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super mario is real or is he is it this is a oh it's a free product right yeah it's a free product brought to you by lego right on the side right on the side white in the bottom but you didn't expect that that's a twist i'm gonna open this baby up see what could kill him [Music] don't do this don't why why am i an idiot i should put the knife down i will hurt myself oh you don't need a knife it just opens i'm just still gonna stab it i mean otherwise i brought the knife for nothing and you know it just feels like you know don't waste food oh it opens like this god i am a child look at these guys oh my goodness bowser jr got stung by some bees my man looks like a pez dispenser oh oh this looks like a job for the knife a little bit of tape a little bit of tape no tape i think i just broke this box instantly yep i did all right excellent we got i guess like part of the world and mario's pants okay can i show well what else is in this box mario's hat my man is bald and naked he's on the prowl not a single article of clothing can be found on the guy crack this baby open oh wait come on come here come here come here there he is there he is come on [Music] what man this guy looks like a dang funko pop oh i don't like it man looking like a look like a minecraft creeper emphasis on the creep first thing i think we gotta do is give give super mario mario some pants you know let's crack this baby open all right so to make sure they were authentic has a little bit of the semblance of a minion that's okay spent years getting yu-gi-oh packs tell me i don't know how to open a little thing of plastic yo why he got shrekiers though look at that does mario come with like gamer headphones to put on oh okay go nope okay no response how about what if i hold it feel something please feel something oh so you have to put in batteries to him i mean i guess that makes sense did they supply the batteries oh crack it up in the wemo we'll bring out the wemo the wemo doesn't have batteries either double a of the double a variety double you know what i mean so in order to give him power you have to take off his pants oh i don't like why i'm gonna have to insert this screwdriver oh boy here we go mario stands still i promise the anesthesia will wear off tomorrow okay sorry i wasn't sanitary before if we're gonna be doing surgery gotta do it the right way i don't think you should ever do this by the way i don't think you should ever do this not going to do this actually not going to do this committing surgery [Music] these are not the right size these are not the right size these are not the right size okay so why do i try things i do for content okay so i've done my shopping trip and i got three things number one i got a twix candy bar honey nut cheerios but most importantly some ah batteries god i love being stupid one more of these puppies let's get smack it once there we go see now it just loosens up there we go stay still mario stay still i will bring out the duct tape hole stop moving yeah screw you buddy here we go terrifying oh he blinks oh he looks at you no matter what direction if i turn off the lights how creepy is this oh that's terrifying terrifying it's time to jump up in the air jump up without a care don't turn around right now because i'll be there i cannot stress to you how truly jargon it is to have oh just just a little mario figurine that looks at you and also blinks see i thought it was gonna be weird when i had like a little squishable kirby who then like takes their form back after after a little after a little squish like i thought this was gonna be jarring but then we have this it's just another level i feel like i should be able to talk to it like hey mario okay mario [Music] yeah what oh god this is weird i'm sorry i shouldn't be looking there don't give me that look hey mario mar mario mario what you got there what you got there buddy mario is that my watch time from subscribe not subscribed people are 58 of you you should consider subscribing for more for more i don't know what kind of content this is but if you like it turn that number upside down into 85 i i guess i don't know what this bit is i'm not even joking this is actually incredible it's really weird dude we have to like put on his his pants and the finishing things he makes noises this is really fun like i'm not that guy i'm just i'm just genuinely enjoying this there is what if i just shake him oh oh it gets dizzy [Music] you give me like the ad for this i already purchased it connect lego mario wait why did i give him location services it's enough he already looks at me all the time i don't want him to know like my residential address lego mario needs an update what sort of new features does he get does he actually move on his own should i update him there we go water oh look at that he's like oh god i'm drowning oh he doesn't like fire oh he really doesn't like fire oh my he's dead i will never move you from the fire mario you know this isn't really realistic enough hold on there we go we just needed some mood we just needed the mood you want some you don't want something that break you oop all right so i've broken the app excellent start he's going to sleep