Noel Jones... Im on Fire!!!!!

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gain philosophical depth and physiological insight from bishop noel jones with preaching 101. many of us sitting here have to fight personal difficulties in order to get to the pulpit and you can't build a church being bitter it will instruct you in the approaches of the scriptures to general theology approach systematic theology approach uh syntactical lexical word studies he wants a vessel that's not in the way so that when the presentation is made they can't wiggle out and put it on the vessel learn the significance of a life of prayer the importance of study and exercise the difference between theological and psychological preaching understanding people's hurts and pains moving beyond one's biases and limitations i don't care who's got you upset don't deal with them from the pulpit why should 8 000 people have to listen to you talking to one person in a congregation and it will also show you the kind of books to buy and read and study and it's a presentation that will bless you in a great way and make your skill even better don't have an idea [Music] and go to the scripture to make your idea work because then you will fill people full of subjective theology that has no objectivity to it at all we can't even read the scripture and come up with what you came up with preaching 101 an intimate look into the art of preaching available on dvd when you visit our website or call [Music] 1-800-526-knoll [Music] bishop noel jones presents this provocative challenging and life-changing message to encourage inspire and motivate you to keep marching toward your destiny [Music] now receive this fresh oil from bishop noel jones as it flows from the vials of heaven to saturate your in soul chapter 1 verse 6 when they therefore will come together they asked of him saying lord will thou at this time restore again the kingdom to israel and he said unto them it is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the father hath put in his own power but ye shall receive power after that the holy ghost is come upon you and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in jerusalem and in all judea and in samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth and when the day of pentecost was fully come they were all with one accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting and they appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire and it sat upon each of them and they were filled with the holy ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance i want you to look at somebody like you're angry with them and tell them i'm on fire and i am on fire i have what i regard today as [Applause] [Music] [Applause] touch your neighbor say i'm on fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] do [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] oh come let us adore him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the paradigm has shifted the paradigm has shifted [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] the paradigm has shifted and many of us are still caught in the philosophical debate and discussion as it relates to the godhead and it is significant because oftentimes we try to intellectualize and rationalize a god that we have to accept by faith and the shift in the paradigm has brought us to the place now where we realize that we will always differ as to and not fully understand the attitude of god as it relates to his essence but we do know and understand this and that is oftentimes in relationship you may not fully understand the essence or the characteristics or the idiosyncratic behavior of certain people but it still doesn't mean that you no longer have a relationship with them i have many relationships my mother my father my brothers and my sisters and even though i'm in relationship with them i don't always understand or completely grasp everything about them oftentimes when you think you have it down and when you believe that you understand somebody fully then suddenly they come with a twist if that is so about human beings and are being in proximity to the people who are around us and we still don't understand them neither can we explain or articulate the rationale behind how they operate then surely we have to understand the difficulty in being able to express the essential nature of god in the godhead when you argue that paul declares the best of us will see darkly because none of us can comprehend fully in a mind that is finite in fetudinous dispositions of god there's absolutely no way so we have to acquiesce and we have to agree that as it relates to who god is and the essential nature of god that all of us are going to express it in some way that is different from the other but regardless of the philosophical theological disposition as it relates to god we are in here today simply because we are seeking a relationship and in relationship as i previously stated you don't always know the person but that does not eliminate the fact that you do have a relationship to bring out the relationship then we focused on what i call experiencing the spirit metaphors and today the text suggests that there are three that we need to take a look at and i call them uh movement metaphors the first of course is tempest the second is fire and the third is love the reason i call them movement metaphors is that they express the feeling of being seized and possessed by an overwhelming power and not only is it overwhelming but it is stimulating of movement in each one of us they describe a movement that sweeps people off their feet which possesses and excites not only on the conscious level but also the subconscious depth that all of us are comprised of it is this power that enters into man and women and go deeply below the surface and begins to bring up things that we were totally unsuspected about bringing new things to us and taking us to new heights and new attitudes and new dispositions because the holy spirit penetrates into the very unconscious depths of who we are it is this great spirit