Exploring 140 Year Old Farm In Georgia (Full Old Byrd Farm Tour With The Other Robert)

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where you been the last week and a half i've been here at the farm we've been calling you i don't broke my leg what happened to you called you three times to come help me cut the tree i had my phone on silent no you was sitting back in that field back here with your feet propped up i saw that picture of you on facebook oh you saw that huh man who's been working around here i've been working around here you must have hired someone no just me cody can't help you i heard about him getting in trouble yep talking too much in school well take me here and show me what you've done man you didn't done a lot of work here what happened to your leg i had to cut that tree down i called you three times you never would answer me yeah he was sitting back there in the pasture back i saw you your feet propped up there yeah you know listen to the bird scene well it was pretty nice yeah who can blame me i hurt my ankle actually it's my ankle down there grandpa always said get some help when you do something like that i had some help out oh you meant free oh oh i got you all right everybody it's robert and the other robert here and you're watching a new episode of the vlog so robert hasn't seen the house since i've been doing a lot of work he's only seen it on video just like you guys have so i'm gonna take robert on a tour of the property right now and show him all the work that's been done out here and take you guys along with us go ahead hop along well you know what i see right now who's been helping you henry ford that's it henry ford he invented the old he didn't get the tractor but he made that tractor right there didn't he he did that's what's been doing the work but man you have really cleared it out hey you know where i'm standing hitting this the rattlesnake spot this well the rattlesnake spot she's a little bit further up but i i can't clean this out i destroyed his territory man oh man i like this setup right here man what you got right here all right that's actually not mine it's a friend of mine james well that's what you need right there he bought that and asked me if he could drop it off here and i said yeah of course of course i have not it's it's his he just dropped it off yesterday i told him if he needed a place to test it out here was the place does it work i don't know we're going to find out because that there that's what you need oh yeah that'll help get man look at this you know what it's a totally different looking place isn't it it is there is a yard here again look at this cool rock wall uncovered over here i see that wow you know it's starting to look like that picture you found of this place from uh when what we was at the 50s or the 60s i think it's a little bit earlier than that 30s or 40s uh 40s yeah it's starting to look like that uh-oh just heard gunshots again deer hunters are looking for us they're looking for us man oh man that tractor's done a lot of good mowers did all this that was a good investment wasn't it yes it was you paid for it yeah just doing this right here oh absolutely if you had hired me it would have cost you a lot more because i would have charged you double yeah i know i'm glad you saved that little holly right there then you would have broken your ankle and sued me broke my other ankle maybe good you save a little holly right yeah good deal yeah i've been looking around here trying to save all the old historic plants yeah that's good but let's keep on walking around yeah absolutely we can almost walk all the way around the house now did you do that with the saw or the bushog that was a saw so what's this wall back here for can you center it this wall goes all the way over that property line over there doesn't it it does i like this wall it's pretty cool i think it's 1950s yeah it looks like it and look at this beautiful view of the house here we just have not been able to see the house like this before if you remember actually the video where robert there was up on top of the roof cutting limbs down i could barely get out far enough get a good angle to film right here there's my homemade safety rope right there yeah you're extension cord safety rope that's been the butt of a few jokes man you got a good view of this house interesting how this house has got this design on it right here it sure is it sure is that's really unique and it goes all the way around the house in various places in various places it's been covered up with additions to the house but it's really pretty unique i've can't say i've seen that before on old houses original brick pillars up here and then they blocked it in later on yep this is the uh this is probably original power feed that's been laying on the ground for a while yeah i do have some electrical problems out here yeah that's what that is and you had a covered covered on this porch one time did you yep right there huh telephone old little telephone hooked up there's the old tractor there it is i've been working it i've been working it you know i bought a grill for this tractor i just need to put it on there so also i come up here come over here i mean and you can see where i there was an old fence where someone had a garden or something separated out over here and so i went ahead and just cut a section of that fence