Bishop Noel it Youll find it

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they'll be given you seek and ye shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you for every one that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened now let's talk again from the subject you know ask seek knock this is part 2 Amen just touch somebody and tell them seek it you'll find it amen the question is as as we approach this again the question now becomes do you do this all at one time as see a knock or is there a sort of progression that begins with asking and ends up with knocking I could say begin with receiving and ending with open doors or could be beginning with asking and ending up with open doors and then when you look at it very from I'm not very theologically but just looking at the English words and noticing that the a on ass is companied with the S on C and the K or knock and then you've got ask again and I don't know that it has any theological significance but it's just interesting that the words would by taking the first letter of each one of them it just comes back to hands we would have to conclude however that over three are connected immediately and at the same time we wouldn't be off spiritually or intellectually to deserve to discuss the fact that even though they are connected immediately they are also progressive I think it's imperative to understand that I wouldn't ask for something that I wouldn't seek I think it's reasonable to to think that after asking maybe what I might receive immediately is simply a directive I ask and then I receive direction and I think that I can I can submit that to you very gracefully that oftentimes we ask and then God directs us as to how and because of my asking I have received you see sometimes people think that they have asked and because what they have asked for didn't appear that they didn't receive but sometimes it is in the asking that you receive a direction and feeling this it's critical to understand this because I can ask and what if one receives a vision or what if one receives direction to seek which ultimately leads to knocking on the right door you see and I and then I received directions and then the directions I receive now become what I seek I seek to find what I have asked for with the directions that I have received and so so my asking then puts me into a position where I have to seek for that which I have asked for I have asked for him and he's given me directions by which to achieve that that I have asked for so I have already received before I received what I asked for if I have received directions as to how to get it I are you following me so now it now includes another prayer and I think as I look at it that the prayer now becomes Lord lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil because now what happens here is that I am praying that the Lord will not allow the wrong door to open I am praying and I'm praying this as the sixth petition of the Lord's Prayer which follows the fifth petition naturally which is the petition that is asking for forgiveness I am asking God to forgive me forgive me please because I have always been inclined to go where you haven't led to me you see I have always taken directions in my life and directives that did not come from you I have this propensity to be in the wrong places I have this propensity to receive the wrong direction I have this inclination that to knock on the wrong doors I just have this inclination and so now that I have been forgiven for not having following your lead I am saying to you now Lord I trust you to direct me to the right door and not open the wrong door amen I don't care how rejected I feel let me feel rejected but don't let me in the wrong door I don't care how sad I become because I have learned even more so recently that sometimes the worst day of your life is the best sometimes you discover that just to have this door shut in your face it's the most wonderful thing that ever happened because closed doors help to direct us to the right ones we do not expect nor should we expect God to open the wrong door because the opening of the wrong door is a place of chastening anytime I am into something that I should not be into and can't get out of it's the wrong place to be and to have suffered one the loss of time in the wrong place that suffering loss of time I'm in the wrong place I I could have achieved my blessing if I were in the right place but this inclination to go askew and not to follow where God leads has often left me in the wrong place so now I'm saying to God when I come to the door that I shouldn't go in keep it shut keep it sharp if I have not heard your direction neither have I received it and I have moved by my own carnal inclination to satisfy my own personal desires that have nothing to do with you I said Lord keep it shut don't don't don't let me get in it ever because if you close this one and I head over to this other door because I am going to go somewhere Lord and if I head to this other door and i should not go there then keep it shut Amen I might be despondent I might be frustrated I might be angry I might get mad but keep it shut I might believe you're not with me I might believe you're taking too long but Lord don't let me get inside the door that turns out to be a prison and it's not where my blessing is if you gotta lock me up in something lock me up in the right on this closed door I have now learned not only to praise God for the open door I have learned to praise him for the door that stays shut oh I would have slipped into something I could not have handled if you didn't keep the door shut I could have ruined my future because sometimes you can get in a door in 15 minutes and it take you 15 years to back up out of the door and sometimes you stay in the door because you're scared to go back outside and seek again but if you ask he will give you directions and if you have the directions and he'll keep the door closed every time you get to a wrong door in the wrong address you'll ask again what did you say and he will tell you again the direction he wants you to take and as long as he's directing and closing doors directing and closing door he will ultimately lead you to the right door