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legal insight from bishop noel jones with preaching 101. many of us sitting here have to fight personal difficulties in order to get to the pulpit and you can't build a church being bitter it will instruct you in the approaches of the scriptures to general theology approach systematic theology approach uh syntactical lexical word studies he wants a vessel that's not in the way so that when the presentation is made they can't wiggle out and put it on the vessel learn the significance of a life of prayer the importance of study and exercise the difference between theological and psychological preaching understanding people's hurts and pains moving beyond one's biases and limitations i don't care who's got you upset don't deal with them from the puppet why should 8 000 people have to listen to you talking to one person in a congregation and it will also show you the kind of books to buy and read and study and it's a presentation that will bless you in a great way and make your skill even better don't have an idea and go to the scripture to make your idea work because then you will fill people full of subjective theology that has no objectivity to it at all we can't even read the scripture and come up with what you came up with preaching 101 an intimate look into the art of preaching available on dvd when you visit our website or call 1-800-526-knoll [Music] bishop noel jones presents this provocative challenging and life-changing message to encourage inspire and motivate you to keep marching toward your destiny [Music] now receive this fresh oil from bishop noel jones as it flows from the vials of heaven to saturate your soul beginning at verse 1 reading through and including in fact and focusing on verse three that which was from the beginning which we have heard which we have seen with our eyes which we have looked upon and our hands have handled of the word of life for the life was manifested and we have seen it and bear witness and show it unto you that eternal life which was with the father and was manifested unto us that which we have seen in her declare we unto you that he also may have fellowship with us and truly our fellowship is with the father and with his son jesus christ i want you to look at somebody like you're angry with them and say since you have it share it since you have it i look at somebody and say if you have it we'll find out we have in my sojourn i don't know what joe did last week but for this year we have been dealing with the issue of unity and brotherhood within the parameters of the body of christ and i would like to point out that there seems to be a struggle to achieve the spiritual nobility of unity that is found in ephesians chapter four and i could include philippians chapter two because oftentimes people come into our lives to take and we end up being quite diminished by the experiences that we have because actually we need people in our lives who have something to give and the struggle to achieve that place of reciprocity and that place of unity has serious ramifications for the child of god because it seems to me the ability to achieve this is not and cannot be to provide a stepping stone to a proper relationship with god that sentence was a little long so maybe it was nebulous in its expression so i'll redo that it would seem to me that the struggle we have suggests that my being close to you or my seeking unity and brotherhood with you could not be a stepping stone to a proper relationship with god something else has to be in the dynamics of what he is requiring of us so i'll raise some questions at a similar nature but we'll seek to see if we can find the answer he exhorts us to a certain behavior and the question now becomes are these exhortations indicative of a behavior that's seeking higher ground or are these exhortations as a result of being on higher ground is he does he expect my fellowship with my brother and my sister to lead me to fellowship with god or does my fellowship with god naturally result in fellowship with my brothers and sisters on all levels is this what i should achieve to establish my fellowship with god or is my relationship with you in fellowship a sign that i already have a relationship with god notice what he's asking in ephesians he's asking me to operate with all lowliness and meekness with long suffering for bearing one another in love endeavoring to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace in philippians he says let nothing be done in vain strife and vain glory but in lowliness of mind let each esteem himself better than ourselves he continues to say look not every man on his own things but every man also on the things of others and i don't think that that falls within the natural disposition of human beings and so the question now becomes am i to do this in order to get to god or because i am with god i have the capacity to do this i'm going to the mountain just hang along with me see the exhortations again follow doctrine which are based on the gospel and the gospel has to be the most powerful tool of motivation and inspiration that the world has ever seen it is paul who says i'm not ashamed of the gospel of jesus christ for it is the power of god unto salvation so the most powerful tool that is known to motivate and change men is the gospel and if he declares that i have given you the gospel and it would seem that the power of this motivation is so intense why should i struggle it would seem like based upon the fact that i am immersed in the gospel of jesus christ that i ought to run quickly to humble myself and to put something in my brother's life but