Noel Jones.. From Revelation to Manifestation!!!!

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saturate your soul it's interesting but i'd like you to take a look today it's in john chapter 9. it's in john chapter 9 and beginning at verse 1 reading through and including verse 9. saint john's gospel chapter 9. and as jesus passed by he saw a man which was born blind from his birth and as jesus passed by he saw a man which was blind from his birth and his disciples asked him saying master who did sin this man or his parents that he was born blind jesus answered neither have this man sinned nor his parents but that the works of god should be made manifest in him i must work the works of him that sent me while it is day the night cometh when no man can work as long as i am in the world i am the light of the world and when he had thus spoken he spat on the ground made clay of the spittle he anointed the eyes of the blind man with clay said unto him go wash in the pool of siloam which is in by interpretation sent he went his way therefore and washed and came seeing the neighbors therefore and they which before had seen him that was blind said is not this he that sat and begged some said this is he other said he is like him but he said i am he therefore said they unto him how were thine eyes open and said a man that is called jesus made clay and anointed mine eyes said unto me go to the pool of siloam and watch and i went and washed and i received sight the powerful thing about john and john is very careful to make sure that in his representation of jesus christ that he is always visible if you check the writings of john and you look through the gospel in particular you will notice that he is never visible and jesus as one writer put it is never invisible he never mentions his name not once he speaks of john the baptist of course and he speaks of himself as another disciple or the disciple whom jesus loved but he never ever puts himself front and center he deals primarily and totally with ex-postulating and illuminating jesus christ it is critical to understand then his zeal to present christ in every encounter in a fashion that gives him the forefront it is here that he records the words of john where john says i must decrease and he must increase which is in keeping with john's disposition about jesus it is intense because john was the youngest of the disciples and he probably was most idealistic and he was known as the whole epistathos the one who reclined against the bosom of jesus which means he had a great relationship with him and even when jesus was about to leave peter asked what is going to happen to this disciple he was talking about john and jesus literally told him to go your way mind your own business if i want to keep him alive until i come back that's totally up to me in this presentation of jesus if you notice through each chapter he presents jesus in different light and in chapter 9 he presents him as the light of the world and he does something that he does often anytime he has jesus teaching he also includes jesus's action which means that he's not only an orator he's not only an expostulator of the things of god but jesus is also the action that goes with his word it's not good enough just to talk you've got to walk the walk you've got to do what it takes to make it happen if you notice in this particular text and i want to compare it with something else uh the at the pool of bethesda was a little bit different than the pool of salon in the first when jesus went to the pool of bethesda the house of mercy you will notice that he finds a man who for 38 years was sick and the man was trying to get into the water and the ironic thing is that people who needed healing less than he did they got to the water and for years he could not get there have you ever found in your life that oftentimes people who are better off than you seem to get a move from god when you need one desperately it is all part of the program of growing up in god and god's stretching in the individual he walks into this place and he says to the man will thou be made whole because oftentimes you get comfortable with your circumstance particularly after you've tried for years to change it and many times because we don't want the pain of being disappointed again we lower our expectation and we allow ourselves to live within a certain boundary of misery because i don't want to keep trying and keep breaking myself down psychologically so the question was wilt thou be made whole all he had to do was answer and yes that's what he did and jesus healed him without any participation on his side he executed judgment and jesus just gave him a better life now in this case he deals with the man who was born blind and what he does is he spits on the ground and he touches his eyes and he tells him to go to the pool of siloam there are times when the lord gives you miracles and blesses you without your participation but there are other times when you have to step out on what he declares and believe the ridiculous in order for him to give you the miracle that he wants you to have ah here is jesus spitting on the ground and making clay and touching his eyes and and what he shows now is that the lord is indeed the light of the world i can touch you naturally and give you sight and i can move on you supernaturally and give you sight because anybody living today does not only need natural sight but you need supernatural sight you need discernment it's one thing just to deal with the