Unsolved Mystery ~ Abandoned Mansion of a German Surgeon in Paris

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Hey everybody welcome back to the  channel and today i am at a location   that i've been wanting to  go to for a very long time. But the last time I was here, I literally thought   that this broken down house next to the  road was the location and it was torn down. But now we found out that the location  actually is a little bit further in the street. So I was stupid back then and I  didn't look around for that location. But now i'm back and i'm ready to explore it   and this location is very special for me  because it has a musical instrument in there   that i've been wanting to see in an  abandoned location for a very long time. So let's go there right now and  let's see what's left behind. Just made it on the property  but we have to be a bit careful. There's literally a car left behind over  here why the place is actually very very big. Quite excited to see this one. It's open over here, so let's go inside. Somewhere in the middle of  a picturesque French village   we found a charming estate that  got completely forgotten about. It once was in the ownership of Mr. Remon   and his beloved wife Anna a German couple  that moved to france in the late 80s. Mr. Remon got the opportunity of a lifetime   and became a surgeon at the renowned  hospital "Hopitaux de Paris". Together with his wife he  lived in this grand manor   for around 30 years but he sadly  passed away of terminal illness. His wife kept on living here alone for around  10 years until she passed away in the year 2016. Ever since that time their estate has been  abandoned and now is slowly rotting away. Come with us and let's uncover the  lives of this lovely german couple   and let's take you on a revealing  tour of their former kingdom. Okay so i'm inside the place right now. But unfortunately I looked around everywhere and  the harp I was talking about seems to be stolen   and that's just very heartbreaking for me  to see that people come into these places   and steal stuff. But yes this place has an  amazing story that you just heard   and it still is very beautiful to show you  so i'm definitely gonna do that right now. But first let me unpack my bag take  some pictures and then afterwards   we will explore this entire place. Oh yeah and by the way the pictures that i take in  these places you can find on my instagram account   i post like every single week you can see behind  the scenes and pictures taken in these places   so go over there link is in the  description and here's the name   of the instagram account as well so  let's go explore this place right now. Okay let's start off this incredible  exploration here outside of the place. And Misses Anna her car has just left here since  2016 rotting away nobody cares about it anymore. But look at this magnificent place that she  together with her husband Remon used to live in   such an amazing place, now completely overgrown. I'm very eager to take you on this  exploration so let's waste no more time   let's show you around the garden  and then go into the place. So this was the driveway that we just entered   into the place on and then we  have the mansion itself over here. And this is actually in French you would call this  a manor and manor is translated to english mansion   or villa and they have a very unique and  typical style in france you can see with the   shutters over there a few bricks worked into  the wall little roofs in there and mrs anna   her car left here in front of the  place it's just terrible to see. After she passed away, of that terminal sickness  nobody cared about her belongings anymore. Nice leather interior in the car. Wow this is crazy and then we wander into  her lush garden flowers still blooming here   this over here used to be a well, now  overgrown with ivy crazy let's go down now. It's like a wilderness that  we're wandering through. You can hear the birds chirping in the background,  her complete backyard is overgrown right now trees   have fallen in it nothing is left of it anymore  and that leads us to the back of our house. Where we can go inside of the window  here and show you the house itself. Wow immediately when we enter into this  place we are welcomed by these sunflowers. I at first thought that these were  real and was really scared that people   still lived in this place but they are  definitely fake they just look very real. And they're on top this beautiful  stand down here copper plate wow. But have a look at the room that we just entered   into it looks like a dining area  but it's very typically French. But also has touches of German design in here. I will point those out later okay, a wall cabinet   you can see she stored her crystalier glasses  in here for when guests came over of course. And then a painting above it. Wow maybe they made this themselves because  Anna besides Remon was a the very literature   person the very knowledgeable person in this  house and Anna was the artistic kind of person. She made a lot of paintings  that are in this place actually. That we are going to see as well but she  also played piano and i told you before   unfortunately the harp is stolen  that i came for actually just came   for the harp because I have never  seen a harp in an abandoned place. But she used to play this and  i believe she even was in place   and she made her own music  so it's very interesting. Over here cabinet to the side  with a marble top wow love it. And this looks like a van gogh, most likely  a replica otherwise it would also be stolen. Beautiful chandeliers here in the middle  of the dining area and they are presented   by a wall clock over here. With still a very very nice clock face in there   can I open this i'm just tall  enough wow have a look at this. Wonderful piece. And then we have the dining  area in the middle of the room. And it seems like it's still made for a dinner a  fancy dinner the wine glasses are still on there. I just told you about the german design   and these pillars here to my knowledge I  see them a lot in German abandoned places   and as well of course the beams that are running  through the ceiling they are also very German,   another incredible chandelier here in the middle  of the room but it's slowly falling apart. Wow and these are the paintings that