Rimfire (1949) Western | James Millican | Mary Beth Hughes | Full Movie

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right B I'll that gun down step out and make it fast mine yourselves or else somebody's going to get hurt i s everybody out but they're women keep your trap shut hle all out ladies oh I think I'm going to f keep your hands up he's thinking wrong fresh now folks will'll have a little donation for the owl who benevolent Association you ought to be ashamed of yourself shut up better do as they say miss the cards are stacked in their favor oh a gambling jet huh could be right now you're dealing the car I'll take that what that I'd like to keep straight a medal H come on take that watch and you driver start dragging that box [Music] out drop those guns or I'll pull the trigger do what he says boss this ombre means business don't be a fool if he pulls that trigger on me the boys will be sure to cut him down even if it means killing one of the ladies you better drop it mister all right step away from him you know any prayers Gambler you better see fac reach and don't try any funny business my men have you [Music] covered let's get out of [Music] here [Music] anybody hurt only my bankroll stranger oh sorry to hear it forget it could have been much worse except for you how about your men oh that that was just an act to make him think I had company I thinking yes indeed we all owe you a vot of thanks Mr what happened to your hor I was struck by rattlesnake last night so sort of left me a foot well throw your saddle on top and hop in this rides on the company what about this body we're not using this coach for a hearse we'll send a corner out from town well better start loading up folks I got a schedule to [Music] make [Music] hi AO hello how you coming with your gold digger oh I think I stratching rich this time maybe this time a real bananera huh oh see no not this time Chico you mean ain't gold oh it's gold all right it's Fool's Gold again oh no poy why don't worry Chico you come with me I'll show you how to get rich quick today right now okay just the kind of a sound she makes when she's going to pay off no money I guess we lost give me another quarter Cho ain't got no more quarters I'll get some change here you keep your eye on the machine don't let nobody touch it till I get back give me change for a dollar when you Barney please quick howy sh here Chico you push it down this time maybe it'll change your life I another drink Sheriff no I think I better not Bonnie on the house no no thanks uh-oh good afternoon J oh something on his mind Town Council you can bet good afternoon judge nice judge Gardner Sheriff what about the meeting of the Town Council well you see judge it's kind of hard to get everybody together folks are busy you know and yes and lazy indifferent and selfish but always belly aching about the protection for person and property you're absolutely right judge Law and Order Abraham Lincoln had the right idea a government of for and by the people and that goes for Stringtown as well as Washington DC Sheriff you tell those infernal backsliding councilmen if they can't do the duty we'll elect citizens that will drink judge oh no now you know B I never touch it no uh give me some more change B howy judge stage should be in pretty soon shouldn't it what time you got Pokey well let's see this one says 4:00 and this one says 4:30 it's exactly 4:15 right now judge stage is pulling in excuse me gentlemen might be some new citizens judge think I'll take a look what's the matter with your hospitality man aren't you going to offer an old acquaintance a little nip here you are judge help yourself could we Prevail on you to have a little drink on the house sh honor well certainly I'd be glad to thank you very much do the lips and pass the guns look out stomach here it comes run into some hold of J sherff what they got the gold shipment not on your ttin type but the would have had been for that young fell there hello Uncle Jim great wither and spoons Polly what are you doing here young lady didn't I write you until you couldn't come here to visit me yes Uncle Jim and didn't you also say that you didn't like living alone and you couldn't keep the house by yourself what if I did I simply took the hint that's all oh Mr Jackson I'd like you to meet Uncle Jim O say Thinkin you the abene kid that's what they call me I expect to be here long well Sheriff that depends on a couple of things where can I find a room around here I guess Bonnie's got a few vacancies over to Blue Moon I'll see you folks later oh Tom Uncle Jes is Tom Harvey hary sh howy Tom Tom mentioned something about wanting a job couldn't you he was a good Deputy or something something well drop over the Sheriff's Office a later we'll talk things over now young lady we take you home and have a nice long talk with you fine good afternoon Miss poly wa a minute give you a hand okay it's heavy now