Their Daughter Went Insane! ~ Abandoned Mansion in the French Countryside

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Hello everyone, welcome back to the Bros Of Decay. I'm Lesley and today I'm going  to take you on another adventure,   we are today in the south of France   and we're exploring an abandoned place that has  such a creepy story that it even creeped me out. I've seen a lot of things, I've explored a lot of  buildings, but this one is one of the craziest. We're standing now currently in the  backyard trying to find an entrance,   as you can see everything is totally overgrown  over the last years this place has been abandoned. Okay, my friend is opening a door  over here, let me help him out, okay   we're now coming inside of some sort of a  barn that seems to be completely filled. What happens in this place? Look at these tractors that are left behind,   I will go into greater detail a little  bit later in the video, but oh my god! This seems like some sort of a castle... The house we are going to explore is next to it. What in the world did we end up in? Let's go through the backyard and yes,  this is the place where we came for   the abandoned house of Anneliese and Michelle. The window seems to be just open over here, so  let's go inside and let's see what's left behind. Somewhere between the endless vineyards  in the Southern French countryside   rests a picturesque property that has  been abandoned for a quarter of a century. The family Mullet started living here before  Napoleon even ruled the kingdom of France,   over the years they built a successful business  in grape cultivation and wine production. At the start of a beautiful story of Mrs. Annalise   and Mr. Michelle end up to the  bird of that daughter Caroline. Caroline was not a normal child, at first she  seemed very normal but when she got to the age   of puberty a change started to happen, out of  the blue she went on a path of self-neglect. She stopped grooming herself, she  didn't brush her teeth anymore,   she developed an alcohol addiction and her  life went in a complete downward spiral. Rumors also have it that she would yell out of her  window at passes by and even threw books at them. Her parents tried everything in  their power to heal their daughter   but didn't succeed in their quest. On a particular night when she was 24 years old   she passed away in her sleep  from alcohol poisoning. After these terrifying events  happened the parents packed their bags   and never went back to the home ever again. Let us roam through its contents in  search of an answer to this bizarre story. So everybody, welcome back to another  adventure by the Bros Of Decay,   I'm Lesley, and today I'm filming one of the  craziest abandoned places that I've ever filmed. Not because of the house but because  of the story that you just heard,   we're gonna see everything  that happened in this place. I'm really excited to explore this  one, it's in the South of France   and this place has been abandoned for 35 years. Annelise and Michelle, the  parents of Caroline left it behind   without notice, packed their  bags, and never came back. Let me show you around this place and  let me tell you what happened here. When we start walking through the backyard the  first thing that we see is the car that they   left behind, this is a two-horsepower Citroen car  and I think it's built around the 1960s or 70s. It is totally overgrown by thorns and  vines, have a look at this car, it is   just deteriorating over the last 35 years that  Caroline and Michelle have left it behind. What a crazy find and that door  over there is gonna lead us   into their property, let's  try to get through here. You can already see lots of things on  the ground, I'm not sure what kind of   business these people had, but I believe it  was something to do with farming equipment,   I'm gonna open the door for my cameraman Martijn. Are you okay? Because this is pretty  difficult with all the vines and plants. We don't want them to get into  your eyes or something like that. Wow, we just ended up in a barn and it truly  looks like these people had something to do   with the making and selling of farming equipment. I'm gonna show you and follow me around   and we will see all the tools that  are still in here, all left behind. Maybe around there, you can show them,  where Michelle used to work on the equipment   that he made and I believe that these people  that lived here were also very rich people,   because there are so many artifacts  that reveal this around the location. Look at the tractors that are left behind here,  these must at least be more than 100 years old. These are steel tires. We have not seen tractors  like this in a very long time. They also have a more recent one   behind here, *Nuffield* which says  on there, it's a French tractor. And another one over there. And then when you walk onto that  property, the first thing you see,   this is actually not the house that they lived in. But it's some sort of a manor  or a castle, that's left behind. I would call it a castle actually, we're gonna  explore that one at the end of the video,   but it's completely collapsed so we  have to be very very careful in there. And then we walk onto their property. Look at this machine! Wow, I've never seen something like this in my  life, I think it would be to make hay bales,   it would be pulled by horses. He might be into the business of restoring   historical