Brazil vs Spain | 2v2 World Cup Bronze Match & Interview

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yesterday lan went all in one tc with knights but he was twos so i think slavs are probably better at doing that or maybe just as good so anyways um welcome everyone this is the official intro for youtube as well this is the bronze match in a 2v2 world cup and this is in many ways hype and in many ways sad because this is going to be the last time that we see these teams play in the 2v2 world cup but they had amazing showing they all uh breezed through their groups in brazil's case they had to earn their spot or sorry they had to uh kill off brazil b which was an amazing team of goku and riyad and so anyways this is going to be the last showing for these teams and a lot more prize people on the line if they get third place uh miguel in the blue playing as the magyars teamed up with dogel who's playing aztecs and then in the yellow across the board we have lan playing slavs with tatito uh playing tatars and with me is the legend from canada chris how's it going man that's going good how about you uh it's it's going so chris you played spain and as far as i knew uh you guys were very well prepared it's not like canada wasn't practicing you guys were practicing a lot and you faced spain how impressed were you with their level on the day that you ended up uh losing that best of five well very impressed uh they they really came out swinging and they had a very good plan and a lot of the maps in the sift draft and uh really surprised team canada in those games yeah i think i was also surprised because i had canada winning 3-2 i thought the level would be close i felt like the individual level might be slightly higher for canada uh but spain i think showed with their preparation more than anything that it really makes a big difference and also they played together a lot and and uh anywho so what do you think of the civilizations here we talked about tatars for tattoo being kind of out of place on the arabian meta yeah well i i really like the sieves for brazil um just with the aztecs and uh beggars i think it'll suit what they're playing um but okay yeah okay so so get those out of the way yeah get to get these out of the way lane just lost a villager to an elephant [Laughter] so for those that just got here in the first time they tried this brazil called a restart we don't know why all right maybe they lost a villager to an elephant but they called a restart and now spain they're calling their restart so we have no more restarts throughout the whole best of seven which is really nice uh but that's kind of a funny way to start off the browns match yeah not not what you're expecting in a series like this yeah seriously i don't know what happened the first time it's it's so awkward as a caster now chris cause we have to act like we haven't said everything already when we actually get into that game so it'll test it yeah i'm okay with that though and i think it it will give us more flow with the series so not a big deal yeah now we won't be interrupted in the next one so yeah i think they've launched the next one okay yeah they've launched the next one already so we have about a minute and um i guess we could talk about it now okay tatars a sieve that gets free thumb ring in castle age if that's going to be the archer roll for spain i think they need to take advantages and castlage because that kava archer switch can be really expensive even though it is strong for tatars and you're going to be up against well aztecs i guess it's not the best arbolescent but they still do get our blessed so the elastics have the really good economy in this previous patch so so i feel like aztecs is probably a slightly better archer sieve in this case yeah but uh my gears and slabs would be pretty close i would put them um cheaper scouts at the free attack upgrades versus the farming bonuses from slavs yeah we'll we'll see i think magyar's slavs it's a fun little combo because magyars are more power spiky with the cheaper scouts and the extra attack but in the middle of each age slavs should be better uh due to the farms paying off so especially mid-castle age if spain's able to stay in the game against that magyar attack then i think slavs really start to shine they're one of the best civilizations to add additional stables with and just start spamming nights what did you think about your your place on the canadian team going into all this by the way like did you feel as though you're more of a specialist because you did play chaos pit a lot or uh yeah what was the the overall consensus i guess for the canadians yeah so for team canada we we chose basically to to use era four game or four four times myself and slam three each um just to uh yeah what's miguel doing yeah like what is happening man this is a rough start to the series here chris i'm sorry go ahead all good all good yeah so for team cando it's just uh we we did plan to use all of us and we thought let's use this where we think we're strongest so um so yeah you know i thought personally that slam was was a little more of a meta player and he'd been playing for a few years doing that type of stuff yeah and uh they figured my experience would be good in in weird settings and and so we kind of split it up that way for those games okay yeah it makes sense it's kind of what i was able to gather as well uh these teams here there's there's no three-person squad for them they've been playing all the roles for their teams throughout and we have the third place match best of seven it's officially going to go down here i have chris the legend from canada with me dogal for brazil playing as the aztecs here in the green and he's teamed up with miguel who's playing mag yards in the blue expectation is to see scouts and archers there tattoo great series great player or sorry not great series great tournament i guess he's playing as the tatars and then land playing as the slavs yeah wow and i think uh we'll probably see a a dress fast castle from from probably the aztecs and the tatars in this game if i was to guess yeah and maybe some scouts of the other two players yeah i think tattoo's done josh fc a lot and dogal's done it almost every single time on a standard map so that's a good guess yeah it looks like the maps are very open all four um that's that's going to be a big deal that's going to cause a lot of action and friction during this game yeah i i always i'm so surprised man how bold teams are with their draw chef sees i mean i guess land's the scout player right but let's just say he was going to try and go fast castle it seems like it should be suicide and even dogao i guess he has more wood lines to work with with the walls but i've watched a gal enough times to realize that he's gonna make this happen a tattoo maybe doesn't have as many wood lines to wall between but with tatars having more food on the sheep it it's probably the best use of their bonus to go into castle age faster yep absolutely and i think uh i think they all have a good start so far other than that you know the house the ex you know i'm stopping to build the houses for a second from miguel house at the start but uh looks like they're just looking here it looks like is anyone going for a premium dress here i'm happy to say to gail and tattoo might be i think so yeah um tattoo trying to steal these sheep so he's over at miguel's base and then you also have land here by the way my apologies to chris and maybe even the viewers here if you hear a cat meowing today um kat seems very upset that i'm spending my entire weekend on the computer um i don't know how how loud it is for you but it's really loud for me but back to the drushing the barracks is going up for tattoo the barracks is going up for dog but we have both spanish scouts over on miguel's side yeah that's looking a little dicey with that hill on the on the wood and no loom there um could be very dangerous for miguel let's see how he reacts to this norway did this uh russia did this a lot of teams chose to do this and miguel he was on the wrong side of this yesterday but for whatever reason spain's coming this way so they're not actually going to the woodline i think this is a good situation for miguel then did not have lost a villager yeah definitely that one vill on the side of the wood i thought for sure was a goner so it's it's fortunate they're turning around militia coming forward then yeah are you surprised that happened it it looked like they spotted the ville and then they decided to swing around for some reason oh that was very strange very strange but maybe they thought he was going to get loom or or it spotted the scout too early and looks like they're swinging over to the gow now i wonder if that's why land research loom it said he's a villager behind but he researched loom really early i i don't know what the mindset is there do you want to research limb before you see the threat probably not but he did research loom rather early and there wasn't a real need for it but he'll be safe he'll be on his way to feudal miguel will be on his way to feudal and then the other players are making the militia and they're walling like crazy mm-hmm yeah wow look at the gale's walls already just kind of circle closing the whole thing yeah and uh tano doing it you know something similar but at a slower rate i would say yeah so i spoke to mbl and viper yesterday uh it was it was all about game one against spain and it was not the first time i'd seen nbl do it but mbl said that he had decided to send his rush over to the archer player because if it's a dress fc war it makes more sense to delay that archer player and that's actually what spain's doing now to brazil and so the militia and both scouts are here from spain this is amazing coordination from them that really is they got in right before the wall finish too and this is gonna definitely frustrate to go a little bit uh make him respond to this but uh he is usually good at dealing with this type of pressure so and you can see both scouts from himself and miguel coming in there so it'll probably be a i'll call an equal-ish fight here and what's funny is tatars still have that hill bonus if they take a fight and there is a hill here so that i'm not sure if that will make that much of a difference they could they're on the hill yeah that was actually sick that was sick that scout's weak this is this is a pretty good fight so far for tattoo ultimately he's probably not gonna kill anything but if he's able to stay here and harass it could be worth it absolutely and uh there the ghetto still will close in all the way it looks like and it looks like tattoo is is going to finish as well before the scouts come in from either player yeah well that's important maybe that's what they were thinking too these scouts here lands now in feudal so that scout is now deadly and dogal will lose a villager another series another rough start for brazil on arabia yep absolutely one bill down that's not good it looks like he will finish that left wall but they're still being annoying with the harass and that's what you got to do once you're in just go all over the place and when you keep your opponent reacting when teams don't make many mistakes it's it's huge to get a bill pick there and tattoo i suppose you could argue is in a better position with the eco as well because he has more food from his sheep and good micro from him good micro from lan uh just being annoying with the scouts chris like you said dictating the pace of the game making brazil react to them absolutely and you know even with those two scouts like you could fight here and see if you can do some damage or you can run around and then you always know what degale's up to is he is he booming is he slinging is he going three ranges like what's going on so right well there's no uh no holes in the wall so good job from dogal throughout all of that to be able to handle it dogal's had some insane josh fast castle times in this tournament i remember three games in particular when he was up at 16 30 with two ranges everything was just as perfect as could be in a tournament which is not so easy but i think he's going to lack some resources here compared to tattoo then again tattoo is up to futile age weight later so uh skeleton knocking on the door at his base right now yeah he is and he and he he's going for a very big economy tattoo that's 30 villagers that's a lot going for fast castle so it does make me wonder if he's doing something slightly different than normal here yeah maybe he just wants sometimes it and i'm looking at his resources now and it's really going to be high when he gets to feudal but sometimes maybe it's easier to get the two ranges up and get the archer numbers out if you do it this way i'm curious dogal's castle time might yeah it doesn't look like it's gonna be quite that strong anyways so fortunately for spain i think the damage done there means that uh tattoo will be in a good position regardless of the late uptime yeah i think so too they did slow to go down just uh you know that delaying that killing that ville and and harassing the berries has made it so he's got not enough food by just a little bit yeah and tattoo he's going to go up the second is building his rap very very fast scout players walled at this point chris so miguel uh spending time to wall throughout all that is completely walled no holes good eco uh but compared to lan lan uh should be maybe in slightly better position but what i don't like about land's position is that he has the forward berries there i guess there's only 150 food remaining but if dogal were to come forward with a spear in one archer right now he could start harassing that he could and it's it's one thing that i don't think we'll see just because uh you you don't know how many scouts your teammate has versus the opponent yeah we risk you to come right before crossbow but but you are correct i mean there's not a lot of food left there so you'll probably clean most of it out and then wall that area yeah sometimes players will send a few more villagers to berries just to soak it up eat it before the trouble comes in uh but yeah i'm looking at the gold position and it very much feels like both archer players are gonna go forward here right so i think who's gonna go forward first who's gonna end up being proactive and reactive is the question well look at what miguel's doing miguel doing uh oh with the scouts is that what you mean his base his base oh my god stonewalls i'm like there can't be anything wacky coming here so you you alluded to the fact that you trained with brazil and you maybe had an idea of what the brazilians might do is this something that they did in a practice game against you no this isn't actually so i think this is probably more of just what happened yesterday with miguel having a little trouble by his walls yeah and uh just deciding to be a little bit safer this time around wow okay he's taking a page out of cl's book but there's still areas that do not have stonewalls right next to that barracks which is really worrying yeah yeah you're right you don't want to leave any holes especially not right in the front middle so all right but uh here comes doc what do you think about that move overall we don't have too much time to talk about it but what do you think about investing into the stone walls in that spot ah it's one of those things it's like if if you're actually going to get pressured and it's going to save you it's it's totally worth the investment if not then you definitely want the two tcs so i think the answer is it depends yeah that's that's true i think that your teammate hera would would just die if he had to make full stone walls like that and i say die isn't it like he he would hate it you know with every type of eye yes that part of him would die but some other players prefer the safety i get that yeah definitely definitely i mean it would be one thing too it's like right now all the pressure is happening i mean you see all of the guys coming to miguel all those archers from tano and maybe the stone wall is really helpful if he finishes it here yeah well tattoo just hitting the wood line maybe not expecting the stone walls actually does not get a villager pick and so brazil making use of some extra defense on that left side might be able to pressure lan on the right side who's about to be in castle age but there's scouts that could run through and also the crossbows are able to deny a wood line yeah i hope the scouts go right in yep just skip the tc that's a good move there and honestly you could consider doing so with the crossbows it's probably better off keeping the army numbers high as the scouts dive in and these are magur scouts chris so these will have extra attacks soon and beautiful quick walls from land yep but it's just disrupting this whole economy right now it's it's one of those things where it doesn't cause any bills but just being annoying yep miguel's still running around and tattoos shifting his focus over towards dogal uh dogal already has that perfect tc on the wood line in the gold i cannot stress enough how important that town center spot was my goodness that was brilliant and the guy always does that what's the tc outwards from the from the gold so that you can't hit it and uh stay there and harass it so it's very smart finally it took some time but miguel dives in after the villes he actually waited until he was in cass league so he received the extra attack which is why he's thinking and will kill two villagers with those scouts that's worth it definitely worth it and just the disruption to the quick walls and idle time um good move there for sure all right dokao so with that group of crossbowmen can't do much with it so he probably should get out of there and i see a whole lot of yellow and a whole lot of red heading towards miguel's base so goody has the stone walls uh but he needs to be very careful he actually has his stable forward so that stable could be an area that the spanish players could easily target you take out a stable and then that's less production buildings for miguel yeah and he reacted quickly which is good but he still has that uh palisade wall in front like you were talking about earlier yeah we'll see if uh notices it i mean it's also he is getting to you know a decent number of nights here so but uh with land coming in too it makes it more difficult and if he had just stonewalled three more tiles there i know but not have any have to deal with this so it's it's so frustrating and i i think if if that ends up making a massive difference in this game which fortunately doesn't look like it will right now uh it's possible i can get in your head a little bit