one then might ask if each saint is indwelt by the spirit why is there not unity among the christians why are there so many differences and why is there so many power struggles for it would seem that if we are all filled with the holy spirit that we would quickly run into the things of god and be a blessing to others and instead of subtracting we would add and multiply to the lives of the people around us but somehow the things that bring us together the thing or he that brings us is the holy spirit and the holy spirit is expecting joint participation in an interest and mutual active participation in the things of god but somehow to have the spirit doesn't mean we are controlled by the spirit because anybody can declare i am born again but to be born again from the heart without the changing of the mind leaves you still out of the control of the spirit oh i feel something pushing me why do i need exhortation at all if i'm a child of god and then i noted why are the apostles so tender in their tones considering the enormous power of the gospel if i were to give you something and lay it in your bosom and give you the strength to overcome and give you the power to be all that you can be and i come by and visit you and notice that you have not achieved what you should have achieved based on what i gave you i think my first reaction would be to be harsh i think that i would want to rebuke you for wasting the enormity and the magnanimity of my sacrifice in order for you to move to the next level but i notice the apostles are very tender in their tones in spite of the greatness and power of the gospel that should cause the motivation for brother to love brother and sister to love sister but obviously there is something that has gone askew in my mind not that i don't have the power of god but i need to release the power of god in fellowship with my brother and sister i'm not here to take anything from you i ought to be here to give something to you and that's what we have got to decide to do this year i'm not here to manipulate anybody i'm here to bless everybody who falls within my comfort zone i cannot achieve this on my own that's what i have to conclude why because without the doctrine and the exhortation i could never do what god is requiring so i have just eliminated the answer that i do this to get to god i can't do it without god i have to have god first i have to have god first because without god i cannot achieve it of myself i need to have a relationship with god before i can have a relationship with anybody else because then i go into a relationship week and when i go in week i become a taker but when i step to the relationship with god you can't see me as a taker because i've already been filled with the power of god and i don't come to take but i come to give ah and so now i conclude that only a godly person can achieve this plateau with his brothers and sisters he's got to be god captured and then that god captured wheel is expected to engage but the will cannot be engaged until the mind understands the will of god for that life it is not what god has done that's the problem it's that the mind did not come blank from the world when we met god our mind was already filled with narcissistic self-centered dispositions and so consequently we came up in a world where we didn't look out for anybody else we just looked out for ourselves and now god brings us in an arena where he expects us to think of others before ourselves and in order to do that he has got to transform our mind that's why he says let this mind be in you that was also in christ jesus so now i understand why the teacher pleads and beseeches his greatest power of appeal because the directive that he is doing in exhortation is not to humiliate but rather it is to educate what he is saying to me is i don't want to put you down because the gospel has already raised you to a certain level if i can just get you to change your mind then it will engage your will because if you will do it you already have the power to do it and so i am going to be very careful because i cannot move your will without controlling your mind i've got to get you to understand who you are and what you have to show you that you don't have to go into anybody's life a weakling because you already have something to share can i preach like i feel it when you deal with folk from a level of weakness they deal with you from a level of manipulation when you deal with folk who you are intimidated by they sense it like a dog senses that you're scared of him but when you step up with power because you know who you are folks have to look at you differently and you can do things for folk when you know who you are that you would never do if you were defensive and insecure oh i feel like preaching here he has to move the block from the mind and bring the mind into transformation by comprehension because my mind keeps short circuiting my will so the teacher will never move me with negative approaches he has to approach me with the most powerful motivation that a man can have and that is if you have jesus and the mind of christ is in you you won't let your brother or sister fall apart but you'd step up to the plate and declare i will fellowship with you in order to help you to go to the next level uh that's where we're going this year we gotta go there he cannot make them do it he has to make them understand it and then they will do it because it's already in you placed there by the power of the holy ghost and so that means i have to come to a place of comprehension because there is actually no apprehension without comprehension on the one hand comprehension may very well