Bishop Noel Jones - I'll Win In The End

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there's a psychology that Goldsman theology get the right mindset with the Word of God it's not the big things in life that knock you off course it's the little foxes that spoil the by angers flared nostrils and pride stiff neck may impair your spiritual senses right is just to raise yourself up and walk in and want everybody to move and get out of your way and ugly in the home ugly on the job and everything around you is up not just because you're just stuck on your cell but envy will cause you to miss your destiny while trying to obtain someone else's an individual is blessed and you get envious what you do is you point a finger in God's face as if there's a lord you shouldn't have done that for him when God is in the blessing business slothfulness coupled with a grabbing hand of greed try to stop you from reaching toward God's plan for your life the value in my house is not what I have the value in my house is me so instead of chasing a lot of things I want to chase the God who will make me rich gluttony and lust form an appetite that can never be satisfied except by the love of God the lust uses sexuality but it does not satisfy us sexually it has an itch that sex alone cannot scratch heaven must get this series this series will bless you completely and totally and give you a great victory over yourself the little foxes that spoil the vine can be stopped receive these seven pivotal messages available as a set on audio cassette CD or video tape when you write to us visit our website or call one eight hundred five two six Noll [Music] [Applause] [Music] Bishop Noel Jones presents this provocative challenging and life-changing message to encourage inspire and motivate you to keep marching toward your destiny now receive this pressure from Bishop Noel Jones as it flows from the vials of heaven to saturate your soul the scent Mark's Gospel chapter 14 is speaking of the agony in the garden and the influence of destiny and the struggle to deal with even what it is you were called to deal with it would seem that you would have an easy time once you understood what it is you are required to do but the measure of the significance of what you are required to do is generally seen in how difficult it is even though he is destined to die there were hurdles that he has to overcome on his way to death isn't it funny that you can know what your calling is and know what your destiny is you had to struggle to find out of what it was and now you have to struggle to achieve it it's it's it's it's one of those things about life that that you struggle to find out and then you struggle to achieve and he is caught within himself because a part of victory is to have victory first all for yourself for there is not going to be any victory in the expression of you at all against outside forces until you have gained the power over the inside force and that's what gets Emily represented verse 32 of 14 they came to a place which was called named to get the cemani and he said through disciples to his disciples sit here while I shall pray and he taketh with him Peter James and yan and began to be sore amazed and to be very heavy and he saith unto them my soul is exceeding sorrowful unto death tarry ye here and watch and he went forward a little and fell on the ground and prayed that if it were possible the hour might pass from him and he said Abba Father all things are possible unto thee take away this cup from me nevertheless not what I will but what about will and he cometh and findeth them sleeping saith unto Peter Peter Simon sleepest thou cut us not the watch one hour watch E and pray lest jianting temptation the spirit truly is ready but the flesh is weak and again he went away and prayed and speak the same words when he returned he found them asleep again for their eyes were heavy neither wished they what to answer him and he come at the third time saith unto them sleep on now take your rest that is enough the hours come behold the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners rise up let us go lo he that betrayeth me is at hand I want you to see the struggle internally as he is approaching his destiny and then in chapter 15 of st. mark just the other page as Amen and is about verse 33 when the sixth hour was come there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour and that the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice LOI LOI lama sabachthani which is being interpreted my God my God why has thou forsaken me and now and some of them that stood by when they heard it said the only call of Elias and one ran and filled a spunge full of vinegar put on a reed and gave him to drink saying let alone let us see whether Elias will come to take him down and Jesus cried with a loud voice and gave up the ghost the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom again the extraordinary suffering that goes with being within the parameters of your destiny now notice finally in st. Matthew's Gospel 28 and now we have come through the resurrection and we are dealing with his final words and ultimately his ascension in verse 16 the eleven disciples went away into Galilee into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them and when they saw him they worshiped him but some doubted always the ambivalence always both the sides always the quandary always the conundrum always contra distinctive forces always a fight and he came and spake unto them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth I want you to look at somebody and just tell them how win in the end amen look at somebody else and tell them you're going to win in the end there is no intelligent way to approach this day without understanding or attempting to understand the issues that surround resurrection it is not just the resurrection that is significant here because so much goes on to make a resurrection possible that there is no way simply to deal with living again without dealing with the circumstances that make it essential or make it possible and it's interesting