physicality and the outward discernment by sensual perception but it's another thing for god to give you sight for the spirit of who you're dealing with ah you need natural and supernatural you need your sensual perception but you need discernment because a lot of times we perceive things sensually only to be broken up spiritually because what's on the outside does not represent what's on the inside and that's the power of god whenever you move in the power of god he will not only show you outside things but he'll penetrate through his spirit and give you inside discernment oh i feel it here there's every time that you need discernment surely that time has arrived you can't live this life without god moving you in supernatural spiritual discernment to show you what things your eyes and your senses cannot perceive he's the light of the world and this endorses john's proclivity to show the power of the lord is not only in speaking but it's also in action and what he does with this man is he tells him go to the gentle waters i want you to go where the waters are gentle i'm not here to judge you i'm here to deliver you now this leads then to the question it's the church folk question it's the traditional religious folk disposition and that is who sinned why he is in this predicament did this man sin or did his parents as i was flying uh yesterday trying to get home and making notes of this message i noted that in luke chapter 13 there was the same disposition and that is when the pilot had killed some of the galileans and the disciples said to jesus said these people sin more than anybody else there's this slaughter of the galileans because they were more despicable in their disposition and attitude than others jesus picked up and said to them well how about the tower that fell in siloam he said were they any worse than the others who were slaughtered and jesus pointed out to them that you're being very uncharitable in your disposition towards folk who are going through stuff you see when folk are religious they have a tendency to think that what you're going through you brought it on yourself ah i'm so glad i'm in a church where folk understand that all of us need help in the house of god ah i'm glad i'm around people who understand that no matter how high you can be on sunday you can be in the dumps on monday but religious folk have an attitude they like to judge from the outside and they have this uncharitable disposition to put your suffering with your fault and in the middle of suffering when you're going through something that's horrific what you need is somebody you can lean on when i'm going through something i need somebody that i can snuggle up to and lean on them to help me with support and comfort when i'm going through something straight me out later but right now just tell me that i can make it and tell me that i can go through uh but church folk they are rigid i wish i could talk to you you maybe maybe you don't know them like i do but they are rigid and they set their standards up at the cost of people and their needs but god in his in great grace and mercy spoke to his disciples on this note he said to them let me tell you something they are not any more sinful than anybody else except you repent you're going to perish the same way anytime you look at somebody suffering more than you are you need to get on your knees and do through things you need to thank god for his mercy and grace in your life and you need to ask god to remove every demonic power that's coming up against your brother because if it wasn't for the goodness of god oh i feel the holy ghost if it wasn't for his mercy you and i would be in deep trouble right about now ah when i thought about that i thought about job and all of his friends of the elephants and zopher and bildad and and all of his friends who didn't know that job was going through not because he was evil but because he was strong it was god who looked at job and god had a little thing going on with the devil and put job into serious trouble and for eight months he lost everything for eight months he suffered like no man suffered it's not because he was a hypocrite that bill dad's called him it's not because he was a liar that zopha called him it's not because he was deserving of it as as ellie has said the elephant said but it was because he was standing up for god and anytime you stand up for something that's right the devil's coming after you oh i feel like giving god some breeze you can't let folk judge you about what you're going through and and and debilitate you more psychologically how could he sin if he was in his mother's womb who can sin in their mother's womb but when you got religious traditional folk around you they'll find fault for everything the reason i come to church is because i'm not perfect the reason i come to church is because i can mess up the reason i come to church is because i need strength from the lord because if god doesn't put his hand on certain parts of me i wish i could talk to you here uh god better put his foot on me sometimes or i'll do some crazy stuff oh i feel like preaching i'm going to tell it like it is i was sitting at a dinner a ten thousand dollar a table dinner just a few months ago a few weeks ago and they were giving adolations and exaltations and exaltations and all kind of admirations to the individual involved and one of the publishers of one of the magazines in the country was sitting with me and said to me why don't you do that i said no i don't do