Axolotls Are Among Us

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welcome back to more amungus ladies and gentlemen check out our sponsor the like button also subscribe and turn on the notifications and follow slash captain sparkles and um all of that good stuff you know and check out astro headsets link in the description five percent off anything on the site including the uh george gta 40s and stuff like that and um it's uh it's pretty it's pretty good times it's pretty good times and things like that also dead sorry i was not participating in conversation i was introducing a video so it's sparkly what i'm kidding i'm kidding i'm kidding this body was on ah yeah no there that was like that was right in front of me on the button too so this is a lover skill they must have oh yeah probably yeah oh that makes sense wow were they afk or is there a chance i was talking but i didn't think i don't think shad was talking chad was talking oh he was i what are the chances that this was a sheriff shot with lovers that would be a bold move on behalf of the sheriff i even i even i hesitate when i'm the sheriff if i have a lover for for the two of them i think i would have been the sheriff then yeah i could see shab doing it too though were they both like away from each other shabbos i think they're kind of split yeah uh still talking to the northeast corner of the table not corner but like the north east side of the table yeah i was on the left side without no she's not get it who is the killer it's not her does anyone guess that does anyone want to guess rick's sheriff just in case yeah absolutely absolutely i i voted back as well i voted i think i need to refresh don't worry guys i got lights come on we can't hear you why what is the i'm scared of the thing that you're that giggles while you're giggling why are you giggling i'm already gone what's going on guys what's going on guys vikram's gonna kill me kill me kill me carl i took care of it what i bought leah killed b oh oh no yeah yeah and then cara killed immediately after that but to not worry about this yes so there's always a bigger fish car here's the thing i need you guys there's no us right now there's no us what do you mean it's a throwback i figured that leah and xqb were together i didn't i didn't press the monetize button once once your target like does something i think i don't know i didn't i didn't touch the button i think that if if it notices that your target is like gone or something then i have no idea yes but that was not me okay kill the killer i will skip for you but are you good and as you can see if kara did it if kara did it that's not a yes or no then leah was bad so that confirms it well you were saying are you good and i said yes to that did you vote for me she's so bad no i scared you okay not oh oh all right all right zero i'm not allowed racing on out of this meeting scars come to the top quickly again it's god come to your car could also be bad it's very possible okay uh vic is gonna kill scotch why why what he's luring him to the top i'm gonna get you hey guys everybody has died in here the two buddies around this place is this place is bad i'm going to go away i'm going to run away guys good night every kill is happening all right all right leaving these killers are cowards what just happened was that i thought that there was always somebody that was are you just coming on top of me she's evil [Music] this didn't look like either one of you killed it but i could be mistaken because aries but it looked like it just kind of fell over in between all of us if you're just going to accuse me arya i think this seems which makes me think that we got warlock slash vampires seems like the thing is that arya was like on top of me when that happened and she just ran away like she just killed like stat killed on time well so here's the thing about ari she moves like a psychopath at all times no matter what yes that is that is very true so i'm just hoping i guess i'll give you a race card give me one name can i can i get some whereabouts here yeah we don't know just above med bay this body's just above med bag i was at the door waiting for it to open rini is 100 clearer and i are good i was looking for the who yeah i don't trust your psychopath i keep setting off everyone is i don't know who's seen all of us i have no information offer you know i trust i'll trust vikram okay welcome i don't know who to trust uh i actually you know what i do trust fake i do trust i know that that's a big vic's good vic is good yeah the only person that should be good right now yes oh gosh that seems like a thing that evil victory would say on ari do not take the shot on me i don't get it i think it was a warlock okay i've got to unlive somebody in front of you in front of everybody and then i'll claim that i was warlocked you know it wasn't nothing bad i know i know i'm not i didn't actually a thousand [Music] okay i'm out alrighty let us do this little bit of a shield action and all right here we go saving the world saving the world saving the world in the world oh god running away running away all right oh run oh oh no oh no what you guys are falling and looking at me the whole time okay back back there all right rainey is up there randy's up there i was i was on cams and ari just dropped next to me uh so that light yeah that lines up with the warlock thing wait i think it's rini because i saw rini was in canada no no i left yeah i left her there and then sparkles came in i mean they started screaming so i left in fairness i think i've i've been next to most people this round at some point z vikram meanwhile i know vic is good as well uh yeah no vic is confirmed good i've been with cara and lahu for this entire round so i don't think they had the opportunity to do a curse yeah so like it's just