i'm talking  about i don't think she made this one herself this   is an Indian carnival or an Indian festival as you  could call it, a parade or something like that. Here's another painting and they all don't have a  signature on them that makes me believe that she   just made them for ourselves you just made  them to put them in their house over here. There's a stairway over here but first let's  enter into the kitchen that leads us this way. Wow, I have not looked thoroughly at  this kitchen but amazing design on here   I just love blue blue lights of the house light  blue dark blue all mixed together in this kitchen   it looks like somebody could just  come in here and start living again. Let's go over these all the  appliances are still in here   and even the last pots and pans that Anna used  to use to make her beloved husband Remon a meal. Stoves i'm just curious if there are any meals  left behind even the spaghetti is still in the   jar over here it's just crazy tea kettle still on  the stove after all those years green with blue. Oh this is oh this is so sad to see always when  we explore abandoned places the dishes that are   left behind, they couldn't even do the dishes  anymore before they passed away that's such a   sad sight whenever you explore an abandoned place. And even the glasses over here with still a little  bit of water left in them ready to be cleaned. Up here they displayed some plates. Now we have another dining table  this was the common dining table   here the family would sit together  and just have a meal in the morning   and the evening and all these building  cabinets are also very very wonderful. A little toolbox for knitting supplies   that Anna used to maybe sue up mr Remon  his costumes that he needed to go to work. Okay we got a door over here  i look to the side of it   even the towels are still hanging  here after all those years. Uh my god this is oh that's very stuck okay. Wow where are we entering into, this is  interesting all the smell that comes from   this room is just horrible we have  wine bottles to the side over here. I think we are coming into some sort of a  washing room yes exactly like a laundry room,   where you would store your food your extra  food in the fridges or you would do your   laundry this didn't have to be a very fancy room  because guests just wouldn't come into, here you   wouldn't let them in here, oh my god the last  wash that Anna was doing is still in the basket. oh no This is terrible. Exploring can be you don't see  me very well in this mirror. No it's very very dirty but i'm just gonna do it   seeing all these things the dishes in the  kitchen the laundry here in the basket. It gets me very sad and it's not all fun and games  exploring abandoned places this is documenting   people's lives and four five no six years ago  actually Anna left this place in an instant having   nobody anymore all her things all our belongings  left behind the dishes left behind the laundry   left behind just like the moment she left  planet earth and that's also the part of   exploring that we have to tell we have to show  that these things happen in this world and   that are that places like this are left  behind and nobody does anything with it. It's just crazy to see all of this the laundry all  even the clothes and the towels left on the chair. Thats also a part of exploring that i really  want to show that things all left like this. And just one more thing before i shut up right  now but some explorers they show the haunted   part of houses they show how maybe ghosts live in  these places and they try to make it very scary. But i always try to make these  places come out very beautiful   because people had beautiful lives in here had  the most amazing memories happen in the house   the family comes over there's laughter there's  play there's all these things happening in houses   and i think that's a very important part of  exploring the show the beauty of a house. And that's what i try to do so let's go further. And then from the dining area we can walk straight  into this little stairway up to the living space   where Anna and Remon used to sit together  in the evening and i can definitely imagine   them sitting there in these couches these red  couches at the end of the living area together. I actually don't know if these people  had children most likely they did but how   many and where they are right now and what  they whereabouts are i just have no clue. Fascinating living room actually  chandelier in the middle of the room   very high ceilings i definitely  love the setup in here. To this side we have a fireplace I love  the statues and the copper gold crowning,   crown molding in here it's  actually wood yes this is wood wow. Still some ashes some last ashes  of them are in the fireplace. It's crazy and this seems to be from the  chimney this seems to have come down somehow,   the bellow is still to the side of  it and it actually still functions. That's fascinating you don't use these devices  anymore but they are very elegant most likely some   of my viewers still use a bellow to light up their  fireplace, wow dvds, vhs all left in here crazy. Mr Remon most likely had some beautiful cognac for  him in the evening to sit over there and enjoy it. And this is going to lead us upstairs  to the upper part of the house where the   bedrooms are but that's not everything  and over here we have some bedrooms. Okay over here first we have a bathroom very  tiny shower probably a sink over here as well. The shaving cream and everything still  left in here, let's go slowly backwards   and Iwander into this  magnificent bedroom over here. Look at this piece, wow still made, I  love the crown of the bed the wooden   design just how it's made and this of course is  a children's bedroom so they did have children. Look at this a lamp to the side with  a nice novel underneath French novel. Emily. And then they had this amazing lamps  here, this is glass that even moves   this is like made like grapes just love the  design of this lamp such a wonderful design. A little collection of something owls. Professor owl. The person that lived in this room he  collected owls music notes down there. And then he had a bookcase to the side over  here where he stored all the books inside. As we wander to the back of the hallway. And here we enter into