Have I Lost My Tricky Towers Skills?

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what i'm in the game i'm ready to go let's go with the super cup okay all right you're going to you're going to want to know how to nudge pieces here i hope you can i hope you noticed okay okay i am on the full full right wait which side am i on wait yeah i'm in here why is my thing not working hmm let's see it's j k right [ __ ] it's not oh my gosh you just cara i did you just didn't even restart my computer yeah i'm kind of getting a bad start anyways yeah i can't can we like restart no you don't deserve a restart for those bad potty mouth i just oh someone swore got to restart i'm restarting oh my goodness post drop swapping oh my goodness is it just the youtube videos where the swearing is concerned or do you not want it at all on twitch it's it's the youtube videos in between where you know it's not going i mean here's the thing okay so it's kind of it's like it's a snowball it's a snowball effect kind of thing right because what you if you establish a thing where you try to avoid the swearing for the sake of youtube demonetization then it also brings people in who expect that it's going to be no swear so it kind of builds on itself right you know gotcha i've never sworn a day in my life neither have i ever never ever ever in a video nudge is you and i by the way you and i are going to destroy this puzzle i'm just hoping it'll take my controls this time well we're surviving anyway it's survival anyway [Music] i'll win through not being able to move blocks wait oh i'm elsewhere now hello elsewhere all right cool so this is survival i'm doing great haven't you played survival z i've never played this a day in my life uh-huh oh god oh god he's just like oh it's a big boys it's not good why why okay oh it's getting fast oh yeah do you guys want to briefly say like who's who on the uh on the screen position real quick i am second from the left okay kara where are you i am the hold on oh no uh everyone why did you just get so fast all the time all of a sudden oh my i'm going to lose [Applause] i i'm the one hello piano yep i'm dead i'm the one that's not in the game oh no it just got so fast it just got so fast who's who again holy crap i'm oh wait oh i'm i lose i lose oh i got it yeah you expected to get stomped oh geez it it got so much faster so much faster than it usually does that felt crazy wait is dean not in here scene did you wait who are we playing with are we playing at the beginning but i as i've said a couple times i like literally none of my controls are working i cannot move my phone in the slightest just restart again okay i i'm and so i'm trying to like figure out what why it works in single player but not online with weird like interrupting your guys's game because i was able to test it and like my controller worked and everything all right i have not gotten the controller to work with this game you may just have a new keyboard which is fine i think find a new keyboard but i was like slamming all the keys on the keyboard and it wasn't working either so huh anything please so i apologize for interrupting and being oh you're good you're good we'd rather you play oh all right yeah i think troller is not connect like my guy was like i was responding to key presses it was nice that's exciting yeah all right okay i'm from i can okay well this is a bad start this is a bad start oh we're trying to avoid going down that hole is that we're trying to stay under the line basically oh boy okay all right oh that's not how you stay under the line how do i rotate uh oops that's not quite what i want oh where's this gonna go oh that that's what i'm gonna do okay this is fine who's who's the all the way to the right right now uh let's let's not talk about who's to the way to the right you've got to start somewhere it's true it's true this is not great this is the worst wait it's a really bad really bad setup oh apparently if you get all of the oh is that bad that seems bad very bad very bad okay oh oh apparently i'm dead i've got some flexing going on here so z this is your game oh my god this is your game please don't hit please thank you thank you okay watch this this can end oh my god it holds [Laughter] stay on crazy okay let's see if this holds this could be risky i think that's fine this will be the glue yeah yeah sparky's got a lot of room to work with here yeah this will be the glue kind of seal this right here uh-huh boom there we go lock in that's what you like it's just gonna wreck me but i gotta go for it yeah put that right there oh no i screwed up oh i had a lot just fall this could be this could be my downfall right here oh that was not my downfall be bold i'm being bold right here fortune favors the bolt yeah there we go oh my god all right i think i can be bold right here yeah yeah maybe all right i can fit one more cement it on the lift okay this is where i retire this is where you die [Music] yeah so is there a way to eliminate lines like if you get it oh no oh jesus that's so bad oh my god how did that happen oh my god holy crap oh god i should have just i would have gotten second if i had just played more passive you gotta go big or go home you know oh sometimes you just got to do that just all right this is survival mode yep straight into the line or something yeah [Music] time for a good clean game and by clean i mean speedrun unlike cara's language yeah um i don't know what you're talking about this youtube video is is uh there's no slides on this youtube video that was wait the car is swearing i missed it uh i didn't hear any spurs i don't know how you get the swear was it which one can you describe it uh the worst kind the worst kind of swear the worst way i don't know what you're referring to can you say it oh god oh no oh my god i'm really i can't i can't think this fast it's not even fast yet bro oh oh dear it was with whatever that that thing was passed yet come on this is easy oh dear no no no no no easy peasy yeah oh oh oh oh it's getting a little messy oh fast they're a little faster getting a little messy a little bit faster a little bit faster a little bit softer now maybe i can balance this right here there we go oh that's not good for me that's not good for me i ain't good at all no get it get it get it please please please no whoever just did that you suck so much oh no oh that's so bad it's going to be over for me it's over for me i'm moving stop moving stop moving what's the number along the top like how many pieces how many pieces you have left yeah oh left okay this is gonna be bad for me all right i need to wash and see how you're doing this i can only assume by the way you guys are like seem to have fewer pieces there's something that you're doing to get rid of lying oh she got a freaking island it doesn't matter i'm going to lose no catch it catch it oh no oh wait i'm out oh no oh freak out why did you say i'm going to lose because i thought so but i didn't cara must be stopped don't worry guys i'm not a threat [Laughter] oh god we don't get much room at all here yeah it's going to be rough spend your space wisely hmm i just wasted okay i thought it would change my piece i don't like this one i'm going to get rid of it yeah sometimes that's a good move but it brings your um your tower up higher it does it does it yeah yeah i know it raises your structure i'm so confused it doesn't very slightly slightly oh it looks the same to me oh this isn't good oh this isn't good at all all right i'm gonna take a risk right here hang off the edge there we go i don't know yeah you son of a that's what i want that's what i want i had three blocks on why did that fall oh this is going to be rough no oh it's over for me oh it sucks when it happens oh what is this bullcrap is it gonna work no no it's not all right i would have had to end it anyway i think this is probably the last one i don't know why you would do that what no you're good maybe you're good what the heck no was that even possible okay and that's it this might be close i think it will be yours is perfect though and no no gaps draw yikes okay hey i didn't get last i got a medal fine you're doing fine it's great it's doing great you guys are doing great easy where's race i want to do a race that one's fun uh i assume we'll get one soon it's just random ah i know what i'm doing on this one i know what i'm doing don't worry about it what the heck is this what's that i know what oh my god okay why did it just do that why did it just do that heck why is this happening to me why is this happening to me [Music] keep in mind jordan yeah wait no no no you idiot my power-up went away keep in mind he's gonna win why do you say that oh no i did it too fast okay well there goes that oh there was an attempt right there what was what was that cara you had so much time z why did you force it i i know you're supposed to do it i thought it was at 11. when you get a when you have 11 left i thought i just spammed so wait just spam wait why would you spam oh you won't know the race with weather uh oh god that's embarrassing what does the weather do it blows your blocks oh good yeah it's very it's very scary let's take the wind into consideration this isn't gonna work why did i do that i did not need to do that what the heck i guess that works this isn't a good spot this is not working i am going to lose this very quickly here okay uh i don't know please don't no no no okay win bad win bad wind did i just save it by doing that i'm having a time here okay okay all right nope nope okay what oh come on please oh so i'm trying to get taller right yeah yeah you want to you want to reach the finish line right here all right all right good to know good to know it's a little thing oh well that's it you just you just kind of lost like half your bottom i did but oh oh my god oh my god the island build holy crap i did this like nudge save uh that was amazing it nearly fell over then i just nudged a piece and it just kept it up heck yeah special survival oof i still don't know what exactly that can't do the speed run on this one honestly it's probably just in your best interest to just go slow