mean i understand something but if i haven't appropriated it to my life i can understand something i don't express but when i apprehend something that means not only do i understand it but i know how to use it and now with comprehension and apprehension it engages my will i will overcome because i understand how to overcome i will be successful because i understand how to be successful i will beat this challenge because i comprehend how to beat the challenge i will have joy because i comprehend how to have joy i will help you because i understand how to help you come out of the mess you're in because god showed me how he brought me out of the mess i was in and if you have it [Music] you ought to share it oh god i feel your presence here because once the will engages the battle is over oh i feel the holy spirit because the enemy realizes that once you decide you will release the energy of the holy spirit the holy spirit is waiting at the door of your will and he says if you will i'll make you whole if you will i'll bring you out if you will i'll change your future if you will i'll make you the head and not the tail i'm just waiting at the door of your will and all i'm saying is understand who's in here and open the door and release me so i can make your life what it ought to be oh god and so here is what the captured mind must understand the life of the spirit is the energy of fellowship and john helps the mind to engage the wheel the ancient benedictory formula which is found in ii corinthians 13 13 declares the fellowship of the holy spirit be with you and what john does in the text is he answers the special gift of the holy spirit is the holy spirit's fellowship now you have to grasp that love is always ascribed to the revelatory expression called the father and grace is ascribed to the revelatory expression called jesus the son of god but when you deal now with the holy spirit what is a scribe to the holy spirit is fellowship the holy spirit now brings fellowship the son of god brings grace the father brings love so i have love from the father i have grace from the son and i have fellowship from the holy ghost uh jurgen muthman put it like this he said he himself enters into fellowship with believers and draws them into his fellowship his inner being is evidently capable of community of sociality unquote what else could this mean then the holy spirit shares himself with us and shares the father and the son with us as he shares them with himself when you receive the holy spirit you receive the power of the father and the power of the son the spirit doesn't share himself alone but he brings you everything in his arsenal i wish i could talk to somebody have you ever been with somebody who will only share some of what they have uh-huh you can share their bed you can share their money but you can't share them uh i ain't gonna fool with you today i'm gonna let that alone you can share my house you can share my reputation you can share up to a certain point but you ain't gonna share everything as far as i'm concerned we only have a relationship but we sure don't have a fellowship because a fellowship goes beyond mere relationship even though it is a type of a relationship can i preach like i feel it uh do i have a little time you see he shares us then with each other because the only reason i ever got to know you was because of your relationship or rather your fellowship with the holy spirit and my fellowship with the holy spirit brought us together in the fellowship of the holy spirit the holy spirit fellowship with me then the holy spirit fellowshipped with you then the holy spirit shared the fellowship of each together after the holy spirit shared god and the son with all of us oh it doesn't matter whether you're trinitarian or your oneness all you have to understand is the concept of fellowship within the power of the holy ghost which means when there's fellowship with the holy ghost the holy ghost tells me what you need and the holy ghost tells you what i need because the holy ghost brings us together not to compete with each other not to like we're better than one another but the holy ghost gives you gifts and gives me gifts and brings us together to make the gifts make us strong enough to defeat any enemy that comes our way oh i feel something pushing me today we must not define fellowship simply as relationship for most of us are seeking a simple relationship with god and that is blocking our minds and causing our wheels not to engage because if i'm just seeking a relationship can i tell you something about relationships i have a relationship with my ex-wife but it is not a fellowship i wish i could talk to you the prodigal son had a relationship with his father when he was in the hog pen but it was not a fellowship even though relationship umbrella's fellowship fellowship is much more than relationship uh the person beside you do you want just a relationship or do you want to take it to fellowship because there are types of relationships that don't have any fellowships you can be married to somebody in a marital relationship and y'all ain't got no fellowship oh hold on uh there are job relationships that aren't fellowships at all i work with you and i'm glad when you get the clock on the way out and i get out we have a relationship we work at the same job every day but we don't share anything between ourselves there are relationships that don't have fellowship right in the house of god because i'm vying for power and you're vying for power i'm trying to prove i'm more holy than you are and you're trying to prove you're more holy than i am we sit with each other we sing the same song we listen