in my event it is not the things that you achieve that take most of your attention but it is going through what you have to go through to achieve it that seems to weigh so heavily on your mind it is not just the resurrection for there is nothing but great joy in resurrection but in order to get to the resurrection which ultimately makes you better you have to deal with the things that lead to resurrection something has to happen to make resurrection necessary and something has to happen to give resurrection its glory and the thing that gives resurrection is glow it slowly is the in gloriousness of death and burial I'm beginning to see that life is full of contrasts there is darkness that makes light more acceptable there is trials that make deliverance more wonderful there is a kind of death and burial that makes coming back more powerful there is no way to move in this life and not deal with the counter forces that will always be prevalent no matter what you try to do with your life and so then that leaves us or leads us rather to the events that bring us to resurrection and so we cannot even deal with resurrection without dealing with the study of thanatology we have to deal a little bit with death because death now comes to the forefront and burial with it in order to understand the power that goes with coming back with rising again with achieving again and so we have to now indulge ourselves in the awful pain of dying for their ear where there is no death there can be no coming back and where there is no burial there can be no resurrection this then brings us to the opportunity for redemption because somehow there has to be dying and there has to be burying of those things that you have died from in order to receive the redemption of Resurrection but we then is to get to redemption that's the key the key is that I have lived in to death and I have experienced being buried but unless I get to resurrection and redemption my death and my burial meaning it is here then that we have to begin to make the negative world something because life is full of negative experiences and if I stop at the end of a negative experience without the power of the Resurrection that leads me to Redemption then the negative has won the grave then has to change and become something different than just a place of burial it's got to become a place of incubation it's got to be changed from a place that will hold me permanently to a place that's just a stepping stone into greater and more wonderful things God if you look at your life life includes dying and life definitely includes death and death then it becomes a vital part of life's existence it sounds contradictive and it sounds antithetical but to look and live your life is a significant because of the threat of death and dying has become a great part of our life it's even more so particularly in your quest to become what God would have you to be because what God requires of you requires that some dying go on in your life I don't want to give up some stuff but if I'm to go to where God wants me to go he requires that I do some dying in order for some other things to live I don't want to die I want to live with all of it but God requires that I do some dying because it is obvious that certain things are not going to co-exist and God requires that what will not exist with him has to die not just get sick he's not talking about it being sick here because the sickness of the condition still keeps the condition with you he is talking about the sickness to the dying of the condition so that you don't have to live sick but you can live free from a condition that has always kept you from going further Paul puts it this way he says always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus that the life of Jesus might be made manifest in our body for we which live are always delivered unto death for Jesus's sake that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh so then death in us but life in you now notice then what he's done is he's taken up the issue of living and dying within the parameters of my own mind my own spirituality my own intellectual 'ti my own existence and he's actually put it in front of me in my quest to become what the Lord would have me to be and what he puts in front of me is that you have become a temple of living and dying if you're progressing at all then you're moving from stages of death into stages of life and every level you move on as you begin to gather momentum in being like the Lord you will move to a level where something else has to die in order for you to get to the next level of life and on each level things have to die for the things to live and so not only am i becoming more involved in living I'm becoming more involved in death because as I move from one level to the other I can't drag something with me I have to kill it in order to move to the next level of life and and so now I am an ambivalence of conflicting thoughts because the things that have to die once lived oh I wish I wish I wish I wish that I could just move from one thing to the next move from one place to the next move from one station just move and not feel the vestiges of having to dislodge myself from the thing that once lived and certain things lived in us to the extent of that it totally possessed us and then God wants to replace it with something else but in order to replace it what was there has to die because unless it dies we will revisit I wish I could talk to you yeah oh I'm gonna turn my back and preach to myself somebody bring me a mirror it's a it's it's it's it's it's a here comes the agony because I want to add new dimensions but you can't add new dimensions in occupied space I want new dimensions but you can't add new dimensions on old issues I wanna know what's going on my god says no resurrections don't patch up resurrections bring new life agony then is the agony of having to replace things and if it's replaced because of death it is not temporarily replaced but permanently because death requires a permanent replacing I hope you follow me you see because of the agony of pain and the