Hats Are Among Us

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okay hi everybody welcome to a moongu's brought to you by our sponsor the like button make sure to check it out and give it a click on youtube and uh subscribe turn on notifications hit the bell all that good stuff and wait for people to explode here right that's always bound to happen i'm just going to run away and not participate in that at all and and pretend to be a nice gesture oh i feel like i'm being talked to how are you talking to me i'm i'm just intro and that's probably why i seem anti-social i was gonna say what happened to your floaty you know the milk cereal floatie oh i um it got soggy and sunk and now i have crumb on my face you're nice right i turned myself in yeah i am definitely not liable for that this is this is either lovers or a normal kill yo let's go shop you become one of the slug guys let's go i just want to say scott literally standing in dropship saying as he was typing aza what are you so i believe that they could actually be lovers true um so if i die this is b okay all right don't you want to wait until the end of the round to say that i can clear the clear yeah yeah because you can get yeah yeah you can get guests now guys vikram is a shifter guess them yes vikram as oh no no no that's that's because he knows my role b knows my role oh guys becomes engineer get him or medic clicking it now those are the only rows which i could be scrolling b are you shielded scrolling oh i would be know what she shielded or not yeah you could be sheriff too he could have shot one of them and reported it did you see that from ben remember when i killed vikram and you didn't say anything but that was i'm just i'm just being a little oh yeah it absolutely is i mean if you wait you'll find your feet like yeah yeah it's really i need assistance if i go to the grocery store that's why i get delivery usually let me look up your height jordan can how trust you uh yeah you definitely can okay come with me quick uh if i am not alive anymore it's because vikram hey jordan he's actually searching up somebody somebody died somebody died somebody dies somebody has died somebody has died uh is that accurate let's see that is accurate b how tall is he what does google say really good as hard as it is to clear me he actually clears me i clear me too yeah and i want to avoid zero here zero why why because it's me because he's hating me all day i've shifted his role twice and then i've killed him and he's hated me all the first hour that's the only reason why so i was up in uh laboratory doing the drill test where where did we find rini's body uh this was in light again oh yep it was z it was z z that he was bad or that he was he was bad um voted so you wouldn't have guessed no you can go into this one you can't no no you can't no you can't no you can't it's just it's fixed yeah you can it's fixed oh you can't uh okay i don't know it fixed an update i think in this new update the assassin like guessing after you died on that day you've been guessing after you voted oh you always no if you die you can still guess oh can you that's a bug that was the guess but it okay who wants to fight i was just doing some boxing earlier i'll i'll i'll fight you mate i'm going to go cry let's go where should we turn on the lights so we can like it's not a blind fight you know no you know what we're doing a blind i i don't think that is a good idea i will trip i'm oh there we go tell you guys okay come here quick i'll be the referee okay do you come in i'm going to tell you when somebody dies some of these guys somebody died somebody died why why is it in this corner the entire time it's all right guys okay why why would you do that and then admit it uh well i'm sheriff what do you believe she was bad though because she was up on lice and i said z killed so if she killed then she would probably guess her in shots zero do you believe me now would want my rollies i believed your last round i never doubted you it's just funny how it's in the same place every time i never said i didn't believe you i mean anyone with a cobra like that that's always what a bad guy has on them so it makes sense jordan got a little little noggin so should we just understand because he could have killed like lots of people you know we could be a warlock and you know zero no i was with vikram like for the very first round no i'm on it honestly i'm gonna joke i wanna vote to stop doing that man okay together got to the same spot and as soon as we got there someone said who's that someone's died i'm gonna i'm gonna help crew here crew follow me okay okay everyone stick with the victory instead are we are we voting or not we're voting no vic definitely didn't do any of it oh no i don't have a protection shield anymore oh no i don't want to be an adult i don't have responsibilities wait why did you lose your shield this round um but maybe you can kill quicker me okay yeah what's up i'm right could be bad chop actually could be bad because he wasn't he was not yeah yeah why do we keep going over here i really like to do some tasks man i know you know what you're you you're never going to beat me in casks okay i actually always beat you because you do a single task and you've beaten vic i'm gonna turn them somebody died i saw that happen on vitals i saw his body drop but i don't know who it is because the lies went off i ran away it was b zero vic one of them how did no one see that we're having a conversation about tossing voting oh god i think harry was there but i think arie went back into office and then george yeah i ran away because the lights went out and i got scared i think instead of shouting someone died someone died someone died vic there's a big report right in front of you today i know i know leo i got leah because she was bad and then there is probably a la [Music] i wasn't even there b well that was a mistake okay i mean oh i like that lahu was not there how was lahu not spotted sure they didn't believe you sorry no they didn't i thought they must have seen the who for sure yeah oh my god okay oh my god what oh okay how did you wait how did they bother wait how did you describe me oh my god oh geez wait why did you run a bit bye how did how did kara get