Noel Jones.... God Gonna Make You Laugh

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and well stricken in age as if we didn't know and it sees to be with Sarah after the manner of women therefore Sarah laughs with inner-self say after I am waxed old shall I have pleasure my lord being old also and the Lord said unto Abraham wherefore did Sarah laugh saying shall I of a surety bear a child which I'm old is anything - ha for the Lord at the time appointed I will return unto thee according to the time of life and Sarah shall have a son then Sarah denied saying I laugh not for she was afraid if God said you laughed thank you a man may bow to this lab now in 21 there is now a hundred years old when his son Isaac was born unto him and Sarah said in verse 6 of 21 God hath made me to mass so that all that here will laugh with me and she said who would have said unto Abraham that Sarah should have given children suck I have borne him a son in his old it's marvelous isn't it III want you to look at somebody and tell them God's gonna make you laugh now look at your neighborhood on the other side and say are you laughing yet [Applause] Oh romans 4:16 says therefore it is a faith that it might be by grace that the end the promise might be sure to all the seed not to that only which is of the law but that also which is a faith of Abraham who is the father of us all I want to talk a little bit tonight about receiving a ridiculous blessing [Applause] touch somebody say I need a ridiculous it is interesting to to actually be the recipient what God decides to do and I wonder have you ever just thought about being the recipient of what God decides to do because the significance of being the recipient of what God decides to do is that he brings you into the knowledge of him and and it would seem that that that would be a taken-for-granted kind of an issue but you have to be a recipient in order to come into a revelatory knowledge of God we might be we might be skirting the deep in here for a minute I have to be able and be well-prepared to understand divine revelation within my own everyday life history because nobody in this room is going to be ushered out of your everyday historical existence and have anything to do with God I have to see God within the parameters or within the walls of my own house I have to experience God within the walls of my own job I literally have to experience God not just in the outward expression of worship but I have to experience God in the in word motivation and inspiration that opens my mouth to praise Him because he can easily say that they honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me because oftentimes when a person does not experience god on a day-to-day basis it's easy to become religious and not be spiritual [Applause] I'm treading the ground lightly and I'll carry you with me it it is so then it's God then who has to reveal himself now I would I would deal with the word reveal as opposed to the word recognized because God is never recognized he's always revealed and and it's it's critical and it's very and it's a great distinction between the two because if you were to look at Jesus for instance who happen to be the expressed image of God you would wonder to yourself how could they miss who he was and oftentimes people look at you in your ordinariness and they cannot detect the power of anointing that runs within you because your anointing is never recognized it's always revealed oh I wish you'd understand this if let me give you an example now if you're going to pick a mate as a child of God don't pick a mate because of outward polka tude [Applause] you have to allow your spirit to roam in the vicinity of the polka tune and see can you discern the spirit that's in the package [Applause] I hope you're with me here you see because oftentimes you can have a wonderful package and not have anything in it it is impossible then simply it is impossible yes to understand what is going on in spirit if there is no revelation and so you can recognize pulchritude and you can recognize outward appearances but in order to get into the depth of the spirit there has to be revelation Oh Oh God you see one of the things that we have to learn is that the same must not walk by situation but the same must walk by revelation so that means I can rejoice in the middle of an awful situation because I don't rejoice by situation I'll rejoice by revelation I know I'm coming out all right [Applause] it don't look like it I don't hear it but in my spirit God has already said I'm coming out your presence tonight Lord just just wipe us out tonight Jesus it is critical here it is critical because you would think that Jesus's works and here's a man walking on water raising the dead and Jesus says to the people you should at least believe me for my work sing he then says who do men say that I am and of course some say you Jeremiah said liars and one of the prophets and and and he says now whom do you say and Peter says it's how art the Christ the Son of the Living God and he says flesh and blood did not are you with me it my father which is in heaven he is the one who reveals it to you in other words you can live your life around a powerhouse child of God and not know what's around you unless God reveals it to you oh I need revelation you can we'll wipe you out if you don't have