this is actually true yeah for once from my perspective it's either rini or z it's not i don't think it i don't think it's either one of us i think i'm gonna they're both yes i was and that's i thought i'm bad i mean does that have anything to do with being a warlock or not you can yeah you can still talk while doing a warlock oh i don't think he's bad he messed that one up guys he's back mabel good luck i don't think he's jester nah get him out no he's not driving oh no amazing oh my god okay god dang it oh that was your kid i could have gotten away with it too i didn't actually hear any whispering in my ears i can't do proxy for this long no it's no yeah i would love to switch back please give me anyone want to recruit me anybody want to recruit joe i'll recruit can you recruit a nice minion right here to be recruited i don't think so right no yes gosh well dang i can't be recruited i gotta go around being nice [Music] sea monster sarah thank you for the three sub yes much appreciated the boys i was walking with skarge and sharp and then uh rini fell over behind him and so i walked back and reported it yeah that was weird vikram uh three of us it's good it's good it's good that's all you need to know on your algebra on your own you can't do the time [Music] zero zero may have been earnestly the jackal who was looking to recruit but i want you to know vikram i wanted that sidekick role so i have to vote at this point probably desperately wanted it so it's it's it's unfortunately it's really it is unfortunate it super is goodbye goodbye catch you later okay the mayor voted you up i'm sorry that does make a whole lot of mate i hope you have a great trip did i my eyes i know i got to do my tasks because i'm really nice hi cara all right guys i gotta talk to you come here okay come here i can't kill you anyways that's true that's true that's true yeah cara all right who should i go for who should i kill uh as as a good person i'm sheriff yeah who do you think is evil josh i don't know yeah who is you think well who is evil um [Music] i would just say i want to see it not lea leah is good yeah one of these you might be notching this too by the way but oh oh yeah we're getting doused right now we're getting doused mad doubted [Music] kill me all right let's look for b okay where's b what's the point what just happened who just did that that was a warlock it looked like oh yeah nobody i don't think anyone did a shimmy that was just like anymore i think that was just i did it no i didn't what uh scotch might be the jester no there's no it didn't look like anyone killed no it looked good it looked like no shimmies no shimmies were like you said last involved with rainey dropping we probably got a warlock a vampire yeah true could be a vampire yeah i think it was scotch leah and b were all just standing over a vent outside laboratory that's where the body was z do you think wendy's has good guys he's trying to understand what b was saying and then i didn't even know wendy's first cough [Laughter] don't do a wendy's thing hams i was on camps guys you know i hate coffee oh get him out get him out of here coffee i don't like coffee either dude i'm with you it's fair it's fair i just have a horrible caffeine addiction so i need anything i can get yeah i can't tell do i like the taste or or am i dependent on caffeine i really don't i you know what it's the dependent one it's the dependent one i'm actually at the point where coffee is just a flavor now like if i want people to actually wake up it's red bull but if i want just the flavor oh i hate the flavor i like i like sugar with a little hint of coffee i can't even stand a hint of coffee it's just it's a very i don't drink anything strong effect i don't i drink hot if they use coffee extract flavor it tastes good i'm coming here i deserve it i deserve it what are you gonna do i think are you bad scotch yeah i'm bad bad to the vine get it do it stop messing with the lights well that was a mistake oh scotch and i get the ten the rest so did did you warlock that was a barn they were both lovers they were lovers sparkly can't die otherwise true yeah did you make a boo-boo i just um okay the only way you can say i'm not on the lights is if you saw me through the cage moving around which means you're bad so no no here's the thing you were in the cage the whole time so that's all that matters because literally the only pro well well that's something we'll shop gonna say was with me the whole time and like could not have gotten the kill on sparkly because sparkly was minnie and cannot be killed like the shaft didn't get a kill oh my gosh um i'm just i can hear shabb oh i can't i cannot hear [Music] you don't like it when you don't do well he's got it he's got it he's got it what are you talking about [Music] oh yeah the game's over to tell you i tried my best but yeah it's a spiritual win for me anyways what this is where i this is where i get to go tend the rabbits now right what are you talking about i got i got the [Music] unfortunately this is the part where i die right yep right i've been calling it it would be this whole time i mean ours [Music] okay and then you just point the you just prove the point that you are all right crew's got this all right imposters i'm going to need all your help right now tiny as i get closer to car the arrow just gets closer yeah yeah politely no imposters don't be mean oh my god imposters oh my god and to think i was a lover with one of them oh my god oh my god just go report it is his body behind the rock oh okay imposters you're terrible terrible people another one so he just overwhelmed the votes [Music] oh i could have won we could have won um yeah i can feel myself losing my grip on my non swears wait is that it then is it over i guess um well i mean you guys can still play i