got was oh it was just bounty hunter bounty hunter bounty hunter that's crazy oh my gosh i didn't even see it yo i want to see that clip dead that quick we probably have a bounty hunter oh my gosh maybe lovers i feel like vic and zero were lovers yeah there could have been lovers no you said also round one was the lover talking to scotch oh that was that was hypothetical she was like scotch was yelling like not yelling at scotch doesn't yell scotch was shrieking uh you know aza what are you so like it it was possible that they were lovers but that also could have been a bit that someone took advantage of um all right but even then like two deaths that quick i feel like it's bouncing through and i know where arie was so who you guys are both bad on no i'm i'm literally up on the entrance to lab right now so i i have no let's see if she gets away with this i mean myself has to know that ari can't be a bounty hunter so it has to be lahu third person yeah but then so chad knows he just has to convince the two people the other person killed the thing then i walked right to the lights we fixed lights in this two body so even say i did kill this one and self-report it there's no way i could have killed the third body oh gosh i feel like i'm no duh why did you vent really ari you hold up let's go true well done good job i don't like death [Music] but there were like five people right there and literally no one saw her so can we can we just can we can i just tell you what happened in the in the first round um me and scarge were lovers z z side kicked me and then um i told z i was like hey hazy i've got a lover but i'll totally betray him for you my lover walks in on that conversation z tries to kill him oh my god and kills me and kills me instead but it's fine because we both die anyway everything this man said is a complete fabrication [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] um do i want to do oh new map i haven't played proximity on a different map yet that's so cool can you can you hear me doesn't seem like you can hear me all right hold up okay can you hear me no all right well it seems like uh the the proximity on airship does not work okay hmm anybody hold on can you hear me now oh oh now i can i wonder if you me is there an update that allows airship to work with proximity yes it has enough i could i could hear you the whole time oh you could i think all right okay i refreshed everyone hit a reference all right vic you know what i said you just don't uh keep that information to yourself you know yes okay okay um z if you're alive me well i can i can clay jordan you know i can clear ozil was a uh sheriff i think he tried to sheriff me or there was warlock and maybe you got cursed or something i was i was cooking everyone a nice nice couple of burgers yeah toasting the buns i'm having problems here apparently either okay right now so i don't want this about no no target vic did have some problematic words though uh he he walked with me and said hey z how would you like a gun to the back of your head this round wow oh my god [Laughter] you know what officer you have my vote hello evil all right let's see if proximity can work oh my god proximity works cool what why oh hello sup wait you're my lover [Music] are you good nobody can hear are you good uh yes so am i i am too good great great great great i can see we'll die oh okay that's cool i can prevent it sort of if i guess right oh okay okay oh hi cop scott where's he going all right he's gone he didn't want to hang around i'm over here is everyone alive on the vitals no there's some not alive people oh god i don't like being here no no that just happened yeah [Music] okay right i'm going left [Music] i'm scared [Music] all right oh wait for the next one five okay we're good cool i thought it wasn't working for some reason oh no my burger buddies are gone right next to each other in the kitchen oh okay well i guess before before we talk about this i'm gonna go kill this person before we talk about this body how did everyone find of mice's men of mice she gets the ten the rabbits yeah she just she just attended the rabbit sorry i didn't even think about that i'm sorry was that was that vikram saying that that rini was gonna be learning did you just nice guess her there no vic didn't kill this round that i know of he's been hit before no no but i mean i mean like did he nice guess because i think he's good but did he nice guys he still has a gun to the back because he was talking he was talking about rabbits and then he was invited listen i was attending rabbits okay well hallelujah i'm a human being no no no listen i i got george and he's tending my rabbits as well oh wait i know what happened i'd like to say i'm improving i think xqb is good because we were around each other for most of the time and and nothing happened and bodies dropped elsewhere you two were talking about it when the body drops i'm correct it really was crewmate that's why she died yeah she got guessed yeah by the evil tester so rini was in vital scotch was the cara was there jordan was there on vitals i think there was someone else but i can't remember when i wasn't i was invited yeah who wasn't why is it impossible to busy wait you can guess crewmate then oh my god yeah oh man that's rough you can guess crewmate dude oh so the swapper can just like doom somebody well game's still going so uh vikram wasn't the only one okay please complete the download hey hey i'm scared okay i promise you that what's here wait someone was just here was that scotch who was just there someone was just talking to z yeah that was scotch where did you put him in the net so okay but we know we know he was good do yes he knows he was good oh z yeah yeah he's literally just evil how do we know he was good though because because he did a switch yeah and apparently you can guess crewmates which is r.i.p yeah and i think vic guessed crewmate because he made the whole of my cement reference all right is scotch the jester and he's not defending himself or okay he was literally z and scotch are right next to each other now what did you two have vampires that's making me think that you know zara and i probably not all right let's hope this is right why have you not assisted oh my god