Three Desperate Men (1951) Western | Preston Foster | Jim Davis | Full Movie

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[Music] la la [Music] la [Music] a [Music] y [Music] put that away we don't want to shoot him bill look the marshals yep They'll Never Take Me Alive coffee dick before I dump the rest of it are you local I can't stop my day without my coffee let's get out of here come [Music] on [Music] oh [Music] got hole up in the [Applause] [Music] cabin [Music] what do we do now Tom take them alive you might take a chance on Bill delin that young rooster shoot you if you wink that the cat rushia might have us cold I got $600 in back pay coming out like to they going them in dead cost us money well I'm willing to let them walk in if we can figure a way how about if two of us kept them busy in the front where the other two worked around the back that's a good idea right you and Bob keep pinned down don't shoot too straight you might hit him yeah I [Applause] know [Music] you cover the back in case they try to make a [Music] break [Music] all right Bill Let's be sensible this 12 gauge can blow you apart I wouldn't be surprised be coming out they got us dick let's go not [Music] me P your head I don't want to shoot it never take me in a [Music] life hi Tom Hill well I see you made your plug them huh yeah you get me in the arm I try to talk Sensi you all right Tom yeah say where's your brother Matt Matt quit went to California Fred's taking his place hi Fred are you put him on a [Music] horse hey uh where's his folks we don't have any I guess it's going to cost you Tom how do you feel disgusted there he is already well yeah how do you know got Instinct like a vulture [Applause] [Music] hello fa weather well gentlemen I see you got your man I'm sorry to disappoint you oh a few days delay that's all judge Callahan's in town hang in judge he sent me over a 100 clients the judge was waiting for you inside I didn't know he'd get here so quick this time pet I know you're worried about me but I've seen Cracker Box is harder to break other than these jails maybe let's [Music] qu I uh beg your pardon gentlemen but uh which one of you is responsible for the uh deceit here we go you know the law the Marshall who shoots an outlaw with no family is for the expense of the barrier yeah well let's get down to business shall [Music] we [Music] clothes not very suitable you'll have to be buried in them anyway how much is this going to stand me huh oh I'd say um yes I think we can give him a very fine burial for about $80 $80 the last time I was 50 prices have gone up on every everything I've tried my best to hold the line but $80 I haven't got $80 how much you got 10 bucks I haven't got much more what about the horse and saddle that's worth something horse is pretty old saddle's been used a lot $35 $35 well 40 maybe here how about [Music] this $8 what about those carart rdes $2 more oh we can't make it we'll have to owe you until the government pays us our back wages I do a cash business gentlemen that's too bad why don't you sue the government yeah sue the government no wonder Mt got disgusted and quit we're on the wrong side of this circus you'll feel better when you get that back pay Tom keep bringing in dead Outlaws we won't have any back pay yeah who was it said bring them in alive and who shot him a shut up say a that mous buck board over there yeah Georgie what's ma doing in town she came into town about Matt Matt boys I'm glad you're backo Tom your arm it's just a little Nick oh Tom are you sure I had a know I stopped a few of them that's just the trouble if I had any sense I'd marry man that knew how to keep out of their way not too late to call it off you just try to get out of it and you'll have more than a Nick M what are you doing in town it's Matt he's in jail in California Lara sent a wi for me and here's a letter I had what's she in for well they say he was in that train robbery why Matt would never do a thing like that oh Matt was here in Fort Grant when that train was robbed that's what we told him in the wire hey I know this market and arrested him let me see this the railroad detective yeah h hang his own mother if he thought it would help his record he's a crazy man well that might be the [Applause] [Music] answer what does it say is it bad Laura [Music] Matt Denton yesterday convicted of train robbery and murder oh no how could they think that Matt would do a thing like that everybody knows Matt's kind of wild but this is plain railroading and that lock just a man to do it losing a son on the side of the law is hard enough but this it'll be all right M yeah don't worry friend where we going what do you think I wish you boys wouldn't give these back we can't wear them in California well keep them in your pocket anyway until you need them again I don't know whether we can afford to wear them again seems like all three of us are on the unprofitable side of the law Pete maybe my back pay comes give it a lar will you oh sure and watch yourself with Ed Lin he'll convict anybody of anything guilty or not that's funny kind of law enforcement oh I nearly forgot here's the letter it may do some good thanks so long Tom so long Pete hurry up Tom it's almost train time right away Fred