too like damn why why did i do that why did i make that mistake two villagers down just because he had to re-wall behind there absolutely it's still actually open in two spots by that stable behind the gate um but they are just picking off the stables like you were talking about just being annoying that's a good move and uh because the only way miguel gets this pressure away from him is if he makes military and you you cannot make as much military if your stables go down so delgado with the phil lead and dougal is very well known for carrying in this position but his teammate falling behind yep absolutely absolutely and uh sometimes that's why a few players will build their stables just behind the walls if you're going to stonewall but yeah but uh yeah looking pretty good here even very similar amounts of army i would say yeah i love the tatars right now chris but i'm wondering when it's going to drop off right they have to do damage because tatars do not get our blast yeah and you can see taro adding two tcs so he's gonna be on three tc's while miguel is kind of sticking on the one for now okay fascinating well a stable already down barracks will go down that's not that big a deal except for just spacing this city and mckell would have wanted to have stonewalled up he does have full armor and with madgears he gets the attack upgrades for free so i don't think the eco is that good for miguel compared to lan there is potential for brazil to get a big clear up in just a minute yep and this is what i was talking about as their strategy um you can see the girl researching coinage right now and uh yeah so it's very common for them to go over for three tcs after the archers get uh ballistics have enough crossbows and then sling miguel towards mass knights they actually did this against china yesterday chris yeah it was part of their plan and i think i think it might not have been noticed that it was uh deliberate yeah um and that's why they picked aztecs as well just the amazing aztec economy along with with the de digio's amazing you know economy the way he does it and when you add those two things together and then just get miguel on on a million nights we'll see how this goes here and spain isn't afraid of pushing in right now they think they have equal or better numbers um so we'll see if they can keep that up yeah i think the crossbows are going to matter a whole lot here because the magyar attacks certainly going to make a difference in those fights but if you can get upwards of 40 crossbows you can still able to take good fights against night numbers the 30 right now so i i mean spain definitely are going to have the eco lead but brazil looking to pounce oh boy this one's going to be a tough fight thumb ring is one of the things that aztecs don't have right yeah so but it looks to be a close fight and spain's kind of tactically retreating here yeah it's a very close fight it's really all about tattoos crossbows as he's hitting and running hitting and running more reinforcements coming in brazil will be happy that miguel is able to breathe but to be honest i i don't feel like this is the best fight brazil could have taken it's going to be more about the reinforcement soon after this i think so too i think that tactical retreat was really well done you seen diego trying to focus taro's expos and and uh he was spazzing them so that they would miss the shots yep and then shooting the knights and uh this hill right here i think they're gonna be just fine oh with it's it's our bonus right so forget about the fact guitars were recently buffed guys so this is not the new patch because that patch came out midway through the tournament but tatars able to compete on arabia against aztecs and magyars and this is so good from spain they're actually pushing forward against the sling yep and they're doing a great job i think those archers are just with thumb ring they're just doing so much damage and the good micro from spain wow with more economy and with a civilization that does not get arborless spain have set out to finish this game before the imperial age or at least gain a massive lead and miguel's receiving resources he can't make enough nights there's just too many crossbows chris there is and you keep that slight meat shield in front and i think this is looking really tough for me out wow i'm impressed man tattoo and land it's so good i mean in the games they lost yesterday in norway still insanely well played and brazil on the back foot here i mean cal probably could have walled that up earlier probably could have had a few more stables to work with had the messy start to the game too maybe some nerves i don't know but uh certainly doesn't look like spain are taking much time to warm up this morning yeah and sometimes that's how your first game goes that you know for a tournament so but he has still got a lot of nights there i mean it's will they be able to clear this up well he's got four stables cued the four stables queued tattoo has 17 crossbows it feels like it and now you see tattoo getting coinage so i don't know if this was part of the plan but tattoo oh the gg's just called forget about it well played spain in game number one really well played by spay in this game all right chris so let's talk about miguel's game there he he went for the stonewalls probably part of the strategy to to eventually receive some resources from his teammate but uh he didn't get all the walls finished yeah and that's that happens to all of us if you don't wall that frequently um it's easy to miss a couple weak spots especially right in front of your town center where you think i can just put stuff to behind there and use my tc to protect which they did run back to that tc a few times but definitely a few extra tiles and building stables maybe behind the walls would have would have really helped miguel this game yeah uh people asking if the gg was early i i really don't think it's early if there's 20 some crossbows and stables are about to go down felt like it's going to be tough for miguel to clear that despite receiving sling even if he does clear i think the strategy plan for spain was for tattoo to send 700 food over to land land would either invest that into all in nights and keep up with production or he might even just go up to the imperial age but um i think brazil while they have shown that they're good on these standard map situations arabia has actually been one of their worst ghost lake valley those maps they've been quite good for them but uh rabia they've struggled a few times in this tournament absolutely and i think a sling strategy makes it a little tough too because you're you're essentially giving up a few things early on in order to do that you know whether it's you know to go not building as many archery ranges as many archers you've seen how many how many tattoo had there um and uh it's tough to tough to plan that balance for when do you when do you start slinging versus when you keep investing so all right things yeah so we're going to ghost like next as someone in chat asking is this don't you think dogal going to rush every game is really bad listen there's certain players and chris will know one in particular who can do the same thing all the time whether that's in 1v1s with celts or team games and they can get away with it because they're that good and i think dogal is always one of those players you got dogal um and also tattoo has done a lot of drush into fast castling so now i really don't think it's bad to be predictable when you're as good as these players and game number two on ghost lake will have in just a bit chris yeah yeah no you're right but the ones one strategy if you if you can do it really really well better than everyone else it forces your opponents to react to it and you might have seen a lot of the different strategies that come against that which really helps you plan out what you want to do against those different various variations um like and that's why i take out kind of walls the way he does and when he does is you know he knows he's going to be done right before scouts are in and he's going to get a fast castle time and drop those tc's quite quite quickly and that's how you see his his tc right before the archers showed up very defensively there and and uh doing that same strategy over and over he does a very good job of executing that okay chris i'm gonna ask you a question and if you could answer it's about civilization that if you could answer within two seconds would be great i just want a real quick answer just the first thing that comes to your mind okay sure where do you rank tootin's amongst the 35 sieves number one oh no hesitation i gave you two seconds and you said it right away wow okay all the memers are in love with you now i love teutonic knights it's uh that's an easy call all right well uh miguel on ghost lake and actually but we'll get to it chris i'll actually leave that up to you to answer in just a moment why i think tootons are probably better on this map than maybe some others but miguel playing tootins he'll want a better game here he's teamed up with dogal tokyo is playing chinese and up against dogal we have land they've kind of swapped sides and lands playing huns and then we have tattoo uh old reliable tattoo playing as the ethiopian so what makes tootons better here versus arabia yeah so here is definitely a more flat map with uh very easy to wall and and means the economy bonuses to with those quick farms um even scouts will uh be helpful um so i do think that uh and the extra melee armor on students too is is good um you would hope as student player though to end up against the enemy knight player yeah because that's when that advantage helps a little bit more but it seems like we're seeing that interesting set where their cross so the archer player is playing against the knights player and same vice versa on both sides so that causes some weird strategies to be effective yeah especially when they're so freaking close right it's almost like the the players are further away from their teammates so it's not as if they can really support each other that much when you're so close to the enemy on the flank uh we've seen a lot of walling on this map we've seen a lot of players forgetting about making scouts so i'm wondering if miguel will go for something that a lot of players are going for with slavs and maybe land will do it too where you just wall go about 20 or 21 pop scouts forget about military and just add eco to have a really fast castle time and that's that's a good strategy but it's it's much easier to do against the enemy scouts player yeah if you're against uh archer's player that is going to bang on your walls with crossbows 17 minutes 18 minutes um it can still be a little dicey so we'll see how effective or what he chooses actually i mean yeah that's a good point like maybe it may then make sense to go more towards that meta which a lot of teams do where you go feudal age archers and scouts try and pressure that passive play from the enemy yeah if you can and it's looking tough because you know if it depends how wallable the map is go psych is so hit and miss i mean you know you look at miguel's map and the yo's map and you know they're they're pretty open i mean yeah not not definitely still wobble i know degale will find a way no matter what uh but uh you know if you look at tattoos map yeah it's not that hard to close in i don't think comparatively very similar i would say but yeah he could make it happen but a drush or some early scout harass could definitely do something but that's a building house is on the front wise move uh something that people could learn from possibly if they're watching to use those buildings as part of a wall i have loved ghost lake because we actually are working with the the map gen the base de map gen but we made tweaks to it to make it better and the main golds are always close to the ice on this map i like that edition yeah yeah tell me why you like it instead of me it's just it forces it forces early action especially in mid castle age you don't really have a choice if you lose that main goal you're going to run out of one of those back four pile goals of mid-castle age so you have to tc it you have to put a castle on you have to have enough army to defend it basically one of those three things miguel almost lost a villager to that boar and he de-aggroed it with a house oh my goodness he saved himself there for some huge huge embarrassment he's had a rough start to the day miguel yeah well he's doing a lot right now look at all his walls he's got four villagers walling yeah and uh that that's a lot to do in dark age because he's wanting to make sure that he's in before a pre-made rush would come there and uh you know obviously that's a really big investment he didn't even build a mill yet because of this investment so yeah well he's definitely spot on expecting tattoo to go drush i wonder if they know who they're up against yet dogal hasn't found his enemy i think miguel saw tattoo scout which would make him think that he's up against tattoo so very true very true i think that would do it but but you're right it's uh yeah full wall it looks like from is that open in the back there no no there's two trees there yeah he's he seems to be getting it all down uh maybe some concerns for the woodlines he's taking could be arranged later by archers but land on the way up and is this going to be an eco build or is this going to be full wall into scouts build this very much looks like the build i just talked about chris where lan won't even make a barracks and he'll just go for the farm upgrade and the wood upgrade in futile it might be especially as taro sees he probably knows right now miguel's full walt yeah lan even sees that too and uh you know de gallo's full walled i mean that's probably a good assumption maybe just for me for biggest teammate for so long but uh so maybe you do do exactly what you described just you know do you make any army you know he did the build that he was ready to if needed yeah and uh if not maybe he decides to go quick up but we'll see in a sec i guess yeah i don't want to be overly critical i'm actually really good friends with miguel but i feel like he has had a rough start almost losing the villager to a boar uh not completing this wall now he's got to deal with that a little bit and had some idle cc time there so i think things are going to have to improve for him in particular if they're going to beat spain today tattoo though doing this the thing that you'd expect from tattoo and ghost lake and ethiopians receiving plus 100 food plus 100 gold when he gets to feudal and when he gets to castle and imp it's just so easy to go drush fc on a map like this and with this civilization yep absolutely looks like he has a good build going too i mean i think he'll be able to go very quick to castle age um and he's fully walled in pretty much and he did it slowly which means his economy wasn't impacted as much um helpful but i mean i think i think the other team like brazil needed to go quickly because of his fast rush um potentials you know yeah and if you get if you get in with one of them maybe that's what white land also went quick up is if if drush keeps one of the players open you want to have the ability to add scouts there very quickly and maybe do some extra damage yep um but if you can't then you know you're still in a good spot so yeah just to answer a few questions in twitch chat to give you an idea of the levels of players tattoo is in 1v1 i'd say a top 10 player um if we're talking hybrid maps i think he creeps into the top five conversations certainly right uh whereas if it's just arabia maybe x67 somewhere around there so tattoos solidified there i think most pros if you were to ask them to rank players would probably put dogal as a top 10 player as well i i i think there might be some con not some controversy but some debate on where he's at but if you were to do a show match tomorrow between tattoo and dogal and 1v1 i think it's very very close remember hidden cup three dough gave viper his toughest test so then miguel and lann are actually super similar in their ranking i think on the latter they're both around 25th um and they're they're also funny enough uh very well informed on each other because lan miguel and dougal have they form a team they're part of a clan so um that means that the levels here close across the board in 1v1s absolutely i actually talked to digo and miguel yesterday and they they were training with spain before this so you know not not right before this round obviously but uh in the previous round so they also said you know they're not sure if it's a benefit or a hindsight to you know have so many training games where you know what your opponents are are planning to do so yeah it again i after yesterday i just felt bad for brazil because they didn't have their day and it was actually brazil who had beaten norway 5-0 in practice matches two or three days ago so like norway a team that's going to the finals after beating spain were 5-0 in practice matches against brazil so uh you know maybe some teams learning uh after playing brazil and and brazil just unable to still get those victories but i'm looking at the build difference here bill gao has done this near perfect man he's got two ranges to produce the archers he will be up to castle age well ahead of tata this is exactly what you want to see if you're cheering for brazil absolutely and i i do think he was slightly quicker just because he didn't rush there but but uh absolutely the gale's builds are always very very clean and if you look at the scalp players like miguel is on 500 food and so so is lan i mean i think they're very similar you know miguel maybe behind a villager too but uh there's just some early age pressure there yeah that wheelbarrow something along those lines didn't land maybe we're searching wheel right now which means your tc's idle miguel should be creating phil's right now so yeah he's pretty close then absolutely yeah it's funny uh people were asking why the bill difference was so drastic earlier just because some people were related to upgrades than others and it should all even out here in just a bit but you'll gal uh in a position to run forward with crossbows and trouble land and it's 70 for dogel and we're only at 15 minutes and for tattoo it's 25 so it's not like tattoo can help all that much i agree and that's that's always the tough part being a scout player or or the cav player is when you get josh fast castle or just fast castle and fast archers and you have palisade walls yeah um i mean you seen team canada have some tough time with that too in a few of our games and uh but land did double