that i don't like the accolades i don't like the praise i don't like the adoration she said why when people do things they ought to be praised i said well there's another side to me and when folks start praising me on this side it illuminates the dark side what it does is the more you praise me on this side is the more i see the ugly side i wish i could talk to you so just hold the praise over here and uh hold the praise and pray that god keep his foot on me because i can break out uh-huh yes lord i need god to hold me and so i'm not quick to rush to judgment on folk because if god doesn't keep us and god don't put the calamity back from us all of us would be in a mess right about now so when i think of how merciful he has been that he's covered me many a time when i was wrong i ain't got time to wish nothing on anybody uh but the mercy of the living lord am i talking to any real people out here the only reason i come to church is because something is wrong with me and when everything gets right with me i'll quit coming i won't even come by here ah but as long as i need god i got to come where the power of god is working and the anointing of god and i've got to come somewhere to get the blood of jesus to forgive me from the mess i can get myself in i want to talk to some real people here i'm looking at some just got out of a mess i'm looking at some still in a mess i'm looking at some about to get in a mess and i'm praying god hold my brother hold my sister and please keep the consequences of their action you deal with folk who are illogical because they want to put stuff on you that they don't want to put on themselves and so this religious relation traditional people who find fault with everything figure like somebody is to blame because your car got burned down and somebody's to burn break blame because you lost your job and everybody's running around putting blame but notice jesus didn't put any blame on anybody here when he said did he he said no he didn't sin uh no his parents didn't sin and sometimes you have parents and you have people around you who you have to bear what they do all of us have been caused to bear what somebody else has done to us it's sad but it's true that other people's sin do affect us there is a wayward son whose life affects his mother and his father there is a promiscuous daughter she's just fast and and she affects the flow in the home sometimes you grew up with careless alcoholic parents or a careless alcoholic father who would not take care of your life and would not move you in your gift and bring you to a place where you could become all that you could become sometimes your mother was a dope fiend or a dope head and was controlled by drugs while you were in the womb and now you're born with this predilection or this predisposition genetically for drugs or alcohol sometimes you've come through generations of different problems and different diseases and you become now the carrier of what all the generations have given you yes we have endured some sin because of other people's behavior and we have endured certain disasters because leaders don't lead properly and people don't organize well and we become the pain of what other people have done in our lives sometimes relationships we choose and people we choose to get next to they cause us pain and they cause us a lot of heartache but i'm so glad jesus does not pass blame what he does is he delivers out of the circumstance and situation can i talk to somebody here i want to talk to you because most religious folk live in the past and they're held hostage by situations that have happened in the past but i've got news for you if you're going to live in the past you're going to end up missing the move of god in your present i got time to sit and blame my mama for whatever she did whatever she did she did i got time to blame my daddy for whatever he did whatever he did he did i ain't got time to blame no ex-wife no ex-husband uh honey they're gone they gone what i've got to do is do something with the life that i have in front of me right now oh i feel like preaching now i feel something waking up here uh just pull your neighbor just pull your neighbor a little bit say neighbor you coming out today you coming out of that past you coming out of blaming a lot of folk for what used to be you got to come out of it and deliver yourself from looking back at somebody who calls you a lot of pain they're gone and you got a life to live you got a future ahead of you and instead of looking back you ought to look to your future and let god step in and touch your eyes and say yesterday is gone look for your blessing tomorrow oh i feel something pushing me here i don't want to put blame on anybody because as long as i'm blaming folk my life is in suspense i notice jesus doesn't even blame god because when folk get done blaming one another then they start to blame god why did god let this happen to me and why did god allow me to go through this and while you're sitting there with a pity party your life clock is still ticking i feel like having church here you've got to learn to shake yourself of the negative and endow yourself with the positive can i preach like i feel it more power to you to have come from that kind of a beginning and it's still not keep you from being who god wanted you to be more power to you from coming from negative heritage and reverse the curse all by yourself with the power of the living god uh you have a responsibility not to be like the rest of them but to