that's what i do what's that it's so fast oh oh that's oh god oh let's get it early grave to me shirley okay [Music] oh here we go the game felt bad for me oh god oh what's that going to be oh [ __ ] oh did i lose it i didn't even get it i can't see oh no hopefully there's another chance oh that's not what i wanted this is not this is this is not quite what i was going for this is fine everything's fine this is fine no i'm fine this is fine everything's fine oh geez oh geez oh love it i love the ice that's my favorite oh what welp got vines at the right time i messed up okay that gets sweet i don't know how vines work do they like tie them faster yeah yeah i hope it's like blue you know what how was it gonna oh my god i've been destroyed i have been you guys are doing great you guys are doing great oh i'm dead oh what i just had to pee i just had to lose like fly off as if there was wind and it was did a guy the little demon take it no no it just left it just it escaped well that's a bummer oh my god yeah is it survival again no this is okay oh wait this is race right yeah okay build to the sky but you need a solid foundation if you want to reach the sky patience is a virtue there's no reason that should happen slow and steady wins the race everybody remember that unless you know someone's faster than you yeah is that what we've said or is being fast winning it oh god i'm about to lose half my tower but it didn't matter last time be the glue be the glue oh that's what i need that's what i need no no no no that didn't look good this is fine why is my car rocking please there's no there's no recovering from this there's no recovery this angle oh [ __ ] and now once it's once it's tilted you're pretty much screwed yeah there's oh wait this could save my life all right time for the comeback of the century why was that block blocking what is going on [Music] okay all right well i was doing good all up until things started wobbling oh god oh god oh god oh god uh oh everything's fine everything's fine everything's fine everything's fine everything's fine stop wobbling stop wobbling stop it stop it oh god i really tried okay well all right oh dear oh dear oh dear okay stop wobbling just no please please i was so close no everything's falling down come back i've built such a fine foundation i deserve more credit oh no i got really wobbly at the end there too oh my god that was terrifying the rest of us three are pretty much the same height yeah everything was fine and then it wasn't and i don't know how power-ups work so this is probably gonna be last second okay let's come back let's come back come on wow all right zean you guys we're all with edge here you and i oh yeah both of you do assume i remember what my nudge keys are you and i i'm telling you it's you and i this is yeah it's kara [Music] this is fine a little iffy here oh that can work that can definitely work that's fine this is funny this could bite me in the butt very possible nope nope stay back okay oh boy these are not the best ones to be getting right now [Music] okay um because they're anchored you wait okay all right i feel like i need to do this how do i get the best i'm just learning your guys's tails you know uh-huh okay that should provide me enough support that was the worst thing i could have done oh really what why why oh no oh no how could you why why oh jesus not my best one that's so bad act as glue i'm just not getting the pieces that i need here oh come on i can't expand on the bottom of this sure okay you know what i can do this [Music] uh oh boy oh come on in most cases that would work yikes i'm losing peace after peace so car do you have a cosmetic on your blocks yes that's it yeah you can choose it at the beginning should i just retire here no you know i can afford to lose this oh no no not fast enough can i squeeze this in here maybe okay dang it ah i thought i thought i had a chance that was so bad oh no that's gonna get me in the butt oh my god don't you oh honey me okay i thought i thought i had such a strat oh god oh my god i needed two more am i winning yet i don't feel like i'm winning yet oh no oh no i just gotta get second i just gotta get first this game has been long all right race easy easy race oh my gosh easy-peasy what that's it [Music] okay cool oh god it's wobbling it's wobbling [Music] don't get impatient don't get impatient [Music] daddy steady steady steady [Music] oh it was that soon oh my god i didn't realize the line was that was already on the thing i didn't realize the line was that low you'll need to do like one block stack oh my god oh this is the worst defeat of my life [Music] ggs gg this is the worst defeat of my entire life i thought my uh long piece would be enough that's what um most guys say god dang it god dang it i should have just stacked vertically rip okay race again normal this time maybe it is good to make a foundation for this one wait you didn't make a foundation for the last one no she's just like stacked blocks it's dangerous that was like three high or real wide buildings had to be up to code you get sued for that i'm above the law oh okay my dad owns a car dealership i'll have you know my dad owns nintendo and bungie and can give me recon armor that's so cool this is recon armor sorry it's a very old reference oh okay that's just not nice i didn't even know we could do that what what did it do look at look at my tower like how there's this like an l block it's like growing off the side of it okay that's funny okay yeah go away i'm happy with that okay no don't i'm not about that well i'm losing my foundation [Music] there oh god there we go it's not even winter yet this is terrible why have i died except it doesn't even matter yours is just getting wobbly like it's staying just fine no it's definitely getting oh it's just swaying in the wind mine's built to do this it's swaying a good milestone swage in mind good buildings sway they sway with the wind why'd it do that now my 19 hours are really showing aren't they okay this is fine uh this is this is recoverable uh i just don't know no no no no no no i just got it how is that staying i i just gotta put some stuff there gone it's gone oh my god it's gone it's up this is fine i mean there's a chance we just i just need the hope that jordan's building just completely gives foundations are important gotta have a foundation yeah you had a good foundation your foundation there yeah it doesn't matter because it's the only one standing you can have air gaps they get they just can't be unsupported air gaps two oh my god we really don't get much at all to work with here what the heck this is gonna be interesting yeah okay um i guess just do that why did it do that i don't even know what to do now i uh um watch this be the death of me here we go here we go i'm already wrecked i i don't know that's what i needed [Music] [Laughter] oh i don't oh i can still come back i'm in trouble i can still come back if i play my cards right you just gotta work it out oh my god i don't know if that was right i got zero oh no okay i don't think i need to take any risks i'm just gonna say i went from 200 iq to zero iq so quick i think you tied with zine oh no you got one more okay no need for risks at the end there this one was dumb that was rough that was a rough piece layout dude i have no points he's okay this no foundation necessary no it's right there [Music] this is so dumb i'm having terrible blocks build it to the heavens to the heavens we shall go sure that works why not why not why not why not this could be the death of me or it could be the savior of me no no no no what did [Music] listen i was feeling some emotional stress just then i could test the swing okay okay i'm tired i mean it is a race it is a race it's not who has the biggest tower but it should be it should be it should be yes [Laughter] hmm [Music] hmm what's the play what's the play what's this is the play oh yeah that'll be the glue perfect all right and then this will be the death of me no okay will this be the death of me this could be the this is the definitely this is the death of me see how it races up nope what ability see like it's going up what you didn't use your ability though no i'm not you not when i use my ability when i lose pieces yeah i know that but you said when you use your ability you you're oh i think we probably just maybe i misspoke or i see wait you can zap before it falls oh my god yeah there's no heart bro let's do that but there's no hope for me here i think cara got it unless this works out i can't do it it won't i was thinking again the four one two three four five six seven eight nine uh for those of you who don't know uh i'm on the far left then it goes jordan then z then zine with an n yes [Music] i see what you did there this is a risk will it no i think you can pay off no no in a way all my years of tetris oh that goes on the right bro no no that's so wrong so wrong with gravity oh my god all right i'm calling it good there all my years with tetris are working against me because i try and place my blocks right as i can and also like so you make rows and stuff probably yeah very much so like on the race i was like i've got a good foundation and then my foundation fell down but that's at least i'm good at puzzle nothing else oh no i don't want this come back to happen you're still ready oh it's it's coming it's coming oh boy all right don't lose blocks don't lose blocks big money no loose blocks lose the box lose the box sir yep you say what yeah i i do believe you that's not what i said it's my best interest here who's the box oh not already not already oh geez what the piano what okay why not that's really bad why not there we go okay [Music] oh come on oh dear oh it's slamming it oh no punch it oh oh i was supposed to nudge that i'm losing two immediately oh thank you give me that give me that give me that [Applause] that was a bit problematic oh i had a good spot right there oh man stop it oh no i guess that's not like this not like shoot them out oops no no no no no this is irrecoverable stop stop it bro the amount of craziness that's happening oh the comeback's happening it's coming it's