don't know why everyone's leaving it's just a couple like there's people coming into her place there are people here to replace are there okay bye okay so oh okay i cleaned oh no uh uh oh frick um oh i'm medic shielded that's really great that's awesome i i love that thank you very much medic you're so kind i've just i didn't really have time for an oo woo just because you know things were they were a little dire all right all right those lights are staying off for ages dude i want to see okay so it's not proximity so so i can i can commentate what i'm doing because it's not proximity you know i don't know where any other bodies were so yeah hello guys oh it's so weird not having proximity chat but also nice it's so quiet [Music] that's just how high my voice can go bodies in cafeteria next to the bending machine 100 non-zero can you tell which body or are they too similar they might be two separate uh i think it i think it was scotch scotch watching squatchies i'm sorry did you like my fake mad base gun it was good bro i did it was so well done i can tell you've been practicing i have challenged more you can take a few more steps but there were two kills or or lovers or something oh yeah all lovers um i think i might have seen shab earlier in cafeteria yeah when did you leave who are you asking but who left ship together oh oh so um i ran away and i ran up to near the light and i was just there honestly who is that you can't like vote for me do we have something like the sidekick and imposters on do we i don't know i didn't scroll through the settings to see i didn't either i'm not sure we'll achieve it i mean if it didn't change from last round probably i don't i don't think it changed from last round all right okie dokie let's go and dude i'm like part of me wants to i think i want love to win don't you don't you want love to win i feel like love winning is is the play if i can make it happen if i can make it happen we'll see all right let's see i just want to apologize but my owl got out in the um in the balcony again i'm sorry i've been trying to catch them wait a real thing real owl remember a single present no no no jordan me oh okay well maybe he's like an owl keeper or something to be kind of cool want to know more sparkles that's a new idea [Laughter] so yeah also by herself not a lover so i think we need to have a vampire or a warlock did you kill her ring me right from the face no i got off my task and then she just died next to me did you see rini dash to be or i came back around from like i was literally just circling the doors because it's so much fun on the balcony yeah i saw the doors opening and closing yeah so robaba i think had been all the way over on the weather balloon task rini was like half out the door uh and i saw i was the last one on the weather balloon task but i you were like standing half in the uh cafeteria on my screen yes yeah if it is a potential warlock um there was someone on admin table i can't remember who was there and i went to do my leaves and then uh jordan was just chilling at the top there as well chilling chilling doing my leaves but yeah yeah they could have been doing a topic i feel like who is telling the truth this dog yeah i also feel like if they go guys this was a warlock what kind of warlock who did you did you go in with a unicorn warlock oh no no no no no talents no talons deafening all right gotta remember to deafen dude well that's unfortunate i didn't see what happened but uh rippy dippy did rippy dippy i at least you know what at least i'm still in love okay i'm still in love and that is that's that's all that matters um okay so i think there's still there's still a jackal though right if the settings haven't changed we've still got a jackal and a sidekick oh there you know what there's a chance that like one of us have been jackled or sidekicked and um yeah that could happen i feel this happened very recent not recently sorry but um 20 seconds ago maybe it's uh just like below the d-com doors so in in whatever that room is we may have a lover potentially here okay i don't i was in uh reactor with la who and alvey were you still there when the lights were off yeah i was i was doing i was trying to learn how to count it's really hard numbers are hard okay i thought i thought that i caught you as i was walking towards the contamination door um so i don't think is it could it be a bait what if it's a bait no or sailor dovey that it's only two others so i was walking down i'm clearing you sparkly wait who is that oh oh sailor w cleared me okay cool cool cool appreciate it appreciate it i don't think it's you sorry i was zoning out i was walking down the left why um and then i saw rubber go into the room where i just reported him but i went down to spawn just to see if there was um anything there so that the the bent was boarded up and then i came back and then i found his body so i think it might have happened when he walked in there 20 seconds ago it was before the lights he went in there he could have died later on but that's when i saw him i mean i guess there's a so who was in the lab portion where there is a vent um [Music] but it could also though i think it could be baby it's either cereal or alvey in my opinion i'm a nice guy i think it's dovey and i'm voting or for just saying my name i do not uh it's not me with sparkles having zero sus by the way i just don't want it to be a squeaky clean if it does in fact end up being sparkles how dare okay i need to protect your dude wait are you sh is she what if she's jackal dude what if she's jackal okay i just do it immediately all right i just do it and make sure that [Laughter] this is jordan um okay so so let's see let's see i think it's zero personally and i think we should vote for zero personally see i i thought a double kill was going to