skills oh yeah that would make sense he's done no wrong so oh wait no oh why is that sorry oh this button oh [Music] [Laughter] okay well then that i didn't why is jojo i should have voted for jojo jojo is bad jojo's definitely bad oh man i can't believe it i don't even know if my sword can protect me from jojo all right i gotta save the day though i'm gonna turn on these lights nobody else here yeah dude i got this number one crewmate saving the day are you bad you're bad did did you oh did he go to the vent he must have gone on the van god dang it oh man found a buddy what happened is i believe it already voted you fools wait what did you do you're claiming that he's the imposter when he's the voting oh my god i did i i did guys we just don't see it oh shab yeah it's a bug never sidekicked anyone wait why all right why guess what i'm guessing let me one second i'm in heck okay jojo do we trust kara i don't know car you were an o2 i was 100 too i saw jack going to comes i was in weapons i finished that i went to o2 and i didn't see jack anymore and i figured she was laughing i'm on the traction oh my god why from where hey guys make sure you're following it twitch.tv slash captain sparkles oh you're right i guess he could have he could have done it to a bad person [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] car would you vote i'm a good boy i voted jack oh my god jack did get one of these skills oh my gosh impossible [Laughter] [Music] totally hit me bro wait don't don't shoot don't shoot me this is so bad oh they love this i was like yeah i think they're on a team but joshua's so obviously the stopper oh my god that's so funny i hope that you can shoot timmy cara shoot him do it do it come on dude how unfortunate is that for me oh gosh why did i do that did i do that close me in so i had to delay my cooldown in that room i was gonna lose no matter what did you sidekick anyone all right guys that was a ton of fun i gotta i gotta move on to other games but bye-bye thank you for putting this together sorry i was uh super late yeah me and pasta oh i'm the nice guesser okey dokey bro that's crazy that the whole everything went down for like a while pretty wild i don't actually use facebook other than like the i have the page but i do not manage that that is managed by the other people's and um but yeah i just don't i don't really do much facebook arena what's happening too what's that book what will you get glenn at let me hit me and me so hit me some event and uh oh i'm gone oh i'm gone oh my gosh what is gonna be a gesture play why would you be gone why would you say that him he saw you bet if him he's no longer with us because him he probably shot him as sheriff yeah also sparkles you were right next to this body too i was i didn't get a report button yeah yeah um so basically jordan as soon as you went into med bay or going in um him he shot me i jumped into the spot this is the warlock what no no i'm definitely not or a vampire empire [Music] [Music] uh lights yes i did not have time to get that [Music] right now i'm about to go to vitals but i'm not there yet i won't say who cares about it and you didn't get time to get there yet no i didn't i just went straight down just tell us okay i'm voting oh my god don't do this not again you know what i can get behind them see this is the kind this is a side to car i can really get behind me i wish i stole my vote this is my campaign for me in the next election and i promise oh come on man oh god you're supposed to be voting jack i did that one for you i wanted you to get a quick lg okay who shifted on me it was shifted on me i can't believe they've done this but i can't say it because you can guess cremate i think mother trucker mother trucker dude i get something i'm actually interested in and it's stolen from me and i can't even say anything about it because if i do they'll know that i'm a crewmate and they can vote me bro can the nice guesser guess crewmate can can they add insult to injury here and take me out of the game after they took my role [Laughter] oh god i should just be like you know who you are take me out of the game uh oh i know they're on my team but like i could just be like yo i don't want to live here anymore just get rid of me i should stand at the entrance with my sword out front i would certainly scare away any person who dare intrude on my territory this is my storage and if you doth trespass i shall impale thee with my rapier oh so like i have a thought process here and i need you all to follow me but how does somebody look at vitals see four people dead and then go walk to lava temperature task uh you laugh are you saying i did that because i didn't do that yes uh-huh i don't want to live here anymore i want to vote for uneasy i mean you're more than welcome to but the words coming out of your mouth are big liar energy and i don't like that whoa scott in the first round and he's just joined me like just left me in specimen without killing me so he's pretty good okay i see four dead i'm standing there with uneasy and squatchy i think yeah it was through the squatcher victim i can't remember it was a dark red uh and then uneasy walks to the lava temperature task which is just like a really weird thing to walk to from vitals after seeing that information i didn't see vitals so you're assessing him for doing a task yes that is essentially what he's doing well if she's trying to defend him then it's not that doesn't make any sense with how many people were dead this round that's just all right all right scotch can i flip this can i flip this even further go ahead honey i agree with ozza squatchy backing me up i'm the spy in their imposter wait a minute also whoever you are you know who you are remove me from the game i'm upset if this if this worked i swear this works i can't believe i haven't been removed from the game why haven't they removed me from the game was it one it might have been one of the people who was unalived there's there's definitely a chance that it was one of the one of the people who was on lives and they're just listening unable to say anything as a ghost like sorry i can't help you there bud you're a perma crewmate now can't even guess yet i'm going to get pumpkins again i need you i'm just running no [Music] does it not it doesn't tell you you're the spy it doesn't tell you the spy no it does oh okay but it doesn't tell you who your partners are right right she tried