Sunday Worship Experience 9.12.2021

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do [Music] i'm a living witness that god has seen me through yes [Applause] [Music] he picked me up and turned me around place my feet on solid ground [Music] looked at my feet and they were too [Applause] oh [Music] for you come on and say now [Music] [Applause] [Music] and they were new i looked at my feet and they were too [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are [Music] good morning saint matthews good morning world i come to give witness that god is still god that god is still on high to god is still love god is still right here in this place will you pray with me eternal god our father lover of my soul it is in the name of your son jesus that i bowed before you did i say thank you for allowing me to rise up again this morning thank you for traveling mercy thank you for these who have established themselves as members of saint matthew's baptist church here in district heights thank you for those who are watching online thank you lord god for all of us individual and collectively we come lord god now to worship you in spirit and in truth father 20 years ago today the church was packed we were crying over the loss of life there was some tragedy in the world of god and the whole world felt it father things haven't changed so much there's still hurt in the world but i'm here lord god to say thank you if i spoke a thousand times i'd say thank you obrigado shukran [Music] thank you lord god in every language you've taught me in jesus name i pray amen [Music] how good god is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Applause] oh there [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] on my way home [Applause] [Music] on my way home [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] i cry [Music] like you said you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i get confused [Applause] sometimes [Applause] [Music] for you jesus lord jesus you jesus fix these homes lord thank you jesus 60 streets lord lexi jesus streets lord fix it jesus fix it jesus [Music] for the baby [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] that fix jesus [Music] oh on my way home [Applause] [Music] jesus fixing jesus fixing jesus like you said you would we're not asking the lord to do anything that he didn't already say that he would do we're asking him to fix it because he said he'd fix it he said he'd never leave us nor forsake us this is the day that the lord has made we're here to rejoice and be glad in it i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord our feet shall stand within thy gates o jerusalem i pray that you called in by way of zoom i pray that you tuned in by way of facebook i pray that you tuned in by a way of youtube i pray that you're present in the household today that we might lift up the name of jesus that we might worship in spirit and in truth would you join me in giving god praise for these men who are singing and such such a fine fashion praise god for these musicians for if god had not placed the talent in the musicians certainly the instruments would not sing in their respective manners would you praise god for those in the back in the technological room [Applause] [Music] moving the dials and hitting the buttons that there's a whole lot of work going on in the house and we praise god for each person in their respective place placing their hand to the plow to ensure that worship comes forth y'all even snuck a new number up there i'm telling you i got about six folk up there i knew something sounded a little more a little more boisterous over there we praise god for all of you who are present in the house on today god bless you god bless uh you're coming in to worship we thank god for the process we thank god for the reentry committee uh who's been working the process we thank god for the ease of motion that has taken place with the registration system and let me just say this it's a process we're still in a pandemic my brothers and sisters i know it's been a moment since i said that right so i guess it's time for me to say it again we're still in the pandemic my brothers and sisters and so processes are being set in place so that we do the best we can with being safe uh and sound in the midst of still making certain that we honor god that we serve god and so that's why i've been saying for some weeks please man please sir become a part of the members area so you can get the information that's coming because the only way to get the information for registration is going to be through the members area amen and guess what if you because we're not leaving nobody out did you hear what i said we're not leaving nobody out so if you don't get the emails and you don't get the text message guess what put a call into the church and we'll we'll fix you right up amen uh but we are in in-person worship we thank those persons that have been present last week and this week uh we we spaced out uh we had masks on uh and there's even some some some color coordinated wristbands so you can tell folk how close or not close you want them to be to you amen uh and so we thank god for the process we thank god for our ushers uh that are serving in such a fine way thank god for the re-entry team uh that is serving in such a fine way uh and certainly as we continue to grow uh we want to make certain that we do everything that is pleasing to the sight of the lord and so with that couple of things that i want to bring to our attention and infuse into today's programming first i want to thank uh deaconess jackson for keeping me in touch with things that are going on uh and she reminded me that we we have to make sure we pause and i i say this because it's very near and dear to my heart as well uh we thank god for for all of the grandparents somebody ought to praise god for some grandparents amen uh and and we celebrate grandparents day and so uh dignitas jackson says hey dear grandparents grandparents uh like you are truly a blessing there's so much love and goodness in your heart to share it every chance you get hope you know that did what a difference you've made and how very much your love happy grandparents day and so we say