show the magnificent power of a splendiferous god i feel like preaching here you epitomize what god can do that's why jesus said it's no blame here this is done that the lord might manifest himself i feel like preaching that god allowed you to come in the way you are just to show that he can turn it all around it's a set up for a miracle i feel like preaching here i came in here poor but he turned it around i came in here from a drug addict family but he turned it around i came in here messed up but look at me now i came in here with no future but god opened the door and made a way out of no way and i'm not sitting here blaming anybody i'm too busy praising god for what he's done in my life oh don't get it twisted i feel the holy ghost in here he selects out of the file of sin consequences he selects out of the file a man that was born blind and he gives his suffering a purpose can i preach like i feel it there's a purpose to his suffering well what is the purpose that god might manifest himself i need a guinea pig to work on i need somebody to show everybody else that it ain't how you started but it's how you gonna end up i feel like shouting it's critical for us because the statement that is made that god gets no glory out of our trouble and i want to tell you that's erroneous he gets glory not during the trouble but because of the trouble if it wasn't for the trouble then i would not have known the power of god he does the same thing with lazarus he lets lazarus die so he creates a situation for revelation he puts you in the mix of what you're going through right now because he's getting ready to show you a deliverance that you'll have never seen so don't sit around and let folk have you with your head hung down keep looking up for your redemption drive my i'm not going to keep you all day i feel something pushing me give somebody high five said don't get it twisted uh something's getting ready to happen in my life he sets up to show off his power uh that car that god blessed you with that great car saw one out there a while ago that ain't you that's god showing off i feel at that house god's about to put you in that ain't you that's god's showing off [Applause] that circumstance he's bringing you out of and the way he's going to make your life work that's not you it's god who chose somebody that everybody thought would stay the same way and turn them around to show his power in the life of an individual i feel like preaching in here god is a show-off touch to people real quick that god is a show-off he likes to show off his healing power he likes to show off his delivering power he likes to show off his get right power god likes to show off and i'm here to tell him show up on me jesus [Applause] [Laughter] folk might not like it but that doesn't stop anything because when god gets ready to move he's gonna move no matter who don't like it can i preach like i feel it give somebody high five said don't let them diminish your praise because your praise is to the glory of god and it's to lift god up for the mighty things he has done in your life and everything he brings you out of you ought to give him the praise and that's why i've learned to thank him for my enemies because my enemies get me blessed every time they try to hurt me god sends another deliverance and releases me from the condition of the enemy can i preach just a little bit longer just give me a few more minutes you see when jesus had to open the man's eyes he said it for the manifestation of his power and i looked at two words revelation and manifestation to manifest is to exhibit to cause to shine it's to open to sight it's to make visible it's to bring the unseen and the hidden out it's to cause something to show up that you didn't see before now revelation is a little bit different because revelation is an uncovering you see you can manifest something and still not have the revelation of what has been manifested can i teach this for a minute when you've got manifestation the lord manifested himself when he touched the blind man's eyes and when he healed his eyes so that he could see it was a manifestation of his power but don't fool yourself because he manifested his power it didn't mean that everybody saw the revelation because there's a difference between manifestation and revelation you see the folk that's looking at you right now they see god working on you now if they have a revelation they'll ascribe it to god if they see it but they don't have a revelation they'll ascribe it to something else can i talk to my sisters in here you ought to let everybody know that the car you pulled up in it was a manifestation and you have the revelation that it came from god and all of your friends who have revelation will not get up and say she must have a man somewhere for the only way she could afford a car like that is to have a man somewhere the devil is a liar you ought to tell them you got the manifestation but you don't have the revelation so don't get it twisted i feel like preaching in this house i feel like lifting him up touch somebody said don't get it twisted what's getting ready to happen in my life can't no man do it for me it's got to be the lord himself i've got to give him the glory because can't nobody turn it around like jesus i feel like preaching in here i feel like lifting him up every time god bless you somebody want to cheapen it and make it look like you had to turn some tricks or do something ungodly in order for you to be blessed i feel the holy ghost in here