to vouch for the spy last round and easy knew he's bad no yeah i like that i wasn't listening and i just heard voice qualities i did um yeah and then you buttoned here because we all love buttons back don't we yeah we gotta vote i'm not now the way i i'll vote anyone else but i'm not voting for another gesture tonight uh i'm more guest he's not a gesture he's venting oh wait yeah yeah is he the engineer or is he's bad he's definitely not spying i don't know i don't want to vote for him it didn't work i don't want to vote yeah we gotta vote for somebody it's definitely not scotch because he was gonna get me out i trust naza i trust uneasy i don't wanna vote vic some voting rose or sparkly i want i want the person who did me dirty to remove me oh i just want to say with all four of you that were by vitals rosie it's rosie sparkly got shifted he got done dirty he got shifted how dare you oh what feels bad uh i i i i only killed lauren i didn't know whose role had stolen but i had stole his only those two but you can't you oh my goodness i better not be an evil guesser ozza ozza how dare you frickin heck he straight up says i'm crewmates everybody he straight up says i'm crewmate leaving me exposed to get evil guess no i want aza or nobody it's either aza or bust all right ozza oh okay the insta mother frick well that's do it [Music] wait you stole my roll and then you got sidekicked no i thought your life exactly i was trying to play myself oh my gosh yeah i don't know how you were right about that scottish when you said i don't really want to vote walk up to it you wait for someone to follow you and then kill them at the top of it and jack just like followed me up i was like is my target and i saw here i was like we're gonna work all right lady guys what are you doing see ya jack jack are we waiting for somebody else or just going yeah someone's coming my favorite [Music] okay i am the lighter woohoo will i stay alive long enough to be able to use my ability that's what i want to know okay okay i i'm too scared to go to my gas bro oh man it's gonna give me a stomachache if i can't get the gas out though that's never fun that's never fun at all cue those up wait for the lights and shab is see on my tail see on my nope nope nope nope nope no i don't want you chasing me is he so shab is the jester or something like that he's waiting on that i think shabs the jester please don't give shab the win please don't give him the win that will be very sad i want to stay alive long enough to do a big brain lighter play like bro you never think about the lighter when you're when the lights are out and you're trying to get a demonetization as imposter like you don't think about the lighter seeing you please turn off the lights again bro turn them off turn them off come on come on ah not that not that that's the worst thing turn off the lights i want it you son of a dick with your vampire garbage trash god dang it um sparkly is outside uh admin to the right oh chad was the sheriff not the jester interesting well squashy and vic were i left them up at top right reactor i was running across who crossed me was it uneasy yeah uh that my catchphrase is your light never goes out but i'm pretty sure my light just went out i was lied to that false advertising on the roll bro uh i didn't check left reactor i saw dane going up to it so i was like i'll just take right okay yeah actually i didn't check that on that's somebody's name dude um cara what what what have you been up to i've just been in lab for a lot of it i oh no no no no no you halfway through the round do you say he faked memphis he faked midpay oh hold on hold on hold on hold on cara's either car's either batter she's a dresser jimmy jimmy i haven't been in med bay the whole time i was in med bay in the beginning if you consider dick i swear you would not have been able to say the former vice president's name was like it's not a swear time not the whole time okay okay okay take it back rosie i was gonna do it hi nice to meet you you kill people no not this time last time only last time i did not this time i promise i've only just met rosie but rosie's really into murder yourself are you cold-blooded a little bit i don't know why did you guys consider legend of zelda jrpg uh i don't even know what that is it's like is that like a jpeg you're right that's so unfortunate uh i can't believe i got vamped i wanted to shoot him so bad too but i thought you were the jester sitting on the vent like that oh no i was sheriff to see if i got a kill popping up on it oh i gotcha i i got i was chasing vikram and his lover took me out yeah his daughter took me out too i wasn't going to shoot him me but victim kept standing there so i was like i can't do it i actually was gonna shoot youtube's uh sparkly just because you were running around the map like not doing anything yeah because i was using my lighter skill to see people being bad life was gonna come up that would have been a bad idea it would have been but it would have hard cleared you i mean no not really it would actually work better for you though because okay let me see who's dead what are your wife uh if roger's died rosie shielded me my i was medic shorted out yeah rose uh is dead uh right below the table in that hallway like actually like right above the vent rob like three seconds ago and comes he left me who do we think cara tried to sidekick leaving between squatchy and him because i think cara is he has done an oopsie and doesn't realize that wow well i can vouch for vic and i because we were rolling together uh where was her body it is in uh office right above the vent like uh below admin table like the leftover panel you think kimmy who did we did you see anyone in uh in specific no i caught like a glimpse of someone but i didn't see who it was somebody somebody was going into spazzy that is true yeah okay um i'm fairly sure i saw scotch you guys are really talking about lots of various things brands that are called dicks like wires together or something yes there is [Music] okay agree agree so do we think that cara uh tried to sidekick one of the imposters i don't think she's actually possibly she tries she holds it quite often as well because it's one of the best strats is to hold it until there's very few left oh no oh no i stole scotch's roll and died but i but scotch isn't bad oh no wait what huh like i should do it because of him i i shifted scotch and then in the same round