that brings out things in us that we never knew existed one writer said we are so deeply moved we ourselves move and go out of ourselves unquote because there's something about the power of the spirit of god that brings things out of us that we never thought was there jesus spoke these words to his disciples in the book of saint john and he indicated the significance then of having to send a comforter because as long as i am here in the flesh i will do things for you but when i come in the spirit i will enter into you and now i will do things through you it is the doing through us that now brings the need for the movement because in order for him to achieve those things in the earth that he has achieved in heaven he has to move within us and his moving within us has to stimulate us and literally set us on fire when you look in the book of acts this text we read the very experience of the spirit turns a crowd of jesus's intimidated disciples into free witnesses to jesus christ because if they are going to take the tidings of good tidings rather to the end of the earth then the move to stimulate them has to be powerful and overwhelming isn't it here where he said but ye shall receive power after the holy ghost is come upon you and ye shall be my witnesses unto me both in jerusalem in judea in samaria and unto the uttermost parts of the earth whenever the holy ghost comes into your life he moves you from merely being local to being global he takes you from one level to the next level until you have moved into a total dimension because he moves you from obscurity into popularity because anytime god comes your way he is going to be a moving force so now we understand the tempest and the fire to the experience now of life affirming life-giving love of god because that's what the tempest and the fire has to do and that is to bring you to understand that in the presence of the holy spirit there is life giving and life affirming that's why the image then of the tempest is born out of the word ruach and ruach from the hebrew is simply the breath of god and that is the divine life of god is breathed into us and instead of us just being a form laid out we become a living force and anytime you're a living force you go from one stage of victory to the next life is not declining but life is rather escalating and your growth ceases to be just little by little but it moves the exponential where god takes you from nothing to something like a world wind and moves you with the intense fire of the passion that he lays within your heart oh i feel something pushing already you see the moving here is that when the spirit of god comes he comes into the dead and he brings the dead into life so things which were rigid things which were frigid things which were morbid now come into life and life efficacious life i am not the same since i've been filled with the power of the holy ghost because before i was dying but now i am living and when you come to life and understand who you are the devil is served notice that what i was yesterday i will not be that tomorrow oh that's the god spirit then is the breath of god's life and that's what gives life to human creatures and animals there is no abundant life without the infilling of the holy ghost because you will always come short unless you are catapulted by the power of god and he comes in our lives as a tempest because wherever the old testament experienced god they he was presented as pictures of the rushing of wind or of water wherever and there's nothing that moves things in the natural element like wind and like water if you're not so sure ask the folk in texas just this week where the everything came and the thunderstorm brought the wind it's wind that is indicative in hurricanes it's wind that is indicative in typhoons and tornadoes it's nothing but wind and whenever god was moving in the old testament he showed up in the might of a wind and that's why on the day of pentecost it was a rushing mighty wind god's got to blow some junk out of our lives and blow some negative thoughts out of our lives in order to bring in the power of a new man or woman i remember in the psalms he said thou makest the winds his messengers fire and flame thy ministers in ezekiel he says and behold the glory of god of israel came from the east and the sound of his coming was like the sound of many waters and the earth shun with his glory who remembers elisha's experience in the old testament when he thought his life was over and that's where god meets you whenever you think your life is over whenever you think you can't make another step whenever you think that every one of your visions have come to a halt whenever you think that what you have ascribed or tried to maintain and reach is now unreachable that's when god shows up he shows up to prove to you that you're not the one who delivered this next level but i'm the one who ignited the flame through the power of who i am oh yes elijah was forlorn he was completely frustrated he thought it was over and when he went down to horeb and he began to pray before god a mighty wind went before the lord that tore up the mountain and broke the rocks asunder but god didn't move in that and then came the earthquake and then came the fire but the lord was not in them bubba puts it this way in his translation he said after the fire came the voice of hovering silence and when the silence came then elijah covered his face and came forward and the lord spoke to him whenever there's a shaking and a moving of the spirit expect guidance and a word from god because there is no guidance if there is no move of the spirit of god ah that goes all the way to genesis for the spirit moved upon the face of the waters then the lord said then god said let there be light whenever there's a move of god there will be a word from god that's why i just want to get up in the spirit that's why i want to wake up in the spirit it doesn't matter how rough my day is if i can just rise in the spirit then i can ask is there a world for wherever the spirit of the lord is there's going to be a word from