Bishop Noel Jones - No Pain No Power

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the a novitiate noel jones the down season of the northern california district council he is our brother our friend and our preacher the road of God on this easy put your hands together and show him some love don't let anybody appreciate our own better than we do ourselves come on show some love on this evening take somebody's hand if you will and as you're touching somebody just look at your neighbor and say you're looking at a miracle simply and especially because of the violence of our day and surely every time we gather we must give thought to how vulnerable we are and just how precious life is and as we touch one another surely we understand that we should pray for everybody particularly our young men as they move up and down through the streets and and pray even for our policemen because we have relatives who happen to be police officers and and the violence is escalating but all of us should remember that in the first family there was murder things have escalated to the point to where for those of us who traveled by air every week we're getting to the point now where we want to make sure that even the pilot is a capitalist do you like money sir so we can get to where we're going because even pilots are flying planes into mountains so we need to pray for one another all the time that we have no stray bullet come our way look at your neighbors so you're looking at a miracle and when we talk about black lives matter and I spent a lot of time with them black lives matter but the question is matters to WHO because if we're killing one another in the corners and in our cities and I know that something about my church maybe not yours but there are no windows to the outside and in the city of refuge there were no windows to the outside and I'm saying we have to change some stuff because those of us who have the mic we've been very quiet about what goes on in our neighbourhoods every weekend and just as soon as something happens to put us on CNN our faces are right there are you hearing me we've got a responsibility squeeze those hands father we come in the name of Jesus and we thank you tonight because we're clothed and in our right minds and we ask you now to let your blood and we're not pleading the blood we didn't see that in the scriptures we're applying the blood and we're placing it over every doorposts in this house that you will keep us from the insane person from the crazy one keep us from those were shooting in our own neighborhoods and help us to make a voice and to speak clearly and we claim it in the name of Jesus and as various groups are trying right now to change the laws as it relates to Christian colleges and trying to stop grants I pray that we will not be quiet but that we will stand up and declare that the church and the state are separate and whatever we believe in we have a right to believe it and we claim the victory right now we come against every spirit that would put the church down and we claim your strength to overcome in the name of Jesus squeeze those hands I squeeze power in these hands are fresh anointing in these hands financial prosperity in these hats revelatory experience in these hats I'll squeeze joy in these hats then I claim it in the name of Jesus so have your way tonight Lord have your way tonight speak until you get through talk until we know it's your and we claimed it in Jesus name somebody whose hands and get caught the plural I don't know what you [Music] I jumped for joy you may be seated in the presence of the Lord god bless you amen certainly we give honor tonight to our illustrious presider to the Honorable Bishop Charles each Ellis the third amen amen hands together for our great leader to the bishop richard Young our first assistant provider for presider and I said provider I'm looking for a Czech Bishop to Bishop Theodore L Brooks amen our second assistant presider and of course - and of course - one of the greatest preachers that God has ever blessed us to have amen - I mean he's just a legend all by himself and we thank God for him being here tonight amen you know my bishop the bishop prays for me I'm one of the problematic sons and the bishop hours he prays for me seeing he he praised me that I walked the straight and narrow he prays he and Bishop Ellis that Willie Ellis over there Bishop Ellis they pray for me Bishop Ellis his wife would straighten me out all the time marry her just keep me straight so your honor God for them of course to the illustrious bishop marked Albert and to first lady Imelda amen of course to our first lady of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the world the sister Ellis sisters mom has to be here and and Mark is hosting the convention we thank God for him and for this melodious and euphonious choir and to these great musicians I have the best in the world but you come a good second amen and just to all of my fellow yolk servants in the vineyard to everyone who has spots to lates the Word of God on any level if you're riding in the bus and you say something to someone and the Spirit of the Lord comes over them you spoke the Word of God you didn't have to say verily verily I say unto you you didn't have to you can speak in your own colloquialism in your old idiom and if somebody is touched you spoke the Word of God and it's important you don't have to have a title to bless others amen God said to Abraham I'd make your name great and oftentimes we try to do with titles what we can't do with our names said I'll make your name great I would like you to turn with me and somehow with all the streaming and and with all of you here tonight