happy grandparents day i say happy grandparents day uh to my mom certainly uh it's been a help uh and a joy uh to have these grandparents who who find it not robbery because i'm gonna say this grandparents are not second parents did you hear what i say their grandparents ain't ain't second parents grandparents uh are grandparents amen so i thank god for my mother i thank god for my father-in-law uh for them being being good grandparents uh and us making sure that we don't try to make them second parents amen uh because they serve so much and they do serve so well and certainly without them uh we would be in somewhat of a tizzy so we thank god for all of our grandparents here at saint matthews all of our grandparents out there god bless your heart real good amen uh and while we're there on grandparents i want to make sure uh i know we have i think it's an anniversary announcement and uh that's coming up but right before that anniversary announcement i want to pause because our young people uh they've gone back to school right uh they're in school right now they're going when they're mass some are vaccinated some are not because right now the vaccination age is 12 and up right but they're working on a vaccine for children younger than 12 right now but all of our children are going back to school right now and so we want to pause uh for a moment in prayer for a couple reasons number one uh we want to lift our young people up but number two we also want to celebrate our young people we want to celebrate them because they are doing something tremendous as they're going back into the school building after a year of being gone a year of virtual learning they they've persevered in more ways than one all of their social constructs were taken away from them in a twinkling of an honor moment and now we're coming back into a place where we're trying to restore some manner of educational order in the world and so we have to lift them up in prayer but the other reason why we're celebrating them is because many of our young people are brilliant and bright and we got a whole lot of them that that even in the midst of a pandemic still brought home fantastic grades and so uh we'll honor them uh later on by way of newsletter but we just want to pause and give god praise for each and every one of you that is on pastor's honor roll that have brought home the good grades that have kept your nose in the books and diligently work through this pandemic school year and now are back in the school building we pray for you we salute you we're excited for you and we've got your back in more ways than one amen so let's pause and just have a word of prayer and then following uh this prayer will have here from the anniversary committee uh uh moving forward uh merciful master and gracious god we pause first because we have to say thank you lord god because you're the giver of every good and perfect gift you're the one who sits high and looks slow lord god you're the one who was in control of all things and because of that we come to you because uh by ourselves we can't do it we can't make it happen so it's with all specificity now lord that we come lifting up each and every one of not only just our young people in this branch of zion the saint matthews baptist church and not just the young people that have uh executed being a part of an honorable status lord god but we come lifting up every young person that is traveling back to school that is back in the classroom right now in the school building lord god wearing their mask wearing their gloves hand sanitizer in their book bag god we're praying for each and every young person or god from from from the from the smallest of them to to to the oldest of them to the biggest of them lord god we're praying that you would just continue to look over them oh god we're praying that you would be uh your spirit would just be betwixt between them in the hallways in the in the field in in in the lunchroom god in the restroom look at that that you would just be ever present a person in each school building across our nation and and across our globe whether whether it's it's well renovated and modernized or or if it's a if it's a school building with with dirt floors anywhere that young people are are being educated so that they can that they can be better for themselves and be become better persons to to come into a sin-sick and dying world and bring about the change that that you have put in each of them all of our young people have have a purpose all of our young people have a promise lord god and we're asking that that you will speak to the hearts of of all of these children and let them know that that you are god that that you interwove them in their mother's womb that that they have promised that that they have purpose that that you love them uh and that that that they are better than any circumstance that that the world can bring to their feet lord god we pray for all of the teachers lord god for we need the teachers we need the educators lord god we're praying for every educator every teacher every every counselor every school therapist right now god we're praying for them god because they need prayer lord god because they're they're establishing a new order of things lord god and they they need help with guidance they need help with with wrangling these young people who who have been out of out of structure for for so long and in different realms of structure and in different communities and geographical locations being exposed to various levels of trauma touch the teachers touch the educators touch the administrators lord god give them the ability to yield and wield all at the same time to best educate each individual child lord god many school systems go on the thing no child left behind but we know that you're the only one that can accomplish no child being left behind because you're alpha and omega and so we give all of our children over even down to the to the to the youngest of the babies that are going into the daycare centers look god we ask that you would just touch in a mighty special way lord god even to the highest levels of the educational system where they don't go into school buildings and classrooms but but they sit in