what yeah what's the news from the outside world well for one thing General UL S Grant has been elected president of the United States what did I tell you fellas the next person will be a republican a republican of do I never knew there was anything except [Music] Democrats who is it blazing to come in onlyy something happened on that stage coach robbery everything was going fine and till you're interrupted I know all about it one of them was a passenger on the coach he look like a gambler to me yeah we took this wallet off of him and this they recognize any of you no we had our face well covered hello bunny well the avalene kid himself still up to your same old Tria so bunny I thought by now you would have graduated from these Penny holders I'm doing all right what brings you up in these parts old go go and Prospect them some no not exactly you see my hands weren't cut out for dirt tools right now though I'd like to talk to you what about my business what if I'm not interested you're not supposed to be not anymore that I'm interested in the particular business you're in what do you mean just this I think it would be smart if we made a little trade so that we could both stay in our respective businesses might be of course I'll need that 1100 your boys lifted from me now I'll have that watch you know it means a lot to me what your bu Bonnie don't feel too bad about it if your boys want another shot at my bank roll they're welcome to try over a polker table oh yes you can tell your Watchdogs to come out now that smart ttin horn all going take it easy Blazer maybe he's got an idea so you see Sheriff when the Civil War ended it was necessary to replenish the mint with enough gold to back up the new currency that was being issued well according to Secret Service information a highly efficient gang of thugs stole it killing at least a half a dozen of our men and you believe the gold is someplace in this vicinity that's right but unless they can knelt the gold to get rid of it no bank or sane person would touch it because each gold bar has a US stamp on it somehow I can't seem to tie in string to down with all this gold you can count on my help Javi thanks Sheriff as a captain of the Secret Service you understand that well I'd prefer to work undercover why not take advantage of Paulie's efforts to get you a job as my Deputy that's a good idea maybe you'd let Wilson here take a turn with me to sort of show me the ropes no I'd be very happy to Meanwhile this kind of makes it official much obliged sherff Mr gy oh hello wi what brings you here did somebody break the law no I want you to meet our new Deputy Tom Harvey Tom Mr gy is the editor of our town paper I'm Mighty glad to know you sir how do you do young man I hope you know your job law enforcement in this towns have been in the hands of nink and poops long enough thanks Matt now tell me about yourself how old are you what's your full name where were you born are you married where'd you go to school what qualifications you think you have to fix you for a job like this or previous experience if you [Music] had [Music] night bad bad bad [Music] old up about your children nothing about your wife you done broke my I'm going to take your life yes CU I'm bad bad batt Bam Bam Bam Bam when Stacks 44 next time I saw Billy lions was stretched out on the floor battle battle battle St rber TI rubber TI couple of heavy ones Joe Charlie to the but they didn't bring him back oh no no I'm bad that old sa yes that's the end of my story I hope you mark it well next time you see old stack is bound to be in [Music] [Applause] jail kingp fing mighty fine luck tonight kid more important Mr Norton and good cards it'ss me luck like that just ain't natural grumbling Blazer dealer cards that's an even thousand at 50 gentlemen not with these by me I'm out I'll call that 15 and raise you 100 you 100 I have 200 more be me you didn't pay for that look A P queens and me holding three kings all the time was your privileg to back it up my friend I'm backing it up with this hey [Music] a [Music] as the so-called representative of Law and Order in this town I wish to inform you there's a fight going on where the Blue Moon Law and Order [Music] w [Music] get [Music] up that's not a good idea Blazer he start to go for his gun he's not armed what's the big idea leer strong arming for the kid never even met the Gent well then what are you butting in for maybe I don't like hard losers let's put the guns away before somebody gets hurt all right boys Fun's over much obliged to you Miss don't mention it Mister H gentlemen should we continue C out I've had enough for Theon night have you other gentlemen no thanks I'm through me too drinks are on me bunny just as you say kid up to the bar [Applause] boys yes I owe you an apology kid kind of tough getting beat by P Queens yeah yeah sure I reckon maybe a man should stay with his own game maybe your own game is more