Conga Lines Are Among Us

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heck oh everybody and welcome back to more amungus with proximity chat that's actually kind of working so mostly very exciting so that's cool uh like the video subscribe notifications by hitting the bell uh the sparkles drop a follow so you can tune into live streams and playlists for more stuff and it's pretty cool astro headset link in the description gets you five percent off anything if you want to have quality swick headsets like the george gta 40s to listen to proximity amungus or play it or whatever you do yeah well this is a bad role is it is it vikram i don't even know what this is what's the bad [Music] hey oh my god i would have said something i would have said you want to see me do it eulogy was awful for me unfortunately he's gone i don't know what the tracker is it's not there i have no idea he died and yes um yeah you know what are you an artist are you just trying to go oh i think vikram is an oh yeah i'm an arsonist yeah i'm just a mini arsonist that's me yeah ella ella was just alive like they they just left dropship and went to the left why is ozzy okay and i need to refresh uh no i can hear you elsa oh i didn't even go oh my god next round [Music] alice just died no it's not a bait i i just saw uh ella's body wait you unalive if you try to douse the mini oh oh lovers oh that's rough oh how did that that's really annoying well i know i know that kill wasn't vic how did he guess you i know that i have no idea what in the world were you telling me no i wasn't telling my partner i was just saying that like ella was like she was alive like we split up leaving dropship i bumped into rini and scarge and now ella's like immediately dead i can't believe that computing that wasn't why that's because you're a kiwi and ozo sounds like aussie you're just being racist [Music] hey ghosts do you know if you try to douse a mini do you i'm live i'm a sidekick oh okay so he just straight up he just took me out in front of everybody what do you mean you did it wrong i died you wait can i is that well no but it's plain old that's how it works you you and then it reports the bottom i don't have the problem makes it so that i automatically report you mm-hmm um now i feel like if you if you don't get promoted to jackal i find it bad i hate being arsonist today it sucks why the freak does everybody gonna lie right in front of the entire group next time i'm evil next time i'm evil zero will be alive for approximately zero seconds that was so rude i thought it was so rude i was mid conversation with this man [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] uh vikram is dead in specimen why is that funny i mean i know it's vikram's dead well it wasn't um because it's vikram no my voice changer is not good also they can't i can't hear people greenie why is no one talking well who killed scott okay it's not just me okay bad shot bad shot wow i hate ozza he always goes against anyone we were why did he why did he do that i don't know because yeah [Music] you know what you can't take me alive oh no [Music] run away [Laughter] all right so are they just gonna pull a romeo and juliet here [Music] i cannot hear aza take me and power me down so he could have a battle with brood i'm not powerful human are you down [Laughter] you're the worst i just figured out what brood was and i like the robot too much thank you my god look i can't control when the errors happen man i can't control that it's almost like being why do i shield bad people [Laughter] yeah okay dude i've had evil role every single round today oh my god no yeah you're fully aware right well i mean you can but i'm just a tracker yeah vote it vote him out load him out hey hey you should make me a sidekick [Music] in front of everybody wouldn't it be really funny if i was kicked in front of everybody and it was really obvious that everybody knew can i talk to people wouldn't it be so funny if everybody knows that kick now i'm going to track scott oh my god right he is gone i'm getting evil vibes evil fumes are emitting from his body did he side kick you before he died no yeah oh okay so cool cool oh there's another body that's not good okay wait there's there's several bodies uh are you bad are you bad there's some bodies dude you see these wings how could i be bad oh wow there's three bodies yeah there's i thought there was just one at the uh the upstairs but or the chip but now there's multiple yeah it's not good i was with rini i was with rini and zero so they're well i mean there could be warlocks and stuff i don't uh okay well uh it's looking bad it's looking bad pretty bad oh my goodness four people are down how have we not found any bodies how have we not found any bodies oh uh oh i'm scared i don't know if i want a button though oh okay cool that's cool i think that's the who oh yeah there's a lot of boss oh man no not brood i was about to accuse brood because he kind of came from the direction when i was on vitals and elena was down and then elena was outside oh too but now brood is not alive this is just below 02 exits well we know someone has a kill button but we don't know what kind of kill button it is are there different kinds yeah there's different flavors there are good ones there are bad ones i have the self-destructive kind what um should you be talking about all