Abandoned Mansion of a Female High Court Lawyer from Paris ~

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Good morning everyone welcome back to  the bros of decay, I am Lesley and today   I'm taking you on another adventure we  are in France again very short to Paris   But we're gonna drive now, we just slept in this  hotel over here and we're gonna drive to our first   First and only location of the day actually  and then back to Belgium again but this one   should be pretty amazing so let's hop in the car  and let's see what this one has to reveal for us So everybody we just arrived at property as you  can see we have the enormous mansion here in front off us   Beautiful mansion totally overgrown by  nature over the years that it has been abandoned It's beautiful from the outside, literally amazing I think this is the entrance is over here   So let's hop inside and let's  see what's left behind in here Time isn't the main thing it's the only thing   In this week's documentary we will feature  astonishing home and the life of misses Dollerien Marie A very influential french woman  who came from a fairly poor family   During her lifetime she worked herself  up as a lawyer working in a small firm   Eventually at the end of her life  working in the main court of Paris With the great success in her career, she  was able to purchase this astonishing villa   For her and her family and throughout the years  they lived a lavish lifestyle in this place   Now many years have passed the family seems  to have disappeared from planet earth All their belongings have been left behind and nobody  seems to care about this wonderful place anymore   today we will take you throughout it  and show you the artifacts and history   that's left behind in here let's go on an  exquisite adventure hey everybody welcome  back to the bros of Decay I'm lesley and today I'm taking you through a fantastic abandoned manner   In the countryside of France The woman that lived here  like a tilton story worked in the courts of Paris   Unfortunately i don't know much about this  place but i'm eager to find out more while   Going through this manner with you guys so we're  gonna look through the documents to see who lived here   And how these people lived and  what their house looked like   i'm really excited for it so let's waste no  more time let's grab my backpack and let's   head inside of the place and of course not to  forget always put on those gloves for protection   like that and now we're ready to  explore this place okay I'm sitting here   Literally in the middle of the woods but you  can see if I pan over there you see the mansion   between the tree line they even had this enormous  backyard over here with trees totally overgrowing   over growing it i really like the  style of it typical french garden   okay let's go between here to this  little hole wow look at the garden here   it's like a lush forest it became a lush forest  over the years that it's abandoned i'm wondering   how many years this abandoned because it seems  like quite some time by looking at the garden okay this is the back side of the  house and the first thing i notice here   are these wonderful tiles hand-painted probably   and also the style of the mansion is very  unique they got this exposed rock over here three stories high even more tile on the wall wow one more look at the outside before we go in okay welcome inside of the house welcome  inside of the basement of the house   it's probably not that interesting because it's  used as a storage unit of the house but either   way we will look through it and we will see if  we can find out anything about these people when   it was abandoned looking at dates here they just  put off their shoes when they came into the house   some of their slippers are left behind things  like that very normal things for a household   paint cans that man used to fix up the house   even though these people were pretty wealthy  they still didn't love things themselves jacket of his the first thing we ended uh end up into is  some sort of a wine cellar we see lots of   empty bottles of wine here on these racks we  are of course emperor in france cho to paris   and people over here consume a lot of  wine of course some coals on the ground   might they have had a coal stove in this  house that might have been a possibility okay   but let's not bore you too much with this basement  there's not much to find out about these people   in this basement and we have the washing  area oh my god i did not see that   here's the kitchen of the house literally  there's a kitchen downstairs here wow   with everything all the foods of them still left  behind after those years it's a good thing to look   at the dates that we can find this 2014 okay  and this is a pack of of sauce so let's assume   two three yes it might have been yeah so maybe  2011 2012. this house might have been abandoned   well what's in here i i don't want to know   spaghetti stays along for a very long  time stays good for a very long time okay no   bad puzzle there's a little cat in a box let's  look at one more product we've got some magazina this product and expiration date on this  one is 2007. okay that's interesting   different dates maybe they didn't  throw it away for a long time and this is 2013. so we can safely  assume around the year 2010 2012   these people left behind this house forever  still some dishes on the table of them   a fridge a cooler a freezer an oven even  the last towel that they used and probably   last dried their hands off is still hanging  here all the spider webs are totally covering it and this window has been opened for quite some   time you can see all the leaves