coming in the wind what is this [Music] oh my god that shouldn't have fallen i had three stable blocks [Music] there's no oh okay um this is gonna be bad yeah i can't do any anything okay [Music] [Music] the comeback is happening oh boy that was the worst layout of all time i've never had a worse layout than this just nice job [Music] that wasn't greed it was trying to win your downfall survival again no desire to win survival stresses normal yeah yeah well it's not normal i think it's like intermediate or normal it's intermediate wow get called amigos easy normal special oh yeah yeah no it's not easy i do not have a good foundation at all here oh no no let me just like fill this in got the gorilla glue thank you [Music] all right hey oh that's fine that's fine i can handle that come on where's the piano at i'm waiting for it [Music] yeah this is gonna bite me in the butt right here oh dear i don't oh dear don't even know why i tried damn it oh give me that yeah i'll take that i'm just knocked on my wall not a whole lot of events going on here i don't think so this one's been tamed so far it's weird oh god i'm running out of options here there we go i'm starting to sway i'm getting nervous that wasn't quite my ideal but nope that also was not my deal oh this is good there we go brace that that stopped i'm sensing some difficulty i'm losing my focus oh come on oh sparkly still got all three lives oh no oh no that's it that's it that's it i tried to rotate or do it do a nudge at the wrong time and that felt solid that felt solid right there let's go [Music] oh that's it thank you god the suffering is over what why is it such a reversal something great why is it a reversal between you winning last one the suffering the attitude second place is suffering all tricky towers is suffering i don't think you understand why are you here playing with my friends except me fair i love playing with you it's just all suffering [Music] you're gonna make people start saying weird things sparkly what are weird things can you specify they're gonna start saying that i'm a sore loser or something oh i thought i thought i was i thought you meant i was going to get you to say bad words i mean i could say bad words if you want no stop do it is this a race yes i was not even paying attention yeah i got nervous when i lost a piece i'm like oh no that was quite dumb i'm gonna have to issue a speeding ticket to mr sparkly over here oh that's not good oh how did that stay oh i'm gonna lose a lot [Music] okay my thing is literally swaying oh cara made god no are you kidding are you kidding just gotta go for it dude yeah i just need to stack one one block on top yeah yeah when you're at the top just one block up dude wait i got last place wow okay thanks i hear you okay all right use your vines wisely that was not a good use of vines ah this is not an ideal setup for this huh okay that's what i'm gonna do there we go we got the beginnings now something great what beginnings of something great that's kind of bs this could be the death of me but i'll risk everything well i didn't risk everything what oh wow this is gonna be the death of you how how maybe i can build a new life over here oh my god you know what i don't think it's going to take much to win it on yeah yeah i think you got it i think this is going to fall if i do this no do it again do it again yeah do it again same thing no [Laughter] i can't believe that happened there we go we're back we're back [Applause] i didn't get anything for a second okay yeah i lost the piece yeah this normal race yep yep that's a bad word in a language i don't know yeah what the frick guys what's the language well it's german but i don't know german it's german how do you know it's a bad word in all languages it generally [Music] oh my god i need better pieces than this please thank you [Music] [Music] that's not good [Music] there we go that's what i needed there we go nice foundation [Music] good riddance [Music] oh my god oh please stop please stop oh i'm i'm fricked i am completely and utterly fricked oh my god this way this way i know this way this way this way you know what no i don't like i'm i'm stuck my thing won't completely fall over but it's absolutely destroyed like i think it's just i'm done okay oh my god that was some garbage right there that was some garbage how did that even happen no points so the comeback's coming all right sometimes the easiest is not my first it's not my forte just yet um all right what's the play here right here baby [Music] okay let's see if this will work just in time nope oh i'm gonna put this one oh i'm not getting the ones i need all right i'm gonna risk everything right here are you kidding me oh why doesn't that work it'll work out if i put it on the land but not when it's a piece no no no okay all right all right listen here you little frick there we go everything's fine until that fell he flew too close to the sun [Music] this is a risky maneuver that's no there's no way this is going to work nope nope someone said that solidified my failure i guess well this is the end i guess there we go this will further solidify mine on the other side you know what um no that was a bad idea yeah yeah some decisions were made i think it's a three-way bottom tie again oh i would have made that sideways oh yeah i should have but i didn't because i'm not smart [Music] that should work fine one two three oh that is going to you just need one more and you got it wow yeah there we go this one maybe the move you did before was actually the better move because then you were able to do that yeah maybe i think you have it uh i don't think this is going to stay though i'm just going to maybe just get rid of that i think you won by one or two that was potentially a number there are fives oh my god i want to come back i also laughed a lot sorry you get the share third place i got pushed up a lot i if i had put it on the left instead of in the middle i think i would have gotten it [Music] right in the middle why not why is that always happening right [Applause] already wow that's not what i need this is uh games being rather rude okay well there goes first set cool that actually worked out nice i hate this please stop well no this is what i need thank you bro never works outside of uh zine is audi oh you're i'm audi i don't need you calling me out here you just keep your observations to yourself buddy a what let that bounce out not again oh that's a big boy oh this is a beaker boy no no no no no no no no wait um i'm over i'm over i'm ready what is happening you win you're winning i can't i can't oh god damn it this is such pain for you right cara such pain suffering pain and suffering okay [Laughter] [Music] yeah this will provide a nudge spot no no no problem no problem perfectly yeah okay hmm [Music] [Music] okay okay bye he's not working the way i wanted this might have been a mistake right there oh boy expand very far west [Music] no i missed oh god well this hold this could be a mistake no okay all right let's try to find a way to hold this down oh god i gotta go for a massive risk here i don't know if this is going to hold this is going to be the death of me you got this it zoomed out the screen this is a risky one oh boy okay okay this would be good for glue i can't build much up though oh let's hope this holds oh thank god [Music] this is uh this is my icarus moment oh my god okay i will get the nobel prize if i make this thank you thank you for the nobel prize thank you i don't know what uh what category but i'm getting it nice nice you love to see it what was that oh that's z i thought maybe it would hold out what to do like i don't know i'll throw it here uh i mean maybe it showed up like laggy on your screen i just thought it would hold on my screen okay all right i think i think this might be it for me yeah that's it that's it i'm not gonna push it good old retirement uh i don't know this is gonna be close it is think you win at the time oh wow oh my god i had not done my last name one unfortunately fine you've won anyway i'm in a three-way tie-up i didn't you guys hadn't done as well i would have won that was a good one oh boy what is this i missed it i'm survival normal yes okay it's probably a good thing i'm leaving after this because it's so stressful to play this i hate it why it just is i don't know it's stressful winning all the time it is it's hard being so good at things yeah the demands you don't understand the demands people's expectations man oh i'm just saying it's stressful for me oh my god no it's the worst positioning oh god oh not like that all right i'm over just hold it together with this boom wait that is wait what is that what i've never seen i've never seen this before my block what was that they took my block i've never seen that i have been completely doo-dooed on sorry about your doo-doo why are you doing this oh my god this is not going to end well and i'm dead okay okay shoot i'm really on precarious grounds oh there goes one apparently that was my second one i'm flying blind [Music] have fallen my entire tower is wobbling i'm out hold on ah i didn't have to do anything uh that's the first survival everyone hey i got second i got ruined by that piece that you couldn't move hey there when survival or good luck back time i'm survival let's go race special oh [Music] you just gotta build a leaning tower or pieces ah stop wind blowing stop wind blowing just stop it weather just stop [Music] that's not gonna work oh oh that's that's a piano i didn't want a piano yes frick oh that was a very i cannot oh my what the freak this is not looking good everything's at an angle no win win stop it good it's getting windy up here this is awful why did this happen get out of here please get out of here thank you okay yeah just get rid of everything okay what do you do how do i come back from this okay no it's possible it's possible it's possible it's possible okay i need to build against the wind here any more weight right here sparkly will choke eventually hold me together win the ice not the ice oh my god ice everything okay that really needs to stop there we go oh my god all right this is