profitable at that well if you'll excuse me sure go ahead good luck to you kid turning in kid yeah you know ma'am it took a lot of nerve to do what you did think nothing of it aren't you joining the bunch remember you're buying the drinks yeah but I never buy myself one can't fill an inside straight with a slug of straight whiskey huh well that's the general idea I'll be back down a little bit maybe then I can think of a better way of saying thank you I'll be around [Music] [Music] you D much to the kid M Norton no more than I could afford cost me over a th000 perhaps someone should remind you that drop Hook is a gambling Game Stop ding oh I don't mind losing money [Music] laser what's the matter toad maybe I'm not wise to Mark cards and such but take a look at those Barney of course I could be wrong see them dots in the corner they're marked that double dealing 10 horn he's not stealing my money take it easy toad we'll all go up to his room and pay him a little visit yeah wait a minute man if you want to talk to the kid I'll go get him there be no gun play understand Blazer we don't need the law to take care of a crooked Gambler quiet Blazer bring him down he's room number eight who is it open the door kid I want to talk to you be right with you don't listen to him they're trying to frame you shut up kid the boys think you beat them with a mark deck of cards that's ridiculous I'll talk to them in the morning that won't do come on open the door I'll shoot that lock off I'm only going to warn you once more I'll keep that gun [Music] away come on kid open up [Music] he's heading for the leverage table how fast can you settle up a horse for me mister for $40 and gold right [Music] Ponto hold l or I'll shoot you better come with me kid but you got me wrong Harve why did you try to make a break then it's a laugh I was being cold come on nice work bany let's get back the money stole from us boys and string him up here now get your money if and when the kids prove guilty we've got Mark cards as says he is Swindle me out of nearly 3,000 with them too maybe so but the law says a man's entitled to a fair trial being part of that law I am to see that the kid gets a break now get going about your [Music] business this was his room eh yeah at the window we jumped out of yeah uh bunny some of the boys were saying that you knew the kid before he came to Spring Town is that right yeah when I ran the Golden Slipper in St Joe Golden Slipper St Joe by the way when is the trial coming up tomorrow morning judge Gardner is [Music] presiding here he comes morning judge this s to be a cinch hanging for you n good morning judge everybody to your seats please quiet I just want to warn you all that the district court number six of this territory is now open and In Session Court aims to hold a fair and legal trial that won't stand for no hollering loud arguments or cussing also the Dignity of this court has got to be respected and little bets is here to see that it is you get on hey you two men back there take your hats off take your head off Cho where his hat cour you heard me poy take off your hat Sheriff bring in the defendant all right Harry bring in a prisoner you are the abene kid yes your H according to the complaints your charg with obtaining money with a mark of cards malicious mischief and creating a brawl in the Blue Moon Salon how do you wish to plead guilty or not guilty not guilty your honor you uh have an attorney No Sir Mr haes here Jud the court hereby appoints you attorney for the defense who me I object your honor on account of a course I don't know anything about the law makes no difference I know enough for both of us objection overruled sit down [Music] kid now then do any of you gentlemen wish to volunteer for jury duty [Music] I thought not so I suppose this will have to be a trial by acclamation on account of your all such lowgrade citizens fress with this toad Tyler dead St and after the fight broke up I just happened to take a look at the car cards it looked sort of funny to me so I called Blazer and the rest of the boys I thought that I'd show them the cards and I know Mark carts when I see them judge we examin the whole deck Barney had to look at him too and I'll tell you something else and there's no doubt the kid tampered with the cards in my opinion I object your honor objection sustained the court is not interested in your opinion next twit this he fooled me just like he did the rest I guess he nailed me for PR near 800 that's his first degree railroading if you ask me that's why I'm sure the play was crooked beat me out of all the cash I had head and a thousand I borrow from Carl Weber Mighty smart poker players all of you Jets you may step [Music] now now as you have listened to all the evidence there is it appears to this court that the Gentile citizens of this town should be able to reach a decision on the defendant's guilt or innocence therefore those who