go on between like because two people voted for me and jordan was pushing on me because i was you know if he's bad then i was 18 so it was safe to vote me out then so i was just spamming the report button saw you guys swirling around up at the top i walked down and i just saw a little orange guy with a cat on him like kind of like lunge forward about 10 feet and unfortunately slice someone so i i i seriously i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure it's zero honestly i've just caught jordan did you not see how did your hero guilty he sounded i have never reported last round bro it was bait last time what no last time i was with him for a long time to me it's clear so it's always legal so so if rini was really pushing on warlock eric and jordan and got the kill before so he could have got a warlock kill last round as well if used with him yeah no it it would have been so doby listen it would have been really easy for sparkles to get a uh uh warlock kill why would i ever know if you're not here what if if he got the kill i'm just saying i'm just saying i feel like sparkles is big brained enough to have been playing no i i have a do you think have you ever seen a have you ever seen one of those brainlet memes that's me why would i report that if i go why wouldn't he report dolby oh my god are you laughing i just no i just really don't think it's him because it is [Laughter] it's gonna continue to be a tie this is really funny i swear to god if they i'm gonna be so upset i'm gonna be so upset if if i accidentally unlive one of my friends oh there we go so next time i've always wanted to know next time you guys would love to listen to me when i specifically oh my good girls i'll i'll try my hardest wins love wins see that's what i like honestly i like i like a lover that backs them up not ozzie where he throws them under cracked at the game you were flying let's go i knew it well yeah but it worked out so we all good so hi everyone i got you though hi liam good luck [Music] all right i'm glad we finally got an evil win under a belt but we didn't have enough even have to be evil for it great great finally a win that wasn't just like snatched away from our grasp at the last possible second okay who should i medic i wonder am i a poop or am i ice cream it's uh i am if your poop looks like this probably call a doctor shield my former lover hmm shab don't be mean oh god oh god i'm scared that i am about to be eliminated and that's good that i wasn't am i gonna be bitten don't do it don't do it don't shab is following me around a little bit too much it's almost like he wants revenge and i don't like it also wow two more people just joined the thing are you good fine i'll shield you if you turn out to be bad i'm gonna be very very disappointed all right bro it's gonna be it's gonna be so bad if he turns out to be bad i'm gonna feel like such an idiot please don't eliminate me please don't do it i actually think this killer has dovey uh just because when rocklin myself ran up into vomo 2 spark uh dolby and alvey were on that bottom node raised we opened the door and walked in i got for report i went back down the report i was not in the node you have a beep every time you talk shop i didn't i didn't save a note exactly i just said down below too so you have a note so you just yourself right where the body is you just said no didn't you no you said no yes that might be arsenal yes you did i'm confused i'm not sure if i'm imagining things now are you trying to gaslight people over here but you're trying to do some mind tricking well there's like six people in comms oh they're all clear oh i'm not here i don't know are you lying to our poor innocent child jukebox oh so what what's happening every time i talk to you listen yeah this is where i can explain it is when you're when you're playing like on the box and you're charging the controller that's static noise yeah it's probably because something with my uh i could be done right you sound different it sounds like the microphone isn't fully plugged in i sometimes get that when like the uh like the audio is just like slightly smaller anyways this is where you can plug your uh that's probably better than all right plug my what your hand oh yeah yeah yeah no i'm not gonna do that on everybody's stream there's always a chance of morphing jordan is clear jordan is clear yeah i'm really really clear cool again and who else was in there with me just the full that said you should check out um astro headsets via the link in the description and get five percent off anything on the site including the headset i'm wearing which is pretty sweet and awesome and great so there you go now we can get the headset plugged but you noticed on my stream also let's see oh look i got messages now from all of them um let's see okay see this fight is an electrical and somebody kills yeah so the people up there are myself would not have been able to join rifkin and enzine just a bit too late on the replies there's now another person waiting in the thing too it's 13 people it ramped up really i know it's not davey yeah it's not her i know it's not chester i know it's not the hospital because you know the lights and it's impossible to fix them again i mean the light's never gonna fix the lights were never going to be fixed i won't go to the next round that'll be fixed zero was right uh there was only one node left when we went up there we walked up uh i don't like that beast sort of carrying dovey here like it could be a beach she was especially she was literally hiding in a corner and like nope how could you sing with the lights off though i was you some apparently you saw me on a note with the lights off black around no jordan and i woke up before the lights that's why okay i think this is chef here on it's not so he didn't move