recoverable look how straight up that oh my god zine has no pieces oh no oh no i thought oh never mind it all comes down to this survival easy oh boy how's it been going oh god what's up yo i'm ready to tap out i'm ready to rage kara has won too much she hates it yeah she hates it here she become bored she'd be so happy if she was just getting fourth place all the time you know kara we could work something out but giving you fourth place all the time that's okay what am i supposed to do here how do i what okay false so see this is your first time playing right yes very much so and everyone's laughing at me yeah i'm doing great for never playing the same experience dude don't worry oh god that's not what i need i'm playing nice are you serious come on this isn't race right no survival i wanted to use the other thing that's okay no i i spamming only works when you have three lives [Music] [Music] end me end me suffering god dang it all right i'm outtie bye cara fun playing car up it was fun losing to you i'll yeah audi 500 oh it's between 500 and 800 i couldn't remember there is no audi 500 what is it i don't know there is no audi 5 it's a there's like a 2 a 3 a four a five a six uh yeah it just goes like that fifty thousand maybe there's no addy fifty thousand are you sure yes um five hundred thousand good one this is definitely worth this discussion what's that okay so who's hosting now do i have any of you guys on my steam list i see i have one sparkles and zee and i don't think i don't think i'm steam friends with z though i will add you okay um i think i have to delete somebody give me a second oh hi escal i'm popular it is audi 5 000. eight years uh does the skull want to play i bet at building tricky tricky tower stuff because he's good at building things last online nine years ago has got to go all right who is uh inviting why can't i get ripken i guess i could if i once said z because i'll have everybody okay let me just add this homie hey captain sparkles yeah there is an audi 5000 get wrecked let me see is it an old car i don't know what happened 1984 to 1988. what would you say here's mine but it still exists no that's fair that's fair it's not their current model lineup i i don't know i'm sending you an invite i did it well i added you rifkin yeah that is a very ugly car i don't know why you'd want to associate yourself with it uh i assume random normal and what'd i do big cup super cup what do i pick here super cup i guess yeah super cup sounds right okay and then see scroll all the way up for captain sparkles all the way oh right there yeah they're really low down in the alphabet i see it's all you've now bought the game all right we'll have to wait captain sparkle you had an audi 80. i don't know what an audi 80 looks like audi when i try to write questions oh that is that's a very old that's an old boy right there he tried to click his name on steam it doesn't give me an option invite [Music] this is like my second time playing i'm all anxious right now don't be anxious dude i've been terrible that's fine this is a relaxing session all right i am on the very right side uh yeah i'm i'm my ego is having problems right now oh no dude have you gone from not being the best no i have gone from being the best to not being the best oh no dude okay i'm in a different position uh okay yeah yeah okay i'm second one in for everybody who's watching you're wondering oh and now it's sparkly i am very right side yeah okay i was like my block is not moving at all the way i expected to wait this is what we want to we want to go to the line right uh getting the line gives you a power up right this is uh yeah but this is survival so you just want you want to use blocks and not fall down exactly thanks for that exactly exactly all right what's this part of a problem or something right oh yeah there you go this is fine oh not that oh frick me not fine okay i am brick whatever just like literally my first piece was bad because of the uh not realizing that my place changed and there's no coming back [Music] you're doing great sweetie give me the power up already i'm so close and that's why i murdered in your honor dude just like pity gave you the power up i don't like that so z's in the same spot sparkles swap spaces with me and rifkin's on right far left come on give me a heart what you can get lives back in this yeah you can get if you get the heart yeah i think if you uh if you lose two really early on it tends to give you a one oh actually i just got one i didn't know that that's pretty cool oh god i'm probably gonna lose it really quick oh no this is not good okay no oh i lost one i'm swaying i'm swaying yeah my tower's starting to rock back and forth a little bit i'm not i'm not okay with that okay i think that might have bought me some time i'm in big doo doo right now very very deep deep doo doo oh no oh my god not like that it's not going to be the end of everything that we know it as we know it it's over it's over it's over they shouldn't be falling off it should be perfectly fine oh how did i survive what what oh my god that was intense we got some really low numbers yeah good god i don't i don't know it starts building too high and then i had other spaces lower down that i was conserving and it was like nope you're in the fog now you can't put it down there oh i have a terrible manga story i want to share with you guys i love terrible humongous stories so i was a lawyer she was an executioner who became a jester and wouldn't vote themselves out what is a lawyer oh you win if the other person your lawyer submerged it's like uh yeah yeah you're kind of like a third imposter for one person and you win with them so no matter what their role is if they win you win your goal is basically trying to protect them right that's the lawyer interesting so anyways it's going really frustrating because i can't i'm trying to get my my jester client voted out they won't even vote for themselves okay yeah you guys go down there i don't want you anymore so against all odds the executioner executes the jester this is gonna be a bad idea i don't know why i'm doing this but shoot me into a jester and then they try to execute the wrong person so i'm the only one who's voted and i voted for myself and so we i just won and it didn't make any sense i don't know that i fully comprehended what happened it made sense because you pulled it off you did it take your credit lots of dumb things jordan that's what happened okay a series of very stupid okay i think that's probably an absolute win okay oh i wasted my power up do you guys use the power-ups or do you use the offensive things like what what should i do you mean the hurting other people ones yeah you want to hurt other people it's a competitive game i usually do they being nice and it hurts that you see it that way yeah i see you all as friends oh balls sometimes you gotta hurt your friends you know oh my god this is i just i hate like literally everything right now i'm just my daughter's swaying like crazy just watching it all the mine's expanding upwards that's what's happening here this is recoverable this is recoverable we can do this uh i'll put more weight right here or is this going to be the goes down there good good good okay survival i did i just realized oh you were playing survival i i i don't know how to play i just thought it was possible okay now i just need a spire on my tower okay hang on don't win yet thank goodness we got kara out of the way it's like back on top i just don't understand how you're so insecure that you have to win all these things right like you should believe in yourself maybe a little bit more no okay don't i don't believe in myself that's no imagine believing in yourself yeah who does that so cringe it really is [Laughter] oh my god come on is this a bad this could be such a bad idea but i'm gonna go for it okay i'm setting myself up for something incredible i'm gonna try to at least please don't nicarist me right now yeah that's what i like to see okay time to set myself up for something incredible oh my god far left who's that oh man i appreciate you ripping more than you know oh i can't even do that i can't even do that it won't let me oh man uh i need to get flat pieces here [Music] just will this fit or that will be the will that be the end of it okay can i do this i think i can do this no way [Music] let's go [Laughter] [Music] coming for you sparkly okay is this short uh it's normal i think norm race [Music] imagine being normal imagine being a normie couldn't be me oh god i don't like that i need something to expand a little bit [Music] that was the proper one for the job oh god oh my god no look what just happened to me everything's fine oh no what is the phone oh no oh my god how i just have to go around it oh oh not the flippy dippy stop a little bitty b and now i'm at an angle this is irreparable wait what this is wait am i nope it's still bad i might no no i won't oh god i gotta correct this somehow oh wait i might not do it what even up even out wait how did nope get rid of that wait why are you tilting stop tilting oh i'm i'm done i'm i'm doomed i am doomed all right leading the tower right he's a commencement let's go just just stop just end it just end my suffering oh my god [Music] that's it we're out we're out that's the entire tower is down what is this balloon garbage freak off somehow it's still going up you tried rifkin you tried i'm still expecting oh my god i had a crazy power up there and it did not it didn't salvage me my little my little z sheep brick saved me do you see it the one in the top tower i had a shitty foundation short shorty shorty shorty foundation no this can't oh that power power-up was insane i got a blue shell basically but it was not in time [Music] what's this one this is survival right okay thank you you're welcome right in survival don't be reckless with my pieces i'm reckless anyway all right you gotta you gotta risk it for the biscuit yep i always like to think i'll run out the clock on this one i'll actually use all the pieces and win that way but it never happens no it doesn't seem to work out that way was that in between