This is Unbelievable! ~ Abandoned 19th Century Palace in Switzerland

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A big thanks to Squarespace for  sponsoring this week's video   more about them at the end of the video. Good morning everybody, welcome  back to the Bros Of Decay.   We just woke up in the middle of  the alpine mountains in Switzerland   with the cowbells in the background,  just what you would picture in a movie. it's a magical place right this definitely is and  yeah I'm taking you on another adventure today   we're going to an abandoned palace not so  far from here this place should be totally   amazing but first let's try to wake up I'm  uh I'm always very difficult to wake up   but in this place, it's a little bit easier I  can take a little stroll through the woods here   I'm gonna take see if I can get  a nice view from the mountainside   oh what a place uh benches everywhere to rest and  sit on your hikes this everybody is living to me I have a look over here at this untouchable  panoramic view that I have in front of me here this is beautiful that's the reason actually why  I bought a van to travel the world with and travel   Europe with to sleep in places like this this  is much better than waking up in a hotel room   by far means I totally love it  every single second of it wow and they have this picnic set up here   on top of the mountainside yesterday  night we had a picnic on this table   now it's time to hop into the van and go for  another adventure I'm excited about it definitely so these mountain roads here in Switzerland  there are just wide enough for one car   and when you encounter a car it's sometimes  very very difficult somebody has to drive   backward or you have to do crazy maneuvers to  even survey those cars it's really crazy but it   also a little bit of a challenge and an adventure  driving through these places I actually like it   see there's a car coming  okay let's see what we can do go all the way to this site and watch out okay how it fits okay and now comes the tightest part of this whole road  it's 2.3 meters wide and my bus is 2.1 meters wide   so I'm pretty curious you ruined it last  night but he's very used to driving these big   vehicles and I'm not so let's  see if I can manage so let's go okay this section is the most difficult  so I'm taking it wide through this side   and then going into this side take it  short to the wall and then go to this side yes that was pretty easy iron I don't know  what you were talking about last night but you're looking at it wow that viewpoint is amazing this is literally a treat everybody imagine living here waking up to this every  single morning this makes you happy right oh no it seems like a possibility  let's go a little bit further this right next to here is  the outside wall of the palace   so we have to cross it to get inside the place I think it's that one yes we think it's the wall  we just saw over there so   let's try to hop over there  and see if we can get inside okay there you go William okay I wouldn't yes okay take my camera please yes thank you and there we go let's go down it's like we are walking through paradise here  palm trees everywhere going toward the palace a palace is just a home like any other   countless memories are made inside love  is created and fights are fought this was   nonetheless true for the extravagant  palace of the Italian Georgino family at the end of the 19th century the family  left their home country Italy behind   to pursue business and politics in their  neighboring country Switzerland in doing so   they built a grand palace and swiss Italian  style and brought our whole family over at one point over 40 family members  lived inside its walls one can only   imagine the atmosphere that used  to transpire inside this place the family stayed very influential  over the course of the century   but eventually, its numbers started to dwindle   times changed and the younger generation  moved out and started living on their own this continued until the early 2000s when the  last inhabitant Mr. Marco passed away and left   everything behind to crumble apart it has been  16 years now since the Georgino family stepped   food inside their palace today we are at its  doorstep to take a look inside its forgotten walls what a wonderful and peaceful place I'm in  right now I'm gonna start off this episode   of the Georgino family here in their backyard I  think it's just a fantastic and peaceful place   and a great starter for this documentary so  let's go this was their private piece of land   where they came to rest after a long day of  working in the parliament this was these people's   their brightest possession and as you can see  there are palm trees growing all around us   making it for a very southern  feeling a very lush forest   but the high okay the bell of the church just  literally started ringing now in the background it's beautiful but I will wait for a moment  until it stops and then we could go further   with this backyard the church bells have  finally stopped ringing and now we are ready   to go further into this backyard I just pointed  out this little fountain that I had here but I   didn't show it in detail and here we have this  frog statue and a lovely fountain underneath it beautiful let's now take a stroll towards  the palace and show you its surroundings   because it's quite amazing i have cut down many trees in this backyard  I don't know the reason for that but okay this is truly a lovely stroll it's like walking  with you all together towards the palace and here we have the first  glimpse of it you can see   a yellow outside very typical for Spain and  Italy not so typical for Switzerland normally   