revelation in the things of God I'm going there stay with me tonight it is critical here because now then God must reveal himself as God and show himself as God in my situations he's got to show himself and in order for him to develop my faith that he has to constantly reveal things to me I can't go from faith to faith for the scripture talks about the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith this is why there's a revelation when you receive the Holy Spirit because you believe to receive and then when he speaks through you then you know you have him when I know I have him that's one layer now I'll believe him for something else then when he reveals himself then I reveal believe him for something else so I believe he reveals I believe he reveals the more I believe the more he reveals so as I keep on believing he keeps on revealing until one day I will know him as he knows me oh I feel this presence of God touch your neighbor and say I'm going somewhere yeah and so it's his consistency in his revelatory expression that strengthens me to greater faith if he then is not faithful and consistent to me then my faith can't grow he has to be faithful to me and dependable and reliable in order to build me into a giant if he is sometimes there and sometimes gone if he's sometimes with me and sometimes against me if I can find him sometimes can't find him other times then I will be wavering in my faith if he's going to make me steadfast he has got to be faithful to me I hope you're going with me he's got to be faithful look over your life and how many times he brought you out and sometimes we get nervous as if he will not bring us out the next time all I need to do is slap you on your shoulder and tell you look back to the last time and see what he did oh I feel his presence here I give you just a little example of it I remember years ago when I was in Longview Texas and I had flown to some place on the way back and and I came back and you know my money was not use of fun hand and and as I came to get in my car the battery wouldn't work I'm rushing to church and the battery is dead in the street for the airport I said to myself I said now Lord now now why me now everybody else around here they're they're going fishing and they're going to the racetrack and and I'm trying to go to church now what's going on here as I spoke a gentleman came and said to me your car won't start I said no it won't he said alright I'll jump it and by the way here is a pass you show it to the man and go through now I didn't have much money and the car was there for two weeks the man gave me a obliterated all my charges now I'm sitting there arguing with God when he's trying to get me out of the place oh I wish somebody would talk to me how many times have you been embarrassed because God was trying to reveal himself and you're arguing about your situation never go by your situation always go by revelation that God will bring you out already Oh touch somebody say he's gonna make you laugh [Applause] he has to establish the presupposition for the knowledge of God is the revealing of God by God nobody can make God reveal himself to them he has to choose to invite you into the innermost circle of his revelation and it is revelation that gives you the power over the enemy because revelation brings your faith into manifestation of the thing that your faith reached for and it gives you a sense of assurance that no matter what's going on in the world you are not of the world because you don't walk by the dictates of situation oh I'm talking to some people in here who have been through some stuff and have not been broken because I am not just connected to my world I'm connected to God by faith no matter how the devil messes with the world I can walk above of the world and tell the devil you can't touch me not in this place it is it is imperative to understand this because once I begin to enjoy the revelatory experiences of God then I have now become dual in my representation in my life there is a part of me that is sensual that is still connected to my world there's a part of me that is spiritual that is connected to my god now I have to walk in the sensual with the connection to the spiritual that overpowers everything around me this then means that even though I am in the time I'm not a creature of time because I have elevated myself above the sensuality of my situation the devil hates oh I wish I could talk to you here he hates it because he no longer can pull your strings he hates it because he no longer can dictate to how your mind ought to think he hates it because he wants you to complain and instead of getting a complaint out of you he gets you rejoicing before God in the spirit and he wishes he could shut your mouth but when God wants you to laugh he'll have you in the devil's face [Applause] it's critical here because now the revelation then of God how does it work please how does it work how do I know it is God how do I know this is the Lord speaking well one of the things that God does is he makes covenants or agreements and and he is the one who initiates the agreement it comes from him he is the one who approaches the table choses the individual and says I want to make an agreement with you I am going to bless you now I will point out with you whenever the Lord makes a covenant there is something lopsided