I suppose you'll have to go that's my brother yeah you worried you'll be careful why when you get to California trouble with you operators you can't forget about business sure I'll work okay you'll need some money the work could you oh I saved it I don't need it when I do wire you and M get ready for a wedding you understand yes Tom hey Tom the train when my back pay comes you get your ring back [Music] [Applause] w [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] think they run a railroad to a town this side yeah I never want to ride all night like that again I could use a bath and sleep for a week after we find Lin hey could you tell us where we'd find Ed Lin the detective that's right over at the express office most likely where's that right down there at the end of the street thank [Applause] [Music] you yeah you you lockin that's right I'm Tom Denton Matt's brother this is my brother Fred thought Matt said your boys were in Texas we were who do we see about getting Matt out getting him out he's been convicted of murder Matt never murdered anybody take a look at this what is it it's from District Marshall Coleman his statement that Matt was wearing a Marshall's badge and working with him the day of the Train Robbery oh this is pretty good evidence I know Pete Coleman too bad your boys wer at the trial at the trial we just heard about it last week your Justice is a lot faster than your railroad I wish I could help you boys but it's out of my hands now your only chance is to get to the governor with us is he here he's in Sacramento but how do we get there I'll help you all I can I want to see Justice done too after all I arrested him what are you doing there I'll give you a note to the governor it'll get you right in but how do we get there your best bet is to ride 10 miles to the junction then catch you through train to Sacramento hey Ed better hurry you'll miss the hanging what hanging why that train robber from Texas Denton hurry up they're starting already dirty line double cross you knew that hanging was today you know Matt's innocent so you send us out out of town the court found him guil you not me do anything to close a case wouldn't you Lan even raiload an innocent man do you know that murder you stop that hanger you'll never close another case you what' you hit him so hard for now he can't help us I'm sorry Tom come on how don't you learn to control yourself now we're really in a mess what' you expect me to do he's going for his gun well you didn't have to knock him step did you now we're strictly on our own yeah we'll get [Music] out you want a blindfold M no I'm going to perform I want to watch my [Music] audience all right Matt move back [Music] shot the guard dead Matt's brother's from Texas got the brothers dirty [Music] [Applause] murders oh [Applause] oh that Lin how'd you manage to get in a mess like this let you out of our sight for a few days I don't know I had a few drinks and got in a fight when I wake up in jail this lens's got a witness who claims he saw me Rob the train L's quite a boy there what are we waiting where you going back in get Lin oh no you don't Fred and I didn't come clear out here to get your neck out of a robe just so you can poke it back in again yeah but lock we got enough trouble with one killing I had to Tom he had a shotgun he couldn't have missed he'd have got you both I know that don't make him any less Dead come on with me which way Tom first we got to get mad a horse and we're riding for home that's a lot of riding at least we got friends there maybe back home we can figure a way clear this mess [Music] 10 20 30 40 50 now he don't look like much but he seems strong enough oh yeah he's a fine animal you're getting a real buy horse and saddle for that money we'll find out the food and canteen extra how much five more pretty stiff price ain't it well suit yourself about it I'm not running the store [Applause] here say did you fellas come from town yeah did you see the hanging no we couldn't wait a I just couldn't make it myself I hated to miss it yeah so did I [Music] no so that's who they were how much Start they got oh not too much you ought to catch up to him in a few hours thanks just a minute one of my horses is missing just after they left I bet they took it horse thieves too huh that figure's all right they were riding double out of town say if you catch up to don't worry Mister we'll get your horse [Applause] back cold beans and water not exactly a backward well Alex been running to be sure to spot a fire we'll make coffee in the morning anybody that told me two weeks ago I'd be in the middle of California running from a posy out of I'm sorry Tom it could have happened to any one of us yeah but I know it just goes to show you we got to stick together it's when the family get separated things start to happen what is [Applause] it Fred try to keep the horses quiet yeah [Music] sure do you see anything not [Music] yet [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's Len are you crazy I think it's this way come on [Applause] [Music] Lin that was a close one Tom too close that lens like a blood hound don't try a fool stunt like that again come on we got to get moving [Music] we lost him all right let's get back to town and