palisade wall that front area by his main goal that's nice and the other and the left side by his tc i mean you got your tc there and the very far left would i mean you could very easily wall behind that yeah because there's five tiles or so so i feel like he's probably going to be okay um and two stable nights so yeah at least you can clear it up once you hit castle age all right dogel he's getting those upgrades he's also making that second town center and decal he does virtually the same thing in his role because he's so freaking good at it uh second town center then eventual ballistics so he prioritized this military by getting the castleage first and then he says okay since i have that time window i'm gonna take advantage of it and and boost my eco and then he realizes okay need to worry about military again let's get ballistics it's so finely tuned and and such a perfect build for him a crossbow is now coming forward it really is you're absolutely right about that the guy is a mastermind when it comes to what when to do what when yeah i mean like you said taro is very very much the same way here too i mean uh you can see taro sending quite a big force forward there too and they go in with six archers but uh just like we were talking about by the tc there you know it just has a little bit of idle time but he's completely fine yeah um so you can't really do a lot of damage now the question for digo is do you stick around you just seen land hit castles let's see does he stick around as he peace out yeah i feel like you kind of have to peace out here you have to know what tattoo's up to so uh the scouts are moving around to find that tattoo is coming over to help his teammate i say help maybe actually push dogel so dog piecing out and heading back towards his base right now i think so too it looks like they will push to go um i mean i guess i can say this now the tournament's over i'm a much bigger fan of pushing the cav player because you can't have archers behind your walls um and uh because the archer player you know especially with the gal he's already got two tc's getting ballistics um it's much tougher to do pressure i would say but as you can tell i mean it looks like tattoo was just going hey maybe we can clear that up two on one and now they're meeting up which is very good um and you can see also miguel coming over to meet with with the gow as well yeah so very smart for both players at the same time yeah miguel also just using that scout there just caught the tail end of it going down so he's he's been looking you know yeah but all the players using their scouts just to find out where the armies are positioned and this will probably lead to brazil falling back at dogal's base and if spain are really really smart about this they could actually push miguel and that's what they're doing that's so sour it really is too you cut off that that uh army reinforcement line and split the forces and just make it confusing for your enemy um and even without you know oh he did his so they're both getting ballistics now looks like yeah ballistics on the way for both players uh ethiopians having the faster firing crossbows i think chinese just having overall the better economy plus is dogal 47 villagers for him he almost has a 10 villager lead over tattoo jeez wow yeah the other things yeah also chinese things if you can play super super safe the weakness of chinese is that more open maps they struggle uh tattoo tried to drush to get a lead against walling strats and it didn't work out but here's brazil reacting to spain they're on the ice right now brazil and spain are over here on the hills so awkward spot for miguel he loses a villager it's not the end of the world but they do need to respond to this absolutely this is one of those things where if you have more army and it's by your base and you can clean it up this is amazing if they can be annoying in camp hills and and kind of split your forces um or even get in here i can't i can't feel like it's sloppy for miguel he didn't get the houses down and now the knights are in and this is exactly what spain would want they're probably going to lose their army anyways but now they can damage miguel kill villagers and and this will give a large lead to land on the other side absolutely and it's one of those things where even if you're going to lose your army let's say you don't lose it that cost of inefficiently if you can take out eight bills like you just did there um it's probably worth it i think at this point you know what's interesting lane's still on one tc he doesn't have a second pc so actually you look at the ville losses lane has five more villas but there's two town centers for miguel so if they kill this army now it's not too bad as spain or masters of this they're trying to escape yeah absolutely they're just trying to be annoying here very good strategies but uh they did take some damage there for sure and i agree with you the two tc's and um and they probably will clean a lot of this up here yeah unites coming in also has has plus two and lan uh has plus two but doesn't have the night number so tata loses everything it's gonna be dokao now who could carry his team most certainly i mean you have chinese dog going for three ranges behind three town center eco with more villagers lan in theory should be able to make more knights than miguel but uh it leads to a very even game on the battlefield after all that went down absolutely and the higher higher pure uh regular armor for the two knights make it so they can tank really well in front of lands nights if it comes to that too so a lack of mobility is an issue normally with tootins but on ghost lake especially if miguel wants to push forward against tattoo lack of husbandry not that big a deal so you have the extra armor and then mobility's kind of a non-factor and i think my concern though is dogal he has gone diagonal across the map is he going to be in a position to retreat i don't think so so he needs constant support from miguel i agree with you and this looks a little tough because that's a lot of nights it is a lot of nights dog needs to get his teammate in front chris and he just barely does wow they do they do but even if they fight right here it's ethiopian archers are no joke right so i think brazil doesn't be backing away here in all honesty and choosing and it's hard to do yeah the crossbows can't run on the open ice right so you know this tactical retreat though does look like good micro from from the gal here gonna be a tough fight i think those ethiopian archers just eat knights so wow and now there's not much support coming from miguel will it be enough probably was a mistake for dogal and miguel to push forward there they probably felt the need after miguel took losses after they cleared it up too they thought we cleared the army let's go forward but they didn't realize the land's still on one tc full of full-on nights like that's a lot of nights just due to that so plus hun production speed from the stables so many people forget about this you think hunts do you think cheap cav archers and no houses but the stables work faster so that helps a big that helps a whole lot and also tattoo credit to him how solid he's been he's actually been on four archer ranges so he has less eco but he now has more military and miguel could just die to this i totally agree it's one of those things where if if the ghetto was the cav player um having that huge economy means like you have this huge power spike with cavalier and early m yeah but with arbor last you can't really kill anyone and they just keep running away from you yeah and uh so even though they you know he has 17 bills or whatever it is kind of ahead of everyone else um with miguel having a serious trouble here with his main goal forward just like we were talking about earlier you know his back holds on two tiles and that side gold is you know not the most accessible spain pretty well aware of that as well i mean spain is just the coordination seems better for them right and the lack of mistakes compared game one how miguel uh stonewalled but then had a hole and in this game land didn't need any stonewalls and when the crossbows came in he was completely fine so it seems like the decision making overall much better for lan and tattoo and they're constantly together and here comes dogal to try and save the day yeah and to go is going to go if it looks like yeah just clicked up so but at the same time you you really want your you know you want your cat player to be the stronger one at this point i think but if possible but but chris what's so weird is miguel has 50 bills and land has 54. miguel has lost so much but people need to realize that the reason land has this much is because he didn't focus on his eco for most of gaslight he's just now going to the standard 3tc so it's an approach that spain used and used well against norway yesterday but it does drop off if someone gets to imp faster and if you saw that semi-final yesterday mbl in that arabia game where viper was constantly trying to reboot i was able to save his team with arps so there's a time window here for dogely he doesn't have quite as many military units as tattoo but he will be in the imperial age first he will be but you can see the whole force going from spain to dagow's base right now and it's right before he hits him too like that timing and right he has 648 stones so he doesn't have a castle defending his production buildings and uh it's just really unfortunate timing i think there's also a hole there but he sees it and nice house wall yeah well played yeah yeah he's trying to save his first two so he's running into his walls instead of staying out in the open this is really well played from dog because otherwise i think that spain would pounce on this and i think he'll be fine actually i think you're right you got quick walls he's going to be an imp um being a little brazen there okay he's putting a house there but even if even if raymond hits him like spain has the option to just switch out of there entirely and just not risk any any losses so miguel with 11 on food currently 11 on food versus 25 on food from land the land completely outplaying miguel no question i think spain are also the masters of buying time so dogal needs to react to this force and he's getting those upgrades now to do so you very much like tattoo and lane to just run around in the back you know uh yeah from hitting them oh he's putting the gate on the stone wall will he be okay here pretty okay for now chris he's got he's got the upgrades on the way so spain will need to leave but if spain are able to have a presence back here then dogel can't push forward to hit land and they that's what they really want to do land's got that forward gold that tc could easily be taken out yeah and you see the 10 land knights coming into miguel's base there with no fletching on there on those tc's oh man i think that was a hole that miguel had to delete earlier when dougal came to help and everything falling apart from miguel again he's adding his third tc and there's spain they're taking losses in the back but they are also running away and buying tattoo time as his upgrades are on the way absolutely and they're taking a few losses absolutely but i mean landscape got a full night force there and uh miguel cannot deal with that without flashing with less units um and so much of his economy is just kind of in trouble right now um he's going to try and reboom but uh even if i like unless the gow kind of leaves arboles there it's kind of tough for him to deal with this it's clear to me that miguel is just not having a good day um yeah it's it i i don't think i've seen and i i mean this to be some type of a compliment even though it doesn't sound like this i don't think i've seen miguel play this poorly in a long long time so i think something's up he's not having his day but dokao is playing as good as ever and he does have more military units than tattoo now so like there's potential here with the arbalest heading over towards land and land still being stuck in castle age it feels like there's definitely potential that brazil can hold on if dogal can do it on his own and just stabilize the team for now absolutely and this is where like when we seen mbl play the other day he had berserks if if you had some kind of unit that can take out tc's at the same time as harassed like our molesters are good at killing stuff but yeah um you know let's say instead of having you know 50 are blessed had 30 cavalier you know you can wipe lan off the face of the earth in a very short period of time but you see i guess you see yeah he does have fletching but uh miguel is also over there too some nights this is a good this is a good time window here for the brazilians because land's taking losses on his gold he's also taking losses at that main tc that's also his imperial htc by the way and also dogal's going to drop a forward castle on him so they're giving themselves a shot brazil and it's all through gogow and dogal has also defended miguel so miguel can boom absolutely and if they could somehow get uh land off that main gold and you can stop the cavalier production before he hits him um i think that'll be a big difference too if uh if possible yep now he is going in it looks like he's just okay okay i'll microwave like crazy here it's tough though against ethiopian arms ethiopian arms should have the firepower though maybe go dogal forced to back away don't tell me land's gonna lose his imperial htc are you this has happened so much in this tournament it's happened to me even what is this well we'll see i mean he might repair it i mean that could win brazil the game they need this so badly the castle's firing on the town center the arabs are firing on the town center this happened to land against norway yesterday you're kidding me oh my god wow so now the fact that miguel is stuck in castle h doesn't matter so much but then again miguel is dying at the same time what is this game chris i have no idea what's going on anymore like the score is swinging now for brazil the house is doing an amazing job cleaning up land and but at the same time yeah like you said it's completely dead yeah i almost think like if you're in either these players where you're dying here you just give me stone i need to drop one castle so i don't get uh yeah you know i'll lose my last 50 mils yeah that's a good point uh dough actually slinging miguel back into the game so miguel could go up to imp soon and uh let's check the new tc lan has used the tc far to the north for his his imp so um i mean he's gonna make it but he'll probably lose another town center yeah yeah we'll see we'll see and now lands all over miguel as miguel's just desperately trying to reboom here you know it's not much more you can do it's so hard to play in this awkward position when there's arbs on your main gold like that i agree those arms are just a pain to deal with that and tattle's going to drop quarter castle on his main goal so even if he does get back in the game like how do you afford how do you afford paladins like you i guess that what are you going to make scouts like yeah yeah i mean hey louie legends do it why not do it in the tournament uh it's just wild man but i think the difference i'm seeing is that tattoo's able to lend some support over to his teammate and again he's losing some of these fights but he is able to support whereas dougal is going to need to get some support over there like now and and by the time he arrives i think the castle will already be up but then again miguel's on the way to him uh and the same could be said for land so what a wild game here 80 pop for miguel 77 pop for land yeah very close still i mean i i think uh the gold is one thing that's super important at this this stage of the game yeah i mean miguel has grabbed the two on the right there so he might be okay for a little while but but uh if you're getting raided by all these knights too you just want fletching like that uh helps so it helps a lot yeah even bodkin came in for land so he really wanted his town centers to have some type of firepower there he is 15 on food compared to miguel who's aid on food these guys are not going to make cavalier i mean come on no no just just send resources to the armed players this is a 1v1 now yeah i almost think like to be honest like you just you know you say hey can you go helps and i'll go you know like does china go cab like i don't know it'd be tough to make a call here the other thing though is tacho is taking miguel's main goals and that's not happening on the other side and that's uh that could be a potential important thing in the in the near future here yep yep miguel actually walking across the map to build the town center to the left of the forward castles that's the safest eco he'll have that'll take forever but that's a wild thing to see when they trade i guess they might trade yeah okay they might trade that way yeah that's true and spain might do a similar thing and here comes to a guy with another force what a beast dog is and they're going to be on land's main gold now so land doesn't have army yet tata's mixed in skirms but he doesn't have enough of a force yeah and with with the knights there too anything from both sides he's gonna clean that up okay no problem if miguel gets his castle up he can trap tattoos castle down so that's actually a huge deal if it happens uh but it's gonna be tough because here comes spain oh my god that's a lot of nights oh but the knight's gotta stop for a second he'll get it up andy's tootin's free murder holes tootin's open yeah yeah jump in jump in okay there we go [Laughter] just in time castle just in time 78 for dogal 62 military for tattoo that's a mix of skirts and arms what do you think about mixing in skirms in this spot i quite like it yeah if you're running out if you're fighting an archer player the cat player doesn't have any cavaliers by all means mixing some skirms gold's running low eventually so um it doesn't hurt definitely doesn't hurt land is he's trying he's really trying actually be sick if he could get into tarkins in this spot but it doesn't seem like tattoo has enough to save let's see if the gal realizes though oh yeah it could be big that's actually very close he wants yeah this is where those skirms are good yeah yeah he will looks like tattle will get cleaned up there but but the fight was probably more even but from cost just because those skirms were there all right trebs for miguel uh and dougal here to help him with arbs and this is as tattoo builds another castle and miguel losing more tc's the populations are so similar it's unreal like tattoos pop is close to gals the gals pop posted tattoos