about it the first thing is how do you make an agreement with me when you're going to live forever and I'm going to live for a brief period of years how can you make an agreement with me when I'm going to die and you keep living well the first thing he indicates is it's not just for you but it's for your posterity and their posterity now let me tell you this when God makes an agreement with you he's going to break the generation curse in your life and fix it so your children will never have to deal with what your father put on you whoa I feel the Holy Ghost touch your name and say if God makes you rich he's gonna make your children rich and their children rich when God blesses you bless your children your children's children your children's children children I feel like shouting here when Bob fixes your life he's gonna fix up about his life around you anyhow it is here now that he has to make a covenant and he has to make a promise to you so now where God is faithful in any promise he has given he becomes manifest and knowable as God oh I can't I take my time with this I feel something pushing me but uh I'll try to behave any time how do I know it's God the only way to know it's God it's for God to say it to me in the midst of circumstances that are totally different from what I'm looking at God now says something to me now you have to understand that the circumstances have to be contradictory completely to what he says because if the circumstances are conducive to what you're seeing in your vision or dreaming in your dream then you cannot identify the vision with anything different than what you're experiencing you see what God has to do is God has to come in totally different from what you going through because if he does not you will think that it's what you were going through that led you to where you are but no God waits until his nothing but pure hell then he comes and promises you joy and you're so caught by it you're saying to yourself who is talking to me mama don't have anything my daddy don't have anything and somebody's telling me I'm about to be blessed is this that's talking to me Oh you're caught in this place give somebody a high five say if God's gonna make you laugh he's gone laughs are you gonna say we gotta be oh I feel like preaching I somebody said I need a crazy blessing that's what [Applause] what I need that's that's what I need you see [Applause] he has to be contre distinctive he just cannot come into your plans he God cannot just come into what you decided to do and then show himself as distinct because if you decided to do it can I take it to another level right here there is a difference between you asking God to help you and God recruiting you for his revelation oh there's a difference because you will ask God to help you to do something that is humanly possible God is going to recruit you to do something that is totally humanly it whew if you want to know where God is moving he's moving and what mouthful think is here possible oh I feel the whole that goes here when don't think it's impossible they'll shoot [Applause] let's show oh god it is it's the situation then that that makes it God because the promise must be distinct from the situation it must be God moving in a way that you're saying you couldn't be talking to me how could he be talking to me I don't have the qualifications I don't have the ability most folks think I'm not gonna become anything anyway how could he be talking to me you're the one he wants to [Applause] folk who know it couldn't have come from me touch your neighbor say is he talking to you is he talking to you he's talking to you that they said would never be in it the one that they never achieve the one could never be Christmas in holy spirit in here Oh God have mercy yeah it isn't shortest God and so the promise of God has got to rise up in your worst moment oh yeah I know it and when it gets ready to give you a promise to distinguish himself so totally he will let the devil have free reign oh yeah but let me tell you this once God makes you a promise that devil can't kill you till it comes to pass because now we find then that the historical action of God within the whole isin of the promises of God he promises whoa I feel you he speaks it before he changes you he gives you a promise now notice what he does now is that he says he now forces you to look to the future and what he says is don't go buy anything in your past because if I'm going to do something new with you it begins with a promise I'll speak it before it happens can I can I take my time with this now remember Isaiah for instance and and one of the marvelous things about God and if you're not careful you don't know you you'll forget the placing of Isaiah Isaiah is speaking to Israel before they go into captivity and he's speaking to them about the horrific destruction of the captivity and then he speaks to them about the deliverance now notice he speaks about destruction before destruction and he speaks about deliverance before destruction and he's making a point what he's saying to the children of Israel is when you get into captivity don't be disgusted because I told you you were going in so if you went into destruction and I told you you're coming out you can look at the destruction and begin to praise me for the deliverance because Bob who put you in is the same god