North of the Border (1946) Western | Russell Hayden | Canadian Mounties | Full Movie

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] the [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] who's that fell Sergeant stranger to me some disappointed comboy I guess riding through from the Calgary [Music] [Applause] [Music] show [Music] I love the bees hey what got behind me what you doing here you B you old sidew how are you huh why you stupid idiot why I ought to KN this blanket around your neck I'm sorry Mis Hest I thought you palamon you see I'm a couple hours late and I was supposed to well I thought he was hiding well if that's the way you treat your pals he ought to be hiding from you yeah iy Uncle George will see you now he where's me at Well you certainly messed things up didn't you I'm sorry I thought he was a paline up to one of his old tricks you haven't seen him around have you who Bill Bill lton you man I was talking about I was supposed to meet him here at the Dominic General store this morning no I don't happen to know him you see I've only been here a little over a month I'll go and ask M for you [Music] thanks hello [Music] are you inquiring about Bill Len yes you know I'm who he is yes he does all of his trading here I buy his belts and he buy supplies I haven't seen him around in quite a while now probably Gathering up his catch that's funny he wrote me a letter and told me to meet him here the Bill's never late well why don't you try the saloon across the street Bill never hang around in a SL well now what Ruth means is and lots of Trappers get together over there then you might be able to get information oh well I'd give it a wh oh what if Bill happens to come in would you tell him that Utah was looking F yes I will [Music] thanks you T that's an odd name for a man what I saw him do to Ivy Jenkins over there he is an odd [Music] person what else did he say nothing he said he was looking for his friend L had a date to meet him here he comes [Music] now what can I do for you I thought you might be able to give me a little information I'm looking for a fellow by the name of Bill Lon name sounds familiar see now listen to me laramy you're doing business with me and Nils Nelson is not going to tell you how much money you're going to advance me Jean gasby was just over here said the Nelson wanted you to settle up with him first before you were paid off in full oh he did yes you your partners aren't you well maybe so anyway I'll take it up with Nelson well thanks just the same no pardon me stranger I overheard you making inquiries about a man named Rotton yeah do you know him slightly all Naes Naes I want to talk to you where do he hell from St youah uh Nails I want you to tell Ary to pay me what I've got coming I've already told him to advance you what you need but I want all my money I need it just a minute Ivy you're getting all excited about nothing when you calm down down come around and I'll talk to you just now I have more important things on my mind I don't care what you've got in your mind you come to talk to me now you heard Mr Nelson I'll beat it take your hands off me I'm talking to nail now and you're always button in every time I come we told you not to make trouble maybe next time you listen if this is a game let's all play sure just you and me [Music] that tun's on the [Music] [Music] house what's going on in there who fired that shot I don't know somebody must have put a slug in the piano Oho Craig glad you showed up see that f going into the store yeah it's a bad ombre broke into my place started a fight for no reason and that ain't all thank you Mrs ran can you tell me the direction to Bill lon's cabin yes take the North Road 2 miles to the forth turn left Bill's cabin it's the mouth of the first Canyon thanks just a minute stranger it seems like you have some explaining to do these men tell me you started a fight over in the saloon and then shot up things there's two sides every story all right what's your side ask the man coming through the doorway oh iy come over here a minute tell the sergeant about the trouble over in the saloon trouble what trouble go on Ivy you don't have to be afraid well it was nothing it well this stranger here he picked on gasby and they started to fight no no tell him about what happened before then Oh you mean earlier yeah when you tried to smother me in the blanket well I guess I can see why unlik Mr Nelson do you want to prefer charges against this man suppose we just let the whole matter drop on condition what condition well that an hour from now you'll be out of town and stay out you can't run me out of town I come up here I'm not interested in why you came here I'm only interested in how you act I think Mr Nelson has been very fair in his demands see that you're out of town in an hour but my friend's up if you're not out of town in an hour it'll be my duty to arrest you well I guess I made a mess out of that I'm really very sorry he's crying over spill milk I'm glad you're sorry if Bill comes up and tell him I'll meet him out to his cabin bye again bye why you old side was you don't have to knock to come into your own cabinet hello I thought I told you to get out of town well this cabin isn't exactly in town anyway I know Bill would want me to stay here why because I'm his best friend tried to tell you that back in the store but you were so busy listening to those other people you didn't have time to let me talk how do I know you're Bill's best friend