I'm going to Telegraph every sheriff in Marsh from Hill Texas watch [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Applause] feel [Applause] why is every town along the line line they'll never get home alive horse thieves murderers Bank robers rustlers Pete there'd have to be a hundred of them to do all those things I warned Tom when he left that oh what's a good have I told you so they're no more Outlaws than we are well they don't sound like the same bunch of Rod with me isn't there anything we can do here not much except hope to get through if they do I'm still Marshall I'd have to take them in another one [Applause] yeah [Applause] better put that hat on and son will cook your brains I haven't got enough juice left I me to even sweat if we don't get some water soon these horses are going to Keel over not just the horses well wait here a minute [Music] what is it after us who [Applause] else think they'll come this way Lin's telegram said so they must be real killers Lin sure wants them bad hasn't anybody got anything to do but look for us that Lin must have sent a wire to every station on the line yeah they're probably blaming us for every crime in their [Applause] books I got to get a message through of Lara she'll read that stepa lockin and I don't want her to believe it we can't go near a town we'll find some little station on the [Applause] RightWay [Applause] [Applause] better keep watch out here [Applause] yeah you open for business H oh oh I didn't hear you come in oh sure we're open you seem to be having a little trouble what do you do with that thing go hunting yeah yeah look at all these wires those Killers Tom and Fred and Matt yeah the head in East and take a look at that M it's probably another one right [Applause] now MH yeah that's it all right pull a job just 50 Mi away 50 Mi pretty close just think $5,000 oh I could sure use that money yeah but they won't be coming this way though not with my luck what would you do if they did what would I do I whip this little gun together and get the drop on them like that pretty fast suppos they wouldn't give up well then I i' have to plug them the posters as dead are alive you know yeah that's right well about the wire H the wire you want to send the wire oh yeah yeah yeah who gets it Miss Lara Brock Fort Grant Texas uh Brock is that BR yeah it's SP pretty good all uh all safe going fishing home soon love [Music] Tom three words hey Tom you better hurry up in a [Applause] minute we we we have to have we have to have a full length sir Tom Denton d n t o n I know d e a d i mean what was he going to do with the gun he's getting it ready for some Outlaws tell him oh it's nothing I tell him D what was you going to do tell him tell them what you told me I was I was I was going to get the drop drop on them like like that and suppose they didn't want to give up then I have to well then I Then I then I have to I have to plug him that's right boys you see the poster says Dead or Alive all those silly old posters what are you going to do it all depends on how fast you send that wire yes send it I'll carry it myself we haven't got time that's code that's right I once had an idea to be an operator myself you understand yes sir send it yes sir there how much oh how this one's on a house [Applause] thanks Big tough guy they can fight me just cuz they Killers he hey what' you tell me they were all right and where to meet us and where is that at the fishing [Applause] cabin [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] looks like Lara got here ahead of us Tom wait a minute that's not Lara's horse well nobody else knew about our place well I guess somebody stumbled in here and stop to spend the night yeah [Applause] maybe [Applause] [Applause] hi Tom so this is your little Hy Ender right smart of you hi Matt hi Bill red what you say bill here you didn't like it too well in California huh n not too well well well a little while ago you were throwing me in jail now we're all one big happy family all running away from the LW I'll fix you some grum all right wa till we take care of the horses [Applause] you know that kid brother of yours is a pretty good cook but are these beans or did he make loads for Pete Coleman's shotgun [Applause] [Music] look smoke no thanks how about you thanks [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's see you boys got 40,000 for that bank job and then there was 20,000 then there's a train Robie see that's a mighty tidy sum how much you got left we're broke we didn't pull those jobs we didn't get a scent from them is that so well somebody did or you boys got as a dirty end all a hard riding and shooting and getting shot at he's right too Tom you boys are not being very smart you'll never shake these charges not in a lifetime now the way I look at it if they're going to chase you let them pay get some of the gravy it won't go any ways when you get caught we could just make one big one where all of us could get clear out of the country how long do we have to wait for Laura she ought to be here now laa could come with us we could get set up and then sent for [Applause] more [Applause] [Applause] come you came alone didn't you yeah come inside hello friend how are you la she's Mr Devin oh delin Ma'am