ABANDONED PLANTATION HOUSE Found In Georgia (190 Years Old!!)

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[Applause] it looks a little definitely in great shape you know what at one time it was so um gotta hey everybody it's robert and you're watching sidestep adventures and on today's video i've got the other robert and cody with me and we are going to explore an 1840s plantation house lost out here in the woods of georgia now you'll know to keep outside on the front of the house we do have permission to be here today so only go exploring these places if you have permission but that being said let's get started walking around the outside and first thing is this porch right here is not original it's poured concrete check out this these steps here which may be original originally would have had a wood porch it's long gone you can see some of the remains of the wood porch right there and over here we have the original columns it would have held up the porch this is a huge house and whoever whoever built this house was definitely very well off back in this time period this is this is big even for some of the plantation houses i've seen what do you think robert this is a modern add-on a gas line i think so yeah you know i wonder if they had one of those carbide gas generators out here like they do at the old bird farmhouse found the birdhouse took us a while to identify yep that would explain why it's coming from under the house going up to looks like the second floor wouldn't be water going up there they wouldn't have it on the outside can you see the i don't know if you can see it from here the foundations of that tall chimney that brick chimney has that big rock foundation to it if you can get in there or not to see that so maybe you can get a good shot they may have already got it but look at that look at the very top of this house a little rod sticking up oh is that a lightning rod yeah that's what that is it's a lightning rod and you know what else i noticed about this house this is an addition right here of some type i don't know what this edition is i don't know when it was added on but you can see how they butted it up to the original house that was the original house right there this has got to be an addition what do you think an early edition yeah but yeah i agree in addition no doubt and you can see the porch fortress got reworked over the years because there's modern cinder block right there yeah let's go over here and look at this pink almost looks like pink paint it's not pink paint it's just dust on the side of the house look at the windows there's little shutter hangers right there you see the hardware oh yeah there it is so we're standing on the collapsed porch too just all the way to the ground more of these columns yeah i don't know what that is it's just a piece of pine yep that knotted out the floor that's the knot the knot didn't rot you know yeah bro i'm trying to figure out how this wind just was added on this has got to be an add-on except by the way it goes in there it's very close if it's an add-on and not original built the reason that i would think that it's an add-on is most of the plantation era houses that i've seen down here are just square the square federal style houses and don't have a uh something jutting out like this usually i think they're usually like four rooms downstairs and four rooms upstairs and that's virginia creeper i think growing up the chimney is better in wisteria this house is this is amazing amazing piece of history look at this big i want you to see this big rock pillar right there there's one there's one right there at that corner well you know what i gotta do what i gotta crawl up under the house after we walk around it let's go on the other side look so the kitchens were always separate right and sometimes there would be a walkway going to it or sometimes maybe even a covered area going to it and the reason was because of the fire because they cook in the kitchen area if the fire got out he wouldn't burn the whole house down yeah also kept the house cooler too yeah summertime yep you cook in another building yeah yeah let's see yep hey one thing that may answer some questions is is that square nail construction over there around now [Applause] you know what that's a square nail right there i think that one is look yeah there's the square nails square-headed nail so this could be going off the nails the pre-1880s add-on or this could be the original original kitchen right here obviously we've got a chimney right here where there would have been another fireplace and they connected this was the original two-room house that's a good thought when he first moved here he builds the first original house a two little small room house the captain does really well he's a planter makes a good living and adds on the other house yep that's a good idea we've seen that though yeah actually you think the birdhouse was like that yeah i do yeah very neat and also another thing robert is look behind you i found their garden yep all the daffodils are blooming they are there's got to be a uh well look at that little out building right over there did we see that one already oh we need to look at that we'll look at that on the way out because i want to get around to the back i'm looking for the whale the house will have a whale yeah look for the well without falling into it what is that is that uh part of the lightning rod or oh look at the insulator on the side of the house there some type of electrical oh that could be a lightning rod buried into the ground you see the insulator yes right there that's pretty cool hey gas lines look at that up on the side of the house right there just like on the old bird farm house right there yep just like the old bird farm house there would be a underground gas tank somewhere out yeah the old gas generators wow this is a big house just look at the double windows here they're boarded up but one two three four you know what robert i'm what are you thinking i'm thinking and i could be wrong maybe this was a separate house right here and they just built the plantation house and connected the two added it right to it and i could be wrong but this has another chimney inside of it so this place has a chimney on the far side over there over there where the kitchen was all the way down there and then another one here but you know i know one good way to tell about stuff i got to go under it you know what you need to follow me right here because i see the other lightning rod wire ground over here and we're going to see can you make it through here hold on a second yeah i get it i think that's got this guy different foundation the other lightning ground rod and actually you can see it actually goes up and i saw it for a walk oh yeah the rod goes to the far left around the ridge of the left side there left building that's connected to those insulators yeah there and then goes up and look at the brick footie the rock footing yeah that foundation stone right there seen uh seen better days there's another