Noel Jones... Welcome To The Next Level

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in the book of ephesians in the book of ephesians ephesians chapter 3. beginning at verse 16 it's the words of paul the apostle to the church at ephesus and in verse 16 and really i could begin at verse 14 so ephesians chapter 3 verse 14 let us all stand if we will for the reading of the word of god which is your tradition he says for this cause i bow my knees unto the father of our lord jesus christ and of course he is praying this because he didn't want them to faint at his tribulation which was for their glory and he says for this cause i bow my knees unto the father of our lord jesus christ of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might by his spirit in the inner man that christ may dwell in your hearts by faith that ye being rooted and grounded in love may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height and to know the love of christ which passeth knowledge that she might be filled with all the fullness of god now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that worketh in us unto him be glory in the church by christ jesus throughout all ages world without end can everybody say amen i want you to look at somebody like you're angry with them dead in the eye and tell them welcome to the next level you may be seated in the presence of the lord often times we we debate the presentations of our theologians our scriptural or our biblical academic people and the word from the university is that the book of ephesians is the most profound book in the bible for those of us who regard ourselves as the evangelists we don't always agree with our theologians because many times our theologians are not our evangelists and by that i simply mean they have not been moved by the power of god in an anointing to present and to harold the word of god and they very clinically dissect and very intellectually and cognitively try to grasp what oftentimes can only be grasped by the spirit and so many times we question the conclusions based on their intellectual deductions when we know that we need the illuminating power of the holy spirit to understand certain things in the scriptures if i were to write you a letter and you didn't quite understand my letter it would seem that the person who could best tell you what i meant would be me so it didn't matter how many people you asked or how you dissected and intellectually tried to tear it apart inch by inch still the best person who could tell you what was meant was the person who wrote it but i tend to agree with them about the book of ephesians because the profundity of this book is based primarily upon the fact that he draws our attention to the operation of god before we ever got here and what he's saying is that certain things has been done by god for us before he cataboli before he threw the world in place he had done some things for us before we even got here it is true then as we examine the word of god that all religions have a concept of god and each must base its concept on the evidence of god's activity in the world or what i might declare as god's revelation to man uh paul tillich says and i quote that revelation must be given and revelation must be received or else there is no revelation if god gives it and i don't get it then it is still no revelation and i cannot get what god does not give uh it is so shrouded that i can't even think about what god has in store if god does not give me the thought first none of us in our finite humanity can move into the mind of god unless god moves into our minds first now the communication then of the will or the mind of god is called the word of god anytime there's a communication of revelation that comes from god i'm going to the mountain uh it it's called that communique is called the word of god and if there is going to be communication from god then it is god who chooses and the god who initiates the communication there's absolutely no way for a reprobate man a man who was coming from natural trying to get to spiritual there is no way for that to happen unless god initiates the contact ah you didn't come to god when you decided it was god who moved on you first i feel it here i'm doing that uh the communication then must be initiated by god and the communique must happen in an ordinary situation even though the action is extraordinary it is in the ordinariness of my everyday life that god has to give me revelation and when god gives revelation in the ordinariness of my life then something super natural has taken place well what's happening at the potter's house this sunday well we're just going to church well is it special no it's just an ordinary service but if the lord stops by your seat in this ordinary service then something extraordinary has just taken place ah can i can i take it further the doctrine then of revelation has traditionally been developed yes traditionally as the doctrine of the word of god because wherever there is a revelation there has to be a word from god now the word of god has different meanings the word is the principle in one meaning it is the principle of the divine self-manifestation in the source of being itself which means that the word of god is that out of which everything is created if god is going to reveal himself and he's coming from the canyons of eternity in order to reveal himself he has to create to reveal if he is by himself and he knows who he is but he wants somebody else to know him if he's by himself well nobody else can know him unless he creates somebody else well the power by which he creates is known as the logos and the logos is the principle of divine self manifestation in other words the word was with god and the word was god and if you note further you will see all things were created by him because in order to reveal he's got to create something that's able to receive his knowledge can i take it further i see you're going through some things right now because god chooses to reveal himself and unless he sets it up you would never know who he is so what he does is he sets up a situation for revelation so that he might reveal himself in what you're going through and every time he reveals himself he takes you to another level oh i'm going to take my time i got some work to do now the word then was god and this very source of being is divine and so in spite then of the abysmal character of god he is logical and that's why the word logos he contains his own means of self-manifestation and so then when i speak the word in a situation i'm speaking god in the situation i cannot speak his word and apply it to a situation without applying god to the situation because god is not separate from his word when i speak a word to my heart i have just spoken god to my heart because the word