they would work a lot with wood on the outside  but over here they worked a lot with concrete and here we have another glimpse from the  outside as you can see let's go down the stairway   let's take a look let's take  a closer look at this place seems to be a door open down there there's a little patio where you could sit in  the evening and have a glass of wine the ivy   is already protruding through the building taking  it over nature always takes back what's hers what do we have here lots of graffiti oh that's  unfortunate let me turn on the light so that   you can see better I hate to see graffiti in  these places that are just terrible signs? large water reservoir there's  a wonderful drinking fountain   you can see a lion's head  has been carved into there I thought i saw a white cellar down  here I think I'm right about it   oh yes I am and there are still things in here  still bottles and jaws of food all left here   that's wonderful still see a few bottles here and  opened after all these years this one is from 2003   just after just before the palace got abandoned a funnel for something but I'm not sure okay let's go back up the stairway right now and  there is another outbuilding here to the left of   us that's another oh I almost fell right  there these steps are completely covered   by nature so I have to be a bit careful but  there's this outbuilding that's not connected   to the palace itself and it's also a wonderful  piece and it has a tower on there and everything look at that isn't that crazy then I tried to make concrete branches from  a tree sculpted here and this hand drilling wow what an enormous building let's go in there let's check it out of course okay this doesn't seem like much at first just a little storage area but i can see a  stairway up there let me try to go up this   ladder to watch the stairway let's try to climb  this ladder here with the camera in my hand and   it's quite difficult okay we made it we have a winding staircase  going up this tower here   in front of us okay let's climb  it let's see what's up there okay let's go up all the way oh we come on to a  little patio here that's very lush and overgrown   oh my god have a look at the view that  we have here in front of us, hey neuron   okay rune also joins me up here this  is just eye brothering really beautiful   with the church here in front of us we  can see the chapel the palace down here   everything completely overgrown  what a place everybody what a place okay one last look and let's now  head into the palace over there okay everybody it's now time to  take a peek inside of the palace   and show you everything it has to be old all  the artifacts and everything that's left behind   and hopefully, we can figure out some more  history about these people together inside   of this place, of course, the protective gloves  to protect me and the building one sip of water and then we are ready to explore I'm excited for this one so let's get going  to enter this place we have to duck underneath   here underneath this doorway then we can enter inside of the building  and actually the first room that we enter   into is already a very curricular room you  wouldn't expect it from a palace like this   but this used to be a child's bedroom with  two bunk beds for four children, of course,   i don't know why it wasn't this style and  this shape and why did they put it in here okay but nevertheless it's a nice first room   to start with and that will  take us further into the palace we're gonna explore every single section  of this place and show you everything   that's left behind in here it looks like  Portuguese tiled wall that I had on here   but these are actually stickers as  you can see not real unfortunately   it also seems that this section of the  building has been remodeled later on   after the palace had been around for a long time  have I told you that this place was built in 1854 170 years ago and it still stands until this  day here we have another child's bed still made   an exercise bike you don't see them like this  anymore the person that exercised on this bike   has done 2 600 and fifteen kilometers in  total they worked pretty good we must say but let's now go into the real  historical parts of this place   because that's where the most  interesting things lay of course okay ah and this looks more like it we already  have the first bedroom in front of us and I'm   already truly in love with this one you can see  the Italian influence in this bedroom immediately   coming back when looking at the ceiling  Italian blazers always have these grand ceiling   paintings they put the most time into designing  a wonderful ceiling for their palaces and castles these are the paintings that  they put in each and every corner   of the ceiling and in the middle, they  have this wonderful glass chandelier wow but unfortunately the building  is deteriorating probably not usable   anymore and only ripe for demolishment and  that's really sad when I explore these places   this is the sad truth, everybody, these  are beautiful places but unrestorable and then in the middle of the room, we have these  two wonderful bats from the ancient time true   pieces of antique these are in fact not slain bats  they are just very typical Italian antique bats   you see them a lot coming back in the country of  Italy but of course today we are in Switzerland still made after all these years a  pillow at the end and a wonderful crown   and then also in a room a little cabinet to  store some things and here on the ground we   can see all the rubble that has fallen  down from the ceiling over the years one last thing in this room is this gold  bald street chair I really like it the   fluffy