Starfield: Ultimate Master of All Trades Battleship - How to Build

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all right hey everyone how's it going uh today I wanted to show you my interpretation of uh morphus is uh huge overpowered ship um I took a lot of inspiration from his build in fact I actually built his ship and but I decided that I wanted it to be bigger and have more stuff and basically be the biggest baddest ship that you'd ever ever seen uh cuz I wanted to add things like a cargo deck and a brig to it as well as expand the cargo capacity and the weapon systems and I'm going to show you exactly how we're going to actually build this so we're going to first start with the landing Bay which is I'm going to do this slow because I'm using a controller that way you all can see what I'm actually doing so this is the ship bed 200 Landing Bay this is the one that you don't need a ladder to go through and then we're going to go ahead and attach the damos engineering Bay beats to it and then let's do our companion waves so companion is the Taio companion Bay um specifically I think it's the B no it's the mid s it's the mid um companion ways basically ensure that your ship is going to have ladders only through the companion ways and I'll explain why that's important in a minute all right so we have all the companion ways in let's go ahead and put the captain's corns on top the to the Hope Tech Captain Quarters and no it goes there um and this basically is going to show this is going to be a ship that's five decks tall you're going to have engineering uh you're going to have what I call the Overflow deck but it's the cargo deck then you'll have habitation command and then Bridge slash Captain's living quarters and let's go ahead and build the rest of the uh the bottom so what originally Spire inspired this build is that I wanted to put in a class C grab Drive whereas morphus he used a Class B that was basically one deck tall instead of two and there was no way for me to upgrade that gra grab drive without it a looking stupid or B just not working out so that's what originally got me to upgrading this ship and then countless countless hours I spent refining it and adding to it and taking away from it and making it my own but morphus he made such an amazing looking ship and uh I thank him a lot because that's what inspired me to do this build right here all right we're going to have these uh h40 Atlas helium tanks attached to the side of the grab Drive um because a it makes sense you would have your grab Drive attached directly to the fuel and B it um I wanted to go Overkill with basically everything on this ship and this these two combined with the um um with these helium tanks uh it give it about 1,200 fuel I believe and then next let's we're going to attach these Taio spine A's and then we're going to follow up with a Deus hole a and a hope Tech nose B4 um and this creates a little bit of a in my head Cannon kind of like a this is where the front sensors are now Taio actually has a sensor excuse me a sensor module but um it didn't really look right with the aesthetic that I was going for um so that's why I'm leaving that out next we're going to have the caravel v102 gargo holds that go alongside the engineering Bay and then at the back we're going to do these 200 CM ballast holds I'm using these because when I tried using the 400s and I have 400s Elsewhere on the ship it brought my Mobility down to 99 as you can see at the bottom all my numbers are almost maxed out as to what you can get um and the 99 Mobility really hit my OCD so I downgraded my uh my my cargo my cargo Baye and I ued my payload skill just so that I wouldn't lose any cargo by downgrading and keeping the silhouette of the ship intact all right next oh let's finish out the cargo Baye and then we'll move up to the next deck all right the next deck is the Overflow deck which is which is this is where the uh cargo bay is going to be located as well as the brig and a bunch of store rooms now it is very very very important if you only only want one ladder in your ship you cannot make these companion ways you have to make them store rooms companion ways spawns ladders store rooms do not so and then over here we're going to have a control station um kind of like as a redundancy or as like I like I kind of consider this to be like the ship's Library so it's kind of like a hangout spot on the Overflow deck and then we'll have another store room here followed by two more now these are going to connect to the brig and these just go around the grab drive as you can see and then we'll do put the brig right here and then the rest of the front will have a Dem hole a there damos belly 4 here and then you're going to want to put an equipment plate hold on let me separate these uh I wanted in his build he did um a very flat uh a flat looking uh missile launcher uh for this area cuz he called this like the battl Star Galactica area the front where it open up and you have the rocket launcher but um I wanted to use the most advanced weapons available to me and in this case with the missile launchers it's the 2 adcs um they're the most powerful missile launcher in the game but they wouldn't fit in that situation so I just used the Taio equipment plate and then attach the missile launcher to that and as you and when you see when we do the rest of the ship it'll fit very very nicely to there um let's go ahead and bring over the stoud nose cap bees and then while we're at it let's go ahead and put the landing gear over the landing gear uh you want to be careful with what landing gear you do because these are the NG g20s which have four thrust and four well actually the four thrust is all you really care about because a ship that that's big is going to be very heavy and a lot it's going to need a lot either a lot of landing gear or some very powerful landing gear uh this ship actually only needs about four of these sets but I used eight because it just looks better uh than to have like two sets of legs per area and not uh just one and this amount will ensure that um it will all be okay and I'm doing this slow because one I'm using a controller cuz I'm a plea and two it'll hopefully allow you to build this with me you don't have to pause that much all right so the first part of the structure we'll do down here these are the deos Wings just like he did um just like U molus did in his ship