ain't no man buying it ain't nobody stole it ain't nobody had to turn tricks for it and didn't have to push dope to get it it was just god all by him [Music] don't get it twisted the reason i praise him it's because i know who brings me out of me the reason i lift him up is i know who makes a way the reason i scream and shout is because i know i once was blind but now i see i was lost but now i'm found i feel like preaching today give somebody high five and say you better get revelation when you see my manifestation are you gonna be mad let the haters hate let the haters talk whatever as i got the lord on my side i'm gonna have better than that i feel the holy ghost in here touched three people real quick and said neighbor don't get it twisted this is gone working in my life this is gone moving me to a level that you can't even identify who i am it's still me you thought i'd be poor all of my life but it's still me you thought i'd be emotional wrecked all of my life is still me you wrote me off and thought i'd be blind all of my life but you didn't know i would run into jesus and i rose to tell you i'm doing fine you ain't got to come back in my life i am doing y'all excuse me but i feel like preaching give somebody high five tell them i'm fine tell them what you see me driving tell them i moved to another address tell them who i'm hanging with tell them who my new friends are tell them you forsook me but god hit me up i've got love under new management his name is jesus [Music] i'm doing fine i feel like reaching in here pull on your neighbor say come out of the past your future is bright somebody's getting ready to give you your eyes back give you your job back give your happiness give you a good man ain't you sick and tired of sorry men give god some glory and he'll turn it around aren't you sick and tired of crazy women i feel the holy ghost but god is getting ready to open your eyes ah it's getting ready to bless your soul don't get it twisted i'm getting ready to praise the name of my lord i was lost i'm getting ready to close i'm getting ready to close but i feel the holy ghost shake somebody's hand like you gonna shake it off and said it's still me i'm just richer it's still me i'm just smarter it's still me i'm just walking in my miracle it's still me i'm just walking in my blessing and if the folk don't like it take it up with god he's the one [Music] you can't take my house because man you don't get it twisted you can't mess with what god gave me don't get it twisted i'm still [Music] yesterday's existence going through yesterday's blaming you have a life to live and jesus is your miracle i don't care whose fault it was it's gone it was i have to deal with is and will be oh i feel it here i can't sit around dealing with was i got to deal with is and will be sh and if you get the manifestation without the revelation you gonna sit around and say how did you get it but when you know it's god i got manifestation with revelation that god blesses his children and when i see you blessed i know who blessed you but no good thing comes from below it comes from take somebody's hand if you will i'm talking about especially to you who have put your life on hold because of some stuff that's passed talking to you who have not released yesterday the lord just gave me a prophetic word a prophetic word straight from the bible he said with everything that you've been through and you've spent so much time with the negative side he says if you turn around from complaining to praising he said i'll change it and i'll redeem the time what should have happened in seven years i'll do it in seven months what should have happened in seven months i'll do it in seven days what should have happened in seven days i'll do it in seven hours oh i feel it what should have happened in seven hours i'll do it in seven minutes and if you give me some praise i'll do it in seven seconds all right [Music] so [Music] he's way [Music] wow [Music] get over it forgive it and move on hallelujah to the person that god is calling he's calling you out of darkness into this marvelous light it's also called it's time for you to say lord i want to give you my life i want the joy of having your presence in me if you're in this place and you've repented of your sins i want you to come come come come this is god yes come come thank you church thank you thank you thank you give god the priest thank you thank you thank you for that young man for that young lady thank you for that family thank you a wonderful change [Music] a wonderful has come over give god the praise [Music] bishop noel jones would love to have you visit the city of refuge whenever you're in the los angeles area for any of our weekly services for other tapes books or service times write to us at knoll jones ministries p.o box 11149 carson california 90749 visit our website at or call 1-800-526-knoll that's 1-800-526-6 [Music] [Applause] thanks again for listening now take what you've heard and go do something with it you you
Channel: Vintage Sermons
Views: 7,719
Rating: 4.8657718 out of 5
Keywords: Jamal Bryant, Preaching, jakes, TD Jakes, Sheen, Jakes, Sapp, Potter, Bishop, Murphy, Noel Jones, water, Long, red rocks, Oliver, Potters House, Furtick, Craig, House, elevation, Church, Elder, Leaphart, Min, TD, Holy Ghost, Jesus, Jones, Noel, Satan
Id: 08NFRGnV1oE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 50sec (6470 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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