Code of the Cactus (1939) TIM McCOY

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[Music] [Music] me [Music] um [Music] you know jake back in chicago i never thought i'd be punching cattle mostly belonging to other guys yeah using trucks for wrestling is the latest thing come on let's get going for them bloodhounds wake up [Music] uh [Music] [Music] all right boys there's enough at the end of the herd for a truckload get going [Music] um [Applause] um [Music] the seniors truck brussels looks like we'll have to do some shooting you guys beat it we'll take care of them [Music] there they come i'll let them have it no i'll go right through them [Music] [Applause] the yellow belly coyotes city sewer gangsters they ain't got traditions of the fight like man hiding them trucks instead of coming out in the open anybody hurt yes joan us they got us right in the pocketbook 800 worth of livestock and if you boys get a look at him this here new hand was closest to him but he didn't signal quick enough i reckon miss jones for some queer reason of his own you got to be twice your size to make a crack like that and get away with it take it easy boys save it fellas for them cattle crooks we never had anything like this when lightning carson wrote the range it's too bad he's in el vista perhaps he could figure out a way he could always figure out a way he could think ride and shoot straighter than 10 ordinary glutes i ever saw there must be some reason they call him lightning ha you bet once when some wrestlers held him why did they start to torque him with brandon iron he tricked him no into thinking they were surrounded and he escaped don't you think it would be a good idea to telephone the sheriff you're nothing but a common call hand why don't you keep your place in mind your own business that's the right smart id young fella why are you picking on him foreman he's been acting too smart lately i'd have fired him before if he wasn't short-handed now boys try and get together hightail it back to rancho phone sheriff burton to keep an eye out for that truck magpie we've lost almost half our stock if this keeps up we're going to be out of business maybe carson could come down here and help us out i don't know he's making pretty big money in the packing business i thought money didn't mean anything to him oh you don't then perhaps he'd come just for the sport you know like uh fishing or hunting or hunting wrestlers i don't know though if he would come down here it'd be because we were such good buddies then why don't you do something about it all right i will the undersigned william carson packers incorporated agreed to deliver 500 head of cattle every month the specified period the total sum of seventy thousand five hundred dollars now mr carson was awarded the contract last year the price was fair deliveries on time the entire transaction very satisfactory but it's a different matter this year you haven't read my bid yet oh yes i have but i don't see how it's possible for you to do it at that figure the bid stands and i'll fulfill the contract all right mr blacken the blackton packing company agreed to deliver 500 head of cattle every month for the specified period the total sum of fifty nine thousand one hundred dollars i accept that bid mr blackton but you must realize that the government has a right to fork your bond if you don't deliver on time don't worry i'll deliver i thank you gentlemen well good luck to you with your contract mr blackton thanks carson i hope you remember this is one time i outsmarted you you want to be careful you haven't outsmarted yourself you know as well as i do no man can fill that contract at that figure honestly arrest that man for destroying government property [Applause] that truck comes along here i'll show them that they can't get by with any kind of rustling here comes a cattle truck now that answers the description [Music] looks like we're gonna be stopped by the sheriff i'll do the talking [Music] all right you guys step out what's all the shooting for sheriff cattle rustlers keep an eye on them i'm going to take a look around what do you expect to find back there the s1 brand and don't try no funny business [Applause] mark 87 all marked 87. who did you say them cattle belong to i didn't say oh a smart aleck huh well i'll give you just 30 seconds to tell me okay chief mr thurston of the 87 ranch you got it mark there why ask me mr thurston huh you know an s1 could easily be changed into an 87 just to make sure i'll phony keep your eye on that guy you come with me hello get me thirsty county ah it's easy to change an s1 to an 87. which one's you sure one on the right the other one's pete black skipped the country 20 years ago but the law always catches up with him yeah always oh hello kirsten that's sheriff burton yes yes i shipped 20 head to el vista this morning to the blackton packing company oh i've always found the livestock transportation company to be very reliable what's the matter did you catch some speeding my brand is 87. oh no trouble at all and i certainly want to commend you for watching out for my interests i'll tell the governor the next time i see him thank you i guess these country cops don't know much about rackets yet all you've been saying for hours is no i've seen a time when anybody mentioned wrestlers to you why you'd make a plan jump for your horse there was a time but times have changed it's a different game now fellas rustling cattle in trucks charging at 60 miles an hour down the highways machine guns racketeers in the big city running the game yes times certainly have changed you know that sometimes i think that maybe there's still a way for one man to break up a ring like that what's that you say oh nothing i was i was just thinking but the answer is still no but what will the association think of me if you don't come back so it's