pain to release the tendency and the proclivity is to hold on to everything you can but you cannot fill your hands with the new if it's still occupied with the old and so what it brings me to now is dying and living trapped within the parameters and the panoply of my own body I am an embodiment of contradiction and contra distinction I am an embodiment that's why my mood swings alike it does sometimes I'm feeling real good about myself and then all of a sudden out of nowhere comes this pain that catches me and when the pain grabs me it moves me into an emotional vortex and all of a sudden I'm swirling around don't come near me when I'm like I'm swirling around trying to find out whether are moving from death into life or am i allowing death to control me because there are things that are going on in my released because as long as it's there I will revisit God I feel the Holy Ghost here and many times we have missed our move in God because we could not heal what has to die can I take you further here it is here where God becomes so idiosyncratic and so personal it is here where now we cannot distinguish God or universalize God in the sense where your experience can become mine because now in your own trap of life and death it is the way you view your god that helps you to overcome your trap of being caught between life and death because in this vortex of complete laundry and deep confusion the only stable force that I can reckon is my interpretation of my god but my interpretation of my God is based on the idiosyncratic situation that I am in my experience is the way I think and since no two of us have been in the same situation and no two of us have fought the same demons and no two of us have fought the same circumstances it is impossible for me to look at you and judge you for being less spiritual than me because I don't know the devil's that you have to overcome in order to move to the next level or I feel God here just a minute might we revisit that for a moment the idiosyncrasy here it is so hideous and it is so personal that you cannot universalize how I ought to react because of some denominational presentation because the personal relationship that I have with God requires me to give up some things that are hard for me but are easy for you so I can't see God in light of your spirituality he has to carve out our unique spirituality for me so that I can move within the confines of my interpretation of my God to achieve what God wants in my life I can't be like you coz I struggling with what you struggling with them I got to be like I am until God makes me what he wants me Holy Ghost this mixture of life and death this quandary of life and death if it's in me then Oh God I am in and up myself having to fight to bring life where death reigned I wish it were easy I wish I hadn't gotten so entrenched in the ways of death in the things that were negative and the things that left vestiges of negativity within my spirit I liked it even though it was healing me I loved it even though it was against me can you imagine getting a report from the doctor that that is killing you that you can't eat the pig no more and I don't care what you see on the x-ray I don't care what you see the medical thing says the poor may be killing you but you love the pork so much rather you take a chance to eat it every now and then and sometimes you'll holla oh I'm healed I can eat me a ham sandwich God human because you can't let go of it there are things in your life that have to die out but you've been doing it for so long and enjoying it for so long that it brings an agony you hate to let it go but if you're going to the next level if you're going to open doors to the rest of your life then you must do what you hate to do in order to achieve what God intends for you to achieve I'm talking to somebody here that needs to move to the next level then comes the living and dying in relationship to God and each other because first of all now I have to come into the relationship of God in Redemption for myself and when I do that I realize that there is a yes contra distinctive forces moving within me it's when I come to God I discover that because before I came to God there was no sign of conflict it was just me but now that I have been introduced to the power of God he introduces me to new vitalization which comes against everything that I moved in and enjoyed so once I begin to resolve my conflict now I have to move to the redemption that demands that I relate to God and relate to others now here is where death has greater meaning because it's not just a meaning to me for me to promote Who I am but now it has meaning for community now you down into the belly of Thanet illogical things because now you're dealing with death with meaning you say you see death without me is lightness but death with meaning is powerful because we've got to kill some things in order for some other things to live don't kill it if there's no life because if there's no life anywhere else then this thing might as well stay alive but if you kill it you gotta kill it for a purpose can I take you further now sometimes these dies because they cannot sustain life something's died because they don't have the power to live in and of themselves they don't naturally have the zoway to stay afloat they die because they need to die and the reason they die is they can't sustain life now what happens here is things get very unnatural when something cannot live of itself we generally turn around and use an unnatural external system to keep it alive life support you see we're gonna put a life support system in this marriage because this marriage can't stay alive by itself we need to have a built-in counselor sitting on the dresser in the bedroom every day and we need to talk to him or her every day because without them our marriage cannot sustain itself I'm coming over to church in my car and I'm sitting in the car but it's a tow truck that's bringing my car to church and I have to wait for the tow truck to hook up to the car to get the car over here because the car cannot get here by itself it needs to