of this disgusting violence in front of a seven-year-old uh you've been beautiful that's why i'm trying to be kinder with my words you seven-year-olds say the word disgusting yeah that's gross they say they say okay but eight-year-olds definitely don't say that so anybody else see um there was a slaughter in drop well yeah oh oh there were more in drop ship than awesome yeah one of those was scotch yeah there was yes oh yeah my chat says as a teacher of seven-year-olds that's yes they do oh they do say disgusting [Laughter] yeah they do they fair enough they say grody grody yeah i said bike when i was like four instead of what what what i said big big big instead of what okay so we gotta vote we gotta vote someone who done it who done it it's me i'm a bad benny no i think it could be who actually no it's not um i mean we saw scott literally saw a scotch kill we got him we fought his guys that happened they probably got another there was lovers dead that's probably another bad guy dead like okay i don't know well it was a pleasure knowing you all even though i guess we can continue talking barely yeah let's just continue this discussion pleasure oh hi guys hey everybody cool so i've got seven years to figure out it all out don't worry there we go yeah yeah yeah drop some garlic here hey sarah the 11 year old will save it sorry 12 year old hey the 12 vents and everything guys don't worry no don't touch me show us good night i just want to make sure you weren't going to do it do it coward yeah jump in the van jump in the vent what the okay okay she was talking weird dude mother trucker i should have reported i had a feeling [Music] doused in i just wanted to get the one doused in just in case but no they had to eliminate i get unalive every round i'm arsonistic he said that yeah with my words um was vampire thank you okay bye-bye thanks for supporting the aqua axolotls [Music] guys what are the chances of me being the mini the fourth time in a row i don't know i have an evil ghetto like fight okay if you're the if you're the evil minion you kill your team mcc saturday september 18th 12 p.m pacific 3pm eastern to 8pm uk 9pm tune in be there not minnie i am always nice oh brood is minnie yeah zero votes hero that was the quickest report of all time so i'm pretty sure that was a bait i think that was unfortunate i think that was amazing oh did you one-year-old because that i did not have the reflexes to report that i didn't even see it well yeah i knew that i was going to kill it so i pressed the report button oh okay cool cool cool it makes sense or not all righty then sweet i'm gonna vote i'm gonna watch you boys no i'm good about scotch you know i voted yeah that's probably fair you know i ultimately you could vote someone else to get them out [Music] what a little angel you are i don't think i would like to have fun in this one i like to kill i think you would still go scotch get out of here i know it's you yeah i have some very important information and i want to be completely honest with you but please don't turn it against me okay okay um are you our smoost i'm arsonist yeah so you know oh lord oh let's just don't vibe here i'm gonna go now i'm probably doused already actually man every time i've been our every time i've been arsonist every time i've been arsonist i get just wrecked everybody keep moving everybody keep moving around zero and he can't douse you oh that's gone poorly killed him [Laughter] what is happening okay wait who left who left uh brood sparkly and i stayed behind the whole time yep oh i was with you i was with you because that brings then i came down yeah yeah because i saw rude kill so then was it b no i was there wait were you saying that you could unlive people no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no she sounds like jester now what is happening i still let her kill and i i literally saw i'm skipping i don't know i don't know about this okay wait wait wait can we sound evil we can't skip wait we can't we can skip yeah yeah you think we can it's a it's a report it's not a button i feel like a lot of bad people is forgetting jackie's psychic two imposters no no it's probably we probably should vote we probably should i thought he was saying we can't skip because like it physically was not possible but oh uh i i mean the other option would be the brood did because the thing is i know sparkly didn't get this kill i know brood didn't get the who kill and b just sounds very jestery but vikram walked with me to the body so i actually don't know who it is i don't uh but brood was right there also brood can't be a jester we know that much yeah but if we vote and we lose the game sparkly why are you pushing me i'm just i wonder why carlos just gift card i already explained vikram yep i don't know i think there's still i think there's still two bad people i think they're still two bad people oh wow boy i am smart oh don't be a slap [Music] oh thank god thank god okay well i mean obviously the game is still going no one no it's not i don't know why i don't know anymore i think i was literally with everyone okay i'm gonna go do tasks i think vikram is bad i think vikram is bad personally vikram is bad vikram's a bad guy what the frick what the frick what the frick what well we need to do something we need to do something report oh yeah i guess true okay vikram the jig is up here