and you get to the right door you praise him for all the wrong doors that he kept his head is here where we cannot expect him man because it's a state of not receiving direction that's because he said if you ask it shall you shall be given he said it shall be given he that asketh receiveth it would seem to me then if I have no direction in my life I haven't asked for anything significant I have an ass because he said he that asketh receiveth notice he went over twice he went over in the same thing there is no when I am depending on other sources other than God this has been God so because I have my directive so many times we don't end up asking we just end up acting upon something we desire without going to God this is what I want and I don't want to ask God peradventure he might have something different in his plan for me oftentimes I ask if I ask what will my application be what are my commitments to you Lord if you respond this way or that way and if I feel I can do it by myself I generally go for it until I am in a mess oh please please please you see you see sometimes that's why I leave me not into temptation but deliver I got to talk to God about me because oftentimes I end up in so much mess because I have not had a direction from God so now my prayer is Lord get me out of mess and then don't let me get in any more mess you follow me deliver me from the junk that I've already gotten myself in and lead me around the junk that I have this inclination to get in because I have to get to where you would have me to be because I am learning now the most blessed place to be is where God would have me to be so he has taught me that so he gives me direction now one writer says and I quote the professor Bruner Dale Bruner he says this he says the picture in this petition is of a people walking through something like a minefield he said we pray that we will not be led into a mind of overwhelming temptation he prays that we do not come into something that will bring us under its influence to the point where we cannot release ourselves don't open the wrong door and I actually have to trust God not to open the wrong door I have to trust him I gotta beg him don't let me in where I shouldn't go and don't pay attention to my crying and my how badly I think I want something that you know is no good for me don't pay attention to my questioning whether you're there and how come you won't give it Lord just don't open the door if I get close to a nervous breakdown over it don't open the door because pretty soon I'm going to wake up and discomfort that this is not the place that you want me to be then I'm going to complain how did you let me get in this mess God am I talking to anybody in this house am I talking to myself consider them the next aspect of this because now he says that asking releases power to seek consider he that cometh to God must first believe that he is and is the rewarder of them that diligently seek him but at first when you look at this you would begin to think that I would have found him in order to ask I ask because I have found it would seem that the relationship in my asking is one of my having found but I look at it from the presentation of the book of Hebrews where he says to me now he that cometh to God must first believe that he is it is possible to ask yet have found because I am asking out of a faith I believe and so now I ask because I believe you see and I haven't yet found I found after I seek but I ask before I see now it seems now if I'm operating on say I'm moving on a directive of faith I believe so the first thing I believe is that he exists that he is there and then I ask because I believe he is there when I get on my knees I don't picture myself talking to myself I am talking to a God who I believe is there I haven't found him but I believe he's there because I believe he's there I seek Him I wouldn't seek Him if I didn't believe he's there it's critical here yes sir it's real critical because I don't want to be a blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat that's not there you see that's a problem no I believe even though I don't see because I believe I see lost something and the first thing I was told is retrace your steps retrace your steps because you're trying to narrow where the thing may be now in the general vicinity of the thing you believe it's there so you search for it right there you you believe wherever you believe now you remember where you had it I remember I had it in the store but but I don't remember having it after I left the store so then it must be in the store now I'm going to search the store upside down because I believe it's there so my believing then stimulates my seeking if it's not because I found I see I see because I haven't found and I haven't found it yet I believe and I can ask by believing and haven't yet found but asking stimulates seeking because I believe he has responded I asked for the job but the job can't come to my address so I said Lord give me a job but I don't sit there and wait for the job to come to my address because I believe the job is out there it's not in here I get and go looking for the job that I just asked for I believe that God would give me an education but the education is not in this house so now what I've got to do is go seek what I asked for because I believe it's there the driving force behind seeking is the faith that God has already given you the direction to get what you have asked for so the person who asks doesn't sit down but gets up and seeks the thing that they have asked for oh I feel the Holy Ghost it's critical to understand this because oftentimes people think that when you pray it means that there is no action from you but when I ask I say alright I have received in my spirit I it's already done God has already given it so now let me go get it then so I ask for a house but the house isn't coming into the apartment because he's not going to drop it off in the apartment when I asked for a house is already sitting on a lot already built the thing now is I have asked for it now let me get out of this house and go by oh I feel the Holy Ghost Oh God give somebody a high five and say seek now now that you've asked look for what you've asked for now that