things underneath are quite wonderful what  a beautiful piece everybody what a beautiful piece one thing that I'm wondering about  when looking through this room   is this outlet that's here on the  wall I'm not sure what it was used for   maybe for a chimney or something like that but  I'm totally not sure if anybody can point that   out to me that would be wonderful let's now  stroll further through this place and see   what we can behold wow this hole is quite  magnificent I have to turn on my light a   little bit so you can see it better every single  corner of this hallway again is designed not with   crown molding or something like that but just  plain hand paintings that they all put in here ah here we are entering the bathroom of  the place and wow what a spectacular piece   a freestanding bottle with paws underneath it does it say on here or what's  Italian has written on here   feel cold and I don't know what hot means Italian what a beautiful piece   and this everybody used to be there right next  to it but look how huge this thing is you can   completely fill it up with water I guess and or  it was to wash a shout or something like that but   oh no I'm wrong there is a bit there in this  room so this is a really strange bathtub to me   yeah maybe for an older person or for a child  I don't know if anybody has seen this I can't   let everybody know what we are seeing here  in front of us that would be just wonderful   the toilets in the corner of  the room meant a little vanity   to make themselves beautiful in the morning and  above it, we have these tinted glass windows   I love how they design every single  room in a different color with different   artworks on the ceiling over here, for example,  we have crown molding instead of paintings and even the towel of these people is  still left behind after all these years from that bedroom from that  bathroom, you walk straight   into another bedroom and this again is also  completely designed with a different color   a single bed over here in front  of us probably again for a child wow unfortunately vandals   have been inside of this place there used  to be a grand mirror here in front of us   but all the pieces of the mirror are just over  there on the vanity that's really sad to me there's a little doll here on the side of the  vanity but it doesn't want to open up anymore luckily this mirror here in  front of us is still in one piece   and I can still look at myself from it wow goat hangers and everything still  left in here there's one more doorway   behind here let's open that one up oh and we're  coming into a wonderful bed for everybody just   a beautiful piece let me show it to you in full  detail wow there's even a boost here to the side   probably if one of the former owners of this place  look at him he looks like more like an Italian man   than a swiss man and yeah I'm not sure  of the exact origin of this family   but from their surname, you can  derive that they're probably Italian wonderful boost and then again the bed right next  to it is also very beautiful and luckily this one   is still made the curtain is still above it and  the bells just started ringing in the background their initials are also  inscribed in the bed frame f b   but that's not the initials  because their surname starts with g strange this is a wonderful vanity I love how every single  piece of furniture that's in this room is exactly   made for this room it all has the same initials  inscribed in them it all has the same style   that's just lovely let's open this one  up, fortunately, nothing in there anymore a railing round window there's  even glass worked into here wow and here we can get a glimpse from  the outside of the palace look at this one more glimpse at the ceiling of this room the  crown molding in here is also just fascinating   there's a teeny tiny chandelier  hanging from the ceiling there   wow okay let's go further into the hallway  let's see the other parts of this palace   i love the arch styles that  they have in here as well   they're quite magnificent and as you can  see everything like eating electricity and   things like that also have been added later  on because when this palace was built in 1854   that of course didn't exist and  everything needed to be added on later even these heaters chauffage like  we call them in french and dutch   have this knob on there I  really like how they're operated but they as well have been added on later  to the palace okay let's walk further   we can get little glimpses into some bedrooms  from these windows that are here in the hallway that's quite a cool right okay I want to explore these  bedrooms now sorry that I explore   all the bedrooms in the beginning but  we will go to the other parts later on okay wow this is just such a wonderful bedroom and  definitely 100 Italian from the looks of it when   you explore in Italy you have to go through my  Italian videos you will see it you always have two   beds with one nightstand in the middle and these  were the rooms where the children would sleep they at first had a wonderful gold plated   chandelier hanging from the ceiling here I  love the faces that have been carved into it and then right behind it, we have  these two beds that are still made acorn light switch let me try I tried to turn it  on but it doesn't work anymore   this is not an acorn that's  a really cool light switch have a look at these bats aren't they just adorable if I was a  child I would love to sleep in them? and then even the vanities they had two  vanities in this room with a wardrobe   right in the middle again all the furniture  in this room has made an exact same style this beauty doesn't open up anymore very  stuck but