Bishop Noel Jones - Take A Praise Break

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[Applause] [Music] take somebody's hand if you will and leave no one untouched surely in the day that we live we have people who we enjoy people who are friends we hang out with golf play basketball with well used to but in the time in which we live we need somebody in our entourage that's able to get to the throne of grace if you like to enjoy you laugh with your joke with you but some everybody needs somebody who knows how to touch the throne of God the woman with the issue of blood didn't actually want to touch Jesus she just wanted to touch something that was touching him and I just believe you're touching somebody who's touching Jesus right now and if that is so the battle is already won squeeze those hands so slightly I want to thank the Lord for some things that just didn't happen father I come to you in the name of Jesus and I want to praise you for the child that didn't drown last summer I want to praise you for the accident that didn't take place I want to thank you for the plane that didn't crash I thank you Lord for the sickness that I didn't have I just want to praise you right now I want to praise you for the way you made when there was no way out you made a way out of no way and we just want to praise you right now I praise you for the job we didn't lose I praise you for the car that was not repossessed I praise you for the house that did not burn down I praise you for the family member that did not lose their life and I just want to praise you for some stuff that did not happen and I give you praise and glory right now lift up your holy name macro graph your name and I thank you in the name of Jesus now squeeze those hands I squeeze power in these hands joy in these hands deliverance in these hands financial prosperity in these hands healing in these heads pray right now that everything that's needed is done and I claim it in the name of Jesus somebody Holly it's done we've got the glory in his house I will bless the Lord at all time praise shall continually be in my mouth you may be seated in the presence of the Lord and surely we give God great praise and honor for allowing us to live during the time of the Honorable Bishop Thomas Dexter Jakes amen and his lovely wife and as we thank God for him thank God for lady Serita Jake's and to all of my fellow York servants in the vineyard to everyone who has postulates the Word of God on whatever level it's just an honor to be here with you on Thanksgiving Day I have to rush out of here because I have to go and do my Thanksgiving duties back at home I promised I promised my grandchildren that I'd spend a little bit more time with them amen and particularly after my mother died I decided that I need to spend time with people I loved and who loved me where there's no debate no dispute it's a marvelous thing it's just your pastor came to see me this year a couple of times I've had two surgeries had back surgery four screws in my back to Rob's and before that was over before I could get to therapy then they diagnosed me with prostate cancer so I had to have a prostatectomy and then my mother died so this year has been a year of me learning how to live by what I preach [Applause] [Applause] took me a long time to find out that you can you preach some things that you have experienced and then you experience some things after you preach and then when you start sitting around being sorry for yourself Brother preacher maybe you ought to listen to some of the things you preach the lady you're relaxed relax a little bit the mother in the church you know the mother in the church she was I mean she was intimidating have you ever been around somebody so spiritual that they scare you so totally intimidating she was and so new Saint young lady got saved and came to church and met mother of the church and then she got sick so the mother came over to sort of bless her and she was laying there groaning and moaning and and mother said to her now honey don't claim it the devil is a liar a couple years later mother got sick and young lady came over and because mother was so intimidating she spent all day trying to put together what to say when she finally got over there and vociferous his mother was she this this young lady just didn't have the words but she remembered what mother told her so our mother was groaning and moaning young lady said now mother don't claim it the devil is alive mother says honey he a line this time [Applause] I had to tell myself that how easy it is to fix everybody else's problem when you don't have one but when your time comes line everywhere else but with your situation I would that you turn with me to the psalm 100 the hundredth song now I want you to notice carefully that I didn't say the hundred division of songs but I said the hundredth so because the Psalms only has five divisions just five divisions in the psalm it's five Hebrew hymnbooks that are put together to make the sounds and it's it's if you're very careful about it if you look at just allow me for a minute if you look at psalm 41 at the very end of psalm 41 which is the first division it says blessed be the Lord God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting amen and amen so it ends it there the first then if you go to Psalm 72 the end you will