was god when i speak to the devil a word of rebuke i speak god to the devil because you cannot separate god from his word can i take it further then the word is the medium of creation because all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made so the word now becomes the bridge between the abysmal eternal nothingness of absolute infinity and the physical temporary somethingness of concrete finitude it is the word that bridges from the mystical spiritual into the practical life of man and woman that's why every time you face a challenge all you want to know is is there a word from the lord he mediates between the absolute and the self-related beings because he comes across the bridge of his word and without the word there is no faith so the word comes and then the word stimulates the faith to believe in the god who has presented the word ah because faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god so once i understand that there's a correlation between the revelatory power of god and the word of god then i understand if our gospel be hid it is only hid to them that are lost i've got good news for you if you were sitting here today listening to the word then god has already talked to you you didn't he didn't talk to you just when you got here he talked to you in order to bring you to hear his word ah can i take it further i've got to go further because the logos now is the principle of all divine manifestation and it's an ordinary part of history with an extraordinary impact when you see jesus you have to understand that jesus is the logos because the word was made flesh the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth now i want you to look at the person beside you just take a look all right now look back this way if i were to say to you that the person you just looked at that ordinary person that you just looked at if i were to say to you now that person is the messiah you would look at me as if i was crazy you would probably call for a shrink and see if the ambulance could get over here just as fast as it could because there is nothing about the person you looked at that was so out of the ordinary that you would say they were the messiah about two thousand years ago a group of men looked at jesus who looked just as ordinary as everybody else and they concluded he was the messiah i've got news for you jesus is never recognized he is always revealed oh you do not grasp him by your cognitive ability you did not grasp him when peter said thou art the christ the son of the living god jesus said flesh and blood did not reveal that to you there are some things you can't get from the university of texas there are some things you can't get from princeton or from cornell the only place to get it is from god and when god's getting ready to take you to the next level he'll open your eyes to things you have never seen before oh i feel something moving here and so god then is revealed in unrecognizable situations his being his word his deeds his life the power of his death and his resurrection totally unrecognizable but revealed to the ordinary and when the ordinary receive revelation they become extraordinary you're getting ready to do some extraordinary things because of the revelation that god has given so you never walk by situation you always walk by revelation to let the devil know i don't care what you do with my situation i'm living by revelation of the mighty god i'm coming out of this because it's already been revealed i'm going to be healed because it's already been revealed i do not have to live in poverty because my wealth has already been revealed i don't have to live substandard because i'm going to the next level it's already revealed and so consequently god is always a mystery and the mystery of god has been declared all throughout the scriptures oh i feel something wonderful happening here when you deal with mystery particularly from a theological point of view you're not dealing with agatha christie when you deal with mystery you're not talking about robert ludlum or david baldacci when you deal with mystery in the scriptures it's not something that a man can find out cognitively or intellectually uh how might i put it the orville brothers decided they wanted to fly and somewhere over in dayton ohio they put a little contraption together and they understood a little bit about wind velocity about uh what jet propulsion at the time but they understood something about propulsion they understood something about gravity they put it all together and ultimately they got this little flying machine off the ground now flying was not a mystery in the biblical sense it's just that man hadn't put the pieces together to figure it out at that time it couldn't be a mystery because birds have always been flying it's just man didn't know how to calculate to put it together now you can't do that with god because god is a mysterion he is a mystery in such a sense that no man can figure god out unless god opens his eyes oh i feel something here you can't even get to god unless god directs your path because no man cometh to the father except by me and if you come no man comes except the father suru or drag when you look at the greek word for mysterion what you will find is something that is outside of methodical cognitive ability it is something that god has to overshadow you with and give it to you and what the word means is a closing of the eyes or a closing of the ears for us to gain ordinary knowledge it is necessary to open one's eyes to view the object for us to get insight into communication we're supposed to hear but a genuine mystery such as in the bible is an attitude that contradicts the attitude of cognitive ability it goes beyond the natural eyes that's why isaiah said they have eyes but they see not they have ears but they hear not because if you're going to have your eyes open to god your natural eyes can be closed and god still open your spirit oh i feel it here it starts in your spirit can i take it further he says the natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit of god for they are foolishness unto him neither can he know them because they are spiritually undiscerned that's why he says i have not seen ear have not heard neither has it entered into the heart of man what god has prepared for them that love him but god hath revealed it unto them by the spirit for the spirit searches the deep things of god and god reveals it to whom he chooses and he does it when he chooses and he separates those with revelation from those who have no revelation and he moves the world around by revelation or no revelation and when god begins to wake you up in the night and open your eyes you're going to another level oh i feel the holy ghost do i have a few folk god's been showing some stuff give somebody