die if it can't get here bite so why should i hook up a poacher up to my car to drive to dinner I want to go to dinner but the car can't go by itself you see sometimes you're laying there and there is no brain signal the heart isn't working you've got to have a low machine you've got to have a brain machine you've got to have a heart machine because you're on life-support systems sometimes what we have done to keep from going to resurrection it's used unnatural life-support systems to keep something going that ought to die because as long as you keep it going you won't move to the place where it can be buried so you can't have a resurrection I feel the Holy Ghost give somebody a high five and say I can't live like this it's gonna die and I live again but I can't keep living on life-support system when something ought to be standing on its own somebody's life is in life-support why should I hold on to something that's already dead if it's dead it's dead and it's time to pull the plug do the funeral and see if there is a resurrection then something's died to produce greater results out of itself so Jesus said except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die it remains alone touch somebody and says some dying is good for you because some dying produces in you what could not have been produced if you didn't die many of you are sitting here with me and we're contained within the parameters of our limitations because we're not willing sometimes dying is a step down but oftentimes you need a step down in order to get a higher step this it abideth alone but if it dies it bring it forth much fruit that's why Satan does not want you released because if you ever get released if you ever get freedom if you ever get the power to move to the next level you know his kingdom apart but if I die I'll bring forth much fruit touch somebody say I got a lot in me but I've let a lot of stuff keep me from letting it go I got to die to release I've got to die to produce I feel like having Church a young man call me one of the mentors that I have amenties rather and he's preaching a message today and he said he needed some help with this message and I said okay I'll give you some help now tell me what you want to say he wanted to talk about behind closed doors and I said fine then said now well if you're gonna do that look at Elijah and the widow that he produced oil and he told that when she goes in close the door she follows all the vessels and then she goes into the house and the neighbors are looking and wondering what is she going in there for the place that should be a place of depression becomes a place of production but don't fool yourself there is a dance that moves you from depression to produce life in others and this death is self less death I'm not dying for something for myself but I'm dying to make you leave I'm willing to push you at the expense of my life I want you to achieve and if I have to die for you to achieve that's what I'll do there is a death that necessary in and of itself to allow others to meal there is a death that gives life now this introduces death on a higher plane of relationship because here is a death which means life I'm dying but you're living and I'm going to die but it's going to release you I'm going to die but you get the benefit I'm going to die but you come out alright I'm going to die but I'd rather die and see you live in your power then for me to live and hinder you from your greatness god I feel some driving me now I can die from you and if I die some do it means not to exist for you because I've just died from you when I die from you I am now not existent so I will influence or touch you in no matter whatsoever because I lived with you but now I've died from you so I don't exist for you now I can die to you which means everything else has died from me and all that's alive to me is you because I've died to you I have no other reason to live but to live to you I've killed everything else in my life but you so I've died to you only exists for you sounds like God he didn't die from me because had he died from me I would have died but when he died to me he exists for me so that I can ever live and have power now anybody who died to you will die for you and this is the power of his greatness because now he is dying for me which means I cease to exist for you to exist and then ultimately he wants me to die with him because now we exist for each other oh that's the prime relationship when not only one of us is dying but both of us is dying because when both of us died we've got mutuality and permanent togetherness because any two who die together have to stay and that's why Paul said to be conformed to his death I need to die which Lord so I'll never be separated from your I feel like a teacher touch your neighbor and say that's winning any time you die to die for I will this is death with a purpose not death then is in order to redeem and allowed to conform into mutual death there is no redemption then in punishment that somebody said there's no redemption in pushing away because now it has to be measured in its power to redeem is the power of an individual that's the power of ability love is dying to include you in the dying because love knows there's a resurrection and I can't include you in the resurrection in order to follow me into my resurrection we look weak while we're dying but I guarantee you you have more power when we rise I feel something pushing me it is clear then that the trademark is of love because love does not throw anything away that has any good in it love knows how to salvage love knows how to respond oh god I feel something in here that's driving me touch your neighbor so what kind of love do you have because love redeems and not punishes can I tell you why a criminal who is punished and goes to jail for years and years his punishment doesn't stop him from being a criminal if God puts a homosexual in hell he is still a homosexual when he gets to hell hell does not redeem him the power of love is to bring him out of what he always was into what love can make him become oh I feel like