STARFIELD | Ship Glitch Building Techniques - 4 Different Techniques

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welcome back everyone in today's video we'll have a look at ship glitch building in Starfield in this guide we will be looking at four different techniques that will allow you to build a unique spacecraft and bypass some of the restrictions in the game I will be covering four of those techniques share some helpful tips and also the potential Pitfall when using them now these techniques ultimately lead to the same result which allow you to merge modules and parts together there are no techniques at least not yet that allow you to change the angle of parts for example and do not worry there is no need to install mods or activate console commands this can all be done in the vanilla gameplay we will begin with the flip glitches which have two applications either snapped or non- snapped let us begin with the non snapped technique and what we want to do we want to take this part here and I want to merge it into here because I don't like this Gap if you look here you can see this is like this flat piece even if I would take this part here and I snap it here that is still this gap between if you look here you can see that Gap is still there I don't like it so we're going to snap this one here and let's try to merge this piece in there with using the non- snapped glitch so let's move a little bit closer and what we're going to do we're going to take this part we're going to move it away and we need to keep on holding it with the mouse and we're going to flip it you can see down there in the legend when you're holding the part there will be an option there flip we just need to press that button now once it's flipped upside down we can then bring it to the position where we want to snap it as close as possible but we need to make sure it's not red we need to make sure it's clear and once you're happy with the position we're going to press Z again and if the part is in a correct position and we press that button it's going to flip and snap on that position we want to and it will be green stated now the only thing we need to do is release it and there we go it snaps perfectly in place that is the non snapped flip glitch now if you're building in the future yourself I would like to warn you about the results because some of the parts will merge into the cockpits and if you're using large parts for example it might block you from accessing the cockpit it might block you from accessing a doorway so you will have to be a little bit smart about that and if you see that something is not working you might have to adjust it all right let us now move over to the snapped flip glitch this technique is actually just the same as you would do the non snapped one but the is here you might have like 20% chance that it doesn't succeed and you have to do it again now what I want to do here I want to snap this piece in here and I'm want to merge the two noses together now be aware for this technique to work you have to have the part already into the work area it is not possible to take it out of the list and try it it has to be there already now as you can see this piece doesn't snap there we could of course use the non- snap glitch and just go over here snap it there we go it perfectly snaps in there but this time I want to show you what you can do instead we can just snap it on the place and we can flip it 1 2 3 4 about four times should be definitely enough then you just press cancel uh on the PC that's Tab and there we go the piece has snapped into the position and it's nicely merged into the other nose of the piece now while we're at this example let me show you what I mean that when you put a part in the cockpit it can either block the doorway or it can ruin the view I did this because I kind of like this part merging into the cockpit because I don't like the gap between it but the result inside will be a little bit annoying so let us take this Deo hle here and snap it on top of this we're going to snap it on here so we have a snap point and then we're going to bring this over into there now you can see it doesn't allow me to place it that's no worries we're going to just flip it 1 2 3 4 cancel again and there we go you can see that now the piece has snapped perfectly into there but then if you look at the inside you can see that the piece is actually merging through your cockpit kind of makes it too low of a ceiling and then if you walk through it you will see that that kind of Clips through it as well you can look around and you will see that that part is like uh yeah you're seeing the ceiling of this cockpit there so this kind of breaks the immersion of your ship and this can happen when you do this in the front of a door or whatever kind of blocks your view or axis so these two were the flip glitches on this example I showed you the non- snap flip glitch and on this one I showed you the snapped flip glitch the next one we're going to talk about is the psyo glitch the psycho glitch is pretty much the same like the flip glitch the difference is we are not flipping our part we actually are cycling through the varieties so for example let's say I want to merge this cowling into the cockpit a little bit similar like we did before but this time we don't want to use the flip glitches we want to use the psychic glitch so instead of flipping we're going to be cycling throughout varieties and this of course only works with parts that have a variety so if you look down there in the bar you can see preview and next variety if I press the button to cycle to my next variety and we do this a few times more until you of course are at the Variety you want to place and I cancel it again you can see it now has placed that part there in as well so this is very similar to the flip glitch but instead of flipping we're using the variety and this can come in very handy because some of the parts don't have flipping and other parts don't have the variety so we can use both techniques depending on what part you're using and of course uh might be interesting to know that everything works properly if I double click on this you can see it select everything so snap points are all perfectly working together all right the final technique I want to show you is the duplication glitch or the copy glitch now what I want to do here I want to snap this one here so it kind of lines up with the bar in the back and it makes a nice smooth connection and it goes through the landing gear now there is again you could use the other techniques but for this technique I want to show you how the duplication glitch works and what we're going to do we're going to place a room on top of that so we're going to place a habitat module on top here just let's go to G and we're going to take this one here we're going to snap it on top of the existing build and we're just going to move it to here so it's snapped on this part and it also lines up cuz I want this to copy over down in the bottom that's the plan so what I'm going to do I'm going to take that one and we're going to snap it let's just raise the level a bit there we go we're going to snap it right here on top because that is where we want to be in the position and we want to have this duplicated to the bottom and now I'm just going to aim my mouse to that piece and then we're going to press contrl G because that's the button combination used to duplicate at least on PC I'm not entirely sure what you press on controller contrl G and it's automatically going to look for the nearest Snap point and place a new part green stated there be sure not to move your mouse otherwise it's going to unsnap and go red stated if there would be a snap point up there it might actually copy it to the top one so you need to make sure that the snap point is nearby but once you're happy with its place you just accept and there we go now we can delete this and this and canot see that the part has perfectly merged through the landing gear and snaps against that other part and that's it these are the four techniques I currently know how to do some ship glitch building in Starfield do some experimentation because you can do some fun stuff with it you can even hide parts so for example You Want To Hide A Shield inside your graph drive that's all possible by using some of these techniques once again I would like to warn you about the combinations of Parts you're using if you for example use this cockpit with the cowling on top like I have here then it will merge inside of the cockpit and that's probably something you don't want to have uh other things you should be aware of if you're merging like landing gear you will see these little flickerings that's because two parts are actually in the same position so these kind of things you have to either avoid or use the right color coling so you don't have that flicker because in the end that's why you're doing it you want your ship to look nice but you can see I'm now here I'm having three parts merged together one is the engines then it's the uh Hall wi and then of course one of the landing gears right here on the top side I actually merged the reactor and the fuel tank in the same position and then the graph Drive in the back I also merged The Landing Bay underneath the cockpit which is normally not allowed but using these techniques I'm able to move it one step forward in my opinion it looks a little bit better I do like the cockpit a little bit more embedded into the ship anyway thank you so much for watching this video I hope you found it helpful and if you enjoyed it then please hit that thumbs up it does help a lot if you have any helpful comments or questions you can always drop them below here in the video or in the Discord and I will see you again next time this was bble BM goodbye for now
Channel: Beeblebum
Views: 39,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Beeblebum, Starfield, starfield ship building, starfield ship glitch, starfield ship glitch building, Ship Glitch Building Techniques, Starfield Flip Glitch, Starfield Cycle Glitch, Starfield Copy Glitch, Starfield Duplicate glitch, starfield glitch, starfield duplication glitch, starfield ship building guide, starfield ship exploit, starfield glitches, starfield guide
Id: haomloK5hH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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