yeah bye bye vikram is he talking i don't know are you there do i need to refresh what the heck is that what [Laughter] oh man why do you have to be lovers why we're not they're not they weren't lovers they were dragons oh oh oh they were did you bite bee oh i was okay i was the sheriff and i shot zero for loudly announcing to the entire lobby that he was the arsonist yeah that was that was very clear [Laughter] i was too scared i was too scared to eliminate bee because i thought brood was just going to report it immediately and i couldn't what about b as well she swapped out her partner which was the mini which would put the game over like that's the one you didn't need to swap and the mini which meant if you would have got void don't carry would have put them in here oh my goodness that would have been best-case scenario because then if minnie gets out no one wins versus jackal or imposters winning so really which one's the best case scenario uh we're coming winning no no no no no i'm crushing it on these on the uh pacifist rolls today everybody absolutely crushing it i'm medic again oh my god okay okay i don't have a voice changer everyone fake keys everyone fake keys i have a voice changer but i don't know what they sound like keys keys everybody [Music] i'm not i'm not going to speak this game i'm not going to carry the keys for everybody my voice i can't understand anything anybody's saying all right i've been arsonistic 100 for sure imposters i'm flipping switches there we go good job team good job good job team i'm good nobody on alive me in the gas i'm gonna kill you right now you better not you better not you'd regret it you'd regret it because i'd be the bait and then you will be reported immediately to the authorities because you're a fake police officer and that's illegal listen jordan wait what the where's their where's their report it's down here okay report it good and good no no i was going to talk to you about being a police officer no my voice yeah a real police officer would report that being my voice i don't remember who was being my voice it's probably zero it sounded british it sounded british okay well then it had to offend me because i have the best fake english accent so silence who's the king so this body is at the the maze outside of electrical and storage i'm in specimen and i went from laboratorics what laboratory [Music] once you're an adult i'm going to kill you pretentious children so you know what you know what i'm gonna do right now why are you going right now you gotta wait till i'm growed up nope nope i'm inviting you it's not the body on cams but i don't know who did it [Music] vikram did you do it before you walked into storage yes i definitely did that that would be that would be very very rude yeah though that would be very very unwise it's not i'm i am hardcore jordan oh yeah okay hmm and you know that to be true because if we were partners and he was trying to vouch for me i wouldn't have said maybe it's vikram before he walked into storage so i skipped invited i thought [Music] yes it was a it was a big brain strap vikram it was a huge strat to get you stupidly i mean he has he has been evil every round to be fair yes i got it right first try i'm so good at swiping cards oh my goodness let's get it let's get it all right i gotta i gotta fill this up somebody else can handle lights right right everyone's still gonna be alive you can all handle yourselves oh now that's just not cool now that's just not cool did he shoot you i don't know he just fell over um it was another i saw wait so rini rini was still on lights and lahu was moving away from lights imagine or he shot me wrecked by your shielded person i didn't i don't know sparkly's dead too could they have been oh yeah they could have been smh my head what a set of people that to you because i honestly believe that vikram shot you aza because he was literally running around saying why were you moving away from the lights i think lahu is bad okay probably probably let's go hmm maybe it's your sister yeah do it up okay i think what could have happened is either who killed or what if x what if b killed sparkly and they were lovers yeah i'd hardly killed sparky because i would do that to him i think we just go for the jackal gas on the who i'm gonna cycle onto jackal and just hope again we're going to cycle as the mini are you recycling the what okay which one of you is the sidekick i hate everyone oh yeah skip no i'm the one that called them i think i don't know which one of you is the evil guest i don't know which one of you is her brain it's also guessing no it's not that's not how this works okay never mind he's evil i'm not evil no irene is the jester you do not just vote yourself [Music] [Music] oh no no no no no no [Music] [Laughter] was that the double knockout yeah oh my god okay so just get us out immediately yeah you can kill evil lover kill yeah he would have gotten quick i'm pretty sure yeah no we'll just have to vote him out it's easy enough oh okay um question does anybody have anybody that can fill [Music] from the other group oh never mind they only yeah that's just i'm not gonna do that let me just advertise the really cool lobby if any one of them want to join yeah i'm gonna want to join i don't i don't think iskall is going to uh be able to set all this up on very short notices still need to still