farming equipment, which seems to be a  very good business to be in, what a masterpiece! I have absolutely no clue how  this machine would function. And then we have also a plow in front of it here,  a very big one, that will be pulled by horses. Wow, let's go over their property. You can definitely see, the grass is growing,   the trees are taking over and this  place is falling into disrepair. It's actually a very nice vibe walking over  here, despite the story that happened here. That door over there is going  to lead us on later in the video   to the top of this castle, but  over here we see their grand house. I would call this a manor, a manner is French  for villa and this is definitely a villa. You can also definitely tell that  we are in the south of France   by the palm trees that are growing over here. What a place! The last thing before we go inside,   the roses are growing here because it's  springtime right now beautiful pink roses   in front of their front door, let  me knock and see if anybody is home. So we just entered the house through the  window over here and this is the first room   that we ended up in, the  dining area of the people. And this is already a very  flowery sunny happy room,   as you can see Michelle put flowers all over it. I always assume that a woman does the interior  design of a home because she has the best taste,   but that's not always true. There are Rundgren pictures on the table over  here of a spinal cord as you can see a pelvis,   these might have been of Caroline. There are so many of these left behind  here on the table, let me show you. Here's another one, they might have been  taken when she got sick over the years. Crazy! It's a plate, 60 years diamond  anniversary it says over here,   this is the diamond anniversary of  Annelies and Michelle, their wedding. So they were 60 years married  to each other, is that true? That can be true actually and then we have  the big fireplace with the exhauster above it,   here in the corner of the room,  where the food would be cooked on. And the last ashes from 35 years ago  are still in there and this to the side   looks like some sort of a  speaker, but I'm not sure. Amazing finds here on the table,  we also still have a newspaper left   and from which there is this one 1932,  almost 90 years old depicting the cable rails   with the cards to take people up in the alpine  mountains of France, to go skiing most likely. There's even a half-drunken  bottle of wine on the table, wow! The broom is also still left behind over  here and this doorway over here leads us   into their broken-down kitchen. Oh my god, isn't that just crazy  everybody, the decay in this place,   the window that they would open. Wow, even a microwave back there, some food pots,   that's how your life looks like and your house  looks like after you leave planet earth behind. A stove underneath the exhaust and all the  pots and pans still neatly hanging from there. That's a crazy sight! And to this side, we have  all the built-in cabinets   with the food and the drinks and  the liquors still stored in there. Pernot that's a fine drink, I've had it before! Hair clipping device, wow! Oh, this is an agricultural machine  Renault says on there it's from 1919,   so Mr. Michelle might have had something to  do with the restoration of these machines. Okay, that's why we probably saw them   so many of them in the backyard, then  to the side here we have the sink. Even more foods all throughout these cabinets. So let's not waste any more time in this kitchen,  let's show you the remainder of the house. Okay, here's the doorway that we just came  in through uh we didn't come into here   but we knocked on it and it's not able to  open anymore because a door has fallen on it. Well, the spider webs are completely covering it   and that leads people into the hallway of  the house that's also completely designed   with this wonderful wallpaper that's now  peeling off the walls after all those years. And that leads us into another room,   Oh, Oh my god, I just stepped over in this hole  over here oh that was a bit, scary everybody. That leads us into a bedroom actually, oh my  god, look at this we just entered into a bedroom   of this place, the lovely side table maria on  there holding a cross, what do we have over here? A lovely book that they didn't even finish  reading, it's still on one of the last pages. The glasses, wonderful clock as well, they  truly loved flower design in this place. Depictions of French farmland, castles  all over this wallpaper, and the bed   is still made after all those years of  abandonment that's what I truly love. Another clock face with an elephant on top. Cointreau, that's a very typical French liquor  actually, and also Calvados to the side over here. Let's open up one of these very very big  built-in cabinets, I almost knocked this over,   let me place this to the side, it's pretty heavy! Actually, I don't know what it is, but I think  they are decoration pieces for the clock. Okay, now we can open it up and that  reveals just a storage area in this cabinet. In the middle of the room, we have this fireplace   that would be lit up in the evening  to heat up this wonderful room. And above the fireplace, there is this  wedding picture that's actually taken   on the grounds of this property, and these  two people, are they Michelle and Annelies? I'm not sure because it seems like a very old  picture, but you can see