in the  sink over here that came from outside not very interesting kitchen but still we found  out some great things about the people their   washing room and then we have to stay away that's  gonna lead us into their household so this is the   grand front entrance of the house with a lantern  hanging from the ceiling presenting this hallway   i love the tinted glass that's in front of  here i can even get a glimpse of the outside   this one doesn't open up unfortunately otherwise  i could have shown you that side of the house   but what i find very interesting about this  section of the house you can probably already   notice it is the electricity the build up of  the electricity and with that you can also   see the age of the house because when this  house was constructed it most likely did not   facilitate any electricity because it's all been  added on later see the light switches are added on   even the heating pipes that lead to the  furnace downstairs have been added on   as you can see it's very interesting to  see here we have a hull tree where they   could hang up their coats when they  came inside of the house and went out   and even here we can see it everything every  light switch headed on even the sockets down there a wonderful spiraling staircase we have  here in front of us that leads to the top   floors of the house and that we will venture  up later in this video wow this one is amazing one little drawer here in the hallway some things  in there little tickets from the intel machine some items that i bought but not much to see in there okay let's head over  oh my god this room is completely overthrown   not much left in it unfortunately except for  this brass chandelier that we've hanging here   i love the wallpaper as well and now we enter into the living area and this  definitely matches the style of the house from the   outside it has like this typical frenchy german  north frenchy german style of household with lots   of wood worked into the walls exposed stone and  inside of the house of course a lot a lot of wood   worked into the hall into the walls even inside  of this room you can see that the light sockets   have been added on later it's  like this different type of wood   that they put on top of there and even the ones  down there wow but have a look at this enormous   dining table with a very very big channel  here hanging above it fully made of iron wow before i go through this room i want to give you  this overview of it look at the size of this place   and i assume a lot of people must have lived  here maybe marie and her husband had a lot of   children because we can see eight chairs  around the table wow and it's still made   after those years these wonderful  plates there's no signature on them these are very different types of shares than i  normally find in france normally you would also   always find upholstery chess but this one  is like a woven wood style a bamboo woven   wood style a sauce dispenser here at the end of  the table even a checkers board beneath there   and i can see some food here in this one these  seem like they are olives wow that's dirty   and then presenting the table in  the middle is the channel here   used to be holding candles but later on you  can see they added on cables for the lamps   and made it into an electric lamp so  it's probably a very very old piece i love the surrounding area of the dining room   we have the fireplace over  here still some wood in there glass blown this is literally now  this is completely made out of glass   handmade probably it's not blown i  think but wonderful craftsmanship   i like this one as well that's the  french flag waving around on the ship beautiful fireplace and down  there we have a bed warmer   you put coals in it and you could  put it at the end of your bed   in the evening a little sitting bench where you  could probably play shacker and this trolley is   also amazing you could take it out there you  use it in hotels to bring food to the room wow bottle of liquor fascinating let's also look  in here oh oh this is an this is a full aloe vera   elevator look at this that's how rich these people  wear you could pull it up like this and bring the   food to the top floor let's try that out oh no it  seems to be stuck right now it's not functioning   that well anymore but wow they had a food elevator  inside of their house that's totally amazing let's close that up neatly let's go further  with the exploration unfortunately not much   pictures of these people found  yet we have some vintage pictures   but they are probably not of the people themselves in here we have classes all  types of different things   what i needed when i drew a dinner party love  this these plates over here they seem like chinese   asian plates they have the chinese description  on them completely written mandarin and then we have this side of the dining room and  have a look at this everybody there's an enormous   wing piano in the middle of the room wow it's a  long time ago since i found another wing piano   see this one opens up whoa the  inside still looks magnificent let's close that up very carefully it's  pretty heavy i'll show you the front of it   it says on there see it still plays wow the ball street chair in front of it and  here we have some old books left behind   probably the notes that they played the music  that i played on the piano of course they are   this little stand was used to store all the music  notes for the piano they would be playing around   all evening long on this wonderful thing  yep let's put that back neatly on the stand ah this was just a little sitting area i suppose  and a lot of things have already been taken from   