god it is here that i that elijah realized my life is not over because as long as the spirit of the lord is operating in me satan cannot destroy my vision my purpose or my destiny as long as the spirit of the lord is moving in me death cannot reign over me because the life force of god is in my system this then is comparable to the early christian pentecostal description with the sound of heaven like the rushing of the mighty wind and it is moving now as it gives life not only does he give life but he's got to move this life he's got to energize this life and that's what whis interprets us as the holy spirit is the principle of divine life so the holy spirit energizes the believer's life and tempestually overwhelms his attitude he comes in with a rush and that rush leaves a high of god moving in the mind of a man so that a man who was negative yesterday uh pre-holy ghost becomes positive post holy ghost i don't operate in the way i used to operate because now i have been broken free by the wind of the power of the spirit of god so what i thought i could not achieve now i know i can achieve because the wind of the power of god has moved some junk out of me and blew some power into me i feel the holy ghost touch somebody say god's getting ready to blow you up uh yeah it's gonna blow you up blow you up until folks thoughts can't contain you blow you up until you need no validation from human beings blow you up until you become all that god has called you to be you see the wind then has to be powerful enough in order to break up the fallow ground of our old habits it's got to be powerful enough to pull down the strongholds that have always had us bound this wind of the holy ghost has to be tempestuous enough to destroy all of our generational curses it's got to be strong enough for us to realize i don't have to be like my ancestry i can be what god would have me to be it is this wind now that then leads us to fire because in in antiquity fire has always been associated in many religions with the experience of god in the old testament fire accompanied the supernatural visions of god's glory and any time the revelation of god was seen divine light came like a devouring fire do you remember moses by the burning bush here is a fire that will not go out it was not consumed and this now became the revelation of the presence of god i'm standing by this fire and the fire will not go out and what it indicates is that once god blows on you he puts a fire in you that cannot be consumed and isn't it interesting that when you want to make a fire even more formidable you combine fire with wind if you can just blow on that fire it will increase its intensity that's why you've got to be careful when there's a fire in the house not to open the doors too quickly because the fresh oxygen will ignite the fire when god is blowing in your life he's getting ready to put an unconsumable fire in your spirit and that's what the devil doesn't want because once you come on fire oh i feel it here there ain't no stopping you once the fire begins to burn it's an unconsuming fire because it can't be quenched by man it can't be quenched by situations it can't be quenched by circumstances because i intend to get where i am going with the power of the holy ghost and god did not blow out the negative for me to be here empty but he blew out the negative to give me the fire of the positive and the energy to tell anything that binds me i'm getting ready to move from from from slavery to liberation oh i feel the power of the holy ghost uh give somebody a touch and tell them just keep on burning uh this experience of god in the wilderness was now the leading of cloud by day and the leading of the pillar of fire by night so not only does he begin with a consuming unconsuming fire but he also moves now into leading and to guiding he does not only lead in the light but he leads in the darkness of night he doesn't only lead you when you have the answers but he leads you when you don't have the answers because there are times in your life when you don't have the answers but nothing stopped because god was guiding you when you didn't have the answers because he knew where he was taking you and when the spirit of the lord is guiding you he knows where the treachery is he knows where the haters are he knows where the snake pit is and all you've got to do is follow the leading of the lord and keep the fire burning and victory shall be yours i'm gonna feel it in the same fire it was in the form of a fire over the tabernacle which means even in the place of worship there has to be the fire of the living god and i got news for you that's why we can't be quiet that's why we can't stay still because any time there is worship there is fire everybody can praise god because if you got breath you can praise god but everybody can't worship god because god is worshiped they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth and wherever there is spirit there is a consuming fire oh i feel this thing in here i know i'm trying to be quiet i know you're trying to accidentally i know you've got your best clothes on i know you're trying to be sophisticated but wherever there's worship there is fire there is energy there is us crying out to god because i realize just who you are maltman attributes of the fire of god to the unquenchable zeal for victory in the child of the king and one writer says if we are eager about something we say we are fired up with enthusiasm like fire enthusiasm kindles enthusiasm when i start burning in my seat it's gonna spread to the next seat i don't have to worry how cold you are there is something about the holy ghost that when the holy ghost starts moving it jumps from person to person because that's the fire of the clothing tongues oh i feel the holy spirit here touch your neighbor say i don't need your fire i have my own fire all you do is kindle my fire with your enthusiasm for the things of god and that's why when we put an army together of folks who are filled with the holy spirit it now comprises the body of christ i got my fire you got your fire