shouting in here it's love that hung there with you to all the stages of your mess to bring you to the place where you are to be this is life-giving love God life giving love only life giving love can't challenge them I feel this thing only life-giving love can look death in the face and say you don't scare me because I embrace you I really want to die because I really wanna die to give my life to somebody else life-giving love Sasa that was thrown because he can't defeat you if you die for somebody else he can't defeat you because you're saying come on kill me kill me kill me kill me huh and watch me explode huh kill me kill me kill me and watch greater works kill me kill me kill me and watch me take a popper and make him a millionaire kill me kill me kill me and watch me take somebody sick and heal their body kill me kill me kill me and I'll break your little monkey in the same way that some things cannot sustain a life with me some things don't have the internal power to sustain life then they got to die when the life-giving embodiment is grabbed in his hand don't you grab the life-giving embodiment Satan because your death can't keep him dead that loses its power to sustain death when the life giver has stepped in because you badly but you can't holy I feel the place of glory right now not me but you can keep me because not only am I breaking your power I'm breaking your power over other people I'm breaking your power over my friends I'm breaking your power over my children I'm breaking your power over what's around me yeah cuz you holding on to life will win I feel the Holy Ghost can I preach like I wanna shake somebody's hand like you're gonna shake it off and said didn't Jesus say you can't kill me brings me to the grave because now it changes the grave it changes the place of burial Church matter it changes the police because now the grave should be a place of decomposition it should be a place of sting it should be a place those things that brought death and cover the remains of the dead but the grave has just changed its quality because if I'm living again this is not a permanent place it's just become an incubator that's about to deliver a more powerful strength of a what win in the first place I know you're going through something this is going through it's not going through this is why the hardness of Jesus's dying was so pronounced because he died he had to go through some horrible stuff that's why mark says he shrieked he rushed out in heaven sounds he was terrified he offered prayers with supplications with a strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death touch somebody say it's hard now that somebody say I'm crying but this is not the end the thing that was so miraculous here was Jesus was like no other man he healed the sick he raised the dead he expressed the power he disappeared in crowd he was brave you can be brave and courageous but still die hard somebody say you're dying hard you're holding on your back and you're bleeding you're trying not to change your dying heart I don't judging you because I know you're courageous I know you've not fell but the measure of what you're going through is so tough on you emotionally that every now and then your mood is swinging he was brave and courageous he faced everything with power the money changes the pharmacies the morally crippled he faced it he was eyes to the bride he was feet to the lane he was ears to the death he was the mouth to the dump yes with the powerful and when it comes to the line is drawn that the line is drawn but somebody say you decide because the line is drawn you go lips it or you go let it so you can live again you're gonna live hurt are you gonna let it die so you can live again you're gonna live mad or you're gonna let it die so you can be glad so you can live in me I feel the Holy Ghost because it means which is no power Oh shake somebody's hand so don't worry about me yet it ain't over yet they chaired him they mocked him they mocked him like he was nobody they cheered him and laugh said if thou be the Son of God come down from the cross I got to come down when I know how to get up I got to come down when I know how to move in this take it do it to me hit me with your best shot talk about with your lowest language you kept me with your worse eyes try to keep me which a worse attitude and see what happens in three days don't get me a permanent - ain't gonna be that long don't get me but I won't be there long give somebody a high five and say after you get done with me get you a hotel and take it for three days cuz I have two three days [Applause] when you sweat [Applause] [Applause] [Music] all power in heaven and earth because I learned what to kill and what to leave alive [Applause] he went down in the grave but when he rose up from the grave straight to the throne of Hope to the Holy of Holies so the struggle has been horrific but the outcome will be glorious because you will win in the end all of the things you ever thought that you would miss while you were dying the pleasures and the joy and the strength will be doubled and quadrupled after you rise again for now you will rise with all the knowledge of what yesterday brought and now you have the wisdom for what tomorrow will bring and you have now known both sides touch your neighbors say I know both sides like the prodigal son the prodigal son
Channel: Inspiration Station
Views: 96,525
Rating: 4.7816596 out of 5
Keywords: bishop noel jones td jakes, noel jones, td jakes, city of refuge la, noel jones megafest, bishop noel jones, noel jones city of refuge, not about us, bishop td jakes, noel jones td jakes, newbirth cathedral, megafest, woman thou art loosed, jamal bryant, darwin hobbs, tasha cobbs, kirk franklin, maranda curtis, dewey smith, los angeles, west angeles, charles e blake, holy convocation, cogic, cogic shout, praise break, cogic praise break, serita jakes, michael todd
Id: wyoVvQJ4eLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 16sec (3376 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 27 2019
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