he was annoying i was hovering over there how can i not uh do we have bait on yeah yeah baits on yes yeah i think it's definitely not me definitely [Music] i still think she might be the arsonist i don't think he is uh a demonetizer actually our sis isn't demonetized they just wait and do everything at once so possibly even worse fire also would just be the worst way so i guess the arsonist might be the worst of all of them it's just a difficult role to play but i don't know dude i'm just a medic getting my tasks done bro our number one crewmate i haven't had much time this session to get tasks done bro when you're playing proximity you just you get nothing done this is uh i'm i'm back to my roots here i always love a good crewmate time i swear to god dude oh i thought that my ex-lover was gonna betray me there after we had such an incredible victory i thought i was gonna go and get wrecked oh i don't think so light's going back on in just a second here bro i'm number one crewmate at your service only two more tasks for you boy let's go let's go dude [Music] wait do i just have one more i just have one more i'm not even the snitch and i'm just crushing these i swear to god if you unlike me before i complete my tasks i have not completed tasks as a live bean in such a long time i've done it i'm so good i am so good as a crewmate come at me vikram come at me all right how are we doing here let's check so shab is still hopefully you mother trucker oh my i don't even know what happened there oh really just died yeah bro it was my ex-lover too and chap's not even the artist i shielded a good person yeah i still think she had by the way oh that means the other and you're reporting sparkle he just died right barkley okay rini just died on our way to lights yeah she's probably dead too yeah there's no jackal i think she's stupid oh boy yes yeah you and i walked up on this as it flopped over it was flopping over and i was i i was there and i just saw the body flow i didn't see oh when i got up there was still standing up all right leho and i are at the right side door as it was happening so it wasn't killed if it was still standing now it could be like um well either way i'm voting jukebox because she killed captain sparko's oh uh yeah we could do that heck yeah yeah you'd love to see it dude gosh darn it i said that i was in love damn it that was me too oh wait i just i just saw her um on cameras and lab but then like she was kidding towards the only person i've seen was rabab and he was in weapons time ago yes adobe you saw me at the table i mean it cost guys if we all say his name you might come back um invite g fox fight i joke i don't want to do this it's a beetlejuice situation oh man you killed a mini at least i've been avenged i thought you were already but you're bad though [Music] you won't lose so in case of that thank you team for avenging me i can't believe you would do that to a poor innocent medic who completed all their tasks how many types of items oh i was gone um four you're doing great yeah that's four more than vikram would have oh yeah he never does any tasks nope oh wait actually there's some good tasks doing here dude i'm impressed you were right she killed me on the node there's a jackal but for some reason there's not one in this game right now i don't know yeah we may have taken off i don't know i tried to last game i tried to sidekick you sparkles but you were evil so oh yeah that that won't work for you yeah i know look at my name now huh look at that i should have killed you when i had the chance oh you misfired no no no you because they were messing with them yeah and i think there was probably three out of four people that could have actually been killed which is annoying yeah that's why i'm not sure if you can sheriff an evil mini or do they come on go hard you can't you can't kill them at all oh now [Music] you were not giving me arsenal's vibes at all wow i'm very surprised right now what i was literally running around you guys yeah daddy specifically chased me down at one point i was a lighter so i could see like what was going on like he was literally chasing me okay i'm an orange [Music] though yeah i didn't think there was a jackal when i was seeing all the roles liam it said that you were jackal wait what the what version of the game are you playing i'm not on the wrong one i'm on the wrong i mean i still don't think there was a jackal in that game but how professional yeah no there wasn't there there should have been liam just didn't think he was because of the game mode so it like never showed jackal for me it didn't show it on our screen though oh really yeah i'll copy everything right you guys wanted a set of games getting the wrong version you start one without me i apologize okay okay guys i'm gonna have a what map are we on mirror oh no mirror i'm gonna make a mirror only lobby if anyone wants to come out i am all for it mirrors backwards oh let's go i can snitch this come on come on all right and it's like we've already brought up that crewmates are doing a great job doing their tasks so i'm not gonna look super suspicious so let's go okay so we gotta bring we gotta save things to be close to the button oh god i don't even have anything good to save right now this is terrible i have no good distribution let's see i have a couple electrical one of those is the no oh i medic as oh oh bro medics as a snitch let's go let's go yeah i guess i'm just gonna do admin right well let me see where the wires lead um and we'll uh we'll figure it out from there dude left engine what is that is that uh that's o2 i think oh never mind we're good all right let's see where is the final wire gonna be maybe it'll be a good wire location um we're good oh i can do i can do alignment i can do alignment maybe and then that and run into