out and did a little bit of mowing back in here now this was really hard to actually mow in here because it's 90 vines and the vines have gotten so big that well they're too big for the bush hog to handle especially ones growing up these trees here catches the wheels of the tractor tries to flip you all that all that good stuff and this is this is another lesson on why you just shouldn't plant wisteria but you can see i came out here and did some mowing and there's some more of those lilies or daffodils planted out here so i think maybe this area was a garden is that what your mower was wrestling with right yeah mower was fighting with that one i think this one won it's still here yeah it did it's gone it did look how thick they are how they're going mm-hmm that's interesting robert you remember the first time we came and walked off this property it's almost hard for me to remember just how overgrown it was it was difficult to walk up in here you've taken that tractor in your chainsaw and you've uh you've done a lot of you've done a lot of work here believe me you've done a lot you know grandpa always said if you're going to do it you got to do it right that's it and i think you've been doing it right i thank you sir do you need me to buy you a shirt what huh oh nothing i was just reading the back of your shirt oh yeah i'm gonna get me another shirt i think for christmas yeah this is starting to get them a little similar little balls they get on when you wash it about a hundred thousand times yeah that's a good one it's a good shirt all right here tomorrow you've been checking all in there i have watch them tires too yeah okay well let's go look at the rest of it yeah absolutely it gets even better it's as far as you go right here with the mower huh yeah what do you think this is right here really look at this oh yeah yeah someone decided to replace the original windows of the house at some point with these 1970s trailer windows same over here on this door look at all these artifacts that i dug up around here too yeah let's see all those those look like coffee jars yeah something now you could have bought it in a big a big jar but someone just got a deal i guess they were on sale that's it and we're on sale that's it buy one get one for look at her would you bake it in scrambled eggs for breakfast look at that and then we got a bean soup for lunch right here oh yeah that's a good one we still got a bottom in it yeah we'll clean up look at everything clean up we can put it to use you'll need that i like that one that's neat about that door how they put the windows in yeah cut into it i've never seen that bottle before have you i have not oh yeah i forgot about that man if that old axe head could tell a story worn off a little up there that's chopped the miniature piece of firewood let's look at some more of it yeah let's go let's go now this is kind of where i stopped working the other day right here because the goal is to get a path all the way around the house no that contraption right there on the corner of the house right there looks like a you know i think this is an old grease trap and it's interesting because the sink drains into that rather than going through yeah the drain comes out of the wall and then goes into that top of it have you ever opened it let's do it tell you what you you watch like that i'm gonna see if i can all right well don't hurt yourself look at that that's what it is that's a grease trap yeah that's what that is water goes from there to there grease stays and debris stays in there right yeah ain't that something i mean i wonder where the water drained out it gets just in the ground went out that way somewhere i think it went through a septic tank or something well the septic tank the main septic tank is on the other side of the house over that way so i don't know if there's another one huh over here but it's interesting all right we got a lot more cleaning up to do back here yeah what's been doing on this side i uncovered the old canning shed over here also also check that out oh yeah we were trying to dig that out of the ground but the tree done done captured the tree done got enough to it we can get it the only thing that's got it's that root right there well not so much on the other side the tree doesn't got it too over here over over there right here no but if you can get that cut out of there you think we can pull it on out if you cut that it'll slide out okay we'll cut that with a with a axe or something that's something what's got a number on there can you read the number 15 15 g is that 15 gallon well it could be i i didn't think about that usually that's what it meant brunswick stew mmm there you go man i'm hungry right now i'm thinking oh i'm hungry right now too the biscuit place was closed this morning so this is the old uh what do you think this was well it's been suggested it was a canning shed it could be it'd be close to the house being close to the house that would make sense you wouldn't put the chicken this close to the house no but it seems like it's pretty solid too got a few ants in here look that was pretty solid you know i wonder if that's solid wood or store-bought wood so this was built in uh 19 pre-1900s yeah they could have bought this wiggles there was a sawmill you know what this town was famous for what's that sawmill really yeah we had a sawmill several sawmills