the castle behind it   here, no this is from 1892 that might be  the grandparents of Annelies and Michelle. Flowers made into a display over here,   I'm not gonna open this one up, because I have  to move so many things to open that one up. More liquor down here, look at this, we've got  a champagne bottle, oh no this is actually wine,   wow! We are of course in France and  wine is very common over here. Oh this is a trophy from Jupiler and that's  a beer from my country actually, Belgium   has, one of the best beers in the world, so  it's not uncommon to see something like that. And then we have a table over here in  the middle with a nice postcard, wow! This is a postcard that they made of this  place of this castle that's on the property   and as you can see closely the car that  was completely overgrown in the backyard   is standing here in front  of the castle, oh my god! That's a very very wonderful postcard, this looks  like some sort of a glass plane that they made. A handwritten receipt also left behind, just  gonna go through the things and show you   and then a record player underneath  and another one behind here as well. What a room, oh I see something else,   another one of those restored agricultural  machines depicted over here, wow! And even a wall clock without a clock  face anymore left on the wall over here   and then we enter into this room that I just  saw from the corner of my eye and I think   this is where Michelle deducted conducted his  business made his invoices and all this stuff. Look at this very very wonderful bureau that we  just entered into, it looks more like a library   than a bureau, when you first  enter this room you see this,   I think it is some sort of a dentist chair  that you put into here to conduct this work on. I assume yes, it's very very heavy and it  even has this lever to pull and put down   the patient with it I can think you can pump it  up like that wow it's completely falling apart   and then there's some sort  of a desk over here as well. Some of his glasses are left behind. And another one over here, let's put them  together with a clock face above there. Renaissance 1835 from Paris, let's open  this up and let's see what's in there,   it's a very old booklet that's left here. And even all the letters that he once  wrote to his clients are still left here,   the date on there says 1964 and it's  a posted stamp from Lourdes actually. I can see also this postcard down here,  think it's the castle of Versailles,   Palace of Versailles, exactly chamber  de Louis XVI so the 14th Louis It's a postcard of that place, one of  my favorite places to visit in France. Over here some of his keys are even left  behind and a map of France as well and look   at this side of the bureau, all  the books that are stored up here. Very fascinating display, this is one  of my favorite parts of this house,   oh and even more of these letters are  left in here and they're all handwritten,   like people used to do back in the day. Now everything is made with computers  but this took time and dedication. Up here we have a projector from back in the day. And another clock face down here  as well, so many things to look at   in this place, I can't stop going through here. Wow, look at this carriage  that's depicted on here,   also from the palace of Versailles and this one  is fully written out, it says that it's from 1919. More than a hundred years old is this  postcard, more than a hundred years old. And we have also this Kochier  sewing machine down here. And also look at all the invoices that are  hanging from here, isn't that just crazy? These are all the invoices that Mr.  Michelle made for his clients, wow! I love to find rooms like these that hold  true history and that are time capsules. Let's now go through the hallway over here   and go further into the house, this is  where the people came in and left as well. There are even more of those  Rundgren pictures here on the floor,   I'm not going to go in-depth  on every single one of them. Cassettes left behind more and oh these are  all cassettes that they made, they even wrote   on there what it says, the 9th of June 1983  and this is for a birthday as I can read. I think we enter into the kitchen over here to the  right, I love how these doors were made back then. The mechanism on there is just fascinating,   a very big kitchen actually for only three people  and an enormous exhauster right next to me here. I'm gonna turn off my light actually and show you   when I turn off this light you can see the  light from up there coming into the place. I hope you can see this right,  let me turn on the light again   and show you that we are inside of the exhauster  the light is just flooding into this place wow   they had an oven over here a cooking  pot which they made the last meal with. I think before Annelies and Michelle  more people lived in this place. Look at this cooking pot that we have over  here, that's to at least feed a hundred people,   wow, what does it say on there? Oblain foundry from some sort of foundry  model, I can read, not very clear,   but you would heat it up from down here and  then you could cook your meal in this pot. And in the kitchen, there's also so much  food just left behind and rotting away,   canned food is something very  common to find in abandoned places. A suitcase to travel the world and see different  countries, that's what I love to do in my life,   traveling the world, seeing