it really was in between okay cool all right nope there we go there we go got something to work with here no oh that's that's that's that's what you want where it all goes the good thing is when so many is falling at once it'll only count as one piece you're losing yeah that is true just the incoming oh no oh you know what this might be fine i am so screwed what is this piano i hate the windmill i thought the piano helped you last time i don't know about that dude piano's like the great betrayer i'm so running out of like hope here no wow look at jordan's wait how's yours so thick that was just what she said okay also please stay oh no no no get rid of it get rid of it oh jordan's got like solid so it's zebra's jordan right now right oh it's starting to go fast jordan's gonna choke and i know it shut one thing yeah the one thing is it's not about the tower it's about the pieces left he's placing his faster so jordan's actually behind jordan's oh yeah you're right if you play with your pieces then you win no no i'm not doing that i made that mistake before jordan oh one pc one piece i can't believe this i can't believe this is the highest stakes tricking towers i've ever seen in my life oh my god yep yes i i so does it increase the speed when you get to a certain piece count or is it a time thing [Music] wait what'd you say again so does it increase the piece speed at a time or does it do it um based on how many pieces you put down that i don't know i was looking at the wrong person i'd imagine it's probably pieces and not times because there's not really a time limit on this um i mean that seems to make more sense i mean that's what i asked because obviously if it was based on how many oh jesus christ i'm going to do a very alpha move here there we go okay go on you should spam your pieces quicker in the beginning if you think that um you're gonna survive longer oh no what get this piece off my tower it's just ruining it for the rest of them get out of here oh god oh i'm like slightly playing this like survival i need to stop i kind of ram this piece off my tower it's not working get out of here there oh oh we did it oh no am i at a weird angle right now this is not going to be good this isn't good actually this could work out oh fine i only have a thin tower it's not what i wanted at all oh this is working where's that sound what was that i just had like a quadruple concrete combo i don't know oh that that's the blue shell i was talking about that sounds delicious there's a blue shell in this game yeah there is this is going to get updated i've never come across that in the 19 hours i've played this game okay nice flex dude [Music] surely this will work out right surely this will work out oh god [Laughter] oh my god oh my god it's over for me go on without me guys go on without me come on with them no stabilize damn you dang you i mean whatever no i'm so close there's still a chance i'm gonna make the skinniest [Applause] yeah the blue the concrete can just like support itself it doesn't need anything under it ah yeah that's new that must have been a recent update maybe maybe [Music] uh yeah it is yeah it is it really is um never cowards oh let's get to know that will work okay sweet thank you for being the guinea pig for that one yeah no problem anytime anytime cool cool you guys like stick things in spots and i'm just like how does it even work and then i try it and it just falls over i'm like well apparently it doesn't work if you're me you see i got a question are you having trouble with nudging because i struggle with nudging a lot the glue it's cold of you to assume i know how to nudge okay oh my god what's happening how am i how is it even supposed to i mean like yeah i got nothing here please didn't it yeah okay there we go there we go okay we got something something good going here i hate this game [Laughter] oh i don't want this one please physics thank you [Music] um sure oh i want to nudge that to the left but that's there's no way there's no way that's gonna work i am uh i'm very overwhelmed right now overwhelmed yeah so twitch put in this new like you can set sub goals with the resubs and stuff i don't think i can do anymore i think that's it and we've reached the goal and nothing happens oh my god i'm indecisive oh my god z you're insane what in the world oh one more one um one more yeah it's got it oh yeah god oh my god he's insane no don't do it you've already won wow okay oh my god yeah that was a good idea to do the vine to just make sure it won't tip when you do that yeah good god absolutely [Music] where do we find this guy i hate this guy coming for you i'm coming for you yo me and zeen though we're in our own rings listen we're doing we we're trying our best i don't know rifkin you've been you've been crushing it wow okay that's fine geez brutal what nothing friends supporting friends yeah yeah let's try this nudge thing you guys should you know with friends like this who needs enemies you know [Music] oh what's that from mean girls is that what it's from what'd you say yeah kind of frenemies look at my cute little tower all nice and stuff the key to success is to have a solid foundation of something nerd [Music] i don't like this okay um what is this dude um oh canada okay why excuse me [Music] wait why did it lift my piece up wait what just happened someone used a negative it's dark magic balloons nerds oh wait what oh no go i thought i was doing all right what the okay clearly i have to go back to civil engineering school to good uh to good foundation school it's a good yes i need to oh no oh wait here we go guys no no all right solid foundation there it is i already went back to school oh what is this bubble pop ah wait oh wait maybe it worked out and even more of these maybe it worked out no nope nope my shirt's swinging i can't put any pieces down no way oh don't mess this up don't mess this up no frick rip kiss i don't need no hat [Music] [Laughter] he stole my character too what happens if he gets first and jordan gets second no i still just means that jordan's not as good of a person oh oh let's see i gotta basically get first place super mean call outs listen man i i'm responding to what's what's been sent to me already you know does anyone else remember when zean was a nice guy no no i don't think anyone remembers that not getting a good start here at all [Music] oh no no no no what even is this windmill thing it's awkward windmills how do they work i mean you know okay oh no oh no no no no not like oh well that's just great that worked well that's just great you know what you say that yet it didn't sound like it was just great [Music] i'm gonna lose because like i literally can't believe i think i care about the fog of war no i goofed up i goofed up so incredibly badly boys good you're good don't worry about it no don't worry about it i thought it was race i was going to oh that was bad that was bad that was so bad oh that is yeah that's a bit of a goof up it is this is not racer oh god yeah down i am not getting no i have been educated [Music] this freaking game right here oh i love it and i hate it oh my god we came so far everything's going bad all right maybe recoverable maybe recoverable that was bad down to one i can i will gladly take a heart now thank you oh here's the new beginnings okay boom no oh my god wait the esther scrubs oh my god oh you went out of pieces or scrubs oh my god wait wait but i get oh my god oh my god so if it goes to the very end it's the order of pieces for everybody yeah yeah i think it's always the order pieces no it's not i don't think it's i just love this score is gonna be like a sudden death score between you and z because no matter there is a it will be a sudden death yeah i wish you yeah yeah there will be a sudden as long as neither of you gets fourth place basically you would have to tie for third basically for sudden death i think i don't know how much or tie for something i'm excited for this to play out however it plays out oh cool that's great oh that's good i'm i'm doomed actually i might be this might be a fourth place right here oh okay that's yep that's it for me the hell it got caught mid-rotation time travel what's happening here oh my god i'm i'm actually doomed [Music] and before jordan gets the blue shell again i don't i don't know what to do here [Music] like i don't i don't actually that concrete that concrete piece is stuck there you need one of those islands to like show up it's literally i do yes thank you there you go here we go this is what i need oh cause the tower's swaying oh stop swaying they need the suede because of the wind you know you don't want to be too stiff i'm taking jordan's fourth place right now oh okay oh god yeah all right making me nervous jordan stop i'm going to do something reckless you keep building like that oh what's happened no no okay what the heck i'm back can we stop having wind first oh my god it's it's over it's just ridiculous the swaying this is so not swinging no way no i need to brace this thing okay oh come on come on let's do this let's get it i got fourth actually that's it he wins yeah good job ripken bro i i got i got destroyed by the concrete like i the middle of my building was a tilted piece i was just doomed okay you're one i mean z and high five high five man wow listen i won one now so and you did too so hey i've lost it i've lost it it's all over for me i'm no longer good at this game you gotta get your mouth back baby it was a hard fought game ouch it hurts so bad it's all over i've lost a worthy advert get back to me when you won one scene i have one one overall overall i ain't dealing with that sassy behavior i mean you know like it's fine see the difference is like you have the ego invested and i just don't care i've just never heard so much fight in jordan's voice before he making whiny baby noises i ain't about that he's he's uh he's competitive oh what am i doing that was a waste um there we go oh oh you know what all right probably helped me okay oh that's okay you guys changed my piece after i made it concrete that's so lame oh no what oh god oh whoever did that i'll never forgive you well