to the same preacher we walk out the same door we give in the same offering plate we take the communion together we got a relationship but we sure don't have a fellowship because you have not imparted anything into my life and i've kept everything from you can i preach like i feel it fellowship does not take by force neither does fellowship possess it liberates it draws others into the relationship that are essentially its own it says this is mine god gave it to me but come on in and share it it says ah this is what god blessed me with now come on in and share it and while you're sharing mine what did he bless you with because now we're dealing with reciprocity what fellowship means is opening ourselves for one another and giving one another a share of ourselves fellowship lives in reciprocity and participates reciprocally and from mutual recognition and what fellowship does it brings respect because it shows that i'm not here to use i'm here to mutually recognize and mutually reciprocate the good thing about fellowship is it does not make us clones you do not have to be the same as me to fellowship with me because fellowship brings people who are different but who have something in common and when the thing that is commonly shared they still remain different even they enjoy the thing that is common you see the problem with you is you want to make me like you in order to fellowship with me but what happens to me when i become you god made me me for me and him oh god and i can fellowship with you without losing me if you want me to lose me to be with you then you want to dominate and reduce me for you oh i feel the holy ghost oh god help me i feel like preaching in here today i i've been on four hours of sleep but i feel something pushing me uh fellowship can exist not merely between people who are alike or similar but also between those who are quite alike and those who are quite dissimilar it was aristotle that said and he said this and i quote he said like draws to like if that is so then the human beings should never have a fellowship with god because here is god moving in the power of the holy ghost and i am nowhere like him yet still i got up this morning and we had a good conversation i'm trying to be like him but i'm far from him and yet still he moves in me anticipates my weak moves and gives me strength and i am reciprocal when i get his strength because i give him the praise and give him the glory and this is what makes fellowship with the spirit even more astonishing that i can be with god and god can be with me now don't play with me sentence pretentious child of god if you can be with god as different as he is from you then surely you can be with that person beside you who is in your neighborhood oh i feel the holy ghost so fellowship then is the work of the holy spirit he points the similar and the dissimilar to joint participation and in interest in the mutual and active participation in the things of god he calls us together in our spirits this is the holy spirit's fellowship this ain't your fellowship honey this is the holy spirit's fellowship which is the subjective genitive the holy spirit yes it's his fellowship when he fills you with the holy ghost don't expect to watch people die beside you and you don't move when he fills you with the holy ghost don't expect to walk on folk and treat them like a piece of trash when he fills you with the holy ghost he expects you to get under somebody like he got under you and surely he expects you to move in their lives with the same power that he moved in your life your blessing isn't how much you can take your blessing is in how much you can give and ain't nobody running around looking for takers but i guarantee you they're trying to write grants forgivers i feel like preaching in here have i told you touch your neighbor yet uh it's too early it's too early the fellowship with the spirit becomes the objective genitive and that's the secondary meaning the primary meaning is the holy spirit's fellowship the subjective yes genitive but then you have the objective genesis the genitive rather which is the secondary meaning but both subject and object participate when i come into your life you do not stay there without participating in mine because fellowship is never unilaterally determined it's never a one-way street i'm not coming in your life just to take when i come up in your life i got something to give because i already been to the water and i already been baptized oh god the partners one writer said must have something in common and they must be able to share mutually in each other have you ever been in somebody's life and just wanted to help them because you knew what they could be and what they could become and all you ever wanted to do was make them something better i see you living on first level when god wants you on the 10th level i know you've been down there too long and it's now become your comfort zone but i have come to be a thorn in your flesh so that you will achieve everything that god has sent you to achieve i didn't come to keep you down there i came to bring out the best that's in you and when i bring out the best it'll force you to reciprocate i'm glad god sent you into my life can i preach like i feel it when god brings you into fellowship you're always in fellowship with the one he put in your life even though they might not be around because i'm not talking about physical or intellectual i'm talking about spiritual and soul oh god i might as well go on and preach you see when this unbreakable power of god comes because it's in fellowship that two or three or four become one and it's in fellowship that you tell