need to get him in on something but it's it'll i feel like it'll require some advanced notice of what one imposter two jack well one jackal is rifkin around sidekick yeah i mean i'm down for that we only have eight people no we [Music] uh one second let me put this down there we go all you need to do is just kill vikram room one and then fine no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i was i was just voicing that and i was like i'm gonna go med baseball i thought i'm gonna go and kill vikram and he could have done that and he didn't i thought i'd tell you i'll just kill you so i died right next to you literally just just kill ozza first then kill vikram and game over done wait why me both of you okay all right guys all right sheriff shoot awesome come on do it hate me do it here's the show i don't know what are you scared there's got to be a sheriff right coward should i do it yeah do it do it do it shoot him shoot him shoot me there sir oh god oh god okay how many bodies when we get back there how many bodies did it happen two two no what cyril is still alive oh my anyone another birthday eliminate ozza hey hi why is ozza still alive because we need to be honest the sheriff is a coward he literally just going to decom ahead of me so i was chasing after him and then i i ended up going back and i just found a scourge's body like just like below the telescope i think you had lots of opportunities to shoot me and you were scared of you because because if you don't even listen to your own voice yeah shoot me i tried to shoot you okay you were shielded well you need to run faster oh my god you actually voted me the easiest to win of my all right we saved the day so now it's either the sidekick or the imposter and that's it there's no way i'm going to finish on my pass my rule is useless or is that what you want us to think no i'm literally used huh what are you saying are you saying no i won't snitch on you i'm right here i'm right here i'm right here for you are you good no oh god god oh no uh i gotta i gotta fix this i gotta fix this everybody i gotta fix this well that's gone poorly what if it's still a win what if it's still a win i got it don't worry dang it god dang it that sucks don't say bad words can still hear you it's not a oh well that's not good vikram with the words [Music] because four people have died i don't remember if i broke today or not did i break today either either zero wins or b wins i'll give it to b zero you said you yes it's you b don't fall back all right he knows it's not me [Music] i'm sorry i'm sorry all right how could you yeah the timing of the bus the timing of the button man i was not alive and you were not alive i was hoping you could kill me no i was going to kill you because of the other road but i couldn't oh my goodness um i killed people without even saying it and then i completely forgot props was on i'd be on my own and then i just like killed them i was on cams watching you stand over bodies and dance oh oh no yeah i did mess up i mean okay okay channeling my evil energy i mean uh i might i might i might have taken even later i might have taken the evil thing again wicked have you actually oh oh boy we're going to have a great time lots of demonization [Music] shoot it also okay guys can you please do that clear already please oh there we go not anymore well done i can't handle it anymore well done if there's a chair out there i don't know who did that oh boy i'm gonna go do some tasks oh yeah it's it's uh it's mom from undertale pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew okay i've gotten the asteroids fixed they're pretty good i'm gonna do some wires now make sure that everything is running properly get the internet fixed okay everybody i've got to make sure that i am who i say i am by scanning my id now i haven't actually been into uh specimen the entire time i've been here so i better go in and check why can't i open the door oh it's weird because i'm small i understand anybody in here just checking up on you oh boy a little bit of sorting it's like in kindergarten class which i'm in right now they have the charts on the wall and they tell you to match what letter goes to what thing and i just did it i passed kindergarten now i'm in first grade learning how to use the internet downloading the files it's very important to get ahead of technology soon as an eight-year-old i'll be writing essays oh man i'm not sure i'm ready for the homework load in fourth grade though dude it's gonna be so difficult anybody here or anybody still no that's a lot of red ah wow there was [Laughter] the first thing i did was sidekick ozza and then kill him in front of everybody yeah and then and then you killed everyone in dropshipping he was just walking around talking talking about homework to himself the only person immune from the kills they didn't even try to do anything about it i was trying to do tasks okay i had a lot of homework why are you doing tasks in proximity because i need to be a good crewmate i just like i was flying around looking for him and i just said oh my god oh that was so good oh let's go i'm the evil manny oh was she actually the sheriff yeah no she tried oh my god well then alvin funeral oh okay we're like together here to a passing of mr otter okay you can't sidekick the mini unfortunately otherwise that's what you can we can we just