only your pride you're worried about is it all lightning you can't let your friends down while all them ranchers are getting rustled poor now take miss jones that's my partner if we lose any more beef why we'll have to close shop now you know mike that you can call on me and if you need anything lightning after the pal that we've been if you don't come back with me i never want to see you again tell them yes yes i'll think it over all right you stand to make plenty on this new government contract chief yes if you keep coming through with quality beef but i'd lose plenty if i had to meet the market prices on that contract say do you think these ranchers will get this lightning bill carson to help them well i know that someone has been here trying to get him to go but i don't think he will i have an idea that carson is finished chasing rustlers at least i hope he is yeah but if he does they'll organize solidly against us because then they'll have a leader then what are you going to do well why worry he isn't there yet when i see him healing i'd rather not come that is if i can avoid it all right i'll get in touch with you all right i'm going to the dance saturday night at the willows miss john sure would be pleased if you'd go with me well thanks mr thurston but i've already promised to go with bob i mean mr swain oh there he is now i asked him to fetch my new dress from mrs mcfarland's here you are miss mrs max said she'll finish the other dress as soon as the baby gets over the college excuse me please i've got to see your foreman about a horse how do you like it well i i think it's very pretty hey james who's this fella swain one of the boys caught him checking over our place this morning said he didn't know he was over the line new man keeps to himself i don't like it well why don't you fire him you can't miss jones sweet on it well so i notice come on with me maybe we can make her change her mind about him don't you think it's pretty fine but i don't think it's half pretty enough for the most beautiful girl in the county a i will just call you mcgill what do you want oh well i'm thinking about the petronas from this rancho and maybe thought there was a job of work what i could be doing though oh you'll have to see the forum and that's him coming up here now he does all the hiring around here oh you won't recently formulate hi i'm glad you're here how much do you know about this new man of yours why uh not much really but good boy and we like him yeah when you're farming here tells me he let a rustler's truck get away and this morning after we missed some cattle we found him problem on my property why are you just an innit here here what's the matter you're losing from the head you can't hit a man when he's down on the ground like that be american let's get together boys it wasn't anybody's fault that we were wrestled go on bob and forget it well it looks like i am johnny on the place huh what do you mean well you fire this fellow and i'm the man who gets his job well he might be able to use you at that you know the boys want somebody to entertain him in their spare time can you sing oh well of course i'm the good singer but if it's like the coyote when i am singing you will scare everybody in the country well do you dance oh that is of course i'm a very graceful dancer but uh i almost have my own music i will fix that come on boys let's give them some music all right boys get out your instruments and give them a little music play you know there is still one shot left in this pistol and it makes no never minds to me who gets him i'll walk over and stand in the one line please now is there a nice way for treating a fellow who comes over to makes friends with you what do you do you give to him the cross doubles huh well maybe so i will come here and dance for you again one day huh but you gotta have better music well are you awesome he goes are we looking at you can you read it get out of here come on jake muy bien oh thank you very much for moving my car for me i'll take these guns how you like to walk huh you like to walk very much because i am taking you a truck now you start to walk throttle this is one lobe that mexican won't get don't be too sure about that keep your eyes peeled he's leveling drop out any place [Music] [Music] [Music] now lefty i'd like to meet that guy again stop this truck [Music] get out on the ground come on close now you can take off the boots what take the boots off from defeat come on it's so hard for walking in high heels i'm afraid now put those boots in the cab from the car in the cab from the car well that is better now you will begin walking toward the town it's only about 20 miles and you're going to find these all right without the high heels and the boots you walk much better without the high heels i'm telling you there's a pretty senorita and i'm dying just to greet her must admit she stole his heart of mine though she acted shy and weary when we met upon the prairie that sweet gal across the boundary line i'm not very strong on tangles or those mexican fandangos casting that's have never been my life but i'd go for all these numbers even dance a thousand rumbas with that gal across the boundary line [Music] i've got just one ambition and for that i'm always wishing something in her eyes gave me the sign soon be riding toward her just below that southern border to that gal across the boundary line and so when in last i greet her to this pretty senorita i'll speak up and say will you be mine and if she takes my suggestion and she says yes to my question i'll take her across the boundary i wonder if that mexican hijacker got lefty and jake again [Applause] [Applause] he did [Applause] [Applause] now don't tell me you've been hijacked again yeah by the same mexican fine bunch of rustlers you can't even pull a job with high-powered trucks one man is making a