you light your neighborhood i like my neighborhood and when we all put our fires together a city that set upon a hill cannot [Music] oh i feel the power of god it is here where he understands that fire not only consumes us but fire warms us and the fire then becomes the comfort that we have and this is why the holy spirit becomes the comforter because he not only enthusiastically moves us but he warms us because he realizes that everybody that's anointed will be attacked from time to time that's why he said after you ask anything in my name i still have to comfort you you're gifted and you're powerful but even gifted and powerful people need to be comforted because the battle is always raging against the gifted and the powerful the devil is always testing and always trying to pull you down so the same holy ghost that is tempestuous the same holy ghost that is a devouring fire is the same spirit that comforts you in the midnight hour and wipes you off and fixes you up and says get back in the race tomorrow because weeping may endure for a night but victory is coming in the mouth it is here this consumes us and we become a consuming flame for other people because the fire of the lord is intercessory in other words you've got to come through the fire of my intercession to get to my brother because often times we don't know how to pray as we ought but it is the spirit that maketh intercession with groanings that cannot be uttered your prayer life does not evolve from your flesh your prayer life comes from the consuming fire of the holy ghost that's in you that's why when you talk about prayer warriors you talk about folk that are on fire for intercession oh i feel it here let the devil bring his snakes and let me bring my rod and let's have war up in here but before this war is over somebody's going to be set free i feel like give somebody high five and said i've got fire to set somebody free spiritual warfare the psalmist then declared can we go to the next level that the essential nature of god is as a devouring fire and he's a devouring fire because he's a passionate god and when you get filled with the holy spirit you become passionate about the things of god if you're not careful you will consume your flesh because your spirit will be so charged that you don't even know how to stop to rest you will be charged up with lord what will thou have me to do because when the fire of the altar touched the tongue of isaiah he said lord here am i send me all of a sudden i got a passion for the things of god the stuff that didn't excite me is now exciting me i got excitement for the world excitement for praise excitement for worship excitement for anointing i'm literally on fire feel the holy ghost he points out here that there is something special about god and that he has jealous wrath is like fire that's psalm 79 and 5 and the awesome mysterious god is graphically described in psalms 18 and here's what it says smoke went up from his nostrils and devouring fire from his mouth glowing coals flamed forth from him the god who is personified in this tremendous term is the one who frees men and women from the fetters of hell and death however when you see fire as a devouring fire it now describes god's wrath the question now becomes is the wrath of god antithetical to his love but now when you study it closer you will find it is nothing other than his love itself which is repulsed and has been wounded the measure of the intensity of his wrath is based upon the measure of his intensity of love because wrath now becomes an expression of a wounded and repulsed love it is not that the passionate love for life that he has created is now transformed into deadly anger but on the contrary this love assumes the form of such anger that it may remain love because if he withdraws then the creatures are dead but if he stays in judgment then his judgment becomes his grace because his judgment is to get you back into the place where he wants you so the wrath of god is connected to the love of god so his anger contains within itself his preserving and enduring love this is why i feel it here and the fire of his anger is the order of his love manifested and experienced whom the lord loveth he chasing it i feel something pulling me he chastens me because his love won't let me go but when his love is hurt he's got to spank me back into my place i feel it so in this pentecostal experience we've got tempest and the flaming fire and then we experience the love which creates life and energizes it from within that's why jesus is noted to say when i come i'm going to cast fire upon the earth this is not eschological fire this is not last day fire but this is the fire that approaches and announces the dawning of the new kingdom of god because when the holy ghost comes i'm going to set some folk who were dead on fire and i'm going to burn them up with my power can i preach like i feel it in the songs of solomon solomon declared that love is strong as death and the colds thereof are coals of fire which have the most vehement flame this is the flame of the lord that comes in the power of the holy ghost for the love of god is shed abroad in our hearts by the power of the holy ghost so now that i fall in love with jesus i become on fire for the things of god and when i'm on fire the devil can't put his hands on me i feel like preaching right now because the reason god has moved some folk out of your life is because they're trying to put the fire of god out and what god is saying is i am a jealous god and you can't have a man that won't walk with me because you belong to me and the fire that i got on the inside is going to rage in the middle of the night and you better have somebody who understands that my mate has a fire for the living god and every now and then my mates gonna wake up in the middle of the night and say baby i got to get on my knees because i feel the fire burning and i feel the prayer wheel turning and i feel the commotion move of god can i preach like i feel it any time you've been moved by god you'll move out and you move away because god