the walls maybe the memories have been taken  outside and i actually kind of like that because   seeing memories inside of a place  that's very sad those belong to somebody roy and henry royen wonderful painting i  noticed like a sketch made with a pencil okay and in the middle of the room we  have this copper channel here hanging another enormous checker or chessboard yes  this is a checkerboard i'm looking how i   can open it up that's this little  latch over here that opens up wow they must have loved checkers   let's see what room we end up in here so  much different things inside of this place   it's just crazy over there the window is all the  way open people can just wander inside of here and we have a spinning wheel in this room i  can see over here a quite nice one actually   really love that piece lots of knobs on the  floor buttons for shirts stuff like that record player left here okay everybody i'm very  excited to take you all now upstairs and show you   that beautiful top floor that i was  talking about okay i'm really excited   to go up the stairway it's a very fancy one  beautiful crafted wood leading to a top floor see a little bridge here on the wall okay we have arrived on the second floor and the  first thing i see over here is this telephone   wow police pompeii so the police you can call  and the ad the firemen you can call very easily   very old device left here and i'm always wondering  what this horn is used for that's hanging here   from the side of the telephone was it to listen  together with somebody do a telephone call   do a group call or something  like that i'm too young to   to to note things like that so tell  me in the comment section please a bathroom a very french toilet left  in here with the reservoir on top beautiful piece okay let's head into the  first bedroom and even up here you can see it   the electricity sockets are on the outside not  worked into the walls that's how old this place is   okay we have the first bedroom over here everybody  have a look at this wonderful room i really adore   it the bed is still made after all those years  probably 10 to 11 years of abandonment still   the blankets on there the pillows at the end  it's just fascinating a little book stand   where you could put some magazines down  below and the lamp to read with up here we have this box and a few artifacts that  they collected around the world a clock face   a mechanical [ __ ] face this looks like more like  a toy or something like that maybe it's a puzzle interesting piece of furniture  then we have the marble fireplace   of course back in the day people didn't have  central heating they didn't have electricity   even so uh that's why they put fireplaces in  each and every single room of this place and   this is most definitely a child's room or used to  be a child's room because we can see these dolls   here at the fireplace i love the style of it  marble white a little suitcase right next to it then this child's drawer antique child's  drawer that's now been broken very unfortunate   a big mirror above it and he or she  even had like a little sink area   with a medical cabinet and  everything inside of a room   and all of these things even the  toothpaste of the person still left behind you can pass away but the things you own in life   will stay on this planet  forever that's just how it goes even the toothbrush and the bars of  soap that they last used are still here wow and you don't see this often in france but  here they have a gold faucet and a what hot faucet   f stands for foie and c stands for  sure sure is hot and for is gold   a little french lesson for everybody who's  watching today here we have a closet still   filled with women's clothes but these  look not like clothes from a child   these might have been clothes from marie she might  have stored them after their children moved out   of the house look at this vacuum that's  down here very fascinating fascinating   and one more thing about the hallway when you look  at it it just looks very bold and it doesn't look   very fancy like the outside or the rooms that we  see in this place and more looks like a dormitory   i should say with the mirrors above here they  remind me of the classroom i used to be in when   i was younger and yeah let's let's just go into  the rooms because they are way more beautiful   and here we enter into another bedroom and i  assume this might have also been a child's bedroom   it's not that big and maybe a boy's bedroom seems  a bit more like a boy's bedroom there are no doors   left behind but we do have a hairdryer hanging  here so i'm again not completely sure about   the use of these rooms and for who they wear wow  we have a painting above here of a marine life again another sink in this bedroom   like you see every single bedroom had his  own sink to do some washing up at night   a little medical cabinet at the side here let's  look what kind of clothes are left behind in this   room oh there are no clothes these are just  bat linen that they have left in this room   okay most likely when the children moved out they  also took all their clothes with them didn't leave   anything behind i love these little racks where  you could neatly hang up your clothes at night i   should get one of those does one of my subscribers  still use one of these racks to hang up their   clothes and what is the exact name for the piece  of furniture that we see here in front of us   i think it's very fascinating piece of furniture  and then here we have like the black marble stove   again another stove in this room like i  told you a gold mirror above there wow and then we have the bed itself also still made oh these glasses we