again no clothing in there anymore   oh and they could even open up the shutters  and look into the lush back garden that   we have over here it's now completely  overgrown i hope you can see something   but over here you look into  the backyard of the house there should also be another room behind here   let's take away this chair let's open this  door up and that reveals yet another room,   oh and this one is a little bit less  fancy it's also a child's bedroom   but yeah I don't know why they made a difference  between the two okay again another channel here   and here some chandeliers seem very grand and  very beautiful but other ones are just very plain and this is again the same  wardrobe as we saw in the other room and at first, thought that there was a mirror  here but it's actually just a hole in the door   that leads back into the  hallway where we just came from   okay that's very strange but I suppose again  this is quite a vandalism somebody tried to get   into this room and destroyed this door for it  that's not how you explore I really wish that   people would explore with more respect  and just there are some non-written rules   when exploring abandoned places like don't spray  graffiti never break a place to get inside and   stuff like that never displace things  instead yeah more people should   guide those rules and yeah that's why we protect  these places and keep them as secret as possible   and i hope you appreciate that so let's go further I place everything nicely back how it belongs   and let's now go further into the hallway  and see the remainder of this palace, wow   and we're coming here into a beautifully designed  hallway as you can see typical Italian but   again in Switzerland the rope is right  next to the stairway hanging here   I just adore it big flush at the end what a beauty  to behold but first let's explore the upstairs   of this place okay we have a little hall tree  here in this upstairs part wow here the people   could hang up their coats put their umbrellas down  there again also wonderfully designed at the top and here we have the bell  the doorbell of the house okay let's go into this room right now and the  first thing I see is this wonderful tiled stove   here in front of us it has  this flower design on it   it's quite unique this must be one of the  most beautiful ones that I've seen so far   oh what a beauty everybody what a beauty to behold  we're standing here I don't know I think a little   sitting area that we just entered into a funny  thing about it is there's still a bottle of wine   the same one as we saw on the basement  from 2003 left here on the table okay   yeah just this little sitting area beautiful  sofa there in the corner the pole street sofa   as you can see and then this  radiator here to the side of it also a little cabinet in the corner of the room okay an empty room right here just  an ordinary bed in the corner   and then we enter right into another bedroom   this looks like a heaven bed that we have here  in front of us but it's actually not it's just   four pillars standing there these lions at the  front of it they're quite nice to my opinion okay some broken glass again of the vandals  this gets me every single time when I see it let's open this one up oh  and here we come into another   wonderful bedroom a single bath so one  person used to sleep in this room again all   the furniture that's in this room just matches  each other that just gives this room character and that lets you also know that these people were  people of money people of power a wonderful bed   here in front of this I can't still mate the  nightstand right next to it but what's most   interesting in this room is the desk that's worked  into the wall here you can see a very long desk   specially made for this room two drawers at the  front and one chair over here where you could work   at I can see the former owner still working here  in this bedroom literature books at the end of it and then we have a vanity as well in this room and a wonderful wardrobe that matches everything  but just this one is out of place here   I don't know why they put it in this room so  unfortunate it ruins the experience to my opinion it just doesn't match anything in this room   stupid and then from the hallway, we have another  section here to the left of us that leads us into   another part of the palace the first room that  we open let's see oh this was a shower area   okay very small shower area but you can  also see a stairway that leads up okay   okay I want to venture rabbit  first before we go downstairs we come into an old other  section of the palace over here   a bench to the side of us where  you can store some things inside wow this is the attic of the place no way  and over here we have even more bedrooms   how many people must have lived in  this place it must have been insane   lots of books here and again this is the  magazine from 1924 developed by a french company   that i have filmed the castle of i will link an  annotation up here the people that designed and   distributed this man this magazine i have filmed  their castle a wonderful magazine let me show you   that's just a news article slash information  slash advertisement of that time period lots of pound books in here this one doesn't open up anymore but look at  the little library that they had behind here   these books that lay in here are pretty  ancient probably hundreds of years old and then down here you see there's a lot coming  back in these places they collect rolls of   wallpaper and they just store it maybe to see  if they ever want to remodel a room of a palace   like this then they have samples of wallpaper  that they might use for that room okay