oh my god i have a feeling i have a feeling because you no it is 100 i'm not bad i am very much not bad i think it's got to be one of you guys then oh god excuse me cara was just there maybe cara eliminated and then was like i came with zero the whole time i know she was she's maybe it's both of you maybe it is maybe i'm gonna kill you right now no no no no no no no no no no no please don't please don't please well then i knew it was kara i knew is wait imposters can hear ghosts so are we supposed to just not say anything when we're just don't say anything near the impossible don't say the rules don't don't do the rules of people but yeah but you can like that's not turned it back on but obviously if the evil guess is can we also uh sparkles one of my favorite things to do is the person who unliked me oh yeah yeah oh yeah for sure that's the plan just nonstop you just whisper sweet nothings in there oh yeah okay well that was z right there what was that classic sheriff z classic so z did you did you do a good good move yeah i'm not voting about it anyway though i think dodge was the sheriff cause uh don't speak the truth i like it when everyone lies who did it was there was there not a like a shimmy did z not shimmy [Music] oh my gosh yeah which do you reckon tastes better the tentacles are the same i think ozza the sushi the sushi depends what you're into wow [Music] [Laughter] wow i was just saying that like i'm gonna swap it on it's gonna be easy [Music] i definitely didn't watch her around thank you i definitely didn't want to do anything with that game all right all right i ain't sticking around see you later suckers let's kill him let's get him no stay away from me stay away from me he vented away oh no he's right here oh no leave what the heck leave me alone flight fix i did it guys i wasn't letting anyone troll those lights i got them fixed wait what are you doing oh look yeah chab died first i got the flash because i am the seer i'm a psychic yeah then okay rini died next and then scotch just died right now how do you know that how do you know the other yeah how do you know the order oh i died you know what i am full of poop no i was in the corner i was in the corner and she was just stood in the corner and i left lahu i went past years the lights were going off and you just fixed that you did and he he popped into and came out of the vents oh my gosh oh i think b tried to guess as he has to say no well yeah i'm a psychic so like you are just a as a human you are psychic i'm a psychic psychic sidekick psychic sidekick see your sear's a sidekick rule you got a pepper going ham on that squeaky toy [Laughter] he's actually the sidekick no the sidekick i'm the seer no no he's actually the side kick no psychic the sidekick zero zero i was i was trying to say shab literally hopped into a vent and hopped back yeah so what if did we report here yeah yeah it was shabb so um what if you're lying i'm not the thing is i didn't see him jumping to event i needed a zero no but okay [Music] i literally was like zero literally saw me there so i did i did and then the lights was going off as i lie so i fixed them quickly brick i'm going to put some cameras down do some reconnaissance good idea who's trying to bite me all right i'm safe in here nobody can get me nobody would dare inside of specimen five six seven eight nine ten eleven i counted two eleven on ten things that's how good i am i can do extra numbers anybody here okay uh well i can clear uh i think i'm under duress yeah who were in ava what does that mean no too much then say it really quick before your guest passed you're gonna get guests speak fast i can't i i don't think i should what i'm voting oh the the only people that hold on who so i just said that zero and leah were with me in office by vitals and cara you said you were with z and vikram yes yes but i there's other things that i know that i should not say why can't you say them is somebody at your house do they have a gun to your head for a fact that ari died about 15 actually no 20 plus seconds ago i already been dead for a while i got the flash i got the flash i is you're bad aren't you i'm a psychic kind of like disappeared and then came back lahu so she could have got a quick kill and then come back i went to the the room by the decom and then came back guys i hope you're out here z is not a psychic he's i'm a psychic side he's a scientist because i reckon was the last one i'm standing on top of a camera in labs so you know i'm pretty chill okay hello what oh nice nice nice i don't know why you were under duress i'm scared i'm scared don't do it don't do it oh dear okay get ready on the report oh no we're not gonna be able to get a report ah frick sorry let's stay on top of each other john you can only kill one you better be nice no no i'm a good slug i'm a good sword okay okay good good good okay go see vicky's literally hopping are awful who should not be seeing me going in the vent no who's a killer so here i chased you before the lights went out the other people the other people who i was with also just called out you ending i'm pretty sure you did not chase me i'm pretty sure i just saw you vic flight lights were not on when i was starting to vent so who was following me trying to get trying to kill me before i go in the vent book about going the fence so so we vote you off there and then we go yeah yeah yeah for sure for sure i do you're getting paid out next because i'm not doing i'm not gonna leave you literally said i'll protect you because i wanted to protect you from vikram you can still be mad protector oh no why is the game still going [Music] that's not good let's see let's see all right now the question is do the killers water do the imposters want to give a a a crew win or a or a thing you win no we have no more uh button so are we just going to be losers and just sit here until one person dies oh yep she just tried to wreck me so here's the thing yeah yeah it was absolutely cara oh was it okay well i think i wasn't looking get something happened oh no cara please don't vote yourself i can't wait to get it oh no oh [Laughter] [Music] oh my god why couldn't you have eliminated cara why me i know i mean like i literally i was just calling out every bad guy you