sucker out of all of us i tell you this guy's a ghost comes from nowhere's handles he's shooting around like grease lightning i don't care who or what he is we've got to stop him he's hijacked five of our trucks already this week how do you think the boss is going to fill that contract and if the boss don't fill the contract we don't get a dime or if the boss ever who he is thinks he can handle this guy he's welcome to it if you ask me i'd invite him in for a cut before he gets all of it yeah well i ain't inviting him in for any cut and he ain't getting any more of our stock and a few big bad gunmen can't get him i'll get him myself the first time i see him okay thurston here's your chance [Applause] that's a guy did it over there [Applause] all right boys spread out we can't let them get out of here if you fellas miss i'll get them myself [Applause] i don't know um [Applause] [Applause] uh well i shouldn't my friend seems that everywhere you go the boys are trying to play jokes well i like you joke myself i'm so glad the boys are having fun yes i guess the boys found that out too did you get a job i have the best job everybody else really work i get the money say uh there's one of two things i want to talk to you about you mean there are five things you are wanting to talk to me about you know i never did get a chance to thank you for helping me out in that fight on the s1 ranch oh that is nothing you know five of our trucks were hijacked last week and the boys think that you did it and where did you hide the cattle or these boys they aren't thinking that i i may get i got him they must have me confused with my brother juan he would steal you again he's the kind of fellow that will shoot you of course he would apologize to you later you know but i'll quit your kid where did you hide the cattle you know i'm beginning to like you for seeing your uh question uh glasses senior thursday my name is introducing myself is don miguel guillermo pablo pancho castrano for you my friend of course you just call me miguel bro we're on the same business you steal from the ranch heroes i steal from you because i sell the cattle i get the money it's actually different yes miguel seems to me that if we work together it'd be much more profitable why not maybe so what did he do i'll give you 25 percent of the take or your fooling will begin 20 when i steal your cat i get 100 hold on once more you come all right i'll give you a 50 one half of me get one word for one faith or less all right it's a deal but the boss will sure squawk when he hears about it yeah he's squawking more if he loses all the cattle who is this boss i work for well just for the present i'm the boss now look we've got to get 500 head before the end of the week and we've got to get an early start in the morning well i hope it's not too early in the morning because i don't like get up for the sun say uh you don't happen to know a man by the name of carson do you you mean he's lightning b carson yeah he is here no not yet but these ranchers have sent for him he's liable to be here any day don't you got some worries these bill carson will never meet miguel face from the face i'll bet you'll be able to handle them all right i bet you you're alive how do you see you are we looking at you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nice work boys that gives us 150 head of the 500 that we need ah don't i told you you work with miguel everything going to be all right huh sure there's nobody left to hijack us now that was my brother he's a bad humbly i sent him away well let me tell you something these cattle are not such a good places where you have them you better let me take them to the boss and get him money no nobody sees the boss but me don't worry i'll deliver the stock in a couple of days a couple of days there's no good for me i want my money now right all right if you're that anxious but i'm sending a couple of boys with you you'll find a corral in lobo canyon you deliver the cattle tell them you're from me and they'll pay you why get the money from the big boy's media i told you nobody sees the boss oh hey pete you'll go with them get the trucks loaded there was a mexican at the head of him i saw him that's right i did too i'll bet it was the same one that assets for a job i didn't like his looks anyway oh if carson was only here can you imagine him that mexican going round and round but he didn't come so quit talking about it fortunately we moved the main herd down the lower pasture they've gotten that i i hate to think what would have happened that wrestling don't stop we'll all be ruined i still think thurston's behind all this i'm so sorry you cannot help me because now i must haul all these cattle by myself huh now don't you fellas run away because the sheriff's going to be disappointed if he doesn't find you when he gets here i haven't received a single head of b from you in three days thursday is the deadline on the contract and if we don't deliver we lose everything and nobody gets a dime well i told you the cattle was being hijacked but the mexican that was doing it is working with us now right now he's on his way to the corral with 150 head you can pick him up anytime good now you're showing cents but we're gonna need another 200 head before thursday well don't worry with miguel on the job you will have that's fine oh by the way lightning carson has disappeared from his usual haunts keep your eye feel for him he might be here and if he is it means trouble yeah i hope he does show up say it'll be worth something to see miguel handle him well don't fail me it's too risky for me to come here you won't have to worry from now on everything will run smooth okay ah i am in south never in my whole life miguel the great bandito when they do this to me what are you talking about this scandal the first lord with the truck they steal from