you've asked go get what you've asked for now that you ask step out on your face and move in the power of what you believe God has already done no wrong doors and Lord no wrong doors just keep directing me till I get to where I go it is here in the book of Hebrews that in that definition where the writer lays down what he calls an axiomatic truth and that is uses eros tends to say without faith it is impossible to please God this statement in its application is timeless because anybody who leaves God will ask God who receives direction from God will seek what they have asked him for this is my FinCEN says the person who comes to God must believe two things one that he exists two that he rewards those who diligently seek Him I feel the presence of God let me point out something the first verb is is the translation of estin which simply means it speaks of existence that is he is my faith is based on now the second verb is is translated from genome I and what it means now is a little bit different it says the idea here is not merely that he exists and when you put both together what you have here is he exists as a reward do you see the difference it might be subtle on the one hand it is he is and then he is a rewarder what the do we says have connections because what he is is a rewarder in other words he is a rewarder he exists as a rewarder when you come to him you're coming to a rewarder it is not an is and is every water it's a is every water you don't come to the ears and miss the reward when you get to the is your whip the reward [Applause] little churchy and here oh god I've seen it that's why the person says well God for a house and I'm seeking the house indeed and in fact with you ask God for a house then you're seeking God because you're looking for God but I thought you asked for a house I'm looking for God because where God is that's where the house is and I thought you asked for a husband but but I'm looking for God well you're looking for God yes for husband because God is the reward with the husband well well you're looking for a wife I thought no I'm looking for God but I thought you asked for a wife but God has the wife so I need to go to the reward to get all that I need when I when I get to blob he'll have all I need boy in all thy ways acknowledge him and he will direct that path a good man oh I feel the holiday home is that yeah he is a rewarder Vincent puts it this way and I quote he who approaches God has through faith the assurance that his seeking God will result in good to himself now I understand more fully to you having God brings fringe benefits and if I have gone first thing that I need I don't have to go after it because I hear because to diligently seek means to seek him out the prefix preposition being local in its force so in the translation so it is to seek him out oh yes yes come after him come to seek him out I want to get in that door where God is because once I get in the door where God he is he's got everything under his regulative power I don't want to be in a door that God is not in I want to be in the door that God is in because he leads me to the door that he is in oh I feel the Holy Ghost can I just take it a little further you noticed sometimes how God would call people out of one place by vision and move them to someplace else Abraham is a great example and I wondered often why if you're giving me directions Lord why don't you give me all of them at one time if I would follow you across town if we were going from here to Riverside and we were heading out there I would say if you're going to lead then all right I'll follow but give me my directions the reason I would want my directions is just in case I lose you then I can find it on my own but this is a little different with God because he'll move you out of a place and not tell you where the other place is because he does not give you all the directions at once the reason is knowing us with our proclivity to end up without him we would leave him somewhere or not pay attention to the direction he takes why because I have my own directions where did Jesus go it don't matter I know where I'm going but now that he has the directions he makes sure that I have to pray because the obstacles are in the way he makes sure I have to call on him to bind the devil while I'm on the way he makes sure I have to get the devil off my back but when God gets ready he prepares a table in the presence of my enemies [Applause] it is this weasel an attitude towards the seeker he stands and hangs with the sea because the seeker is motivated by faith and it is not always apparent to the seeker initially that God is such a benefit because there are times initially when we just don't know what's going to come out of what we have I want to do my business but I want to do it through you I don't want to go around you to do anything because diligence and hope are intertwined the more I hope the more determined I get because I know I have received it and I'm going out to collect it and I'm going out with God the obstacles that come is because I'm on the right Road cuz if I were going round in circles I would have no obstacles but when I get hot and when it gets close then the devil comes up out of nowhere but I don't take it negatively I praise him every time I get an obstacle because I'm sick but he's already given us a secret he wants to give it and so now the prerequisite asking becomes the prerequisite for the seeking of God I am asking for what I'm willing to seek for I do not ask for what I am not willing to seek after her if I receive directions so faith connects asking with seeking oh I feel it here and then he says the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and I know it's mine and I don't prefer cuz you won't get what's mine do you no good I got the touch three people real quick I'd say it's mine it's mine it's mine I asked gave me direction who has received direction to seek him because he longs for those whose face move them out of their comfort zone and bring them after him because he longs and the reason he longs is that he wants to bless he wants to bless so bad why because he is a rewarder which means he wants to bless and ran to Isaiah about 65 and 1 and I found that the acquisition