offices and create curriculum and make things for for young people and educators to do speak to their hearts and minds that they that they do things that that that go to the betterment of of each teacher and administrator and young person and not treat anybody like they're in some manner of petri dish trying to test out and figure out things but but only do things that are for the better men and the prime survival of each young person and teacher and administrator lord god hear our prayer individually and collectively as we lift up our children as we lift up our grandchildren as we lift up our nieces our nephews we lift up our neighbors [Music] that they would be able to continue to blossom and flourish into wonderful wonderful people that will take hold of an unsettling and an unsure future and bring forth the change in the purpose and the power that you've established in each and every one of them it's in jesus name we say thank you and in jesus name we say amen [Music] amen we are grateful grateful to god for each person that is in the education system and if nobody else is we are praying for you uh and so now hey he said will mean god bless your heart good to see you now we will have uh sister uh erica po she's gonna come forth now with a uh anniversary announcement at this time [Music] me [Music] [Music] if [Music] [Music] each day with me [Music] hello [Music] if you need me [Music] let me [Music] me [Music] i want you to [Music] we have a pastor [Music] that follows god we have a pastor that is recited in the name of jesus about following god that has no problem telling him lord leave me lord guide me along the way no other direction do we want to follow with that other god of the true and living god and certainly we have a man that does just that and it's about that time of the year where we celebrate his coming to us so to do a little revisiting from last year you were leading during the pandemic you still are uh you were leading during a pandemic and it was your first year we on year two you still doing that uh you were leading during a pandemic during your first year and you had just said twins they won now i mean they are they all in the mix they move in the groove and now you're still doing that uh you were leading during a pandemic during your first year we went to number two you had twins there's two of them and now it's twin variants of covet 19. and all the letters of the wonderful greek alphabet that i'm now starting to lose count but the point of the matter is he still stands before us leading and guiding under the direction of god to this day and so we're going to celebrate him so i hope that you all will join us next sunday uh 10 30 for our pre-celebration anniversary service and again at 2 p.m for our afternoon celebration to celebrate this man of god that has through god led us through leading us through a pandemic um it's by means no easy feat i have had the joy and the pleasure to be here to serve through every phase that we have been through and i can tell you it comes with some hard decisions it comes with some uh extra time being put in some extra thought being then to do things and certainly we are grateful for him and we just want to celebrate the gift that god has given us through him so i hope that you will join us if you cannot be here in person um i know that we're as it was stated earlier through our re-entry committee we are here make sure you rsvp but if not don't worry my tech fam in the back got you all right and we'll see you here next sunday amen [Music] [Music] i don't think you can get more baptist than that [Music] if y'all don't get it you'll get it on the way home amen amen uh uh i i am overjoyed at what the lord is continuing to do uh in the life of the church it does not escape me uh that there are some persons in some places and some churches uh that have not been able to prevail uh through the time of pandemic and so it does not leave my thoughts it does not leave my prayers to be excited uh to be uh uh uh just certainly just just overjoyed at what the lord has done for us um he's done great thing we've made it this far in a process that nobody wanted to go through and that nobody really saw the end of amen but that's the beauty of it all when you don't see the end but yet you know what the end is going to be because of the god that we serve thank you sister pope for that announcement thank you to all of the wonderful persons who are working uh in tandem with the chairperson sister elise washington of the pastor's anniversary committee i don't always know how to receive things very well so i just say thank you uh and god bless your heart real good amen uh lastly uh before we continue to push on into our worship experience uh we have to make sure that we always honor the word of god uh for giving uh is a key component and it's not about the money it's about making certain that we honor god because god continues to bless us god continues to make ways for us out of no way he says bring you your tithes into the storehouse that there may be meat in my house and see that i will open up the windows of heaven pour you out a blessing that you have not room enough to receive giving is about a relationship with god and so we invite all of us to give as the lord has prospered us there are three ways to give you can give as you see on your screen you can give by way of paypal through our website you can give by way of givlify uh through any electronical device with an app store you can give uh by way of mail to the p.o box we thank god for you as the gifter and we thank god for your gift we thank god for those who are a membership news payer those who are tithers those those who who tie in and then they do a two and three months in advance we thank god for you honoring the word of god we thank god for all of you who give a special gift to the pastor those of you who give to our benevolence uh uh fun so that we can serve everybody and and and still ensure that we're honoring the word of god so god bless you for your gift uh as you give these men are going to come back they're going to take us into a next level of worship and then we'll look to hear from heaven [Music] fresh dry way through [Music] [Applause] my