video um I doubled him up because I doubled the decks and I'll go over the weapons in a little bit cuz these are already preattached um let's go ahead and move over uh this is yeah yeah these are going to be the big Caro holds that'll attach to this deck let's go ahead and grab the other side too now I might have gotten that wrong yeah these go here and here that's right all right and I believe that deck is done so let's finish up the structure over here again you could probably read these as I'm doing them if I'm not announcing what the parts are um just read it's best I can tell you all right uh so next let's go ahead and do the habitation deck uh we're going to go ahead and start with the living quarters these are the Nova Galactic I just think they look really nice and then next to that we'll do the uh the Taio science lab in my opinion this is the best looking science lab and before I forget cuz I screwed this up the other time let's go ahead and attach the other helium tanks these helium tanks will go actually go into the engines so in my head Cannon even though it says in the game like you know regular engines don't need gas these would fuel the the main engines and then these tanks down here fuels to grab drive and put the other one like so and then this is the wrong one this is the Nova Galactic infirmary uh it's the best looking inir I'm going to do a tour of this after I'm done but it's it's just looks really nice and then we'll put that there and we'll get this out of the way and we'll replicate on the other side as you can see we're using the radiators uh novag Galactic Workshop will attach to the science lab because you can research and then move right over in this and the Nova Galactic Workshop actually it looks like every every Workshop has its own cubicle which I really really like that aesthetic um and then we'll attach that there that radiator and we'll put that calling there and then let's go ahead and do the wings um I going to have to move this over I'm going to have to do the other side first all right so these are the stoud um stoud caps um which I use the wings in the backs side um it's just it's basically the same piece you just have to flip it and reverse it a few times to get that nice clean look and then we're going to do the same thing with the other side and then and then we'll do the rest of the front of this ship a all right there we go all right so next we're going to do this is going to be the uh habitation the rest of the habitation deck so here actually let's do the we're going to do the 2x3 mesul from stoud uh Stroud and damos basically have the same Habs they're just going to be a little the color scheme's going to be a little bit except for the computer core which you'll which you'll see uh here we're going to have the all-in-one birs by stoud the 3x ones I'm using the 3x ones cuz that added more light to my ship and I'm using two and then I'm attaching the Str all-in-one birth B 2x1 uh cuz this will basically give us 12 beds and that's ensuring that everyone who's on the ship has a bed and I believe there's two or four more in the 2 by two novag galactic living quarters um and uh that'll ensure for passengers as well and then we're going to put the damos breaking engine on the front and then we'll do the second set of wings above these and then I'll worry about the windows when we're almost done all right that's that side done and then let's do this side I've probably spent 40 hours with the ship Al together ensuring that it looked good that it functioned well like I said molus did a really good job with his and this is just my version of it so we'll have the port holes attached to both sides of the mesle which to me just make sense all right now time for let's all right so we're going to go ahead and put the battle stations down this is the H Tech battle station this is my favorite battle station cuz it actually looks like a submarine uh cic uh with the darkness and with all the control stations and it looked really nice uh novag Galactic Armory in my opinion is the most realistic looking Armory that there is uh and then we'll do the damos computer core down the middle and then we'll do the rest of the top part of the spine down this way here and here the most whole A's you could probably put like you know actual Habs if you want to I I just thought that you know this looked well especially with the striping that was going on all right and then the dam calling four and that creates the Battle Star Galactica area uh that molus talked about when he made his and then let's go ahead and do some more of the structures these are the Deo spine A's which go here here I believe yes spine D and then you just replicate it for the other on the other side move you here this actually my second attempt in this video my first one was a disaster because I come I forgot where a lot of stuff went when I disassembled it so I actually had to like redo my own ship just to remember how it went all right and then let's do the best bridge in the game the Aries Bridge DS 40.2 eight Cruise STS and that goes up here NE attached to the Captain's Quarters and then we don't have that much left to do uh basically let's finish up the Captain's Quarters so these are the damos bumper mids that I'm doing on top just like his build and then we'll we're going to have the s G 1800 Shield generator best Shield generator in the game The Slim Docker on top and then the APT port hole will be right there and then right below that is going to be the pinch 8C reactor this is the most advanced class C reactor in the game and it's going to go right there and then we're going to finish off that back section with a hope Tech Riser okay and all that's left now is basically the engines so we're going to put two of these callings one's going to attach here to the Armory and the other one is going to attach to the uh back of the battle stations and then we're going to put some holes underneath now one of the big Liberties that I took with this build is the engines that's the deos belly aft section right there um because I wanted the most powerful engines I can get and it took me a very long time to figure out what combination was good for me um and I basically came up with let me finish the structural parts the belly apps and fours and then I'll talk about the engines a little bit before I put them on so if you as you can see the belly went