were here how did you actually work for me was that back to back yesterday [Laughter] again i was so down to give the gesture when zero leah goes looking out oh uh so she thought i was being serious about not being good and she sheriff eventually yikes eventually cara will get to play this game what do you mean eventually she just won twice in a row she got two there are two options either cara dies absolute first or cara wins the game there are no insurance right now i'm gonna i'm very surprised she normally isn't bold enough to do the sheriff's shop first round she wants info i can't believe you i think we've been a bad influence on her to be honest at this point she's a bit done like guys we should vote i should fight me let's not switch thank you vikram thank you victor i'm gonna i'm gonna go all right guessing vikram next round yes or get vikram i'm not swapping here lies [Music] i'm on my 46th asteroid right now all right well i'm leaving oh he's so small looking cute my friends haven't died um all right i got nothing i got nothing in here it's so hard to hear them but the ghost is the prophet stuck wait what you can hear ghosts [Music] don't kill this person yeah okay oh it's not a bun well it wasn't see nope uh no i just i was just walking out to badminton and the body was just like what are you unable to keep up with me of course although he did think my shrimp was a bun i didn't i didn't get the hint i didn't get the hints i didn't get the hints but it's okay and then we were in electrical and there ain't nobody's there i don't think lahoo saw apparently swapper apparently apparently are you no but but vikram maybe you're not anymore an evil try to swap out the baby victory you know vikram is just going to eliminate somebody else i don't i don't think vikram's the swapper oh i think i thought he was trying to use reverse psychology so that we would get a double oh maybe that's it it's actually a lover um she was chasing me he was chasing me get to the swap up hmm let's put the garlic here yeah oh wait i'm not supposed to do cams until things are done so many electrical stuff okay i'll do one task there we go okay all right what's up mr swapper oh oh oh oh oh i'm i'm i'm all right keep moving keep moving he's swapping here [Music] sweet sweet smell of gasoline fumes delicious aza and vic are they bad oh yo okay all right cool i'll try to stay away from them thanks for the heads up how do i know that you guys are good though no he's a killer he's a killer i just killed the outline of a body in security zero is a killer hundred percent i'm not a killer i saw vikram die so i ran away because it's vikram i never report vikram oh no i maintained vikram and aza were evil i was i was talking to lahu and zero and they they had their suspicions and so maybe maybe they got what was coming i only said when the killer tries to kill me and chad tried to kill me i did not try to kill you wait how do you know oh wait wait there's no time rewind corner i didn't i was what happened i want to lure you to a corner i'm a little kid you learn meat of a corner because you you'd know you told me that the prophet was talking to you and i told you the prophet is leah and she's alive so she couldn't be talking to you so i left after you told me to come into navigation with you and then i found leo's body and weapon well then that couldn't have killed her if she was talking to me rini so i mean yeah she could have been telling you off so i was in an electrical electron and i heard people talking but they weren't in electrical so i think there was an event yeah okay what and that was um that was big yeah guys i think lahu is engineer i think lahu is engineering to protect children but if she gets voted out then my friend gets wrecked so i so i voted it's not me though what on uh the frick yeah well he's interesting so that was lover what oh what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] happening what in the world did he find out how did he who knew everything was it shab i hope that was the last one oh god who's bad oh my god which one of you is the guesser which one of you is the guesser no i'm pretty sure z was the guesser because he didn't say anything the entire meeting and then got shot no no one of you one of you oh i thought i pressed it i'm swapping here what the frick what the frick oh my god yo okay so one of you is no one of you is still the guesser yo no how did you know all the info i think z was the guesser and he knew something that he took to the grave huh in fact i'm fully confident that he was the guest or he did nothing like he did not speak at all okay meeting uh which all like to be fair he wasn't asking any questions but he was not he didn't say anything he didn't vote the second that he died like that round ended like all the votes got counted up i'm pretty sure okay well i i just want to remind everybody that i was sheriff in the first round by cara and she unlived i don't know which of the two you are yeah but that would have been really good time to sidekick you right after that you know it would have been a good time that would have been 200 iq but i'm i'm the medic so if we're that convinced that z was it okay there you go then it's scotch oh man i hate it when it's me what if he's the jester and then it's oh my god well if he is the chester then i'm voting sparkly i'm the medic why would you do that yeah he got i don't know who to follow oh god he's the jester rini's the jester dude oh jesus i'm swapping is she really is she really i don't know yeah adjuster wins more justice no no carl [Applause] [Music] yeah i just you know yeah i had to hope he didn't 50 seconds wow yeah oh man that was rough oh hey man sorry about that deception you know i i had to i had to play the role i didn't i felt bad it's just my feelings it felt really bad doing that seriously like i know that i ruined a lot of your videos by doing the cursing thing and i'm sorry but like it's okay this time it's kara i thought you were stronger than that no kara has said fork lots that's what i was saying it's not no that wasn't me you guys have misinterpreted you have misinterpreted it no there was no no i didn't no ari ari attracted sheriff because she fell that's 100 percent true whether it's a