see blessed be the Lord God the God of Israel who only does wondrous things blessed be his glorious name forever and let the whole earth be filled with his glory amen and amen and then notice the last verse of 72 says the prayers of David the son of Jesse are ended so that's the end of the next the next book that's the end of the next division then if you turn to psalm 89 and you just mark it verse 52 blessed be the Lord forevermore amen and amen then he continues to Psalm 106 blessed be the Lord God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting that all the people say Amen praise ye the Lord and of course it continues to the very end so it's only five divisions that sounds good to say the hundred division but but for knowledge sake it's only five divisions now the hundred Psalm says make a joyful noise unto the Lord all ye lad serve the Lord with gladness come before his presence with singing know ye that the Lord he is God it is he that have made us and not we ourselves we are his people the Sheep of his pasture enter into his gates with Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise be thankful unto Him and bless his name for the Lord is good his mercy is everlasting and his truth endureth all generations and as you're getting ready to sit down look at your neighbor and say take a praise break whatever you do well certainly if we're dealing in spiritual entities when we have to understand that sensual perception does not connect me to the things of God my senses no man had seen God at any time I've never touched God don't know what cologne he wears never smell God and the Bible says o taste and see that the Lord is good and it's not talking literally he's talking metaphorically so my senses have no place with God he's not sensually perceived it's a wonderful thing because what it does and it allows me if I don't push you too far to have an individual conceptualization of God that cannot be imitated or duplicated nobody in this room can imitate or duplicate your concept of God because he falls outside of our sensual perception he allows himself to be thought of in any manner you or I choose can I take my time through that my sensual perception does not connect me to my god neither anything material or anything intellectual God is never recognized he is always revealed and he falls outside of my senses to allow me a distinct and individual conceptualization that no one else has the truth is that I don't have it all but my concept is my concept and that's why we fellowship we fellowship because no one of us has it all and in order for me to grasp the fullness of God then I need your testimony and your concept of God in order for me to understand him more fully because I will never understand him totally without you it's a critical thing but it's it's it's it's a wonderful thing because you can't decide for me how I ought to understand or relate to my god which means if you choose to have a little-bitty god that does not cause me to have a little bit ego I can conceptualize God in any manner I choose and if I conceptualize him in any manner I choose then my concept of God determines the size of my faith now faith then becomes a fingerprint and that means that I can't make it on the bishops faith I have to have my own faith based on my own concept of God and he responds to my conceptualization of God because my concept of God is my avenue to him through faith if my faith then is significant for spiritual adventures then praise is an adventure that's on the spiritual side so in spite of what my sensual perception is saying to me I have to ignore my senses and whatever my senses are bringing to me and step into the realm of faith based on my conceptualization of God my faith then has to see God has to see God bigger than what my senses our dictating to me can I can I take just a little time on this I'll holler after a while it's a grid of critical piece because now my conceptualization of God becomes how I feel about God and my conceptualization of God is what stimulates my faith and the power of my faith is contingent on how I conceive my God to be it's very critical because I wish sometimes and particularly this year I wish I could have an appointment with God and walk into his throne room and sit and conceive of him from my senses but my senses don't operate there which means that if I'm going to praise God I'm going to have to praise Him in spite of what my senses it brings me then to realize that there is a reality that does not fall within my senses there is a reality that's probably the real reality because that reality deals with a God that comes from everlasting and goes to everlasting and what he's saying to me essentially is you have to improve your concept of me because I'm going to take you through various revelatory experiences so that you can get to know me outside of the limitation of your sensual perception I've got to take you outside and I've got to move you in a realm that does not fall within your senses which gives you now the freedom to move from what's possible to what's impossible because your senses limit you to your world your faith opens up your world and moves you into God's world and takes you from what's limiting - what's limitless the issue here is if I'm going to praise him I've got to believe he is operating when I don't see him operating