way through [Music] rest my way through god there's some [Music] [Music] if i press my way through rest my way through rest my way through god has something waiting press your way through i cannot make it [Music] i got depressed my way through rest [Music] [Applause] [Music] waiting if i press my way through [Music] [Music] my way through [Music] if [Music] press your way through [Music] [Applause] [Music] you gotta press your way through [Music] [Music] press your [Music] [Applause] press your way through [Music] [Applause] [Music] raise your [Applause] praise your way [Music] way through god [Music] [Applause] [Music] is god has something written god has something weighty [Applause] [Music] [Music] through raise your weight room can't get up now grade your way through [Music] [Music] [Applause] waiting [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] praise your way through [Music] god is something great if you praise your way through [Music] [Applause] if you praise your way through [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] so [Music] he has something waiting should you press your way through press your way through press your way through [Music] god is something waiting if you press your way through press your way through [Music] press your way through don't give up now see where you come from press your way through y'all go ahead press your way through let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your way through [Music] keep pressing up [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] waiting with your name and the world can't [Applause] [Music] are you willing to bliss [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] gracious god merciful master it's preaching time and this your servant takes low would you hide me behind the cross that your word may come forth like a mighty rushing wind unto your people father allow me to disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed allow me to speak with humility allow me to speak with with patience and allow me to speak with wisdom allow me to speak with passion allow me to speak with all or power on the authority of jesus who is the christ amen and amen and amen for the time that belongs to preaching for the time that belongs to preaching i'd like to speak with us from the subject excuse me i'm speaking that was the subject excuse me i'm speaking two pieces of scripture i'd like to live for us as we push through what the lord would have us to hear on this morning the book of proverbs the uh 18th chapter and the 21st verse there you find these words as up on your screens death and life are in the power of the tongue and they shall love it i'm sorry they shall eat of it i'm sorry i'm preaching they shall eat of it the fruit thereof and then matthew i'm sorry romans romans the 4th chapter and the 17th verse for the kingdom of god is not meat and drink did you hear what i say the text says this the the kingdom of god is not chick-fil-a and chicken nuggets the kingdom of god is not the chicken wing shortages the kingdom of god is not casamigas or enj or hennessy it's it's not meat it's not drink uh as it is written i have made thee thank y'all yeah i was in matthew right thank y'all that's good for preaching i'll come back to it y'all go back to it uh that's actually in my text but uh romans 4 and 17 says as it is written i have made the father of many nations we're going to do that one too we're working we're working y'all ain't even got my manuscript but romans 14 and 17 is on it uh for the kingdom of god is not meat and drink but righteousness and peace and joy in the holy ghost and then romans 4 and 17 as it is written i have made thee a father of many nations before him who believed even god who quickeneth the dead and calleth those things which be not as though they were excuse me i'm speaking have you ever been in a loud and crowded place and someone was trying to gain attention but no one could hear them uh because people were clamoring and moving about and no one could hear or get their attention have you ever been in a in a training session where where people were just so happy to see one another and somebody's trying to talk but nobody paying attention to them because everybody and and it's just too much going on they can't gain attention what about a classroom so many of our young people are going back to school and they're excited to see one another right they're excited to see one another and then it may be hard to galvanize their attention i remember it's always in my mind one of movies that i like to watch lean on me this is an exciting movie y'all should go watch it sometime it's good stuff but but but you you remember how how east side high was just was just out of control out of control and they call joe crazy joe the world is out of control and i'm not suggesting that we call joe but we do need to call jesus but but joe had a way and lean on me of galvanizing even when he walked into that auditorium and they were just throwing spit balls and paper balls and getting girls numbers and booking them and flipping them and dipping them and doing drugs and everything else joe didn't let any of those things discourage him from the purpose that he saw in each and every one of them to do his job right i've been in some situations and i even have a couple of antics or anecdotal remedies to try to gain [Music] attention in a large or loud and crowded place as i was taught many years ago [Music] working but i've learned some of the best ways to gain attention is not to try to rise to the level of the mess and the frustration and the loudness that is taking place what do you mean well you know there's some teachers in the room and there are some teachers that they holler big why shut up there's some teachers that bang on the desks judges have gavels when people get out of control right oh they're in the car but some of the best teachers were those who would come around sat on the side of the desk and say i'll wait for you you remember those they were just set there they dangered they was dangerous rambling they would just sit there and say i'll wait for you and people would just but as they begin to see the teacher just sitting there and they