rock right there and here's where the two buildings join together all right well i'm going under and look at that right big you know what there's a big look at that big pool of water looks like it's some type of a reservoir can you see it from where you're at yeah i do we might get a closer look on the other side look like a pool right there doesn't it it does all right so now it's the sidestep adventure special of robert going up under the old which robert it's in the whole angle that's right that was the one stipulation your contract was i had to go you had to go right there i can't believe i wrote that contract you did usually i don't have any problems just sliding into these old houses but this one's the one that's fixing to collapse yep all right we may not go [Laughter] as far as we usually do no i'm not you go that way i'm going this way so one thing that i wanted to do was see what the construction looked like of this water pipe up over me i see a spigot right there neat i see that are you getting brave are you coming under no as far as i'm going well let's see and i apologize my camerawork isn't terribly steady under here my other photographers don't want to come under here with me all right let's look there's not much foundation under the other side of the house and look at somebody did these these funny tongue and groove board helpers helpers for the floor at some time but i don't see a big difference under these two parts of the house the floor joists go the same way and it looks just about the same kind of construction under there although i see a lot of brick under here and more fieldstone under here look at that sketchy fieldstone pile right there so i don't somebody came know there and took all the help out and replaced it yeah they put some blocks in here yeah someone at some time tried to keep it up because that's actually they actually poured a concrete footing right there for the blocks interesting all right i can't see what i'm filming right now folks so you have to excuse me but i also want to go look at that pull this under there some kind of critter has a little cubby hole right there so i've had my fill of crawling around into that house which is unusual it's unusual for me because normally i can just go and go under an old house but i did find an old button under there let me leave it here for the property owner but i'll show you guys first [Applause] no metal detector required did you find something there robert this is a propane propane tank underground oh i had propane is it propane yeah that's probably anything you know i've got the exact same tank um the bird farmhouse the exact same style tank how old is that i don't know i can't tell you that's a real pool that is either that's a pool or that is a reservoir or is that a root cellar i got chicken before i got over there yeah so you know root cellars are not extremely common in georgia here they're not but some houses did have they did areas for storage and i think that this might be one of the rare instances where that is exactly what that is because if you look it's got a fieldstone corner it's got right pores poured concrete on top of tailstone i'm looking for a you see how squared off it is over there yeah you know what either root cellar tornado shelter something like that but that's what it is i'm gonna find out how deep is it you stay right there a second i'm gonna see if i can get down here if i fall in remember i can't swim all right almost like this one whoa you think that's the axis where you're at that's about it that's deep yeah it is take my stick and prod right there and see if you feel steps going down in there but i see a wall over there robert see that wall dude yeah steps yep so steps that's the access right there steps went down in there and that's every bit of uh 125 four foot deep yep that's nice and creepy big big footing for stone footing for this fireplace here matching fireplaces look two fireplaces on this side yeah well there's five there's five uh chimneys chimneys here yeah yeah i think that there was a i would have to go back and watch the video again but there's the old bedding field in the old stagecoach stop that i filmed and the lady who gave me the tour she told me that there was a tax a funny tax that they did on houses back then and i don't remember if it was by the closet by the window by the fireplace what it was but it was something strange i think it was like a closet tax it was weird and this was closed up yeah this was all enclosed i'll have a peek under this side of the house [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] did you find anything look at this one right here so what do you think this is i think it's locked there's i know what it was what it was an old pump house yeah oh yeah this is where the well was that i have not seen that type of a paul i gotta come over look at that pump i've never seen it look at that so this is where the whale was in reference to the house what is that uh 20 25 yards that's 20 yards yeah so here was a whale wow gosh where's the flashlight that's a hand dug whale robert i don't know if you can get a good shot of that or not on this side where i'm at you can see the dirt you see here hold that flashlight oh boy how many things oh she's a deep one here she's a deep one you know what i'm gonna see the camera down there don't drop the camera please still got water in it too yep she's a deep one a little hand dug well indeed hello so then at some point they added this old pump here which is missing it's missing this is the valve i think he'll miss an actual pump cool goulds this is very very old for our area you have to remember that this part of georgia wasn't settled until 1828 and a lot of the places that we see a lot of the houses that still remain in 1880s and later on so when we find something that is as early as this which we don't know for sure but from the style of the house i'm guesstimating 18 40s it could even be as early as the 1830s that this house was built and it's just an amazing place amazing piece of history that is still standing here so you know what we have to do now right i think we go in there and look around that's it yeah let's go you ready i'm ready let's go i'll follow you no the contract says you have to go first okay let's go you
Channel: Sidestep Adventures
Views: 288,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wormsloe plantation, slave plantation, haunted plantation, georgia, slave plantations, abandoned plantation, slave plantation vlog, savannah georgia, i visited a slave plantation, slave plantation documentary, slave plantations in the south, slave plantations in tennessee, jarrell plantation, juliette, urban exploration, jarrell plantaion, georgia state parks, historic site, abandoned exploration, paranormal exporation, paranormal investigation, ghost hunters international
Id: x452OE29a8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 45sec (1665 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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