I can't lay my hands on him I can't touch him but I have to believe him in spite of everything that I have to deal with so praise then emanates out of faith if I'm going to praise God I have to praise Him based on my faith in God and I've got to ascribe the actions of God to faith I can't operate unless I realize that this is God who is moving in the background and my conceptualization of God identifies God in everything that I'm going through so I've got to learn then how to praise Him when I don't feel like praising him I don't know about you but I felt like not praising him but I'm understanding now that I have to praise Him until I feel better I don't feel better to praise Him [Applause] this is the lesson I'm preaching to myself today is that all right it is so that God moves in many ways and operates in many ways that I just don't understand but I can't wait to understand before I give him what he created me to do that's why he says let everything that hath breath praise the Lord I don't care what condition your breath is if your breathing at all then you gotta praise Him no matter what's going on in your life because he didn't say when things are going well praise me he didn't say praise me after you get a car or a bigger house he said if you're breathing at all I had to learn that this year if you're breathing at all no matter how dismal things look you ought to take a praise break in spite of how I'm feeling I still have enough voice to lift up the name are you still worthy to be praised you all relax a little bit here I've got you know when to get up I promise so what God does in many instances and he bring us in to focus on his actions because my sensual perception simply connects me to my world and what Satan does is he operates in my situation to affect me through my sensual perception to keep me from giving God the glory that do his name Satan can only operate in my situation because I'm filled with the Spirit of God so Satan can't get in my spirit we should understand it see a child of God who's filled with the Spirit of God the spirit of God does not call habitate with the spirit of the devil if you're filled with the Spirit of God than the devil a minion which means in order to mess with my mind he's got to mess with my situation and my circumstance but I don't go by situation I go by revelation and what revelation says is in spite of the situation you ought to give me the glory because I knew it was coming and if I knew it was coming before the foundation of the world I promise you I got it handled and when it's out of your hands it's in my hands and my hands are the best hands he sets and he puts things together and the Hebrews have many words for worship and praise and one word I discovered it's a objective Hebrew word it's a bond and what it means now or it emphasizes the root that term illogical root is to be strong now where is the strength the word is actually a pedestal and the pedestal in this text would be that solid part of the tabernacle that the pedestal will hold up now depending on where the pedestal is it depends on the kinds of material that's used depending on where it is but the issue here is that the tabernacle stands on a pedestal that is called praise you cannot have Church and not have praise because praise is the very foundation by which the church operates because it's the praise that gives to God that gives you the strength of function in the house of God you can't enter into his house with complaints you can only come into his house with praise because praise becomes the fulcrum and the very foundation on which all of us stand that means that the ritual and the equipment are not are connected and it's no light matter God puts it specifically because he wants me to realize that praise is the cornerstone of your worship when you come into the house of God you cannot come without expectation that God is about to do something very special in your life and you can't come and come complaining because complaining praises the devil what complaining does is gives the devil the feeling that he's getting over on you but when in spite of how he hits you what comes out of your mouth is not a complaint but what comes out of your mouth is the Lord giveth the Lord taketh away blessed be the name of the Lord in other words whatever I lose I'm not ascribing it to the devil whatever is broken I'm not ascribing it to the devil because the devil can't do anything unless he gets God's permission and anybody who has to ask for permission cannot be in charge [Applause] oh I feel like having Church listen I'm almost there I don't keep you to Lou it'sit's a critical piece because that's your wrist a little bit that's how he functions he he says the pedestal the very the very foundation when you come into my house it doesn't matter what's happening outside of my house when you come into my house you ought to enter with Thanksgiving I'm almost there he moves us from there to another objective word and that is to glory that's a burn now and that is to make my tea to make great and when I look at God's from my conceptualization of God I understand this that I can macro graph him and no matter how big I make him in my mind he is still bigger than that why because he's able to do exceeding abundantly above all that I ask or even think so my mind does not have the