underneath the infirmary like I said this is slow enough to where I think you should be able to catch on while I'm doing it okay and all that's left now are the rest of the port holes and the engines so for engines I am using two s- 6830 engines on the outsides this gives us 18,000 thrust and 8,800 thrust but the most important part of this is the max power of two so you could have six of these bad boys on your ship or you could do what I did and you want to incorporate the most advanced engine in the game and that is the Poseidon DT 230s 34520 engine thrust 11.6 maneuvering thrust max power four so 4 + 4 is 8 and then 2 + 2 is four that's 12 that is the most that you can put on the ship and that is where we get our insane Mobility from so we're going to put the SS on the outside right here make sure that lines up with your belly and then right next to it we're going to put the Poseidons they'll attach right about there next to the reactor and then we'll put this right make sure that's line and then this and then the last one and then there you have it I'm going to go ahead and just put these Port holes back where they were I basically did Two for the sides two for the tops these are going to the all-in ones and then these two because I am a sucker for having this ship has the most amount of modules too this is 130 modules and you cannot have any more to it so I put a window at the bottom of the uh ladder so that when you're going to that lad you see the bottom and then I put the other one at the that's it all right so Weaponry so the missile launchers I have three these are the atlatl 280c missile launchers look you could just look at that damage these are the most powerful launchers in the game and I have three uh CU I wanted everything to be maxed basically so I have the first one here and then the other two are on top of these spines uh the next weapons I have are the PB -300 Alpha beams um I use these instead of the obliterators because the obliterators are max power of four so you can only put three on there and with the Aesthetics of the ship having three wouldn't really look right because I'd have to put one up top here and I didn't want to do that my other option was putting one here but that goes in the view of the bridge so these ones are the next best because um they because the amount of damage is lower but because you put more there the damage is virtually identical um and then I have them placed here at the front and the next ones that I have are the auto Alpha beams the pb3000 these are fire rate of four so these are the faster firing versions so the way I have it is that on the outsides on the rear are going to be my faster less powerful particle beam weapons and then these four are my slower but more powerful particle beam weapons and then to finish off or to one shot I have these missile launchers down here um as you can see reactor power is four equip is 60 uh if you get animatronic Fusion up to Max that'll be 48 reactor and you will basically be an Unstoppable uh person with this ship um now that's it for the building now we're going to go on to the tour of the interior of the ship all right so now we're going to go ahead and we're going to tour the inside of the ship um and I'll explain to you what's why I picked some of the Habs um most of the stuff I don't know if I mentioned it in the beginning of the video you can do at your settlement Landing Pad specifically a lot of the um structural components but I mean I'm not the greatest that explained where I get some things but um just make sure you have about 500,000 credits to before you build the ship so so but anyway let's go ahead and tour this bad boy I call it the Enterprise because I love Star Trek and everything to me is the Enterprise you are very loud back there all right let's go inside we're going to this takes us right into the engineering deck um which it's just one have um and here it is this is as I forget who said it it might have been delimited or dfj I think his name is I don't I don't remember I don't remember some YouTubers names but someone said this is the most star treky looking one and I I do agree and I like this one a lot because all the other ones kind of look like like a like a cruise ship engineering area which I mean I guess it would make sense but but anyways whatever all right so and like I said if you use the companion ways going up oh yep there's that there's the bottom Port you could see you know that's the actual ground of the planet that we're on and I got another one over here so companion WS one 2 3 four five decks and this is the only ladder in the entire ship so let's go on up to what I call the Overflow deck which is basically the cargo deck and these are the Taio uh companion ways I really like them because they had this nice showing over here and they actually had like um combustibles over here why is my why is my FPS down oh well all right and then this is the uh Nova this is the I believe it's the Nova Galactic uh cargo deck it's the 2 by two it just looks really used like all the other ones kind of look like glorified store rooms in my opinion um but this one actually has it's like compartmentalized which I really really like all right so and then over here is the uh control room and in my head Cannon this is kind of um I this would be like the ship's Library so people could come in here they could like use these computers um connect to the Internet or whatever the it's called in 2330 um and then this is attached to a stoud Eckland store room which you know right here this would contain any overflow or any extra computer supplies uh that you might need and then going through the uh cargo Hall you'll get to this store room which I tried using this as a companion room or a companion way and this is how I discovered the difference between store rooms and companion ways this is a companion way removes one of the doors from the main companion ways and puts a ladder right here up to the mes Hall and I could not fix it at all until I discovered that if this was a store room that doesn't happen so remember store rooms to walk through companion ways to climb up through all right now this is the brig uh this is I believe the Stout eckan Brig and the damos brig looks exactly the same to me this is just the most official looking Brig uh you have two brick cells each with two beds uh this is kind of like a check-in desk and then this