this message will have to go into the mothballs after I preach it tonight we won't be able to preach it again anywhere because everybody heard it tonight but in st. John's Gospel chapter 7 st. John's Gospel chapter 7 and about verse 37 and John riding he says in the last day that great day of the feast Jesus stood and cried saying if any man thirst let him come unto me and drink he believeth on me as the scripture hath said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water but this spake he of the Spirit which they that believe on him should receive for the Holy Ghost was not yet given because that Jesus was not yet glorified I would like to corroborate that particular text with just a verse or two maybe three from st. John chapter 19 about 31 it says the Jews therefore because it was the preparation that the body should not remain upon the cross on the Sabbath day so that Sabbath day was an high day John we already know that why are you telling us this is sought pullet that their legs might be broken and that they might be taken away then came the soldiers and break the legs of the person of the other which was crucified with him but when they came to Jesus saw that he was dead already they break not his legs but one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his son and forthwith became their out blood and what you better watch that spear devil watch what you do with that spear and he that saw it bear record and his record is true and he know it that he saith true that you might believe these things were done that the scripture might be fulfilled a bone of him shall not be broken and again another scripture saith they shall look on him whom they pierced I want you to look at somebody with everything you have all the ebullience you can find and tell them Pentecost is in perspective no pain no power god bless you may be seated please no pain no power where's Patrick I threw my musician in here what is he on vacation anyhow it's interesting John when you approach John one writer says that in John's writings Jesus is never invisible and John Jesus is always visible and John is invisible in his gospel he does not mention his name one time he calls himself another disciple the disciple whom Jesus loves but he never ever mentions his own name in his writing if you search through the book of John very carefully you will find that he presents Jesus in each chapter in a very particular revelatory manner so that you can understand by his didactic narratives and his presentation that Jesus meets every single knee by chapter 20 and I think verse 21 somewhere around there he says and these things were written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of the Living God and believing you I'd have faith through his name she might have salvation through his name simply because he's presenting Jesus in various ways and then of course he he remembered another action of Jesus in 21 so he writes the twenty first and he regards him as the restorer of the penitent and then what he does in 25 he says and there are also many other things which Jesus did the which if they should be written every one I suppose that even the world could not contain the books if I were preaching from that I would preach you've already heard enough to save view and John is very careful dance he presents Jesus and you know I can hope anytime so don't get nervous if you wait for I can hope anytime and it's not anointing it's just me understand that and while I'm saying that there are many great voices that aren't heard because of a lack of style amen there are many great voices we have many voices among us that we don't listen to because they don't have the style that we like amen a black cat coming across furniture she can I see a black cat coming across furniture touching name and surname what a cat now why do I have to go through all that just to say this black cat coming across the texts that he presents to us indicates that there is a distinct relationship between the cross and the Holy Spirit it is obvious when he says that Jesus was not yet glorified and so the holy spirit was not yet released because Jesus was not yet glorified and that indicates to me that if you're and I'm thinking of Bishop Wagner the late Bishop Wagner when I considered this text Pentecost in perspective p IP can't help but give some thought to the greatness of that marvelous human being amen and it's obvious then that what John is saying to us is that you cannot get to the Upper Room unless you go through Gao because the Holy Ghost was not yet given because Jesus was not yet glorified so if there's going to be any move of the Spirit as the Holy Spirit then you can only see the upper room from Golgotha if I went a more technical theological matrix I probably would endevour to simplify the inter woven relationship of theology Christology and pneumatology I don't get frightened it lessens it just sounds big you know that and that is that in order for me to ever get to God I have to have a Christology I cannot have a theology that's not embedded and embroidered with Christology because the only way I can get to God is through Jesus Christ and it seems from the text that the only way I can get to the Holy Spirit is through Jesus Christ because the spirit was not yet given because Jesus was not yet glorified and so my pneumatology is wrapped up in my Christology and so is my theology because Christ becomes the center of me receiving the Holy Spirit and he is the center of my relationship with God to do this then I've got to have Pentecost in perspective and it's got to come under the heading the pain of harnessing and releasing power I don't know anybody in here