wouldn't wish they wouldn't speak to i'll wait for you but what it meant in that i'll wait for you was so multifaceted because it didn't just mean i'll wait for you to be quiet admit i'm gonna wait for you to be quiet i'ma wait for you to set down i'ma wait for you to get in the proper posture for learning and then i'm going to even wait for you to quiet your mind and and once the room got quiet once all of the students sat down where they were supposed to put a pencil in their hand and open the book then the teacher would rise and continue to conduct the educational affairs of the day that's similar to how god operates god is in control of all things even in the midst of chaos god can move and he does move because he can do everything but fail but god is not going to operate in the midst of our mess did you hear what i said he's not going to operate in the midst of our mess sometimes people say well i don't figure out here i've been praying that i've been talking and i've been singing and i've been worshiping and i've been asking but have you set still long enough to hear him have you set still long enough to receive from i promise you i'm preaching we're just starting off slow we're going somewhere have you set still long enough to receive from him because here's the thing if you're busy fumbling and fiddling with everything else how can you hear from god it's like saying your grace some folk they say their grace some folks say i altered prayer before grace some folks say it real fast depending on how good the food is good bread good meat let's eat so some some folk some folks say it the old way thank you for this food we're about to receive for the nourishment of our bodies christ our lord jesus name amen some people say it quiet when they some places and they're scared of what they about to consume i know red blanche couldn't attest to that he'd been all over the world had to pray over a lot of food if you've been in the service and you've been all over the world you had to say a good long prayer because it might have still been moving before you consumed it but then there are some people who forget to pray and they just start cramming them about to receive that thank you trying to pray and eat and it's hot are you really taking time to separate things and honor god i use that example because you can't do but so many things at one time and prayer is something that is so important and so powerful that it needs its time prayer should not that you can pray you're supposed to pray without ceasing you can pray wherever you are grocery store driving don't close your eyes if you're talking to god and you're driving all right open your eyes drive talk to god he's right there amen um but but you can do it anywhere right but there have to be moments of time in the life of the christian in the life of the believer where you have to say excuse me i'm speaking and that's in this is going to be about three ways one you have to stop and tell everything else excuse me i'm speaking to god the television has to go off the cell phone has to go off the kindle has to go whatever electronic device you have or let me say it like this your program everybody can you know your program i don't know if anybody my grandmother usually i watch my program but even she would cut the program off that's one of the things i miss cut the program off and talk to god excuse me i'm speaking and that's how it is even when we were those of you who've grown up or you visited the country and in the midst of a storm you had to do what cut the lights off come on country folk turn off everything be quiet everybody come in the big room and set still deaconess with and i would be so amazed because they they leave the door open i'd be like well let me i want to be quiet close the door but the windows would be heisen a little bit and their front door be open and they said god is speaking and everything was off and heisen windows and the door was open because needed the presence of god to come in we also was colored so we needed good air because it was hot but it was a time where everything shut down that used to be true on sunday mornings everything was shut down to honor a time of worshiping god i want us to get something as we go somewhere even i i joke about it but look at chick-fil-a closed on sunday if you're into the stocks watch their numbers compared to others watch how their numbers are still higher than most fast food chains that are open seven days a week some 24 hours a day and chick-fil-a is closed on one whole day yet their numbers are still sky high over their competitors what are you saying preacher i'm saying this as a comparison you don't lose anything when you give god what he's do you don't lose [Applause] when you give it to god you lose when you try to run and do everything and consume everything excuse me i'm speaking what do you mean preacher well first you have to excuse the world so you can have time with god and then second you have to excuse yourself what do you mean anxiety frustration uncertainty bills abuse murders there's a lot of things going on in the world right now the men sung press your way through how much pressure are you under in the world some are dealing with spousal issues family issues gang violence is at a is at an alarming rate deaths senseless deaths due to violence in our inner cities are off the richter scale because of the pressures of life job loss uncertainty of which way to go but here's the thing about the pressure if you praise while under pressure god some people say well i cry under pressure so do i some people say i get mad under pressure so do i some people say i want cuss folk out under pressure so do i and here's the flip side of it we've all done each and every one of those things while under pressure we didn't cuss folk out and felt good doing it okay i'll just talk about myself y'all christians y'all too okay i heard some some folk don't know how to put their mute on on zoom anyway but we've done those things we've responded adversely we've got angry i got one question for you did it work i'm not going to tell you it didn't work i'm going to ask you did it work i don't think it would have because any time that we respond negatively