say that vic only asked rep to play and put him in the lobby when the lobby started so yeah you message rep when the lobby starts saying you're playing oh i can't hear vikram i don't know which way right now all right for interrupting that i hope they're right just to be clear yeah i can't hit jordan no i i did i refreshed any anything good yeah cool fantastic great bloody tastic crazy that's good that's good guys what role can't fix lights because i heard that rep said they couldn't fix lights for some reason no no wait no in this pack wait i never said i i did feature lights what are you all about i thought you said i think i think it's swapper what no everything can fix lights in this pack okay i'm gonna i'm just gonna skip because this was a sheriff shot on me it was a sheriff's shot yeah i like it okay and i'm 99 but i tried to kill i think the other be the other round as an evil minion i click kill and nothing happened well maybe she tried to shoot sparkly i don't know maybe that was shielded or something i just i in my past experience you know when you can target a mini as a sheriff you can't oh i am an evil mini yeah it [Music] should we get him out then like what if yeah let's get it no yeah let's get let's wait we're voting out the minute don't get him out oh he's that one person who voted out the mini that wouldn't have been a slug at all [Music] all right oh man i kind of liked i kind of liked being the mini and doing the toriel voice honestly it was good times brought back some memories of undertale you know be nice i have everybody i think scarge you always enjoy a good fight but uh i think vic is vacates me most you think vacates you most yeah if you could bump him off i'd appreciate it let's just turn them all off is anybody gonna do my tasks okay i'm scared oh my god what it who's doing what i'm scared i'm scared i'm scared i'm scared all right all right all right let's fix that whoever's the imposter shut the door [Music] it is on the way to the lights panel outside on the right of comms i said he was going to kill vic and vick's dead could somebody tell me what happened like so i went there people were flicking them over and over so it was it was never coming back on okay vikram died yeah yeah there was a report button on lights i want to keep this meeting brief so i don't have time to grow up and be killed so wait are we sure it wasn't the evil mini though because you know he's kind of there and immune to things his voice did say he was going to kill vic it went no i said i said can you bump vic off no i know can i say that the lights got a lot easier after vic died so i'm betting that he was one of the people messing with them i believe yeah we believe he was a jester like we didn't get it fixed but it was getting closer you know what i mean hmm i trust zero and nobody else yeah i trust zero people at all either yeah me too look trust the slug okay the has eyes and everybody you have to trade me in front of everybody before i'm a slug okay what's that on your back what's that on your back i don't see a shell do you see a shell no yeah jordan's got it never mind what i have a donut yeah have you ever seen a snail before i have all voting zero skip oh my goodness oh i think this is a skip angle i agree i don't think anyone skipped i skipped i think they skipped i think or maybe they didn't oh maybe they didn't i think they skipped skip uh so anybody gonna allow them to be turned back on i'll do it i'll do it i'll do it if you let me tell you okay i got it i got it i solved it i saved the day he's better than everyone here ozzy wasn't here there's no hype advice i hear some rapid clicking rapid clicking rapid clicking get away get away whoever is rapid clicking oh my god stop rapid click no bad i need you no leave me alone leave me alone i'm scared i'm very very scared what was that oh my god i saw two bodies there's two of them i just saw oz these two are lovers they died at the same time i was on vitals she was chasing b was chasing jordan and jordan was running away and then she just died and then i came off vitals and saw awesome so i went back up to make sure he was dead and he was so i saw a morph link oh my god well then the morphling isn't scourge because i just passed scotch when they went into the lab either i mean i saw that i saw them near labs so they could have turned back um okay so so uh scotch what do you want to do are who who do we are we pretty sure that you know there none of them are actually yeah vote for me first you guys feel free or well wait what wait we're voting for sparkly yeah what's going on here yeah it sounds like uh uh he's the swapper by the way ah will it his with if he's the swapper then swap him with me okay all right i'm going john all right let's see if sparkly really is b was being chased by um i actually have no idea if he's the swapper by the way he could be a jester and just i am definitely the swapper i i sidekicked an imposter didn't i because he he doesn't know what i'm talking about yeah she just dropped behind him or he's killed b and then morphed i believe in the swapper this round i think it's scotch personally oh okay bye-bye i've already voted jordan oh my god oh you swabbed him you've scored you were the swapper let's go sparkly was the swapper i actually thought you might have been the jester i can't believe it but the game's not over