who received the Holy Ghost hollering Holy Ghost Holy Ghost Holy Ghost we receive the Holy Spirit when we holla Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus and so consequently then I have to somehow get the power in to Christ my theology has to get into Christ and then my theology in Christ has to be released to my pneumatology and so the question is how do I get the power in Christ and get the power out of Christ it's an interesting sort of dynamic the question then becomes a hose belly shall throw the rivers of living water because Jesus says if you believe on me then out of his belly his belly whose belly shall flow the rivers of living water when we look at it from the yes the he poo because obviously the writers of the New Testament even though they wrote in Greek they had their basis in the Old Testament and the conceptualization of God was based on their Old Testament experience so when he speaks in this particular text he's talking from Hebrew poetry and it is symmetric parallelism gives you just an idea what I'm talking about in Proverbs 2 and 21 it says for the upright shall dwell in the land and the perfect shall dwell in it now it's parallel because the two verses aren't saying anything different the language is different but the theme is still the same and it goes like this if I substitute upright for perfect and I substitute dwell for remain upset the very same thing the upright shall dwell in the land and the perfect shall remain in it and our our text says if anyone thirsts let him come to me and drink now the traditional or the eastern translation goes a little like this he who believes in Me , just as the scripture says come rivers of living water will flow from his belly the eastern translation would suggest that the rivers of water is coming out of the believers belly but I suggest you go with me to the Western translation or the Christological translation and it goes a little like this if someone thirsts let him come to me and let him drink who believes on me and if I win in Jamaica I would say full stop but I'm an America so as a period just as the scripture says rivers of living water will flow from his belly now the Christological or the western translation makes Jesus the source out of which waters will flow first of all the individual has to thirst and if you got a belly full of water I can't see how you're going to thirst first of all he's got to thirst then he's got to believe and if he thirsts and believes that then he'll drink because Jesus becomes a source out of which the Living Waters rural flow now in the Western translation or the christological interpretation the semitic parallelism goes a little like this it's one thirsts let him come to me and let him drink who believes in me I could say another way if someone first let him drink let him come to me who believes in me and then of course now chapter 1934 provides and unavoidable allusion to what is predicted in these verses you better watch that spear devil watch how you go poking around because one of the soldiers with a spare pesticide and Forth Worth claim they're out blood and water now if you search through the Scriptures carefully you will find revelations 22 1 through 2 can I talk about Jesus tonight not just about you know we do a lot of psychologically improve self messages and we do a lot of that you know you know I just want to talk about Jesus ok and I talked about you getting rich now and just talk about Jesus a minute it depicts a River of Life flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb and if you notice if you look at the text the source of scriptural citation from the Old Testament relationship you will find Isaiah 43 Isaiah 44 Zechariah 14 and Ezekiel they use the spirit and the Living Waters as eschatological images really the Old Testaments eschatology is the New Testament and the New Testaments eschatology is our time right now and the writers use that the living water and the spirit as symbols of the Holy Ghost that's why in numbers when the writer talks about and and John uses it Paul especially he says he identifies the rock the rock that gave water to six hundred thousand men two and a half to three and a half million people out of the war he said came the water that's why he said don't strike the rock speak to the rock and the reason he wanted him to speak to the rock because God reserved the right strike the rock on Calvary and that rock was only to be smitten one time and that's why he told Moses speak to the rock because you don't have the right to strike the rock because I'm the only one with the right to strike the rock and you're certainly not qualified to do that it's critical because Paul says for they drank from the supernatural rock which followed them and the rock was Christ so I can conclude very carefully that Jesus is the rock from the midst of which living waters will flow now if you notice then be very careful that John is not concerned about us believing well he's concerned rather about us believing but not particularly concerned about us knowing should I say that again I botched that up he's not concerned about us knowing now he's concerned about us believing because in John miracle becomes signs which reveal not only Jesus's power but it reveals his glory the question has to be changed from what does Jesus have to who Jesus is because oftentimes we get caught with the miraculous in relationship to his power but we fail to understand who he is is he John has made his book intensely christological and if one recognises the divine identity in Jesus then faith will emerge that's why he says these things are written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and