bill delin I thought you were in oh I got out yeah you sure did Tom what about all these charges they're not true are they certainly not they might as well be what are we standing around for come on Fred get get L something to eat and some coffee don't give her any of them beans [Applause] thanks there you are Laura thanks [Applause] red what's new at home Laura how's Mo she's all right taking it pretty hard though Tom what are we going to do how could things get into such a mess I don't know who'd Pete Coleman get to take our place as deputies the express guards what's the matter aren't they shipping money on the railroad anymore sure there's a big payroll on Friday's train with no guards getting pretty careless aren't they well they just seal the safe and whereare the combination on ah head the clerk can't open it they don't need guards pretty smart I'll work it out L when I do you'll know make it soon soon talk talk toor will you tell her we're all right she's bitter Tom yeah I guess so you'll be safe going back [Music] sure [Music] you're a lucky dog Tom yeah well will we do it do what lap up some of that gravy I was telling you about that's as good a tip as anybody would want Peril on Friday's train no gods are you crazy Devin if we did a thing like that L be part of it well forget it but Tom the whole town probably knows about that payroll no nobody connect Lara with it there ought to be3 or $40,000 in it it's enough to get started someplace else out of the country look we're not going to ever get a better chance we Haven got enough men for a job like that I can get two or three without any trouble where do you think we ought to hit Tom well train stops for 15 minutes at Spring Creek at midnight we say this is Spring Creek train comes in from the south we say this is where we are if we started riding at 2:00 in the [Music] afternoon Put Your Hands Up Turn Around drop that gun [Music] belt take it over here open up that safe and th us up but I can't open the safe they seal it and wire the combination on ahead and We Know Better open [Applause] [Music] it come on move come on they have [Music] it [Music] little over 20,000 hey that's pretty good huh it's less than 3,000 a piece it won't take many like this to give us a steak and then we can live in Comfort you said it'd only take one oh I must have miscalculated a little but split seven ways six ways Joe's dead six ways then H This Is Where I Leave You I'm going to Fort Grant and see Lura take it easy right meet you the [Applause] cabin laa Lara Tom you shouldn't have come here now of all times I had to here what's that for get your ring B my RI then it's true what they said it was you that held up that train wasn't it wasn't it didn't have a chance the way things were and I figured with a little money when I heard about the robbery I remembered I told you about the shipment I didn't think you do that to me make me part of a hold [Applause] up is this what you want for us hiding in Shadows never showing our faces but if we could just get away I'm sorry Tom it just won't work ever you know [Music] that will you cut out that [Applause] ret sure Tom I'm sorry Frank Tom let me do something for you just once you take my share of the money and go away with Laura are you crazy you risk your neck for that the same as the rest of us if we go we all go [Applause] together [Music] you [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] Miss Laura just a minute Georgie would you help me with these bags [Applause] sure hey yeah how long you going to be going miss Laura oh I don't know till I start feeling better I guess look this isn't my idea it's Dr Krueger's h Hello ke leaving town Tod stop and say goodbye you're not going after Tom are you not this trip we're after a young horse thief trying to get to him before the fell owns the horse does oh I'm glad not that I couldn't use the 40,000 but I'd rather make it another way well I guess I better say goodbye Pete Georgie's waiting and wait till you soak up that New Mexico Sunshine why you be as good as new before you know it look Pete if you ever should run into Tom I'll give him every break I can but I don't think there's much chance though the last I heard of the boys they were way over in Western Oklahoma funny isn't it how you hope for things well not impossible things either just things everyone has a right to and then yes I know if anybody had ever told me the boys had turned Outlaw now it's all over everything don't say that you're young you'll still goodbye Pete [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] $40,000 it's a lot of money if we were only still Marshals we could bring ourselves in The Honkers are heading south just supposing we made one big Hall with the outfit we got bigger than anybody ever did mornings is getting nippier too got any ideas I could go for a little vacation where it's warmer I got one remember every fall the bank at Fort Grant and Express office they get all that money from Kansas City for fet of cattle about $100,000 we can't go into Fort Grant m still living there that's the idea we know the town nobody had ever figured would come back there to operate ain't enough money in one place I know that I mean we take two places at once what do you