high five and say i've been seeing some stuff lately that i never saw before oh i feel it jesus now revels in the whole concept he said to his disciples i have much to tell you which you are not able to bear he says unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of god but to unto them that are without all things are done in parables i've got some following me who are still in parable land i've got others following me who are in revelation county i see i don't want to be in church just listening with parables i want to be in church with revelation i feel it here i want to be in church with an ordinary man preaching with an ordinary vocabular expressing an ordinary bible but when it gets to me it becomes extraordinary because it's revelation from god that's why some folk can sit right beside you in the church you are about to burst under the anointing and they're looking like what's going on because you have had revelation and they're still living in parable lord if you're gonna open somebody's eyes include me in the number because i want to go to the next level oh i feel something pushing me here it is so now he speaks of the mystery of the kingdom of god and paul writes to the roman church and he said i for i would not brethren that you should be ignorant of the mystery that blindness in part is happened to israel until the fullness of the gentiles be fulfilled i'm the one why the jews have not believed because i've sent blindness that they cannot accept it until i lift the veil oh i could preach that right now the veil is lifted ain't no sense for you to be living on the level you're living on when the veil has been lifted ain't no sense of you looking at folk that's blessed and being a player hater when the veil has been lifted [Music] oh i feel something getting ready to happen in here touch your neighbor say we're going to the next level uh after 10 years we're going to the next level uh we ain't going backward honey we going upward upward and onward he said i would not have you brethren to be ignorant then to the corinthian church he said i have fed you with milk and not meat forgive the two you were not able to bear it why because you were babes in christ nobody jumps from natural to spiritual without going through carnal you got to have some battles to fight you got to overcome some demons you got to get through some prosecution persecution you got to have to get through some ostracism you got to learn how to hold on to god when everything around you is going against you oh you ain't just gonna slip into spiritual you're gonna have to fight some dispositions and attitudes but if you keep on fighting you're going to the next i'm going to the next level i didn't come to the potter's house just to be where i was 10 years ago i came to rise up against the devil and say you whipped me ten years ago but get out of my house he speaks to the corinthians and he says behold i show you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed he told the thessalonians don't be shaken for the mystery of iniquity is already at work it ain't your friend honey it's the devil in your friend it ain't your boss it's the devil in your boss i wish i could preach this thing in here uh you tried god don't want your hating folk the folk rising up against you but when you have revelation you know it ain't the people it's the anointing in you that's driving the devil in them crazy so i'll rebuke your devil but i'll keep you for the mystery is already at work only he who now letteth will let until he be taken out of the way he speaks to the giant timothy and he says great is the mystery of godliness god was manifested in the flesh justified in the spirit he was seen of angels preached unto the gentiles believed on in the world and received up in glory and now we have heard what he said to all the churches but in the book of ephesians he gives us four mysteries the mystery of christ the mystery of the church the mystery of the gospel and the mystery of god's will and i never thought that we could grow to the place where instead of giving us one mystery he can give us four god is saying you've been through some stuff but it's just growing pains i'm taking you to the place where i can begin to reveal one thing after the other after the other after the other because every time i show you something new it'll engage your spirit and drive you to the place where god wants you to be touch somebody say your eyes coming open now it's profound because he opens up before the foundation of the world and he said you have been blessed not when you accepted christ not when you first walked into a church your blessing did not come when you first accepted jesus christ he said i want you to go with me he said you were blessed before the foundation of the world now the astrologers have looked at our earth and they have found that there are stars that are 500 million light years from the earth and they have deduced based on the stars that are 500 million light years from the earth they have deduced that the world is at least the universe is at least 500 million years old well if that is so and god catapulted threw the earth or the universe in place before 500 million years and he says that we were chosen in him before the foundation of the earth i hope you're with me holy ghost work us now what he's saying then is that you did not get blessed when you received jesus you were blessed before the world was put into place oh i feel like preaching why is he telling me that what does he want to put in my psychosis when he tells me that what he's saying to my psyche is these problems that you see right now are problems that i have already taken care of before the foundation of the earth oh i feel like can i can i talk like i feel it look your neighbor in the face and say neighbor i've just got some new information before god made the devil he chose me i feel like preaching so why should i sit around worried about a johnny come lately you ain't been here always i've been with god before i feel like having church i feel something getting ready to happen in this house now notice if that is so then the question now becomes brother preacher what specific time did god make the choice and i propose to you now that the choice here is what we call an anthropomorphic term which it sounds big but it's not it's just a term that's given to man about an action that god didn't really take it's a term that gives us an understanding on our level about heavenly things so god has to speak it in a way that we can understand it but we really don't grasp the fullness of what he's saying when you use the word chosen it suggests to me that i'm going into a store and i'm going to choose a suit now i'm going to choose a suit and even though i have a design in my mind i don't know the peculiar or