believing he might have life through his name I'm gonna ask you to touch a neighbor seven times and I'm not gonna borrow one year revelation then of God in Christ is intimately related to salvation because only God in Christ can lead to salvation that's why Jesus is saying you gotta believe on me the Messiah as the scripture has said because you've gotta believe God in Christ and that makes his deity then out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water in Christ and it happens only by the cross you better watch that spear devil you can fool around and release something you can't handle now God be in Christ because all sin is an offense against God therefore forgiveness is God's prerogative and he is alone cannot redeem man only God can therefore if Jesus is only human we are yet dead in our sins the cut off from God without hope in the world and without help in the world to come and no man can be the savior of men only God can be the savior of men it is equally certain then that if Jesus was gone before he became man then the God who manifested himself in human flesh now he can be a savior of men we can only trust in Christ with confidence and security if we believe beyond the question that God is able to say like this and I quote he says the fact of deity in our Savior is prerequisite for our salvation so now John begins with a wonderful symphony of an orchestra when he says in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god jesus is the word which means that his conception and his vision is not one and the same you originated the day you were conceived but that's not so with Jesus because he originated at the point of his conception then a virgin birth couldn't be possible they had to be a man somewhere but when the word became flesh I noticed it was not made it was he became flesh which means he's not passive but he's volunteering because he controls a manifest stated process which we have him revealed can I go over that again your sensual perception does not connect you to God because you have never seen him I've never smelled him I don't know whether he wears Clive Christian Cologne I have never heard him I said Noel I've never heard him audibly and I have never touched him and when he says o taste and see that the Lord is good he's not expecting it's a metaphoric term suggesting that any relationship you have with God will be a splendiferous culinary experience if you ever get close to God you will find and you and I know that if you're having a good culinary experience it includes all of your senses the food has to be presented right the ambience has to meet and touch the air of course it better smell right and of course some people eat with their hands and it better taste right so it includes all of your senses but the whole point is that my sensible perception does not connect me to God I'm only connected to God by faith my say Sarika yes connects me to my world but not to my god that's a whole nother message right there I wanna mess with that is never recognized he's always revealed your intellectual capacity is not to be crass to by you himself everywhere but he's nowhere if he doesn't reveal himself somewhere of your sensual it's your faith that connects you can I go deeper before I go higher your conceptualization of God the uniqueness of your concept can be duplicated or imitated nobody around you has your idiosyncratic conceptualization of God because he allows you to view him on any level you choose and nobody around you can dictate to you the concept of God because you can choose to make him as big as you want to that's why the writer says o magnify the Lord with me let us exalt his name together does not increase the size of what it's magnifying it's still the same size the class just makes him bigger I've got news for you you can't make but you can see from my own conceptualization of God because I'm free to see his conceptualization aren't one and the same so the virgin birth becomes the only explanation for the associated with the nature of Jesus biological means to the primary creation that is life now yourself and consider you and I that in order to reveal God had to create he had to create in order to reveal because he's the only eternal creature and there's nobody but him until he creates eternal now I had a problem as a little boy listening to my dad I'm talking like Bishop Altman now I'm gonna talk to this side that side little slow I wanna talk about I used to say to my dad I said dad if I go back and he has no starting place if there's no place where he started then I can keep going and going and going and going and going and going and going and never get to where he started so bad how did he get to right now if he's coming from my little was I was trying to equate eternity and it sure enough has no future eternity is an ever-present right as you and I have a starting point so when God creates and he speaks everything into existence he spoke everything into existence and then he said I want to make man after my own image and my likeness now comes before Jesus chronologically but Jesus is the design that determines for we should understand me because if he's making us after his likeness and His image then Jesus is the image of the Godhead bodily so Jesus is the deserving into existence that means if you can existence into existence because the inside why he made a woman for his money hey des I've heard you I've heard you the Lord is my husband and Jesus is my wife now if you mean he can keep you I roll with you but if you're trying to tell me at the church tonight he's no roll up in the bed with you and hold you through the night I suggest you get back on your medicine