see over  here they are very fascinating   very small glasses i really love this to have them   let me put them in this box oh we got a picture  look at this everybody studio this is made in   paris this picture so this might have been one of  the children it's most likely not maria herself   because these pictures just look too modern  but yeah we can see her posing very religiously a few crosses of jesus christ on the wall then we have this sort of bookshelf here in the  corner of the room with a hat above there wow   what a place everybody i really love it i'm  not even seen the best room yet it's just   looking here in the hallway and they have  this little hanger with a brush on there   maybe to clean off their shoes or or something  like that before they went out of the house   very interesting we have one more room this  is the room with the mirrors above there that   remind me of a dormitory and it's a very  small room most likely again for a child   again this one has also a sink in there so all  the facilities are there but you can see how small   that this room is or maybe it was just a guest  bedroom and this one does have a heater inside   of the room unlike the other rooms interesting  okay still made bad in this room as well wow after all those years every time that  keeps amazing me and then we have this   little nightstand with a marble top some books  that they read and everything's still on there   wow now it's time to go to the master bedroom yes  everybody in front of me is the most amazing room   of this place i'm really excited to open that  door and reveal the room to you all because this   is the master bedroom of the place the white  doorknob oh yes i thought it was closed but   it's open leads us inside of an amazing manor  bedroom wow queen size bed in the middle   wonderful wallpaper chandelier hanging  from the ceiling true authentic french room   i really love this one wow look at the style  even the paintings here on the wall represent   this room they are totally falling apart of  course but look at the style of them they depict   a vintage french life a lady sitting in  a garden a man playing a song for them here marie and marilyn here we  can see it university of paris   1941 1942 delene marie studied  there and became a lawyer we even have some sort of  medical card of her wow and   her fake teeth are also still  left here isn't that just crazy a little novel about the french car kite  for the french car maybe it was a driver's   guide or something like that you can see some  maps in here of paris the surrounding areas   and some jewelry boxes wow with still some  necklaces and bracelets inside of there a little lion on the front of this one there's still some jewelry  inside of here very fascinating i love the nightstand it's in the same style  as the bed we are seeing in front of us very   very big mattress very big still made that  like all the other ones inside of this house the crown of the bed very uniquely designed ahead of her still left did she  were every single day probably   this was our style we have a magazine from  1953 left here a religious magazine and on   this little bench in front of it they put on their  clothes in the morning their shoes and everything wow and then above the bed we have this crystal  here chandelier presenting the room making it beautiful another nightstand with a marble top   and another painting on the  wall our lush french lifestyle i love the wallpaper and again in this room we also have a fireplace  and this one is again a marble white fireplace   with a military man depicted on here this might  have been her husband can see a very big mustache   corporal or general or something like that he  used to be a red upholstery chair right next to it   and over here we have an enormous closet very fine enormous closet that's it's  again the same style as the bed itself   look at all the bed linen inside of  here this one doesn't open anymore   they made up the bed with this even  like above the keyhole there's a design   a flower pot every single detail of this  closet has been thought of have one little   bed in the corner of the room maybe for a  child that even slept inside of this room more jewelry boxes   let's open this one up a very big medical  cabinet look at this all these artifacts in here   i can remember having a camera  like this with a film roll   my mother gave it to me when i went on my  first trip with school and it had like 30   pictures you could take with it then you had  to go to the store develop it oh those times   probably everybody watching this video can  remember a time like that now it's all so easy   lots of bottles still left in here  very fancy little display cabinets and then i think we have to walk in closet  with the bathroom am i right yes i am right   look at this a freestanding boat with paws  underneath you don't see these very often   i really love these spots whatevs you can see that  mrs marie at the end of her life was probably very   old living in this place she had this bench to  sit on and to wash yourself in a convenient way   the bottles of shampoo are still left in here dolf even a big day down there  and yet again another sink   with the two faucets the water doesn't run in this  place anymore oh it does no the hot water doesn't   run anymore but gold water still functions  no way i didn't test it in the other rooms   but this everybody is friends that's how  things go over here nothing gets cut off a bathroom hanging here and then these very huge  building closets probably still flow with clothes   of her and yes they are her jackets her purses  even the costumes of our man are still in here   wow they look like