under pressure it makes the pressure worse and it makes everybody around us respond with more pressure fire and fire doesn't deplete it just makes a a bigger fire somebody has to bring some water to the situation to extinguish the fire somebody has to bring something that cancels out the fire i like to cook i enjoy it sometimes based on what i've changed my lifestyle to be i don't cook as much as i used to but i can be a regular chef boyar black man [Music] and one day i was chef boyarin something up good i mean i had this pan going that pot going i was just that little shake had a little flip had a little move and i was getting it a little music playing television i was good and then all of a sudden there was some flames to start going up and sometimes in the midst of fire you can lose your sense of navigating i was right there in front of it but the flames were going up and the flames caught so much that it it jumped up into the microwave above the stove and i said oh quiz five what is happening it just move it everything just just took off so quickly because fire is nothing to play with it took off so quickly and it was moving and i thought if we get some water because sometimes water don't always work and i tried to put water wasn't working nope they ain't working and my father-in-law was coming in the house he said he didn't he ain't lose it he didn't spaz out he assessed the situation very quickly walked into the kitchen took one of them long pans and just set it right on top of the pot that was on fire and i was just sitting there going why didn't you do that but what did he do he took the oxygen out of it oxygen is life he said in the beginning he made man in his own image and it wasn't until he blew the breath of life into man that man became a living creature oxygen made the fire continue to grow the more oxygen around it that's why you see all those wildfires and forest fires and everything it's nothing but oxygen around they just keep on growing and growing and growing but once he put the pan on top the fire went out immediately but i had to deal with the aftermath my wife number one and here watch this i'm going somewhere i have smoked that joint out the fire was so bad the microwave melted it was dripping and i panicked i looked at fire so you sit right here i'll open up all the windows and and evelyn's gonna be home real soon i shot down to the target bought some uh air purifiers and i had the windows open and i was i was trying everything still smelled it still smell horrible she walked in there you must have been cooking what am i saying i'm saying that fire is damaging it's the same way sin is damaging and there are still after you have the scars of sin you have the remnants of sin the smell of smoke and the dripping microwave were the remnants of me burning down the kitchen no air purifier could take that smoke away because what happens is the smoke gets into the walls it gets into the upholstery the the couch gets into everything and i didn't have enough time to clean it up watch this you and i always don't have enough time to clean it up and he said i don't want you to have enough time to clean it up because you don't own time only i own time i'm inside and outside of time you don't know the day or the out so just turn it over to me excuse me i'm speaking what do you mean excuse me anxiety i'm speaking excuse me depression i'm speaking excuse me fire i'm speaking what are you speaking i'm speaking life because there are times where we stop speaking two things we become mute sometimes in the face of issues or we go the wrong way death and life are in the power of the tongue have you ever said i'm tired and you still tired that's cause you told yourself you was tired have you ever said i'm lost and you still lost that's cause you haven't stopped saying i'm lost and put energy into finding your way out have you ever i'm broke as a joke i stopped saying a long time ago i'm broke i ain't gonna tell you don't you tell me i'm broke i ain't gonna tell you i'm broke i ain't gonna tell you how much money i got that ain't none of my your business and i ain't gonna know yo but when you speak things over yourself and you speak things to yourself you speak life or death over you that's why what do we always tell our children don't you ever say you can't i wish i could hear more parents saying that because we were always anytime you said i can't you was almost bust in the mouth i kept because life and death is in the power of the tongue and as soon as you say you can't you won't but as soon as you say you can he will did you hear what i said when you say i can't you won't when you say i can he will i know it doesn't look easy i know the going gets tough i know the road is rough i know that the hills are hard to climb i know you started out a long time ago i know you want to curse everybody i know it doesn't feel good i know it's scary i know it i know your abilities are few and fleeting but you still have to say i can because when you say i can he will open the door he will heist in the window he will make a way out of no way he will bring about the blessing he will turn the no into a yes he will put the roof over your head he will put the wheels under your feet he will put the shoes on your feet he will provide the clothes on your back if you say i can he will but it all matters how you're speaking here's the thing abraham had faith verse 17 of rome verse 17 of romans chapter 4 says as it is written i have made you the father of many nations he is our father in god's sight in whom abraham believed the god who gives life to death and calls things into existence that do not exist many times people we put our own selves down we've put our own race down black folk can't own no house black folk can't be no business owners if i'm sitting in here one two three four five what am i counting i'm counting black businesses that are just sitting right in front of me in saint matthews a photography company an electric company right in front of me they they were they were tired now but but poachers still can cook black businesses tillage limousine service black businesses but we say black people can't own no business black people don't save no money