here produced a lot of lumber well look at here you didn't found all this and hung it up on the wall yeah i went treasure hunting just a little bit you know some of your viewers i cannot remember the name of that wrench do you know like a pipe wrench well some people call it a monkey wrench but i think there's a a real name for it but that's a neat old wrench look got you a hubcap this here was for cutting the hay in the grass an old wrench yeah that old wrench dates uh it's pre-1960s really yeah i looked it up made in the usa by some company that's long gone made in america made in america huh look grandpa's grandpa's tricycle that's it that's it grandma's bicycle oh look at here would you i might beat you out of that right there cannons are isn't it yeah it is oh yeah that's a good job okay then we'll put it upside down so it won't catch any rain water all right okay it's cold weather coming up here we forget about it won't break it yeah we got a little bit of trash over here and some more bottles and cans now look this side of the building has been covered this one was whitewashed painted but this one never was yeah you know can you i'm gonna get out of your way i want you to bring your camera and take a good look at that oh yeah i did i did when i walked back there look at that grain on that old wood right there isn't that something oh it is and whoever built this thing this is interesting right here look at how it changed from this to this in that work look you know what robert i never noticed that let me step back and get a better angle you got this pattern and all of a sudden you got that pattern well that's pretty interesting right there i did not notice that that's all one piece of wood too isn't it looks like it sure looks like it huh you think it was i can't i can't speculate i cannot speculate why that i can't speculate at all that's interesting but that's interesting this building is solid yeah yeah it's like you gonna save this side right here this whole place you're gonna save right oh yeah and in fact i can't wait to get inside that building clear it out and put a new floor in it it doesn't need another floor but it'll be a cool cool thing to save can you see that little square patch on the tin up there yeah why is that what if they had an old wood stove or something in there yeah pipe up through there at one time yeah probably so uh if you if it was a cannon shed you would have some kind of cooking going on in there right yep so maybe that's what it was i bet you you're right and the lean two on the back which is collapsed has uh doesn't have a floor to it it's just dirt i found something down here robert something you missed i don't know what it is but oh i see know what it is now is that a hay fork hey another one another one anyway look at that that look that is a that is an interesting fork right there look at that look at that that's cool you know what that ring was on there but all we need is a handle i'll put it right there no telling what else you're gonna find down in here when you get to work cleaning this out but but not me today no you're no i'm you're injured right now oh what is that wow look at that piece of metal right there this is a it's got some writing on i don't know if you can that's pretty cool serene could be some kind of harness ring or something i'm gonna set it right there for now but that's that's a neat there's no telling what to design on that underneath this i meant this right here that's how you pull this out some kind of band that ring probably went maybe to a harness piece of tack or something yeah yeah oh i don't know oh that's yeah cause it's got that loop for leather right there see it yeah leather strap went in there what do you think this building was well it's been suggested to me by canon shed a friend of mine that's an expert on historic preservation has been out here volunteering some time and helping me so big shout out to james and meredith who've come out here and really really worked and helped me out here but uh anyway they suggested that this might be an old canning shed being that close to the house yeah okay i'm more look inside real quick go ahead we actually look at that oh that timber right there yeah don't you just love that that is cool yeah somebody knocks it right there later on well i can't tell because it's got a fault it's got a flooring oh that's right i forgot yeah foreigner so i'm not climbing up in that it you can i'll have to do that another day yeah we'll do that another day but lookings i might be looking hey look what i found you found the other one another one yeah man oh man you're just ate up you know what this is in front of me you got the camera on i got the camera on i'm gonna see a bike picture i'm not gonna say a word to what it is i'm gonna let someone out there guess as to what this is all right i'm gonna hold it up right here against the wall you get a good shot of it yeah don't tell anyone don't give any secrets okay all right that is neat right there think that came out of the inside the house could have man that's probably old too wow it's got a number on the back you got a number you know is that a cast date 20 i can't make it out can you let me get a little bit closer here i see some writing up there shadow's got it oh it does have some right now oh december i see a date there patented december 31st something 18 81 