different  things and experiencing different people. And the enormous dining table is also still  left here, two, four, five, six, seven,   eight chairs in this place, wow! I think they only used the  first dining room that we saw,   the alpine mountains of France are depicted here. An oil lamp above. Is this the Notre Dame? Yes, it is! And this is of course before it burned down and  the spire that we see up here totally collapsed. The Notre Dame of Paris. We even have a calendar over here that's from  1900, I can't see the last letter anymore,   the last number, but look at this  calendar how it's made, I just love it! Food is also still left in here, okay,  interesting all this, very interesting! We haven't looked at this one yet, it's like  a family diploma or something like that. Bottles of liquor are all left here. Okay, we saw the kitchen,   this is the stairway, but first, there's one  more room that we have to cover to this side. I think this was the utilitarian  room where the washing would be done,   where some of the food would be  made and as well I see a bathroom. Let's first focus on this side, because  we have another exhauster over here, wow! They also cooked some food  in this room as you can see. Some tools to this side. Wow, we have some hats from  Annelies also left here. Oh, this door you can definitely  see that it's not been opened   for such a long time, the spider webs  are so present on it, it's just crazy. Let me show you in the bathroom as  well, what that used to look like. This was their bathroom would be  the toilet and a sink very basic. I think their shower would be in here,  look at the contraption that they made   to keep the showerhead up, wow! They were not people that just bought a new  one, they really tried to fix this one up! Let's now head up this wonderful  stairway to the top floor   and let's see what's left behind over there. I have to be a bit careful because I  don't think this one is very stable. While going through these places you also  have to be very careful where you're walking,   because a place that has been abandoned  for 35 years can be very dangerous,   you have to be very careful with those. But now to the left of us, we  are entering Caroline her bedroom   and this is actually the  saddest part of the house. I'm gonna tell a story about this room. So Caroline this was her bed, where she  slept, where she grew up, and where she got   mentally ill and this is the window  that we see over here and here   people of the town always walked by because  the street is right in front of the window. And she would be in this room in front  of this window all the time looking out   and throwing things at people, shouting at people,  calling them perverts, and all these bad words. And these people that walk by of  course didn't do anything wrong,   but that's just how Caroline her brain  worked and at a certain point in the evening   on her 23rd year of life, she was lying in this  bed, probably under the influence of drugs,   alcohol and other things she  suffocated in her own vomit. I'm 99.9% sure that this story is right  because the people of the town have verified it   and of course, these people have experienced it,   because it's 35 years ago, it's  not a century ago or anything. These people that live in this town have  experienced this girl and the things she did   and that's the saddest part about this house   and probably also one of the  sad stories that I've ever told. The whole ceiling has just come  down on top of the bed leaving it   crumbled away, even her head is  still hanging on the side of the bed. Oh this gets me, this really gets me,  it's still made after that certain day,   her pillows are still on there and there  seems to be another bed behind this bed. Wow, what a place, what a truly sad place. I can feel what happened in here,  I don't believe in spiritual things   or anything but I definitely can feel  that bad things have happened in here. We have got a picture of an army  man, 1818 it says on his collar. A dog and a cat are depicted over here. Underneath, we have a radio   let's see if our clothes are also left behind,  no they are not, but the bed linen, yes they are. What a room! I think that wardrobe over there   was for her clothes, but of course, I'm not gonna  walk there because it's just too dangerous to do. Okay let's turn back, let's leave this room  behind, I'm gonna close the door because   I want to close this part off. What a story everybody when I heard  it I was just in shock about it,   let's go further everybody, let's go further. Sometimes you have to tell stories  that you really don't want to tell,   but they have to be out there and in  this room, there are even two more beds. And we have a fireplace to the  side here, a wonderful fireplace! It used to be a very beautiful room  but now, of course, it isn't anymore. I think I see these pieces of  furniture in a lot of lots of places   and at first I thought it was a sled, but looking  at it closer I'm actually not sure what this is. Does anybody have a clue what this device  was used for, because I don't I just don't? Okay, let's cover the last bedrooms of this place. I'm walking slowly through the hallway over here,   we even have a baby crib over here, wow,  what was its purpose? I have no clue! Some parts of these stories, I  don't understand them, I just don't! But we enter into the master  bedroom over here of this place,   you can see