warlock or a vampire yeah i'm a vampire oh sorry no i'm a vampire vampire yes i've poured gasoline on a baby you're so dead right now yay who's daddy i like a vampire if you don't vote should be dead anyway he's going to be dead more likely um vancouver if you die right bye don't do it vic what's going on oh my god oh my god i hold up if you if you douse the baby and the baby is good you went alive so the baby that means the baby is bad is that actually the mechanic is that is that the truth can you actually do a detect as an arsonist with the gamble why would you say vic don't do it i was trying to homie code cara wait what i thought you could always douse the baby i thought you'd just douse anyone could also i don't think that's okay cool i just wanted confirmation i don't know so wait so how did you know that cara was going to kill scotch because he was cheating she was talking like she was she was chasing her so she was chasing him oh my god you know hey guys should i take one uh it's funny yes should i take it which may potentially not take one for the team and have z take one for the team no don't take no no there's no taking for the team here okay i think jordan's bad hair they can take one by the way i'm the nicest person who's ever existed ever are you evil are you guys i'm so evil there's definitely evil people there are some evil people i'd say there's at least two of them definitely stars i like rainey so i have how did this meeting start out i protected scotch from cara i have a gun and a badge should we die oh god i'm going to die homemade no no no no please i should not be voting z right now don't [Music] i can't hear anything we can negotiate that cara is talking about not having brain cells in the lobby oh is she haunting you right now oh she's haunting you because i said i literally can't hear it yeah but that's what you would say that's what you say because you don't want anyone to realize whoa whoa i thought you were going to say a bad word okay oh god good i'm good i'm good really really teaches little kids oh that's oh you like an on off switch that's good yeah i try to oh we know who this wasn't people this isn't oh my goodness i know a lot of people this isn't yeah wait what oh we got a lot of [ __ ] right there i hope so okay we because i was so what i'll explain the whole story okay so what i think happened is okay scott shifted on kara okay because they were chasing each other because car was like scourge why did he do it so i don't think scars shifted on also and then ozza just killed z and i sheriff oza yeah but buzzy was claiming to be sheriff and killing cara vikram has like a 110 sheriff rate in this game guys should we test it vikram's actually the sheriff yeah i'm down sure if i die yeah okay so vikram is not sheriff oh oh i think that was great that was nice i guess oh god so why would he do that though why would he do that i think it served [Music] he's not jester he's not jester it's not it's not allowed no there's no there's no chance oh please no please okay we're good uh wait so who who is the other person who was not there with us sparkly it was leah right here standing up okay i'm so bad wait look being um yep vikram and leo were the two on here yeah it's definitely away from her let's go leah come back and get it wait she ain't doing it [Music] i want to jump in the vent i want to jump in the van do it do it okay all right quick i can't lift it it's really heavy it's really heavy oh god i just i worked i worked on some boxing earlier my arms were really tired really i can't get the vent open oh god i'm a failure i'm so weak this is terrible uh i don't know well i'm i'm going to go back to let's see if i can go divert power to the cafeteria so we we're just we're just letting leah like run around and do bad things this is a tough map you know so like okay give her a shot anybody got whereabouts [Music] anybody got whereabouts so we don't you know one alive is she in here you should probably check admin table there is an admin table yeah oh that's true i wouldn't know colors though oh god one of us about to get wrecked watch the vent watch the vent watch the vent let's watch this watch just watch i'm watching oh okay i'm doing my crystal we're good i'm doing the crystal i gotta go do the thing i gotta do these tasks what is going on here come here for a second don't do something bad oh jesus oh god wait um okay so is leah still bad i think bc arsonist yeah i think this arsonist has like one two more left i don't actually i have reason to believe that that's not the case okay all right so here's the thing leo we've given you a lot of time yeah i've heard you i'm engineering other room venting in and out yeah because i'm an engineer okay but no one's dead yeah cause somebody's trying to blame it on me okay if i want to win i have to vote leah and hope that leah is innocent here all right so so so here's here's what i think uh if sparkly's cleaning bees not a narcissist i think sparklies are arsonists no i have a different reason to believe that be what's your friend i don't want to say it in case they're in case they're still up here wait stay away from sparkly i don't think i can't skip there's a plan uh you're completely wrong with your reasoning your reasoning is completely wrong it just i there is something i witnessed there is something i witnessed and yeah i don't want it your voice is trump not leah b there's something i witnessed with b okay anyway i j i'm voting leah regardless but yeah yeah i'm engineer i'm voting myself so we've got both b and leah claiming what is that one b claimed it did i hear that or no why oh wait a minute wait oh no it actually is b oh my god it is okay well we'll vote be next vomirini what why what are you the jester type of a vote have a vote swapper works too all right that works also okay who voted me i didn't i didn't think it was gonna go that way i really didn't envision the swapper i didn't think the swapper was happening dang it i'm swapping here i told you i was good boy oh by the way sorry vic but i took one bro i'm getting i'm getting this close every time what the heck i'm getting it i'm getting robbed numerous numerous times who was the bad person i think we should turn off the uh the ghost hearing because