i'm gonna die there's no vods to go back to you can't ever find out he's right wait you don't have odds okay these characters sound like link in zelda a little bit a little bit i kind of hear that yeah pitched ones uh-oh i have nowhere to put it oh the perfect nudge perfect nudge register trademark they said it didn't exist but after many years of training scholars believe that perfect nudge has been lost for centuries okay oh no oh my god it's swaying right there oh i need to build around this thing that's so bad we're getting way too good at survival we're just running out our pieces yeah you guys i wish i had that problem that needs to stop oh okay oh heart i just lost like three pieces okay i'm yeah i think it's i think it's when people get eliminated that's when it starts speeding up i don't think it's okay oh yeah that makes sense to be kind of like a sudden death mechanic like rush everyone else to oh god this is getting too skinny i'm not liking this oh no no no no that could be it for me that could be it oh yep it's over it was three pieces oh no come on just send it a little longer me there we go that's an anime oh my god so we just run the pieces down now huh you guys can i still gotta figure out how to survive you're doing good thank you but uh superman does good i was doing well okay he was ready to use that one for a while dude that's like my favorite quote from like 30 raw why is that piece leaning i don't like that it's leaning god i hate going to race after survival i just get so cautious when i don't need to be cautious [Music] this way this way what the you've got to stop the sway and i have the plan for it there we go oh my god that's gonna hurt oh this is where the greed comes in stop being greedy stop being greedy wow [Music] oh frick oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no no don't you go sideways on me wait what no oh my okay totally freaked it out put eyes on the situation no no oh look at the top look at the top of you and me thank goodness let's do this we'll cross the finish line together uh holding hands like this one i'm very bad at this your hands are very sweaty well they're all right nah it's actually [Music] hmm you know what the glue begins boom what oh my god what have i done what have i done did you fly wow wow how did you do that i don't i don't know i don't i don't know it can be corrected you just gotta put a nice flat piece over top of it and you can it's like it's not even there oh look what i've done oh no oh okay no no oh my god alive i've never wondered if there's a physical representation of pain that was it nope i've so i've salvaged this i'm feeling that pain right now too whoops sorry visuals i have ruined everything my entire life is destroyed oh i'm sorry to hear that dude surely not not your whole life i mean i'm okay i have to rescue you yeah i i gotta do this i gotta work it's not gonna work i'm screwed it's going to work have some faith no well this isn't going to work watch this this is going to be no way no way what am i doing uh i actually don't know who has more oh oh i think it might be a oh wow oh my goodness [Laughter] oh wow rifkin is unstoppable this time me and captain sparkles i can't believe i did that i need to stop taking risks risks ruin everything risk adverse people i know um hey quick question for you guys is five o'clock a hard stop for anybody uh it is yeah no okay i always remember paying attention to the time i mean it's like it could be like it's like a tnt means a bit late but or something i'm guessing yeah yeah it's starting in like 10 minutes yeah that's how i just saw the time i thought i'd just bring it up in case anyone was losing track of time oh come on no no no no no no i took everything it took everything from me i my my life has been destroyed so pessimistic guys but it literally took everything from me you lose one little block and your life has been destroyed i didn't lose one little block oh okay thank goodness what it's like forcing me to use that what this game knows you have no compassion z you know you're a monster oh i think i'm i'm fricked i think i'm completely fricked oh no me too i gotta ram this piece off now this sucks okay i need to speed up here what am i doing all right i'm taking this seriously now let's go i've just been toying with him it's serious time he's doing super saiyan just toying with you guys oh my god you guys are going so fast what the heck my tower's gonna fall over dude there's no oh you know what the piano might actually be helpful in this situation motherfreaker oh there she goes oh oh no oh thank you oh well there goes my life savings fine oh no oh my god i'm doing it's over this is what i need oh come on all right now let's pull the comeback of the aegis what man this is fine all right it's run out the pieces eh i just don't know how you guys can do that so confidently [Music] wait i can't my d-pad is not doing the thing come on come on you're using a controller yeah yeah yeah for sure that's what that's a great controller game it literally defaults to that dude i'm so sick of you controlling players your aim assist ruining every game i play there's no there's no aim assistant in this game yeah okay you do tell yourself assist with their beat i have something for them wait what it's supposed to glue why didn't it glue yes this kind of works no no no i don't hey huh okay well this is that's cements my death this is uh this is this is pure anxiety uh nope it's over it's over why am i the only one with things dropping down is anyone else done oh my god i can't see a thing i i see other people dropping stuff oh that just uh a host just dropped for me so i apparently got booted oh it's fine i was like hey i'm the only one playing oh what can i win wait what happened what happened yeah are we still are three um wait it's just over for me but no one's winning oh winner he's just winning why are you the win winner what what scene won by leaving wait are they jordan got invisible points everything everything's broken is this the multiverse i'm sorry uh always someone deceived are we leaving well yeah z dc don't you he's got to go right i don't think we can start a new one if you and zean want to keep playing i'm down to play some more i'm definitely gonna play some more that's fine we can keep it going okay i'm sorry to break that like you know i i didn't i didn't ask for this you somehow won and managed to take our points away at the same time by the way okay i've never seen someone destroy his friends so far before um should we uh yeah i'm just i'm just messing around right now okay i'm down to just back out and i guess that'll just be it for me all right okay um i think we all have to i mean i you know i had the points when we were yeah yeah yeah yeah sparkly one and i'm just gonna claim it yeah i'm trying to drop my pieces as fast as possible jordan it's fun playing guys i'll see you guys later yeah all right see you later good games oh no i lost oh man quit okay then i'll reinvent it the entire thing drops down right it gave me the win it gave me the win oh my god hey the other time the other time the guy who disconnected gets the win now i gave the win to the last person standing yep so crazy wow can't make up it's mine so it's like when it's just the base tetra stuff then i just absolutely rock it but then it's like it starts the swaying and the half points and the win and then it's like every time because i've got my thing so tightly packed it all just blows over oh iskall actually just downloaded the game i'm gonna ask if he wants to jump in if he's awake he was he was in your chat a bit ago but yeah i don't know if he's still there i don't know who that is but i'm cool with whatever should we wait for that person uh we can start and then and then we'll see i feel like i feel like it's going to be too late for him so i think you all have to ready up when there's less than a full group i guess i'm learning so much you've learned you've done so well sweetie okay okay don't you sweetie me bud but but oh wait oh okay right okay i'm in the middle oh it's survival oh no yeah i'm definitely really good at recognizing these things i just see the bar what is with these crap craps the crap craps i would think i would think you'd like craps i do like craps the crafty patty right balls oh no what is this how are you supposed to use a piano as a weight you got to wait for it oh okay okay that was good i'm not even mad that was pretty good all right okay uh let's see let's do that i don't like the fog oh you've doomed me you've doomed me there we go i need more or what more whatever pretty solid little blind thing i did until that happened and now i'm ruining it oh no yeah that's the worst how what do i even do about this pray i mean can't hurt well i was super religious until just this moment but here i am i did watch veggie tales as a kid that's got to come for something i've i've never actually seen a veggie tales i didn't even know that it was religious until i was an adult oh hey at least it only counts as one right quit trying to rationalize this for me i'm struggling here jordan oh god no no how could you do this to me my former friends oh it's over don't be so negative do this to me so look at your clean towers i hate both of you whoa just tilted and screwed me what the i just got boned oh wait is he the one on the right this time yes ah i got i got bone because it's like the things suddenly tilted oh no oh i see that nudge that you did there though i got boned oh did you no i did okay so this one is raised okay yes [Music] some serious bone age over here okay stop chat is chat can't contain themselves sure they can no they cannot why would i want them to just like when i get jordan's mods man because i start spamming his chat oh my goodness no no i don't like this i don't like it don't do it oh my god stop giving me this what why would you do that i don't know what it did what did it do no oh my god that somehow worked no okay i like i it just fret okay we're fine i just love the yelling [Music] oh you can you can kind of nudge pieces oh that's cool look yeah you can nudge pieces no but i used it to like