me and the next time when i come back for the other characters they two are gone do you mean to tell me that you've been hijacked hi jack lojack hi no jack in the game i don't care the cabbages are gone they're gone well who did it it was a big man's with a black mask and or there was plenty guns it was too fast for miguel yeah well i know light than bill carson bill carson he is here yeah and i was just telling the boss what you do to him when you met him what the big voice he is here to oh forget that what we've got to worry about is the carson's here i wish i was know that was this fellow carson that would be different dear geordie crooks the boss will be plenty burned up when he finds out he's got no cattle say i understand miss jones has 150 head in a corral near the house oh you know this i think we get all her cal huh no we didn't but we'll get them tonight maybe before we start for tonight i'd better find this fellow carson i look him up so he don't bother us some more huh well i hope you'll find him i'll feel better don't you worries about this fellow carson why miguel will find him say if you're late getting back meet us at twin walks we're leaving from there okay kiddo oh damn get off of your heart i've been looking for you well now you're catching up with me what is the answer huh you know the problem is you should be sure that's all you are looking for is the thought you are looking for oh i know you you're the umbra he's been wrestling that cattle what a fine way to treat a pal ask me to come down here and help you out when i do what do you do you try to dry ghost me carson why didn't you tell me i didn't even dare let you in on fella because i'm in right now with the people that are doing the wrestling well who are they let's get them and stream them i was thirsty in these games before i try to grab them i want to find out who the brains of the outfit is well do you suspect anybody yes i think it's our old friend blackton i haven't enough evidence on him to prove it in court yet but he has a contract to fill when he finds out he can't deliver that's when we're going to force him out into the open and then we can close in on him fact of the matter is my dear fellow they're planning raiding your lower pasture tonight well how do they know that we get kettle now or pasture because they get information from your own outfit or what been come with the candle you've been oh never mind about them they're safe but i shouldn't be talking to you in these clothes tell us what i'll do i'll go and change and meet you back at the rank so i'll see you there right but i told you mr blackton that the cattle were hijacked and not only it was lightning carson who did it i told you to look out for him now he'll organize the ranchers against us we'll never be able to meet that contract you'll get them oh the mexican is outgunning for him well a lot of men have tried that and where are they now now listen i need cattle and i've got to have them regardless of carson or anyone else there's a bunch hidden on the s1 ranch we're taking them tonight and who knows maybe we'll take leighton and carson with them you'd better or we're through now those are my plans about tonight how long have you been suspecting thurston of these cattle raids about six months ever since i came to work on the ranch anybody know you're a range detective not that i know of sure positive well i'll tell you what i want you to do i want you to go over to thurston's place and nose around over there see what information you can get these others liable to change their plans about tonight if they do i want to know about it right there he goes i'm magpie i want you to round up all the men you can get and have him here at 9 30 tonight that'll be a pleasure chief and your orders miss jones alright i head straight for the kitchen and start getting dinner i'm starved right so you're a cattle detective working with lightning bill carson well he'll be here in a little while to keep you company now won't that be nice yeah well you haven't got a man in your whole rotten outfit good enough to take carson alive oh yes we have we have one that can handle him so just take it easy oh james you better get back to that ranch before they miss you i don't want any slip-ups tonight right all right boys take him into the back room well thanks for a delicious dinner now magpie you know what to do right we'll be waiting for you i'm worried about bob he hasn't come back yet well don't you worry about him he wouldn't miss this show tonight for anything but i think i better be going changing my clothes because i haven't had much time and my little playmates will be waiting for me now don't you worry a thing about bob or anything that happens because it's all coming off on schedule tonight everybody's here but miguel we'll wait five more minutes and if you don't show up we leave without him here he comes now well i guess i'm a little late huh but he's better to be late than sometime yeah did you find carson no i can't find these fellows well we did where you find this fellow at miss jones ranch we'll take him and the cattle together tonight and furthermore we've got bob swain miss jones boyfriend the cattle detective all nicely tied up so that when we take mr carson tonight we'll take care of both of them together oh i saw you you killed the two stones with one bird eh where you got this cattle detective uh we haven't got time to talk about that now let's get going [Music] [Music] why it's perfect looks like they're all asleep if we take it easy we can take them without firing a shot and remember miguel i want carson alive you will get him alive spread out [Music] here they come man get ready get over there another way [Music] now wait to get close man and then let them happen [Music] [Music] here they come get undercover not keep out of time so read it that'll