the devil we used to be 2-3-4 but now that we have a fellowship we are now one and you can't divide one you can divide anything by one but you can't divide one by anything the problem with the wife and the husband why they're not one is because they have a relationship but not a fellowship i feel the holy spirit i'll give somebody high five and say i need a fellowship i've had a whole lot of relationships relationships come and go but fellowship stay forever that's what you call soul mate i got to preach for you now i feel the power of god you see the fellowship of the spirit is experienced by those who know it both as the love that binds and the freedom which allows everything to arrive at itself in its own unique nature you see fellowship doesn't stop you from being you because love confers that which is held in common but freedom opens up the scope what is individual and singular so i come in a fellowship with you and we've got some things in common but my love causes us to enjoy what we share together but my freedom allows you to be all that you are and i not try to limit you to be what i would have you to be so fellowship allows you to become as much as you could ever be and at the same time look at your success and still enjoy what we have in common i don't have to reduce you to be with you but i can expand you i feel the holy ghost i wish i had a church that would understand what i'm talking about give somebody high five and say if you have it it's time to share it because without freedom love crushes the diversity of what is individual and without love freedom destroys what is shared and what binds us together and so when we come together to serve life we've got to understand it as integrating as creating unity in diversity while at the same time differentiating and making diversity in unity possible we're different but we've got the same god we're different but we've got the same goal we're different but we've got the same anointing and that's what you got when you got the godhead you got unity in diversity and diversity and unity so the unity of this unity and diversity is found in the fellowship of the spirit you don't have to change me in order for me to help your life you don't have to reduce me in order to be comfortable with me because i'm bringing something to the table that's gonna make you more powerful than you've ever been we might as well have church patrick i'm bringing something to the table that you can't handle yourself but i can handle it with you come on here joe i need some help i need some help we've come together separate you can do your thing and separate i can do my thing but we've got some commonality because there's some things we share and i don't only want to share what you got i don't only want to share your intellect but i want to share who you are because now you can have a piece of me and i can have a piece of you and when the devil see us he don't see us as too he see us as one one mind one attitude you got my back and i got you all back i don't talk about you cause you don't talk about me and now the mind engages because the mind understands and once the mind understands the sky is the limit because when you got a fellowship you can say like paul that i may know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his suffering i ain't got it yet but this one thing i do i press toward the prize of the mark of the high calling which is in jesus can i preach like i feel it give your neighbor high five say you've been through some stuff in your life you ought to share it you haven't always been on the mountaintop and somebody needs your testimony you ought to stop walking around like you always been good and let somebody know where i'm coming from only god can bring you you want to share your voice and lift it like a trumpet and tell your neighbor i will not let you die i will not let you fall apart because god has given me something to share with you and you won't be happy till i share it and i won't be happy till i tell you there is a way out of poverty there is a way out of depression i feel like preaching in here give your neighbor high five say i got something to share i was blind but now i see i was lost but now i'm found i was weak but now i'm strong i need a soul mate i need somebody that's locked into fellowship that when i move they know i move when i'm hurt they know i'm heard when i'm crying they can be in new york pick up the phone and say baby something's going on i need somebody that when i sit beside them in the church they don't look at me like i ought not to be there but their spirit picks up my spirit and the holy ghost tells them how to work i need some money that when i have a bad day and i walk in the house they can look at me and say something is wrong you ain't got to tell me the holy ghost already told me and i already sent up a word on your behalf i need some saints that can feel the prayers of the righteous 20 000 feet in there and you can open your mouth and declare somebody just call my name somebody just prayed for me somebody just reached god give somebody high five say i need a soul mate i've had bed mates i've had house meats i've had party meats i've had workmates but i need a i need fellowship i need sharing now shake somebody's hand let you go shake it off and say i got it and i understand it so i'm willing to help you to make it will you help me like i'll help you will you lift me like i live you will you help me out [Music] fellows [Music] hello [Music] touch two people real quick say i need a soul mate [Music] [Music] oh [Music] we've been striving so long we've been striving so long merely to have relationship but