$10,000 Spent On Vintage Storage Unit! I Paid $125! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit!

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here we are another managed storage unit just luck the all for this storage unit we paid $125 let's help me to make that back so it's not a pretty story Gina but I think today it was like mattress day for some reason and we saw one without a mattress everybody's like oh gee vis we gotta get it now so we bought it for $125 and see if we can make some money back this is one of those things my interest but well it's pretty empty beside a peel and stick sticker but it's kind of a cool-looking little treasure chest thingy at the front let's go into the next 500 this looks like clothes unfortunately Oh whole box of clothes dollar a piece or so call that $20 box next box oh boy this is crumbled up newsmagazine Hey they really wrapped these you're practically worthless right these are all DVDs so we almost sold all of ours last time for a quarter apiece but not very much money I'm gonna call it again another $15 box maybe for lucky looks like junk what is this that is a blood pressure monitor nothing then it's taped something really like let's see probably some type of little statue thingy or can the fake candles batteries in it I don't think that has much value but this is the only thing that's why that thing maybe has something but next box around the corner is yeah more use clothes my favorite yeah well guess we'll say the same thing maybe ten dollars yourself what's up guys hope you have a great day I feel like I haven't been enough storage in a video in a while but I'm here now so let's look a Game Boy Advance game Sumire emblem take over you funny game again put in that right there oh my god did you see the way it dropped it's not gonna work now that's oh look at that plug oh yeah obviously cloth but I wanted something electronic again a general electric let you start going there let's see what's in this box fortunately it is pretty taped up so let me get into it first got it open bring out here in the light and see we got get it out of the box yeah copy hello comforter something whatever it is like tightly packed in tape I can't really tell what it is though but it's pretty all right oh this box add some weight to it let's see hopefully it wasn't anything expensive tape up storage somebody's room okay talk about VHS boy close mail oh yes you got mail and VHS tapes in one box what is this some kind of fabric lucky that there's a watch it is Alex L I guess that might be personalized I don't know the Alex Elza brand anything in the Bible for the first time really OSS check them never happened yet new world translation of Holy Scripture [Music] ooh another favorite of mine smelling a fun trip to the dump whoo look at that you have two cassette tape plate things and then a little TV right here hmm it's one of those things that can weird that you like a lot I know only worthless so this is sound design model number four 874 black all right then yeah that better pull this out it's stuck get out I'm stuck it this looks like something that I used to have there's like five beat CD changers nice that one of these yeah I just pick on press these are my five CDs now we have something that fits in the palm of your hand about 10,000 songs gospel hallelujah like family tapes my gospel music couple books they're random boxing the flavor I get maybe five dollars total and then pull this out this is pretty light just rather black bonzo open blocking light [Music] [Music] we always do I mean your mini slinky was Lightning McQueen on cattle love this one a couple more like no those are all right that's less a VHS tape but that's a trash box we've got a whole stack of boxes back here and I opened up a few they're all like super taped before you guys are opening up teeth boxes that's just a story no anything these so they have some Kodak cameras this is your like the throwaway ones yeah are they are you put the little reel in under something tells me always screws and literally had to bend the top till I can't get this piece out of here but it's just more of these things more of the do they go on the camera so again don't avoid it that's up this right here okay and that is quite I got some styrofoam in this one like animal print handmade clay things I don't know if they're used for maybe candle or something but they all have like animal print like this on them that's pretty cool see what's in this one what is this somebody tell me what this is cuz I have no idea thingamabob does it go ahead oh you probably just got lace now aha now you have ice no well maybe that's alright here's another one what looks the exact same I still don't know what I did it oh well here those are pretty huge headphones oh we have a first year though oh look at the boxer here come on ah and there's a jewelry box the same it says mone I love it why are these cameras yeah what you touch why is it what I don't know what is that why is it like flying around it just I don't like I think it's like kind of I don't know what it is I'm just gonna set it right there alright just like holder this thing for cards hey something change brushes into north bars work hard alright nothing in that first let's check out you oh it sounds like there's a Monet bracelet let's see if I can see a number on it hmm it just says the brand name on the little clasp right here I don't see where it sounds like the carat if it is yes what was that I don't know I miss this I'll check tissues all right what's in here because everything else looks like it doesn't weight to it oh yeah I mean a little bit right yeah is