only impostors can hear it and jackals can't yeah okay oh oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah so it's like someone can get killed by a jackal and then just kill the imposters go kill that person yeah yeah and the jacket i just chose a name i didn't tell them your role or anything i just told isaac i thought i thought we were uh yeah i didn't think about it i didn't think yeah i wish your jackals could hear it as well yeah how cool when you want to be really cool good job you did good as a slopper yeah okay but no one spoiled anything right no no no no i think [Music] somebody kill zero for me that's a request vikram can't you do it yourself you're always the sheriff oh can you i'm a vampire yeah oh right how did that's not oh i thought shabb just blatantly killed in front of me wow oh vic what role are you [Music] wow cuz he's the jester dude oh i thought awesome that makes sense guess who can guess just around scotch right now oh also shut myself okay you know who was next to me all right okay no way that problem is now over zero he either guessed just around two two games in a row wow impressive um [Music] yeah i either shot myself or uh uh vikram he either shot one of us basically i said i said um kill zero and he was like uh how do you spell zero is it vi and then i was about to say some stuff is over then i realized you were there like no you know i just said stupid boy i didn't even see the minnie there oh were you gonna say a bad word i would have voted you for that so it's a good thing you did that you know what i appreciate it you're around someone who teaches children okay you have to be nice [Music] i didn't know until last round but cool did somebody just say really doesn't swear right i said she doesn't slip with the words no but but when the when the mode when it when the flip the switch is flipped right there's no slips yeah no you're right she's got that built-in power frick frick how did i screw that up like two times um let's see [Music] fahrenheit we'll never know yeah fahrenheit nobody understands fahrenheit we'll never know at least most of chat i feel like any time i ever say a temperature in fahrenheit on stream half of chad is like what what are you talking about wait 100 degrees wouldn't you be on live isn't that boiling are you crazy all right just doing gas is that are there bodies in here like what the frick is going on turn it on okay you have somebody messing with life hey wait she was just little who she died recently i saw her run from the temperature into lab i was walking in the specimen lab no she walked into vitals yeah vitals yeah i posted there like ten seconds ago okay well okay well she's she's dead in specimen she just like i just got the report button in specimen maybe that lines up we got we gots a lot of clears that's bold taking someone out in specimen really yeah i'm going to clear cara for sure right now i'm opening the door to electrical you know base based self-report no no i i saw what's a long round i was saying i saw victor myself i saw scotch was there some scotch there yeah i don't know it's not it's not ari bunny yeah it's not just because we walked together it is not me because i passed lahu at the temperature and she was alive talking about something fahrenheit then i went into a whole tangent with chad about how they don't understand what i'm saying fahrenheit because they like think in celsius and then i was doing gas and then no one was turning on the light so i was opening the door into electrical and i was like why are the lights not going on stop being self-reported jesus somebody give me a name somebody give me a name leah vikram it's not leah vikram leah oh not leah vikram not z self reporter it's not pete's self report just keep saying it scott who wanted for me is it you it's just a plain old regular self report not a bait self report whoa who voted for me hey you self employed turn on the lights oh my god turn on the lights turning on the lights gonna turn on the lights after you open it no you won't turn me on the lights oh okay i'm not touching them somebody else touched them i touched them oh no someone's oh my god who is doing this okay you guys are awful you guys are awful one person at a time one person at a time no we have a saboteur we have a saboteur yeah obviously who is it okay so we have leah uh is that shab and rini and freaking let the lights go on you terrible person this is terrible my goodness okay so it's either leah or shab it's leah or shab are bad one of the two there we go turned it on you guys are so silly it's leah or sham see that guy's car just came in and put it right on yeah why how did you just how do you just run in here and yell that uh really really unbelievable um oh my god [Music] it doesn't matter anymore i voted myself i'm not the jester just get me out not the jester what what did scott mean i mean okay so there was a guesser who died when i suggested scotch was jester or maybe zero he ran into where i was and just yelled short really loudly for some reason [Music] i want to skip because it's we're on seven whatever you want to do sorry not matter i just voted for scott you could because the thing in this mod all right he was one of the people that double killed so it's okay all right just vote for scotch okay thank you i'm scared for a slopper honestly that would've been really funny four dollars oh yeah happy september oh i was at leah at the door and then i was with z no no no one of the pinks just killed cara the pinks you're welcome ari and i are at the adventure wait why are you dead i'm good [Music] that's the wrong one like i can't see anything so if you if you guys saw someone kill a cr if you guys saw a color kill i saw flash of pink and then and then i can hear ari ari has told me she's the shifter aria who who did the z the i th the guest has been long dead it was zero was the guesser okay i'm not even pink i'm lightish red yeah no this wasn't he's pretty pink we're on the table he's like a coral maybe no salmon yeah i was gonna say salmon's good to you he's the color of my dad is very important shorts the salmon shorts oh yeah oh [Music] uh they could still vote out the jester hello never mind oh yeah because of that i forgot about that yeah we're