Jesus of course it's creature life which is imparted life in Jesus life inherent to the son to have life inherent so I've got physical life in Jesus created life and I've got inherent life in Jesus and so you better watch that spare devil because you kill Mendel's law and I quote Mendel says every individual is the sum total of the characteristics recessive or dominant in its two immediate progenitors unquote which means now that there was nothing in any individual that was not in the father and the mother of that person everything in the mother and father is in the offspring if Jesus's mother and father were merely human he would inherit all human equals make his mother and his father with his [Music] virgin mother is now embodied in so now I've got man plus God equals the man Christ Jesus Jesus said to them I am the bread which came down and he says to his disciples and understand this only people close to him far from him don't get revelation if you want to know as Lazarus Lazarus and his family they had to have grief of hips dying for Jesus to show him I am the resurrection and the life I got news for you if you're going through something God just created a situation for revelation and he just sets you up in order to reveal something else to you and you can't and you have no life in you go up into heaven from where he descended I guess you say there goes I feel like preaching now notice if you will that the gift and the giver is inextricably tied together that's my Jesus had believed on me as the Scriptures have said you gotta believe on me G over Yeshua I feel like shouting here every time God dealt with man in the Old Testament use of the name Jehovah it was G in the provision of the planet it was G ho but that created man it was G over that announced the coming Redeemer it was who accepted Abel's offering and rejected Cain's it was G ho but that made arrangement to save the remnant from the flood it was Jehovah who demanded a sacrificial lambs blood be applied to the doorpost he didn't say what was going on in the house he didn't say put your ganja cigarette down he didn't say stop drinking all he said was when I see I'm sorry conservatives I'm sorry I didn't mean to bother you but he didn't say that certain things ought to be in the house he didn't say they shouldn't be playing dominoes or they shouldn't be playing what they were drinking all he said was before we got straight can I talk to somebody here that's willing to tell the truth indeed and in fact some of us are still trying to get straight thanks for praying from the bishop I'm working hard on getting strength and said there's one mediator between God and men and that's the man Christ Jesus every time he appeared in the Old Testament he showed himself in the way of Jesus this is spoken by the prophet Isaiah crying in the Lord Jesus saying for I came down from heaven and it's been so long time with you had seen the father show us the father that's my Jesus on me alone but if it die it bringeth forth much food I feel like preaching now little church coming on somebody for the second time and said if you want power into human body can I preach like i feel you had to take your human intelligence can you imagine divine omniscience restricted to the finitude of a human brain that's got to define eternalness bound by the periphery of time that's got to be pain and I've got news for you Jesus and that's why he was up there with him Oh hydrosis and he mo hydrosis is what the doctors call an emotional and psychological disposition in sweat glands producing it produces bloody sweat you think I don't have because when I think of his goodness it's Gelasius sin is it a sin how come is a sin when God says I'm a jealous God and he brags about being jealous and I came to church to be like him so how is it jealousy to me but it's not jealousy to him does he have a double standard he says I'm a jealous God but you're sinning when you're jealous why because jealousy has to do with position [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] because he was marching way too slow [Music] in between three trees watch that spool around he did not [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I've been walked on [Music] somebody high-five [Music] I'm close you're stronger then you think how many folks here have angels watching over them how many four I see your hair now I got news field angels need me to protect them now when I'm teaching young preachers they gathered my place on Saturday nights I teach young breaches I say now throw away all of the rules of public speaking throw it out dismiss it because when you say what you're gonna say in your introduction and then you say it in the body of your presentation then you reiterate in your conclusion I tell him you lost me it's not my fault that I'm brilliant [Music] it ain't no fault of mine I didn't shop for it now if you tell me in the introduction you lose me cuz I'm a quick study I got it but now I tell them here's what you do upset the equilibrium say something that's gonna grab their attention now ain't nobody leaving til I explain this and get me off and right now nobody leaving til I explain I need they need me to protect them Daniel Daniel when they angel got to him after 21 days the angel said from the moment you prayed the Lord heard your prayer now some of us have taken that scripture so have 21-day prayer I mean I'm not knocking it so you do it you like don't invite me to no 21 day prayer and I know y'all pray all night fine don't invite me to know how my prayer I'm gonna come in that the prayer that the disciples said to the Lord teach us to pray I did five messages on that prayer and I said you'll start