capacity to totally and fully understand the greatness of my god and it will take eternity for me to study God into everlasting and never at the end of eternity and there is no end will I ever know how great God is it'll take me leaving this life going into the other life being with him every day and I still won't know how great he is because he's totally inexhaustible so I need to stop complaining stop being sorry for myself and get up and tell the enemy listen I'll slay his Goliath when I'm looking at my Goliath or in other words I've got enough power that no matter how low I get I still have enough God to bless somebody else so instead of looking at oh I am look at how great he is and gives him the glory no matter what I'm going through and let the enemy know it ain't over cuz I still have up oh I feel like teaching I have I told you touch your neighbor yet is coming and now on a more subjective level the Hebrews used a word called Barack and Barack is a subjective praise and what it does is it really actually means to kneel in other words I've run into somebody that I can surrender to and in kneeling or getting lower and make him higher I reduce myself because I've got to reduce my thoughts about myself in order to increase my thoughts of him so he takes me out of myself through faith and I ignore my senses and I wrapped my spirit around his spirit and give him over now everybody ought to praise God but everybody who praises God can't worship God because if you have breath you oughta praise him but to worship Him you gotta know him in spirit and in truth so as I lessened myself I increase his power and I enjoy a power that my senses have no control over that's why you can walk in with a peace that passeth all understanding it's not that other people don't understand it's that you don't understand yourself with everything that I'm going through how in the world can I have such peace my peace comes because when my faith connects to God he eases the pressures of my sensual perception illuminates my revelatory experience and now I can find him in ways I never knew him he had to set me up for the revelatory experience oh yes he has to create the situation in order to give the revelation so that I am not only talking about him but I know him for [Applause] that's why I got a bless him no matter what I'm going through I got a bless him I got a bless his name I got a bless him because he is the strength of my life it is not what I'm going through you can take my car you can take my house you can take anything I have that does not mean I've lost my god in fact I want to tell a child of God you can't lose everything can I say that again you can't lose everything as long as you've got God you've got everything I had to learn it this year oh I'm preaching to myself I had to learn it this year that you can't lose everything all right so I had an operation that operation right now is behind me both operations are behind me I might have another one but it won't be those two I'll never have to bury my mother again so I might as well lift him up and give him glory because whatever I've been through I've been through it and it ain't here right now he's still here and I need to give him some [Applause] I'll get some money - say neighbor when things get real rough just take a praise break just just take a praise break just ease how to get into your closet shut the closet door and all the junk that's on the outside and spend a little time lifting him up lord I love your lord I thank you Lord you've been good to me Lord I'm still living Lord I'm still breathing I may be hurt but I'm not through because God is still on my side and when I can lift him up the enemy looks at me like I'm crazy but that's alright you be crazy devil I know what I'm doing I'm praising God because when I praise Him he blesses me and I will bless the Lord at all not sometimes but all times oh I'm almost there I feel a preach coming on now it's essential because we have to understand that God dwells in the midst of praise and there's no way that I can come and approach him I'm looking at some of you today and you're dressed up looking real good and sometimes you say to people well you look good and they'll tell you I know I look good they won't even say thanks they just I know how I look I'm I'm all that now Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed as a lily of the field now if God made a lily of the field that Solomon with all his riches can't surpass then imagine what God is like he's got seraphim's flying around between they cover their eyes between they cover their feet between they fly and all that comes out of their mouth is holy holy holy whoa the earth is full of his glory which means there's no place I can go in the earth that the glory of God is not present and what I've got to do is switch from my sight get into my spirit and let it reveal his glory I'm walking in his glory I'm talking in his glory I'm sleeping in his glory I'm living in his glory and every now and then I'll let the devil know that I know who God is and in spite of what you're throwing at me I'm going to lift his name up until something breaks in your kingdom [Applause] give somebody a high five for the second time and say neighbor you might need a praise break you might need a minute to lift him up glorify his name I feel like giving God some