good we're good we got it oh my god i caught it for her beginning too goddamn it she didn't want to lose her lover okay thank you for the five sub gifts much appreciated also happy september very sweet do it again yeah who's oh if shop if you it's really weird i do not get impostor roles anymore in the last three sessions we've done this i just don't get imposters there will be no killing of vikram today when people kill you but then when they don't kill you you want to be killed yeah somebody please kill me okay i'll do it right now right now okay no i can't i don't have the heart i'm scared why you don't do it sparkly like i said i don't have the heart just run away we went away we would not have why oh um so that was interesting i couldn't tell if it was an evil mini or if it was an attempted sheriff on me or evil mini or not evil mini you can't even share yeah you can't share them evil mini oh you can't oh okay so it was either evil mini or he tried to shoot me still died vikram oh he would still got it what sheriff yeah yes god would still die even if he tried it yeah i say we wrote shab just in case you know what i've got to talk about no i'm probably evil let's let's be real he's probably evil [Music] yep and we need to find out no balls no balls cowards i have no balls that is true i have no balls i i skipped yeah he's jester he's the jester yeah jester jester minnie just for many yester mini wait what [Laughter] [Music] what oh my gosh oh that's amazing that was amazing oh my gosh hold on what i'm so confused i didn't want to live on this planet anymore without my job yeah but wait why did the mini end the game oh wait have you never heard of this jordan no apparently it is apparently the situation has never happened while i've been playing what so if i had no idea it definitely wasn't zero they didn't talk but they just got to the bottom of drop ship i'm just making things up because i know it's not going to matter i know it's not grammatically correct but i kind of just want to call them karai just because it sounds funny oh yeah that's pretty funny all right yeah like a me by amiibo all right one second just toss an e at the end i can't believe i've never seen a mini get voted out all right listen to jordan you try not to vote the minion does the mini win that's not a thing i mean you're a tiny little thing running around so yeah i did not get this my my evil twin got this someone's telling me that exactly it wasn't sparkly because he was ahead of me in labs lamenting it wasn't shab he was in cage someone in my chat saying the christmas i saw a shopping cage and while i was walking over there i heard rini going sometimes someone on my chat is saying [Music] every single game guys who going away from everyone hmm who should i do next just gonna chill here for a minute [Music] carl just spoke i don't know so she's on our screen though literally what if it's not the real car guys i was coming down the hallway from electrical to o2 and i literally saw shabb's name like he was standing over the vent outside and like half of him through the wall and i just like you know how you can you know how you can stand over like you can stand yeah but he's right at office i don't know what you saw that's the thing i literally no shabs by o2 we were talking through he's not i swear to god he's not so rainy's confirming that he was talking to the wall but cara is talking to us and we're an admin we're literally i literally have not left the meeting room until like two seconds ago i don't know in the hall so did she shout out so she could have sampled if me literally standing because he was standing over the vent just under the electrical i don't know what to tell you i was literally just in office with everybody and he's right outside office so what i'm saying is he had to eyewear under the cage because i was doing are you sure you don't see them no because they were talking to him no he was just talking he was how how long before so sparkles you know i just passed you and over yeah uh-huh it was i did not stop moving from the ho so the time it took for me to get from the hallway to where you were at that bottom open but i literally was just talking to what if it was fate it's not i mean i just found him mid conversation i was mid conversation hmm this is weird what the [ __ ] frick again all right cara has gone downhill significantly in the last several weeks oh my god no no i said weeks but she is leaking swear words uh oh boy i don't know man the the ones that i'm i'd be like super interested in or a little too far out of the price range like like an f50 would be dope then anything's really possible it only i only need like a couple hundred thousand swear jars and then we'll be there yeah i i can i can offer some assistance there uh i'm getting on this you know i'm gonna move now before z does something he shouldn't i'm doing my download if i die i'm on download okay i gotcha i'm gonna go to the node maze thing all right oh camera's on cool are you good i'm i'm good this is the real real z what were you doing running up there cara told me that you're okay with something that's not like a technically a swear word what a what like a little hesitant to talk about it just in case you are what are you talking about are you are you okay with references of certain parts of the uh human anatomy like little richard heroes fraud in particular little richard yes that's happened seven seconds that's that's somebody's name so like it's it's it's okay you're you're okay with even blatant references to little richard i mean it's like i suppose so like very descriptive references to okay how descriptive are we getting oh my god man i'll just drop the subject i'll drop this one is that what we're calling it all right who's the person here like another it could have been sniped behind him but it's definitely not the little richards talkers it was really there was you jordan and was it scarge no who was it that was the other thing yeah z okay so there was usually z wow i came from lab where i saw uh bee ozer and i think there was two other people and i was like thought my shrimp was a carrot it's a carrot look at that it's not a carrot but then you sort of fish was a bird the other day so i went straight across