stop stop stop speaking foolishness black folk don't own no houses yes we do and yes we can no black folk ain't made to just live in high rise apartments and ghettos stop speaking false narratives because then our children grow up speaking false narrative well i'm black and i'm from southeast so i guess i just got to go down here to the dhs building and get my food stamps and my stop perpetuating the false narratives the old songs say if you don't want to praise them don't hinder me if you want to be in the midst of poverty and foolishness and bad economical said don't stop me from rising above what the mess is stop speaking excuse me i'm speaking what are you speaking i'm speaking life over myself yes i can have a family and stay together and not be in the court system allowing a court system to regulate when and where and how i see my child yes i can have my own home yes you can own your own business yes you can be a man that puts a hand in your pocket and pulls out money that you've earned and not that you stole speak life what are you saying preacher i'm saying we're in the midst of a situation where a pandemic turned our world upside down and there are so many people consumed with a a false fact of what they can't do based on what the pandemic has done did you hear what i said the pandemic has done what it's going to do it's already done we're still in the pandemic but the hit has already taken place you ever been hit before and the pain still resonates but you keep going the hit has happened and if you're living after the hit if you're thriving after the hit then you got to keep going you got to keep pushing forward because you survived the hit the pain is going to be there you put some icy hot some bengay on it and you keep on go put some bio freeze on put some ice on it and you keep on going because there's still work to do the hit of the pandemic has happened excuse me i'm speaking speak life over your situation speak life to yourself speak life to your family speak life to your children excuse me i'm speaking i'm speaking death i'm not going to be consumed by death because eternal life is my goal i've already been granted it already been guaranteed he said there's a house with my name on it if there were not so he would have told me so excuse me negative speaking people but i'm speaking i'm speaking what the word of god said he said i'll never leave you i'll forsake you so when people say you're alone and by yourself jesus is right here with me and he'll go with me all the way excuse me i'm speaking you won't make it yes i can excuse me i'm speaking speaking life into dark places speaking life in the valley of troubles speaking life where death is if you have faith the size of a mustard seed yes you can and yes you will even on the cross in the midst of death he spoke light what do you mean he says father into thy hand i commit my spirit he didn't say father i'm dying and i'm going down but he put his life in the hands of the creator of life why because he said in three days i'm going to raise it up you can only raise up and you put your life in the hands of the creator of life as the savior of life did while he was on the cross father in my hands i commit my spirit he gave up the ghost but he gave it to his father so that he could yeah he died up on the cross but his life belonged to god his life belonged to the father he went down got the keys to life and death excuse me i'm speaking excuse me great i'm speaking oh dad where's your sting oh brian where's your victory excuse me i'm speaking heaven is my home i don't want everything that the world has to offer because if i take everything that the world has to offer then i'll have to die with the world he said there's going to be a new heaven and a new way so i don't want what the world has to offer i want what he already put my name on and then when i'm done down here i want to hear him say well done not good and faithful certain but i can't hear him say it if i don't believe that on the third day he got up he got up with all power power power in his hands why because they said excuse me i'm speaking and if christ had not spoke right on the cross we wouldn't be here today because from the cross he could have said daddy destroy them all on the cross he could have said daddy let's start over again because in the beginning the text says let us make man he could have been up on the cross and called forth the legions of angels that were waiting but he spoke right he said excuse me legion of angels but father forgive them for they know not what they do excuse me man who's gonna give me sour wine sour wine ain't gonna take me excuse me to the man that's gonna stick the spear in my size spear it's not gonna take me excuse me to the ones who built the tree ow they built the cross out of a tree a tree that belonged they attempted to nail god to a cross but he emptied himself already watch this but he created the tree the trees give us oxygen oxygen gives us life he said if i be lifted up from the earth i'll draw all men unto me so when they hung him how they did him of favor excuse me i'm speaking it's not about being rude not about being curt it's just simply about making sure that the word of god comes first and you don't let another living breathing piece of creation tell you that you're less than that you can't or that you won't excuse me i'm speaking [Applause] you may stand wherever you are if you desire to come up to the altar spaced out that is your prerogative i'm going to go into a time of altar prayer as we lift up persons on our sick and shut in list by thanking and praising god and praising god along with the dorsey family for continued healing for burchucky praying for deaconess gillis and brother gillis praying for brother macarthur rodgers and his boys and praying for sister teresa rodgers and and as deaconess cromwell says all of those under the rogers umbrella praying for a friend and my brother reverend blanchard praying for karen praying for all of those on our sick and shut in this praying for the ferguson family deaconess ferguson's sister i believe it's miss thelma thelma jackson am i right about it did i say that right jefferson miss thelma jefferson transition praying for