the particular piece of garment that i'm going to leave with i'm going shopping and i'm going to pick something out now obviously because i don't know what i'm going to do i'll choose now you told me that god is omniscient which means he has all knowledge in his mind at all times now yes not strike times because you told me that he is eternal so that means he has no beginning and he has no end if he is eternal and omniscient that means from his beginning and he has none he always knew all things when he knew himself and he always knew himself then he always knew all things now if he always knew all things and he's always been here then when did he choose i wish i could talk to you here i don't know i wish i could talk in in other words he always knew me and he always knew you can i take it a little further the bible talks about names being written in the lamb's book of life and that's another anthropomorphic term because when you sin god doesn't have an angel sitting as a stenographer blocking your name out then when you confess he puts your name back in man you and i would be working that poor angel halfway to death you know what i mean oh god god looks from the beginning and he calls the end for he knows who's going to make it before the foundation of the world oh i feel like having church in here you got to understand this if you're going to make it you have already made it if you're going i might as well shout on land and so now the name of every saint is as eternal as god is that's why the gift of god is without repentance do i have a few more minutes bishop i'm the one catching god to catch the plane oh i might as well just well it's mine anyhow i'm gonna preach like i feel it holiness and blamelessness are the products of god and salvation is over the lord and so the writer says to get us to the second level i've got to pray that they apprehend it that's why he says i pray not that you comprehend it but i got to get you further than comprehend the greek word here means to apprehend in order to comprehend i've got to hear from god in order to apprehend i got to understand what he told me so paul says i got to pray for you because what i've told you comes from revelation you just can't grasp this by trying to read it the holy ghost has to step in your spirit and once you read this and apprehend it it'll completely grab your will and once your will is taken the devil can't hold you anymore i feel the holy ghost he says what i want you to apprehend is the love of christ which passes all understanding this ain't a mind thing now this is a spirit thing because i want it in your spirit when your mind don't fully understand it can i preach like i feel it i know i'm coming out well how do you know i don't know what i know i know god's going to work it well tell me how i don't know how but i just know oh i feel we might as well have church timmy i'll give somebody high five and said neighbor i don't know how in my mind but i know it in my spirit that weeping may endure for a night but joy is coming in the morning do i have a little more time before i bail out touch your neighbor say i need you in order to apprehend because i have the height you have the length my brother has the depth and my brother sister has the width when i was coming along i have never been on drugs one day so i cannot comprehend or apprehend how god can save a drug addict i have never whipped my wife one day so i couldn't understand how god could save a wife-beater but i was some kind of liar and some kind of conceiving little little whistle and i can understand that so when i come into the house of god i've got to understand the breath of god with the folk that are sitting beside me i've got to know when i look at the drug dealer that god doesn't only save a church person but he can save a drug dealer when i look at the pimp i can say good god almighty god can save a pimp and when you go down the line in every manner of sin god can save every one of us because the depth the height the breath the length of his love pass at all understanding so when i get up to rejoice i get up with a used to be pimp and i used to be liar and i used to be adulterer and i used to be fornicated give somebody high five and said neighbor the operating word is used to be because the blood of jesus can turn folk around can i preach like i feel it in verse 18 he's talking about conceptual knowledge in verse 19 he's talking about experiential knowledge some things he's got to tell me and other things he's got to bring me through i've got to experience how god can bring me out i've got to experience how god can turn me around because every time i have an experience it sets my feet more firm on the word of god somebody wants power but they don't want to go through anything the devil is a liar for the hell i've been through i can tell somebody i'm going to the next level for the trials that i've had to face i can tell the world god's getting ready to break some stuff loose can i preach like i feel it that's when he said he described him two ways he said he's able to do and it's hoopa penta it means above all things in a measure exceeding all things beyond all things then he sticks in who correct perisol which intensifies the verb which now says he can do all things above all things and still have more things to do above those things and the idea is exhaustless can i preach like i feel it give somebody high five and say neighbor you have power that you haven't used yet you have joy that you haven't used yet you have a move of god that you haven't used yet you get ready to do some things that you haven't done yet cause you're on another level i feel like preaching in here i feel like giving god the glory can i preach like i feel it touch somebody say i'm chosen in him i'm adopted by him i'm accepted in him i'm redeemed in him he revealed his will i'm centered in him my inheritance is in him i glorify him my faith is in him my wisdom is in him i hope in christ i'm powered in christ i'm quickened by christ i'm created by christ i'm made high by christ i'm partakers of christ i've got the boldness of christ and i'm sick and tired of trying to fit where i don't belong cause i'm on another level can i preach like i feel it you got folk looking at you because you're on another [Music] another
Channel: Vintage Sermons
Views: 15,870
Rating: 4.8238993 out of 5
Keywords: jakes, Sapp, Jesus, Sheen, Potter, red rocks, Oliver, Furtick, Leaphart, Long, Jones, Noel, House, Noel Jones, elevation, Min, Holy Ghost, Preaching, Murphy, TD, Elder, water, Satan, Potters House, Craig, Jakes, Jamal Bryant, TD Jakes, Bishop, Church
Id: HNZ85g57jvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 29sec (2669 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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