oh it's sleeping pipe with grass on it pipe with double grass on it oh he got coins oh he's stuck he's stuck i'm are you getting a lot of pleasure out of this ah i like a little backlight it has on him why did bowser never just put lava in the pipe born and built to die i will remain for my entire life oh my god the enemy was himself the whole time who needs that there are one now is gumbario so much fun like i'm actually like loving this this is like oh god oh god the timer he has nothing to go to all he can do is die i've attached death to hit the soles of his feet [Music] oh no okay so the level's been started can it can i beat the level when it's in the chicken it's in there somewhere mario the level's stuck in his neck the princess is counting on it mario 15 seconds get it out buddy beat the level mario hit the level you beat the level let's go wait what is this is this lava does he think the chicken's neck is hot don't don't look it like that don't feel ashamed oh he loves it oh my god he loves it does he think the chicken's mouth is hot too oh it's on fire what what are the eyes to you the eyes mean nothing it's all about the mouth you sick animal what do you think of me what do you think of the failboat plush the limited edition failboat plush you don't think i'm hot you don't think i'm hot what's the rubber chicken have that i don't oh mario oh thank you thank you only a little bit you only think a little bit of him is hot there you go i gotta really really press you in yo can i drown in my eyes can i come drown in my face you know that that pickup line they say your eyes are an ocean take that literally mario take that literally get in there mario really get in there i've done it mario maker and they say game design is hard what's a mario level without the power-ups get nice and big mario level b on it what collect the coins it's that tracks it like tells me what i killed that's incredible if i commit murder with this thing will it also give me the identity of whom i have deceased what's this little gray piece i'm looking for bowser jr will never be built his spine will forever be incorrect i don't have the peace that makes up his lower back i'm gonna give him scoliosis still just a child it can't be important that part can't be important but what if we didn't give him arms i'm i'm right now all i'm doing is building my enemy i could [ __ ] him he would never have the ability to fight back he's perfect built to kill there you go buddy now you can smile here we go turn that upside down turn that oh he easy's upset girl i don't think i could put this little piece on the back on because i i never was able to find out what what what went in his little back so i guess he's just not gonna have a shell the [ __ ] where can the shell be the shell will just be on his head now but get him get him he really does give you that toothy smile power trip vibe doesn't he brick brick christ that's meant to be like oh oh i made a trebuchet so i could put him on here and then just be like it's me mario oh power up okay get on a little string now mario you have a large gap you must clear you must go from point a okay ah you must go from point a to point b point c here he goes first objective cleared is just you and bowser jr a fate to decide everything but unfortunately for mario bowser jr has a little friend in store another victory for bowser jr thanks to the wonderful chicken gun i'm sure you are mario you're also dead well you guys have heard of water but how about water water hey guys look it's a waterfall there's also a little glass in there too to represent pollution in the ocean all right mario it's time for your greatest adventure yet you have been through mountains fire water grass fire a lot of fire i've set you on fire almost literally let us begin he starts with the pike exits makes a clear voyage on over to the sealed goomba makes a clean dismount onto the launching platform and as the name suggests go goes goes flying into my feet has to carefully avoid the lava and the water doesn't want to drown gets a coin i think i don't know is that piss water what is that combo is bowser jr dismounts him wait a second oh my god it's the greatest boss of all the minecraft creeper this thing could blow at any point mario enters the fight but now because he's taken down bowser jr he has acquired the gun said he's the trigger with the mic you'll never know he has goodbye but he was out of ammo now mario facing the greatest peril he will ever see in his life has only one single choice to make to go in for a little kiss they're now married with three kids on the way and that everybody is the game of life martin gets a divorce and goes home 60 years later on his deathbed time is running out but his creeper is there for him time runs out mario dies and life moves on anyway be sure to star this mario maker level i was really out there but i i hope i give me give me mario maker cloud
Channel: Failboat
Views: 1,295,434
Rating: 4.9398341 out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Mario, Mario 35, LEGO Mario, LEGO, Mario Maker, New, but some funny stuff happens
Id: Xxe2Qb7iBsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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