okay uh wait i reckon i reckon we need to call an emergency meeting oh god yeah oh god do you think sparkly so yes i think scotch i think scotch was bad well one of us well oh all right jordan what actually are you by the way i i i'm good i mean i'm going i'm not revealing roles jordan i'm not doing the swap so i'm not revealing the role i would never do that wait you were just a solo jocko so i i was super confused at the end because i was like hey scotch i was like hey scotch what do you want to do and he's like didn't really make the connection then i was like oh boy he's bad yeah i said jordan on because you are unfolding one if if i know i i know that i tried to sidekick an imposter and yeah i didn't obviously you don't know that until they don't go along with you of course yeah we killed the other one so that's fine um big plays you're the one that keeps locking bilbo out of your room for eating wires yeah i use my computer i mean i don't miss him definitely not messing with you okay oh really yeah me me messing with light hello oh we're working on anything man i'm so tired today i'm sorry that you're tired oh it shouldn't be that way in front of the voices eight people but i'm the big one at the top on you are a very big man i am a big slug okay you're a snail back okay yeah you lost it because you're a zero have you seen what the really big snails look like they're really big is that about snakes baby zoey james i was busy on booking hotel things what do you think cool oh my god what are you booking hotels for guys if you didn't know me and be a married oh [Laughter] somebody do it are you good wait wait yes well obviously you can't you can't let me join the congo line it doesn't work i don't i don't have a kill cooldown oh sir i got this one oh my oh my god all right really i'm going to need you to stand right here what's going on this is this is like cool get in line do it do it join the club join the conga line i'll kill you where you stand get in line okay okay no longer line i want a grainy i'm gonna come yeah complete it complete it complete it oh wait oh no she's been in the wrong place wait wait oh my god also you got murdered by a child [Laughter] so uh hi what do we do from here he just fell next to me it's cra how what did he have a heart attack i don't know i think he had a heart attack maybe it was an overload of all the bodies i don't know i would be terrified if i saw this many bodies personally i don't know why as a child i'm so desensitized to it i don't know either it's only us to what do we do no the reactors are melting down oh god should we go fix it do you know how to do it uh you might need to get you might need to show me what to do okay okay follow me yeah all right i will show you i don't have your hands uh i've got a weird little child i don't know how to do this it's okay what do i do what do i do all right let me lift up come on just put your hand i'll wait your hands that's enough i am i hate you doing it oh no oh no i can't do it my hand's too small what are we gonna do oh no we're gonna have to wait 10 years until we can fix this i can hear your heartbeat it's overloading oh god you're having a heart attack oh no oh jesus dude i did i accidentally eliminated my partner immediately he wasn't big enough how did i ever kill button okay i didn't i didn't realize that's what you meant by the vacation thing as well for who's the sheriff because you were both there so cara was not in the conga line and like it wasn't perfectly lined up so if we could just take that from the top [Laughter] faking [Music] i like living last round let me live same slug is that a seagull on your head i'm i want to do a download but you guys got to be nice to me while i do it okay why is this download taking forever say one word one word at a time mummy mummy let's see is anyone gonna fix the lights fix the lights you guys suck they're supposed to be bright green we die i thought i didn't [Applause] yeah it does seem like a smart thing to do it does say less it was it was probably it was probably vikram like ever since jordan's got the the donut around me i think he's had a kill button every time but we're not gonna take that no no no no no no no no they're jealous vikram they're jealous of our love i think they are well it's going to be broken loving one of you dies in the thing i killed i i voted as a i've also voted no it doesn't i wasn't there wherever this was i do think vic came in at the end because he was like dancing out there the whole time and then at the end he comes in i'm pretty sure said it was a phallus fallacy but be on the lookout i got my eye on vikram i got my eye on vikram okay um how are you following me how can you possibly see where i've gone how are you following me vikram mommy where are you mommy mommy they were not on before though they were not there's a body in here um i want his hat you have the best hat well how'd that get there he was in front of the button and nobody he looked cool he only died like it must have been a moment ago it is not it's not my son i'm voting victory i am whoever you want rap it's your birthday thank you who did you vote for rep i voted for the naughty man vikram [Laughter] i skipped mommy why is the bad man not voted yeah the bad man is contemplating an evil speech but i don't think it's gonna happen that's it dude if you skip maybe one more