is moving you to the next level and some of you are trying to reduce your flame in order to fit in other people's lives but the devil is a liar if you don't share my enthusiasm for what i'm trying to become in god then get out of my way because i don't intend to stay here for the spirit is moving me with a tenacity that i cannot stay i'm burning up to lift up the name of the lord so if you don't have my fire go sit in another seat i'm burning up to do the will of god i'm burning up to be the best that i can be shake somebody's hand like you gonna shake it off and say i'm on fire i'm on fire to lift up the name of the lord i'm on fire to help the way would come out i'm on fire to turn the wayward boy around i'm on fire to let the devil know that his kingdom is coming down i'm on fire to tell the world there is a god somewhere i feel like preaching today give somebody high five say the fire of the holy ghost is resting on me the fire of victory is moving through me the fire's getting ready to lead me from poverty into wealth to lead me from sadness into gladness y'all excuse me today but if you're looking for a lecture you got to go somewhere else for the fire of the lord is burning can i preach like i feel it throw your hands up and say you're welcome in this place holy spirit burn on me i feel the holy ghost i'm getting ready to close this message but wasn't it elijah in the middle of the enemy who called on fire from on high it don't matter who you know if you don't know the power of god it don't matter who's in the white house it don't matter who your enemies are because if they can't call on the fire from god but folk that have walked and believe god they can call on the fire i need you to demonstrate that you are god all by yourself send me the fire that'll turn my son around send me the fire that'll infect my neighborhood send me the fire that'll burn out the mess that's in my life and send me the fire that'll open the next door somebody in here ought to tell the lord consume me burn me deliver me strengthen me comfort me lead me cause i'm on fire give two people high five say i can't help myself thought i wouldn't tell nobody but i'm on fire i'm on fire till i can't keep my peace i think of the goodness of jesus and he's done for me i'm burning up i'm burning up touch three people say i'm burning up i'm burning up that's why folk can't stand me that's why the devil don't like me that's why my circumstances are all so crazy because i am burning up i'm on fire give somebody high five say bird burn till the devil walks out burn till the victory comes burn till we change our city burn till we change our neighborhood burn burn [Music] i feel like shouting in here i feel like lifting him up give somebody high five say pick it up and burn with it burn with your dream burn with your vision burn with your ministry burn with your calling burn with your life burn with your gift it's time to come alive in the power of the fire fire tell somebody i'm on fire oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i got a quote i'm frozen i ain't preaching no more but i'm gonna try [Music] said i wasn't gonna tell nobody but i'm on fire i'm closing human love can become an experience of god then the experience of god can be described as the experience of divine love and i'm closing joy in one's existence awakens in the experience of being loved should i say that again there is no greater joy that you will have about your existence than when you experience being loved experiencing hate shuts you down [Applause] it closes you experiencing love opens you up so now we can say we love him because he first loved us and because his love for us [Applause] was so tempestuous such a consuming fire we give him fire back look i feel it here oh don't fool around and let somebody love you [Applause] because it opens you up [Music] now it's fire with fire oh i feel it here oh god take somebody's hand if you will let the fire burn in you look at your neighbor say i have the holy spirit and i'm on fire to the person that's out here who is not saved in fact just release those hens for a minute for the person who's not saved i want you to step out of this crowd for you who need the power of the holy spirit and the fire of god come on somebody will walk with you i need the lord i want to be saved come on come on come on then come home give god praise come on come on come on [Music] come on [Music] fall [Music] [Music] somebody's in this building that god is calling for it's time to have that that life force moving in you it's time to have the power of god igniting and guiding and leading and directing come on come on come on come on come on where are you come on come on come on i'm waiting for you because god wants to move in your life every sin you've ever committed he'll worship set you free i don't care what you did last night you meet him today and he'll turn your life around will you come will you come come on young man anointing give god the praise somebody's coming fall on me anointing somebody else give god the glory let the fire fall on me come on come on let the power on me give god the praise come on come on somebody ought to be glad noel jones would love to have you visit the city of refuge whenever you're in the los angeles area for any of our weekly services for other tapes books or service times write to us at knoll jones ministries p.o box 11149 carson california 90749 visit our website at or call knoll 1-800-526-knoll 1-800-526-6635 [Music] thanks again for listening now take what you've heard and go do something with it you
Channel: Vintage Sermons
Views: 9,099
Rating: 4.7647057 out of 5
Keywords: Elder, Potters House, jakes, Jones, Long, Jesus, Holy Ghost, TD, Sheen, elevation, House, Murphy, red rocks, Potter, Church, Noel, water, Jamal Bryant, Oliver, Noel Jones, Sapp, Jakes, Min, Satan, Furtick, Bishop, Craig, TD Jakes, Preaching, Leaphart
Id: p-it85-l2QI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 18sec (3858 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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