another room and again  this used to also be a child's room so we can   safely assume that at least two  children lived in this place. Look at the wallpaper it's like very springy   you can see i can push it in  it's like a carpet on a wall. Look at this upholstery bed down here. Still made, again like the  other one I just love it. What's this device oh this is an ashtray of course  back in the day when people lived in this place   smoking was very normal we already saw a  few ashtrays but I didn't point them out   so yeah go back in the video  maybe you can find them. This one has an initial on there "h  o s" it says on there, interesting. And then to this side of the room we have like a  little table but i can see hero glyphs or stone   carvings over here these people are very much into  art and collecting normandy 44 a board game wow. And yet again an egyptian plate over here. I don't know if it was from  vacation or something else   I also want to point out this  telephone that's most likely just a toy   yes oh no this is an alarm clock actually  i think i think it's an alarm clock. And this was that little cabinets  that little wardrobe actually   that I would store what's this a bathroom  yes it is it looks like a female bathrope   so the person that lived in this  room might have been a girl. Okay and now it's time to show you  the most beautiful room of this place   the upstairs living area or reading area   i think this room was for fun and play and to make  music for Anna and just relax and read a book. This side of the room we have a  beautiful piano a grand piano. It says on there okay this is a German piano  is this yeah this is a german piano wow. And look at this here is anna together with  Remon when they were still alive incredible. We have over here again  hieroglyphs printed on papiras   they were very much into egyptian art and  they displayed it all around our house. Here we have another picture of them together  and here also a child is present in the picture. More artworks to the side a rocking chair   down there, so much things to look  at and i don't know where to look. panorama wow Cds let's see their taste of music  as well it's also very important to   paint the picture of the people that lived  here very wide practice what you preach. This this music is all beyond my age most  likely or that's French and i don't know it. Cassettes and everything are also still  in here then to the side we have some   upholstery chairs where you could read a  nice book or play a game around the table. A novel on the table. Oh it has nice illustrations in here, sorry  they are not nice they are very cruel, okay   lots and lots of books over here and the  bookcases look at this completely filled. Very literature people now we have  some upholstery chairs to the side. This one electric one and one in  the middle of the room over there   and over here to the side the harp used to be  and it's unfortunately now gone, which I find   really really sad and i pointed it out a few  times already so stop about it look at this. The ocean my French is not good  enough i'm still practicing. Look at this a picture of Anna above  the fireplace you can definitely see   from the picture itself that  it's her and her younger days. Beautiful fireplace underneath it and then we have  some musical instruments to the side over here   and I also love this man who's  casually smoking a cigarette. Wow you wouldn't even think of making a picture  with yourself smoking a cigarette nowadays   because people just backlash on it. Look at this egyptian art  again all over this place,   I also love this little couple lamp to the side. Wonderful and let's now wander through  that door and go further into this place. And this leads us into a stairway with  a twisting staircase that goes upstairs,   but first have a look you can  see the car outside of the place. And this was the doorway where  you would come into the house   that's not been open for a very long time. The jackets that Anna would wear  when she went outside of the house. And as you can see only women's clothes  are left in here at the end of the lifetime   because she was the only one  left behind in this place. And then we have a little ballroom  at the end of the hallway here. Beautiful sink, Hey everybody welcome. Okay let's now head further upstairs and  have a look at the upper bedrooms I believe. Oh I can even see a stairway that's gonna lead  us to the attic a little bit later in the video,   okay so the attic is over here  but first i'll go into this room   and I can see already so many  things left behind in here. Slowly wandering into it, I think this is the  master bedroom let's first have a look here to the   side and this looks like a walk-in closet and it  actually is wow all her shoes are still in there. Crazy things a little vanity  i believe above the fireplace   maybe she could make herself beautiful  in the morning some carnival masks. Very very tiny walk-in closet actually. All her belts, all her clothes,   this gets me every single time at the opposite  side it's very wonderful to see this all   left behind but the other side is very sad as well  that all her clothes are still in these closets. Oh my god everything even things she would  wear when she went to a funeral you can see   your black dresses in France you would dress  up completely black when you go to a funeral. Snd let's now wander into that master  bedroom that I was just talking about. What a place there are so many things to look at. Let's start off over here with this beautiful  painting i believe or is the picture of napoleon   times 1800s in a French castle this woman is  giving the other woman a kiss on the cheek. She's playing the piano and so  many things going on in there. Wow look at this perfume bottles with the  perfume still in there after all those years. Then we have this drawer, oh yep  this little this one i'm gonna close   I always open the wrong drawers I always do that. Mirrors on the wall and here we have  a little pirate chest that reveals all   the jewelry that Misses Anna would wear  when she went out all still left in here. And we will leave it forever. A nice mirror to the side to check  out your clothing in the morning   see yeah i have some stains  on my clothing yes I do. Definitely also religious people again  we have seen already