that okay pretty joint honest but it's like one piece an earring another piece of an earring and a back this part doesn't even lift out so there's no secret compartments but the box is cool let's see what's been this fair container well I got excuse me it just tanky scooby-doo zombie highway from nice and honey that's full basket this is protecting like a porcelain doll looks like there's like okay this is weird hold on so way over there with the beer has a box we open the box we see tissues take the tissues out there's a there's a name on it but there's a Wells Fargo MasterCard and then pieces of what looks like tobacco tobacco what the heck you know other stuff actually I keep forgetting nice I don't know if that has any value it looks like something that wouldn't but who knows okay come on now we're gonna dang corner of the you know I gotta find something stores this why do you store this something is that from that economist sorry had to tell you straightener it looks like it's a Drake ins and flips honestly use what is that broken what a troll hmm right yeah it looks cool erm you know like this right there yeah well hopefully you could tighten it here I'll give you what you want don't set mind oh that definitely has stuff in it please be valuable Oh heavy - whoa something in here heavy this looks fake yeah hold on so this is snappy a napi er there's that one I mean it looks nice and where's the class better here no keep that one these are clip-on earrings yeah this one I say down here try furry good boy that's good no I don't know this one might have some value I don't see any markings on that one yet but I also don't want to take time like look that closely but at least we found some kind of glory box there so maybe there's other stuff in here Oh the puzzle place number 9212 something else candles that's a candle this is male and we got hey Josh lose my energy using even more paper like my favorite magazine yes flexible faucet look at this check that out that's a good-looking jewelry box here here little ups car this none I feel like there's a little locket earrings earrings another little locket oh yeah girls lovato you say Movado yeah movado watch alright I might have something the pearls might be real maybe good teeth test ready feel fake against your teeth if you feel them the bottle watch and some other costume jewelry alright guys I literally sat here and open probably 10 15 of these little boxes here and literally all they're filled with is magazines leather like all dated and whatever some of them are covering personal pictures others are literally just magazines so I mean we have a few more boxes to open but really nothing so far but if we do find an interesting looking box then we'll come back alright guys obviously didn't come back inside the unit so we're home for the mini recap out of this unit so I have a few things I want to talk about one I was very surprising and another one that was a little bit of a letdown but that's alright so this thing right here that I said was sound design and model number four 874 we couldn't even find sold listings of this on eBay could have missed it I don't know it doesn't have the antenna so there's like some things wrong with it but if you guys know the price to anything like this please let us know about it next is the Monet bracelet we keep we don't see any markings on the bracelet so we're unsure on the price on this but if anybody's interested in this being listed on eBay or something like that just let us know again alright so the jewelry box overall the drawer box is really cool it which is a nice looking jewelry box the jewelry inside was mostly fake the pearls were fake the movado watch actually we have to get looked at because I know there are counterfeit livadas and Roboto is a good brand so they have to get that looked at otherwise everything else is just going into a costume drawer a lot and then we'll sell the jewelry box so really not sure if that would probably be a flea market thing honestly this I thought hi more value than it actually does it's a General Electric model number eight one zero one so when I lift it up there's a bug in there anyway what I'm going to sit up on eBay I was seeing it go for auction and stuff so like 5 or 10 bucks so I mean honestly at a flea market probably charge five bucks for it so that's flea market pile the very last thing was very surprising but very good so this little Gameboy Advance game Fire Emblem it's an off on eBay we can get between thirty and fifty dollars just for this little game right here so that was super surprising considering and good considering all the rest of that unit was literally magazines books home videos before I forget there was another part of this unit that we wanted to let you guys know of so we found some of that love magazines in the new newspapers in there dated at 2013 so we assume that that units been sitting there for about seven years and that's one eight seven seven years and that's when they packed it so that's the best assumption we can come up with so seven years about 120 dollars a month for a five by ten storage in it across seven years about $10,000 think about paying $10,000 for that stuff in that unit doesn't make much sense but I guess I've had personal values anyway if you did enjoy it leave it a big fat thumbs up subscribe if you're new don't forget to check out the geosphere my channel too cuz we just started uploading on that one again peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 40,161
Rating: 4.8238344 out of 5
Id: k9-sOTcmVV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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