calculate him guilty will raise their right hand what in Thunders the attorney for the defense got his left hand in the air force it ain't right what ain't right my left hand ain't right and neither is this trial it's all wrong say [Music] now now are there any of you here here that figure the kid is innocent 2 3 4 5 6 prisoner will rise the verdict is 10 to six against you kid you got anything to say no no I guess not makes my heart beat heavy to sentence you sir the court has found you guilty and you know what that [Music] means Sheriff you know your duty remove the prisoner C [Music] [Music] dismissed where were you when the trial was going on in my office writing an editorial I knew what the procedure would be and the verdict well when are they going to uh tomorrow morning Law and Order [Music] [Music] well kid got anything to say I want all of you to know that you're witnessing a murder the murder of an innocent man whose only crime was luck the bad luck to win the gold of some of his more Craven fellow men I know that anything I might have to say won't change your mind according to law I've been tried and proven guilty I want to remind you that you're hanging a man for a crime he didn't commit you'll have that to live with all your natural lives gold and greed it seems go together and so do so do golden [Music] death all right [Music] George hello Tom hello Harry getting any further on locating that Federal Gold yeah I got a few ideas anything happened around here no seems like the town's gotten Almighty righteous since the kid was hung yeah yeah seems so I know what you're thinking Tom forget it someone had to do it I guess you're right Harry I have to go after eggs for Uncle Jim want to go along sure thing oh gosh I forgot I I've got to relieve Harry oh I sure would like to oh don't bother if you're you're so busy he's not that busy Miss Polly I'll stick around for you Tom thanks Mr Wilson Oh but Harry go you've spelled me plenty I owe it to you much applied I'll be right back not if you're going after eggs you won't what do you mean never keep a lady waiting beat it get on your horse what do you mean get on my hor where do we have to go for these eggs sanus sand Demus that's 9 or 10 miles what's wrong with the eggs here in town nothing except Uncle Jim doesn't like them oh Uncle Jim well is there any difference between Stringtown eggs and sanus eggs the difference between chickens and geese Uncle Jim prefers goose eggs well I'll try and get back for dark Harry much [Music] blood [Music] motion go for your gun I'm going to kill [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] hurry H shots what happened I don't know I just got here must have seen it coming but wasn't fast enough probably recognized the killer I'm to blame for this Sheriff he was standing my trick he shouldn't have even been here instead I oh stop talking like that where'd you get this there's lying right next to him do a Spades he did Sheriff yeah one of you run get Dr McCoy I'll pet him the rest of you be at corner go about your business I can't help figuring that that bullet had mine name on it not Harry's nonsense son the Keller know exactly who he had a beat on this deu of Spades puts a crazy Twist on things did you find out anything yet Sher no not yet poy [Music] [Music] did you get it mhm I'm going to try something kind of tough about Wilson yeah any idea who the killer might be no but I found a little clue that might lead to something that's a slug that killed Harry that don't look like lad to me it isn't it's gold pure gold say you don't think what yall remember just before the kid swung what he said about being murdered for gold and that gold would uh Revenge him or some hogwash what's the matter with you what do you make of that D of f you found are you listen to me I ain't saying I don't believe in no Hereafter nothing like that but if I was you I wouldn't even hint at what you just said [Applause] [Music] Glon go for your gun [Music] [Music] hello py don't do that I hear the chff Make You Dead he sure did say if that abalene kid ever starts messing around with me I I'll feel him so full of holes he'll look like a salt singer instead of a ghost what am I saying you can't shoot a [Music] ghost [Music] [Applause] [Music] Chico yes oh oh no no CH is too young today oh no [Music] mother what's the matter with him I only wanted to say hello maybe maybe I better go with some people it's the same old story gentlemen it happened just like the others you find the body and the usual card beside it good morning gentlemen good morning man good morning I read your editorial Matt and you're quite right and I want to tell you Sheriff that something's got to be done about this insane killer why it isn't even safe to walk the streets yeah and it ain't helping my business any either half my subscribers are leaving town it's an outrage we're doing the best we can this killer whoever he is