that's what it looks like 1901 something yeah it does look like that that's his wrist man pop guy in the house okay shells in here that would be the cannon well i'd be attending to you i didn't bring the flashlight i want to see if there's a hole up there have you been up in there yet i've not i'll let you go over how you going up here okay let's go look somewhere else i still need to work over here man you know what i gotta go back compare the other side we're looking at the pattern over here since there's a difference in the pattern on the other side robert wanted to see if that same strange i can't tell if it's been broken here let me come over there look right there see that let me zoom in on that yeah it's missing a tube then right down here it's missing a tooth right down there see it i do maybe uh maybe this was somebody's practice possibly someone practiced or maybe someone added that on later from some salvaged from a salvaged building somewhere else give it a little to give it a little bit of uh character to it we've not seen that on the house that's not on the house that's interesting that's really interesting okay so over here you got you a pile of junk sorting out what's this on the back side over here well the old barn we hadn't taken too close to look at it's unfortunate a lot of people have asked me about it and i've been promising to do a an exploration of it soon as i come in here and uncover it this will be another project pretty soon to start coming and uncovering the barn and seeing what's inside and unfortunately a lot of people ask me if i was gonna save it it's a little too far gone yes what do you think was in the barn i don't know livestock maybe so probably so yeah because there's a couple pins out behind the barn okay so that would be it it would be it would have been a cow barn maybe or a chicken house or or you know something like that at one time it's far enough away from the main house it's turning into a really nice house you know yeah speaking of homes i've got two kitty cats that need a good home robert you got room for wait a minute wait a minute now there's no cats no cats no cats here no cats here well i got two cats i need to find a home for maybe some of y'all are looking for a cat let me know i got two good ones they're purebred right oh they got they got everything you can think of they actually can pick the winning lottery numbers really those are some impressive cats they are but you won't know what the numbers are to get the cats see this right here is this one of those little rolling door barn doors it is nice it is indeed so there would have been a rolling door right it's right behind you where right there that's it this door rolled that is interesting right there i think this might have been a livestock tomorrow it's been used to it's a catch-all here recently so you gonna explore this one day yeah one day i want to come out here and we'll cue up the time lapse music and clear out the front of it and go in there and explore cool we'll do that another day not today though yeah not today i've got an appointment this afternoon oh yeah yeah with your leg doctor no get my hair done oh i got you come on let's go up here and look around what is that right there in the back stay on track ain't no poison ivy back there is it uh no grandpa said that there was no poison ivy there's the old fence right there right alongside this road yep sure enough it is in there this is the road or is that the road over there you just took your tractor and cleared out a spot yeah i just kind of went went alongside the road as best as i could find it you know me and brian did that chainsaw in a jeep and then the tractor helped smooth it out oh yeah you did a good job there too what is this up here this old studebaker truck bed turned into a trailer robert i gotta i was thinking about this the other day you remember the first time you and i came out here and we tried to walk this entire property and how we gave up we actually went around somewhere else to get up this road yeah because the road was so this road was so overgrown i think we went that way and then came back around along that old fence over there and cut across yep because it was uh you know matter of fact we came out behind right over there yeah i recognize that tree right over there we came by yeah you done done a good job with that with that old ford in that mower like i said it's paid for itself oh absolutely i'd be real careful though getting off of these sides here because you're telling what you're allowed to run over that uh tractor yeah yeah we walk up through here now you come down through here and fine-tune a little bit more with your mower and your chainsaw get some of these old limbs and these little vines here i did i saved that magnolia tree right there yeah i saw that see that right there there's another fence right there you like to say you've done a real good job we're coming up to the gap to the first first fence right yes sir what is that what's that hammock yeah that's my that's my hammock three times you've been oh man i meant to take that down before you came out here today you've even got your grill sitting over there yeah i've been over cutting on that tree breaking my ankle eating peanut butter sandwich you've been up here eating steak well you know i the truck parked up there is that your truck yeah that's my truck