hammer a piece in that was not in position oh uh-huh i didn't i could do that that was kind of cool know what that it's like a good example of a harem freighter i am built upon a shoddy foundation nothing can go wrong oh god okay [Music] okay what does this do i think it's supposed to obscure the vision but it really doesn't do anything yeah it just grows plants yeah [Music] it turns you to cars apartment for a second oh that's not going to save me this oh no oh quit swaying so much i hate how much you're swaying right now oh god it doesn't seem like uh you're having happen what you want to happen oh my god no it's not going the way i want it to though what oh you have to wait for oh my god oh oh balls i had no idea oh no oh no oh my god it's leaning what the whole thing is leaning the entire foundation is unsettled what [Music] i think that thing i think his entire tower was literally about to tip over it looked like it it looked like it for sure get over it blue did it work oh all right guys um this one's over for me it's been we we've all had a good run but uh i don't see a way to do much here uh yeah yeah there's there's not a whole lot to go there why did i do that i don't know why i did that that was dumb you like peeled off your own people yeah that was i i had a a lapse of physics there for some reason a lapse of physics hang on guys my physics broke he thought i really want to use this fine when i lost first [Music] oh oh that's really risky jordan yeah i'm not gonna do that i'm not gonna do that we're good i'm gonna i'm gonna left right you can know to the left oh that's good we're good i'm not gonna icarus again i already icarus oh my god by one really doing seeing dirty with a win like that man that's not cool deep breaths deep breaths let's go let's go all right race normal all right the trick is to get your tower to lean yeah i don't apparently it is work for zine doesn't set doesn't sound right but i don't know enough to argue just because christine doesn't mean it's the right way to do it why you got to be a hater man i'm not hating i'm just jealous no joker just now hmm i'm gonna get this piece out of here go on get getting on out of here [Music] i'm like trying to ram it out but it's just putting pieces down why won't you come off the tower oh i don't think that helped [Music] i'm not entirely convinced that was helpful yes this could save me well that's not great kind of salvaged that is the worst thing i've done never mind we're okay it all fixed itself this is the the race one is kind of interesting in that it gives you a like you've got to kind of do two different objectives one is making sure you you know keep in mind what's going on oh god and and and racing and then the other being just trying to figure out the freaking uh keeping your tower from falling over too right it's like half the battles not getting mad at you no like three times out of ten i lose because of me you know right yeah yeah oh oh kind of like me right here my entire tower are you kidding me you know what was a little bit funny about that is i saw that happening and i was like scared like no you're gonna knock down jordan you're gonna knock down mine yeah right like a oh god the domino effect is coming boys don't do it oh that's that was bad yeah i thought that yeah my piece was falling okay zine's finally gotten the hang of it now god dang it look at that bad piece in the bottom right i had to deal with good lord all right deep breaths i mean nothing fancy keep it safe yeah this is about surviving guys what a nice clean game [Music] there's nothing gluing that down oh that was actually a really nice early game piece for me i don't like that this was awesome that's a that's a big boy i think you guys just did that to me it makes me think we're not friends anymore uh sorry who's responsible uh it was me he's not even ashamed he's just just trying to sabotage you know never been so excited to unsubscribe to somebody wow not fair come on recovery is an option [Music] wow this is crazy but can i do it i did it what's up oh you can tell for the silence we're all try hurting a bit yup just a little bit i love and hate that that kind of friendship silence like everyone's trying really hard [Music] wait i just overwrote one yeah i was like okay that's oh that's that's fine yeah i don't know where this piano came from but i'm not a fan you're not a piano is a beautiful beautiful instrument what are you talking about oh jordan's going fast dude no i'm actually not at you guys it's zine oh godzilla's going fast oh i just got bungled though oh wait no i've got only a couple pieces left that's fine oh my god you guys what the frick oh my god i got third place jesus christ we were so close to all of us look at that two what the heck oh geez that was a clean game wow xena is gonna take the dub here uh it took him two or three rounds but now now he's godlike thank you chad zine finally learned how to play thanks i think thanks for the sort of compliment yeah i always appreciate a good backhand i never had a great backhanded tennis i see what you did there well let's just go ahead and give you some bubbles oh jesus christ you screwed up my whole tower that actually got me an achievement every time i hear you say i'm doomed you recover immediately after you no i need like uh the only way that i fix this is the concrete piece or something such a nice thing [Music] oh okay well [Music] oh my god another bubble are you kidding me oh that just killed off a lot of my tower that bubble was op whoever did that oh it didn't attach to that one nice oh this is so bad this is fine i can recover okay i'm just gonna get rid of those couple pieces didn't eat them game can you okay i i it won't fall it refuses to fall but i also like can't do anything sounds uh sounds like a problem this is this is where i take a couple steps back and reevaluate my towers oh my tower's gonna tip right over soon please just break stop standing wow why won't it fall stop it i'm going backwards oh wait are you trying to make your tower fall i really want it to fall because i can't do anything else otherwise and it just refuses [Laughter] all right all right all right i'm kind of having a bit of the same issue in a different way i'm just trying to okay there we go and it's all gone oh geez this is fine i can recover [Music] oh oh didn't want to do that definitely didn't want to do that no you idiot why i'm so mean to his pieces come on oh just a few more seconds just a few more seconds oh [Music] i had the blue shell and it fricked up on top dude your towers fell over like completely oh my god that was crazy at one point i was just using blocks to try and break the angled one just like get out of the way yeah i love breaking the block yeah i needed to i needed to nudge apparently and i went on to like the thing to look at the scores for this game have you guys done that no what do you mean like so there's like a mode or whatever where i guess you can like um like practice or something i don't know how to describe that and it shows like people in the world score like doing these things some people it's insane i like i went on i'm like oh 300 is like a high score that can't be that bad i got like 47 at best like after three hours oh is it single player yeah some people are just bonkers at this game [Music] i don't power my right side of the towers oh i'm not saying anything else i'm not speaking what no oh no oh damn dude that was such a nice thing and then no like the whole thing just split and then just time for jordan's show off he's got no competition he's gonna be like i'll do it and then he'll fall over with only one piece it'll be great that was so whoa i i i i disapprove greatly of that fall okay like i all right i love how large scenes landmass listen you lose your entire cluster [Music] it's so close oh my god it all comes down to this it all comes down to this that's asking a lot sometimes honestly i feel that energy though cool that they still find new ways to like reinvent tetris after all this time for games like this yeah i wonder like i don't think this actually requires a license does it are the are the pieces patented it's not really tetris because you're not removing pieces you're adding pieces right right yeah so that's what i'm saying because i i don't think it's actually i guess it's not actually a tetris branded thing that dude must get the gnarliest royalties ever though he doesn't have to lift a finger and everyone's just like yeah can we license tetris and make it dude that intentions is like always so hype at like um those games done quick things and whatever like watching people race each other for tetris is crazy [Music] one thing i haven't made my mind up about this game before though is like i don't know if i love or hate the music i think it's great i have it turned down pretty pretty low so it's not too much of an issue oh my god how could you get infuriating at the same time stop jeez this is gonna screw me oh my god it was a block oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god you don't understand the occupation i had the auto rotation and then you gave me the big one which still had the auto rotation so it was like a giant one it was automatically spinning yeah that was like that was an f you in particular moment all right give me this island i'm building on the island now we live on the island we stand the island in this part no no no no oh jesus christ that's not what i wanted ah tits what where are you wait my thing is misaligned why is it misaligned is there a mister aligned oh god dang it no okay this is fine i got this come on come on no no no i got three yeah i think zede wins how have gg choked how have i choked the last two times oh dg dude that was so fun i'm so excited i was in first and then what he said it was misaligned by like one pixel as requested i'm getting back to you all right i'm i'm gonna tap out here this is really fun we should play again sometime i think i even won once today you won you won the very first one oh did i yeah okay don't worry you're still someone to us don't worry i've still never won [Music] yeah we do i mean we could