see this Brandy n yeah B Barb that stands for Bob ni and Bill lton uhhuh that isn't enough there's a letter you wrote me you say your name is Bob n this letter starts out D Utah there's a handl hung on me that's where I'm from where's your niece she's up stairs in bed that's good open the door to your [Music] office what have you got there about $20,000 wor of skins and those bags are full of beaver and Otter where did you get them boys brought them in I got a nice bunch of traps too you ought to be able to get rid of them who's are they they're mine let's have those traps well I don't know if I can get rid of the Trap snails the season's over and and besid I I was thinking why don't you stop thinking laramy you'll say wear and tear in your brains just take good care of those skins they're very valuable how come you and Bill gave up ranching we had a little Kettle trouble a couple years ago Bill thought he tried his luck at F Trapp and I played the rodos between the two of us we thought we'd pay off for debts this year H wonder why Bill didn't take his gun with him when he went to pick up his pelts I was wondering the same thing youah I'm going to take a chance with you Bill's probably spending the night at his cabin at the other end of the Trap line you can stay here till he gets back one false move and I'll have to take you in all right Serge we'll Pledge Your Way good night youah good night Jack may I come in well of course good morning I brought you some groceries well that's the nicest thing that's happened to me since my dad gave me my first Pony why you sit down I knew you couldn't get into town so I thought I'd come out and bring you some oh that's all been changed now Jack Craig paid me a visit last night yeah yes he said I could stay as long as I'd be a good boy and kept out of trouble oh I don't think that'll be too hard for you I bet you'd have an all time telling your friends that in town they're not my friends I hardly know them as I told you before I've only been here a little over a month where you from Calgary my Uncle George married my mother's sister she's been dead for years and then my own mother mother died about 2 months ago so Uncle George wanted me to come up here and live with him and sort of help him around in the store well I better be going well aren't you going to stay for breakfast I hadn't thought about it I I really shouldn't where I come from it's the law the law well sure when a girl brings a man groceries she's got to stay for breakfast time to help you keep out of trouble and I shouldn't violate the law oh that's better I'll SC up some wood [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a [Music] where's the water bucket I couldn't find one the Spring's right over there your friend is much of a housekeeper is he not even a [Music] bucket [Music] what's the [Applause] matter no [Music] l [Applause] well Craig I guess our Troublemaker hit the road I haven't seen him around he's out at Bill lon's cabin at lon's well if you know where he is why don't you arrest him I was out there last night had quite a chat with him you know he makes pretty good sense when he talks but we have to report this to the Mounted Police they're bound to see it was an accident there's something strange about this bill L never carried a bottle of whisk in his life his gun and bring iron and that broken mirror means something too what are you talking about Ruth will you do me a favor not say anything about this for a few days you mean that I shouldn't say anything about yes just ride back in town like nothing had happened but what would you do first I'll bury him like he'd want me to and then I'll find the men who killed him but if you you think it's Murder Jack craigwood yes he'd arrest me the real murders to get away arrest you you know he's suspicious of me well I don't have an Al or leg to stand on only my word all right Utah then I won't say a word about it thanks I only hope I can act as if nothing had happened you keep Mom everything will be all right all right suppose he does stumble over the body we make it look like an accident maybe we could fix it so it doesn't look like an accident then let's see Mr Utah talk his way out of that one let's [Music] go [Music] I'll take you back to Utah later [Music] bill hello Abby hello bringing in your traps huh the trapping season is over iy where'd you lie about the fight in the sloon the other afternoon I didn't ask you to jump in and help me I well I I guess I just lost my head when I started picking on nails nails is a right nice fellow and I I've been doing business with him for a long long time and didn't like the way he was doing business is that why you got mad well I it wasn't just that it it was listen I can't be talking to you I've lived in Dominic for a good many years and I well I want to live here a few years longer that's what I figured you're scared of him you're afraid he and his men will kill you I didn't say that that's what you meant though wasn't it Ivy well wasn't it his horse has gone and the cabin's empty maybe his ride trap line go look for his friend eh I go to the cabin and kick things around you took it down and bring lon's body [Music] up so Nails finances all the Trappers huh all of them that's his business but then he owns you and laram me will only pay you what nails tells him to sometimes I think he owns laramy too he didn't have to finance bill bill had all the money he needed to stake himself to all the supplies he wanted even