praise I feel like lifting him up I feel like giving him some glow he's worthy of all of my praises oh I feel a preacher coming on give somebody a high five tell him it's Church times it's Church time I've had to learn how to praise Him and learn how to glorify Him because that's the only time I felt better while I'm laying in the hospital with pains all over my body something said you better praise him right now you better give God glory and the reason you keep in glory is because you're still feeling if you were dead you wouldn't feel anything so since you're still alive then give him praise till he get you up out of this bed glorify him till he turn your circumstance around lift him up till you get the house you want glorify until you the cars you need till you get the job he's got for you somebody in here needs to make another praise payment [Music] [Applause] the salt shipped in the heavenlies God told me to tell you one more praise payment and I'll deliver what I promised if you just [Applause] I found so here's what he told me simply he says you've got to learn how to praise me and then know how to thank me and not the words he gave me two legs and one leg is praise and the other is thanks praise and thanks so I'm either in a praise mood or a thank smooth and the wonderful thing is that now has given me the two legs and it's given me somebody's head two dancer [Applause] I'm gonna preach the rest of it another time I've got one leg that's praise and what he's saying to me now is praise me till you get it and once I bring it to pass thank me so your marching orders are praise and thanks praise and plants praise and thanks and every now and then you gotta pick it up and move a little faster so instead of praise and thanks it becomes praise thanks praise praise thanks praise sites and you doing it on the devil's head so while he's trying to miss your life you praising me and thanking me gives you the victory over everything that Satan can throw your way because once you begin the praise I feel the Holy Ghost once you begin to give me glory and give me praise I'll turn everything around in your favor you don't have to wait till the battles over you can glorify me right now because the only reason you're here is to lift up my name can I preach like a feeling I feel like giving God some praise I feel like lifting him up pull on your neighbors and neighbor I've got a reason to praise the Lord cuz I got breath in my body I'm gonna give God the glory for everything that's around give God the praise for stuff that hasn't happened yet I'm going to lift up his holy name and let the enemy know as long as I got gone on my son the victory shall be mine cuz K nobody do you like Jesus J nobody do you like the Lord and he deserves to get the glory out of my life he deserves everything that I can praise him for I feel like lifting him up get some money high five and say neighbor I have another praise payment for that car for that house for that job for that opportunity that God has hanging over my and when the praise is gone [Applause] it's got to come down it's got to come down here we give somebody a high five say I can't wait for what's getting ready to happen next year in my life because I've been through some stuff that means something wonderful is getting ready to happen cuz but ever can make me like God can make me clap and what good it's getting ready to do it's for me out of blessing I'm not able to receive to be too wide I gotta share it with somebody else give somebody a high five for the fifth time and say neighbor if you praise him you'll bless yourself you'll bless your neighbor you'll bless your community you'll bless your country you'll bless the world if you're blessing take a praise break honey take a praise break give caught a little gold still here still alive still have my mind still I have my joy the Lord said don't lose your mind coz you lost the house you're gonna need your mind to decorate the next one don't lose your mind cuz you lost the car you gonna need you just want on the next one don't lose your mind cuz you lost the man you gonna need you for the next one that's coming don't lose your mind over losing a woman you're gonna need your mind I feel like preaching [Music] two things and I'm on close to things praise keeps me see because it tells me there's another side to you that is not connected to this stuff the Lord had to test me in my body I've had money since I was a kid so he messed with me with money but I remember when Satan attack Joe he said if I get to his body he'll curse you if I can get to his but the biggest challenge I ever had was when the sickness grabbed my body and before I got out of one operation to the next I'm diagnosed with something else and the first thing is Lord I'm in church or going from church or going to church what I can think of 54 [Applause] who ought to be lying on this sick bed but me and if you push me Lord I can name another hundred but then he said to me there's a side of me you don't know you know me as a deliverer but you need to know me as a sustainer we should understand me in other words I'm going to the fire he won't stop me from going in the fire he just stepped in the fire with me I feel like shouting now he says now that I'm in here with you praise me in the middle of the fire because I didn't leave you to the fire