how do you know it's a he huh what are you getting at nonsense well remember that place he made for the kid and after what's been happening his tal Outburst pure and simple now according to the way I figure whoever is behind this has more of a motive than just revenge and is a pretty good shot to back up whatever's at stake Lita was sure pretty fancy with that Rod she pulled on Blazer nah that was just a little daringer Wilson Weber Lamson and Calvin were all drilled with 45 slugs doc McCoy found out out for us gold slugs having any luck boys Miss Mary you're just in time to see the big pale well getting hot now now is the time for the jackpot right d there it goes I'm scared you no money as I was saying Bonnie it's a good job besides I've been wanting to get to Frisco for a long time yeah I understand that crazy killer isn't caught soon there won't be anybody left in string town hey por oh kind of clumsy I could have draw faster but I figured you want to kill her anyhow sheriff wants to see over in the office right away he does oh all right you know Miss Mary hello hansome Chico you better come along with me it's kind of dark [Music] outside Hy Jessa glad to see you what's the matter Bonnie nervous guess I am a little jumpy have a [Music] [Music] drink how would you like to collect a big reward in helping us spot the killer sure who wouldn't all right I'll tell you what I want you to [Music] do got shot [Music] [Music] nort what's the idea [Music] Bonnie Bonnie [Music] I picked them up in Barney's room well at least that gives us something solid to work on rire yeah but I'm stumped if I know which way to turn shooting down Norton like he did and then before you can say jumping jihas that Barney gets a dose of the same [Music] medicine ghost killer on rampage within 48 hours after the brutal slaying of Jesse Norton and Barney Bernard in the blue moon Saloon the mysterious murderer of six prominent String Town citizens struck again savagely shooting to death rainbow Raymond in broad daylight leaving no other evidence but an Insidious Aid of Spades who will be next that's what I want to know who might be any one of us the sheriff's been dling around like an old fool while the shooting's been going on yeah give me a lemonade make it a double the six was Jesse Norton the seven Bonnie Bernard and the a of Spades rainbow Raymond it all adds upright sort of killing Solitaire yeah you know we could probably save a few lives if we could just stop and think like this crazy person let's try it all right well the nine and 10 laser and told Jack of Spades could be myself or you pory or no now old Porky sure did the best he could at the trial and the queen well there's no reason for the queen to plan in this sort of game anyway Lita was all for the kid and oh it couldn't be Polly well she's related to me you know confused as it is as a pattern to these killings I still say it's Revenge maybe and maybe not what do you mean I think the Killer is using the abene kid as an excuse to get rid of all these people whatever it is you can bet it's big and important who knows maybe it's that Federal Gold Sheriff I've got a plan what's that I've got an idea how we can narrow down our list of suspects each gold slug was undoubtedly fired from a Rimfire type gun I used to see them when I was in the Army a lot of Old-Timers wouldn't use anything else starting tomorrow I'm going to check every gun in [Music] town hey fellas wait a minute what's up looks like you're leaving town darn right and no matter how far we get it ain't far enough we fancy to live a little longer and it won't be in string town let me see your guns will you what's the FL Mister have a mind gift I sure hate to be in anybody's boots that had anything to do with that Federal Gold what do you mean huh nothing just thinking out loud he how is a judge you hang on to an old obsolete rire type gun like this because it saved my life once that's why thanks you're sure you don't own a 45 huh oh what would I want with heavier artillery this is good enough and if it ain't I have other weapons handsome I wonder I'd like to see your gun gun my dear man I don't own a gun I do my killings with a [Music] pin hello oh Tom why do you pop in unexpected and the way I look I think you look just Grand oh I don't I know you're doing this just to show me what a marvelous housewife you're going to make some lucky man some man perhaps but certainly not you now Polly how can you refuse me when I haven't even asked you why Tom Harvey you now take it easy Polly look I brought you a little present but it's beautiful time why give me a gun oh why well no reason exactly except that except Polly that I know there's going to be a lot of those fancy danss hanging around I thought maybe you could use it to sort of keep them away and until I get around to to yes Tom oh [Music] Tom please yeah what if it is a ghost like the thing you're driving me Betty Shine at