i've been driving old trucks and grill but i think i did try to call you back your phone was off for some no reception out here that's what it was there's no reception out here i yeah that old story grandpa used to tell grandma the same thing when you go fishing yeah no reception didn't have a phone i couldn't call you so you showed up you've been up here chilling with you and you come up here every day and sleep what you do i think oh that's too funny that's too funny so i cut this road down here to the massive brush pile you have cleared this out yeah yeah i did a little forest management and thinned it out here yeah you sure have is that a fire pit right there it is it is so you put a fire pit in yeah i built it so you've been sitting oh man oh man grilling got him a fire pit chilling up here and i've been down there chopping on that tree the last three days well if you'll notice i haven't actually put anything in the fire pit yet that's what you're planning on doing well yeah today right yeah yeah it's good good place for it too up under these trees nice and quiet here plenty of firewood around here too absolutely i got a big old pile of it right over there i got to go back and do some research it used to be a way you can tell by the width of the tree and how tall it is how old it was timber cruiser used to use that i think you guessed it how old that tree is so you think this used to all be open pasture yeah i believe so i looked at old 1950s aerial photos of this place and this was all pasture and those big trees along that old fence line they were probably little saplings growing in there see those hardwoods right there along that fence line yeah you did this with the saw and the bush hog yes sir looks good real good turn into a little home here a little holy place it is it'd be a great place for two little kitty cats too uh yeah all right here is the other fence line remember when we came up here we couldn't even barely walk through here yeah we gave up first time we gave up you stopped right what's that over in front of your truck oh that's an old boat i uncovered out here a boat yep a boat boat with headlights there's no lake around here no there used to be really there used to be a lake out here yeah sure enough in fact there's an old dam just in the woods over there takes a little bit of getting to but down there as you can see this ground kind of slopes down and it slopes down to an old creek that's down there the creek is still just barely flowing and there used to be a lake down in those those woods in fact even though the lake is gone and dried up it still shows up on google maps is the lake really yeah huh that's interesting there maybe that's where the boats came from what that is over there maybe maybe where feed was kept or something maybe a cow feeder or a horse feet or whatever kind of animals they had in here well the pine saplings have taken over this pasture you got here they have indeed but it wouldn't be much to get them out of here nope you know what you don't cut some of them it looks like yeah yep so well i don't know if i should tell you this or not i guess i i will go ahead and tell you this but begrudgingly i'll tell you this so when i've been coming out here to you know work i always stop and get me a nice sausage biscuit in the morning so i i come out here and park my wagoneer over there and in that cleared area and eat my sausage biscuit and you know just relax a little bit before i get to work you know missed a couple phone calls that sort of thing yes that's what you've been doing when i pray chilling supposed to be working well you how many acres do you think's to this little pastured area right here i would say it's a good half of so this property and a lot of people have actually asked this on the on the channel it's 11.44 acres so i think that this is a midway point so probably uh four or five more acres yeah this way exactly and you think it was all pasture at one time yeah well and it's been idle for what 30 years yeah this um this pasture back here i was told was had cows in it you know 10 or 20 years ago not even that long ago maybe about 20 years ago yeah do you like that old farm truck there rubber thank you thank you that's uh that truck is unsafe at any speed but it does the job out here how'd you get it up here i drove it on the highway yeah does that have a tag it does have a tag oh it's legal yeah it is legal it's just scary scary fun to drive that's gonna be the bird farm truck right there that is the bird farm truck it okay i see what you got here i'm saying maybe 20 years maybe less than 20. i don't think that's pine trees what they that pine tree is 10 15 years old yeah maybe so they go grow pretty quick those lumber industry pines like that yeah yeah you're going you didn't done a little bit of mowing up in here you're going to eventually try and clear all of this oh yeah maybe leave a few trees but most of them you're going to get them out of here yeah exactly um so most of the some of the larger trees will be left and otherwise we'll try to restore it to a pasture i think down in that area we're going to leave trees there because that's you know you can actually see what looks like an old terrace yep that's what it looks like runs right along i saw it when i come through the gap runs right along like that yep terraced farmer then what's up that way well there's