wrote me they bought his traps in Calgary that's why Bill had all the trouble the first year he was here somebody was always springing his traps and stealing his FS finally Bill took to brandom on the inside ah he's a smart one that bill he'll tell you all about it when he comes in [Music] nail it's gone it's not there what's not there lon's body we looked all over for him that means one thing youah found him if he sees this room like this he'll know that we know have to figure out another way Let's Straighten It Up Pi up all that glass L I'll be gone for a little while I have some mids to attend to yes unle oh Uncle George yes what sort of a man was Bill lton why are you interested in Bill lton oh well I'm not interested I was just wondering well while you're wondering you might segregate these traps here on the floor when did these come in why they oh oh say they came in this morning while you were away you see separate the large ones from the small ones and and list them all right howy Mr ly good afternoon hello oh oh hello you two I didn't mean to frighten you oh I'm so nervous I I I haven't been able to think about anything I I'm sure I've got it figured out I was supposed to meet Bill here yesterday he came in the day before this catch that night he was branding them and branding them yes it seems he had trouble before with people stealing his pells so he took the mark and him on the back anyway someone came in and Jil de the old got his gun put up a fight must have hit him over the head with a braining there and taking his body down to the cig they planted the bucket there and the bottle of whiskey to make it look like an accident I'm telling you Leos I looked over those pills and they're all marked with r's brand I know that but but suppose Lon comes back and get suspicious he won't he won't you're going to take my word for [Music] it but you're not the law if you think a crime has been committed then we should report it to Jack Craig we went all through that this morning you promised to let me handle it my way oh but I can't go through that I feel as guilty as though I were part of you're not guilty and I don't want you to feel that you are hey these traps were here yesterday were they they came in this morning any new F come in not that I know of where did unle keepers first or he keeps them in his [Music] office you got a key for it no my uncle I has the only key this is supposed to be a private office are you trying to infer that my uncle had something I'm not trying to infer anything all I'm trying to do is to find out something I'll be back a little [Music] later the nails I was only trying shut up did you leave that cowboy alone in the store but the pants are all locked up in my office besides Roose there I don't trust her either I'll get over there and get rid of those pelts and don't let her see you do it what'd you find out I went back around the creek like you told me not a sign of any of laon's traps trap Lin's empty HH you know Ivy I make Bill's traps in lar store right now oh rud take these down to the stage office will you there's some orders for Friday ship yes I'll get my hat I'm rude you don't need to come back today if you don't want to I've been noticing you and I thought maybe you weren't feeling well why don't worry about me Uncle George I I feel fine yeah but all trats look alike you can't prove that those are lawon I know that's why we got a find the Pelt and I think I know a way we can do it now look you go back into [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] town [Music] hello Ruth hello I want to thank you for not saying anything at the store this afternoon well that's why I'm here Utah I think it's about time we did a little talking Ruth as I told you you're just going to have to trust me then why didn't you trust me what are you trying to do involve my uncle in the killing of Bill Lon but if your uncle's innocent he has nothing to worry about all I'm trying to do is to find out who killed my friend give me in torrow if I haven't found out anything by then you personally turn me over the M please all right now you ride back into town qu warrian everything's going to be all right I promise I hope so for your sfe bye [Music] bye [Music] [Music] oh hello Jack you leading yeah I I was just uh you Tom what did you say your real name was Bob n Bob short for Robert Robert n i arrest you on suspicion of murder on what grounds that a lot of unexplained things have been happening around here like Bill Lon lying in a freshly dug grave all right I dug it but I didn't have anything I wouldn't do any talking if I were you you can do all your explaining at the post how up you look Jack give me until tomorrow morning I can prove it sorry Utah but I've got everything figured out I know lot of police are taking over from here lead out [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] he do us here Jack this will never get you anywhere you talk you'll never get out of Canada I don't want got a lot of important work to do I can't do it from behind bars I'll leave this loose it'll take you too long to un tired fig it's about a 3-hour walk in here back to the post that give me time to get some evidence I'll meet you there later but if you don't I'll be coming after [Music] you you're late yeah come on we got to work fast rear window he's there I know he'd come back Jacob's with him like Jimmy the rear window that's against the law breaking into another man's property yeah people have been