fellowship is another level when the holy spirit opens us up and we open ourselves up take somebody's hand the holy spirit guides you into fellowship he protects you one of the things that has been so disheartening in our lives is that we have been burned because we sought relationship with people who don't understand fellowship and i just believe that's why he admonishes us not to be unequally yoked because you seeking fellowship and they just merely seeking a relationship so you sharing and you opening and everything is closed but when the holy spirit brings you in to the fellowship of the revelatory expression of father and son he brings you into fellowship with those who have that saying and that's why when it comes to the gifts of the spirit the gifts i do they are diverse but they're the same spirit and no one of us have all of them which means that the holy spirit has determined that we will need each other we have eliminated position because position has nothing to do with fellowship it can only stomp on a certain level of relationship why am your boss i'm in charge oh is that the relationship we got are you in charge good but that's not fellowship because fellowship does not see being in charge above your welfare and fellowship does not say you have to be me in order for me to get with you he says you can be just as different as you are because my fellowship is strong enough to unite us and strong enough to make you whatever you want to be as an individual as i begin to close don't you worry that when you get involved with somebody that one of the first things they want to do is change if they can't change you they want to control the direction you go in that's not a fellowship oh i feel the popcorn so this is our year i don't know if the spirit will lead me any further into these messages but if you take a compilation of these messages and put them all together you will understand that this is our year of saying to god i want my brother my sister to be better [Music] and empower me in this fellowship so that if this is a wife if it is a husband if it's a friend if it's another member of the body of christ in this city or the next in this country or the next empower me in the fellowship of the holy spirit john said we declare it unto you that our joy that your joy may be full dear father we understand and we apprehend now engage our wills that when we walk out of here today we'll say as paul this one thing i do forgetting those things which are behind i press reach for those things which are before we have it in us you have put it in us and let the next challenge of tomorrow even in our own executive offices even in our auxiliaries even in this parking lot even looking for a seat in the church let our thoughts be fellowship and not just relationship i pray for every married couple in this place i pray for everybody in relationship let it move to fellowship that the permanence will be stamped by the holy spirit i claim it right now somebody's seeking you lord because they're in a situation where they need fellowship give it to them now holy spirit raise up somebody who will share not only their money but themselves their mind their spirit their relationship with you claim it done join us together make us one in jesus name somebody raise your raise those hands with raise your hands hands raise your neighbor's hands in the air and say it is done give god the praise give god the praise god is calling somebody to new life where is that man that woman that god is calling take it down real low i want you to understand that god is calling you now it doesn't matter what you've done it doesn't matter how you've lived now is the time to come and say lord your blood can wash and set me free i want you to hold your places as long as you can don't go against the holy spirit let's come towards what god is drawing let's not walk and block somebody who's coming give god the praise come on fellowship give god the praise give god the praise somebody's coming somebody if you see somebody look like they want to come go and get them and bring them this way if your spirit can just deserve come on young man you don't have to die in the streets you don't have to die young lady you don't have to be used and left in the streets you don't have to be a gangbanger you don't have to not get your education you don't have to not be all that you can be come and give your life to the lord and say i'm glad he died for me come on give god the praise somebody's walking somebody's walking don't let them walk by themselves somebody pick them up as they come reach for them as they come reach as they come reach as they come come on come on what a fellowship come on what a joy to buy come on god bless you leaning on the everlasting bishop noel jones would love to have you visit the city of refuge whenever you're in the los angeles area for any of our weekly services for other tapes books or service times write to us at knoll jones ministries p.o box 11149 carson california 90749 visit our website at or call 1-800 that's 1-800-526-6635 thanks again for listening now take what you've heard and go do something with it you you you
Channel: Vintage Sermons
Views: 679
Rating: 4.2727275 out of 5
Keywords: TD, Long, Leaphart, Church, Jamal Bryant, Preaching, Noel Jones, Potters House, Satan, Noel, Jones, jakes, Potter, Sheen, elevation, Sapp, Jakes, Craig, Oliver, water, Holy Ghost, House, Bishop, Jesus, red rocks, Min, TD Jakes, Elder, Murphy, Furtick
Id: e9VjjHXTOm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 12sec (4572 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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