that's bringing you out God and beside me there is no other touch your neighbor said I cried yesterday but God's gonna make me touch three people say I'm getting ready to laugh ready to laugh God showed me some things that's to take place and I am getting ready to Java I feel the holy words now sometimes if you cannot allow you cannot allow and must not allow you must not allow for God's sake apprehension to overcome anticipation must I say that again sometimes we become apprehensive because of what we've been through and many times the things that we've been through have left indelible prints on our minds and it takes the strength of the promise of God and faith in the promise to overcome the negatives of our past touch your neighbor said get over your past touch somebody I said God wasn't with you then [Applause] say you didn't have a promise then the promise now the promise of God blocks the consequences of your past because the consequences come from past actions but the promise of God brings to a heart the consequences of the past and begins to renew your tomorrow so what God says is my promise separates the old you from the new you I don't have to bring it to pass yet and touch your neighbor say you're always saying yet as a child of God do you have the car I don't have it do you have house I don't do you have a husband there's always yet because it ain't here but it's all [Applause] the house what's in here somebody's gonna be blessed tonight somebody's gonna have power to walk out of here tonight then tell the I will laugh my way through life future then um now the future the future because the promise now oh god I feel it the promise now becomes an announcement the promise is an announcement about my future when I had that dream that vision the other night when I read that scripture that God put on my heart he made an announcement when he called Abraham he called him and he made an announcement that I'm going to bless you I'm going to bless those who bless you touch your neighbors say you blessed to sit beside me and you better watch what you say about me God has announced if you bless me he bless you don't ask me watch out he makes an announcement whoa I feel the whoa excuse me I I just had a little moment with the Lord right through here he made an announcement he told you in the middle of the night I am going to announce your future now future then becomes a reality which fulfills and satisfies the promise if once he makes an announcement the devil in hell can't stop it because now notice the elements that go into making the announcement come to pass is nothing but the Spirit of the Lord I had no future until God made an announcement and the announcement that he made is about a reality that has not yet come to pass are you with me the promise is as real as my present because all the promise is is an announcement about a future that has not yet but once God says it the devil case stop it because no [Applause] for the numbers place touch somebody and say he's gonna make me laugh get ready to laugh [Applause] I feel it I feel it and no sadness in here unless you just want to be sad and God's gonna override your sadness and give you a blessing you got to chuckle I gotta have some Church in here somebody just reach back and slap the devil get out of here [Applause] it is important to understand this because now the promise becomes the ground by which God reveals his divinity and shows his power over the enemy if I would point out to you when he promised he would protect Israel in the middle of bit of water he showed himself as Jehovah Jireh now notice now he has to allow the circumstance to make it ripe for the revelation and what God likes is to stack the deck against himself Oh God can I come to you and me touch your neighbor and say God stacking the deck against himself I got no cards I got no cards to play God's the one playing the cards so he stacks the deck against himself so he can show me it's not me it's got to be God God's getting ready to give me a blessing that I couldn't get myself I might as well have Church here by myself give somebody a high five and say that's a ridiculous blessing there must be promise it's promise that makes a person live by things if I don't have promise I can live by faith and the just shall live by faith so promise now makes faith possible because he promises me I expected now faith is the homeostasis of things hoped for the evidence or the hella cost of things not seen I don't see it but he promised it I don't see it but he said it would come to pass well since I know him like I do I don't have to see it to begin to praise him for it [Applause] I'm standing on it I'm banking on it I'm preying on it and when folk laugh at me I say you ain't gonna have the last laugh because I'll be all the way to the bank a breakthrough [Applause] what Paul says now is that works came to it because God is going to make sure that you understand you didn't work for it shake somebody's hand say you didn't work for it you ate that good you ain't that powerful because now if I could work for it then it would be wages and if I can earn it it can't be that much because I ain't got that kind of earning power so I want it to be by faith so it is by promise you see it's got to be by faith for it to be my promise if it's by law then it's by works and I don't want to work