cafeteria let's see oh that's what i can do yeah yeah i'm gonna do the wires than that and then run into cafeteria it was okay nice relaxing game slow killers my favorite happy birthday [Music] we had oh [Music] yeah i just walked up to it i just passed the squad coming off reactor uh zero and sparky went up i went up and the body was dropping right right right right right right so jordan wait what or you were warlocked or something maybe but this probably dropped right on you i literally didn't see anything happen i just did my alignment task and then i was running down i i didn't see there was even a report did you do murders uh he may be more like if he was doing this task then that may have been warlocked because i have been looking for i've just been crushed i've been zooming through tasks what the heck i know you have i've been watching it around in dark corners where we could have easily killed each other uh like i said we did just pass squatchy so there is a little something squashy there too uh good vampire bit or warlock but i don't know right right right right well i don't have a killing bone in my body so let's just skip but i mean it could just be me because excuse us no please elaborate why don't you trust me please elaborate hold on you're a smart player i just said it wow she called the rest of us dumb wow i'm hurt you're so smart though i'm not gonna be petty i'm gonna play the game okay guys we're not talking you guys talking smh though is so excited you're so smart too wow fricked up my whole perfect snitch strategy who gave me my medic shield again i can't remember frick i literally just went to try to do tasks because i was so excited about it and now i can't god dang it god dang it are the lights still out okay guys everyone commits to a button there is no way he can support all right so what's up b where's this body especially on lions mm-hmm again i'm gonna say that i don't think that shab unliked uh squatchy specifically because shab was the one messing with life as always i mean that makes a lot of sense but i kind of want to vote so is that shabb's brand no matter what yeah oh it's not rule specific that is the correct response oh yeah only sometimes okay it's jordan it's like maybe every two or three games i'll do it for a game and then i stop uh-huh i love the people that's definitely this definitely isn't the first time i've seen it today i said every two or three games i do it oh yeah well guys you did it we should just burn them out either way though so it's not me it's not lahu who else was on the stack do we know i love a suck uh i'm skipping though because there's no way i could have possibly made a kill and i don't want to get voted for you [Music] continue to touch the lights i will target you for the rest of this lobby i promise you i agree i agree i get it girl i agree though why does my teammate just want to be voted out first unlive someone next to me and put suspicion on me and then then straight up just flicks the lights over and over and why why why are you doing this why are you trying to if he does it again i'll take care of the job i swear to god i'll take care of the job before everybody else you keep doing it don't mess with me i am a very very upset former snitch okay i will go crazy i am disgruntled you don't want to test me can you imagine if i actually like unlived shab and then i was like guys i'm the sheriff [Laughter] that would be really funny actually all right let's do that did b just try to eliminate me i think b just tried to eliminate me i'm fricked right now [Music] okay jukebox was just alive okay so where is everyone right now uh cafeteria sparkle or walking in the cafeteria okay reena is the firm that sparkles like you guys are both there he just came from right side and he probably went into calf by now yeah okay who is on right side me dovey dovey okay so you're the one i just saw pop out of the vent and now and now you're gonna kill me yes yeah well let's see so i literally saw doby hop out of a vent uh b was doing some weird stuff like checking in on bombs so there's a chance that like on this map you don't check comms when lights are out unless you're planning on killing someone so there's a chance that uh b was bad but let's see the person who killed this is a lighter color so it's got to be rini or sparkles orange stock oh my god you're getting so many rules uh i'll scroll up real fast in general i don't care how many rooms i am a lighter color but where is this body oh uh this is an o2 wait i was well who who'd you report i just left i was just with her in there can a warlock like hit out of range to where i i would not have realized it i came from med bay and that's why i said jukebox just died because i left jukebox in there if you're getting skipping uh warlock sparkles then the color i got was the person who warlocked you well who i just tagged okay posted for a color so thank you i have not seen sparkles this game thank you i do exist i swear uh i thought i thought dee like went to try to un-alive me and uh had it backfire because of you know my shield and so that's why i did it because i didn't want to um i didn't want to risk it happening again and then obviously whoever did shield me got uh wrecked so yeah i know i know i ain't got no shield bro i have so i have so many arrows all over the place it's rough not being able to sabotage though like are the are the imposters gonna do anything imposters gonna do anything here dude yeah i mean eliminating luhu might be a uh good call potentially our lights off oh my god oh nice where are you i died when bee died somebody killed my daughter so i died oh yeah yeah jordan yeah wait what did i do spaghetti right now you underlined my daughter oh yeah i thought b was trying to un-alive me because i was faking the o2 and she walks up and then kind of like walks away i was like oh did the did the shield just protect me so then i had to you know oh it's okay is the k word not family friendly jordan the what oh i it's kind of family friendly it's kind of uh it's just a thing with my channel at this point yeah you know one of those better not used it's not a it's not swear jarable we'll go with that square jar let's just do this um if you swear you're oh uh jordan one gifted stuff sure that's fine go for it okay no i actually do 20 20. 