the services that going to take place this weekend praying for the family continuing to pray for the life of church praying praying and worshiping god for the presence of deacon hunter who's present in the house on today [Applause] something has taken shape in his body but god is still a healer and he's still a mind regulator praying you've been lifting our dear brother did breathtaking davis up in prayer that god will continue to strengthen him merciful master we pause because we have to say thank you lord their names that have gone up and you know all about their situation more intimately and better than us you know about their situation better than the doctors and the nurses do lord we've have names on our prayer rolls and rosters and sick and shutting list and special prayers lord god and you're hearing these things that come from us you're you're seeing that these things that transpire in our life because you you sit high and you look low and lord even in the midst of of the of the tragedies and and traumas that we experience and we face and we overcome lord we have to say thank you because you made ways out of no way [Music] you've opened doors that we couldn't see you you've created situations that could not be yielded or wielded by our own hands or power and so lord as we come to you humble as we individually know how search our hearts lord whether we're in the house whether we're by way of zoom or virtual platform your spirit your chicana glory knows no bounds knows no limits and so we ask that your spirit would just would just move mightily spread lord god from from heart to heart and from mind to mind from soul to soul that we would collectively become on one accord with you lord you know all about the pain and the suffering that we go through god i pray that every person under the sound of my voice would request and beseech forgiveness from you would request and beseech mercy and grace from you i pray that every individual on the sound of my voice would lay their own self on the altar often times we come asking for things for everybody else but it's first that we must lay ourselves on the altar axe and beg for our own forgiveness acts that you would speak to us ask that you would strengthen us because if we don't have it right we'll go out and say it wrong god guard our tongue and our mind let this mind that is in us be of that mind and attitude of christ jesus so that as we move to and fro in the world we individually speak life to a collective group of human beings who are our neighbors that we stir up one another toward love and good works lord bless us as we're here today lord bless every church house that is across the globe sharing the gospel the good news of jesus christ that that your word and your name would would reign and take hold in the hearts and minds of men god would you move from the highest levels of government to the lowest levels of poverty remind all of those in the capacity of political service all of those in the capacity of business service who are leaders oh god to do justly and love mercifully oh god to not do things to hurt and harm people or god but but that we will come to a place of understanding that that there is room for each and every one of us at the table there are blessings for us and you've already put our name on it that we will focus more on helping and aiding one another to have a better relationship and a closer walk with you lord bless those names that have been lifted from my tongue god bless those names that are being lifted up all in through our several destinations where people are lifting up themselves lifting up their children lifting up their spouses lifting up their co-workers lifting up their friends lifting up their loved ones got moved mightily through the hospitals and the hospice centers and the nursing homes there are folks that need jobs oh god we're we're praying right now god that they would holler and cry out to you that you would make the way out of nowhere lead them to gainful employment so that they can grow themselves and their families god we're praying against folk knocking over people and hitting people over their head to take things that don't belong to them god but but put them in a position that they cry out to you so so that you can give them what they need and what they desire god oh lord our savior and our redeemer hear our prayer hear our plea [Music] answer according to your will and according to your riches in glory and i pray that we be ever so careful ever so cautious and purposeful and giving your name all of the praise all of the glory and all of the honor that it is due it's in the mighty in the majestic in the in the meek and the matchless name of the messiah that we do pray and say [Music] for amen i love you i need you to survive i won't love you with words on my mouth i love you i need you [Music] you pray for me i love you i need you to with survive of my mouth i love you i need you to survive [Music] certainly just imagine [Music] how much better and better i know it ain't good grammar but it's good preacher you're right but it would be so so enormously better if we came to a place of praying for one another because if everybody is praying for somebody else then we'll come to a point where nobody is missing their name being lifted up in prayer think about that we thank god for everything that our eyes have seen that our ears have heard that our hearts have been made to fill i pray that you would keep your faith and trust in god he'll give you strength for every duty he'll give you courage for every struggle you'll find a blessing in every cross now unto him who's able to keep us from falling and to present us fullness before his coming glory and joy to the only wise god be glory majesty dominion and power henceforth now and forevermore and let us live with the men as we close out [Music] keep your mask on go in peace and serve the lord [Music] you
Channel: St. Matthews Baptist Church, District Heights MD
Views: 235
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 583v5G55glw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 5sec (6065 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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