take care of them somebody put on life take care of these men and see that those other fellas don't come back good work boys they're not quite as many wrestlers as they were a few minutes ago but this is just a start we've got to smoke their big boss right out into the open and will his face be red when he finds out you're lightning bill carter well it's going to be redder when he can't fill that contract now tomorrow's the deadline he's not going to be able to meet it well i better rejoin those fellows before they begin to miss me i'm worried about bob he hasn't shown up since this afternoon oh he's a he's all right i've got him watching thurston's house how we going to get this fella blackton when he finds out what's happening he's going to jump right out here and take charge himself that's what i want i'm thinking i should be going back to join my compadres and i should tell them all the secrets i'm learning from you so where's this miguel probably got winged with the others who do you reckon gave the tipper your guess is as good as mine but i sure aim to find out well what happened over there why were they waiting for us ask your gunslinger mcgill well speak up what do you mean and mcgill finally caught up with carson yeah what happened nothing because miguel and carson are one of the same person you mean to tell me that mcgill is lightning bill carson that's what i said are you sure you better not take too long believing it because he's on his way over here now let him come we'll give him a rule party let me handle him boss oh no i've got my own way of handling him now here's what we'll do are you lefty ah we were just talking about you wondering if they got you no of course there was a bullet hit my gun and kind of knocked me off for a little minute or two you're nobody's going to i got big news for you yeah what is it while i'm still there i hear these ranchers say that they are going to send big shipment of cattle to this fellow carson manana or tomorrow morning you didn't happen to run into carson did you no but these detectives swing that you got here i think he knows where he is we go talk to him there never mind about him he's safe in the back room and we'll take care of him later you don't know who tipped off the ranchers do you no i can't find these out but you there's the guy that tipped off the ranchers it's a lie i've been framed i know better than that he's been double-crossing us for months wait a minute his words as good as yours let's hold the trial i'll ask the questions lefty you defend the prisoner and just to make sure that everything's on the level we let miguel be the judge what i be the judge the last time i see the judge i am the other side from defense and he said to me miguel i give you one year in the calaboos what if you want i would be the judge that's the charge this guy's supposed to be working at the s1 wrenches on her cover man instead he's been tipping him off to our plans what proof have you got well they were ready for us the ranch weren't they that still doesn't prove that james tipped them off ah well gentlemen you must remember that the law say you must prove a man is innocent before you can even think he is guilty mine home well if it wasn't james who could it have been we hoped to prove what was lightning bill carson now what would you say was a fitting punishment for a man who double-crossed us like that our before the punishment is give you must remember you must find his right man and be sure that he's developed but say we have caught the right man what should we do with them in that case amigo i think there is just one thing to do he's gone see the plane's right there come on he's gone they both gone through the window what are we standing here for oh there's no chance to get him now say he told me the ranches were shipping some cattle tomorrow do you think he was on the level sure he was the ranchers will all be there and he'll probably be with him good we let them start to drive and then we'll hit them get organized so we can get started by santa what are you gonna do well i'm gonna phone blackton and tell him the plan and if he thinks he can do any better i don't give them chance to get here and do it [Music] when they stop surround them i'll show you how to take care of mr carson oh they got their old block lightning i expected they would have but drive right through it [Music] here they come now [Music] it's perfect they're following it [Music] [Music] [Applause] well what do we do now i mean when we get around this next bend swing to the right and head for those rocks gotcha [Music] hello stick him up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so you're through blackton i wouldn't be if i had that gun i don't need a gun to take you so i was hoping you'd open an office here and stay you know to kind of keep things under control i'm going back to the city where i can get a little peace and quiet besides i i think bob here might be able to keep things under control don't you like it here now too much high-powered wrestling to suit me doesn't agree with my temperament and these trucks and modern gang methods over and when your own friends try to dry gulcher that's the time to leave lightning there's another gang of russians now you heard me nothing doing well i will be looking at you sometime hasta la video can you imagine that guy but remember if you ever need any help send me a wire [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 142,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic movie, CLASSIC, Code of the Cactus (, MOVIE, Ben Corbett, Tim McCoy, WESTERN, Dorothy Short, FREE, MOVIES, classic movies, filmstruck, #classicmovies
Id: jEW88fVuuf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 40sec (3400 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2013
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