is not because of the articulation or the quality of my asking as I said to you last week the Lord wants prayer to be brief simple and that many times it's just a show where we sit in the church and we say to somebody also and so and pray oh my god oh brother so-and-so to pray because he knows how to pray how can somebody who you are not talking to determine how well you talk to someone else I wish you could understand me when a man is praying he's praying to God the Saints can't decide how good the prayer is cuz he ain't ran to them it's God who decides and what God said is I don't like all that reputation all that show just ask [Applause] I know y'all know what they're looking for when my own won't even ask for me there are some folks that'll walk up in the church don't know what they're looking for but walk out of here bless them while those of us that are wishing ask a sitting up here loss I feel though having the power of God in this place give somebody a high five and say some haterade because I got blessed and I'm going to walk in the blessing of the Lord when he stands in my way sometimes you didn't ask he just got in your way so that you would stumble in and say my god he is real he went further to say I am found of them that have not sought me I found by some folk who weren't even looking for me but I wanted to bless them so bad can I preach to those of you who have come out of something you are a testimony that glutes you found God because he stood in your way when you weren't even thinking about him you stumbled upon him because he loves to be found and he loves to be sought Nathanson neighbor God wants you to look for him he wants you to come after him he wants you to want him he wants you to find him I don't know what to ask for but they were seeking did not know who to seek for but they found him the power then is of God he is desperately wanting to bless you he's desperately warning he's got everything you need right now just open your come his way I can see him just jumping in the power of the Spirit just simply saying call me call me call me call me call me you who are heavy laden call me you who are lonely and upset call me you who don't have a friend in the world yo who are seeking something you can't get ahold of call me Joe who need a better job call me [Music] with your I'm asking God with this rich bountiful this week I'm in the middle of the night knocks on his door got a friend that came into town children [Music] I've been waiting for somebody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the palace in case you don't know it I'm Joseph y'all I'm the same one you said couldn't make it but God [Music] [Music] it's [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the most I want you to get one person up of hangers this is the most encouraging this is the most encouraging passage on prayer in the whole Bible this is completely unconditional as and you shall receive seek and you shall find knock and the door shall be opened then he goes back again and says he that asketh receives he who seeks finds and he who knocks has the door open my God my god the wonderful thing is he's not even dealing with the Jameses point of view as you ask amiss in this passage the Lord does not even suggest that he ought a caution for abuse he's not even dealing with whether or not we misuse it he's just making it available then somewhere he says you receive not because you ask and when you ask don't motivate you to seek and they'd like to tell you when you get to that door I guarantee you ain't going just knock you're gonna ram it down drive a car through that door what a God would ago [Music] somebody needs to pick up that dream that you put on somebody needs to revisit those business plans somebody needs to make that rededication to God somebody needs to rehearse that vision somebody needs not to feel as if it's hopeless because it hasn't come to pass yet you asked for it now seeking now seek because he's already given to the wrench squeeze one hand i bind out their father the name of Jesus I bind low self esteem i bind every attitude that says i cannot go forward i bind oh god fear oh i come against every fearful spirit everything that is fearful i find it now Oh am i in confusion and then double-mindedness i find that right now put my brother my sister on firm footing don't stand on what they have asked for will i bind every inclination to receive the negative into the spirit and allow it to control the attitude i find that right now i find the spirit of failure i bind that spirit right now i find non motivation i bind the spirit that looks for somebody else to do but they must do for themselves I find that spirit oh now squeeze the other hand squeeze release a moose your joy I loose your determination I'll lose your hope on Monday I have news your patience your power to achieve your motion you will go forward you will do the will of God if it moves you around the world you will do what God less vocal every side of the continent on every side of the ocean you called [Music] those hands [Music] you're feeling in here we'll listen blessed blessed blessed blessed blessed blessed mr. [Music] what a mighty God we say the Spirit of the Lord draws and I would like us to educate ourselves into understanding that we flow with the Spirit of them and if the Spirit of God is drawing this way for us to be going that way is going against the grain of the holy spirit I want you if you have to sit sit relax but I'm calling for everybody in this building who does not know the Lord and the power of his mind I want you to come I want the young man to come I want the young lady to come I want the ex-offender to come I want I'll bring bring the marijuana to just come if you got in your pocket come if you got whatever you got God wants you come on come on come on come on come on come on come on to the Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus said everybody Jesus to the Jesus say [Music] - Jesus said to the Jesus a [Music] [Music]
Channel: Gordon Palmer
Views: 22,588
Rating: 4.8496242 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 54sec (2934 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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