and then it's the same between miguel and land currently and i'm just so impressed right now just by miguel microwave all these different armies yeah at the right times he just ran away against the skirms he's microphone against these bells on the right and he's done so defending the castle just very very well done at what point does he run out of gold though is there going to be trade well you can you can see his markets up already in the top left or the left side there sorry yep so he's the guy was usually very good at planning planning that out but uh it wouldn't be nice if he was able to take land's main goal there tattoo repairing his trebs all miguel's doing right now is is playing direct defense yeah oh he's trying to take out the traps first i i guess he does have some cavalier plus he has magnets he could take those out right now chris if he takes those traps out i mean that's huge because that means you can kill this castle kind of free less defending though okay one one trap goes down one stays up makes it easier to repair though land oh did gal make his first big mistake no he didn't that was actually perfect play blocks off the knights and lana's making tarkins this tournament has been the tournament of freaking unique units and ladies and gentlemen elite tarkins a pierce armor this could swing this for spain so heavily they're so sick against archers they really are they really are tristan like this is just a huge move from land less goal than cavalier and way way more life you know 30 more hit points more pierce armor i really like this decision from land this could be a game changer wow okay so land trying to recover miguel trying to recover look at land's little raids down here on miguel and dougal's eco in the corner that's that's one of the best traits of land i've seen in this tournament is how he's able to raid constantly i i mean miguel also contributing now and miguel was paladin on the way you might be thinking where's miguel been oh he's been waiting he's been waiting for paladin crazy paladins are just amazing against tarkins i mean it's it's weird if you had 50 are blessed behind each i'd say tarkins are better but yeah if you fight cavalier versus tarkins like you know or paladin versus tarkin especially tooting with extra extra melee armor that equation changes so gao just there signaling saying hey take that northern corner i see two green x's and now you see miguel immediately running over that way that'd be a good move to get into the farming and trade eco and we say trade spain doesn't actually have any trade running right now they've been relying on the gold that they've been stealing from the brazilians but here comes kato with orbs yeah he's gonna go into the trade route oh my god yeah that's such a good move from taro it this is the perfect time to raid before those castles up when it's still open um you know if there's a hill kind of by the market down there like he's going with his teammate too um and they got to castle on the hill at the top so they can defend up there quite quite well i don't know this is like me too this is who's winning right now if you had to choose a team i couldn't tell you uh the sport is deceiving here too the score's always deceiving when you get to this point because it's kind of based on previous kills and deaths but paladins are in right it's like if you get electrons out yeah like the tattoo's army here is so useless because it's it's comprised of mainly skirmishers so yeah yeah yeah what's paladins are in you're right skirms don't do anything it's kind of like that's when you don't want them at all but at the same time he's using him on the left side but there's no paladin so he's trying to fight the gales or archers there yeah which is a really fine use of them i mean probably a great use of them yeah dogel's doing a lot man he's got armies everywhere and it makes sense because land is just heading straight for the eco of miguel now with tarkins and all the paladins miguel running in and tattoo with the quick walls sorry chris this game is so crazy uh can tattoo get the walls down uh no we can't the paladins will get through yeah that's a lot of paladins too that's that's just and he doesn't have any castles in his base so very dangerous you can do a lot of economy damage with a few paladins like that scattered around he's going alps though he's switching the house that's it's not a bad move against tarkin's this game is so crazy land actually has the most military now and i think it's because it's military's not dying he's just killing everything tarkin ztc bottom there melted that tc and now there were arms back here because tata sent in an armed force that took out they needed to chase down and arms touch that yeah touch that that's and this is where if you have tarkin's like you need to have the cavaliers always dealing with them which is just such a pain to do on such an open map like this where are you going to send them and you want to raid with paladins forward which is what miguel's doing which is usually a great idea miguel can't comfortably take his starting gold he's getting raided constantly he cannot comfortably take these resources this is unreal no i and i like if you look at the military numbers like i actually think uh spain like they have more than 100 military as compared to 40 from from you know even though they might have good economy it's hard to think spain's coming back here yeah it's coming back here yeah tarkins cannot be killed land's ability to reboom has been so much better than mcgill's 51 farms you look at miguel 24 he has not been able i of course he's been rated a bit more but that's part of the game and he's just not been able to get what he needs for the team and i think the tarkin switch as we see them melt this town center it really neutralized brazil's best threat and that was dogal and his are blessed yep absolutely that that was such an amazing switch and i think that he also invests in targets instead of trade which is sometimes a tough decision right you see the the brazil team went for trade yep and uh you know spain went ah we're never gonna get traded up there's too much too much going on and uh so they made more military and they've been using that to stop the trade which you know in hindsight might have been a better decision even though normally it would be very tough to make that call yeah i think if the roles were reversed i know there's a lot of tattoo fans out there and i'm one of them i think if the roles were reversed if it was tattoo doing what lannis had to do in this game people be losing their minds even more lan is up to 200 pop he's carrying the team now after losing his mtc after losing multiple town centers how is he now in the best position this is unreal it really is land's ability to reboot or boom to begin with very hard to deal with uh i've seen it before i've seen it yesterday i played a game against him and and i thought i won that game and then he ended up beating me so wow seeing land do this um is it surprises me less because i know he's capable of this but it's still very very well done he's truthfully everywhere he's all over the eco from nogal uh in the southern corner and also that main eco he's still raiding miguel i mean say what you want about miguel not being able to reboom this is why because land is so much of a god this is crazy stuff yeah there's cab everywhere on this map oh my god like this is what you want to do i mean this is a very very smart play you got tarkin's killing tc's you got leg cab all over the place now he's setting up trade now he's like okay we got the army advantage let's start trading and that's the time to do it yeah very well timed there from them as well tattoo did take some big losses to the paladins but he now has helped there should be able to clear that messy for him but land thankfully was there and that's the sign of every good team is if who you see is your best players not able to do what they're they're wanting to do in a spot you have the other player there and i just didn't expect it to be lan but compared to the other side miguel who's the one who got castle dropped he's he's kind of at that bottom score position which you'd expect because of the losses but land somehow ended up getting here and what a performance from him mvp performance from land but also it has to be said he was propped up by tattoo tattoo had to pressure miguel for quite a long time tattoo had to save land so many different times and that's one of the best games we've seen in this tournament chris yeah absolutely unbelievable game it's so much action so much back and forth and i couldn't have told you the victor you know 10 minutes ago so um really really high stakes you know very very crazy game very enjoyable to watch and i think do you think that maybe um the the switch into certain aspects was a little too quick for brazil when they got the lead like the trade for example um trade you want in late game but that's also gold you're investing into something other than military so perhaps if miguel would have been able to make more paladins instead of trade they could have gained a bit more of a lead before the tarkins came out and maybe it's the same with dogal maybe he can get chew canoe out which feel a bit better against tarkins more trebs whatever um it was and it was you know like take miguel's main goal right i mean if he managed to make a a little more military and after he killed that castle to just take that main goal with 20 villagers maybe now you got the economy to make a ton of paladins and uh just raid lands economy sure and uh and you know he's a you know with tarkin defense it's not much he could do about that but but it's it's easy to see that for us as casters and very difficult to make those big decisions during a game yeah in the moment especially i think those games they really get to you uh because you normally have a structure okay two stables three tcs this this this this and then boom your structure disappears and it's completely different match now dokal i mean if brazil won this game it was only going to be because of him or food wood stone gold collected he's long so many resources to miguel in fact he's probably the reason miguel got paladin in the first place um but yeah dog played well unfortunately it was the pressure from spain that all in style pressure from land and tattoo on miguel that set him too far back and had a rough start already so it made things much worse for him absolutely and it's so difficult to know that lands on one tc because you don't really realize that until all of a sudden you see oh my god there's so many freaking nights and and that's where you you have to try and decide what to do about it but um not easy not easy to do it doesn't matter what team you are that's uh we seen that difficulty against norway when he did so many nights that game too and and if you're not expecting it uh it can really cause some damage in this game it did irreparable damage to miguel yeah viper said yesterday of course we will see viper in the finals after this best of seven third place match a viper said that he was surprised at how all in spain played against norway yesterday um and i mean he lost quite a few town centers in game one so uh viper spent most of that series rebooming that is something miguel just got a taste of sadly so um i'm loving the series it's a bit of a shame it's 2-0 for spain because that game was so so close uh hoping for brazil that they get a win they have what do they have here excuse me they just use ghost lake so they have valley and team islands as their home maps yeah absolutely and those and you know especially team islands like brazil is such a strong team on that um yeah i mean dagow is as a water beast i mean the very first time i ever played against ago he beat me on the island's game in a big tournament many many you know more than a decade ago and that's how i knew his name from from then and uh so you don't want to play against a gal on water that's for sure but taro also is quite a bit of a beast there too so you know i think it'll be a be a very interesting game if we get to see team islands okay well i have to restart my game uh i see they've selected team islands crystal will be in in a bit yeah dog also i mean he's not the only brazilian to be known for his dominance on water but uh he got a sick win against viper and hidden cup and at that time we didn't know it was nogal because it was hidden cups so that game i remember because then later on in the interviews um viper was saying it was it was joe and dogal who really gave him a run for his money so absolutely absolutely and uh that doesn't surprise me at all i mean any of the other players in this game i think all of them are very geared towards you know these random strange maps with water or mechs or things like that like all four of them so i do think that uh we will see quite a bit of uh good good play from from those type of games okay hey uh twitch chat how you doing enjoying the games that was sick i hope you guys enjoying the show uh there are many people who subbed i'll say a few names as we load up for game three hello red pony um kathy caffeinated cm thank you for coming back with the sub rodrigo yikes marketing appreciate you jtm thank you um make sure you check out chris by the way uh we should have a command co-caster command there if you're ever uh looking for some pro players to watch and check him out on twitch um all right chris so i think the game is launched and fascinating civilizations hmm yeah i mean we're we haven't seen these that much on team islands yet with uh berbers and malay and you know i mean obviously italians and japanese are more common and the other civs are still very good but uh do you think there's gonna be a landing tristan there there has to be a landing there has to be a landing with berbers i mean i wouldn't say berbers are an underrated watershed but they do have a water bonus that a lot of people forget about and their ships do move faster yep and that's a good bonus what apply to transport ships technically so if you need to run uh then that would work out just fine but yeah land in the yellow playing berbers a tattoo in the red playing as the italians probably the best water sieve in most people's eyes and in green we have dough dougal dokao playing japanese and then miguel playing as the malay so yeah chris you i think practiced on this quite a bit and you've also seen the games what tends to happen in 2v2 islands you know i mean it's one of those things where a lot of teams have been doing you know one player on water one player landing and maybe a back dock for the player that's landing to to keep your fish protected but we've also been seeing brazil quite frequently uh go defensive scouts and just try and pick off the villes and uh you know we've seen some nail biting games last uh last series yeah and uh and what they do too after that is if you want you can always land those scouts on the enemy as well and really annoy them too so um both i think are really good styles and i think we might see we might even see both here we will see some type of landing here i can guarantee you that and this is maybe a preview of what is to come in the finals because i would i would bet everything i own i bet the cat that's in this room here with me right now that we will see team islands as a home map for china in the finals um but okay malay another bonus that doesn't get talked about too much everyone thinks about their harbors and their fish traps blah blah blah but they also have an amazing bonus with doc line of sight and that's a team bonus so if you front dock and someone swings by with the transport you're much more likely to spot that with malay oh interesting yeah i totally forgot about that bonus too i was thinking about the fast up time and how you can have a little bit better economy than your opponent um especially when you're when you get to cass leagues you have a few more villagers but uh that's a good good point with the line of sight really helping you defensively as well no gal going to the back to doc doesn't need to be super careful because the komodo dragon will kill that villager uh scout's there too so he should be okay yeah that's a good point uh thankfully this scout is there because she's getting attacked now should be okay yeah it has a hill villager survives but back doc tells us this will be something more passive from nogal yeah and back to a left dock for for miguel there too kind of on the side it looks like and uh back dock as well for land and uh front dock for tattoo okay interesting wow we are getting the side docks the front docks the back docks all the docks here if you want a variety of docks you've come to the right place so many docks all right well um this is what would normally happen i think you'd have tatto try and go win water now tattoo is the type of guy who doesn't win water in that normal fashion sometimes he likes to go for fast castle instead of fast feudal but um expectation with a front dock is that he he goes fast feudal and then lan has the fishing ship safe in the back so we'll send a transport out to get some villagers on the enemy island absolutely and i think part of the reason for the front dock from taro is it's very easy if someone else is doing a landing to send a fire or two to their fishing ships when you're on the front if you're on the side it's hard to go all the way around and find that spot um also long term it's nice if you want to team up with your teammate you both can get front docks you can kind of team up quite a bit easier but side docs are usually easier to play and um you know you kind of feel like you can make more fish because then you just kind of protect one area and you don't have it come by so see that we see going for that approach there i think side docking also helps you ease in the galleys because you're further away from the enemy but then again sometimes you want to be really close with the fires right so it really does depend i think what's really the most frustrating and also awesome thing about team islands is that you cannot scout what the enemy's doing right now if this is arabia you can see oh he has a barracks oh he's walling but you're simply guessing and you have to react on the fly when the action comes in that does make it a little more more insane for sure um it's as if you all lost your scout at the start of the game so yeah i i okay i know this is just for jokes but uh vietnam a right they had backed and they had accm tremendous players what if they since you can have three player in your squad what if they had huang as their third player and they just drafted celts and gave huang the landing role you