maybe maybe he's gonna maybe he's gonna try to pull a guess he's going to try to pull a guess he's got to do it i think everyone else fighting me there's once a time in this place in this universe in this world uh the killer came alive when someone just evil dust him so he stops talking you mean a nice guesser no but then the killer the killer was made to be a savior okay he was the police officer of the law okay and um may have voted my partner and i could have made him survive um yeah what that's rough too that's rough i don't know what he's saying i don't know what the i don't know what they could have made no well shoot we voted out all the bad guys all right now yeah we're good now right all right all right who's the bad one donuts no don't eat me don't eat me oh my god no no stay away yes right donuts oh my god donuts stay away do not eat me do not eat me there's a big bone over here this is donuts that is something why are you following me i am not for food i am friends not food no no i just dust him god dang it [Music] sorry i got it vikram are you joking hello vikram i was lighter so i was watching you do what you did in round one of the lights after and after i shielded cara the second game and i know are you kidding me i just had to click at night i'm so sad also i keep thinking like your hat is like a seagull's head or something like that i don't know why i'm gonna yeah i don't know it's like a long slice that snail was a slug sorry i mean this is not a snail this is not uh i was just with a bunch of bad guys there so there wasn't a lot i could do unfortunately um uh you put a little boogie in it boogie boogie yeah boogie hey guys are you ready i would i would love to dance but i have no body to dance with you don't have a body are you a ghost that's the that's the truth yeah that's the trick are you my dad wait who's invisible what's the first thing everyone everyone do when they turn invisible ozzy evil just tell me he's probably evil yeah yeah evil okay okay i'm not evil i'm i'm running i'm sure i shielded a bad guy filling up the gas pulling up the gas hey if you are bad you wouldn't you wouldn't want to take out the guy who shielded you right oh you showed me i did i can't see it but i guess it's there i don't want to take you right now i'm affects like the range of proximity boys wait what we have to vote for someone reach a task i really can't reach a task i don't okay well i want to vote [Music] why do you want why are we voting for someone why vikram well we have to vote because i mean i think why me i think victor is the one this time i don't know it was oh my god he's gone all right wait oh no who was with us when he said that oh shoot uh i was there but what what did he say what did i tell you i was bad did he say his role his role oh did he say dropship because i left before then what if it's what if cara buttoned so knowing vikram's role just so she could eliminate him [Music] yeah because otherwise why did you button good question i don't know yeah why why did you maybe you're the jester and they were you're like well we have to vote for someone so yeah that's fair almost uh what role was vikram okay oh my god another one that's another one then what do we do uh no we can't stand we literally can't we bite kyra oh yeah i've got nice kickball go for it oh my god did she do this because she's the jester i hate it i think so i think i hate it you know what i'm going to vote for this one hello who or salsa um how no i'm nice minnie and also lol if scotch hadn't died couldn't get me anyways but all right cara wait wait oh my goodness uh oh my god guys it was nice knowing you rap was hanging out with rini okay bad person eliminate eliminate kara so that the jester can't win i'm not truster but you might be i'll prove it oh you're going to vent go vent go vent [Music] because she was just throwing out wild sisters there and if you know i think she was trying to get us to vote her maybe did cara actually vent [Laughter] i don't know what to believe anymore how many of us are left alive there are six six no it is not me i'm a very good boy yeah uh oh uh oh it's in the mini all right mini fixed lights the mini needs to fix the lights so that we can all survive good job minnie good job minnie [Music] no don't be mean don't do bad things i want to stay with the minnie is it lisa i'm so i think we have one killer left hmm and i think b is jester so for me it's between really you don't think you don't think cara is a bad guy no unless unless she was on the other team to scotch carl's on the body repeat this i am in lower decontamination i did see that was either ozzie rooney or sparkly but rainy was on you think rainey was just on cam's afternoon oh no i followed if weenie was ahead of us we followed her to kim's didn't you come from black if she was ahead of you why would you guys know because she's a vampire she's a vampire that could be true because we left bee in labs the bee was behind us and rooney was ahead of us oh yeah that's true that could definitely be it oh that's so big i never went to lab except i'm not a vampire it could also just be sparkly but it's not that's the problem all of you guys were in lab i just walked in quickly and then i came back out i came up with who going to be i came up from weapons i'll tell you what i invite you all to vote me and see what happens oh crap