very expensive clothes   now it's time everybody to go upstairs  and check out the last floor of this house time to go up to the last floor  everybody i'm really excited   to go up here we'll see a phone book left  here to the side and this was probably used   with the telephone here on the  side okay let's go up there okay it's more like an attic space oh i have  to be careful there's a hole in the floor what do we have over here  a not very interesting room   one thing that i like is this poster  of a mountain i was looking at it   it's too sharp to be mount everest but  probably in the french alps somewhere it's like a storage area up here i love the  windows to the side they are tinted as you can see does the water still work up here as well this one seems to be cut off okay lots and lots of books left here from the children  as you can see dimble bimbo a child script very   vintage child script the paint is completely  peeling off still some blankets in there a black dress wow here to hang up all the blankets to dry   it was a little laundry room and  i even had this vacuum left here wow let's see if we have anything more on this side   a few more rooms left behind again a very  big closet completely filled with bad linen   and this one oh i love it we have like this  little suitcase that's filled with letters of them   you find them so often in abandoned places and  here we can see the first memories of the people   you have these pictures of three boys on the field   these might have been her children  we also see a girl in the middle a man hanging out of a train smoking a cigarette wow hand written letters i love to go through suitcases like this wow those are some true  memories from the ancient times a box completely filled with film rolls lots of storage up here and  then we have one last room   that seems kind of interesting actually up here  wow there's so many things to look at in this room   the first thing i notice is this classroom  picture of all these girls in uniform and   this is made in paris it says here on the side  maybe this marie her class picture who knows lots of books down there two beautiful singer  sewing machines this one is a singer oh no   this is not a singer this is a mascot mascot  sewing machine and a singer sewing machine   right there this one is worked into the bench  a military outfit like i told you i think   the husband of this house was a military guy he  worked in the military you can see his uniform   still here the buttons on there  wow serving the country of france   and she as well as a lawyer they  were truly a power couple together a big map i think this is the map of no i'm  i'm not sure about this it looks like grease at   first but i'm not sure about where this map  is wow this enormous lamp here to the side   on this table it's stuck to the table actually so  it's made into the table wow now we have this this   desk but i probably did some work you can see some  pencils left here a key for somewhere in the house this is the picture   wow look at this this is the jacket that we're  looking at oh no it's not exactly the same jacket   it's not exactly the same the top of it is  different i thought it was the same jacket very cool we have a stamp and a bench to work at back there   and over here we have this enormous display  bookcase with hundreds of books in there oh that fell down excuse me very much   oh everybody i found one more interesting thing  over here and that's here in the corner of the   hallway upstairs we have this some sort of  a rock collection that is on display here   wow of who might this have been very interesting  they don't seem like very special rocks to me   but i'm of course not educated on rocks at all we  even have a newspaper left here to the side of it from august 1980 wow mahakash rock hall they are talking  about here very interesting find   i was just explaining you in the beginning of the  video about this elevator that's installed in here   and i thought it went up to the top floor but  it actually goes down in the basement that's   very logical because there's the kitchen  so i want to bring it down and show you in   the basement how that looks like so with  this rope we can bring the elevator down   okay it's a very tedious job  it's not powered or anything i think it's almost almost there let's go  to the basement right now let me show you   how that looks like looks like  let's go follow me to the basement okay i've not seen it yet but it should be  oh yeah in the kitchen actually of course here it is wow look at that here the elevator comes  it comes down hold a little bit further   very unique mechanism you can see just the  rope spanning around all the way and that's   the food elevator that these people used okay  guys i want to thank you very much for watching   this week's video what a fascinating home to  explore and i really loved going to the story of   these people if you liked this week's video please  like it subscribe to the channel if you're new and   write me a nice comment that would be very lovely  there's also a link in description for patreon   where you can support the channel and help us  out going around the world filling these amazing   abandoned places bye bye i love you very much  and i see you next week another epic adventure you
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 330,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, abandoned, urbanexploration, urbandecay, decay, photography, brosofdecay, Abandoned, house, home
Id: bnV7qQw-reU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 27sec (2787 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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