know what that could work that would be super scary too to be honest yeah like like it's not like you're using celts frequently on a lot of other maps i suppose we've seen it on scandinavia but let huang only play team islands landing that would be if nothing else for just the memes that'd be great you could huang both players oh my god it would be great yeah all right like it'd be so interesting if you know vietnam against canada it's like all the canadians have a history of getting longed slam's been getting longed for years harrah's been getting cloned more this year i've been introduced to it now yeah oh my god it's the time zone too he comes on right at my time it's like oh my god you almost got it you almost like someone in my chat often tells me you're in trouble chris oh my god no yeah i i the community is much bigger now but back before de as oh okay well then i'll forget about my story uh miguel with his transport where chris right right in front of his base going towards the middle of the two islands i see it okay yeah yeah so this could be very sketchy because if you do this it's a messy game you know this this reminds me of all three on three team islands where you both the two pocket players would land in the middle be annoying i remember watching some of those recorded games that was wild yeah oh and he's kind of scouted oh my god got scouted right away okay but they also noticed the other landings so both both teams have noticed the enemy landings this is so silly man and it'll be nuts it's really important that spearmint come out for both lan and miguel uh to defend both sides and i love how dogal pre-walled expected very smart thinking yeah he's fully welded he'll be okay that's that's very smart from from the go um at this point too i almost think you know you you see the barracks like if you're both players you see that the player you're going to attack has a barracks drop an archery range yeah i know you know it's going to be sorry chris uh i didn't have the best showing in our team islands game because the enemy spotted me recently but i actually practiced the build uh how many to send to gold how many to have on wood to have instant scout and archer production with fletching and it can be really effective if they think that they can defend with just a spearman and if nothing else just fire over top of the walls yeah absolutely and it's one of those things where a lot of people like this time we're actually seeing full walls around the whole base which is nice but if you can catch them before that and they quick while they're wooden or something like that that's when you switch like that's that's the you know maybe you wait until that moment so you don't over invest but uh you're seeing scouts on both players here and i think that actually i'm super surprised by this but it seems like they're not gonna do a lot of damage no but you do see tattoo coming in on the left there killing miguel's fish well wow yeah that's huge and that's that's what that power that front dog because the gail would be doing the same thing if he was on front but uh good call yeah good call power the front dock right and tattoo also just recognizing that he needed to do this uh dogal unable to take out the fishing shift from land so lane had the potential to make more make uh more units and i see the transport still moving around for lane i think he's about to hop in there but i could be wrong uh so much going on currently with an archer range now from miguel in the middle area he is going for the archery range and this is where you want to use that transport to hop over taro's walls because he didn't want he walled to the water very easy to jump over that with those four scouts and one archer just bring that transport miguel right to that wall and jump in he's not fully walled yet he's flowing in a circle so the transport can't be used like that but miguel's got to get these walls down tell me he's gonna notice this that's gonna hurt that's gonna hurt yeah that one little he might be able to finish it he's focused elsewhere maybe not oh man the theme of the day for poor miguel the scouts get in and land's gotta be loving life miguel he's lost his fish he's losing bills he still hasn't reacted three bells down yeah oh this is looking dicey fishing ship too brutal and now he reacts he's gotta fight with bill's pull over some spearmen and land he didn't invest as much into the landing he just made the scouts but he's got way more value from it absolutely and you can see land also walling in miguel's forward stable too so yeah and uh also tattoo with a tower defense and some walls i mean it's not gonna do a lot of damage there yeah yep yep tower's a good move uh miguel could always hop inside the tower but tatsu now stonewalling realizing that he has no defense for archers this again i i i think that we're actually seeing a bit of a i don't know if you could call it a hangover from yesterday after the loss against china but i think that maybe coming into today uh brazilians just not feeling it quite as much uh as they normally would because this is a level that those are the types of things that wall off is something brazil gets nine times out of ten right uh absolutely and he probably one of it was another 30 seconds it's just when you're under so much pressure like multiple spots it doesn't matter you know even if you're an amazing player like miguel is definitely um it's just a lot of action all at once and his fish like his fish were pressured while land's fish weren't pressured so until until just very recently you know what and uh yeah sorry chris finish your point i have something very important to bring up then yeah i was gonna say it's just too many spots essentially okay it gets too crazy yeah now it's not like lan is really in the best position he is on his way up but he has archers and scouts to deal with now and dougal who's cleaning up on water currently will be in castle age faster than tattoo so i don't know if you prefer to have your water player in castle faster or if you'd prefer to have your uh landing player in castle faster but we'll have a bit of both and and land he's going to transport around this transport's been everywhere and he'll hit the gap oh he did he did yeah the gown didn't he didn't want the water either that's what i was talking about always that transport that's what you want to do and actually did you just save his weak scouts in the transport what is this he did he did yeah oh my god here we need one demo just that that micro is just disgusting yeah this is this is a beautiful play from land here's also here as well so they got so much value so many villagers went down digital has a has a demo there wait till he puts the scouts back in just go dem on that transport actually uh fun fact one demo does not take out a transporter one of my favorite quotes from casting is as actually casting with slam and slam was like what you just tickled it you know so that's what slam ended up saying but yeah it takes off 80 of the hp but one feudal age demo does not take out of transport oh wow yeah no that wouldn't be the best decision then so de gallo's lost a few bills there also land lost a lot of his fishing ships so tattoo's losing his as well miguel lost the villes i think a good position for brazil on water but concern really much comes down to um what is going to happen from land and normally you see magnels and knights in this spot and that's something that could easily kill dokal easily kill even miguel absolutely yeah and it does look like he's adding in blacksmith so he probably does want that siege workshop like you're talking about and uh oh what's and degas is scouting with that villager i think he was trying to see if he has a hole in his wall or the waypoint convert yeah yeah but yeah if you those nights like okay so the knight's killing one of his bills so at least he knows about it but this is very sketchy for for to go i think both miguel and dougal should go monastery defense but it's awkward because miguel's gonna try and do so much forward at the same time so lane really doesn't have anything defending himself at home this is team islands meta just go yolo and tattoo's got to be more competitive on water and actually he's doing so now i will take out these fishing ships from dougal i'm not sure what they were doing there those fishing ships that's weird yeah i think they're running from those fires that are at the very bottom of the map but but yeah absolutely it's it's looking tough because you got so this is the part where now de gau's under a lot of pressure yep you got water fights that are tough at the same time as being pressured by nights like one mistake on either you could lose all of water or all of land um super dicey situation yeah let's see how he handles the pressure all right well scouts were able to take land off of gold so land can't take any of his goals interesting interesting yeah it's the other one that's a stable home he does have a market though so he'll be able to make a couple nights at home and deal with that but you're right it's it's gonna delay him quite a bit on this push but that four nights five nights one man l like you're gonna get you're the guy right now what do you do yeah it's almost like both teams are gonna struggle on land uh but spain have been able to do damage with castle age landing faster that's what it feels like currently and of course tattoo's gonna be loving life on water because of the fact that dogal is going to be threatened so it should be easier for tattoo in theory to do what he wants to do there sure but the guy is slightly ahead on water but i agree with you i think it's that focus so you have five nights coming to the gal's gold right now and you miss one quick wall you miss one tile like you're you're you're lots of trouble so but he managed to yeah he did a really really good job there if miguel can make a stable at home and he doesn't have a stable home he has a ford but if he can get some elephants out to take out the siege before monks come out it could be sick i agree with you those cheap malay elephants that would totally be a good idea tristan but i'm still looking at land's position i guess he added his table at home he's not really mining gold all that much if mikael is able to break through the tattoos base or somebody it feels like there's potential for damage but then again that's so has two tc's tattoo has the the walls the tower and now adding a siege workshop so he seems to be more prepped or in trouble yeah he's not he's looking like he'll probably be okay i mean even like dugout is struggling a bit but he's he's he's got his tc's up in good spots at least so he's he's in trouble but he'll at least tell he's only got 30 bills though that's the one thing i didn't notice that's uh very tough to come back from all right watchtower going down here but tattoo will have some units at home uh it's an awkward spot for tattoo because he's also worrying about water but he's actually helping out his teammate to break through into the woodline and miguel's little household failed what was that like oh no that's that's brutal for two nights just doing crazy damage when we got home and he's focused forward he might not see this yeah it's just too much going on yep this is team islands look he's he's microwaving here he's all we're pushing we're killing i've just killed villagers let's go and still has not realized until you know oh i seen it okay my bad sorry even too much going on for the casters currently but if you have not played in these settings trust me you can't be in five places at once it is so tough you're gonna make mistakes and miguel actually clears out the magnel and now he could just commit to tattoos woodline he's getting some reward oh he's going through the tc with the crossbows can you make it through i think it's worth it if you can make it to the right also too but yeah i know okay ted still left okay shadow waldis if he makes it through that oh good quick wall by tattle though delayed that intentionally maybe maybe yeah it might have been oh my god he's gonna clear up the crossbows with the tc it's just that was amazing amazing walling from the tc's really should be microing on the crossbows in an ideal way yeah but you still got them all yeah just killed all of them so and now it's elephants so you can run away from elephants so uh elephants will run through uh ram won't work out for miguel miguel still has nights at his base he's killing them but it's going to take a while to kill them with the town centers this is so messy man miguel finds himself at 38 villagers though in dougal at 33 so spain seemed way ahead with the eco yup that's that's the tough part of this part because once it kind of stabilizes which it looks like it's going to kind of actually in all spots tempered coming into miguel's base like land just switched his attention he went ah the gail's too hard to hit let's just go go get uh miguel's main goal right i mean i um i i didn't think that this would be the case when i started training this map but it's actually completely fine to lose your fish early if you're the lander as long as you have good farm and gold eco i totally agree with you lance lane's been better off there because miguel's been pressured multiple times and the gg called in the bronze match spain 3-0 up over brazil um it was just so much multitasking and spain got the better of the engagements what a crazy game just a few very small decisions i think getting those miguel's early fish and then uh getting into miguel's base of the scouts and uh tattoo kind of having a good tower and some good house walls there and and um a really impressive play by spain i mean it was a it was a great hold from dogal but it comes down to the amount of damage that the landers were able to do right land yeah even he did more damage than miguel was able to and i think it actually comes down to better defense from spain when expecting it absolutely and you've seen the land drop those scouts on miguel's berries and pick off a few villagers at the same time was fighting on water i think that impacted his economy and also his military because you know he might have paid a little less attention to it just because of that that was that micro move from land was just sick and the fact that nogal also had the fire there it's one thing to be together on arabia but to be together when you have one transport one fire and four scouts and work that well was just beastly from spain it's so impressive it really was it really was and that's how you see some of those small decisions are just what uh impacts these games yeah and and uh this one you can see that very clearly that uh you know sometimes it looks like hey the game ended you know relatively early 28 minutes but it's one of those things where a couple small decisions really snowball in this type of type of environment so i think so i'm gonna back up for a second before we talk about game four which will be on brazil's final home map of course if they lose this spain will be uh they'll have the bronze medal in the 2v2 world cup and then we won't be too far off from the grand finals but i think um i'd like to ask i know 99.9 percent of people are are completely reasonable and respectful but you got to understand that brazil according to yo according to viper according to all these players is a top four team and please show respect to all players if they're competing at this level and put in the time and and might not be having the performances they want um brazil really do seem to be a bit off mentally currently whether that's because it's not their day or maybe some lasting effects from yesterday's semi-final it's just it hasn't looked as good as we expect from them when we see them play chris absolutely and i think i think one one important note to make there here is is it's just spain playing unbelievable you gotta remember canada yeah they swept canada which is not an easy thing to do and then we were very surprised by that i mean we had very good results against some other teams we were training and and uh it tells you how good these players are from both a strategic perspective and also just a just an execution um they've really surprised a lot of top level teams so far even taking a few games from norway and uh so i would say you know if you're if you're looking at this it's it's really just got to say hey you know what these guys are just playing amazing um so it's tough to deal with and and we struggled with it and then you can see brazil struggling with it right now so um the better way to say it is definitely spain is playing unbelievable yeah that that too spain i think that the semi-final yesterday against norway was something like four hours um yeah i mean i've been really impressed with spain i actually think after the tournament if we were to to make a top five list of best individual games that spain would probably be in three or four of them um so it's been one of the best teams in the tournament for sure and i should mention a couple things actually it's dogal's birthday today so he's not watching the stream obviously he's prepping for game four but happy birthday dougal happy birthday happy birthday buddy yeah maybe like you know if he steals the sheep we could bring it up then like oh happy birthday uh but also shoot i said i had things to bring up and i forget what i was gonna say now well this is awkward uh i guess we'll just forget about it well another thing about brazil a2 is you usually they used to have ph playing quite a bit so it's uh unfortunately he's not he's not playing right now he's another great player too that really helped them train and yep and brought a very different dimension because you know the age used to play the role that lex plays that on china a where uh very aggressive you know you know strategies that would take the other player off their game and uh while the girl kind of you know did uh his his boom style you know very very large economy and stuff type of stuff and miguel's definitely taking on that role and he's doing a good job of it um but uh i do find when they all play together they do have some you know they all help each other in those type of ways so actually people might have been well what just happened to a prize pool there did you see that chat it just went yeah it just went from zero to thirty one thousand wow um surprise uh zero zero dollar prize pool but uh ph is not playing currently and he's a legend in brazil and he's very good friends with miguel and dogal so miguel and dougal knew that fieg was not going to play at all but they put vh on the team name because they have so much uh so much love for him which i thought was really sweet right the