for it i wana blessing that I can't work for I want a house that I can't work for I want a woman that when I look at her I said glory be to God excuse me that what's a personal let's you can't work it out the channel is that of faith how do I receive it if I don't work for it I've got to have a source to get it and the source is faith because faith bridges to God and everything he gives me comes a through faith so what God does by faith is he simply ask me to stretch out my hand and receive what he wants to give if I were to bring you a thousand dollars and I would have put it in your hand and you stretch out your hand to get it you didn't work for it you just received it touch three people and say receive it that's all you got to do is receive it [Music] received receive [Applause] receive it he opened up the way [Applause] he's going to give you I feel it here so now he says let me get somebody as an example so the children of the church will understand how I work he calls a man at 75 years old and he disrupts his life touch your neighbor say the first thing if the vision will disrupt your life God tell you step out on things oh god I feel it now step out on faith you've been going by your intellect too long you've been going by your plans too long you've been trying to set up some stuff too long the Lord says step out now the Lord is the only person I know that'll take a man on a job and have him give up the job to start a church can I preach like I feel it you see that man right there this was a vision but he had a job now the question is do you believe God enough to give up this for what you've got in your head oh I feel the Holy Ghost oh I got to preach this to you have enough nerve for the Lord to upset your house and you get up and tell everybody I'm on the way out where you going I don't know where I'm going I just heard cold [Applause] give somebody a high five and tell them just go on if go just go but ain't nobody going with me forget them forget them forget them just go just go just go the man moves out and I tell you you can be in the will of God and not know where you're going and I understand why God plays like that because if I tell you how to get from here to a spot in Fort Worth and I give you the directions now most of us if we're going to travel in a caravan we want to know the directions just in case I lose you but now if I don't know the directions I can't afford to lose you so that's the reason God does not show me the whole direction but he gives me little so he won't lose me and I'll keep saying when it God go when it God [Applause] is where the blessing is [Applause] Oh God you met you last I feel the holy comes [Applause] it's important to dress this because now the man is out there now the second thing is he does not move as quick as you feel he should because now he is testing your faith oh I feel it now touch your neighbor say I hate to wait oh yeah touch somebody else behind you say I really hate to wait [Applause] get it right now then I would not develop character because my character says I need to be strong enough to wait on God in spite of how long he takes because what God promised me takes a little time to prepare because he ain't giving me just anything he's giving me the best sometimes the gift is too good for the person receiving it can I talk to you a minute you want the best man in town but are you yet the best woman [Applause] since for God to give his best to somebody who a ready yet so while you're waiting on the gift he's raising your value I've got to preach in here that's gonna let you laugh I feel the Holy Spirit watch out until Abraham got through his mess he kept on denying Sarah kept on acting like she was his sister and not his wife and God had to bring him through that for him to understand if I promise you a child that devil can kill you Sarah understood that she was not in the hand of Abraham because when he sent her into a pit alexbaird she just crawled right up in it and just waited for God to deliver in the night that's it don't you touch her because she is my anointed child through Hagar get through trying to help God touch three people that quit trying to help him he knows what you need he knows who you need he knows when you need it you've messed up picking yourself how many times you've chosen a mess choosiness sit down and let somebody choose you madisyn God knows [Applause] he promised a man at 75 and you know that's pretty tough but it must have been possible because at 86 he had a child with Hagar which means the record shows he wasn't quite dead enough look at your neighbor say your situation ain't quite dead enough bleh whoops you're quiet enough God is waiting until the jury is out until the devil comes back with all of his imps and say it ain't gon happen just like I told you God waited too long the man is now a hundred and the woman is ninety tell somebody Abraham was dead tell somebody Sarah was dead now they double dead now here's where God is getting ready to work because now things become ridiculous but soon neighbor said that's ridiculous an old man that'll nope maybe with a whole woman that all that's ridiculous so when Sarah heard it she began to laugh and said somebody must be crazy got this ain't gonna happen but I heard the Lord say is there [Applause] have a child of God in here to tell your situation