is like Administration kind of and then I have the other store rooms on this deck over here as well uh which you know it could have evidence it could have uh or just more overflow storage on the deck and one there and then the other one's over here hi Sarah and that's it for this deck this is a completely original deck this is an onus is original one this was this is the deck that I made myself when I increase the size of the ship I taller uh to compensate to have that uh grab Drive in oh no okay all right I'm not going to boost pack up this way because I just don't want to all right so cargo deck is where we were next one is the habitation deck now one of the freedoms that I took um in my build was I I changed out the Habs to different manufacturers because of I like the Interiors a a lot better um so this one is the Nova Galactic interior I really like this interior because it has basically everything um it has a desk it has a pool table a kitchenet it has an area to lift weights and my favorite part is a TV with a living room and couches and also some beds uh two beds or SL couch that you can use I love this Hab it's one of my favorites um and then you can come over here H I know Sam I know come over here and this is the infirmary this is the Nova Galactic again I believe the no yeah as you can see it says Nova galactic right there um just look at these bi the I call them biobeds because of Star Trek but just look it just it just if I'm going to get sick on a ship this is where I want to be and we go to the other side of the uh deck and this is the Taio science lab so you can research do your research right here your Pharmaceuticals you can do Pharmaceuticals other one as well and then if you want to build your stuff you go over to this workshop and like I said it's almost like each area has a cubicle almost you have your space suit here your weapons your industrial it this just looks really nice and then going through the science lab you'll get to the mes Hall which is a shroud EK mes Hall pretty official looking um I was it was either this or hope Tech I believe because of this room that I'm looking at right here um this room well actually the Hope Tech will actually have a couch right here so you could watch TV basically in this room um the Strack one had one in this corner but because there's a door here it got removed but I opted since there's already like a living room TV area in the in the in the 2 by two I'd rather have a uh messall with like an officer's mess this is where I think that you know Sarah androa Barrett uh Sam and you know well obviously it's only four but you could probably pull up a seat uh the bunch of y'all can eat and then all the other you know your all the other higher crew would eat out here where did you come from okay you're in my way okay now we're going into the stoud these are the 3x1 all in ones these just look better than the actual like 2x1 or 3x1 living quarters you have four beds in each one you know they're bunks they have these little partitions that slide down to give you prize privacy you have your little table over here and some darts come over here this is the 2x one again four beds and then you come over here and this is another 3x1 and again four beds so you have a total of 12 beds in here two in the living quarters and if you want a count of the brick I got four more down there so you have enough to basically sleep uh 18 people oh oh I'm sorry plus the Captain's Quarters which is 19 or 20 whether or not you romance someone or not here is one side of the uh portal and then uh here and the meshall storage area is another one points if you can guess what planet I'm on all right so next we're going to go up to the Command Deck as morphologist called it and I'm I'm going to show you why this is one of my favorite Habs so this is the Hope Tech Battle Stations I freaking love this deck because it's dark it's got a lot of crew stations for a lot of information uh it it's the navigation console is kind of in a weird place but um I lik in this to kind of like this would be like a three-dimensional Battlefield display hello Captain um hello and it it just looks good like like it's going good thank you very much um if you go over here a beautiful day huh okay can you all stop talking to me I'm trying to do a tour all right like you could for example you can have like you know if this was a real like US Navy this would be like the Drone area these are like weapon stations it just it just looks really nice nice and then over here is the damos computer I'm working hard Captain is the damos computer room um this is actually unique from the from the Stan one and it this just looks really this is the best looking one in my opinion and the Armory is over here and this is the only Armory I think it's the Nova galatic I got a lot of people on this ship oh yeah I forgot I'm supposed to be taking these homesteaders to a new uh to a new home appreciate the Live Well I forgot about you so never mind um this Armory has a lot of weapons cases it's got racks and it's the only one that actually has um air mannequins for your space suits all right and then the last deck good day Captain good day is the bridge deck and you come through the living quarters or I mean sorry the Captain's Quarters uh there's your bed and your companion and your Ro your uh romance's bed and then this is kind of like a ready room area or a briefing room which comes off the deck and the reason why I don't mind the navigation console in the battle station so much is because the middle one is here and this navigation console is Right smack in the middle it's like just like you know battl Star Galactica and then you have these little rooms over here this is where your Caro uh that's a spoiler sorry um Captain's Locker here and then you'll have three jump seats here uh and then you have two more jump seats and this is uh this is your navigation console so okay or U your your pilot seat all right and that's it hope you liked it I know this is a little long but uh if you like this ship uh feel free to it all right bye-bye
Channel: Derek May
Views: 42,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield, Custom Ship, Morphologis, Endgame, Battleship, Bethesda
Id: YLTjKayKDdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 59sec (2039 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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