age isn't even active right now and they still put him on the team because it's respect for their boys so i think that's pretty cool um he actually did play a bit on de but he hasn't been playing a lot so yeah and it looks like uh the fourth game is started yeah we're two minutes off now i can see the sieves at least so it will be on valley and miguel will have franks and dogawa have byzantines and then spain uh wow these are also some crazy sieves mayans and lithuanians that's a very interesting sip matchup i mean if if i'm brazil i'm definitely a little nervous about mayans and lithuanians those are very strong sims obviously franks are amazing too but these and teens like although i am a fan of them on some maps some geese mayans ooh that's that's a tough matchup well there's potential for byzantines which is really fascinating here and it's exactly what dogal used to keep his team in game number two which was the game of the series so far and that's the faster ramp very true if you go for three ranges most civilizations you're not going to have the eco to be able to go to impal that quick but you get military numbers in castle age but with byzantines you i don't want to say have a guarantee that you're going to get to arbor less before mayans but you have a really good shot at that and then even though mayans have all those other bonuses mayans could fall back and struggle absolutely you're right it uh it definitely could be interesting to see some sort of fast amp sort of play or even if you if you want to value is open enough you know i don't think we'll see see brazil do this but uh you could turn into two one-on-ones by playing very aggressive and uh in some of the training games with uh with back tea and accm we've seen them do that against us with men in arms and towers and it actually works pretty good in valley just open it is and then you can grab the deer freely if you're you have slightly more military so but uh i think we'll probably see more meta play here i would suspect yep i i think so as well um we'll find out when we hop into the game chris if you don't mind i'm gonna give a shout out to a few names who've supported the stream today um thank you to vina vina for the eight months thank you smarty for the five months is five months of t90 best way to get through quarantine i know right age of empires and quarantine name it better duo um bingo thank you for the prime massive cons uh can't i guess uh sorry for mispronouncing that chip chook thank you everyone for supporting uh one dollar for every sub that comes into the channel does go into the prize pool and that number is climbed up massively throughout the uh the last week or two because of all your support so thank you uh let's get on the brazil hype here all right um it's not a pity hype it's a we want more games hype because i thought this was going to be a 10 hour day so miguel playing as the franks one of the best sieves for that scout role teamed up with dogal who uh happy birthday to him has had a pretty good day today actually he's playing byzantines and then land has lithuanians one of my favorite sieves in the game uh in the yellow and then we have tattoo again in the red playing mayans chris absolutely and if you look at these maps too i am happy to see that uh i take taylor's map as an example it does look kind of open that hill by his main gold and uh you know i'm hoping to see more games too so so i'm kind of rooting for brazil here um so maybe they can provide some early pressure there and land is lithuanians here and uh he's got uh same type of thing you can't really tc that main goal so hopefully that has some sort of impact this game yeah now one thing about the map gen on valley which can be really it's kind of troubling from a balance standpoint are the hills now this is a slight vent but i feel like i've earned the right to do that um i still maintain that the worst valley map generation that i've seen in the tournament was when i was playing because these hills like there's always a hill right in front of the base and i guess nogales is not all that good if you look at it with his gold i agree i agree that's a nasty hill unless he has it yeah unless he has the hill but i had something very similar with my main gold and then both my extra golds were on top of that hill chris i couldn't tc wow and i'm still so salty about it it's okay i know the feeling i i'm still salty about a tournament game i lost almost 20 years ago from yeah double what i got towards so i know the feeling can you can you tell it can you give us some specifics that's pretty awesome so give us the year you played and what happened briefly at 20 years ago yeah yeah so it uh world cyber games 2001 it was my first major tournament and i was playing against a very famous player named grunt oh and uh you know we were going up it was a single elimination tournament at this at this point in time and and uh he went a very fast util age and uh towered my wood and there was no other wood within like two screens of anything anything so um i basically called gg at like 10 minutes and i remember being like oh my god you know how did this happen yeah best of ones man they had best of ones back then and and we have a third place match at the best of seven and also his best of ones and the map jens were garbage man like now we put in some great time to script they didn't care about it that was part of the game back then that's absolutely absolutely usually you could deal with it too right you just you know make two lumber camps two different spots and i just was like i mean obviously you know even if it was a good one i still might have lost that game was playing amazing time but uh but uh yeah i would be like this is how i go yeah was that the tournament with the with the 100 000 prize pool in 2001 very close that i think it was a smaller one it was um around 50k but they flew all the players to korea so he was live like he was you know on the stage and all that stuff that's crazy yeah yeah but uh he got second in that tournament so he did really well after that so yeah but uh i think the finals of the 100k tournament which was also in 2000 or 2001 was a best of one which is yes it was it was yeah it's just just so ridiculous and tattoo steals the sheep from mcgill how did he pull that off just yeah i think he might have slightly too far from the tc there and yeah thank you very much for your teammates book there a little bit did you hear about that by the way were you wait were you playing in that game where hera lost the sheep or that was slammed before sheep i was watching it and i was frustrated you don't see me i was like oh my god like i mean don't get me wrong like it's you know harry was pushing deer and he was doing good but you're like you just the enemy gets the poor sheep too right it's a bonus for them but you know like these high stakes games i got like things happen i mean you just seen that happen right here and uh if it's gonna happen with any sip like mines are you know with that eagle too extra line of sight the extra head points and the attack um really makes it easy to see that those cheaper within you know taking distance this up time from lan is crazy man i know it's lithuanians and you get more food and all that but he's going 17 bills 18 pop scouts and i still see that eagle is is lurking around and land scout lurking around miguel it's like they're picking on miguel today they are they are they're literally right now they both pick in to go you know what let's keep miguel open yeah with our scouts because you're because i'm going fast outside you know lands going fast scouts like that's that's the plan right here this is so good the fact that franks get extra hp on their skeleton feudal is normally a bad thing but if you get the feudal age faster you can take this fight and now land's doing so so miguel is really just hoping to get the walls down and fortunately for him i think he'll have to lose the scout but he will get the walls down yeah yeah he's going to do it but yeah you bet it's and then de gallo is still open but he'll finish too it looks like so it looks like they will both finish which is oh look at the dress from dagow yeah in land's base on the berry so if you're a scout player you don't want to lose your berries right now and might even get a failure oh yeah that figure is dead that was so good from tokyo and that kind of surprised us as well very focused on the other side lane probably was too it seems like the plan for miguel is to go no military and add a bunch of farms but dress chef c for dougal something we've seen a lot and tattoo uh actually staying in the dark age did he even make a drush no he didn't so he's going straight fast castle yeah looks like he got a nail there but yeah that's that's annoying for land i mean he can make scouts and deal with it so he's not gonna be that hurt but uh it just slows him down you know loses a bill repairing with another veil all right so i actually feel as though miguel's approach is going to pay off big time and i say this because his eco is so much more efficient right now uh he has two lumber cams for his lumberjacks he's now able to take he's able to forge freely whereas land went up so quick he's got one lumber camp to work with he's lost a villager and he can't have as many villagers as he would want on the farms and then the scouts the only thing they'll do is clear up this truck so i totally agree with you yeah yeah this is actually i think a better strategy decision from from de gallo and miguel with how it's executed so far definitely yeah i think the strategy's been on point today it's just been the execution much better for spain because they're playing so so smooth uh good micro here from dogal it's almost expected that he will lose this it's what value you can get from it but yeah again look at the eco for land he's got arms [Laughter] no it's just it's not that it's just the level of satisfaction that brought you it's just so beautiful it's almost like when since we both play this game a lot um something bad happens we feel the pain that the other person's feeling we we've been there you know that we've totally been there totally been there yeah and that's why i actually actually think uh tattoo probably shouldn't have fought with the eagle there you don't want to this is your only scouting unit when land is going to clean this up with his own scouts no problem true but very very very minor thing obviously but yeah safe to assume i suppose that at this time uh as dougal still getting good value at this time to miguel's not adding scouts because they haven't seen anything yet for sure for sure but yeah but it's even just even just spawning the army later on like you know you almost wonder with byzantines out there like is there going to be some weird huang push with you know redemption and yeah you know like you know i don't think so but you know you never know like to go usually usually booms but uh well tattoo will he's got the better ecosiv and he's got the better archer civ and he didn't make militia so he's going to be in castle first and this build is looking as perfect as it gets for him two ranges in front of the gold archers already on the way and he'll cook up the castle age and this is around the time that miguel is just going or dogal excuse me is just going to be adding his ranges so expect spain to be in a good position there miguel in theory and and really not just in theory should have the faster castle each time over land because he didn't invest into scouts so he'll probably need to put some focus over to help his teammate he will but i'm still a little worried for miguel just because with that super fast enough time and how close they are yeah like i mean i think i think uh by the time degao gets to gets to land i don't know why they look so much further away and uh tattoo and miguel just looks so close on the map so it might be more reaction time for for land to deal with it even though he might be up a little later i wonder if we're talking stone wall territory again we brought that up a lot in this uh just double wall territory there's two stables for miguel but you're definitely right if tattoo gets through here that's a wise house wall for miguel i think so too yeah i agree with you and then just just do a couple houses between that blacksmith and that barracks yeah and maybe go one tc like you've seen you've seen land do it the previous game like you know it might be uh good to take a cue from his book here so the scout's offering very little support um this it comes back to tattoo and tattoo has been one of the best players in the tournament certainly one of the best players in the world what type of pressure can tatto do because land will not be the fastest to the castleage he'll be well behind his team and i think you called it chris miguel may be expecting to have knight soon feels as though things will be fine i think this is a bad call he needs to play more defensive between his stables as blacksmith and his barracks things are going to be a problem really quick here that's seven archers six archers and uh right now just hitting castle age like okay okay he's being smart about it he's just one side at least yeah yeah with the gate okay the gate does it close it yeah i think it does close it so that's good though at least he the other thing too is at least tattoo kind of revealed it right before they become upgraded because yeah they really kind of melt you know they could have hit those villagers from there i think that could have been a mistake from tattoo but he's gonna shift focus now yeah and it's a minor one i mean to ask you still force the reaction and he is retreating anyway so the question is is uh he's out and he's adding a second tc so that's how he ended up tattooing the second tc oh he actually he's not even adding bob canero yet so he's going for the economy approach so that's also why he's not forcing as much pressure which makes sense i think he's like you know let's let's not force it here and just take the edge of the economy three tcs are ready like okay well we'll see how this pays off because tattoos should have the eco but uh the weakness will be the military position because dogal will be sending crossbows forward soon the guy will have ballistics soon i think ocal will want to go either one or two tc imperial he doesn't really have the best economy as far as food goes but you don't need it when you want to spam crossbows and get ballistics and then miguel is going to be sending support finally a game where he's not really far behind at this stage getting chain barting already with two stable knight production wow it looks like both brazilian players are doing one tc full army so if they can do some damage here that can make a really big difference they're trying to decide right now where to where to meet where to go in where tato's army is yup um but this is still a critical point because taro has more army than degayo does there but he doesn't have ballistics it does not have ballistics and also chain guarding knights chain barney knight so is this uh you want to take i don't know i think brazil would he surprises him he surprises him maybe but good micro for miguel he's he's just running back and forth and giving tattoo an option to attack him but it's never really going to happen and do they want to dive on there go clean it up yeah this is a really good play from brazil here unfortunately from tano it's hard to tell right you got to defend your teammate but at the same time do you dig out just dodging that was really well very smart yeah very well done and and also credit to miguel for for running back and forth earlier and now helping out and gals able to get away with this that's exactly what brazil need very good clean up there and uh you can tell uh land is doing the same thing as last game one or so the previous game one tc full night but uh will it be enough with uh these crossbows and knights coming towards this market here this could be a really quick game tattoo has all the eco in the world but he doesn't have the support to save his teammate that market's gonna go down and land's building a panic tc on this hill currently this is awful yeah and you can range that gold from expos right so like if you could take him off gold you could really put a pause that night production but he does have what is that seven nights no five six nights six nights versus six nights at a bunch of crossbows yeah it's not looking good yeah that was gonna happen over here yeah it's awkward for brazil because i don't think you want to get trapped in but same time if you can just delay the farmers that could be enough there's idle time in both town centers currently and he's on the gold like you said chris perfect spot right there five farms gold within range all of a sudden you just camp that in mass army i mean you're in a very good very good spot there oh there's actually a hole between the house and the wood line that entirely he deleted that he deleted that earlier to send a couple nights out yeah yeah no no don't leave don't leave i think they're worried about tattoo coming in with a lot of crossbows currently i think so too they feel like they've done enough damage and they want to maybe shift that focus and they are shifting the focus as tattoos coming over to help out so that's interesting still keeping an eye on dogal's eco though he's won tc it's very much like dogal to go for multiple tc's in a normal game i think he's he wants that fast imperial long term with byzantines yeah and he wants to make sure that tata was not left untouched too which makes sense three tc's you know if you don't know that um you know it's very dangerous if mayans gets to a fast early imp and uh their archers can eat tcs once they get that obsidian arrows upgrade so it's much more dangerous than a traditional arab civ getting there i don't think tatsu will like the fact his ranges are at the bottom of the hill this is just an invitation for brazil to camp the hill and take out those archery ranges i agree might as well take them out they got a lot of coming yeah if they have enough i don't know if they have enough clothes this is where it'd be nice to go has an army at home if you had it here that would help for sure well that range will will go down pretty quickly and it's not something tatsu would have wanted this is all really a result of tatsu's approach going for the eco an approach that we've seen teams take many times in this tournament and get punished for which is why i've enjoyed the 2v2 world cup so much because military matters it really does it really does we've seen china a few games just military with no economy and uh very amazing things so yeah and