there ain't nothing too hard for God this job not too hard so God this house is not too hard for car this relationship is not too hard this race is not too hard for God I want something ridiculous can I preach I'm getting ready to close but I feel the of the Lord shake somebody's hand and say neighbor it takes a ridiculous to make your laugh [Applause] father that a hundred just enough to make you laugh now preach this thing what how big is your house God's gonna give you a house so big neighbors walk by they say tell them to [Applause] how many cars you have tell them I got five and they said I'll you by yourself you say yes and they say that's ridiculous I feel the Holy Ghost touch three people how much money you've got in the bank unless you're so quick last year you were nothing nothing this year you on the mountaintop last year you were hurt this year you've got victories all did it for you God did it that's ridiculous when you tell them you're going they look at you like you're crazy I said that's ridiculous that makes me laugh somebody touch your neighbor throw your head back [Applause] your enemies [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sin [Applause] at the feet [Applause] I feel victory in the house shake somebody's hand [Applause] a little all the way to the page [Applause] through hard [Applause] several pictureless [Applause] [Applause] to jump out of your seat run down to this got to have it tonight a ghost cheese's [Applause] [Music] to me which a power touch me with the Holy Spirit touch me with your strength touch me touch me with salvation they said I should be dating but you remain away you open the that would never open rejoicing in the power [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] I want you to bow your heads all over this ability [Applause] your vision your vision sustained I'm looking at people who have had nothing but vision to sustain and the Word of God if it hadn't been for what he told I would have lost my mind if it hadn't been for what he said to me in the midst of that trial in the midst of gross tribulation I would have been through I feel you right now as you're standing there and the Lord said you are going to receive such a ridiculous blessing that should you have to just sit back sarah said the Lord have made me as you bow your heads around this altar down through their hearts somebody here knows how things have slipped out of your control and what happens now is what was difficult has now become literally impossible and this is where God makes you man because he is stepping in right now to bring a revelation of himself to you because you already have the promise don't let the promised slip because the promise is your future and I'm excited about your future because you're going to give birth to left Isaac's name means laughter which means the laughter will not just be for a moment but the laughter will continue as long as you lay your eyes on what God has birthed in your spirit they are about Shatt al-arab evolution in the name of Jesus I feel his presence resting on your right now I feel him slipping in between all of them I feel them moving in against all of the fair in the name of Jesus I see him moving in against all of your defeat and he's breaking up the spirit of failure I see him bringing down the high places in the name of Jesus oh yes oh yes oh yes the onsen has begun that the trembling in your spirit oh yes oh yes oh yes the breakdown the breakdown in the name of Jesus or the Holy Spirit is getting ready to fall somebody's getting ready to receive a new lease a new lease a new touch somebody's getting ready to be revived in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus faith is touching God right now the Holy Spirit is saying somebody touched me somebody touched me it's a lot of folk in this altar but somebody somebody touched me Oh hallelujah virtue is going out of it somebody's holding on to him don't let him go hold on to him now in the name of Jesus I pray for every soul that's standing at this altar of blessing I feel and see they have a pouring of victory the outpouring of direction the outpouring of strength the outpouring of anointing and I thank you for it right now somebody's getting ready to laugh before they walk out the door laughing in the Holy Spirit the door has been opened the way has been me nation has been love Jesus as against you say that you miss my brother when you're headed and you can't get him back because God told me to tell that women may endure for a night but Satan you lost your home sin a mighty move of the Holy Spirit which of power in came up Jesus a sin and destroy the yolks right now in the name of Jesus it's done for Nancy it's done you're moving now sicknesses being healed thank you being delivered since being restored marriages being but get ready to lash who said it wouldn't and claim it [Music] [Music] see this I believe that every born again person raise your hand every born again child of God touch your neighbor and say I got mine I got mine I want you to take somebody's hand right where you want and I want you to pray with me dear father
Channel: Gordon Palmer
Views: 87,768
Rating: 4.7865243 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 19sec (3739 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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