play one more head-to-head round oh my god okay i mean what else are we going to do talk for several minutes before we load this isn't this isn't what you wanted it's fine i'm excited to play with you more you sure sound like it ah okay online battle play with friends what is it random super cup super cup random [Music] special normal or easy i think it was random random or something like that yeah yeah random random okay invite scent yep i'm here let's go you're left i'm right okay this is my i downfall at least i know how to play now right it's just the entire the entire day so far has been me losing it getting progressively worse i don't know if i'm getting progressively worse if everyone else is just getting way better but here we are here we are i guess you figured out how to translate your tetris over it i'm getting there not the plants i know that one's so worthless but the other one was a piece delete which also would not have helped me at all but i like that piece [Music] [Music] oh you piece deleted though that poor piece what did it ever do to you it wasn't what i wanted these be better yeah that's not very nice to it man i oh frick [Music] [Music] you're going for the race [Music] oh that's not what i wanted okay that's better that's still not what i wanted there we go okay thank you concrete piece that concrete piece was sick concrete pieces i was like i will hold everything yep i mean that's how they work you got to use it to your advantage you know stick it straight up and then just support it there we go let's go all right so there is only only first and seconds here it's true because there's no third or fourth it's harder harder to get a gap though all right is it so we're just going until all the pieces are used that's you know you die i need you to stop right now what am i doing bad things sorry about that [Music] god dang it god dang it just about going as fast as he possibly can no one's gonna lose pieces anymore it's gotten too competitive peace loss doesn't happen you're supposed to be old why are you going fast because i've played tetris that's just tetris oh that's a start piece what i guess we'll do that oh same idea same energy what why did your stay in mine didn't oh my god [Music] i don't like this oops a little bit late cause some problems [Music] okay cool cool cool well i think that's it for me now you got this you've got better than oh i think one two three four five six seven oh man god had one snudge that if i'd have gotten it it had been great but i had one nudge that was the exact same nudge as yours but oh race easy oh god okay give me that blue shield [Music] [Music] i wait okay please stay please stay oh my god oh my god what that was uh as close as it gets that was close i think mine was falling but oh my god it was like half a second off on that countdown i had one misplaced that screwed me [Music] all right well he just starts throwing them down speedy like which is terrifying it's fine no no no no oh god you did fine how are you still ahead even though you just yeted pieces down at me do those not countess pieces no they count you just take a little while to put them up and that loses your time i mean we're about equal right now oh god okay gonna that i think you just won with that oh god oh no i see what's happened it's this is this is fine we just need to you know okay it's just how is it still standing no how is he still going what you know what i'm still happy with my performance there like i did i was making the most of what i could oh my god i j it looked unbelievably stable there at the end somehow that was okay well i got the big piece that i was anchored but then that turned out to not be enough either oh dear this is huh i don't think it's gonna work i uh i don't dare this is gonna be rough wait i can't oh no um cool this one's tough okay that's a little tippy i mean you got the better bind so [Music] uh can it balance i don't think it will wait no i don't think that's gonna work oh yeah okay that was um that was the sketch yeah and you got the fifths right well i don't think i can take this unless i get you oh yeah you need like you need a fourth person i need someone else to join in second or third and fourth please [Music] uh happy that there's nobody else here this it's worked out well thank you thank you for nobody else being here to participate okay that was nice and solid right there that is gonna blow off okay bye yeah the wind uh the wind will really get you the wind's how they get you oh okay bye-bye all right i need you to not do anything dumb okay bye wind oh all right that one's going yeah that's not going to stay oh jesus thank goodness for peace delete there okay take that okay think wind no wind you son of a [ __ ] [Music] okay the wind is rough the wind is definitely makes it interesting it's you were you were able to build straight up i had to like start account accounting for it and everything yeah it's because i had a very i had a very solid foundation very solid [Music] all right yeah you uh you saw some serious exponential improvement from the beginning to the end though oh i know how to use power-ups now and then i figured out how you know just what it's wanting me to do and everything um all right should we should we load up now or uh i mean we can it's a little it's a little early okay we can do one more we need to do one more thing let's do one more and then get her going what a long tricky tower session this is intense bro alexa studio one what is your studio not on now it wasn't no no it is oh are you not streaming no oh i did not know this uh oh god where do i put this oh no wait where mistakes made they were but i've managed to correct them good job oh oh yeah the piece deletes [Music] he is too fast i i'm i think i'm just screwed when it comes to this game mode i can't do it as fast as you do this is very tetris yeah oh man [Music] dang it oh oh okay it's the zoom race here we go this is also just tetris isn't it somewhat not entirely but somewhat [Music] oh that's not kind of anti-tetris if you think about it you know okay all righty bye-bye i'm in big deep doo-doo here you got the deep dudes yeah oh no yeah okay oh yeah well i can't compete with the speed tetris thing bring back the puzzle frick oh boy he's off to a commanding lead this is problematic i gotta reverse sweep it all right for you my worst one my enemy my nemesis that's a terrible uh yeah what what do you expect us to do here uh [Music] no okay well things were going well and then they weren't oh no oh i should have deleted you that's right you can delete as it's falling oh no that was yeah puzzle's definitely uh not mine i wasn't okay like i i just realized at the wrong point that i didn't have the right glue piece down locking it pop lock and drop it yeah i'll give you a gimme thanks man i i know you didn't want to see me lose you're you're against people losing i am the fact that you can't understand that whole concept and it does anything about me in my perspective the fact that you're just like completely and utterly incapable of understanding [Music] oh i don't like that problematic [Music] and hmm [Music] that's not great 36 freaking blocks to go goodness gracious i wish it was only 30 well now it's 36. oh frick nope that was some freaking magic right there [Music] no what whoa i need you to stop why are they why are they oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god jesus stop swinging three more blocks just hold on a little bit longer yes how does he keep getting away with it he can't keep getting away with it i was at zero pieces too how how does he keep getting away with the survival ah oh that's right i could have afforded to lose pieces i should have just like kept dropping him down i didn't even think about just sacrificing for the greater greater good of a win ah the greater good of a win okay but guys hear me out don't do that [Music] up [Music] [Music] [Music] i can't believe he got away with that i did no oh i made mistakes [Music] [Music] i'm really really going to need you to stop swaying on me right now [Applause] no with the whole thing was going down no not puzzle oh we need some puzzle special oh my lord wait do we really play no that was not the play i'm already like lost no no no no no [Music] [ __ ] all right it's all down to the next one i guess [Music] um [Music] oh boy oh yeah i guess i can just end this i wasn't even thinking there we go the chances of me winning are right right all right all right i wasn't even thinking guys i wasn't even thinking oh boy oh boy it all comes down to this how did it all come down to this oh no oh [Music] all right at least i think um survival special has like automated stuff that happens yep yeah i don't know how i'll be able to adapt with that nonsense uh-oh uh-oh oh this is very fast special at least kind of evens it out a little bit to where oh god oh god this is not good [Applause] the special one yeah special it works [Music] oh man oh man oh that got shaky there at the bottom on you yeah i got like um the can't rotate and i didn't have and i just hadn't yeah it was gonna tilt and it was like i actually i spent two lives trying to recover from the tilt and there was no coming back good job well done i got i got super lucky on the no no rotate ones like as you can see they all worked out there yeah not so much all right good games i'll see you in a few minutes seeing a few i'll swap over to my disco yeah all right everybody thank you for tuning in to tricky towers i hope you've enjoyed i've lost my skills but at least we had a couple couple wins today make sure to like if you like subscribe turn on notifications hit the bell that was a long session um and let's see playlist for more tricky towers if you're watching on captain sparkles too follow twitch.tv captainspark we'll see you in the next one
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 59,732
Rating: 4.9539537 out of 5
Keywords: tricky towers, captainsparkles
Id: 8ZZK01Mipy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 166min 31sec (9991 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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