the range this gold now too look at that yeah this is this is brazil right this is the level we expected right i mean there's really no other way to say it as we have another force now coming forward from nokia we'll have to keep an eye on this is the level we all woke up today and expected to see from them miguel with his eco miguel with his knights and tattoo kind of on the back foot now with land coming around to help out on the other side of this hill yeah definitely it's it's uh i would watch that fight's a little tough to just so many archers there oh but land might get caught out here yeah it feels like not a lot of damage but yeah spain are confident now because of the archer numbers but they won't be so confident once dougal comes in and all lands trying to run away you might get intercepted yeah that's that's lots of damage for free there many of those nights weak a few have gone down a tattoo is he ever going to be up to imp he's getting thumb ring now he's adding two more archer ranges he's not very close to clicking up and dogal who's still on one tc and has a lot of crossbows uh adding the second tc now without the food income to go imp himself absolutely and i'm a little surprised you know it's it's it's still very close but uh what's it gonna say it's the military numbers yeah yeah exactly it's quite a bit yeah and you see taro he's like he's looking like he's not going to him he's just gonna mass a ton of army too so i think he'll probably be okay but that hill is is super annoying i mean if you had with uh without land having a ton of knights around like you could almost add a manga now here i mean obviously that's pretty rare but this would be gg if tattoo had dogal's base with those golds yeah no doubt hey no doubt yeah tattoo fortunate to have those golds in the back i don't know if viper shared shared uh there's map packs with tattoo or what but now the the focus shifts again and glenn is definitely the weakest point for spain and oh this is a good moment for him though took out it got too greedy perhaps with a raid and we'll lose crossbows because of it yeah he did miguel defended himself a moment ago on his exposed gold it's becoming increasingly eerie for brazil if they're not able to do more damage because they have the military advantage with this many nights out and this many upgrades they're just not killing anyone quite fast enough yeah they're kind of slowly doing damage i agree with you you want you want to do kind of a bit of a more massive impact and is this it though can land creatively wall behind this i don't think so is there a hole how did that night what i don't know what happened there i don't know how that night got in but that night could be really important here because if the house goes down there's a hole between the stable and the house on the left coming back home to save his teammate this is the disaster for spain and this is where you want to take tc's i don't i guess maybe take the seat off shop first it's fine but but you got plus two armor there's no flashing on that tc that you know and you see it he immediately switched to the tc as well one mangano comes out gets just eaten okay but now yeah go take the tcs because land's going forward with the knights chris but a lot of these are weak so i think miguel can hold that and yeah land feeling the heat now atato is caught in two minds he doesn't know where to go he's actually choosing to go forward now so wasted time for spain but tattoo is on the way to the imperial age he's just letting his teammate die yeah he's just going ah yeah whatever yeah well hey with the obsidian arrows you might actually have the option to do that oh is he getting it he's actually getting obsidian you're kidding me yeah miguel will die that's what i mean there's not much you can do if you got this many archers oh he's just eating the knights there oh god ah miguel no well who can kill faster you've got knights and crossbows and then you have just crossbows and uh a few nights uh no no that's nice and crossbows on both sides actually the land's got three he's got two tc's and there's only about how many knights are left there let me look it's like it totally comes down to night numbers so it's only 14 nights you actually can't kill the last two tc's with repairing bills so he's gonna live it's just you know it's gonna look horrible but wow but on the other side like they're gonna eat tc's here like i don't know how miguel lives through this honestly the difference might just be the fact that tattoo's been able to get more eco right because his eco is far superior at this point and the fact he's mayans with obsidian arrows other than that it's been great for for brazil but the difference is massive now and miguel's gonna lose everything and brazil is going back home i think they need to find an engagement against these crossbows before tattoo gets herbalist yeah and i think this is uh you know if what if brazil had mayans instead of these antennas we might have seen the exact opposite of this like you know with uh you know brazil doing this to spain you know these antennas are a tough choice in a situation like this i think yeah brazil just were not able to do enough damage they they had the lead but they weren't able to apply any real critical blows and i think tattoo happily will just run wait for those upgrades and brazil gonna have a real headache now because they have to chase this down this either kills dogal or this kills miguel and if they do that tattoo has another force that will come forward absolutely and there's 24 knights from miguel if they could clean this up before amp they'd be okay but uh after if especially if they turn around right now i mean i mean don't get wrong has enough archers to probably deal with it once he gets the upgrades but i mean if they if they notice that and they turn around and go back to miguel's base like you just eat 50 bills with them i wonder how it seems like they're going to run into each other probably yeah i wonder how quickly an outpost goes down to obsidian chris what do you think about obsidian arrows is it too strong it's broken it's broken yeah we got it we got a nerf bed yeah yeah okay i'm glad you agree uh twitch chat needs to hear it from someone other than me it's funny though i've been abusing it to be honest so don't don't nerf it just i see wait for a little while longer okay okay we'll wait like the devs will wait a month one more patch okay [Laughter] well spain probably one of their best traits is how they control the fights and tattoo doing that now he knows he's eventually gonna take a poor fight here but now look what he's able to do he denies the knight castle and it got eaten before uh he cancelled it so he lost the stone oh he lost the stone as well oh jeez that's all result of tattoo running to the northern corner and and controlling the entire map and spain looking so good today and looking so good in this position it's gonna it's kind of hard to see tattoo with 85 military not being able to carry his team to victory here but big fight let's see what value tattoo can get before this army goes down yeah just distract as long as possible it's a very good strategy for tattoo that he he regularly uses uses for situations like this yep yeah and land meanwhile is just rebooming he doesn't need to contribute really he's microing his army but he's not making anything more he's not currently under pressure yeah and even if he was he's not under tc eating pressure yeah good point so it's like you might idle it a bunch but you don't die entirely whereas miguel i got yeah i'm super worried for miguel's base right now it's just those archers in front from tattoo i mean someone said all sieves are op i keep losing with to them all nerf everything [Laughter] but yeah i mean our blessed are killing buildings they're destroying buildings faster than siege so yeah thing right that's the difference now yeah yeah that that's one where i think you tone it back a little i don't know it's still it might be still a good useful bonus to keep it um but uh just maybe nerf the strength of it to make it balanced there's nothing miguel can do there's absolutely nothing uh here comes a big fight though can they trap this army and stay in this brazil do have a lot of military numbers tattoo has 60 arbs here i'd say quick wall but it's not so doable against obsidian arrow arms yeah they did a really good job they're cleaning up they kind of surrounded the army and it's all going to go down that's a serious cleanup joke i'll have more military after this and i mean way more he is 65 tattoos below 40. wow yeah and you can see the stonewall is coming in from land on the left he's just going no i'm sitting arrows you can't get in there so it's totally making sure oh yeah okay yeah you got 10 mils you killed 10 mils but now if that army is just kind of uh you know it'll it'll idle some bills but it won't kill anything that's not taking a poor fight here i know he's fighting up hit or yeah on top of the hill but he gets a poor fight for him brazil actually have a chance it's just feel like they're one step behind because lana's already had the last 10 minutes to reboom whereas miguel now needs to spend the next 10 minutes to reboom so dokal did have a game before today but he had to sling miguel back into the game i think you give him food and then try and stall this game out even a tc in the middle from dogal to take that gold currently yeah definitely it's one of those things where it's it's uh it's looking like tata will be able to hold on the right um just with those arbors coming in from miguel and even from the raids from miguel but with the castles and um cheaper archers i think he'll be okay there but uh just the veil difference from from lan and miguel i think that's kind of a slowly eat away at them the the only presence that spain has on the brazilian side currently is that sheep in the north that's it so i i know you get i know that sheep last longer with mayans but i don't think that's the type of map control you want to finish off a game i mean i'm looking at the map control that dogel has on the left side as he comes in with another batch that's looking solid spain need to get more map control i think they'll find that if land can get onto paladin yeah yeah and lan is going imp here so you know whether it's uh whether he has enough gold to go paladins or even just drops a bunch of light canvas you know it'll be very helpful against just the mass amounts of our bless coming in all over the place here i think fortified wall at this stage would be a wonderful move maybe it's hard to justify against obsidian arrows but if you start walling up it could be perfect this tattoo fighting uphill against the castle he doesn't seem to care about it dicey but he is just using the skirms to take all the fire yeah that's sick so it's weird yeah it's like it's probably actually still a good trade just because of that mm-hmm yeah to land and then lands mixing in the cap chris so we will have land on cavaliers soon [Music] and he does still have his main goal for another couple minutes i guess so should be able to get to at least one wave a cavalier and then after that i'll probably have to you know get that gold on his far left there but it looks like um tata is doing a good job defending him with those herbalists so i like the incoming castle spot for dougal i don't know where the villagers are there to building it if he gets that castle up it protects that middle area it might not happen though because tattoo has his big ball of arbs chase oh that would be a good castle definitely kind of take cutting off the spot between him and land miguel trying to reboom right now after losing everything but he is on his way to the imperial age i like this castle spot he's trying to protect the middle of the map we've had some games go very late on valley because of the distance between the teams and those hills absolutely and you can see taro didn't notice that he's kind of oh no he did okay he's going somewhere close to there but tattoo did just uh clean up a lot of army kind of by land space there that was yeah given some trouble kind of keeping him off that secondary goal there the trade looking good and also tattoo mixing in the plumed archers and tattoos been out of this world today that plumed archer's more mobile and uh now you can make siege so you go plumed archers and trebs instead of just arboles i suppose or just leave the r blast for your siege and add some flumes for for fighting military yeah he still does have 50 arms kind of a ball in the middle there like i almost want to see him melt the castle with those i've seen it before uh viper in the group stage it was just harrison's slinging mayans my bread 150 arbs is one of the most broken things i've ever seen in my life yeah yeah well tattoo's investing into a lot of trade and he's transitioning into full plumed army but he does have that big ball you talked about running right through uh miguel hoping to get onto cavalier in fact the the upgrades are coming in but he doesn't have enough to be able to engage against over 60 arms in the middle yeah definitely that's uh whoa i just noticed that land has not clicked cavalier yet he has night skew really and he has armor but he forgot to click cavalier probably just a slight oversight there yeah well he's getting the numbers up too he's got what 18 15 yeah so might be just waiting for a few more but yeah he probably did uh just just missed that one oh he clicked like we have instead is what i'm being told he's actually making like kev so that kind of makes sense but okay tc to secure the gold miguel thinks okay i've got this and rip i mean come on yeah drops off right away and you got tattoo sending a few resources to land which is good because he's popped miguel will have paladins soon he's probably receiving resources from dogal but if you have frank paladin with byzantine arms i mean there's some real potential here and dogel's coming over they need to clear up this ball i'm wondering how much miguel's gonna have left after they clear it because he lose a lot in the process but he doesn't want to fight before paladin but paladin will be in a moment and there it is there it is yeah 30 31 paladins how did he get here that's awesome yeah hopefully this is enough to clear this army up i i think it uh probably be pretty close yeah it's probably wise to wait for his teammate yeah i guess you kind of have to wait for your teammate but it's it's tough too you're 120 population and you feel the need to breathe sooner rather than later as tattoos she's using the arms against the castle okay we'll see we're seeing the castle drop here okay no he sees the paladins though so you might be regretting going out of that castle now he's running though he knows dogal must be chasing it's a great great awareness i think it makes sense for miguel to send some of the paladins into the castle and eject out of the left side yeah yeah i agree with you surround that ball yeah yeah yeah there we go ultimately that'll get cleaned up it's almost like miguel's paladins don't want to fight here yeah that was a weird kind of choke point by a castle you don't see that very often now it's paladin vs arb uh or paladin and arb against plume and cavalier and while it's lithuanian cavalier with three relics oh boy oh boy it's still not paladin so frank paladin most hp in the game and if honestly what's to stop miguel from sending in a few paladins to the trade right now would that be a good play yeah it's it's definitely a tough call i mean this doesn't seem like there's an obvious spot because all those castles yeah but i mean you do want to and it's you know the other hard thing is brazil definitely has done the army push right now and they need to win this fight though they need to win these fights to get to the trade relatively quick because that starts to pay once that starts to pay off then you're in trouble but this would be the time this would be the time tattoo after losing those arms does not have the army numbers even though plumes are great and still paladin not in for land so spain i think losing during the transition though they are set up with solid defense with trade this is awesome uh what a game we have i'm i'm pulling for brazil to tie it up and take us to the next game a 61 arbalest for dogal he and miguel are going to need some trade yeah and they're pushing towards the trade too it's it's actually a really good base layout from taro with just all these four castles just in this tight area with a stone wall by the market um is making it so that even if they do lose the army fight they got they got some time to try and clean it up and uh if he hadn't set it up like this they might not have that time so oh my god look at len did he react to that what both dogal and miguel sent a unit to kill that villager the lane's like no no no my relic i need that relic i need more attack for what is now paladin like lan out of this world man and uh he's also building stables in the trade routes wow land things land always manages to get stables on the train ride i don't know how he does that well it's interesting because spain are going to they have the castles up but this fight isn't all that good for them in the middle of their trade so it really isn't this is looking like a dicey fight yeah frank paladin's still holding their own here uh more hp helping out lithuanian paladins are better with four relics i guess tattoos castle's gonna go up in the end and unfortunately for brazil they have to retreat wow what a moment yeah what a great castle too i mean like that's that's very important time because you know you get 10 more tiles and you get to an open hill by the trade near the bottom of tyler's base this game would turn around so quickly and uh just just the foresight to drop that castle raised that fight was happening yeah look at dogal with orbs on the left chris and land already with the castle there that monk could bring in that relic i think you just want to drop the relic into that monastery instead of trying to take it home i think it's too risky to get it home yup yup look at that now for the time being here's extra attack that's stupid that's stupid land that's so funny oh my god just blocks them off gotta collect them all yeah well now he has the best paladins in the game uh lithuanian paladin's 14 plus eight attack that is better than the frankish paladins uh with a little more hp but only plus four and plus plumes perform much better than our bless and tattoo has the castle numbers and the trade secured whereas for brazil you've got random like kev running in which if nothing else is just a huge annoyance yeah it's it's looking a little dicey for