by yourself I'm in the fire with you and I guarantee when you come out of this fire you're not gonna be burnt you ain't gonna smell a smoke you ain't gonna feel sins you're not gonna feel hurt because when I let you go in the fire I'm coming in with you and I'm telling the devil whatever you throw at him gotta come through me cuz I'm caught I'm closing how many folk in here believe that you have an angel watching over you I'm amber see a bubble I don't need an angel to watch over me now when I'm teaching young preachers I call this upsetting the equilibrium in other words nobody's leaving til they get the answer to what I just said how many the angels watch over me I learned that this year you remember Daniel and when Daniel prayed when the angel got to him eyes like lightening materials on the body that I haven't googled everybody shout hallelujah that's how his one voice sounded his voice sound like a multitude Daniel fell on his knees factly fainted angel out of fainted too run into something like that he said from the moment you pray you were heard well why is it taking 21 days because as powerful as that angel was another angel from the dark side the Prince of Persia stop now notice God God knew that that angel would be stopped with his message but he didn't empower that angel over the other angel that he created which means his hierarchy system stays in place so don't you surf anybody's authorities his hierarchy system stays in place they had to send for another angel Michael Michael comes and releases the angel everybody say hallelujah release that angel from another angel who is more powerful so what God has done now he's taken up up the grade three grades of angels from the one he sent to the one who stopped him to Michael now Michael has got to be some kind of bad if he can beat upon an angel that stopped the first day in jokes whose eyes were like lightning whose body we can't describe and he doesn't describe the next angel my god Michael is out shopping trying to get some Gucci sneakers ISM and he runs into Satan the Bible says he Durst not make an accusation against a that now if I ever got the devil in the corner and was able to tell him what I feel I would tell him some of those words he taught me the Bible says that Michael dare not make a railing accusation against Satan by Devils above his pay grade Durst not now I'm looking in the scriptures hoping Michael will go upstairs and get another angel so I can see the gradation and the hierarchy system there is no other angel to get he has to go to the penthouse and [Applause] it says Satan the Lord rebuke you oh I got a reason to praise the Lord if you take everything from me I still got a reason to praise my because I can do something that Michael came to because Michael gotta keep his mouth shut around the devil and got a call on God but I can do something he can't do cuz God told me resist the devil what do I need an angel for when I can resist the devil and he will flee from me so if I'm hanging out with Michael come here come here God if I'm hanging out with Michael and we run into Satan I'm gonna say Michael get behind me man let me handle this cuz you can't say nothing to him but I can you know why I don't need an angel because I don't have the spirit of an angel I have the Spirit of God and the Spirit of God don't need an angel to protect it and that's what God told me he said praise me praise me going and praise me coming out and the reason you ought to keep on praising me it's because my spirit is in you and if my spirit is in you you'll never fail I'll always be there to pick you up and a good man steps and if he faltered he will not fall out because the Lord will catch him I got caught this year cuz I was falling out but the Lord put his hand under my spirit and said rise rise get out of this bed of sorrow get out of this bed of depression and open your mouth and give me praise turn your hospital room into a place to pray turn your brokenness into a place of joy and walk all over the devil walk over him he don't belong in your face he been wrong under your feet get him under your seat put him in the right place lift up your head oh he can't be lifted up everlasting and let somebody said let him in brings him in [Music] hastens your blessing I'm getting ready to close for the second time but you gotta walk around your Goliath walk around your Jericho walk around your trials one time two time three four five six time and on the seventh time [Applause] it just came down touch your neighbor saying it just came down that enemy that high place just getting down for the weapons of our warfare I'm not carnal but mighty to go to the pulling down come on pull it down pull it down in the name of Jesus get out of my house get out of my money get out of my car get out get out this is my Thanksgiving get out of my house devil get out of my mind get out [Music] touch your neighbors and neighbor you're stronger than you think cuz with the power of his spirit I can declare I bless the Lord at all that's not easy to do but it will be done cuz he's word I'm closing for the third time I'm closing for the third time it is incredible how God teaches through experience and I wish I could tell you that your growth comes when everything is easy I wish I could tell you that but that wouldn't be the truth he pulls and stretches you and