everybody over here it's just an empty part at the end we have the first section of true attic look at the device standing  here don't know what it was   used for probably some sort of a coat hanger a bird cage as well here on the floor and  somebody also used to sleep this side of the room   and these look like more like yeah servants  areas these bedrooms look so bland and not much inspiration has gone into  this bedroom so i suppose that servants   used to sleep up here to help  out the family with their duties   that's why we probably have at  the we have rooms upon the attic more chests and stuff like that here they even stored some nightstands that they   had too many of and didn't  fit in the pellets anymore wow what a place but much more there's not to see on this attic  and i'm not gonna stand too long on this floor   because it's quite wobbly okay let's  go further oh my god ah that hurt i just hit my head on the beam  up there ah that was painful okay let me let me have a moment please okay everybody the moment has arrived we're  gonna go down this wonderful stairway and   check out the remainder of the palace i'm quite  excited for it and also to walk down this beauty   let's do it let's go   first off we have the rope hanging here from  the side it sort of acts like a hand railing   i was looking is this no this is not real marble  this is just a painting that i put onto there wow   and we can definitely see that the people  that lived here were also quite religious   from the statue that's here  in the middle of the hallway   a wonderful piece but this hat  has fallen off unfortunately this is just straight out of a movie and then we have another one  of those ropes to this side   that leads us into the grand hallway of the place welcome everybody welcome just first turn around  and show you this side they even had a red carpet   running up the stairway to the top floor but what  also piques my interest is this lovely piano here   in the corner of the room does it still function  no it doesn't play anymore oh just a little bit   wow what a piece to behold and everywhere  again the ceiling paintings are coming back let's a little bit interested in these doorways  see where they lead to oh they lead to the outside   okay the doors just open over there interesting  oh i was in this section and i checked this door   actually but i didn't check this door and this  door just leads into the palace oh i'm pretty dumb okay i'm done i'm really dumb wow and  then we also have this door to this side   that leads to nowhere just the lovely building  cabinet but i stored some things inside okay now we have the other side of the hallway  while this telephone here to the left of us   look at this piece how it's built this  is probably 19th century telephone   even if the bells here to the side i don't  know where all the knobs were for maybe they   were just used to call somebody back then it's  completely covered wow just adore this piece you even have this little winder here to the side   probably to wind it up to  start your telephone call and then here on the wall  we have a little inscription   okay i'm gonna take out my telephone  let me translate it for you   so i just did a translation of it and it reads out  live today because there might not be a tomorrow   that's a really beautiful phrase it's completely  written in italian like we thought from the   style of this building the people were  more italian than swiss that lived here   and i actually live by this phrase every single  day and i think all of you should do it as well   what a wonderful piece i'm gonna keep this in  mind while exploring this place let's go further   now just one more look at it for everybody  and the italians of course can fully read it and then the remainder of the hallway just a few  sitting benches over there the window is wide open at this wonderful chandelier  as well in this hallway   and the rumbling that you probably hear  on the back is thunderstorm that's coming   closer and closer while i'm exploring  this place it's actually quite daunting over here we can see the ivy  growing inside of the place   and again more wonderful ceiling  paintings surrounding this hallway   this used to be a wall clock the clock  face is completely taken out unfortunately oh i adore this little blue chandelier  that we have over here in this room   isn't that just a magnificent piece  and then some crown molding above it   again we entered into a little sitting area  where the people could rest and sit and relax   in the evening some wonderful antique  chairs around the little coffee table we also had to have to have a look at the  tinted glass windows that we have over here wow and then we enter into another  room and this one is quite unique   and that's because of the ceiling again  wow they have some birds painted into here   fruits and groves grapes peaches  everything is worked into here these   are the fruits that the harvests around  the fields that surround this palace even a plant from 16 years ago is still here fortunately nothing in the drawers anymore  but this must have been also a wonderful   room to sit in we have this marble  fireplace here in the corner of the room beautiful red marble and then this colorful tile  in there oh and i love this radiator that we have   next to it as well it has this little section  i'm always not 100 sure what people used to put   in here but they put something in here to keep  warm maybe a bed heater or something like that   of course doesn't get hot enough to cook  water because because what brings to the what   to hear is just warm water and you can't  cook water on water that's not a thing another upholstery chair you're on a corner  