some religious signs   throughout the house but we again see more  of those even more jewelry down here crazy. And they had little tiny television in the  middle of this room they most likely didn't   look at that anymore after a while it's so  tiny you can't even see a picture on there. A fireplace of course before  central heating was invented   every single room had its own fireplace to  light it up in the evening and give it warmth. And i love these pieces of furniture i always say  this that is an accountancy desk it seems to be   closed right now but this is where the people  who do their accounting on and yeah very nice   piece of furniture picture of two people here  to the side let's have a closer look at it. They don't look like Anna  and Remon in the earlier days   maybe these are the children in a little  bit older state lovely lovely wow. Chair to the side here lots  of literature to read at night   letters are still here there are addresses  on there i'm not going to show that   because I don't want to reveal  this location of course. The bible says over there, I love this  this peacock am i right about that? I   think it's a peacock and again we see  a still made bed in this place as well. Her enormous vanity one of the  most beautiful ones i've ever seen   i must say just love it and so  many perfumes left behind on here. They're all still here i  always do this i i want to   just smell the perfume so I can get a  scent of what Anna used to smell like. Oh wow this smells amazing actually and it's like  made from bees from bee honey i think from honey. Even her hat is left here to the side. Wow pictures of them. And again a lot of literature to the side here. Okay i didn't even notice at first  but there seems to be a room here. Oh my god this is the bathroom no  way look at this mirror to the side   here on the door there's just a mirror  wow that leads us into the bathroom. Amazing bathroom as well look at this  a golden mirror above a marble sink. Let's see if the water still runs   i've not tested that yet but it looks very caulky  so no it's definitely the doesn't work anymore. The towels are even still left to the side and  look at this bathtub wow the way it functions   so we have this lion's head over  here and you would turn the knob   and the water would flow through here into  the bathtub that's just crazy to see wow. To the side even have a shower head if you  didn't want to use that lion of course. And then a wooden toilet down here  like i wouldn't see it in a reservoir   would of course be in here and is this to  unclog the toilet if it's clogged no way. The things you find the abandoned houses   are just fascinating okay let's  wander back let's close this up. This is actually a very very cool find  let's now go further through the hallway   and there's one more room to the  side here that's not checked out yet. Oh and this looks like a bureau where maybe   Mr Remon did his work oh yeah maybe  his late work or when he didn't finish   anything or anyone just wanted to work  from home and not go to paris to work. He would be here in this room this is  his desk the typewriter still on there   a hand written letter we have over here wow. Look at that. Is this a pen, yes this is this is a pen actually. And then we have this typewriter set up over here. And this is his passport no this is a driver's  license i'm of course not going to open that on   camera but this was his driver's license and we  have here a picture of some children together. I see three children in this picture  so this might have been the family wow. And over here we have a picture  most likely of Mr Remon. Look at this and we even have one more bedroom   over in this room again  still made with a fireplace. And the "creme de la creme" I'm  gonna call it the cherry on the cake   in English this is the stairway that's gonna lead  us to the attic "creme de la creme" that's that's   French for the people who don't know that's what  we say when something special is going to happen. And here you can immediately see it's  like a whole clothing store storage area   yeah you can definitely tell that Anna  wasn't the minimalist when it came to clothes   and she had tons and tons of clothes different  styles maybe that she didn't want to wear anymore. Every single thing from our  life is most likely up here   wow that's what i love about athics  you can find so many different things   because every person is special and  every person has their own interests. and for Anna that was most likely  her clothing and her music of course. Wow look at that it's just crazy  how much clothing is up here   wow and here's the back we have like  a storage area for all the paintings. No way and these look like the paintings  that we saw in the first room of the house   they are made in the same style actually. wow Wonderful to see this all but i'm more. So everybody that was today's location and  it was really fascinated how this place is   left behind and unfortunately the very  sad story of Anna took me by surprise. But I want to thank you all for watching this  video and i'm very happy that I could bring this   to you all to youtube and forever to be  seen with that all being said thank you   very much for watching this week's video if you  liked it please like the video subscribe down   there write me a nice comment and in the  description there's also a link to patreon   where you can support this channel and help  me go on these adventures around the world. Thank you all and see you next week another  epic adventure bye bye i love you very much.
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 411,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, abandoned, urbanexploration, urbandecay, decay, photography, brosofdecay, Abandoned, house, home, exploring an abandoned mansion, abandoned castle, abandoned family mansion, abandoned mansion, top 10, abandoned mansions, abandoned places, abandoned mansion with everything left, urban exploration, steve ronin, abandoned mansion everything left behind, abandoned mansions with everything in it, abandoned castles around the world, abandoned places then and now, abandoned places explored
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 13sec (2413 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 24 2021
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