the other way i went into the lights i fixed it i came out and then there was the report button there so that's what she said you saw a fish underwater anyway that's literally just happened so but it's it's definitely not really z or sparkles because they were in light's cage and i came through there and there's nobody who's definitely so i know that i know it's none of the crew in med bay right now so i know it's not ari aza or zero [Music] i was cleared if you're doing home improvement and you have to seal something you use you use caulking for it right so if you need to so you're all so you're okay with that as long as you're talking about home improvement yeah okay yes so you're also okay with my game of dodge ball as long as it's only listening right now sorry dodgeball like like or basketball football yes that is that is fine so you're so you're okay with with [ __ ] in reference to home improvement yeah and balls when it's referenced to basketball precisely yes got it okay conversation over that's that's clarified i've actually i've done i've done a bit of i've done a bit of caulking in my house myself because i was like i didn't want to call somebody and and pay them in order to seal up the scene i played a bit of basketball back in my day so like i totally get it i did too dude i had a michael jordan basketball hoop when i was really young before i stopped growing at four feet tall at the sacramento kings and i'm just waiting for you to find loopholes around the pg rules of course wait was the loophole i'd listen but i say it like in the nickname for saying i need all the help i can get right now so um okay so is every is everybody alive by the way somebody's on the cams well so who's bad who's bad i'm sorry yes i saw nothing if you saw nothing did you see anything rainy um when did your shield go away yeah when did when did it go away when the medic died oh oh and that was aza sorry i i had to refresh so i missed some stuff but who's bad yeah so so who who killed all them really there could only be one light pink oh wait wait i want to try again there could only be one pink no i only have so who that i mean z would be the only one who kind of fits that were you about to guess him wait sorry what no i tried to see what happened i don't know but ari already killed my mother stuck in purgatory so i'm pretty sure that um z scotch and zero are are good we're pretty good people we were all together i think it has to be rini right right what on what you sound very nervous do you think it could be me just plain i'm not nervous you are nervous no you should be nervous oh okay i am not nervous you should be oh no i forgot to find myself you know i just killed myself i killed me you just got saved by a dead person no you gotta say about this oh that doesn't oh was ari the evil guesser because i don't want i need to talk to you z all right i'm going to go over here and just let myself get eliminated i'm going to be the only possibility for anyone to take out wear a hat i want to wear the hat why is it so hard to like line up with the hat i just wanna frick it's so hard to line up am i in the hat i'm kind of in the hat right now dude kind of there we go that's pretty lined up right there wait for it wait for the lights to come back on they're definitely yeah oh i'm lined up i'm looking awesome dude i'm just going to hang out here for a little bit wearing my hat oh yeah dude this could be a thumbnail even though i'm i'm inside of garlic but i'll print screen it right now there there we go kill me okay never mind i found you see i'm so good oh who stopped who's in drop ship huh what um me yeah just now i'm in the admin hallway where i'm trying to put the camera on as a hat oh okay wait um i was putting the camera on as a hat no uh yeah i won no because i just checked vitals and then i walked down an admin hallway oh no i was i was in the drop ship i put it on as a hat oh no okay i'm the cat and i have different hats good great minds think of light though all right so how long has this been dead uh i don't know i literally just checked like two seconds ago i checked finals and he was dead i was about to walk down to the admin table and then i saw the camera and got distracted uh sorry yes because there were two kills prior well yes definitely not zero um it's not b unless you got all right well that makes it easy for me yeah yeah probably b right i was mini yeah what do i need to refresh i might have to refresh spot cool i think i do refresh um i'm skipping i think we want to get the body left okay guys cool cool i thought i thought we were on b but okay no b was clear for that wait you thought me what no no no john and john he was clear for that kill i was wrong oh yeah i didn't i didn't hear you the whole time okay right i think it's either i think it's nowhere where i can be followed freckles someone's dead okay where is this it's scotch just vote me everyone's standing together and it's miserable and i just want out the this is the first sabotage that's happened in like four rounds yeah that's that's what they don't set a problem actually what are you the jackal i finished all my tasks uh technically no on the sidekick but oh okay but yeah same team i gotcha can't sabotage so it's just miserable when everyone's grouping together and i can't call lights wait why can't you call lights because i'm the sidekick i don't know i don't know so the only opportunity i have to kill people is when the lights are off because you guys are so grouped together but i can't do that because i don't have that ability and it's miserable yeah yeah to be fair i was trying to sabotage for you scotch but then i got distracted by chat i'm sorry next time he had a great anyway thanks for watching this episode of among us i hope you've enjoyed make sure to like the video subscribe turn on notifications hit the bell playlist for more mungus and uh link in the 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Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 36,211
Rating: 4.9556713 out of 5
Keywords: captainsparkles, among us
Id: p1QvY10pBpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 16sec (5416 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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