more pasture there's a lot more walking to go back that way and i cut all sorts of trails back through there to get back to a pasture that's still more pasture than this back there you want to go back that way yeah if you're up to it how's that how's the leg feeling my less hurting right now i got it wrapped up i got a little brace around my ankle right now well don't overwork yourself you know if we had to keep that pickup truck we could drive back there couldn't it yeah we could i got the key but it's in the jeep it's in the jeep it's up front okay so we can take we can take either either path here we got two of these pine trees with that bush hog or what'd you do uh the bigger pine trees i cut down the littler pine trees i just ran them all over and this is where i learned to use that bush hog before i used it in the front yard i brought it up here and learned just how big of something i could run over and mow over and found out that there wasn't a whole lot that'll stop that tractor it'll take this one right yeah it'll take that one but it won't take that one yeah we'll not take that one it seems like to me someone tried to run over no i just clipped it coming by it yeah you notice we're walking up another terrace right here yeah this is another turn and then there's another one all up here even further lane is really good up here too yeah cause that terrace i didn't see that terrace because there was so much grass and trees and stuff and caught up with the bush hog and learned how in ford nine in will pull itself right on over and kill you did you flip it up it came up off the ground but i slammed down on the clutch and better be careful and it fell back down so i survived did you go all the way to the back of the property i have i have in fact now we're up on a hill this is the highest point yep i can see the terrace right there the one we walked up yep see it right over there this won't be too hard to clear oh yeah have you seen any wild game up here i saw some game trails and i've seen squirrels and i've seen i saw bobcat you did not i did where i did running out through here wow yeah it took off running and then i saw a regular house cat out here too one of my cats no it wasn't one of your cats okay it was just a just a house cat i saw a house cat and a buck yeah here's this other terrace and then it continues on over there and this this other hill now where we haven't actually gotten to the highest point yet there's another hill here's another highest point yeah which way you want to go down this way towards that pie it's a lot of pine trees we'll go down this way well i haven't quite cleared that all the way through yet this way yeah we'll go through this way we'll go through the trail since you're injured yeah oh yeah now in this field right here since this is the most like it used to be i'm not going to leave a pine tree standing up here i'll take them everyone out i'd go as far as i could taking them out down that slope right there and you know the neat part is is we're not even anywhere near the back of the property yet you're kidding me nope it keeps going on that way and then it keeps going on that way a little bit more yeah i see a hardwood tree over there you made it that far i only cut out it goes down a pretty pretty steep hill to where the lake to where the lake used to be and the creek used to be and so i found out what happened to that lake and the creek here somebody built another lake upstream and cut off the water supply for this one okay oh yeah this is easy to clear off here robert it won't take you much to get these little saplings out of here you can probably run over that yeah i can run that one over so there's the hardwood so from here where we're standing where do you think the house is the house is more or less i would say about straight back from there so this would run back down to the where the lake lake used to be and then on the other side there's the paved road yep and the property extends to about where those hardwood trees are up there all right well you've done a lot of work yeah i think i've gone far enough i'm going back towards the hammock all right sounds good all right guys i hope you've enjoyed this video this was a full tour of the bird farm with the other robert i'm glad you came back out here and got to see everything yeah i've been i've been waiting for you to come back you've been doing a lot of work out here too you really well you and the tractor yeah me and the tractor yeah i hope you guys have enjoyed don't forget to like share and subscribe and we'll see you next time we'll see you
Channel: Watch Yer Step: The Sidestep Adventures VLOG
Views: 237,570
Rating: 4.9305787 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned farm, abandoned, abandoned farm house, abandoned house, abandoned places, abandoned farmhouse, farm, abandoned mansion, abandoned cars, fs19 abandoned farm, abondoned farm, abandoned uk, i bought an abandoned farm, abandoned ontario, abandoned canada, abandoned time capsule, farm abandoned, abandoned building, exploring abandoned, abandoned farm land, abandoned farm drone, drone abandoned farm, abanded farm, abandoned farm with power, abandoned farm equipment
Id: ElhoWr83HJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 21sec (2421 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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