he forces you to ask questions when I was growing up that said on question God I was delivered when Jesus said my God my God why hast thou forsaken me and as I close really close I learned something about God this year that I thought I knew can you imagine sisters you're with a man husband he got no food cars raggin children eat clothes everything is going wrong and he looks at you and says sweetheart I know things are bad but I am enough [Music] you ain't got no food car ain't working kids need clothes and your husband looks at you and say in spite of all that's going on and enough I learned that God when he says my grace is sufficient what he's saying my friend is I am enough and I learned that nobody in the universe thinks more highly of himself then God Almighty and if you're gonna walk with him not just from behind the lectern but if you're gonna walk with him through life to have the one thing we all have to remember is that when everything is gone he is still [Applause] he said he said when you don't understand what I'm doing when you can't put your hand on what I'm doing and you can't see it because there are thousands of pieces in this puzzle but you only have one of them so you can't tell what this picture is going to be but I bought the picture I bought the puzzle God said I made the puzzle you got little piece of it but I know how it's coming out that all things work together for good to them that love God and our vehicle [Music] you gonna walk with me you gonna walk with me you're not gonna walk with me in a car walk with me in a house walk with me in a big job and a lot of money if you gonna walk with me you won't walk with me and if you have nothing but me you still have everything to lift me up about and praise and worship me because you don't deserve me you don't deserve me you can work for what do you want but you don't deserve me I am gone and I will receive your worship no matter what you're going through so for that hurting person I just stopped to share with you in spite of what's going on around he is still your God and in spite of how you're hurting take a praise breathe and say Lord I'm gonna lift you up okay how my father's sick my mama's gone I'm gonna lift you up because you are my God and our relationship supersedes anything that's around us I'd rather be with God in a one-room house than to have a mansion and he's nowhere around I'd rather be with God on the bus take one person by both heads get a prayer partner he tells me you're holding two hands and here's what he says whatever you bind on earth he said I'll bind it in heaven and whatever you loose on earth I'll loose it in heaven he didn't say what I lose you lose and what I bind you bind he said whatever you bind I'll make it official squeeze one hand father in the name of Jesus i buying depression shuttle i bind every spirit of depression on a day like today i come against every spirit of depression Mama's not here daddy's not here this Thanksgiving but I refuse to be depressed i bind that spirit right now the joy of the Lord is my strength a bind poverty a bind brokenness a bind discouragement buying conspiracies and liars and cheats i bind every spirit in the name of jesus that is not like you i bind it now now squeeze the other hand i loose joy I lose financial blessing I lose power lose the spirit of love I lose victory I lose that right now I lose creativity I lose my brother I lose my sister from everything that's binding that this day forward victory shall override every condition and I claim it right now I lose a praise I lose worship I lose you in a mighty way in our lives and I claim it in the name of Jesus and if you believe the Lord Lucia hands give God some more [Applause] if you're in this house and you're not born again you're not saved now is the time to come on this Thanksgiving Day it's the Lord I want to give my life to you I want to bless your name if you're in this house just bow your heads for a minute I want you praying for somebody who's not born again somebody who's not saved somebody else and as they as they come receive them to the prayer room if you will whoever's coming today is a good day for you to say Lord I want to give you my life I want to be saved I want to experience the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ I want that today I thought I was just coming to a service the Thanksgiving but I feel something tugging on my heart and if you feel like coming it's not you it's the Lord drawing you he's just using your faculties for you to make the move come on come on come on come on come on the best things you're given is that thanks for saving your soul coz when this life is over I want to be saved I want to I want to see him as he is I don't want to be rejected I want him when this life is over every head bow father we have called we have extended your name and we praise you right now for that seed that's indelibly planted in the life and the soul of that brother
Channel: MHM 2
Views: 79,739
Rating: 4.8161602 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop, noel, Jones, preaching, paw, #PAWinc, Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, MHM
Id: NAREjeuZky0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 48sec (4308 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 23 2020
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