your own shadow I wish Bonnie hadn't have made us pull that Mark card trick the kid Knew Too Much he had to get rid of him what do you think that Deputy meant when he said he'd hate to be in our boots he didn't say us he just said them that had anything to do with the federal goal yeah well don't forget we're in on that deal with Barnie Jess and all the rest of them yeah come to think of it practically everyone that had anything to do with that goal got it from this this ghost yeah all but us please I was thinking maybe a shut up why didn't I think of that before of what the Killer's no ghost he must be the same man that Ram outed that gold robbery sure now it comes to me the ghost of the abalene kid is [Music] really no why don't you go for your gun to no don't shoot I won't tell people you can have my share of the go you can have have everything no no no what I said to him I said Son you ain't no Cowboy he says well yes I am if you're a too many [Laughter] cows nothing happen anything new sure yes where'd you get these they were on my desk when I came from lunch Blazer the told that sort of runs out the suit Tom no I'm afraid it doesn't full suit runs to the king that still leaves the jack oh oh por I found it this time you know Fool's Gold it's a big cake full of pieces of gold but this big and all around big wait a minute Chico wait a minute where'd you find all this gold you're yeling about well you knowto Canyon is a Big C full of gold big Dorito Canyon yes come see I show you we reach I think you run along time one of us better stay here come on [Music] this way pl we are rich think come on every is full gold belong to us now I see we all CH you know what we can do we get these Chang in the quarters we can play The Machine from now look seor even says for us see us s yeah you're right Chico it does say us but look more closely there's a period after the U and the s that means Uncle Sam but he mean he don't belong to us no you've accidentally stumbled on that Federal Gold that was stolen about 3 years ago now look I'll tell you what I want you to do I want you boys to hide tailor into town get a wagon and get back here as fast as you can but what do we I Haven time to answer your questions chica do as I say I want to get this gold into town before dark understand hurry hurry up [Music] Chico har oh hello Sheriff I've been halfway expecting you I kind of think you'd be so I thought I'd come out and give you a hand with this Federal goal imagine you're anxious to get it back to Washington yes yes I am I'm afraid you won't be leaving Captain Harvey I uh don't follow you yeah that's your card Tom get him a pie you're a pretty smooth dealer Sheriff I'm too deep to quit now another killing more or less means nothing I do more than that to get my hands on this gold you know I don't think I'd have ever known it was you if you hadn't have shown me that N9 and 10 of Spades a nine and 10 yes you see I had pory watch the jail and you were the only one to enter leave very clever Captain Harvey so I I'm the Jack of Spades yes and Paulie's the queen surely you will [Music] wouldn't Uncle Jim what's happened to you shut up and get back into the room I don't understand what's come over you told you not to come out here but you insisted now I've got to kill you like I did all the others you mean you're the the ghost of the avalene kid does Tom know about this yes but it won't do him any good in his dumb military sort of way he's getting too close to things now with you out of the way the suit will be [Music] compl you slipped this to me in the cave Sheriff now it's my [Music] [Applause] [Music] deal [Music] and I speak for the entire populace a beautiful and lovely string town we wish to convey to you with it Eternal thanks in the manner in which you restored Law and Order in our pastro Western Community now as far as talking long enough to let the groom get a word in oh yes yes yes of course I yes well thanks a lot folks as you all know paully and I plan to settle here when I'm discharged so the sooner old Porky and Chico can get with that gold the well as sooner we can all come back you ain't waiting on us me and Chico are two of the best M skinners this side of the Rocky Mountains we'll have this gold delivered before you can see Josephine Jehosaphat all right boys take it away I'll be right behind you right now I want to say goodbye to Mrs Harvey all [Music] right somebody forgot to hook us [Applause] [Music] up well paully I until until I you talk too much [Music] l
Channel: The Sprocket Vault
Views: 225,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheSprocketVault, VCI Entertainment, classic movies, the sprocket vault, Entertainment, Classic films, classic hollywood films, classic hollywood movie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 37sec (3817 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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