20. i guess that's probably more like five bucks 20 push-ups every time somebody else swears okay suddenly i really want to be family friendly okay i'm gonna this is a time master could actually maybe potentially work when we're not in proximity so um you're telling me there's a chance all right all right all right please please i want to get i want to get an awesome an awesome time master dub here dude as long as uh we can't have the thing where they just like eliminate me two seconds later and it's gonna be so sad i don't think it's gonna happen here right that'd be that would be silly to do a dub when everyone knows you came in here all right i gotta focus perfect oh i'm so good at simon says i'm unstoppable nobody does simon says like i do i'm the best simon says her of all time what the oh okay that i thought that was i thought that was uh alvi who i was just with oh he's a lover oh b you have a lot of explaining to do unlucky oh why what's up did she sting what did i do oh no no no i i was cafeteria heating towards cafeteria there's no shot at your own cafeteria already no i was hitting heating up you don't know why uh she was in the north centre i think dovey was in the north center at one point and i think lahu or your north center yeah do you know how to read the logs yeah he does oh my god pretending are you pretending i'm like that's too much information he's gonna say that could that could easily people could lie about it as well this is what just happened the three of us were just on uh drop ship um he came in looked like she touched rubble and then rob about uh and her left and then i go down the hallway and rob above he lives oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no the only way rubble goes down yeah he died because because he's in love with death because he can only die from a lover death he can't die all right uh where's the lion can't die for me yeah he was small right yeah so whoever uh unalived the corn dog yes i'm with them party and how could i kill rubble he's he's a minion alvi is so clear i'm like transparent baby [Laughter] um back to being the number one crewmate all right let's go bluestone thank you for gifting a sub that's uh that's pretty dope of you to do happy september i don't know if i'm doing vault hunters today um i think after after we're done here um i'm gonna i got some other stuff i've got to do and then after that i might do a little bit of like off stream uh crystal grinding or something like that and then um i think it'll just be faster if i'm not on stream to do the crystal grinding and then if i have time later on then i'll i'll do it but if not then might be vault hunting tom i'm sidekicked again i'm sidekicked again i have been sidekicked again i can't i can't believe this happened i wanted to get a time master play and i have been sidekicked again i'm i'm in shambles right now alrighty then well okay what else uh what other tasks would i have to do lights are out right now right cool super cool i'm gonna do this and then um a bunch of stuff that i gotta do up in the place okay do a little bit of that i don't think i should demonetize anyone yet i i want to wait until later i'll click click click click and a little bit of o2 a little bit o2 let's take a shab oh okay so we got really slow killers so hooligan's dead in reactor um [Music] b did you see anybody else other than other than me sorry i just wanted to watch it it's so sad seeing rob age up rob about a job dead so that means it had to be lovers yeah yeah oh okay because you can't kill him cool cool i must have missed that probably the worst thing that a lover could have uh sorry a minute for hooligan um i was on simon says and i saw b's color like running around me so that's why i'm asking if b saw anybody else i see information i wait hold on hold on missy sorry um i think i'm i might have been lv i'm not sure if i saw because right now i am down uh i think hitting towards i can't see i don't know don't tell me to vote out cafeteria i can clear rainey i haven't seen it that one no but so i saw someone i saw a color that's a color i have the name of event if anyone but isn't this the second round that be is getting sauced a little bit okay oh okay i thought you were okay okay that's cool so i got some info real quick as well so there's someone's being bent up in the tree room it's not sparkly davey zero alvey myself squatchy b so that means inventors either jukebox stovey or rini no rini's not ready was with me at the logs oh jukebox is sitting in a chair an event up in the tree room then because then i'm going to show someone up there no one was up there and constantly kept like i want to put it out there i skipped that is a lot of votes for people i'm just repeating random randomly i voted that was weird all righty then i yeah i don't think i would have had time to oh boy i don't think i would have had time to do that so i'm gonna just do this right here or pretend to do it i should say and then after that i'm gonna run down and that's gonna be that's gonna be it that's gonna be it pretty cool okay over to the reactor then eh uh he's just fixing the reactors all no no but he was in the middle of the reactor okay rainey was definitely alive when i last left her up there i'm just throwing that out because i feel like i'm about to be