them now because they had that good momentum on that push and uh if they were just able to get into the trade somewhere on like a nice hill yeah um that would be the way to swing it around but because that hasn't happened that trade is really paying off and those stables from land and the relics and like you say the plums um every every minute that goes by it gets tougher and tougher for brazil yeah and spain added that trade earlier and it's just so good from from the spaniards to snowball and put miguel behind but then take advantage of it with fortifying their base in case the bad things happened and a few bad things did happen so they were prepared for chris and now i'm i'm worried for brazil they're down three games already i think they didn't come into today mentally as strong as they would have wanted to be after uh the result in the semi-final and lan has impressed me so much in this tournament he his cues are unreal dave and i were talking about it when it was uh canada against spain his queues are off the charts the trade's there he's got 60 plus farmers the queues there the stables that everything's just perfect oh i agree lana's playing amazing um and much much higher i think than people expected which is just nice to see he's a very good player and and uh i've run into him in the rated system and i struggle with him so yep uh i can tell why why he's uh very good i i think and we've been saying this for a while now right last year and many people might have said the same but i think going into 2021 keep an eye on him because uh he's already had good results in 1v1 tournaments but he could have even better results this coming year right now for byzantine fortified walls 4 200 hp it's almost it's almost the hp of a normal sieve's castle yeah it's gonna be tough to break that but i guess an archer range is the way to go then it is it is but i mean they do have enough army to kind of clear that up i think looks likely i don't know it's close might be worth it for spain to just run in if they can they're gonna they're gonna fight they're gonna fight oh no hard to tell the tattoo takes the monk it lands like kill that i want that yeah oh man i see tata running in with plumes and also paladins from land that next wave from spain's immediate but is there a hole here a lot of like a clue oh yeah that top one on miguel's face that's gonna hurt the trade because there's a hill right there right by the trade and that's what you want to do at this point in time even though the score looks close just snipe the trade yeah just get rid of the trade yet on the other side yeah full size right now it's they know that trade unions are so squishy so it's easier to kill two tradies than a paladin just this micro down the trade yeah yeah down the track or in this case you've only got three paladins to work with you could kill that first and yeah and they're still unfortunately reacting too much now it's not anything they're doing wrong from this point it's just that spain took such a massive lead over the last 10 minutes and atlanta even using paladins to take out a byzantine castle in the middle yeah not even worried about it just that 17 or 21 attack just wow spain are playing so good i want to see can we have spain in norway rematch can we have that rematch that that semi-final yesterday was so amazing so close oh boy i think i think if we do anything we should make them play china just uh yeah give them the whole variety right well i mean after we'll see what happens in the finals which will happen but i think that would be a six set to have spain versus china maybe in a show match after christmas season exciting exciting game yeah it'd be a very exciting series to see all right now if watch china destroy norway you know and then yeah i don't know we're gonna have a lot of questions answered here but i feel like this there's so many things going into this mentally for brazil first off they don't want to get forward period but then yesterday the loss in the semi-final not performing up to their standards so they're really gonna fight on here i i just see spain doing all the right moves forward castle from tattoo now a bit of a great attempt i suppose for miguel though he's just he's not gonna have quite enough there with only frank like have yeah bainer's simply too good man i agree i think i think they've got the control on this game with the plums so plums end uh lithuanian with full relics like you know just what can you do against that right yeah and uh you know they did so much damage in the trade earlier that's just way more trade and they got so many more castles up along their trade trade line so i keep thinking back i love how you say plums by the way did you know there's a plum darter mod where a plumed archer has a plum on his head oh no really yeah you should download that that's hilarious i love it well anyways anyways as spain probably applying the finishing blow uh because they will clear this and get right into that trade route and i think brazil will be forced to call the gg i think spain are showing that they're clearly number three or you're close to it of course uh some great teams were knocked out that they didn't face but um are you feeling better about your about getting swept by spain in the quarterfinals right now chris oh absolutely seeing them do get against norway and seeing this series against brazil um of course and and uh and to be honest we knew even going into it they're gonna be a very strong team so um you know i i had funny as i might have been a little less surprised just because i've struggled with tattoo and land myself because since i've come back so sure yeah yeah but our teammates are a little more surprised i think well um salutes in chat for spain congratulations they get uh close to i don't know the exact figures close to i think a thousand more dollars for getting third place brazil still get a sizeable chunk of the prize pool of course and they are our fourth place team i also think those salutes should extend to brazil because virtually everyone still sees them as a top four team they weren't able to get past china yesterday which isn't the biggest surprise because china is so beastly and i know that they would have wanted to have a better showing here with so many people watching just think about it from their perspective twitch chat like how how well you'd want to do if you knew so many people were watching even forgetting the fact that it's a tournament even forgetting the fact that there's a prize pool associated with it so this game is brutal this game is punishing and lan and tattoo took advantage of every little mistake and they forced the issue more times than not um i'll go to the statistics here my expectation is that land will have so much food yeah look at that his rebooming ability was sick in this series and tattoo with the most gold after getting the castles up chris and investing early into trade yep just very very well done by spain this game and this whole series congratulations to them so we are gonna take a moment i understand that it's everyone wants the final right now okay i'm gonna see if i can take a moment to interview spain as we wait for the finals to start because it's either that or we listen to music and then the other big thing is we didn't get to talk to spain yesterday about their set against norway which is really good so i think we'll take a moment let me just sort that out but the grand final between norway and china will be next um i'd say if you guys are wanting to get uh snacks or something maybe something like 20 25 i'm just not sure yet i'm still sorting on the details this is all going down live um you know what we'll do is since this trailer will not be played very frequently or at all after today i'm gonna play the world cup trailer we updated it for the final day and then i'll keep you guys up to speed on what we're going to do next and chris stick around if you have some questions for tattoo and land i'd like to hear it yep [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh it goes down the villagers will follow [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so uh we're close to the finish of this tournament twitch chat thank you for being a part of this eric c dragon gifted five subs to the stream i want to thank you for that thank you shark finn you've done so much more for me in this community but thank you as well and all the twitch primes out there you're all tacking on money the prize pool supporting the stream today thank you a great dog appreciate you for 22 long months uh i have tatito dorito here and tattoo should be ready a tattoo congratulations on rolling through the bronze match how are you feeling man thank you i will feeling really happy that's where that matches and at the end we want so happy okay um are you able to boost your audio just a little bit on your end i don't know if there's anything you can do uh i think i can do okay i can't get a bit closer as well to the microphone oh i think that's perfect yeah you're lounging you're relaxing cool man well um we're actually going to ask you a few questions about this but i just want to ask questions regarding the the tournament in general and also the semi-final yesterday you you just played the third place match you get more prize pool of course but how did you feel your team played it it looked very good from our angle um i'm really happy how we have performed as a team and the feeling has played amazing during the whole tournament yesterday we tried some different strategies as well because we knew that if we played the same that norway we had little chances to to beat them yeah so we'd like to play a bit more aggressive than we used to and we made a couple of mistakes and it is really hard they defend quite like impressive they are pissed like who do you choose to attack did you pressure viper he's a beast defending did you press maybe ellie is a beast as well so it's really hard to break them no that's what we experienced yesterday in the semi-man that's exactly what happened right you'd you'd kill one person or damage one person and then the other would be able to swing in uh you mentioned land's performance and maybe chris will have a question for you uh how how much have you guys been training and and how much better do you think lan is today compared to maybe a year or two ago um like we had trained quite a bit we had training with germany with brazil with brazil like a couple of sets as well okay we have practice as well with china for the semi-finals and i think without like lan he he i don't think he has like improved like massively he's more like he understands a bit more how we play okay and i understand as well how he plays and that is [Music] that that's something that makes us looks better as well but true okay so just playing together a long time then yeah like you need to to know what are the strengths of your teammate as well and how like get a better synergy as well so uh basically like practicing we will learn a lot about each other and then uh i think we have uh like improve a lot of them okay awesome uh chris i'll leave it up to you if you have any questions for tattoo yeah so taro uh one question i definitely wanted to ask you is how do you guys come up with all these very unique strategies and play styles that we've seen in the last few series actually we tried to to guess what are the enemy civilizations on the maps and then trying to have a good like a good sigma tab at least one two places that can't carry ah and if not usually we try to [Music] to find a strategy that can beat those possibilities yesterday we had portuguese and a slabs thing on bali versus they were bulgarians we didn't expect bulgarians but we expect vikings plus one car received and then okay we portuguese cannot match up vikings on on archer i will always be behind so we need to make something happen right and if we play crossbow crossbow knight we will most likely lose because as well our valleys will be cavalry cavalier because slap doesn't have paladin so the idea was to try to make something happen at the end of that game as well if we try to boost meal we will have get like we could have had more chances i didn't think about the cripples until i saw the first one i was okay this is but that was so i mean the fact that you had that excellent strategy to double viper and then he ended up being bulgarian to that instance was was pretty brutal yeah so we were surprised by the two watching so basically you you don't necessarily start off with what strategy should we do you say what will the enemy pick on these maps and what can we expect and what can we prepare to counter that and we have both like we have our plans yeah like for example denial and we know how we want to play and if we get the right civilization we will play like according to our plan but if we don't have the or civilizations and we can have more like for example semi-finals like we need okay we can give up one map giving like two of our worst civilizations yeah and then get the other maps a stronger civilization so we have more chances but then that's something that we we try to figure out as well where we can have chances with war civilizations that's why tartars come coming out to play as well yes they are not that great um but the like they are really strong in cassettes like today we have against brazil we need okay if this gets imperial we will lose and i will play like i don't know land had like three four stables and i have three yards in ranges i'm full pressure on the camera received it's actually sick because it worked i mean it worked against brazil here and it almost worked against norway and had you won that game you you see yourself fighting at kind of a disadvantage right so you win with worse sieves and then have the better civs for later on that's pretty cool yeah yeah i think that's when one with because there is a lot of uses on on method seven so it's really hard to have like the perfective decision for it matchup yeah okay so question for you tattoo just overall um we had ten maps in this tournament you always saw arabia because that was always game one um what was your experience as a player preparing playing on all the maps and with the sieve settings i think overall i like all the maps because they were different i was surprised by golden b because it was way more open than you used to yeah but i guess it makes sense for 2v2 because otherwise it would be kind of like ghostly play like rolling and go fc and it's like golden beat um like the goal having the goal in the middle makes the teams to make a move earlier so maybe go the beat and go going goes like are they more similar if they were closer okay we didn't see too many arenas i think we have played two arenas overall well it's funny because there's so much arena in the group stage but then the the round of eight all those teams are just like ah we we don't care about arena yeah we practiced visit germany brazil and they were all banning arena we are hoping we're hoping that no one pickering us because we actually have any plan for them do you think we'll see arena banned by uh either china or norway next or do you think that we might actually see in the finals i don't i wouldn't be surprised if uh norway bans arena okay all right but i've seen over all the any of them okay so overall you really enjoyed the the tournament that's good to hear um all right so i'll ask you this tattoo third place uh what do you think will happen between china and norway you are teamed with viper and gl's and you're very good friends with him of course uh but they're also a really good team so expectations with with no bias please and what you think the finals will bring um i think china will we not and the rest of the maps norway will win oh so you think maybe something like a 4-1 is possible for norway yeah unfortunately not for two i think china will win another one okay i think norway's favorite china style is really really strong that's for sure but uh as i said i feel like norway has the best defenders of of all so okay it's really hard to break them china's had a pretty crazy run they of course beat china b in the round of 16 but then they beat finland 3-1 brazil 4-1 and now we'll be up against norway so i'm on paper the victories they had against finland and brazil very very strong i'm excited but tattoo thank you um for for playing in the tournament and all the preparation you guys the preparation paid off you guys looked amazing and thanks for taking the time for the interview i'll send a message to lane myself and make sure you tell and i said well played and congratulations too thank you so much guys and enjoy the finals all right see you man bye-bye nice one all right chris well uh third place match a little more stompy than we thought it would be but it was a pleasure man i really enjoyed casting with you and hearing your insights and positivity i'll ask you the same thing i think we talked about it a couple hours ago but norway vs china what direction are you leaning so i i think it's going to be a little closer than what other people are thinking just because uh china has some very surprising styles and strategies and i don't know if norway is ready for that okay so i think it'll be four to three and i do think i think norway will take it away because maybe they'll get comfortable with some of those styles later on in the series but uh it should be a really good one i'm excited to see it yo told me they told us yesterday they have something prepared that no one has ever seen yet and maybe not ever seen ever but like they didn't show some of their best strategies so yeah at norway the kings of defense is tattoo said and maybe norway were able to to get some preparation for aggressive strategies because they played spain who were very much aggressive but yeah chris i appreciate you again man i don't know if you'll be watching out there but have a great rest of your day it was super fun having you we'll have to do it again i appreciate casting with you it's a lot of fun um enjoy the finals and we'll see you all soon all right chris see ya
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 48,835
Rating: 4.9098229 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, 2v2 World Cup, World Cup, AOE, AOE2, Wow, T90Official, T90, Crazy Games, Insane, aoe2, age of empires, aoe2de, Arabia, 2v2, Spain, Spanish, TaToH, LaN, LaaN, LaaaN, LaaaaN, LaaaaaN, Brazil, Brazilian, Brazilla, dogao, miguel, Ghost, Lake, Ghost Lake, Team, Islands, Team Islands, Valley, Chris
Id: 6JYAjM5nUYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 57sec (8877 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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