shot for [Music] that [Music] [Applause] [Music] maybe he hid them in the store some place baby you take that slide [Music] why did you wake up the whole town sh Mr lar me and his niece live upstairs we better get out of here not until I find those Pals what pels find some light gas we take us C Dy ah Mr Utah suppose you tell us where you've hidden Bill lon's body why don't you ask Jack Craig he knows and maybe it won't be long till he finds out that you murdered him wow I put a different light on things but you won't be around to tell them what's going on down here you're just in time laramy these thieves broken your store and it's your duty as a private citizen to shoot them oh no no I Can't Kill Me In Cold Blood you be doing your government of service this man killed Bill lton nobody believe that listen Nails get out of here all of you I don't want anything more to do with your cooked work so you want out huh you can't even kill a man who breaks in the store and robs you and then shoot you like [Music] this now I'll go out and round up a pum and digam citizens then we'll string up a couple of murdering thieves yes murderers and here's your gun to prove it Uncle George who did this hey did why you r TI them up boys take them out to L's cabin that'll be a good place for the hanging get on in and light the lamp tiny hit that PL neat Nails want a sign confession nice and legal don't you sign a confession Mr Utah sure I'll sign it nobody will believe it anyway might as well stop riding I serve notice on Sergeant Craig that we're not going to stand by while inocent man of being murdered in Cold Blood we've got to go act and act fast follow me man hi Robert ni do here by cut him loose hurry it up I'll flat on your bellies both of you get the Rope iy let's tie them up have to hurt all right you fellas start talking who killed Bill Lon you're wasting your time we don't talk get a far start in the stove Ivy maybe a red hot Bry I I don't change your mind on your feet both of you we're going to get this and writing take him into the bunk room and close the door maybe he'll write better alone this Iron's red hot casie I'm going to untie your hands and what I do I want you to start right there there I'll get a loose in a minute there you are now start writing go ahead or I'll burn you clear to the Bone now that's better keep writing oh that's fine I didn't know that was the one oh so it's tiny huh that's what I thought all right sign your name well that's it well iy I got the confession this is everything we need what did he say he said did you kill him he's a liar nails did it he hit him over the head of that branding ir and then he told me to take the body outside and to make it look like an accident you took the Pelt sure we took him down to laramy store laramy hit him in his flower barrel and that's why you couldn't find him when you started at fire prob they know on the way to Calgary Nails had the boys take them down and put them on the stage after I knocked you up we can catch up with the stage I've been accused of every other crime around here now I'm going to hold up a stage time to the bunk over there good and tight all right worked pretty good didn't it you head for the might post C Craig I'll be a little late but I'll be there you stupid fools falling for a trick like that they take North Ro to hold up stage maybe we catch all right men Mount up well it sounds like carelessness on your part Craig yeah I guess it was my own fault inspector I shouldn't have put as much faith in him as I did but he seemed like a man you could trust don't go it I'd still take a chance on him jack Ruth they killed Uncle George you're Uncle oh it was awful and they probably killed you to and Ivy too by now take it easy Ruth here sit down I'll start at the beginning and let's get this straight I'll try [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] I haven't got any money I haven't even got any passengers then tie one of those bags and hand me one of those pelts just that thought these are [Music] stolen turn them into the money [Music] [Music] post [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] d i ducked in the door and slip in behind you [Music] good [Music] back [Music] [Music] charg don't charge [Music] McKenzie [Music] nice shooting Jack now from the looks of the bodies back there you did some pretty good shooting yourself I'm sorry I didn't keep that date with you that's all right Ivy's told me the whole story you know Jack I think you ought to pin a badge on Ivy he's been a lot of help no now three wooden bucket hello Ruth say what's this I hear about you leaving oh Mr Jenkins bought me out we're just taking inventory now hello Jack oh hello youor say I've got some great news for you inspector Swanson says he's got one of these uniforms that'll just fit you well thanks a lot but Ruth and I have other plans you see I need a partner back from the ranch and well Ro just s it fits the bill I made all the arrangements you leav in the [Music] morning you all right I think I better stick the tra [Music] yeah
Channel: The Sprocket Vault
Views: 50,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheSprocketVault, VCI Entertainment, classic movies, the sprocket vault, Entertainment, Classic films, classic hollywood films, classic hollywood movie
Id: e3e5qfKHVVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 24sec (2544 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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