a big bed where Annelies and Michelle   used to sleep together, that still made after all  those years, the pillows still lying in the top. Wonderful design! A religious statue above here on the  nightstand and the chamber pot underneath,   wonderful blue design on it. Here we have a picture of windmills on farmland. Let's see what's in this room, to this side we  have an upholstery chair with Annelise her leather   snakeskin purse next to it, this must have  been a pretty expensive piece actually. I love this chair as well, wow and I think this  is a polishing machine that we see over here,   yes it is it's a polishing  machine, a very old piece. And then we have these built-in  cabinets, you can open them up   and they reveal a costume of Mr. Michelle  even his pen is still in his pocket over here. Inter oil it says on there, it's maybe the  oils that he used for his farming equipment,   fascinating! Lots and lots of religious depictions  over here a new sewing machine down below   and a wardrobe as well with the same design on it. And then we have one last room back here, okay. This also used to be a bedroom back in  the day as you can see a very tiny one. The French written note from 1953 on there,  lovely to see and then we have one last bedroom   over here to this side, with built-in  cabinets on either side of it. These are the same ones as  we saw in the other bedroom,   okay they also have a costume  probably of Annalise in here. Look at this bedroom and this is also a very  very tiny bed that's left in here, look at this,   some praying beats on the bed itself,  an upholstered bed as you can see. Wonderful and a television  to this side of the room. You can't even use a remote on  this one that's how old it is. Lovely last room of the house and  now the last thing that I'm gonna   do is I'm gonna take a look in the castle  and show you what that used to look like. So let's go over there right  now let's show you the castle. Okay, everybody, we're back outside right now  and we're standing in front of the castle. I'm really excited to see what's in there, so   let's get over there and let's see  what's left behind in this place. Jeroen just also told me that  there is a wine cellar, is it here? I have to light over here okay because  we need some light in there, of course,   oh my god, we're entering  inside of the castle now. As you can see this was used  to produce wine actually,   so the people Annelies and Michelle  might have also been in the business   of creating wine, all these wine bottles  left over here, they are all empty of course. And then in the middle of this castle,  we have an enormous wine barrel,   a little faucet up here that you could turn  open and tap your bottles of wine from. Even some corks left behind that  would close off the bottles. Is there more to see in this basement? Whoa, there's a big hole in the floor  over here, you have to be a bit careful. Okay, this is to press grapes I think. Oh my god, look at this device that we have over  here, it's a mechanical grape presser i think. Amazing machines! Okay let's now go to the top of the castle and see  what's up there, even an old bicycle left here,   it was probably from Caroline, wow! Let's go further. Here to the stairs, yes, okay let's go up there. Up to the top of the castle that's falling  apart right now, as you all can see. Oh my god, here we can get an  overview of the house to the side   and see how it's collapsed over the  years, the 35 years that it's abandoned. I also want to check out this one, oh  enormous rooms, most likely people have   also lived in this place before, but very very  early before Annelies and Michelle their time. And here we have another grand room, wow! Okay, let's now go to the very top is  that possible, you have not tried it? -No, I haven't. Oh okay, Let's go up there. Are you oke? I think this is the highest point we can get,  over here we get a nice view of the town as well. Maybe show around. Wow, from the door over here you can see the  complete town and overview of this place. So everybody. I think this is  where I'm gonna end the video. With nature taking over this place,  trees growing inside of here, wow. I want to thank everybody for watching this  week's video it was an amazing place to explore,   a crazy story, and just fascinating to see. If you liked the video please like,  subscribe if you're new to the channel   and do not miss any explorations, also  in the description, there's a link to   Patreon they can support us and help us out  going on these adventures around the world. I want to thank you all and I will see  you next week in another epic adventure. Bye, Bye, I love you very much.
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 350,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, abandoned, urbanexploration, urbandecay, decay, photography, brosofdecay, Abandoned, house, home, urbex and chill, urbex gone wrong, urbex and chill abandoned mansion, abandoned mansion, urban exploration abandoned, urban exploration new york, abandoned houses, abandoned glass mansion, abandoned places, urban exploration gone wrong, urbex history, urbex france, urbex paris, chaine urbex, urban exploration detroit, urban exploration with kappy, urban decay foundation
Id: IwcxTS-fqW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 22sec (2782 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 13 2022
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