yeah i'll take that bluff yeah okay yeah oh darn oh [Music] [Laughter] nice great teamwork great teamwork just got a little more great [Laughter] why do you have to get out the person you shift well i mean i just wanted to become seer more hastily wait did you know oh oh wow oh wow what does the exasperation mean get me out somebody killed me i've got i've got a bad role somebody comes you're a bad role model [Music] incredible work time person man oh my god [Music] i didn't know who it was though should come this way right all right wait so who done it who done it i don't know who did that yeah who was it who done it who done it who done it probably also probably i was stood here the whole time ozza sounded very exasperated i was like yeah probably i think thank wasn't all right who's bad no yeah yeah what are you guys are you guys lovers again no tell me what tell me when oh no be just my savior that's it yeah i added it several rounds ago okay who survived tell everybody who survived why aren't they saying anything all right three uh-oh [Laughter] [Music] what's happening are you gonna fix fights can you the killers must have been [Music] is correct this time uh okay all right okay correct about what what about me i have something to confess can i say a word yeah yes i was dancing and the lights were off so suspect dancing you were standing still yeah i was standing on i was literally standing on top of kara you might not have seen me because i'm a mini but i was standing on top of cara it was not me sassy bacchus okay so it's either i've heard so if you're wrong i'm going to be angry how do you know that vikram if the lights are off and the who and scourge have seen each other they want then they're either both bad or not standing on top of the body that just flopped over i don't know how many more times i have to say that yeah but how did you have the vision that far oh do we do you think we've got an evil mini sore an evil person no i was being sarcastic [Laughter] i hate it here i hate it here it's okay i read the sarcasm i i heard it [Music] vic you were like sure i mean there there's still evil people left i got this i got this i'm gonna say how are you already here you guys are faster until just now you're on it i pre-run it i'm a dog i'm fast i'm on four legs you guys went oh uh i guess this is my kennel then this is my dog house i can't leave here now yeah you're in the doghouse dude oh my oh my oh my god that's his kennel what's um on what's going on vikram vikram and x oh they're stalking um what can you hear scotch yeah you can hear on the cameras it's pretty cool i can hear it yeah [Music] [Laughter] i can't believe this pac-man was the bait yeah i was didn't you not see me chasing him well right so are you you're saying that you did it yeah he was going whack on whack on whack and then i killed him and i replied oh oh i was trying to douse him but he was not he would not i'm the state he would not stand still he was like moving all over the place yeah where did you see vikram yeah you see a cherry i saw something and i'm not going to say it i'm confused oh i think i know what you mean anyway i skipped i voted okay oh oh whoa i mean i wasn't jester i think that's what she tried to guess me as yo well concrete [Music] well what the last one is uh spock it is not me it's not me it's probably it's either i don't know i don't know i'm running away from everybody scott's killed b b medic shielded me it's god you're evil yeah that did all happen that is all correct i don't know how medic made it to top three but here we are [Music] i hate my life that's all right i hate this i hope you're a jedi i hate this why do you hate this i really hate this why do you hate this is just uh oh wait what what what why are we skipped um god i hate i hate it i was one second off ignite unfortunately he was many he gets a shorter cooldown yeah as many i i don't think personally should have an ignite a cooldown on ignite really yeah why is there a cooldown on ignite why stupid um i think that was my lg yeah oh yeah yeah that's incredible though yeah well no because there was like three two i literally said count me down yeah [Music] [Music] who took i was actually about to press my rewind but i had to type something yeah it had to be so close i was wondering about that yeah and and i legit scotch i legit called you out on your vision because i knew you were no no i was standing right next to her i was on my screen i was on top of her he was actually right next to me yeah no i'm like yes but yeah i would have seen you even with [Music] all right everybody that was a very disappointing way to end the game oh thank you everybody for tuning in make sure to like if you like subscribe turn on notifications hit the bell playlist in the description if you want to catch more moogas check the uh link to astro headsets in the description as well if you want to get five percent off anything on the site including the george gta 40s and stuff like that um let's see anything else i think that's pretty much it okay see you later
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 49,507
Rating: 4.9525456 out of 5
Keywords: captainsparkles, among us
Id: C9xYc_pEfiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 29sec (5009 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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