somebody else killed me oh and and now nobody is the snitch now scottish don't roll yeah uh oops i've never seen that before i mean snitch isn't great in this mod anyway so okay i almost had it and then z turned off the lights dude consecutive times yeah watching watching the z shows is amazing because we could see him you were just running away from an arrow oh my god i'm sorry scott i didn't i had no way of knowing oh oh yeah we were all cheering you on uh jordan did you sidekick the person who [Music] let's [Music] i think imposters won yeah they shut up wait hold on i don't get to win very often in this game and you're not going to take that away from me yeah we took it away sorry i'm wait seriously though crew one yeah i don't know how the imposters were the last team standing but the game recognized that the imposters did very very bad things so the crew won ah okay morally aware [Music] i guess this will be our actual lg actually all right fine i'll come back for one more one more that's how they get you one more [Music] ah okay i can hack the planet um what hackers just you look at the admin table right isn't it i'm pretty sure pew pew pew pew pew pew i just missed something oh my god i was looking at chad i missed that was fast um what is going on he was standing very still in the woods he he the problem was vic when you walk with someone buddy you need to like like you know like slow wait wait wait wait wait you need to walk past them so was this him wait what happened you know what you're not the best thing is that squeeze me this is amazing you're right yellow what happened dude you want [Music] oh is that you oh yeah hey buddy calm down down why sparkles just had a heart attack for a second why are you why you just eliminate friend something right he told me to oh my goodness i mean if you have permission then so i'm going to say it's something i invented in the hallway on the right side right outside you're a medic okay there's an evil guesser here too cool no no ozza was the nice guest so he just guessed oh he got he offed himself got it you got it nice when you see what i am you're gonna you're gonna you're gonna you're gonna be tickled i'm just gonna i don't know i thought maybe there was an evil guess or something like that i'm cycling i'm cycling i'm always recycling i'm like lance armstrong i'm just preparing my knife don't be like him he used steroids though yeah i don't know if you want to i guess they kind of all do it's just who gets caught they all do but yeah lance lance got caught doing doing the blood doping i mean even if he was a steroid guy he got everything taken away from him so but he cycles and he's the only cyclist i know so you're right cycling cycling is also another word for like taking steroids also that layers on layers yeah imagine riding a bike this is bad there's so many so much cycling so much cycling how do i know that because i've gone on like bodybuilding subreddits and stuff like that i have zero interest dude that can risk like changing your personality and and screw you up that would be really bad for like videos and whatnot that'd be a a terrible terrible decision to do if you're someone who like does things on camera as a personality um you don't you don't want to mess up your brain that's bad bad idea um also needles there's just many many reasons why i would never touch them um needles being a big one okay i'm so close oh wait do i need to i need to initiate some samples bro let's go yes it can mess up your junk but also like i don't need mine to work properly so that doesn't matter to me um but yeah if it messes up your personality that's bad uh before we talk about this body maybe lance armstrong was being truthful when he was saying he's he's a cyclist he was like openly admitting hey i'm taking steroids oh maybe maybe you're saying he wasn't the imposter yeah disdain is a lower engine i don't have any suss on anyone i know that who did i walk by an electrical there would be me yeah reba is good he did not do this hurry up the last last time i saw anybody was was it admin and that's where i saw rubble yep i think i think jordan's imposter and i'm not going to vote him because i want to see him win uh i would like to be and i would like to win but i'm actually not i haven't really used my role at all though um yeah so what you're saying is that it's rosie impossible it's rosie not again it's kind of the lance armstrong of humongous i'm i don't appreciate this i'm confident it's rosie or uneasy wait why why is that um i'm just be asking to see orion cara [Applause] yeah i'm not bad i think you're bad i'm getting bad vibes i'm not bad you're a baddie you're really dumb you're gonna be you could also be mad all right well the answer is legend of zelda jesus christ yeah dummies he doesn't mean i'm evil it was sparkles uncharacteristic did we win we didn't win that's unfortunate actually i mean there still could be another imposter left though so i don't know let's see [Laughter] could i mean if it is rosy then oops but it also could i don't know i don't know who to believe at all i am the hacker though and i need to use my hacking abilities okay i just wanted to mother trucker oh i guess that's me hi jordan yeah it was it was definitely you yeah jordan what a low iq game i knew it was rosie when i accused you yeah [Laughter] is because they don't think it's an rpg because they think it's an rpg oh dang oh that's rough oh no there's an rpg it's an mma go treat your child like a bunch of tripods but wait i thought breath of the wild was in rpg no what is to be fair no you don't that is true yeah i do i walk up to the leaf keeper i'm like highly everything that has a character is all right thanks everybody for tuning in um hopefully you've enjoyed make sure to like if you liked subscribe turn on notifications hit the bell follow twitch.tv slash captain sparkles and um it's that's that's it okay cool also astros if you ever want a headset you check the link in the description because you get five percent off astros anything on the site but also the george gta 40s which are pretty cool um and yeah okay see you next time
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 1,615
Rating: 4.9408865 out of 5
Keywords: among us, captainsparkles
Id: Euyjk2ch6l0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 23sec (3863 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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