sussed but you know rainy was an admin she's an admin okay oh yeah no because i was in o2 and then i ran down rini went into electrical and then that's like when i went left at the y and past alvey that's a lot of us in reactor do you have a guilty conscience i don't because i didn't do it she was very much alive i swear to god bending you're defending yourself no that looks it could it could be bait i just want to throw that out there too it could be bait dude i'm not even accusing you and you're like it was like was it me was it can't be made i was with albert when we found out okay honestly so where's bee um doing the little what's that thing down there the shooting pew pew plane i left yeah like he was there that's not true i just came from weapons no i was like well when the actor got called i was in cafeteria and b was there and then guys when the reactor got called i was hiding behind the disc at weapons they were lying they're both lying no no no no no no i didn't guys i have two tests and then i'm going to become a target just letting you know i think i'll follow you if i die you know you know who it is all right i think toby just also though you gotta wonder why why running away from the reactor why you do that that's a little bit questionable you know why would someone run away from the reactor like that [Music] from being there too i guess could have just been like oh somebody else gonna take care of it all right i'm gonna do that events block there dude security's like pretty powerful our security guard is pretty powerful because mira blocking offense is kind of it's kind of big it's kind of big plays dude we can't have that all right all right sparkles [Laughter] pardon me you got the microphone what am i being accused of okay so we were heading to electrical and uh wearing uh the last weekend in fact and stuff and then we're heading out and i just see uh sparkles just motor um aldi in front of us do you have imposter vision so what i saw right she does i left alveoli man one second to fix lights come back the last person i saw with alvi was sparkly and now yeah but she uh she jackled dobie what no she did not yeah she does she no she did not understand nope you're very you're very wrong on that one how did this you guys are insane don't vote don't vote sparkling where'd you go i went into i went into the admin room okay scratchy listen listen dobie's accusing xv one round next round she's backing her up that means she just that means she just got jackled by xqb oh my god david did you already forget it they got suspie and then squatchy said b and i was like hey this is the second time b is getting sauce and then no she was in cafeteria when you said she wasn't she was i don't like this one bit um all right we gotta silence him he cannot continue to live on this ship not on my watch i don't know how i survived that i have no idea how i survived that at all um all right what's poppin jimbo all right so based on everything i've been hearing and putting together i think squashing and b were pair i think b was her guess and guess wrong i think you're her accomplice i think that round in reactor you killed b and you were sort of using b as a cover up there uh i got no idea what dovey is if you two are accusing sparkly crewmate you probably guessed him as a jackal but he's probably like oh that's right oh that means we probably still have a jackal right right but why are we watching out votes before we start tossing out votes here let me just let me just say right now i'm guessing b was the assassin sure i'm the medic i shielded uh i don't even remember who i showed it at this point um nobody's got nobody's trying to kill my shield e i can tell you that much but i don't know what b was well maybe because the person you shield and is doing the kind i don't i don't think you get flashes anymore on shields by the way i did it on this okay never mind they'll just stay alive got it okay okay got it so yeah no um i knew alvey was a snitch from what she said last round so i was gonna you know be your bodyguard and whatnot um it did kind of creep me out that once lights went out b was around us the group of me shabb who was it mishab alvey and was the other one i mean i was there before yeah it might have been bees but i think hearing you all right cheryl you haven't said a word what kind of psychology degree is this all right zero all we gotta do all we gotta do is get a double that's all we gotta do okay all right we just got to go we just got to go find him get a dub and that's it man that's it all right let's run to mother trucker oh my god [Music] what did i do arrow that i had to get rid of like what have i done that's understandable so i i was just i was in the vent and i just popped out in the lights panel to kill someone after i saw jordan killed and i was just too far away to kill someone it's okay i'm sorry i wrote my own teammates well um yeah i think i actually oh yeah i guess it is that's the three hour mark it's usually there i call it two g's guys everybody all right good games yeah good to meet you too uh sorry for gaslighting you and stuff you know he says sorry now he's not sorry he's not sorry but i respect him i have remorse i do all right all right bye-bye all right everybody thank you for tuning in to some among us hopefully you've enjoyed if you're watching on youtube like and subscribe and also follow slash captainsparklez and check out the playlist for more moongu's if you haven't gotten enough um i'll see you next time
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 39,018
Rating: 4.9584351 out of 5
Keywords: among us, captainsparkles
Id: Q13hYmEkmfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 26sec (4706 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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