start the clock when I start reading when I say our Father you click the clock and for the five times the prayer was 28 to 31 seconds now you call it the Lord's Prayer that's not his prayer the Lord's Prayer is in John chapter 17 but the model prayer is Matthew 6 the one way he taught us to pray 28 to 31 seconds now why am i praying all night when he already said don't come to me with a lot of repetition because I know what you have neither [Music] I'm not knocking your tradition y'all pray all night but I'm gonna tell you how old my prayer goes don't include me I'm gonna be sleeping he that keepeth Israel neither slumbers nor sleep so since he's up I'm going to bed the angel said 21 days I was safe now this change of his eyes were like light his eyes were flashes of lightning his body was made up of materials that I haven't googled yet everybody near shout hallelujah that's how his 1 voice sounded voice sound like a multitude and yet still for 21 days he couldn't get to Daniel because another angel on a higher scale can you imagine the angel who stopped him and noticed something about God he did not increase the power of the first thing in jail to overcome the power of the second angel even though he's got a message that ought to teach us something that God does not put us in position to sue subvert the leaders that he has placed because he gives each person their gifts so if you decide to move to another Church don't go to that church and try to make it like the one you left [Music] [Applause] [Music] he does not give that angel power over there the angel so here's what they had to do they had to send Michael so Michael the Archangel came and released the first angel from the second angel now Michael gotta be some kind of bad boy everybody shout hallelujah that was the weakest of the group Michael was out shopping trying to get him some Gucci sneakers I guess and Michael ran into Satan and Jude say wouldn't you like an opportunity just to tell Jude said Michael purse not make railing accusation now here he is top of the food chain and he can't say a word to the devil so now I was hoping maybe I'd get some revelatory experience but Michael calling on somebody better than him Michael couldn't find anybody that could deal with the devil so he went all the way to the penthouse and he said Satan rebuked you okay none of us touch it but God told me [Music] I'm hanging out with Michael we just hang it and we run into the devil I'm gonna say Michael you stay right back here I'll handle this you stay right stay right behind me now and let me deal with this because you can't say nothing to him but I can say whatever I want you know why I don't have the spirit of an angel and God's Spirit need an angel to watch over here I wish somebody I wish somebody honest look at your neighbor say you're stronger than you think [Music] God is in Christ theology and Christology then you killed his created body and you release the power that is in this room [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody come and say I want to be saved I want to be born of the water and the spirit I want that name of Jesus I want the power of the Holy Spirit come on come on come on you can look at our world and you can tell there's every time we need the insurance of salvation certainly that time is nothing little boys and sale [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I want to ask every pastor every church to join me on Sunday on Sunday I'm praying for all of the young men in my community all the african-american males all the brown I'm praying for everyone on Sunday I'm praying and while I announced their announce at the other day and the police officers called and said can we come too and I said Shirley and I I worked that all of us begin praying for our young men and pray and and we can't retaliate we can't we can't go to killing police officers we can't we can't do that because we lose our bargaining edge when we have to explain when we have to explain that all of us aren't like that then they turn around and tell us well all of us aren't like the ones who's killing you we lose our bargaining image and as I stand before my brothers I wish this stream which is keep going where are the voices of Joel Olsteen and Hagee and all of our white pastors whose churches are half full of black folk why can't we hear a voice from them to say stop killing our members kids [Music] we need to hear their voices we need them to link up with us and walk through the streets and say stop killing our members kids and our members boys and and we need to cease and desist from hurting our police officers there's really ironic that the folk who perpetrated the crime didn't get shot but innocent folk got shot and we got three strikes out in California we need to check every record of every police officer and see how many times the city had to pay for his behavior and if he's got three strikes how will you kill one of these young folk in this house we gotta have policy change we don't need to be marching around we want policy change we need a review board of citizens that when a cop gets hired we look over his psychological profile and said not this one this is how Hitler the Pew where himself he's got to go god bless you my presiding bishop he got it he'll take care of it
Channel: MHM 2
Views: 72,339
Rating: 4.7653332 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop, Noel, Jones, preaching, MHM, Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, #PAWinc, Convention, 101st, PAW
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 57sec (4617 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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