oh these books that lay here 1877 to 1917 take out one of these show you what's in here it's again an italian book probably  an encyclopedia of some sort   industry agricultural industry it says on there these carvings above here are also very wonderful one more look at these ceiling paintings oh  in this one we have a fish worked into it and these tinted glass windows are  even more beautiful than the other ones   yes and then from this wonderful hallway  we will go to this last section of the   palace unfortunately it's already last but  not the least so let's go through there   first off we have these wonderful windows here to  the right that let light flood into the building   and they would lead out to a patio in front  back in the day but now it's all been completely   overgrown and in the middle of this hallway we  have this wonderful channel here hanging wow   again everything in this hallway is hand painted  and designed a very particular way i love it   okay and then we end up in this room a very  empty room with a little very low ceiling as well   not very interesting that leads us into a little bureau okay where the  owner of the place might have conducted some work   he of course was very influential so  lots of paperwork needed to be done chandelier hanging here again in the  middle of the room looking over this bureau some magazines left here gardenia that's just gardening and it's  from the year 2000s it says on there   it's just a book a magazine completely  dedicated to gardening oh excuse me   lots of advertisements in here as well  but they are all related to gardening more books over here the nature and science books  and also politician books politics universal books just wonderful oh and then we go further down a little  stairway that leads us into a beautiful room   in front of us oh this was the grand room of the  place oh my god i just love it how it's designed i want to explore more in the country of italy and  just their beautiful ceiling paintings chandeliers   and their taste for design is just unmatched in  the abandoned world only in italy and now for   this time in switzerland we can see something like  this you have to tell me this chandelier is just   meticulous oh i can stare at it for hours and  hours on the end you go a little bit closer wow and i'm just wondering what this room was  used for but it's supposedly just a sitting area   maybe there used to be a big  dining table here in the middle   where people could have dinner at it seems  like a grind damning and dining area to me wow these upholstery chairs here in front of  the fireplace the little puff in front of it beautiful upholstery on there designed into detail then we have the grand mirror you  can see the chandelier also inside   and it'll need a wonderful fireplace   wow the wallpaper is unfortunately already peeling  off sledding loose the building is deteriorating   and falling apart and this is the big brother  of the other chairs in front of the fireplace wow another sofa right next to it i love this one as well what a beauty everybody and that leads  us into the last room of the place   that's again a little sitting area as you can  see but not the least not the least at all yeah that's this corner bench that's actually  pretty german you don't see this very often   in italy or switzerland or france even it's a  very german thing but now we see it over here   completely worked into the wall with carvings  all above it it looks more like a children's   room i must say from all the paintings or  slash carvings that we have here in the walls   some children playing outside and you can feel  the relief in this carving it's quite nice maybe this was the room where  the children would hang out   when the big adults had dinner in the room  next to it one last overview for you all before i end of this week's video i want to thank  the sponsor squarespace squarespace is a powerful   online platform on you on which you can build your  own website but that's not the only thing that   squarespace can do for you on your own websites  you can also create a community because people can   reply like and share the posts that you make on  there and those posts you can categorize schedule   and even share to other social media platforms  i know that a 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bench i'm gonna thank you all   for watching this video what a wonderful place  this was actually my last location that i explored   in switzerland but i will be back this country  has surprised me i thought that there would   wouldn't be any abandoned buildings here because  it's such a sophisticated and a rich country   but still we're managed to find some amazing  places if you enjoyed this episode definitely   leave a like subscribe to the channel if you're  new here it's free and it notifies you every   single week of a new episode that we release and  write me a nice comment in the comment section   and if you can spare a little coin or a little  bit of money for me exploring is just my hobby   there's a link in the description for patreon  they can support the channel and help us out   going around the world and exploring these  yeah truly amazing places i thank you all by   that and i will see you next week in another  epic adventure bye bye i love you very much you
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 301,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, abandoned, urbanexploration, urbandecay, decay, photography, brosofdecay, Abandoned, house, home
Id: IAhy05IlxZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 56sec (3596 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 03 2022
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