mean two two safes $100,000 what are you going to do about Pete Coleman yeah that's right well chances are he'll be out hunting somebody else and if he isn't we run into Marshall's before well what are we waiting for come on it's 3 days ride to Ford [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] grass [Applause] wait here a [Applause] minute what got into him I don't know [Applause] I got him [Applause] Pete Coleman but how could he be looking for us nobody knows her in this part of the country he's not looking for us I got an idea seeing what day it is what a way to spend a day like this out here in the middle of nowhere just because one crazy kid steals a [Applause] horse Happy Thanksgiving Pete Tom we felt like being sociable so we thought we drop in have Thanksgiving and dinner with him yeah yeah we even brought it you know I got warmth for you boys I know you're not after us now not enough of you yeah I guess you're right Happy Thanksgiving Fred can take care of the turkey he's the best cook in this part of the country well I don't know go ahead kid you can make wild cat meat taste like Kansas City steak remember what you said about my beans long time since we've been riding together Tom mhm way things are now I guess I ought to get rid of this wait a minute [Applause] Pete you still got it for some fool reason I never threw it away I wish you've been wearing it right along how long do you think your Luck's going to hold out if I don't get you somebody else will a reward like that I'm pulling out Pete when well I got a couple of things to straighten out and I'm leaving here for good go right now Tom don't wait get on your horse and just keep riding not yet I can't not for a little [Applause] while take it easy hold [Music] [Applause] it [Music] [Music] H bill red guess we better be leaving I guess we had leaving so soon oh we'll come back and give you a nice long visit sometime oh I take that back think over what I said Tom I will Pete [Music] anybody told me I was going to have Thanksgiving dinner with those fellas do we go after them not now wonder what the boys are doing so near [Music] [Applause] home take an a wait here all right [Applause] sure it be nice to see all again yeah it' be good to sleep in a bed one night hello M hello M so you come back well ain't you going to ask us in M we can't stand out here all day you really expect me to ask you in well what are you talking about M you know how we got into this we we were forced to turn Outlaw all I wanted was a chance to give laa a decent life somewhere else you mean to say you turned Outlaw for Lara then you have no excuse for ever robbing or killing again Lara is [Music] Dead come on Tom Matt [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] feds that's me I'll take Fred and we'll hit the Express office you three take the bank now here's the bank here's the Express office we rid in this way hits the horses and split up shouldn't take more than a minute in each place we ought to be out of town before they know we were there right Tom yeah let's call it off what there's no reason now it's too tough two at once it's scared you know better than that Fred after the day they'll forget all about the youngers and the James boys it'll be us none of them ever took two places at once that's no reason it's reason enough for me now Look let me go with Bill and you take Matt he's live will start shooting at nothing what are you talking about no we go just as is don't make any difference now anyway there go the old alarm clock they better get [Applause] moving [Music] there she is boys Money in the [Music] Bank [Music] all right lift them high and keep them there nobody gets hurt hope she don't have money in the [Music] bank all right reach all right everybody have get that wall go quit come on get him over on I wouldn't try that again Mister where's the cashier that's me fill it up right now keep them covered D I'm sorry gentlemen but you're too early what the Vault has a new time lock on it time lock it opens it exactly 9:45 it's 3 minutes my just this as well be 3 years we'll wait we'll what I said we'd wait you better hadn't be lying to me Harry well I I wouldn't lie to you Matt if that Vault doesn't open on time it's going to be the last lie you'll ever [Music] tell let's [Music] go [Music] yeah I wonder what's happened [Music] at just 2 [Music] minutes we can't wait man come on we've only got a minute to go we won't last a minute come on all right [Music] oh [Music] come on we got to try to make the [Music] horses [Music] hey bab come back [Music] here Lan your hunch was right beete they're after the cattle money yeah [Music] hello Lan back [Music] back [Music] huh all of them at least you won't have to worry us Pete we got money relative nobody's bearing you Fred all right Bud put him in the wagon [Music] the la
Channel: The Sprocket Vault
Views: 59,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheSprocketVault, VCI Entertainment, classic movies, the sprocket vault, Entertainment, Classic films, classic hollywood films, classic hollywood movie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 14sec (4154 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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